static void writeFormat_insertOneSentenceWithFirstFormat_CountZero (void **state) { text_t *text = text_new(); int place = 0, format = 1; char sentence[L]; strcpy (sentence, "Zhenya"); text_insert (text, place, sentence, format); text_t *text1 = text_new(); text1 = text_writeFormat(text,0); assert_int_equal (text_getCount(text1), 0); }
static void writeFormat_insertOneSentenceWithThirdFormat_CountOnePlaceZeroFormatThird (void **state) { text_t *text = text_new(); int place = 0, format = 3; char sentence[L]; strcpy (sentence, "Zhenya"); text_insert (text, place, sentence, format); text_t *text1 = text_new(); text1 = text_writeFormat(text,format); assert_int_equal (text_getCount(text1), 1); assert_string_equal (text_getString(text1, place), sentence); assert_int_equal (text_getFormat(text1, place), format); }
int main () { FILE *input; input = fopen ("input.txt","r"); text_t *text; text = text_new(); int stringCount, i, format; char string[L]; fscanf (input, "%i", &stringCount); for (i = 0; i < stringCount; i++) { fscanf (input, "%i", &format); fscanf (input, "%s", string); text_insert(text, i, string, format); } text_delete (text, 3); printf ("%i\n", text_getCount(text)); text_writeFormat (text, 0); text_free (text); fclose (input); return 0; }
static void writeFormat_insertTwoSentenceWithFirstAndSecondFormat_CountOnePlaceZeroFormatSecond (void **state) { text_t *text = text_new(); char sentence1[L], sentence2[L]; strcpy (sentence1, "Zhenya1"); strcpy (sentence2, "Zhenya2"); text_insert (text, 0, sentence1, 1); text_insert (text, 1, sentence2, 2); text_t *text1 = text_new(); text1 = text_writeFormat(text, 2); assert_int_equal (text_getCount(text1), 1); assert_string_equal (text_getString(text1, 0), sentence2); assert_int_equal (text_getFormat(text1, 0), 2); }
Text* sci_text_new(ScintillaObject* sci) { return text_new(sci, (VirtualTextGetChar) sci_text_get_char, (VirtualTextGetRange) sci_text_get_range, (VirtualTextSetRange) sci_text_set_range, (VirtualTextIsEof) sci_text_is_eof, (VirtualTextFree) sci_text_free); }
int main() { int n; int index, format; int cntMax; char str[200]; printf("Vedit max kilkist rechen:"); scanf("%i", &cntMax); printf("\nVedit 1 rechennya.\n"); scanf("%s", str); text_t pStruct = text_new(cntMax,str); printf("1. Dodatu rechenya.\n2. Vudalutu rechenya.\n3.Vuberu format.\n"); printf("4.Otrunai perelic rechen specialnogo formatu.\n5.Otrumai perelik tvoih rechen.\n6.Vuhid\n\n "); for(;;) { text_getList(pStruct); printf("\n\nVvedu nomer komandu: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%i", &n); switch(n) { case 1: printf("Napushu index i stroku.\n"); scanf("%i %s", &index, str); text_Insert(pStruct,index,str); break; case 2: printf("Napushu index: "); scanf("%i", &index); text_deleteStr(pStruct, index); break; case 3: printf("Napushu index (0...%i) i potim jogo format (0..3):\n", pStruct->cntReal - 1); scanf("%i %i", &index, &format); text_setFormat(index, format,pStruct); break; case 4: printf("Vedit nomer formaty (0..3):\n"); scanf("%i", &format); text_getListForm(pStruct,format); break; case 5: printf("%i", text_getRealCntStr(pStruct)); break; default: text_delete(pStruct); return 0; break; } } }
Text* string_text_new(const char* initial) { StringText* text = g_new(StringText, 1); text->text = g_strdup(initial); text->length = strlen(initial); return text_new(text, (VirtualTextGetChar) string_text_get_char, (VirtualTextGetRange) string_text_get_range, (VirtualTextSetRange) string_text_set_range, (VirtualTextIsEof) string_text_is_eof, (VirtualTextFree) string_text_free); }
