예제 #1
static void
file_seek_with_offset_test (const char *filename)
{	SF_PRIVATE sf_data, *psf ;
	sf_count_t real_end ;
	const size_t fileoffset = 64 ;

	print_test_name ("Testing seek with offset") ;

	/* Open the file created by the previous test for reading. */
	memset (&sf_data, 0, sizeof (sf_data)) ;
	psf = &sf_data ;
	psf->file.mode = SFM_READ ;
	snprintf (psf->file.path.c, sizeof (psf->file.path.c), "%s", filename) ;
	test_open_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;

	/* Gather basic info before setting offset. */
	real_end = psf_fseek (psf, 0, SEEK_END) ;
	test_tell_or_die (psf, real_end, __LINE__) ;

	/* Set the fileoffset (usually in a real system this is due to an id3 tag). */
	psf->fileoffset = fileoffset ;

	/* Check tell respects offset. */
	test_tell_or_die (psf, real_end - fileoffset, __LINE__) ;

	/* Check seeking works as expected. */
	test_seek_or_die (psf, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, __LINE__) ;
	test_seek_or_die (psf, 0, SEEK_CUR, 0, __LINE__) ;
	test_seek_or_die (psf, 0, SEEK_CUR, 0, __LINE__) ;
	test_seek_or_die (psf, 0, SEEK_END, real_end - fileoffset, __LINE__) ;

	test_close_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;

	puts ("ok") ;
} /* file_seek_with_offset_test */
예제 #2
static void
truncate_test (const char *filename, int filetype)
{	SNDFILE 	*file ;
	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
	sf_count_t	len ;

	print_test_name ("truncate_test", filename) ;

	sfinfo.samplerate	= 11025 ;
	sfinfo.format		= filetype ;
	sfinfo.channels		= 2 ;

	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ;

	test_write_int_or_die (file, 0, int_data, BUFFER_LEN, __LINE__) ;

	len = 100 ;
	if (sf_command (file, SFC_FILE_TRUNCATE, &len, sizeof (len)))
	{	printf ("Line %d: sf_command (SFC_FILE_TRUNCATE) returned error.\n", __LINE__) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_CUR, len, 2, __LINE__) ;
	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_END, len, 2, __LINE__) ;

	sf_close (file) ;

	unlink (filename) ;
	puts ("ok") ;
} /* truncate_test */
예제 #3
static void
ogg_int_test (void)
{	const char * filename = "vorbis_int.oga" ;

	SNDFILE * file ;
	SF_INFO sfinfo ;
	int seek_data [10] ;
	unsigned k ;

	print_test_name ("ogg_int_test", filename) ;

	/* Generate float data. */
	gen_windowed_sine_float (data_out.f, ARRAY_LEN (data_out.f), 1.0 * 0x7FFF0000) ;

	/* Convert to integer. */
	for (k = 0 ; k < ARRAY_LEN (data_out.i) ; k++)
		data_out.i [k] = lrintf (data_out.f [k]) ;

	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;

	/* Set up output file type. */
	sfinfo.format = SF_FORMAT_OGG | SF_FORMAT_VORBIS ;
	sfinfo.channels = 1 ;
	sfinfo.samplerate = SAMPLE_RATE ;

	/* Write the output file. */
	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, SF_FALSE, __LINE__) ;
	test_write_int_or_die (file, 0, data_out.i, ARRAY_LEN (data_out.i), __LINE__) ;
	sf_close (file) ;

	/* Read the file in again. */
	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;

	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, SF_FALSE, __LINE__) ;
	test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, data_in.i, ARRAY_LEN (data_in.i), __LINE__) ;
	sf_close (file) ;

	puts ("ok") ;

	/* Test seeking. */
	print_test_name ("ogg_seek_test", filename) ;

	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, SF_FALSE, __LINE__) ;

	test_seek_or_die (file, 10, SEEK_SET, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
	test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, seek_data, ARRAY_LEN (seek_data), __LINE__) ;
	compare_int_or_die (seek_data, data_in.i + 10, ARRAY_LEN (seek_data), __LINE__) ;

	sf_close (file) ;

	puts ("ok") ;

	unlink (filename) ;
} /* ogg_int_test */
예제 #4
static void
ogg_double_test (void)
{	const char * filename = "vorbis_double.oga" ;

