void test_lhs_zero () { testcase ("lhs zero"); test_lhs_zero(-7); test_lhs_zero(0); test_lhs_zero(32); }
/* ** xFilter - Initialize a cursor to point at the start of its data. */ static int fts3auxFilterMethod( sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, /* The cursor used for this query */ int idxNum, /* Strategy index */ const char *idxStr, /* Unused */ int nVal, /* Number of elements in apVal */ sqlite3_value **apVal /* Arguments for the indexing scheme */ ){ Fts3auxCursor *pCsr = (Fts3auxCursor *)pCursor; Fts3Table *pFts3 = ((Fts3auxTable *)pCursor->pVtab)->pFts3Tab; int rc; int isScan; UNUSED_PARAMETER(nVal); UNUSED_PARAMETER(idxStr); assert( idxStr==0 ); assert( idxNum==FTS4AUX_EQ_CONSTRAINT || idxNum==0 || idxNum==FTS4AUX_LE_CONSTRAINT || idxNum==FTS4AUX_GE_CONSTRAINT || idxNum==(FTS4AUX_LE_CONSTRAINT|FTS4AUX_GE_CONSTRAINT) ); isScan = (idxNum!=FTS4AUX_EQ_CONSTRAINT); /* In case this cursor is being reused, close and zero it. */ testcase(pCsr->filter.zTerm); sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFinish(&pCsr->csr); sqlite3_free((void *)pCsr->filter.zTerm); sqlite3_free(pCsr->aStat); memset(&pCsr->csr, 0, ((u8*)&pCsr[1]) - (u8*)&pCsr->csr); pCsr->filter.flags = FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS|FTS3_SEGMENT_IGNORE_EMPTY; if( isScan ) pCsr->filter.flags |= FTS3_SEGMENT_SCAN; if( idxNum&(FTS4AUX_EQ_CONSTRAINT|FTS4AUX_GE_CONSTRAINT) ){ const unsigned char *zStr = sqlite3_value_text(apVal[0]); if( zStr ){ pCsr->filter.zTerm = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zStr); pCsr->filter.nTerm = sqlite3_value_bytes(apVal[0]); if( pCsr->filter.zTerm==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM; } } if( idxNum&FTS4AUX_LE_CONSTRAINT ){ int iIdx = (idxNum&FTS4AUX_GE_CONSTRAINT) ? 1 : 0; pCsr->zStop = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", sqlite3_value_text(apVal[iIdx])); pCsr->nStop = sqlite3_value_bytes(apVal[iIdx]); if( pCsr->zStop==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM; } rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCursor(pFts3, 0, FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL, pCsr->filter.zTerm, pCsr->filter.nTerm, 0, isScan, &pCsr->csr ); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStart(pFts3, &pCsr->csr, &pCsr->filter); } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = fts3auxNextMethod(pCursor); return rc; }
void testEndpoint () { testcase ("Endpoint"); { std::pair <Endpoint, bool> result ( Endpoint::from_string_checked ("")); expect (result.second); if (expect (result.first.address().is_v4 ())) { expect (result.first.address().to_v4() == AddressV4 (1, 2, 3, 4)); expect (result.first.port() == 0); expect (to_string (result.first) == ""); } } { std::pair <Endpoint, bool> result ( Endpoint::from_string_checked ("")); expect (result.second); if (expect (result.first.address().is_v4 ())) { expect (result.first.address().to_v4() == AddressV4 (1, 2, 3, 4)); expect (result.first.port() == 5); expect (to_string (result.first) == ""); } } Endpoint ep; ep = Endpoint (AddressV4 (127,0,0,1), 80); expect (! is_unspecified (ep)); expect (! is_public (ep)); expect ( is_private (ep)); expect (! is_multicast (ep)); expect ( is_loopback (ep)); expect (to_string (ep) == ""); ep = Endpoint (AddressV4 (10,0,0,1)); expect (AddressV4::get_class (ep.to_v4()) == 'A'); expect (! is_unspecified (ep)); expect (! is_public (ep)); expect ( is_private (ep)); expect (! is_multicast (ep)); expect (! is_loopback (ep)); expect (to_string (ep) == ""); ep = Endpoint (AddressV4 (166,78,151,147)); expect (! is_unspecified (ep)); expect ( is_public (ep)); expect (! is_private (ep)); expect (! is_multicast (ep)); expect (! is_loopback (ep)); expect (to_string (ep) == ""); }
void test_containers() { testcase ("containers"); check_container <detail::test_hardened_unordered_set>(); check_container <detail::test_hardened_unordered_map>(); check_container <detail::test_hardened_unordered_multiset>(); check_container <detail::test_hardened_unordered_multimap>(); }