int main() { int i,j; char str[20] = "do1.txt"; text_t * text = text_new(str); // if (text != NULL) //text_print(text); sentense_t * tmp = NULL; int flag = 0; for ( i = 0; i < text_sentence_count(text); i++) { tmp = text_get_sentence(text, i); for ( j = 0; j < sentence_word_count(tmp); j++) { flag = 0; while (strcmp(word_get_str(sentence_get_word(tmp, j)), "not") == 0) { j++; if (j == sentence_word_count(tmp)) break; flag = 1; } if (flag == 1) flag = 0; else { sentence_del_word(tmp, j); j--; } } } FILE * file_out = NULL; file_out = fopen("posle.txt", "w"); if (file_out == NULL) return 1; for ( i = 0; i < text_sentence_count(text); i++) { tmp = text_get_sentence(text, i); for ( j = 0; j < sentence_word_count(tmp); j++) { if (j < sentence_word_count(tmp) - 1) fprintf(file_out, "%s, ", word_get_str(sentence_get_word(tmp, j))); else fprintf(file_out, "%s\n", word_get_str(sentence_get_word(tmp, j))); } } text_print(text); text_free(text); fclose(file_out); return 0; }
static void insert_oneSentence_countOnePlaceZeroFormatTwo(void **state) { text_t * text = text_new(); int place = 0, format = 2; char sentence[L]; strcpy (sentence, "Zhenya"); text_insert (text, place, sentence, format); assert_int_equal (text_getCount(text), 1); assert_int_equal (text_getFormat(text, place), format); assert_string_equal (text_getString(text, place), sentence); text_free(text); }
/* Append a literal ASCII text code snippet that we should emit. * Takes ownership of the malloc-allocated text memory and frees it. */ static void append_text(struct code_state *code, const char *file_name, int line_number, char *text_buffer) { struct code_text *text = text_new(); text->text = text_buffer; text->file_name = strdup(file_name); text->line_number = line_number; struct code_fragment *fragment = fragment_new(); fragment->type = FRAGMENT_TEXT; fragment->contents.text = text; append_fragment(code, fragment); }
static void delete_hasOneInertedSentence_CountZero(void **state) { text_t * text = text_new(); int place = 0, format = 2; char sentence[L]; strcpy (sentence, "Zhenya"); text_insert (text, place, sentence, format); text_delete (text, place); assert_int_equal(text_getCount(text), 0); text_free(text); }
int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { /* make a test window */ tw = text_new(); if (!hPrevInstance) { HICON hicon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); text_register_class(hicon); } text_font(tw, "Courier New", 10); text_size(tw, 80, 80); text_drag(tw, "(", ") run\r"); /* show the text window */ if (!text_create(tw, "Application Name", nCmdShow)) { /* do the real work here */ /* TESTING */ int ch; int len; char *line = new char[256]; while ( (len = text_read_line(tw, line, 256-1)) != 0 ) { text_write_buf(tw, line, len); } /* while ( text_gets(tw, line, 256-1) ) { text_puts(tw, line); } */ /* while ( (ch = text_getch(tw, )) != 4 ) text_putch(tw, ch); */ } else { } /* clean up */ text_destroy(tw); /* end program */ return 0; }
int main(){ const char name[] = "text.txt"; FILE * file; file = fopen(name, "r"); if(NULL == file) return 1; char c; int len = 0; char word[25] = ""; text_t * text = text_new(); sen_t * sen = sen_new(); while((c = fgetc(file)) != EOF){ //printf("%c", c); if(ispunct(c)){ if(c == '.' || c == '!' || c == '?'){ if(len == 0) continue; addWord(sen, word_new(word)); addSen(text, sen); sen = sen_new(); memset(word, 0, 25); len = 0; } continue; } else if(isspace(c)){ if(len == 0) continue; addWord(sen, word_new(word)); memset(word, 0, 25); len = 0; } else{ word[len] = c; len++; } } fclose(file); fprint(text); text_free(text); return 0; }
