예제 #1
static int txtfmt_lua_find_keyword(const char *string)
	int i, len;

	if      (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "and",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "break",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "do",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "else",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "elseif",   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "end",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "for",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "function", len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "if",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "in",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "local",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "not",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "or",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "repeat",   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "return",   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "then",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "until",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "while",    len)) i = len;
	else                                                      i = 0;

	/* If next source char is an identifier (eg. 'i' in "definate") no match */
	if (i == 0 || text_check_identifier(string[i]))
		return -1;
	return i;
예제 #2
static int find_builtinfunc(char *string)
	int a, i;
	char builtinfuncs[][9] = {"and", "as", "assert", "break", "class", "continue", "def",
								"del", "elif", "else", "except", "exec", "finally",
								"for", "from", "global", "if", "import", "in",
								"is", "lambda", "not", "or", "pass", "print",
								"raise", "return", "try", "while", "yield", "with"};

	for(a=0; a < sizeof(builtinfuncs)/sizeof(builtinfuncs[0]); a++) {
		i = 0;
		while(1) {
			/* If we hit the end of a keyword... (eg. "def") */
			if(builtinfuncs[a][i]=='\0') {
				/* If we still have identifier chars in the source (eg. "definate") */
					i = -1; /* No match */
				break; /* Next keyword if no match, otherwise we're done */
			/* If chars mismatch, move on to next keyword */
			else if(string[i]!=builtinfuncs[a][i]) {
				i = -1;
				break; /* Break inner loop, start next keyword */
		if(i>0) break; /* If we have a match, we're done */
	return i;
예제 #3
static int find_decorator(char *string) 
	if(string[0] == '@') {
		int i = 1;
		while(text_check_identifier(string[i])) {
		return i;
	return -1;
예제 #4
static int txtfmt_py_find_specialvar(const char *string)
	int i, len;

	if      (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "def", len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "class", len)) i = len;
	else                                                   i = 0;

	/* If next source char is an identifier (eg. 'i' in "definate") no match */
	if (i == 0 || text_check_identifier(string[i]))
		return -1;
	return i;
예제 #5
static int txtfmt_py_find_builtinfunc(const char *string)
	int i, len;
	/* list is from...
	 * ", ".join(['"%s"' % kw
	 *            for kw in  __import__("keyword").kwlist
	 *            if kw not in {"False", "None", "True", "def", "class"}])
	 * ... and for this code:
	 * print("\n".join(['else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "%s", len)) i = len;' % kw
	 *                  for kw in  __import__("keyword").kwlist
	 *                  if kw not in {"False", "None", "True", "def", "class"}]))

	if      (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "and",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "as",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "assert",   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "async",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "await",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "break",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "continue", len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "del",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "elif",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "else",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "except",   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "finally",  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "for",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "from",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "global",   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "if",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "import",   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "in",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "is",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "lambda",   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "nonlocal", len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "not",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "or",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "pass",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "raise",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "return",   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "try",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "while",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "with",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "yield",    len)) i = len;
	else                                                      i = 0;

	/* If next source char is an identifier (eg. 'i' in "definite") no match */
	if (i == 0 || text_check_identifier(string[i]))
		return -1;
	return i;
예제 #6
static int txtfmt_ini_find_keyword(const char *string)
	int i, len;
	/* Language Directives */
	if      (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "deprecated", len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "statistics", len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "declare",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "default",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "version",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "warning",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "include",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "fclose",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "ifndef",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "append",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "elseif",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "debug",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "error",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "fopen",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "ifdef",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "local",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "macro",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "range",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "render",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "break",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "switch",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "undef",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "while",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "write",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "case",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "else",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "read",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "end",        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "for",        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "if",         len)) i = len;

	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "I",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "S",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "A",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Q",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "U",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "F",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "C",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "N",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "P",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "T",          len)) i = len;

	else                                                        i = 0;

	/* If next source char is an identifier (eg. 'i' in "definite") no match */
	return (i == 0 || text_check_identifier(string[i])) ? -1 : i;
예제 #7
static int find_specialvar(char *string) 
	int i = 0;
	/* Check for "def" */
	if(string[0]=='d' && string[1]=='e' && string[2]=='f')
		i = 3;
	/* Check for "class" */
	else if(string[0]=='c' && string[1]=='l' && string[2]=='a' && string[3]=='s' && string[4]=='s')
		i = 5;
	/* If next source char is an identifier (eg. 'i' in "definate") no match */
	if(i==0 || text_check_identifier(string[i]))
		return -1;
	return i;
예제 #8
static int txtfmt_lua_find_bool(const char *string)
	int i, len;

	if      (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "nil",   len))  i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "true",  len))  i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "false", len))  i = len;
	else                                                    i = 0;