/* ** The zeroblob(N) function returns a zero-filled blob of size N bytes. */ static void zeroblobFunc( sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv ){ i64 n; sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_context_db_handle(context); assert( argc==1 ); UNUSED_PARAMETER(argc); n = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]); testcase( n==db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ); testcase( n==db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH]+1 ); if( n>db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){ sqlite3_result_error_toobig(context); }else{ sqlite3_result_zeroblob(context, (int)n); /* IMP: R-00293-64994 */ } }
int sqlite3WalkExpr(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){ int rc; if( pExpr==0 ) return WRC_Continue; testcase( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_TokenOnly) ); testcase( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_Reduced) ); rc = pWalker->xExprCallback(pWalker, pExpr); if( rc==WRC_Continue && !ExprHasAnyProperty(pExpr,EP_TokenOnly) ){ if( sqlite3WalkExpr(pWalker, pExpr->pLeft) ) return WRC_Abort; if( sqlite3WalkExpr(pWalker, pExpr->pRight) ) return WRC_Abort; if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_xIsSelect) ){ if( sqlite3WalkSelect(pWalker, pExpr->x.pSelect) ) return WRC_Abort; }else{ if( sqlite3WalkExprList(pWalker, pExpr->x.pList) ) return WRC_Abort; } } return rc & WRC_Abort; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) testcase(); return 0; }
/* ** Allocate and return a pointer to an expression to load the column iCol ** from datasource iSrc in SrcList pSrc. */ Expr *sqlite3CreateColumnExpr(sqlite3 *db, SrcList *pSrc, int iSrc, int iCol){ Expr *p = sqlite3ExprAlloc(db, TK_COLUMN, 0, 0); if( p ){ struct SrcList_item *pItem = &pSrc->a[iSrc]; p->pTab = pItem->pTab; p->iTable = pItem->iCursor; if( p->pTab->iPKey==iCol ){ p->iColumn = -1; }else{ p->iColumn = (ynVar)iCol; testcase( iCol==BMS ); testcase( iCol==BMS-1 ); pItem->colUsed |= ((Bitmask)1)<<(iCol>=BMS ? BMS-1 : iCol); } ExprSetProperty(p, EP_Resolved); } return p; }
void test_rhs_zero () { testcase ("rhs zero"); test_rhs_zero(-4); test_rhs_zero(0); test_rhs_zero(64); }
void check_err(Complexf* a,int*n,MPI_Comm c_comm){ int nprocs, procid; MPI_Comm_rank(c_comm, &procid); MPI_Comm_size(c_comm,&nprocs); long long int size=n[0]; size*=n[1]; size*=n[2]; float pi=M_PI; int istart[3], isize[3], osize[3],ostart[3]; accfft_local_size_dft_c2cf(n,isize,istart,osize,ostart,c_comm); float err=0,norm=0; float X,Y,Z,numerical_r,numerical_c; long int ptr; int thid=omp_get_thread_num(); for (int i=0; i<isize[0]; i++){ for (int j=0; j<isize[1]; j++){ for (int k=0; k<isize[2]; k++){ X=2*pi/n[0]*(i+istart[0]); Y=2*pi/n[1]*(j+istart[1]); Z=2*pi/n[2]*k; ptr=i*isize[1]*n[2]+j*n[2]+k; numerical_r=a[ptr][0]/size; if(numerical_r!=numerical_r) numerical_r=0; numerical_c=a[ptr][1]/size; if(numerical_c!=numerical_c) numerical_c=0; err+=std::abs(numerical_r-testcase(X,Y,Z))+std::abs(numerical_c-testcase(X,Y,Z)); norm+=std::abs(testcase(X,Y,Z)); } } } float g_err=0,g_norm=0; MPI_Reduce(&err,&g_err,1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Reduce(&norm,&g_norm,1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); PCOUT<<"\nL1 Error of iFF(a)-a: "<<g_err<<std::endl; PCOUT<<"Relative L1 Error of iFF(a)-a: "<<g_err/g_norm<<std::endl; if (g_err/g_norm< 1e-5) PCOUT<<"\nResults are CORRECT! (upto single precision)\n\n"; else PCOUT<<"\nResults are NOT CORRECT!\n\n"; return; } // end check_err