void server_file(socket_t * client, http_request_t * req) { list_t * list = list_new(); if(strcmp(req->method, "GET") == 0) { char * str; str = strtok(req->uri, "/"); while (str != NULL) { list_push_back(list, str); str = strtok(NULL,"/"); } char * word = list_get(list, 3); char * fileName = list_get(list, 2); int fileSt = file_exists(fileName); if(fileSt == 1) { text_t * text = text_new(); text_readFile(text, fileName); text_onSentences(text); int cntW = text_counting(text, word); cJSON * Words = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(Words, "FileName", cJSON_CreateString(fileName)); cJSON_AddItemToObject(Words, "CountWord", cJSON_CreateNumber(cntW)); cJSON_AddItemToObject(Words, "experience", cJSON_CreateString(word)); char * Jtext = cJSON_Print(Words); server_sent(client, Jtext); free(Jtext); } else { printf("Error! Wrong file"); return; } } list_free(list); }
int main() { FILE * input = file_new("input.txt","r"); FILE * output = file_new("output.txt","w"); char buffer[100000]; sentence_t * sentence; word_t * word; fread(buffer,1,100000,input); text_t * text = text_new(buffer); removeSymbols(buffer); text_divide(text); int sentences_count = text_getSentencesCount(text); for (int i = 0; i < sentences_count; i++) { sentence = text_getSentence(text,i); sentence_divide(sentence); int words_count = sentence_getWordsCount(sentence); if (words_count < 5) sentence_deleteSentence(sentence); else { for (int j = 0; j < words_count; j++) { word = sentence_getWords(sentence,j); if (word_getWord(word) != NULL) fprintf(output,"%s,",word_getWord(word)); } fprintf(output,"\n"); } } word_free(word); sentence_free(sentence); text_free(text); file_free(input); file_free(output); printf("DONE"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { /*variable declarations, remember, all v. decls. are at the beginning of each function in C*/ int done = 0; const Uint8 * keys; int mx,my; float mf = 0; float guyFrame = 0; Sprite *thing; Sprite *thing2; Sprite *guyx; Sprite *galSprite; Sprite *mehSprite; int controllerConnected = 0; /*Sprite *myTileMap; const int level[] = { 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 2, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 2, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 2, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 2, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 2 };*/ FILE *tilemapFile; int tileClicked = 0; int p = 0; Vector4D mouseColor = {100,255,255,200}; Vector2D flipVert = { 0, 1 }; Vector2D scaleDown = { 0.5, 0.5 }; Vector2D scaleUp = { 2, 2 }; Vector2D scaleHalfUp = { 1.5, 1.5 }; //IntNode *myLL = IntNode_init(5); /*Student *person;*/ /*Entity *guy, *testDude; Entity *en = NULL; Entity *biggo = NULL; FILE *infile; Entity *fileLoadedDude = NULL; Entity *fileLoadedDude2 = NULL;*/ SDL_Event e; SDL_Surface *icon = SDL_LoadBMP("images/sprites/guy16x.bmp"); FILE *bandFile; FILE *levelFile; Sound *NJITtheme = NULL; Sound *snareDrum = NULL; Sound *flute = NULL; Sound *trumpet = NULL; Sound *altoSax = NULL; Sound *tenorSax = NULL; Uint32 musicPlaying = 0; //Sound *clap = NULL; Sound *cdEject = NULL; /*TTF_Font *PencilFont = TTF_OpenFont("fonts/Pencil.ttf", 24); if (!PencilFont) { slog("Error loading font"); } SDL_Color colorBlack = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; SDL_Surface *surfaceMessage = TTF_RenderText_Solid(PencilFont, "placeholdha", colorBlack); SDL_Texture *message = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(gf2d_graphics_get_renderer, surfaceMessage); Sprite *textBox;*/ TTF_Font *PencilFont; SDL_Color colorBlack = { 0, 0, 0, 255 }; SDL_Surface *surfaceMessage; SDL_Texture *message; Sprite *textBox; TextDisplay *nameText; int texW = 0, texH = 0; SDL_Rect rect = { 65, 630, 0, 0 }; SDL_Surface *instrumentSurface; SDL_Texture *instrumentTexture; int instX = 0, instY = 0; SDL_Rect instrumentRect = { 65, 660, 0, 0 }; Uint8 playButtonPressed = 0; srand(time(NULL)); /*program initializtion*/ init_logger("dmdwa.log"); slog("---==== BEGIN ====---"); gf2d_graphics_initialize( "Drum Majors Don't Wear Aussies", 1200, 720, 1200, 720, vector4d(0,0,0,255), 