예제 #1
void main()
	char radius[50];
	set_gfx_mode( GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 640, 480, 0, 0);

	line(screen, 320 , 0, 320, 480, makecol(255,255,0 ));
    line(screen, 0 , 240, 640, 240, makecol(255,255,0 ));
	circle (screen, 320,240,300, makecol(0,0,255));
	circle (screen, 320,240,200, makecol(0,0,255));
	circle (screen, 320,240,100, makecol(0,0,255));
	textout_ex(screen, font, "Probabilistic Machine by Tuyama",50,10, makecol(255,0,0), -1);

	while( !key[KEY_ESC]){

		raddius = sqrt((double)((x-320)*(x-320)+(y-240)*(y-240)));
		textout_ex(screen, font, "radius: ", 30, 30, makecol(255,0,0), -1);
		if (t%100==0)
			rectfill(screen, 90, 25, 150, 40, makecol(0, 0, 0));
			textout_ex(screen, font, itoa(raddius, radius, 10), 100, 30, makecol(255,0,0), -1);

예제 #2
void declare_winner()
          textout_ex( screen, font, "Player 1 Wins!", 280, 150, makecol( 255, 0, 0), makecol( 0, 0, 0)); 
          p1_x = 20;
          p1_y = 210;
          p2_x = 620;
          p2_y = 210;
    else if(count2==5)
          textout_ex( screen, font, "Player 2 Wins!", 280, 150, makecol( 255, 0, 0), makecol( 0, 0, 0));       
          p1_x = 20;
          p1_y = 210;
          p2_x = 620;
          p2_y = 210;
예제 #3
파일: Entorno.cpp 프로젝트: jacedo/logo
void muestra_mensaje (const TipoMensaje msg) {

	printf("Muestro el mensaje -> %s\n",msg);
	textout_ex( screen, font, "                                        ",  500,550 , makecol( 255,   0, 0), makecol(0, 0, 0));
	textout_ex( screen, font, msg,                                         500,550 , makecol( 255, 255, 0), makecol(0, 0, 0));

예제 #4
파일: menus.c 프로젝트: puyo/dogfight
void draw_menu(BITMAP *scrbuffer, DATAFILE *main_data, struct menuinfo menu,
               int row, int col)
// function paints a given menu onto the given bitmap

    char count;

    color_map = &trans_table;

    blit(main_data[TITLE_PAGE].dat, scrbuffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);
//draw_trans_sprite(scrbuffer, main_data[TITLE_PAGE].dat, 0, 0);

    if (menu.fontsize == 2) {
        for (count = 0; count <= menu.num_of_options-1; count++)
            textout_ex(scrbuffer, main_data[FONTSMALL].dat, menu.option[count], col,
                       row+count*32, GREY+15, -1);
        // draw a highlight/cursor
        draw_sprite(scrbuffer, main_data[CURSOR].dat, col-32, row+menu.highlight*32+4);
    else if (menu.fontsize == 1) {
        for (count = 0; count <= menu.num_of_options-1; count++)
            textout_ex(scrbuffer, font, menu.option[count], col, row+count*16,
                       GREY+15, -1);
        // draw a highlight/cursor
        draw_sprite(scrbuffer, main_data[CURSOR].dat, col-32, row+menu.highlight*16);

예제 #5
파일: d_procs.cpp 프로젝트: wziard/miner
static void dialog_textout(char *string, int x, int y, int color)
   textout_ex(screen,fnt_andrus_4,string,x+1, y,makecol(0,0,0),-1);
   textout_ex(screen,fnt_andrus_4,string,x, y+1,makecol(0,0,0),-1);
   textout_ex(screen,fnt_andrus_4,string,x+1, y+1,makecol(0,0,0),-1);
   textout_ex(screen,fnt_andrus_4,string,x, y,color,-1);
//this thread updates sprite 0
void* playerdraw_thread(void* data)
    //get this thread id
    int my_thread_id = *((int*)data);

    //thread's main loop
        //lock the mutex to protect variables
        if (pthread_mutex_lock(&threadsafe))
            textout_ex(buffer,font,"ERROR: thread mutex was locked",0,0,WHITE,0);
			//call the owl draw function