void run () { TagInt1 const zero (0); TagInt1 const one (1); testcase ("Comparison Operators"); expect (zero >= zero, "Should be greater than or equal"); expect (zero == zero, "Should be equal"); expect (one > zero, "Should be greater"); expect (one >= zero, "Should be greater than or equal"); expect (one != zero, "Should not be equal"); unexpected (one < zero, "Should be greater"); unexpected (one <= zero, "Should not be greater than or equal"); unexpected (one == zero, "Should not be equal"); testcase ("Arithmetic Operators"); TagInt1 tmp; tmp = zero + 0u; expect (tmp == zero, "Should be equal"); tmp = 1u + zero; expect (tmp == one, "Should be equal"); expect(--tmp == zero, "Should be equal"); expect(tmp++ == zero, "Should be equal"); expect(tmp == one, "Should be equal"); expect(tmp-- == one, "Should be equal"); expect(tmp == zero, "Should be equal"); expect(++tmp == one, "Should be equal"); tmp = zero; tmp += 1u; expect(tmp == one, "Should be equal"); tmp -= 1u; expect(tmp == zero, "Should be equal"); }
void testConversionUnderflows () { testcase ("conversion underflows"); tryBadConvert <std::uint32_t> ("-1"); tryBadConvert <std::int64_t> ("-99999999999999999999"); tryBadConvert <std::int32_t> ("-4294967300"); tryBadConvert <std::int16_t> ("-75821"); }
void testPassphrase() { testcase ("generation from passphrase"); BEAST_EXPECT(testPassphrase ("masterpassphrase") == "snoPBrXtMeMyMHUVTgbuqAfg1SUTb"); BEAST_EXPECT(testPassphrase ("Non-Random Passphrase") == "snMKnVku798EnBwUfxeSD8953sLYA"); BEAST_EXPECT(testPassphrase ("cookies excitement hand public") == "sspUXGrmjQhq6mgc24jiRuevZiwKT"); }
void testAddress () { testcase ("Address"); std::pair <Address, bool> result ( Address::from_string ("")); expect (result.second); if (expect (result.first.is_v4 ())) expect (result.first.to_v4() == AddressV4 (1, 2, 3, 4)); }
void testKeySize () { testcase ("Key Sizes"); RsaSha256 f1; BEAST_EXPECT (!f1.sign (longKey, makeSlice (knownMessage))); RsaSha256 f2; BEAST_EXPECT (!f2.sign (shortKey, makeSlice (knownMessage))); }
/* ** Allocate or return the aggregate context for a user function. A new ** context is allocated on the first call. Subsequent calls return the ** same context that was returned on prior calls. */ void *sqlite3_aggregate_context(sqlite3_context *p, int nByte){ assert( p && p->pFunc && p->pFunc->xStep ); assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->pOut->db->mutex) ); testcase( nByte<0 ); if( (p->pMem->flags & MEM_Agg)==0 ){ return createAggContext(p, nByte); }else{ return (void*)p->pMem->z; } }
int main(int argc, char** args) { hashTable = (char**)malloc(MAX_SIZE*sizeof(char**)); int t; scanf("%d\n", &t); while(t-->0) testcase(); return 0; }
int main(void) { int testcase_count = 0; scanf("%d",&testcase_count); int i = 0, j =0; for ( i=0; i< testcase_count; i++) { testcase(); } return 0; }
END_TEST START_TEST (test_case2) { char * retout; char testbuf[][10] = {"XX","II"}; char *resultbuf = "XXII"; retout = testcase(testbuf,resultbuf); fail_unless ( !strcmp(retout,resultbuf), "test case2 error!!" ); }
END_TEST START_TEST (test_case4) { char * retout; char testbuf[][10] = {"D","D"}; char *resultbuf = "M"; retout = testcase(testbuf,resultbuf); fail_unless ( !strcmp(retout,resultbuf), "test case4 error!!" ); }
void testPathologies() { testcase("pathologies"); try { lexicalCastThrow<int>("\xef\xbc\x91\xef\xbc\x90"); // utf-8 encoded } catch(BadLexicalCast const&) { pass(); } }
void testValues () { testcase ("comparison"); expect (from_version (1,2) == from_version (1,2)); expect (from_version (3,4) >= from_version (3,4)); expect (from_version (5,6) <= from_version (5,6)); expect (from_version (7,8) > from_version (6,7)); expect (from_version (7,8) < from_version (8,9)); expect (from_version (65535,0) < from_version (65535,65535)); expect (from_version (65535,65535) >= from_version (65535,65535)); }
void run() { testcase ("Currency"); testUnsigned <Currency> (); testcase ("Account"); testUnsigned <Account> (); // --- testcase ("Issue"); testIssueType <Issue> (); testcase ("IssueRef"); testIssueType <IssueRef> (); testIssueSets (); testIssueMaps (); // --- testcase ("Book"); testBook <Book> (); testcase ("BookRef"); testBook <BookRef> (); testBookSets (); testBookMaps (); }