	SNDFILE * file ;
	SF_INFO sfinfo ;
	double seek_data [10] ;

	print_test_name ("ogg_double_test", filename) ;

	gen_windowed_sine_double (data_out.d, ARRAY_LEN (data_out.d), 0.95) ;

	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;

	/* Set up output file type. */
	sfinfo.format = SF_FORMAT_OGG | SF_FORMAT_VORBIS ;
	sfinfo.channels = 1 ;
	sfinfo.samplerate = SAMPLE_RATE ;

	/* Write the output file. */
	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, SF_FALSE, __LINE__) ;
	test_write_double_or_die (file, 0, data_out.d, ARRAY_LEN (data_out.d), __LINE__) ;
	sf_close (file) ;

	/* Read the file in again. */
	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;

	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, SF_FALSE, __LINE__) ;
	test_read_double_or_die (file, 0, data_in.d, ARRAY_LEN (data_in.d), __LINE__) ;
	sf_close (file) ;

	puts ("ok") ;

	/* Test seeking. */
	print_test_name ("ogg_seek_test", filename) ;

	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, SF_FALSE, __LINE__) ;

	test_seek_or_die (file, 10, SEEK_SET, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
	test_read_double_or_die (file, 0, seek_data, ARRAY_LEN (seek_data), __LINE__) ;
	compare_double_or_die (seek_data, data_in.d + 10, ARRAY_LEN (seek_data), __LINE__) ;

	sf_close (file) ;

	puts ("ok") ;

	unlink (filename) ;
} /* ogg_double_test */
예제 #5
static void
extra_header_test (const char *filename, int filetype)
{	SNDFILE *outfile ;
	SF_INFO sfinfo ;
    sf_count_t frames ;
    short buffer [8] ;
	int k = 0 ;

	print_test_name ("extra_header_test", filename) ;

	sfinfo.samplerate = 44100 ;
	sfinfo.format = (filetype | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
	sfinfo.channels = 1 ;

	memset (buffer, 0xA0, sizeof (buffer)) ;

	/* Now write some frames. */
	frames = ARRAY_LEN (buffer) / sfinfo.channels ;

	/* Test the file with extra header data. */
	outfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, 464) ;
	sf_set_string (outfile, SF_STR_TITLE, filename) ;
	test_writef_short_or_die (outfile, k, buffer, frames, 466) ;
	sf_set_string (outfile, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, "(c) 1980 Erik") ;
	sf_close (outfile) ;

#if 1
	**  Erik de Castro Lopo <*****@*****.**> May 23 2004.
	** This file has extra string data in the header and therefore cannot
	** currently be opened in SFM_RDWR mode. This is fixable, but its in
	** a part of the code I don't want to fiddle with until the Ogg/Vorbis
	** integration is done.

	if (sf_open (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo) != NULL)
	{	printf ("\n\nError : should not be able to open this file in SFM_RDWR.\n\n") ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	unlink (filename) ;
	puts ("ok") ;
	return ;

	hexdump_file (filename, 0, 100000) ;

	/* Open again for read/write. */
	outfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, 493) ;

	** In auto header update mode, seeking to the end of the file with
    ** SEEK_SET will fail from the 2nd seek on.  seeking to 0, SEEK_END
	** will seek to 0 anyway
	if (sf_command (outfile, SFC_SET_UPDATE_HEADER_AUTO, NULL, SF_TRUE) == 0)
    {	printf ("\n\nError : sf_command (SFC_SET_UPDATE_HEADER_AUTO) return error : %s\n\n", sf_strerror (outfile)) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	/* Now write some frames. */
	frames = ARRAY_LEN (buffer) / sfinfo.channels ;

	for (k = 1 ; k < 6 ; k++)
		printf ("\n*** pass %d\n", k) ;
		memset (buffer, 0xA0 + k, sizeof (buffer)) ;

		test_seek_or_die (outfile, k * frames, SEEK_SET, k * frames, sfinfo.channels, 514) ;
		test_seek_or_die (outfile, 0, SEEK_END, k * frames, sfinfo.channels, 515) ;