	/* If next source char is an identifier (eg. 'i' in "Nonetheless") no match */
	if (i == 0 || text_check_identifier(string[i]))
		return -1;
	return i;
static int txtfmt_osl_find_reserved(const char *string)
	int i, len;
	/* list is from...
	 * https://github.com/imageworks/OpenShadingLanguage/raw/master/src/doc/osl-languagespec.pdf
	if      (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "bool",         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "case",         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "catch",        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "char",         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "const",        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "delete",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "default",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "double",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "enum",         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "extern",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "false",        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "friend",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "goto",         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "inline",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "long",         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "new",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "operator",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "private",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "protected",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "short",        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "signed",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "sizeof",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "static",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "switch",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "template",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "this",         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "throw",        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "true",         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "try",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "typedef",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "uniform",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "union",        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "unsigned",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "varying",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "virtual",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "volatile",     len)) i = len;
	else                                                          i = 0;

	/* If next source char is an identifier (eg. 'i' in "definate") no match */
	if (i == 0 || text_check_identifier(string[i]))
		return -1;
	return i;
예제 #10
/* matches py 'txtfmt_osl_find_decorator' */
static int txtfmt_osl_find_preprocessor(const char *string)
	if (string[0] == '#') {
		int i = 1;
		/* Whitespace is ok '#  foo' */
		while (text_check_whitespace(string[i])) {
		while (text_check_identifier(string[i])) {
		return i;
	return -1;
예제 #11
static int txtfmt_py_find_decorator(const char *string)
	if (string[0] == '@') {
		int i = 1;
		/* Whitespace is ok '@  foo' */
		while (text_check_whitespace(string[i])) {
		while (text_check_identifier(string[i])) {
		return i;
	return -1;
예제 #12
static int txtfmt_osl_find_specialvar(const char *string)
	int i, len;
	/* OSL shader types */
	if      (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "shader",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "surface",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "volume",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "displacement", len)) i = len;
	else                                                    i = 0;

	/* If next source char is an identifier (eg. 'i' in "definate") no match */
	if (i == 0 || text_check_identifier(string[i]))
		return -1;
	return i;
예제 #13
static int find_bool(char *string) 
	int i = 0;
	/* Check for "False" */
	if(string[0]=='F' && string[1]=='a' && string[2]=='l' && string[3]=='s' && string[4]=='e')
		i = 5;
	/* Check for "True" */
	else if(string[0]=='T' && string[1]=='r' && string[2]=='u' && string[3]=='e')
		i = 4;
	/* Check for "None" */
	else if(string[0]=='N' && string[1]=='o' && string[2]=='n' && string[3]=='e')
		i = 4;
	/* If next source char is an identifier (eg. 'i' in "definate") no match */
	if(i==0 || text_check_identifier(string[i]))
		return -1;
	return i;
예제 #14
static int txtfmt_lua_find_specialvar(const char *string)
	int i, len;

	if      (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "assert",           len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "collectgarbage",   len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "dofile",           len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "error",            len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "_G",               len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "getfenv",          len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "getmetatable",     len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "__index",          len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "ipairs",           len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "load",             len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "loadfile",         len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "loadstring",       len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "next",             len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "pairs",            len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "pcall",            len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "print",            len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "rawequal",         len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "rawget",           len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "rawset",           len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "select",           len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "setfenv",          len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "setmetatable",     len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "tonumber",         len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "tostring",         len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "type",             len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "unpack",           len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "_VERSION",         len))   i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "xpcall",           len))   i = len;
	else                                                i = 0;

	/* If next source char is an identifier (eg. 'i' in "definate") no match */
	if (i == 0 || text_check_identifier(string[i]))
		return -1;
	return i;
예제 #15
static int txtfmt_ini_find_bool(const char *string)
	int i, len;
	/* Built-in Constants */
	if      (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "false",   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "no",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "off",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "true",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "yes",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "on",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "pi",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "tau",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "%o",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "%s",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "%n",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "%k",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "%h",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "%w",      len)) i = len;
	else                                                     i = 0;

	/* If next source char is an identifier (eg. 'i' in "Nonetheless") no match */
	return (i == 0 || text_check_identifier(string[i])) ? -1 : i;
예제 #16
static int txtfmt_osl_find_builtinfunc(const char *string)
	int i, len;
	/* list is from
	 * https://github.com/imageworks/OpenShadingLanguage/raw/master/src/doc/osl-languagespec.pdf
	if      (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "break",        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "closure",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "color",        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "continue",     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "do",           len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "else",         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "emit",         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "float",        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "for",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "if",           len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "illuminance",  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "illuminate",   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "int",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "matrix",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "normal",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "output",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "point",        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "public",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "return",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "string",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "struct",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "vector",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "void",         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "while",        len)) i = len;
	else                                                          i = 0;