int main(int argc, char *argv) { char *output; testcase("Setting a course for SB-01 ok?"); testcase("SB-02 is thataway!"); testcase("sb-01 and SB-02 and sb-03 are being attacked!"); testcase("SB-21 and SB-42"); testcase("Setting a course for WG-01 ok?"); testcase("WG-02 is thataway!"); testcase("WG-01 and WG-02 and WG-03 are being attacked!"); testcase("WG-25 and WG-26"); return 0; }
void testStringVersion () { testcase ("string version"); for (std::uint16_t major = 0; major < 8; major++) { for (std::uint16_t minor = 0; minor < 8; minor++) { expect (to_string (from_version (major, minor)) == std::to_string (major) + "." + std::to_string (minor)); } } }
void testCompare () { testcase ("comparisons"); checkLess ("1.0.0-alpha", "1.0.0-alpha.1"); checkLess ("1.0.0-alpha.1", "1.0.0-alpha.beta"); checkLess ("1.0.0-alpha.beta", "1.0.0-beta"); checkLess ("1.0.0-beta", "1.0.0-beta.2"); checkLess ("1.0.0-beta.2", "1.0.0-beta.11"); checkLess ("1.0.0-beta.11", "1.0.0-rc.1"); checkLess ("1.0.0-rc.1", "1.0.0"); checkLess ("0.9.9", "1.0.0"); }
void testRandom() { testcase ("random generation"); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { auto const seed1 = randomSeed (); auto const seed2 = parseBase58<Seed>(toBase58(seed1)); BEAST_EXPECT(static_cast<bool>(seed2)); BEAST_EXPECT(equal (seed1, *seed2)); } }
void run () { testcase ("Seed"); RippleAddress seed; expect (seed.setSeedGeneric ("masterpassphrase")); expect (seed.humanSeed () == "snoPBrXtMeMyMHUVTgbuqAfg1SUTb", seed.humanSeed ()); testcase ("RipplePublicKey"); RippleAddress deprecatedPublicKey (RippleAddress::createNodePublic (seed)); expect (deprecatedPublicKey.humanNodePublic () == "n94a1u4jAz288pZLtw6yFWVbi89YamiC6JBXPVUj5zmExe5fTVg9", deprecatedPublicKey.humanNodePublic ()); RipplePublicKey publicKey = deprecatedPublicKey.toPublicKey(); expect (publicKey.to_string() == deprecatedPublicKey.humanNodePublic(), publicKey.to_string()); testcase ("Generator"); RippleAddress generator (RippleAddress::createGeneratorPublic (seed)); expect (generator.humanGenerator () == "fhuJKrhSDzV2SkjLn9qbwm5AaRmrxDPfFsHDCP6yfDZWcxDFz4mt", generator.humanGenerator ()); }
/* ** If the memory cell contains a string value that must be freed by ** invoking an external callback, free it now. Calling this function ** does not free any Mem.zMalloc buffer. */ void sqlite3VdbeMemReleaseExternal(Mem *p){ assert( p->db==0 || sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) ); testcase( p->flags & MEM_Agg ); testcase( p->flags & MEM_Dyn ); testcase( p->flags & MEM_RowSet ); testcase( p->flags & MEM_Frame ); if( p->flags&(MEM_Agg|MEM_Dyn|MEM_RowSet|MEM_Frame) ){ if( p->flags&MEM_Agg ){ sqlite3VdbeMemFinalize(p, p->u.pDef); assert( (p->flags & MEM_Agg)==0 ); sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(p); }else if( p->flags&MEM_Dyn && p->xDel ){ assert( (p->flags&MEM_RowSet)==0 ); p->xDel((void *)p->z); p->xDel = 0; }else if( p->flags&MEM_RowSet ){ sqlite3RowSetClear(p->u.pRowSet); }else if( p->flags&MEM_Frame ){ sqlite3VdbeMemSetNull(p); } } }
/* ** Like malloc(), but remember the size of the allocation ** so that we can find it later using sqlite3MemSize(). ** ** For this low-level routine, we are guaranteed that nByte>0 because ** cases of nByte<=0 will be intercepted and dealt with by higher level ** routines. */ static void *sqlite3MemMalloc(int nByte){ #ifdef SQLITE_MALLOCSIZE void *p = SQLITE_MALLOC( nByte ); if( p==0 ){ testcase( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xLog!=0 ); sqlite3_log(SQLITE_NOMEM, "failed to allocate %u bytes of memory", nByte); } return p; #else sqlite3_int64 *p; assert( nByte>0 ); nByte = ROUND8(nByte); p = SQLITE_MALLOC( nByte+8 ); if( p ){ p[0] = nByte; p++; }else{ testcase( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xLog!=0 ); sqlite3_log(SQLITE_NOMEM, "failed to allocate %u bytes of memory", nByte); } return (void *)p; #endif }