예제 #1
* Remove a text job from the queue.
* (thread safe)
* @param jobNum         Job number of the text job.
* The job is deleted from the queue and the textRemoved signal is emitted.
void SpeechData::removeText(const uint jobNum)
    // kdDebug() << "Running: SpeechData::removeText" << endl;
    uint removeJobNum = 0;
    QCString removeAppId;    // The appId of the removed (and stopped) job.
    mlJob* removeJob = findJobByJobNum(jobNum);
    if (removeJob)
        removeAppId = removeJob->appId;
        removeJobNum = removeJob->jobNum;
        // If filtering on the job, cancel it.
        QPtrListIterator<PooledFilterMgr> it( m_pooledFilterMgrs );
        for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
            PooledFilterMgr* pooledFilterMgr = it.current();
            if (pooledFilterMgr->job && (pooledFilterMgr->job->jobNum == removeJobNum))
                pooledFilterMgr->busy = false;
                pooledFilterMgr->job = 0;
                pooledFilterMgr->partNum = 0;
                delete pooledFilterMgr->talkerCode;
                pooledFilterMgr->talkerCode = 0;
        // Delete the job.
    if (removeJobNum) emit textRemoved(removeAppId, removeJobNum);
예제 #2
* Delete expired jobs.  At most, one finished job is kept on the queue.
* @param finishedJobNum Job number of a job that just finished.
* The just finished job is not deleted, but any other finished jobs are.
* Does not change the textJobs.current() pointer.
void SpeechData::deleteExpiredJobs(const uint finishedJobNum)
    // Save current pointer.
    typedef QPair<QCString, uint> removedJob;
    typedef QValueList<removedJob> removedJobsList;
    removedJobsList removedJobs;
    // Walk through jobs and delete any other finished jobs.
    for (mlJob* job = textJobs.first(); (job); job = textJobs.next())
        if (job->jobNum != finishedJobNum && job->state == KSpeech::jsFinished)
            removedJobs.append(removedJob(job->appId, job->jobNum));
    // Emit signals for removed jobs.
    removedJobsList::const_iterator it;
    removedJobsList::const_iterator endRemovedJobsList(removedJobs.constEnd());
    for (it = removedJobs.constBegin(); it != endRemovedJobsList ; ++it)
        QCString appId = (*it).first;
        uint jobNum = (*it).second;
        textRemoved(appId, jobNum);
예제 #3
KateLayoutCache::KateLayoutCache(KateRenderer* renderer, QObject* parent)
  : QObject(parent)
  , m_renderer(renderer)
  , m_startPos(-1,-1)
  , m_viewWidth(0)
  , m_wrap(false)
  , m_acceptDirtyLayouts (false)
   * connect to all possible editing primitives
  connect(&m_renderer->doc()->buffer(), SIGNAL(lineWrapped(KTextEditor::Cursor)), this, SLOT(wrapLine(KTextEditor::Cursor)));
  connect(&m_renderer->doc()->buffer(), SIGNAL(lineUnwrapped(int)), this, SLOT(unwrapLine(int)));
  connect(&m_renderer->doc()->buffer(), SIGNAL(textInserted(KTextEditor::Cursor,QString)), this, SLOT(insertText(KTextEditor::Cursor,QString)));
  connect(&m_renderer->doc()->buffer(), SIGNAL(textRemoved(KTextEditor::Range,QString)), this, SLOT(removeText(KTextEditor::Range)));
예제 #4
* Destructor
    // kdDebug() << "Running: SpeechData::~SpeechData()" << endl;
    // Walk through jobs and emit a textRemoved signal for each job.
    for (mlJob* job = textJobs.first(); (job); job = textJobs.next())
        emit textRemoved(job->appId, job->jobNum);

    QPtrListIterator<PooledFilterMgr> it( m_pooledFilterMgrs );
    for( ; it.current(); ++it )
        PooledFilterMgr* pooledFilterMgr = it.current();
        delete pooledFilterMgr->filterMgr;
        delete pooledFilterMgr->talkerCode;
        delete pooledFilterMgr;

    delete config;
예제 #5
void TextBuffer::removeText (const KTextEditor::Range &range)
  // only allowed if editing transaction running
  Q_ASSERT (m_editingTransactions > 0);

  // only ranges on one line are supported
  Q_ASSERT (range.start().line() == range.end().line());

  // start colum <= end column and >= 0
  Q_ASSERT (range.start().column() <= range.end().column());
  Q_ASSERT (range.start().column() >= 0);

  // skip work, if no text to remove
  if (range.isEmpty())

  // get block, this will assert on invalid line
  int blockIndex = blockForLine (range.start().line());

  // let the block handle the removeText, retrieve removed text
  QString text;
  m_blocks.at(blockIndex)->removeText (range, text);

  // remember changes

  // update changed line interval
  if (range.start().line() < m_editingMinimalLineChanged || m_editingMinimalLineChanged == -1)
    m_editingMinimalLineChanged = range.start().line();

  if (range.start().line() > m_editingMaximalLineChanged)
    m_editingMaximalLineChanged = range.start().line();

  // emit signal about done change
  emit textRemoved (range, text);