		/* Open file again and make sure no errors in log buffer. */
		if (0)
		{	infile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, 519) ;
			check_log_buffer_or_die (infile, 520) ;
			sf_close (infile) ;
			} ;

		if (sfinfo.frames != k * frames)
		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect sample count (%ld should be %ld)\n", 525, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (k + frames)) ;
			dump_log_buffer (infile) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

		if ((k & 1) == 0)
			test_write_short_or_die (outfile, k, buffer, sfinfo.channels * frames, 531) ;
			test_writef_short_or_die (outfile, k, buffer, frames, 533) ;
		hexdump_file (filename, 0, 100000) ;
		} ;

	sf_close (outfile) ;
	unlink (filename) ;

	puts ("ok") ;
	return ;
} /* extra_header_test */
예제 #6
static void
update_seek_double_test	(const char *filename, int filetype)
{	SNDFILE *outfile, *infile ;
	SF_INFO sfinfo ;
    sf_count_t frames ;
    double buffer [8] ;
	int k ;

	print_test_name ("update_seek_double_test", filename) ;

	memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer)) ;

	/* Create sound outfile with no data. */
	sfinfo.format = filetype | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE ;
	sfinfo.samplerate = 48000 ;
	sfinfo.channels = 2 ;

	if (sf_format_check (&sfinfo) == SF_FALSE)
		sfinfo.channels = 1 ;

	outfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ;
	sf_close (outfile) ;

	/* Open again for read/write. */
	outfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ;

	** In auto header update mode, seeking to the end of the file with
    ** SEEK_SET will fail from the 2nd seek on.  seeking to 0, SEEK_END
	** will seek to 0 anyway
	if (sf_command (outfile, SFC_SET_UPDATE_HEADER_AUTO, NULL, SF_TRUE) == 0)
    {	printf ("\n\nError : sf_command (SFC_SET_UPDATE_HEADER_AUTO) return error : %s\n\n", sf_strerror (outfile)) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	/* Now write some frames. */
	frames = ARRAY_LEN (buffer) / sfinfo.channels ;

	for (k = 0 ; k < 6 ; k++)
	{	test_seek_or_die (outfile, k * frames, SEEK_SET, k * frames, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
		test_seek_or_die (outfile, 0, SEEK_END, k * frames, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;

		/* Open file again and make sure no errors in log buffer. */
		infile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ;
		check_log_buffer_or_die (infile, __LINE__) ;
		sf_close (infile) ;

		if (sfinfo.frames != k * frames)
		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect sample count (%ld should be %ld)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (k + frames)) ;
			dump_log_buffer (infile) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

		if ((k & 1) == 0)
			test_write_double_or_die (outfile, k, buffer, sfinfo.channels * frames, __LINE__) ;
			test_writef_double_or_die (outfile, k, buffer, frames, __LINE__) ;
		} ;

	sf_close (outfile) ;
	unlink (filename) ;

	puts ("ok") ;
	return ;
} /* update_seek_double_test */
예제 #7
파일: raw_test.c 프로젝트: erikd/libsndfile
static void
raw_offset_test (const char *filename, int typeminor)
{	SNDFILE		*sndfile ;
	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
	sf_count_t	start ;
	int			k ;

	print_test_name ("raw_offset_test", filename) ;

	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
	sfinfo.format		= SF_FORMAT_RAW | typeminor ;
	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
	sfinfo.frames		= 0 ;

	sndfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ;

	start = 0 ;
	sf_command (sndfile, SFC_FILE_TRUNCATE, &start, sizeof (start)) ;

	for (k = 0 ; k < BUFFER_LEN ; k++)
		data [k] = k ;
	test_write_short_or_die (sndfile, 0, data, BUFFER_LEN, __LINE__) ;

	sf_close (sndfile) ;

	sndfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ;
	check_log_buffer_or_die (sndfile, __LINE__) ;

	if (ABS (BUFFER_LEN - sfinfo.frames) > 1)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect sample count (%" PRId64 " should be %d)\n", __LINE__, sfinfo.frames, BUFFER_LEN) ;
		dump_log_buffer (sndfile) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	memset (data, 0 , sizeof (data)) ;
	test_read_short_or_die (sndfile, 0, data, BUFFER_LEN, __LINE__) ;
	for (k = 0 ; k < BUFFER_LEN ; k++)
		if (data [k] != k)
			printf ("Error : line %d\n", __LINE__) ;

	/* Set dataoffset to 2 bytes from beginning of file. */
	start = 2 ;
	sf_command (sndfile, SFC_SET_RAW_START_OFFSET, &start, sizeof (start)) ;

	/* Seek to new start */
	test_seek_or_die (sndfile, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;

	memset (data, 0 , sizeof (data)) ;
	test_read_short_or_die (sndfile, 0, data, BUFFER_LEN - 1, __LINE__) ;
	for (k = 0 ; k < BUFFER_LEN - 1 ; k++)
		if (data [k] != k + 1)
		{	printf ("Error : line %d\n", __LINE__) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