        //unlock the mutex
        if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&threadsafe))
            textout_ex(buffer,font,"ERROR: thread mutex unlock error",0,0,WHITE,0);


    // terminate the thread

    return NULL;
void draw_palette() {
   int count = 0;     //loop counts
   int count2 = 0;    //[note: as relevant names as could be bothered to make]
   int count3 = 0;
   int count4 = 0;
   int columns = 15;   //columns,rows, needed to output all colors in default palette
   int rows = 15;
   int startx = 10;   //x,y position of color output on screen
   int starty = 10;
   int tempy = 10;
   int color = 0;      //starting color to output
   int pixels = 20;    //pixels^2 = size of each square
   for(count4 = 0; count4 <= rows; count4++){   //deals with each row of palette output

      for(count = 0; count <= columns; count++) {    //deals with each column of pallete output

         starty = tempy;

         for(count3 = 0; count3 <= pixels; count3++) {           //outputs pixels for each sqr row
            for (count2 = 0; count2 <= pixels; count2++) {        //for pixels per sample (square)
               if (color < 256) {
                  putpixel(screen, startx+count2, starty, color);
         starty = tempy;    //resets starty to correct row value
         color++;           //increments current palette color
         startx+=pixels;    //increments column, plus relevant no. pixels
      startx = 10;     //resets column start to ten pixels from left
      tempy+=pixels;   //increments row, plus relevant no. pixels  
   /*Prints the relevant palette name below main output on screen.*/
   if (p==0) {
      textout_ex(screen, font, "desktop palette", 10, 340, 8, -1);
      textout_ex(screen, font, "default palette", 10, 340, 13, -1);
   } else { 
      if (p==1) {
         textout_ex(screen, font, "default palette", 10, 340, 8, -1);
         textout_ex(screen, font, "desktop palette", 10, 340, 3, -1);
예제 #8
void showWin()
        textout_ex( screen, font, "Player 2 Wins!", 160, 120, makecol( 255, 0, 0), makecol( 0, 255, 0));
        textout_ex( screen, font, "Player 1 Wins!", 160, 120, makecol( 255, 0, 0), makecol( 0, 255, 0));
    dir = rand() % 4 + 1;
예제 #9
파일: world.c 프로젝트: puyo/tankdemo
/* draw everything */
void render(BITMAP *bmp)
   char buf[80];
   MATRIX_f roller, camera;
   int x, y, w, h;
   float xfront, yfront, zfront;
   float xup, yup, zup;

   /* clear the background */

   set_projection_viewport(0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);

   /* calculate the in-front vector */
   xfront = sin(heading) * cos(pitch);
   yfront = sin(pitch);
   zfront = cos(heading) * cos(pitch);

   /* rotate the up vector around the in-front vector by the roll angle */
   get_vector_rotation_matrix_f(&roller, xfront, yfront, zfront, roll*128.0/M_PI);
   apply_matrix_f(&roller, 0, -1, 0, &xup, &yup, &zup);

   /* build the camera matrix */
		       xpos, ypos, zpos,        /* camera position */
		       xfront, yfront, zfront,  /* in-front vector */
		       xup, yup, zup,           /* up vector */
		       fov,                     /* field of view */
		       aspect);                 /* aspect ratio */

   /* draw the grid of squares */
   for (x=0; x<GRID_SIZE; x++)
      for (y=0; y<GRID_SIZE; y++)
	 draw_square(bmp, &camera, x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE);