0, icon); //SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "0"); //This line makes images render crisp instead of blurry gf2d_graphics_set_frame_delay(16); gf2d_sprite_init(1024); entitySystemInit(1024); audioSystemInit(50, 10, 2, 0, 0, 0); soundSystemInit(25); text_system_init(50); SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); TTF_Init(); //fileLoadedDude = entityNew(); //derp //slog("%i", myLL->data); /*demo setup*/ //backgroundSprite = gf2d_sprite_load_image("images/backgrounds/bg_flat.png"); //textBox = gf2d_sprite_load_image("images/backgrounds/bg_flat.png"); mouseSprite = gf2d_sprite_load_all("images/pointer.png",32,32,16); mouse = mouseSprite; //thing = gf2d_sprite_load_all("images/sprites/test_dude.png", 32, 32, 1); //thing2 = gf2d_sprite_load_all("images/sprites/test_dude3.png", 64, 64, 1); //guyx = gf2d_sprite_load_all("images/sprites/guy32x.png", 32, 32, 2); //galSprite = gf2d_sprite_load_all("images/sprites/gal32x.png", 32, 32, 2); //mehSprite = gf2d_sprite_load_all("images/sprites/meh32x.png", 32, 32, 2); //musicSheet = gf2d_sprite_load_image("images/gui/music_sheet.png"); controllerIcon = gf2d_sprite_load_all("images/gui/controller64x.png", 64, 64, 1); //myTileMap = gf2d_sprite_load_all("images/field_tiles.png", 64, 64, 2); //person = student("Test", "Sex", thing2); //slog("Initializing student %s", person->name); /*guy = entityNew(); strncpy(guy->name, "McBandgeek", 32); guy->mySprite = guyx; guy->scale = scaleUp; guy->currentFrame = 0; guy->minFrame = 0; guy->maxFrame = 2; guy->position = vector2d(300, 100); guy->update = move; guy->myInstrument = Instrument_Tenor_Saxophone; guy->instrumentSprite = gf2d_sprite_load_all("images/sprites/instrument_tenor_sax.png", 32, 32, 1); guy->boundingBox = rect_new(guy->position.x, guy->position.y, 64, 64); testDude = NULL; //SDL_SetTextureColorMod(thing2->texture, 100, 60, 0); infile = fopen("def/dude.dude", "r"); fileLoadedDude = entityNew(); fileLoadedDude = entityLoadFromFile(infile, fileLoadedDude); fclose(infile); //fileLoadedDude->mySprite = mehSprite; fileLoadedDude->instrumentSprite = gf2d_sprite_load_all(&fileLoadedDude->instrumentSpriteFilePath, 32, 32, 1); fileLoadedDude->position = vector2d(64, 64); fileLoadedDude->boundingBox = rect_new(fileLoadedDude->position.x, fileLoadedDude->position.y, 64, 64); fileLoadedDude->scale = vector2d(2, 2); fileLoadedDude->currentFrame = 0; fileLoadedDude->minFrame = 0; fileLoadedDude->maxFrame = 2; fileLoadedDude->currentPosition = 19; slog("the thing made has name: %s", &fileLoadedDude->name); infile = fopen("def/dude2.dude", "r"); fileLoadedDude2 = entityNew(); fileLoadedDude2 = entityLoadFromFile(infile, fileLoadedDude2); fclose(infile); fileLoadedDude2->instrumentSprite = gf2d_sprite_load_all(&fileLoadedDude2->instrumentSpriteFilePath, 32, 32, 1); fileLoadedDude2->position = vector2d(128, 64); fileLoadedDude2->boundingBox = rect_new(fileLoadedDude2->position.x, fileLoadedDude2->position.y, 64, 64); fileLoadedDude2->scale = vector2d(2, 2); fileLoadedDude2->currentFrame = 0; fileLoadedDude2->minFrame = 0; fileLoadedDude2->maxFrame = 2; fileLoadedDude2->currentPosition = 20;*/ tile_map = tilemap_init(); load_level("def/level/mainMenu.txt", 0); //textBox->texture = message; //Trying to load a tilemap from file //tilemapFile = fopen("def/level/field_0.tilemap", "r"); //tilemap_load_from_file(tilemapFile, tile_map); //fclose(tilemapFile); //slog("tilewidth: (%i) tileheight: (%i) tperline: (%i) filepath: (...) width: (%i) height: (%i) xPos: (%i) yPos: (%i)", tile_map->tileWidth, tile_map->tileHeight, tile_map->tilesPerLine, tile_map->width, tile_map->height, tile_map->xPos, tile_map->yPos); //slog("do i have a sprite? %i", tile_map->tilemapSprite != NULL); //tile_map->space[19] = 