	/* Set dataoffset to 4 bytes from beginning of file. */
	start = 4 ;
	sf_command (sndfile, SFC_SET_RAW_START_OFFSET, &start, sizeof (start)) ;

	/* Seek to new start */
	test_seek_or_die (sndfile, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;

	memset (data, 0 , sizeof (data)) ;
	test_read_short_or_die (sndfile, 0, data, BUFFER_LEN - 2, __LINE__) ;
	for (k = 0 ; k < BUFFER_LEN - 2 ; k++)
		if (data [k] != k + 2)
		{	printf ("Error : line %d\n", __LINE__) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

	/* Set dataoffset back to 0 bytes from beginning of file. */
	start = 0 ;
	sf_command (sndfile, SFC_SET_RAW_START_OFFSET, &start, sizeof (start)) ;

	/* Seek to new start */
	test_seek_or_die (sndfile, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;

	memset (data, 0 , sizeof (data)) ;
	test_read_short_or_die (sndfile, 0, data, BUFFER_LEN, __LINE__) ;
	for (k = 0 ; k < BUFFER_LEN ; k++)
		if (data [k] != k)
		{	printf ("Error : line %d\n", __LINE__) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

	sf_close (sndfile) ;
	unlink (filename) ;

	puts ("ok") ;
} /* raw_offset_test */
예제 #8
static void
ogg_stereo_seek_test (const char * filename, int format)
{	static float data [SAMPLE_RATE] ;
	static float stereo_out [SAMPLE_RATE * 2] ;

	SNDFILE * file ;
	SF_INFO sfinfo ;
	sf_count_t pos ;
	unsigned k ;

	print_test_name (__func__, filename) ;

	gen_windowed_sine_float (data, ARRAY_LEN (data), 0.95) ;
	for (k = 0 ; k < ARRAY_LEN (data) ; k++)
	{	stereo_out [2 * k] = data [k] ;
		stereo_out [2 * k + 1] = data [ARRAY_LEN (data) - k - 1] ;
		} ;

	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;

	/* Set up output file type. */
	sfinfo.format = format ;
	sfinfo.channels = 2 ;
	sfinfo.samplerate = SAMPLE_RATE ;

	/* Write the output file. */
	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, SF_FALSE, __LINE__) ;
	test_write_float_or_die (file, 0, stereo_out, ARRAY_LEN (stereo_out), __LINE__) ;
	sf_close (file) ;

	/* Open file in again for reading. */
	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, SF_FALSE, __LINE__) ;

	/* Read in the whole file. */
	test_read_float_or_die (file, 0, stereo_out, ARRAY_LEN (stereo_out), __LINE__) ;

	/* Now hammer seeking code. */
	test_seek_or_die (file, 234, SEEK_SET, 234, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
	test_readf_float_or_die (file, 0, data, 10, __LINE__) ;
	compare_float_or_die (data, stereo_out + (234 * sfinfo.channels), 10, __LINE__) ;

	test_seek_or_die (file, 442, SEEK_SET, 442, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
	test_readf_float_or_die (file, 0, data, 10, __LINE__) ;
	compare_float_or_die (data, stereo_out + (442 * sfinfo.channels), 10, __LINE__) ;

	test_seek_or_die (file, 12, SEEK_CUR, 442 + 10 + 12, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
	test_readf_float_or_die (file, 0, data, 10, __LINE__) ;
	compare_float_or_die (data, stereo_out + ((442 + 10 + 12) * sfinfo.channels), 10, __LINE__) ;

	test_seek_or_die (file, 12, SEEK_CUR, 442 + 20 + 24, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
	test_readf_float_or_die (file, 0, data, 10, __LINE__) ;
	compare_float_or_die (data, stereo_out + ((442 + 20 + 24) * sfinfo.channels), 10, __LINE__) ;

	pos = 500 - sfinfo.frames ;
	test_seek_or_die (file, pos, SEEK_END, 500, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
	test_readf_float_or_die (file, 0, data, 10, __LINE__) ;
	compare_float_or_die (data, stereo_out + (500 * sfinfo.channels), 10, __LINE__) ;

	pos = 10 - sfinfo.frames ;
	test_seek_or_die (file, pos, SEEK_END, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
	test_readf_float_or_die (file, 0, data, 10, __LINE__) ;
	compare_float_or_die (data, stereo_out + (10 * sfinfo.channels), 10, __LINE__) ;

	sf_close (file) ;

	puts ("ok") ;
	unlink (filename) ;
} /* ogg_stereo_seek_test */
예제 #9
static void
file_truncate_test (const char *filename)
{	SF_PRIVATE sf_data, *psf ;
	unsigned char buffer [256] ;
	int k ;