   /* overlay some text */
   set_clip_rect(bmp, 0, 0, bmp->w, bmp->h);
   sprintf(buf, "Field of view: %d (f/F changes)", fov);
   textout_ex(bmp, font, buf, 0, 16, 255, -1);
   sprintf(buf, "Aspect ratio: %.2f (a/A changes)", aspect);
   textout_ex(bmp, font, buf, 0, 24, 255, -1);
   sprintf(buf, "X position: %.2f (x/X changes)", xpos);
   textout_ex(bmp, font, buf, 0, 32, 255, -1);
   sprintf(buf, "Y position: %.2f (y/Y changes)", ypos);
   textout_ex(bmp, font, buf, 0, 40, 255, -1);
   sprintf(buf, "Z position: %.2f (z/Z changes)", zpos);
   textout_ex(bmp, font, buf, 0, 48, 255, -1);
   sprintf(buf, "Heading: %.2f deg (left/right changes)", DEG(heading));
   textout_ex(bmp, font, buf, 0, 56, 255, -1);
   sprintf(buf, "Pitch: %.2f deg (pgup/pgdn changes)", DEG(pitch));
   textout_ex(bmp, font, buf, 0, 64, 255, -1);
   sprintf(buf, "Roll: %.2f deg (r/R changes)", DEG(roll));
   textout_ex(bmp, font, buf, 0, 72, 255, -1);
   sprintf(buf, "Front vector: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f", xfront, yfront, zfront);
   textout_ex(bmp, font, buf, 0, 80, 255, -1);
   sprintf(buf, "Up vector: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f", xup, yup, zup);
   textout_ex(bmp, font, buf, 0, 88, 255, -1);
예제 #10
void Editor::draw()
  // Background
  rectfill(buffer, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, makecol(255,255,255));

  if( saving){
    //Create gui
    textprintf_centre_ex(buffer,font,640,310, makecol(0,0,0),-1,"Save Map Name");

    //Input rectangle
    rectfill(buffer, 400, 408, 892, 452, makecol(0,0,0));
    rectfill(buffer, 402, 410, 890, 450, makecol(255,255,255));

    // Output the string to the screen
    textout_ex(buffer, font, edittext.c_str(), 410, 410, makecol(0,0,0), -1);

    // Draw the caret
    vline(buffer, text_length(font, edittext.c_str()) + 410 - text_length(font, ".txt") , 412, 448, makecol(0,0,0));
  else if( opening){
    //Create gui
    textprintf_centre_ex(buffer,font,640,310, makecol(0,0,0),-1,"Open Map Name");

    //Input rectangle
    rectfill(buffer, 400, 408, 892, 452, makecol(0,0,0));
    rectfill(buffer, 402, 410, 890, 450, makecol(255,255,255));

    // Output the string to the screen
    textout_ex(buffer, font, edittext.c_str(), 410, 410, makecol(0,0,0), -1);

    // Draw the caret
    vline(buffer, text_length(font, edittext.c_str()) + 410 - text_length(font, ".txt") , 412, 448, makecol(0,0,0));
    // Draw tiles
    tile_map -> draw_map( buffer);
    exampleTile -> draw_tile( buffer, 0, 0, 0);

    // Map info
    textprintf_ex(buffer,font,0,80,makecol(255,255,255),makecol(0,0,0),"height-%i width-%i", tile_map -> height, tile_map -> width);

    if(layer == 1){
      textprintf_ex(buffer,font,0,130,makecol(255,255,255),makecol(0,0,0),"Editing Mode: Foreground");
    else if(layer == 0){
      textprintf_ex(buffer,font,0,130,makecol(255,255,255),makecol(0,0,0),"Editing Mode: Background");

    // Cursor
    circlefill(buffer, mouse_x , mouse_y , 10, makecol(0,0,0));
    circlefill(buffer, mouse_x , mouse_y, 8, makecol(255,255,255));
  // Draw buffer
  stretch_sprite( screen, buffer, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);
예제 #11
파일: pong.cpp 프로젝트: mirgee/exercises
void checkWin(){

    if ( ball_x < p1_x){
        textout_ex( screen, font, "Player 2 Wins!", 320, 240, makecol( 255, 0, 0), makecol( 0, 0, 0)); 
    } else if ( ball_x > p2_x){
        textout_ex( screen, font, "Player 1 Wins!", 320, 240, makecol( 255, 0, 0), makecol( 0, 0, 0)); 
예제 #12
파일: screen.c 프로젝트: andrecap/car-race
void init_screen_map(screen_t* my_screen){
	my_screen->map.x = 0;
	my_screen->map.y = 0;
	my_screen->map.w = MAP_W;
	my_screen->map.h = MAP_H;
	my_screen->map.background = create_bitmap(my_screen->map.w, my_screen->map.h);
	clear_to_color(my_screen->map.background, makecol(0,0,0));
	textout_centre_ex(my_screen->map.background, font, "--- CAR RACE ----", 400, 200, makecol(204, 0 , 0), makecol(255, 255, 0));
	textout_centre_ex(my_screen->map.background, font, "select your map and go!", 400, 208, makecol(204, 0 , 0), makecol(255, 255, 0));
	textout_ex(my_screen->map.background, font, "City Map", 336, 250, makecol(255, 255, 255), makecol(204, 0 , 0));
	textout_ex(my_screen->map.background, font, "Race Truck", 336, 258, makecol(255, 255, 255), -1);
예제 #13
void draw_text(BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y, int color, const char *format, ...)
  char buf[512];
  va_list ap;