1; //tile_map->space[20] = 1; /*slog("tile pq start"); while (tile_map->tiles_head != NULL) { p = pq_delete(tile_map->tiles_head, tile_map->tiles_tail); if (p == NULL) { break; } slog("Removing (%d) from pq", p); } slog("tile pq end");*/ /*slog("start array"); for (p = 0; p < tile_map->width * tile_map->height; p++) { if (p == 512) { slog("end of array"); } else if (tile_map->tiles[p] == -1) { slog("found a -1"); } else { slog("tiles at index (%i) is (%i)", p, tile_map->tiles[p]); } } slog("end array");*/ //Trying to load all entities from a file //bandFile = fopen("def/", "r"); //entityLoadAllFromFile(bandFile); //fclose(bandFile); //Load sounds //NJITtheme = soundNew("music/bg/NJIT.ogg"); //NJITtheme = soundLoad("music/bg/NJIT.ogg", 12.0f, 3); //slog("do i have a sound? %i", NJITtheme->sound != NULL); //soundPlay(NJITtheme, 1, 0, 0, 0); //Mix_VolumeChunk(NJITtheme->sound, MIX_MAX_VOLUME); //Use this to change volume on the fly! //clap = soundLoad("music/sfx/clap.ogg", 5.0f, 1); cdEject = soundNew(); cdEject = soundLoad("music/sfx/cd_play.ogg", 18.0f, 0); snareDrum = soundNew("music/bg/meeeeh-Snare_Drum.ogg"); snareDrum = soundLoad("music/bg/meeeeh-Snare_Drum.ogg", 12.0f, Instrument_Snare_Drum); flute = soundNew("music/bg/meeeeh-Flute.ogg"); flute = soundLoad("music/bg/meeeeh-Flute.ogg", 12.0f, Instrument_Flute); trumpet = soundNew("music/bg/meeeeh-Bb_Trumpet.ogg"); trumpet = soundLoad("music/bg/meeeeh-Bb_Trumpet.ogg", 12.0f, Instrument_Trumpet); altoSax = soundNew("music/bg/meeeeh-Alto_Saxophone.ogg"); altoSax = soundLoad("music/bg/meeeeh-Alto_Saxophone.ogg", 12.0f, Instrument_Alto_Saxophone); tenorSax = soundNew("music/bg/meeeeh-Tenor_Saxophone.ogg"); tenorSax = soundLoad("music/bg/meeeeh-Tenor_Saxophone.ogg", 12.0f, Instrument_Tenor_Saxophone); //soundPlay(snareDrum, -1, 1, snareDrum->defaultChannel, 0); //soundPlay(flute, -1, 1, flute->defaultChannel, 0); //soundPlay(trumpet, -1, 1, trumpet->defaultChannel, 0); //soundPlay(altoSax, -1, 1, altoSax->defaultChannel, 0); //soundPlay(tenorSax, -1, 1, tenorSax->defaultChannel, 0); //text testing stuff PencilFont = TTF_OpenFont("fonts/Pencil.ttf", 36); if (!PencilFont) { slog("Error loading font"); } surfaceMessage = TTF_RenderText_Solid(PencilFont, "None selected", colorBlack); message = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(gf2d_graphics_get_renderer(), surfaceMessage); SDL_QueryTexture(message, NULL, NULL, &texW, &texH); rect.w = texW; rect.h = texH; nameText = text_new(PencilFont, "placeholda", colorBlack); //slog("nameText inuse (%i)", nameText->inUse); instrumentSurface = TTF_RenderText_Solid(PencilFont, "", colorBlack); instrumentTexture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(gf2d_graphics_get_renderer(), instrumentSurface); SDL_QueryTexture(instrumentTexture, NULL, NULL, &instX, &instY); instrumentRect.w = instX; instrumentRect.h = instY; cd = entityNew(); cd->mySprite = gf2d_sprite_load_all("images/gui/cd.png", 128, 128, 1); cd->position = vector2d(0, 0); cd->scale = vector2d(2, 2); cd->boundingBox = rect_new(cd->position.x, cd->position.y, 128, 128); playButton = entityNew(); playButton->mySprite = gf2d_sprite_load_image("images/gui/play.png"); playButton->position = vector2d(64, 256); strncpy(playButton->name, "playButton", MAX_CHARS); playButton->boundingBox = rect_new(playButton->position.x, playButton->position.y, playButton->mySprite->frame_w, playButton->mySprite->frame_h); /*main game loop*/ while(!done) { SDL_PumpEvents(); // update SDL's internal event structures keys = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL); // get the keyboard state for this frame /*update things here*/ SDL_GetMouseState(&mx,&my); SDL_PollEvent(&e); mf+=0.1; if (mf >= 16.0)mf = 0; guyFrame += 0.05; if (guyFrame >= 2.0)guyFrame = 0; gf2d_graphics_clear_screen();// clears drawing buffers // all drawing should happen betweem clear_screen and next_frame //backgrounds drawn first if (backgroundSprite) { gf2d_sprite_draw_image(backgroundSprite, vector2d(0, 0)); } //Me! trying to add a sprite /*tilemap_draw( myTileMap, level, 18, 10, 0, 0);*/ if (tile_map) { tilemap_draw_from_data(tile_map); } //gf2d_sprite_draw(thing, vector2d(100, 10), &scaleUp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); //gf2d_sprite_draw(thing, vector2d(100, 10), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); //gf2d_sprite_draw(guy->mySprite, guy->position, &(guy->scale), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); /*if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_W]) { (*guy->update)(guy, vector2d(0, -2)); } if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_A]) { (*guy->update)(guy, vector2d(-2, 0)); } if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_S]) { (*guy->update)(guy, vector2d(0, 2)); } if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_D]) { (*guy->update)(guy, vector2d(2, 0)); }*/ //guy->currentFrame = guyFrame; //fileLoadedDude->currentFrame = guyFrame; /* //create an entity if it doesn't exist if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_O] && testDude == NULL) { testDude = entityNew(); testDude->mySprite = thing; testDude->position = vector2d(500, 500); testDude->update = move; } //if it exists, call its update function //slog("%i", testDude != NULL); if (testDude != NULL) { //(*testDude->update)(testDude, vector2d(1, 1)); gf2d_sprite_draw(testDude->mySprite, testDude->position, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); } //delete it from memory if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_P] && testDude != NULL) { entityDelete(testDude); }*/ /*if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_L] && biggo == NULL) { biggo = entityNew(); biggo->mySprite = guyx; biggo->position = vector2d(10, 10); biggo->scale = vector2d(25, 25); biggo->inUse = 1; biggo->currentFrame = 0; biggo->minFrame = 0; biggo->maxFrame = 2; biggo->update = move; biggo->velocity = vector2d(0.5f, 0.5f); biggo->acceleration = vector2d(0.5f, 0.5f); biggo->myInstrument = Instrument_Flute; biggo->instrumentSprite = gf2d_sprite_load_all("images/sprites/instrument_flute.png", 32, 32, 1); } if (biggo != NULL) { //entityDraw(biggo); (*biggo->update)(biggo, vector2d(0.5f, 0.5f)); //biggo->currentFrame = guyFrame; } if (biggo != NULL && biggo->inUse == 1 && keys[SDL_SCANCODE_P]) { biggo->inUse = 0; entityDelete(biggo); biggo = NULL; } if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_O] && testDude == NULL) { //slog("Let's make a new thing!"); testDude = entityNew(); testDude->mySprite = mehSprite; testDude->position = vector2d(200, 200); testDude->scale = scaleUp; testDude->inUse = 1; testDude->currentFrame = 0; testDude->minFrame = 1; testDude->maxFrame = 3; testDude->update = move; testDude->instrumentSprite = gf2d_sprite_load_all("images/sprites/instrument_tuba.png", 32, 32, 1); } if (testDude != NULL) { //gf2d_sprite_draw(testDude->mySprite, testDude->position, &(testDude->scale), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); //entityDraw(testDude); (*testDude->update)(testDude, vector2d(1, 1)); //testDude->currentFrame = guyFrame; } if (testDude != NULL && testDude->inUse == 1 && keys[SDL_SCANCODE_P]) { testDude->inUse = 0; entityDelete(testDude); testDude = NULL; } if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_M] && en == NULL) { en = entityNew(); en->mySprite = galSprite; en->position = vector2d(300, 500); en->scale = vector2d(1,1); en->inUse = 1; en->currentFrame = 0; en->minFrame = 0; en->maxFrame = 4; en->update = move; en->instrumentSprite = gf2d_sprite_load_all("images/sprites/instrument_clarinet.png", 32, 32, 1); //soundPlay(clap, 0, clap->volume, clap->defaultChannel, 0); } if (en != NULL && en->inUse == 1) { //entityDraw(en); (*en->update)(en, vector2d(1, -1)); //en->currentFrame = guyFrame; } if (en != NULL && en->inUse == 1 && keys[SDL_SCANCODE_P]) { en->inUse = 0; entityDelete(en); en = NULL; } if (en != NULL && en->inUse == 1 && en->position.x >= 400) { en->inUse = 0; entityDelete(en); en = NULL; }*/ /*gf2d_sprite_draw( guyx, vector2d(64, 64), &scaleUp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 ); gf2d_sprite_draw( galSprite, vector2d(128, 64), &scaleUp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 ); gf2d_sprite_draw( mehSprite, vector2d(192, 64), &scaleUp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 );*/ //entityDraw(fileLoadedDude); entityDrawAll(); entityUpdateAll(); entityIncrementCurrentFrameAll(); if (pickedUp != NULL) { draw_line(vector2d(pickedUp->position.x + pickedUp->mySprite->frame_w, pickedUp->position.y + pickedUp->mySprite->frame_h), vector2d(mx, my), COLOR_RED); } switch (e.type) { case SDL_QUIT: done = 1; break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if (e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { tileClicked = tilemap_find_tile(mx, my, tile_map); if (tileClicked >= 0 && pickedUp != NULL) { if (tile_map->space[tileClicked] == 0) { slog("poop"); tile_map->space[pickedUp->currentPosition] = 0; tile_map->space[tileClicked] = 1; pickedUp->currentPosition = tileClicked; mouse = mouseSprite; pickedUp->position.x = (mx - tile_map->xPos) / tile_map->tileWidth * (tile_map->tileWidth); pickedUp->position.y = (my - tile_map->yPos) / tile_map->tileHeight * (tile_map->tileHeight); pickedUp = NULL; surfaceMessage = TTF_RenderText_Solid(PencilFont, "None selected", colorBlack); message = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(gf2d_graphics_get_renderer(), surfaceMessage); SDL_QueryTexture(message, NULL, NULL, &texW, &texH); rect.w = texW; rect.h = texH; instrumentSurface = TTF_RenderText_Solid(PencilFont, "", colorBlack); instrumentTexture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(gf2d_graphics_get_renderer(), instrumentSurface); SDL_QueryTexture(instrumentTexture, NULL, NULL, &instX, &instY); instrumentRect.w = instX; instrumentRect.h = instY; } } } else if (e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { if (playButton != NULL) { if (point_in_rect(mx, my, playButton->boundingBox)) { //slog("hit da BUTT"); playButtonPressed = 1; soundPlay(cdEject, 0, 5.0f, -1, 0); } } } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: if (e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) //if (mousePress(&e.button)) { /*if (point_in_rect(mx, my, guy->boundingBox)) { slog("collision with guy (%s)", guy->name); } if (point_in_rect(mx, my, fileLoadedDude->boundingBox)) { slog("collision with guy (%s)", &fileLoadedDude->name); if (pickedUp == NULL) { pickedUp = fileLoadedDude; mouse = fileLoadedDude->mySprite; } } if (point_in_rect(mx, my, fileLoadedDude2->boundingBox)) { slog("collision with guy (%s)", &fileLoadedDude2->name); if (pickedUp == NULL) { pickedUp = fileLoadedDude2; mouse = fileLoadedDude2->mySprite; } }*/ collision = entityCheckCollisionInAll(mx, my); if (collision != NULL && collision->myInstrument != Instrument_Unassigned) { slog("collision with guy (%s)", &collision->name); if (pickedUp == NULL) { pickedUp = collision; mouse = collision->mySprite; surfaceMessage = TTF_RenderText_Solid(PencilFont, &pickedUp->name, colorBlack); message = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(gf2d_graphics_get_renderer(), surfaceMessage); SDL_QueryTexture(message, NULL, NULL, &texW, &texH); rect.w = texW; rect.h = texH; instrumentSurface = TTF_RenderText_Solid(PencilFont, entityGetInstrumentName(pickedUp), colorBlack); instrumentTexture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(gf2d_graphics_get_renderer(), instrumentSurface); SDL_QueryTexture(instrumentTexture, NULL, NULL, &instX, &instY); instrumentRect.w = instX; instrumentRect.h = instY; } } //if (point_in_rect(mx, my, tile_map->boundingBox)) tileClicked = tilemap_find_tile(mx, my, tile_map); if (tileClicked >= 0) { //slog("collided with tilemap on tile (%i), occupied (%i)", tileClicked, tile_map->space[tileClicked]); } } break; case SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED: slog("Connected a controller"); controllerConnected = 1; break; case SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED: slog("Removed a controller"); controllerConnected = 0; break; } if (playButtonPressed && cd != NULL) { cd->position.x += 5; } if (cd != NULL) { if (point_in_rect(1000, 10, cd->boundingBox)) { load_level("def/level/myLevel.txt", 1); if (musicPlaying > 0) { //Mix_RewindMusic(); Mix_HaltChannel(-1); } soundPlay(snareDrum, -1, 1, snareDrum->defaultChannel, 0); soundPlay(flute, -1, 1, flute->defaultChannel, 0); soundPlay(trumpet, -1, 1, trumpet->defaultChannel, 0); soundPlay(altoSax, -1, 1, altoSax->defaultChannel, 0); soundPlay(tenorSax, -1, 1, tenorSax->defaultChannel, 0); musicPlaying = 1; } } //slog("ds %i %i %i %i", cd->boundingBox->x, cd->boundingBox->y, cd->boundingBox->w, cd->boundingBox->h); //UI elements last if (musicSheet) gf2d_sprite_draw(musicSheet, vector2d(0, 592), &scaleUp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); if (gui) gf2d_sprite_draw(gui, vector2d(0, 0), &scaleUp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); //text_draw_all(); //text_draw(nameText); if (message && musicSheet) { SDL_RenderCopy(gf2d_graphics_get_renderer(), message, NULL, &rect); SDL_RenderCopy(gf2d_graphics_get_renderer(), instrumentTexture, NULL, &instrumentRect); } //SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); //gf2d_sprite_draw_image(textBox, vector2d(50, 50)); if (controllerConnected && controllerIcon) gf2d_sprite_draw(controllerIcon, vector2d(700, 600), &scaleUp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); if (pickedUp == NULL) { gf2d_sprite_draw( mouse, //Sprite to load vector2d(mx, my), //Position to draw it at NULL, //If you want to scale the sprite NULL, //Scale the sprite from a certain position NULL, //Rotation NULL, //Flip &mouseColor, //Color shift (int)mf); //Which frame to draw at } else { gf2d_sprite_draw( mouse, //Sprite to load vector2d(mx, my), //Position to draw it at &scaleHalfUp, //If you want to scale the sprite NULL, //Scale the sprite from a certain position NULL, //Rotation NULL, //Flip &mouseColor, //Color shift 0); //Which frame to draw at } gf2d_grahics_next_frame();// render current draw frame and skip to the next frame if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_Q]) { //close_level(tile_map); load_level("def/level/myLevel.txt", 1); if (musicPlaying > 0) { //Mix_RewindMusic(); Mix_HaltChannel(-1); } soundPlay(snareDrum, -1, 1, snareDrum->defaultChannel, 0); soundPlay(flute, -1, 1, flute->defaultChannel, 0); soundPlay(trumpet, -1, 1, trumpet->defaultChannel, 0); soundPlay(altoSax, -1, 1, altoSax->defaultChannel, 0); soundPlay(tenorSax, -1, 1, tenorSax->defaultChannel, 0); musicPlaying = 1; } if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE])done = 1; // exit condition //slog("Rendering at %f FPS",gf2d_graphics_get_frames_per_second()); } slog("---==== END ====---"); TTF_Quit(); SDL_DestroyTexture(message); SDL_FreeSurface(surfaceMessage); return 0; }
// unit-test function static void new_void_zeroCount(void **state) { text_t * text = text_new(); assert_int_equal(text_getCount(text), 0); text_free(text); }