	** Open a new file and write two blocks of data to the file. After each
	** write, test that psf_get_filelen() returns the new length.

	printf ("    %-24s : ", "file_truncate_test") ;
	fflush (stdout) ;

	memset (&sf_data, 0, sizeof (sf_data)) ;
	memset (buffer, 0xEE, sizeof (buffer)) ;

	psf = &sf_data ;
	strncpy (psf->filename, filename, sizeof (psf->filename)) ;

	** Open the file write mode, write 0xEE data and then extend the file
	** using truncate (the extended data should be 0x00).
	psf->mode = SFM_WRITE ;
	test_open_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;
	test_write_or_die (psf, buffer, sizeof (buffer) / 2, 1, sizeof (buffer) / 2, __LINE__) ;
	psf_ftruncate (psf, sizeof (buffer)) ;
	test_close_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;

	/* Open the file in read mode and check the data. */
	psf->mode = SFM_READ ;
	test_open_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;
	test_read_or_die (psf, buffer, sizeof (buffer), 1, sizeof (buffer), __LINE__) ;
	test_close_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;

	for (k = 0 ; k < SIGNED_SIZEOF (buffer) / 2 ; k++)
		if (buffer [k] != 0xEE)
		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : buffer [%d] = %d (should be 0xEE)\n\n", __LINE__, k, buffer [k]) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

	for (k = SIGNED_SIZEOF (buffer) / 2 ; k < SIGNED_SIZEOF (buffer) ; k++)
		if (buffer [k] != 0)
		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : buffer [%d] = %d (should be 0)\n\n", __LINE__, k, buffer [k]) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

	/* Open the file in read/write and shorten the file using truncate. */
	psf->mode = SFM_RDWR ;
	test_open_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;
	psf_ftruncate (psf, sizeof (buffer) / 4) ;
	test_close_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;

	/* Check the file length. */
	psf->mode = SFM_READ ;
	test_open_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;
	test_seek_or_die (psf, 0, SEEK_END, SIGNED_SIZEOF (buffer) / 4, __LINE__) ;
	test_close_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;

	puts ("ok") ;
} /* file_truncate_test */
예제 #10
static void
file_read_write_test (const char *filename)
{	static int data_out	[512] ;
	static int data_in	[512] ;

	SF_PRIVATE sf_data, *psf ;
	sf_count_t retval ;

	** Open a new file and write two blocks of data to the file. After each
	** write, test that psf_get_filelen() returns the new length.

	printf ("    %-24s : ", "file_write_test") ;
	fflush (stdout) ;

	memset (&sf_data, 0, sizeof (sf_data)) ;
	psf = &sf_data ;
	strncpy (psf->filename, filename, sizeof (psf->filename)) ;

	/* Test file open in write mode. */
	psf->mode = SFM_WRITE ;
	test_open_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;

	make_data (data_out, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), 1) ;
	test_write_or_die (psf, data_out, sizeof (data_out [0]), ARRAY_LEN (data_out), sizeof (data_out), __LINE__) ;

	if ((retval = psf_get_filelen (psf)) != sizeof (data_out))
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: file length after write is not correct (%ld should be %d).\n\n", __LINE__, (long) retval, (int) sizeof (data_out)) ;
		if (retval == 0)
			printf ("An fsync() may be necessary before fstat() in psf_get_filelen().\n\n") ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	make_data (data_out, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), 2) ;
	test_write_or_die (psf, data_out, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), sizeof (data_out [0]), 2 * sizeof (data_out), __LINE__) ;

	if ((retval = psf_get_filelen (psf)) != 2 * sizeof (data_out))
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: file length after write is not correct. (%ld should be %d)\n\n", __LINE__, (long) retval, 2 * ((int) sizeof (data_out))) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	test_close_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;
	puts ("ok") ;

	** Now open the file in read mode, check the file length and check
	** that the data is correct.

	printf ("    %-24s : ", "file_read_test") ;
	fflush (stdout) ;