  va_start(ap, format);
  uvszprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, ap);

  textout_ex(bmp, gamefont, buf, x, y+1, blend_color(color, makecol(0, 0, 0), 0.5), -1);
  textout_ex(bmp, gamefont, buf, x, y, color, -1);
예제 #14
파일: graphics.c 프로젝트: glipari/ptask
/* draw the identifier of the task activated */
void draw_activation (int numTActive, int idT, int prio, bool verbose){

	char str_prio[3];
	char str_id[3];
	int x;
	snprintf(str_id,3, "T%d", idT+1);
	snprintf(str_prio,3, "%d", prio);

	x = XMIN + ( (strlen("ACTIVATION  SEQUENCE = ") + 1) * PIXEL_CHAR ) + ( 3 * numTActive ) * PIXEL_CHAR;
	textout_ex(screen, font, str_id, x, BASE1 + 10, FGC, 0);
	if (verbose) textout_ex(screen, font, str_prio, x, BASE1 + 20, FGC, 0);
예제 #15
void announceWinner() 
	//announces the winner
	if( turn == 1){
		textout_ex( screen, font, "X Wins!!!!", 300, 240, makecol( 255, 0, 0), makecol( 0, 0, 0));
	}else {
		textout_ex( screen, font, "Y Wins!!!!", 300, 240, makecol( 255, 0, 0), makecol( 0, 0, 0));

void checkWin()
	//checks for a winner 

void drawXO()
	//draws in the X and O

void moveBox()
	//takes input

int main()
	//now we actually build it
	set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0);

	xSprite = load_bitmap("x.bmp", NULL);

	oSprite = load_bitmap("o.bmp", NULL);




	return 0;