	/* If next source char is an identifier (eg. 'i' in "definate") no match */
	if (i == 0 || text_check_identifier(string[i]))
		return -1;
	return i;
예제 #17
static int txtfmt_ini_find_reserved(const char *string)
	int i, len;
	/* POV-Ray Built-in INI Variables
	 * list is from...
	 * http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/3.7.0/212/
	     if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "RenderCompleteSoundEnabled",   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Create_Continue_Trace_Log",    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "ParseErrorSoundEnabled",       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "RenderErrorSoundEnabled",      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "HideWhenMainMinimized",        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Antialias_Confidence",         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "RenderCompleteSound",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "ParseErrorSound",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "RenderErrorSound",             len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "UseExtensions",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "ReadWriteSourceDir",           len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "NormalPositionLeft",           len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "NormalPositionTop",            len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "NormalPositionRight",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "NormalPositionBottom",         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Pre_Scene_Command",            len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Pre_Frame_Command",            len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Post_Scene_Command",           len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Post_Frame_Command",           len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "User_Abort_Command",           len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Fatal_Error_Command",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "NormalPositionX",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "NormalPositionY",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Pre_Scene_Return",             len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Pre_Frame_Return",             len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Post_Scene_Return",            len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Post_Frame_Return",            len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "User_Abort_Return",            len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Fatal_Error_Return",           len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Antialias_Threshold",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Antialias_Gamma",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Antialias_Depth",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "input_file_name",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Subset_Start_Frame",           len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Subset_End_Frame",             len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "UseToolbar",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "UseTooltips",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Frame_Step",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Cyclic_Animation",             len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Field_Render",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Odd_Field",                    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "final_clock",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "final_frame",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "frame_number",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "initial_clock",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "initial_frame",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "image_height",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "image_width",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Start_Column",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Start_Row",                    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "End_Column",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "End_Row",                      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Test_Abort_Count",             len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Test_Abort",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Continue_Trace",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Bounding_Method",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Create_Ini",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Display_Gamma",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Display",                      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Version",                      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Pause_When_Done",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Verbose",                      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Preview_Start_Size",           len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Preview_End_Size",             len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Output_to_File",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Input_File_Name",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Output_File_Name",             len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Output_File_Type",             len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Output_Alpha",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Bits_Per_Color",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Compression",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Dither_Method",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Include_Header",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Library_Path",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Debug_Console",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Fatal_Console",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Render_Console",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Statistic_Console",            len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Warning_Console",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Warning_Level",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "All_Console",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Debug_File",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Fatal_File",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Render_File",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Statistic_File",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Warning_File",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "All_File",                     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Quality",                      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Bounding_Threshold",           len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Bounding",                     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Light_Buffer",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Vista_Buffer",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Remove_Bounds",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Split_Unions",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Antialias",                    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Glare_Desaturation",           len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Sampling_Method",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Stochastic_Seed",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Jitter_Amount",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Jitter",                       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Antialias_Depth",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "CheckNewVersion",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "RunCount",                     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "CommandLine",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "TextColour",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "WarningColour",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "ErrorColour",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "BackgroundColour",             len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "DropToEditor",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "LastRenderName",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "LastRenderPath",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "LastQueuePath",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "SecondaryINISection",          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "BetaVersionNo64",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "LastBitmapName",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "LastBitmapPath",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "LastINIPath",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "SecondaryINIFile",             len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "BackgroundFile",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "SaveSettingsOnExit",           len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "TileBackground",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "HideNewUserHelp",              len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "SendSystemInfo",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "ItsAboutTime",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "LastPath",                     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Band0Width",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Band1Width",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Band2Width",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Band3Width",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Band4Width",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "ShowCmd",                      len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Transparency",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Use8BitMode",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "MakeActive",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "KeepAboveMain",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "AutoClose",                    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "PreserveBitmap",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "FontSize",                     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "FontWeight",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "KeepMessages",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "AlertSound",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Completion",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Priority",                     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "DutyCycle",                    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "AlertOnCompletion",            len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "AutoRender",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "PreventSleep",                 len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "NoShelloutWait",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "SystemNoActive",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "NoShellOuts",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "VideoSource",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "SceneFile",                    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "OutputFile",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "IniOutputFile",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "CurrentDirectory",             len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "SourceFile",                   len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Rendering",                    len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "RenderwinClose",               len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Append_File",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Warning Level",                len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "clock_delta",                  len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "clock_on",                     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "clock",                        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Height",                       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Width",                        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Dither",                       len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Flags",                        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "Font",                         len)) i = len;
	/* Filetypes */
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "df3",                          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "exr",                          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "gif",                          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "hdr",                          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "iff",                          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "jpeg",                         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "pgm",                          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "png",                          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "ppm",                          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "sys",                          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "tga",                          len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "tiff",                         len)) i = len;
	/* Encodings */
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "ascii",                        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "utf8",                         len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "uint8",                        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "uint16be",                     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "uint16le",                     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "sint8",                        len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "sint16be",                     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "sint16le",                     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "sint32be",                     len)) i = len;
	else if (STR_LITERAL_STARTSWITH(string, "sint32le",                     len)) i = len;

	else                                                                          i = 0;

	/* If next source char is an identifier (eg. 'i' in "definite") no match */
	return (i == 0 || text_check_identifier(string[i])) ? -1 : i;
예제 #18
/* BKE_text.h */
int text_check_identifier_unicode(const unsigned int ch)
	return (ch < 255 && text_check_identifier((char)ch)) || Py_UNICODE_ISALNUM(ch);