	/* Test file open in write mode. */
	psf->mode = SFM_READ ;
	test_open_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;

	make_data (data_out, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), 1) ;
	test_read_or_die (psf, data_in, 1, sizeof (data_in), sizeof (data_in), __LINE__) ;
	test_equal_or_die	(data_out, data_in, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), __LINE__) ;

	make_data (data_out, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), 2) ;
	test_read_or_die (psf, data_in, sizeof (data_in [0]), ARRAY_LEN (data_in), 2 * sizeof (data_in), __LINE__) ;
	test_equal_or_die	(data_out, data_in, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), __LINE__) ;

	test_close_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;

	puts ("ok") ;

	** Open the file in read/write mode, seek around a bit and then seek to
	** the end of the file and write another block of data (3rd block). Then
	** go back and check that all three blocks are correct.

	printf ("    %-24s : ", "file_seek_test") ;
	fflush (stdout) ;

	/* Test file open in read/write mode. */
	psf->mode = SFM_RDWR ;
	test_open_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;

	test_seek_or_die (psf, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, __LINE__) ;
	test_seek_or_die (psf, 0, SEEK_END, 2 * SIGNED_SIZEOF (data_out), __LINE__) ;
	test_seek_or_die (psf, -1 * SIGNED_SIZEOF (data_out), SEEK_CUR, (sf_count_t) sizeof (data_out), __LINE__) ;

	test_seek_or_die (psf, SIGNED_SIZEOF (data_out), SEEK_CUR, 2 * SIGNED_SIZEOF (data_out), __LINE__) ;
	make_data (data_out, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), 3) ;
	test_write_or_die (psf, data_out, sizeof (data_out [0]), ARRAY_LEN (data_out), 3 * sizeof (data_out), __LINE__) ;

	test_seek_or_die (psf, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, __LINE__) ;
	make_data (data_out, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), 1) ;
	test_read_or_die (psf, data_in, 1, sizeof (data_in), sizeof (data_in), __LINE__) ;
	test_equal_or_die	(data_out, data_in, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), __LINE__) ;

	test_seek_or_die (psf, 2 * SIGNED_SIZEOF (data_out), SEEK_SET, 2 * SIGNED_SIZEOF (data_out), __LINE__) ;
	make_data (data_out, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), 3) ;
	test_read_or_die (psf, data_in, 1, sizeof (data_in), 3 * sizeof (data_in), __LINE__) ;
	test_equal_or_die	(data_out, data_in, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), __LINE__) ;

	test_seek_or_die (psf, SIGNED_SIZEOF (data_out), SEEK_SET, SIGNED_SIZEOF (data_out), __LINE__) ;
	make_data (data_out, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), 2) ;
	test_read_or_die (psf, data_in, 1, sizeof (data_in), 2 * sizeof (data_in), __LINE__) ;
	test_equal_or_die	(data_out, data_in, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), __LINE__) ;

	test_close_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;
	puts ("ok") ;

	** Now test operations with a non-zero psf->fileoffset field. This field
	** sets an artificial file start positions so that a seek to the start of
	** the file will actually be a seek to the value given by psf->fileoffset.

	printf ("    %-24s : ", "file_offset_test") ;
	fflush (stdout) ;

	/* Test file open in read/write mode. */
	psf->mode = SFM_RDWR ;
	psf->fileoffset = sizeof (data_out [0]) * ARRAY_LEN (data_out) ;
	test_open_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;

	if ((retval = psf_get_filelen (psf)) != 3 * sizeof (data_out))
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: file length after write is not correct. (%ld should be %d)\n\n", __LINE__, (long) retval, 3 * ((int) sizeof (data_out))) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	test_seek_or_die (psf, SIGNED_SIZEOF (data_out), SEEK_SET, SIGNED_SIZEOF (data_out), __LINE__) ;
	make_data (data_out, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), 5) ;
	test_write_or_die (psf, data_out, sizeof (data_out [0]), ARRAY_LEN (data_out), 2 * sizeof (data_out), __LINE__) ;
	test_close_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;