예제 #16
// @TODO rename to draw_allegro?
void c_wallet::draw (BITMAP *frame, int color, t_pos x, t_pos y) const {
	for (const auto &currency: m_currency) {
		std::string text(currency.first + " " + std::to_string(currency.second));
        textout_ex(frame, font, text.c_str(), x, y, color, 255);
		y -= 10;
예제 #17
파일: c_node.cpp 프로젝트: antinet/antinet
void c_osi2_switch::draw_packet(c_drawtarget &drawtarget, c_layer &layer_any) {
    double draw_step = 1./static_cast<double>(g_max_anim_frame);
    const auto & gui = * drawtarget.m_gui;
    auto layer = dynamic_cast<c_layer_allegro &>(layer_any);
    BITMAP *frame = layer.m_frame;
    c_osi2_switch &tmp_osi2_switch = m_world.find_object_by_uuid_as_switch(m_draw_outbox.front().first);
    const int this_vx = gui.view_x(m_x), this_vy = gui.view_y(m_y);
    const int next_vx = gui.view_x(tmp_osi2_switch.m_x), next_vy = gui.view_y(tmp_osi2_switch.m_y);
    t_geo_point A(this_vx,this_vy);
    t_geo_point B(next_vx,next_vy);
    t_geo_point between = c_geometry::point_on_line_between_part(A,B,m_draw_outbox.front().second);
    //_dbg1("DEBUG<<<<: " << between.x << "  " << between.y);
    //_dbg1("Layer_allegro nr: " << layer.m_layer_nr);
    draw_trans_sprite(frame, c_bitmaps::get_instance().m_package_green,
                      between.x - c_bitmaps::get_instance().m_package_green->w / 2,
                      between.y - c_bitmaps::get_instance().m_package_green->h / 2);
    std::string send_percent = std::to_string(static_cast<int>(100*m_draw_outbox.front().second)) + "%";
    textout_ex(frame, font, send_percent.c_str(), between.x+15, between.y, makecol(0,15,25), -1);
    if(m_draw_outbox.front().second < 1.
       && !m_world.get_is_pause()) {
        m_draw_outbox.front().second += draw_step;
    } else {
예제 #18
파일: gImagen.cpp 프로젝트: riseven/JRK
Imagen::Imagen(Fuente *fuente, string texto, int r, int g, int b)
    if ( !fuente )
        bitmap = NULL ;
        throw Error::ExcepcionParametro("Graficos::Imagen::Imagen(Fuente *, string)", 1);
    // Creamos el bitmap con el tamaño apropiado
    bitmap = create_bitmap( text_length(fuente->GetFont(), texto.c_str()), text_height(fuente->GetFont()) );
    if (!bitmap)
        throw Error::ExcepcionLocalizada("Graficos::Imagen::Imagen(Fuente *, string)", "No se pudo crear el bitmap");
    // Pintamos el texto en el bitmap creado, con el color que trae de "fabrica"
    // y con el color de fondo trasparente
    textout_ex(bitmap, fuente->GetFont(), texto.c_str(), 0, 0, makecol(r,g,b), makecol(255,0,255));
    // Por defecto una imagen no se pinta con mascara trasparente, pero una
    // imagen generada por una fuente si que lo hace por defecto.
    masked = true ;
    textura = allegro_gl_make_masked_texture(bitmap);
    w = bitmap->w ;
    h = bitmap->h ;    
    bitmap = NULL ;
예제 #19
// function pointer for menu graphics
void menu_fptr_video(void)
	textout_ex(buf, font, "Menu stuff goes here", 0,0, makecol(0,255,255), -1);
예제 #20
void draw_button(BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y, int w, int h, int col, const char *txt, bool selected, bool disabled)
	int col1 = makecol( minf(255,getr(col)*1.3f), minf(255,getg(col)*1.3f), minf(255,getb(col)*1.3f) );
	int col2 = makecol( getr(col)*0.7f, getg(col)*0.7f, getb(col)*0.7f );
	int col3 = makecol( minf(255,getr(col)*1.7f), minf(255,getg(col)*1.7f), minf(255,getb(col)*1.7f) );

		col1 = makecol(130,130,130);
		col2 = makecol(50,50,50);
		col3 = makecol(170,170,170);
		col = makecol(100,100,100);
	else if(selected)
		rect(bmp, x-2,y-2, x+w+3,y+h+3, makecol(210,210,0));
		rect(bmp, x-1,y-1, x+w+2,y+h+2, makecol(255,255,0));
		col3 = makecol(255,255,255);
	rectfill(bmp, x,y, x+w,y+h, col);
	line(bmp, x,y, x+w,y, col1);
	line(bmp, x+w,y, x+w,y+h, col1);
	line(bmp, x,y+1, x+w,y+1, col1);
	line(bmp, x+w+1,y, x+w+1,y+h, col1);	
	line(bmp, x,y+h, x+w,y+h, col2);
	line(bmp, x,y, x,y+h, col2);	
	line(bmp, x,y+h+1, x+w,y+h+1, col2);
	line(bmp, x+1,y, x+1,y+h, col2);

	textout_ex(bmp, font2, txt, x + (w/2) - (text_length(font2,txt)/2), y + (h/2) - (text_height(font2)/2), col3, -1);
예제 #21
파일: fonts.c 프로젝트: dafyddcrosby/meka
// Font_Print (int font_id, BITMAP *dst, const char *text, int x, int y, int color);
// Print given string with parameters using current font
void    Font_Print (int font_id, BITMAP *dst, const char *text, int x, int y, int color)
    if (font_id == -1)
        font_id = FontCurrent->id;
    // textout (dst, Fonts[font_id].library_data, text, x, y, color);
    textout_ex (dst, Fonts[font_id].library_data, text, x, y, color, -1);
예제 #22
void ce_game::drawTitle(const char *text, ce_cord center){
	//Draw a title dependant on parameters given
	BITMAP *bmp = create_bitmap(text_length(font, text),text_height(font));
	textout_ex(bmp, font, text, 0, 0, makecol(240,0,240), -1);
	stretch_blit(bmp,buffer, 0,0,bmp->w, bmp->h, center.x - ((bmp->w*5)/2), center.y - ((bmp->h*5)/2),bmp->w * 5, bmp->h * 5);
예제 #23
void saverec( int matrix[][50], int v[][2], int f[]) // this function will write the new record on the file
    int i,j,k=0; // counters
    char filename[] = "sceneryx.txt";
    if(scenery_number==-1) {
        filename[7] = 'x';
    else if(scenery_number==0) {
        filename[7] = '_';
    else {
        filename[7] = intchar(scenery_number);
    // before, the function will erase the snake on the matrix and the food
    matrix[f[0]][f[1]] = 0;
    FILE *scenery; // the pointer of file
    scenery = fopen(filename,"w"); // opening the file to write

    /* Writing the matrix */
    for(i=0; i<25; i++) // passing through the lines
        for(j=0; j<50; j++) {
            putc(intchar(matrix[i][j]),scenery);    // passing through the column
        putc('\n',scenery); // at the final of the line, put a newline
    /*Writing the record*/
    if(score > record)
        record = score;
        for(i=4; i>=0; i--) {
        textout_ex(screen,font,"NEW RECORD!",220,130,0xFFFFFF,0x000000);
    else {
        for(i=4; i>=0; i--) {
        textout_ex(screen,font,"GAME OVER!",220,130,0xFFFFFF,0x000000);

예제 #24
void DrawHero(Hero h)
        if(levelUp) masked_blit(lvlUp->bitmap,buffer,(lvlUp->frame*player.position.w)+lvlUp->frame+1,(lvlUp->row*player.position.h)+lvlUp->row+1,player.position.x,player.position.y+8,player.position.w,player.position.h);
        int percent = (player.maxHp > 0) ? (int)(48 * (player.hp / player.maxHp)) : 0;
        masked_stretch_blit(hpBar,buffer,0,0,32,32,player.position.x-9,player.position.y - 9, percent , 6);
        if(UpTimer) textout_ex(buffer,font,"LEVEL UP",UpPos.x,UpPos.y,makecol(0,0,0),-1);

        if(player.hp > 0 && player.maxHp > 0)
            char *t = malloc(32 * sizeof(char));
예제 #25
파일: console.c 프로젝트: rj76/kq
/*! \brief Show the current console
* Display the current state of the console on the double
* buffer. This includes a horizontal line. The console takes 
* up 320x120 pixels.
* \author PH
* \param xofs x-offset display position
* \param yofs y-offset display position
void display_console(int xofs, int yofs) {
	int i, y;
	if (g_console.on != 1) return;
	rectfill(double_buffer, xofs, yofs + 120, xofs + 320, yofs + 240, makecol(0,0,0));
	hline(double_buffer, xofs, yofs + 120, xofs + 320, makecol(255,255,255));
	y = yofs + 240 - 2 * text_height(font);
	i = 24;
	while (y > yofs + 120) {
		if (g_console.lines[i]) {
			textout_ex(double_buffer, font, g_console.lines[i], xofs, y, makecol(255,255,255), makecol(0,0,0));
		y -= text_height(font);
	textout_ex(double_buffer, font, g_console.inputline, xofs, yofs + 240 - text_height(font), makecol(255,255,255), makecol(0,0,0));
	rectfill(double_buffer, xofs + text_length(font, g_console.inputline), yofs + 238, 
			 xofs + text_length(font, g_console.inputline) + text_length(font, "_"), yofs + 240, 
예제 #26
void outnumber( int x, int y, int number) // prints a number by coordinates
    int k;
    char str_number[7];
    str_number[5] = str_number[6] = ' ';
    for(k=0; k<5; k++) {
        str_number[4-k] = intchar(((int)(number/pow(10,k)))%10);
예제 #27
파일: abitmap.c 프로젝트: argarak/tw-light
d_abitmap_list_proc (int msg, DIALOG *d, int c)
	if (msg == MSG_DRAW) {
		BITMAP *bmp = gui_get_screen();
		int height, size, i, len, bar, x, y;
		char *sel = d->dp2;
		char s[1024];
		int c = 0;

		if (d->flags & D_GOTFOCUS)
			c = 1;
		if (d->flags & D_DISABLED)
			c = 2;