	/* final test with psf->fileoffset == 0. */

	psf->mode = SFM_RDWR ;
	psf->fileoffset = 0 ;
	test_open_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;

	if ((retval = psf_get_filelen (psf)) != 3 * sizeof (data_out))
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: file length after write is not correct. (%ld should be %d)\n\n", __LINE__, (long) retval, 3 * ((int) sizeof (data_out))) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	make_data (data_out, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), 1) ;
	test_read_or_die (psf, data_in, 1, sizeof (data_in), sizeof (data_in), __LINE__) ;
	test_equal_or_die	(data_out, data_in, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), __LINE__) ;

	make_data (data_out, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), 2) ;
	test_read_or_die (psf, data_in, 1, sizeof (data_in), 2 * sizeof (data_in), __LINE__) ;
	test_equal_or_die	(data_out, data_in, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), __LINE__) ;

	make_data (data_out, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), 5) ;
	test_read_or_die (psf, data_in, 1, sizeof (data_in), 3 * sizeof (data_in), __LINE__) ;
	test_equal_or_die	(data_out, data_in, ARRAY_LEN (data_out), __LINE__) ;

	test_close_or_die (psf, __LINE__) ;

	puts ("ok") ;
} /* file_read_write_test */
예제 #11
static void
string_start_end_test (const char *filename, int typemajor)
{	const char	*cptr ;
	SNDFILE		*file ;
	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
	int			errors = 0 ;

	print_test_name ("string_start_end_test", filename) ;

	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
	sfinfo.frames		= 0 ;
	sfinfo.format		= typemajor | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 ;

	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ;

	/* Write stuff at start of file. */
	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_TITLE, filename) ;
	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_SOFTWARE, software) ;
	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_ARTIST, artist) ;
	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_GENRE, genre) ;
	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_TRACKNUMBER, trackno) ;

	/* Write data to file. */
	test_write_short_or_die (file, 0, data_out, BUFFER_LEN, __LINE__) ;
	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;

	/* Write more stuff at end of file. */
	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, copyright) ;
	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_COMMENT, comment) ;
	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_DATE, date) ;
	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_ALBUM, album) ;
	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_LICENSE, license) ;

	sf_close (file) ;

	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ;

	check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ;

	if (sfinfo.frames != BUFFER_LEN)
	{	printf ("***** Bad frame count %d (should be %d)\n\n", (int) sfinfo.frames, BUFFER_LEN) ;
		errors ++ ;
		} ;

	cptr = sf_get_string (file, SF_STR_TITLE) ;
	if (cptr == NULL || strcmp (filename, cptr) != 0)
	{	if (errors++ == 0)
			puts ("\n") ;
		printf ("    Bad filename  : %s\n", cptr) ;
		} ;

	cptr = sf_get_string (file, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT) ;
	if (cptr == NULL || strcmp (copyright, cptr) != 0)
	{	if (errors++ == 0)
			puts ("\n") ;
		printf ("    Bad copyright : %s\n", cptr) ;
		} ;

	cptr = sf_get_string (file, SF_STR_SOFTWARE) ;
	if (cptr == NULL || strstr (cptr, software) != cptr)
	{	if (errors++ == 0)
			puts ("\n") ;
		printf ("    Bad software  : %s\n", cptr) ;
		} ;

	if (str_count (cptr, "libsndfile") != 1)
	{	if (errors++ == 0)
			puts ("\n") ;
		printf ("    Bad software  : %s\n", cptr) ;
		} ;

	cptr = sf_get_string (file, SF_STR_ARTIST) ;
	if (cptr == NULL || strcmp (artist, cptr) != 0)
	{	if (errors++ == 0)
			puts ("\n") ;
		printf ("    Bad artist    : %s\n", cptr) ;
		} ;

	cptr = sf_get_string (file, SF_STR_COMMENT) ;
	if (cptr == NULL || strcmp (comment, cptr) != 0)
	{	if (errors++ == 0)
			puts ("\n") ;
		printf ("    Bad comment   : %s\n", cptr) ;
		} ;

	if (typemajor != SF_FORMAT_AIFF)
	{	cptr = sf_get_string (file, SF_STR_DATE) ;
		if (cptr == NULL || strcmp (date, cptr) != 0)
		{	if (errors++ == 0)
				puts ("\n") ;
			printf ("    Bad date      : %s\n", cptr) ;
			} ;

		cptr = sf_get_string (file, SF_STR_GENRE) ;
		if (cptr == NULL || strcmp (genre, cptr) != 0)
		{	if (errors++ == 0)
				puts ("\n") ;
			printf ("    Bad genre     : %s\n", cptr) ;
			} ;
		} ;

	switch (typemajor)
	{	case SF_FORMAT_AIFF :
		case SF_FORMAT_WAV :
		case SF_FORMAT_RF64 :
			/* These formats do not support the following. */
			break ;

		default :
			cptr = sf_get_string (file, SF_STR_ALBUM) ;
			if (cptr == NULL || strcmp (album, cptr) != 0)
			{	if (errors++ == 0)
					puts ("\n") ;
				printf ("    Bad album     : %s\n", cptr) ;
				} ;

			cptr = sf_get_string (file, SF_STR_LICENSE) ;
			if (cptr == NULL || strcmp (license, cptr) != 0)
			{	if (errors++ == 0)
					puts ("\n") ;
				printf ("    Bad license   : %s\n", cptr) ;
				} ;

			cptr = sf_get_string (file, SF_STR_TRACKNUMBER) ;
			if (cptr == NULL || strcmp (trackno, cptr) != 0)
			{	if (errors++ == 0)
					puts ("\n") ;
				printf ("    Bad track no. : %s\n", cptr) ;
				} ;
			break ;
		} ;

	if (errors > 0)
	{	printf ("\n*** Error count : %d ***\n\n", errors) ;
		dump_log_buffer (file) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	sf_close (file) ;
	unlink (filename) ;

	puts ("ok") ;
} /* string_start_end_test */
예제 #12
static void
channel_test (void)
{	static float	float_data [1024] ;
	static float	read_float [1024] ;
	static int		read_int [1024] ;
	static short	read_short [1024] ;
	unsigned int	ch, k, position = 0 ;

	gen_windowed_sine_float (float_data, ARRAY_LEN (float_data), 0.9) ;

	for (ch = 1 ; ch <= 8 ; ch++)
	{	SNDFILE	*file ;
		SF_INFO	wsfinfo, rsfinfo ;
		sf_count_t wframes = ARRAY_LEN (float_data) / ch ;
		double	maxdiff ;
		char	filename [256] ;

		snprintf (filename, sizeof (filename), "chan_%d.wav", ch) ;
		print_test_name (__func__, filename) ;

		sf_info_setup (&wsfinfo, SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT, 48000, ch) ;
		sf_info_clear (&rsfinfo) ;

		/* Write the test file. */
		file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &wsfinfo, SF_FALSE, __LINE__) ;
		test_writef_float_or_die (file, 0, float_data, wframes, __LINE__) ;
		sf_close (file) ;

		/* Read it as float and test. */
		file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &rsfinfo, SF_FALSE, __LINE__) ;
		exit_if_true (rsfinfo.frames == 0,
				"\n\nLine %d : Frames in file %" PRId64 ".\n\n", __LINE__, rsfinfo.frames) ;
		exit_if_true (wframes != rsfinfo.frames,
				"\n\nLine %d : Wrote %" PRId64 ", read %" PRId64 " frames.\n\n", __LINE__, wframes, rsfinfo.frames) ;

		sf_command (file, SFC_SET_SCALE_FLOAT_INT_READ, NULL, SF_TRUE) ;

		test_readf_float_or_die (file, 0, read_float, rsfinfo.frames, __LINE__) ;
		compare_float_or_die (float_data, read_float, ch * rsfinfo.frames, __LINE__) ;

		/* Read it as short and test. */
		test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, ch, __LINE__) ;
		test_readf_short_or_die (file, 0, read_short, rsfinfo.frames, __LINE__) ;

		for (k = 0 ; k < ARRAY_LEN (read_float) ; k++)
			read_float [k] = read_short [k] * (0.9 / 0x8000) ;

		maxdiff = max_diff (float_data, read_float, ch * rsfinfo.frames, &position) ;
		exit_if_true (maxdiff > 0.5, "\n\nLine %d : Max diff is %f at index %u\n\n", __LINE__, maxdiff, position) ;

		/* Read it as int and test. */
		test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, ch, __LINE__) ;
		test_readf_int_or_die (file, 0, read_int, rsfinfo.frames, __LINE__) ;

		for (k = 0 ; k < ARRAY_LEN (read_float) ; k++)
			read_float [k] = read_int [k] * (0.9 / 0x80000000) ;

		maxdiff = max_diff (float_data, read_float, ch * rsfinfo.frames, &position) ;
		exit_if_true (maxdiff > 0.5, "\n\nLine %d : Max diff is %f at index %u\n\n", __LINE__, maxdiff, position) ;

		sf_close (file) ;
		unlink (filename) ;
		printf ("ok\n") ;
		} ;

	return ;
} /* channel_test */