		(*(char *(*)(int, int *)) d->dp) (-1, &size);
		height = (d->h - 4) / text_height (font);
		bar = (size > height);

		abitmap_draw_area (d, B_LIST, 0, 0, bar ? d->w - 12 : d->w, d->h, 0, 0);
		if (bar)
			abitmap_draw_scroller (d, d->d2, size, height);

		/* draw the contents */
		for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
			if (d->d2 + i < size) {
				int fg = theme->bitmaps[B_LIST][c].color;

				x = d->x + 2;
				y = d->y + 2 + i * text_height (font);

				if (d->d2 + i == d->d1 || ((sel) && (sel[d->d2 + i]))) {
					abitmap_draw_area (d, B_LIST_ITEM, 0, y - d->y,
						bar ? d->w - 12 : d->w, text_height (font), 0, 0);
					fg = theme->bitmaps[B_LIST_ITEM][c].color;
				ustrzcpy (s, sizeof (s),
					(*(char *(*)(int, int *)) d->dp) (i + d->d2, NULL));

				x += 8;
				len = ustrlen (s);
				while (text_length (font, s) >=
				MAX (d->w - 1 - (bar ? 22 : 11), 1)) {
					usetat (s, len, 0);
				textout_ex (bmp, font, s, x, y, fg, -1);
				x += text_length (font, s);

		return D_O_K;
	return d_list_proc (msg, d, c);
예제 #28
void DrawText(int x, int y, bool center, char* format, ...)
   char text[1000];

   va_list ap;
   va_start(ap, format);
   uvsprintf(text, format, ap);

   if (center) {
	int width = text_length(font, "x") * strlen(text);
	x = x - (width / 2);

   textout_ex(buffer, font, text, x-1, y, makecol(0, 0, 0), -1);
   textout_ex(buffer, font, text, x+1, y, makecol(0, 0, 0), -1);
   textout_ex(buffer, font, text, x, y-1, makecol(0, 0, 0), -1);
   textout_ex(buffer, font, text, x, y+1, makecol(0, 0, 0), -1);
   int text_color = makecol(configuration.colors[COLOR_TEXT].r, configuration.colors[COLOR_TEXT].g, configuration.colors[COLOR_TEXT].b);
   textout_ex(buffer, font, text, x, y, text_color, -1);
예제 #29
void draw_text(BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color, const char *format, ...)
  if (w > 0 && h > 0) {
    char buf[512];
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, format);
    uvszprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, ap);

    BITMAP *tmp = create_bitmap(text_length(gamefont, buf),

    clear_to_color(tmp, bitmap_mask_color(tmp));
    textout_ex(tmp, gamefont, buf, 0, 1, blend_color(color, makecol(0, 0, 0), 0.5), -1);
    textout_ex(tmp, gamefont, buf, 0, 0, color, -1);

    masked_stretch_blit(tmp, bmp, 0, 0, tmp->w, tmp->h, x, y, w, h);
예제 #30
파일: graphics.c 프로젝트: glipari/ptask
void draw_Timetask_info(int modeACT) {
	int i;
	int y_inizio_vline = BASE1 + 3 * ALT_RIGA + ALT_MEZZARIGA;

	vline(screen, X_LINE_VERT0, y_inizio_vline, YMAX1-10, FGC);
	vline(screen, X_LINE_VERT1, y_inizio_vline, YMAX1-10, FGC);
	vline(screen, X_LINE_VERT2, y_inizio_vline, YMAX1-10, FGC);
	hline(screen, XMIN , Y_ORRIZ_LINE , XMAX -5, FGC);
	if (modeACT == MOD_DEF_OFFSET) {
		textout_ex(screen, font, "Time offset(ms) inseriti = ", XMIN, BASE1 + 2 * ALT_RIGA, FGC, 0);


	textout_ex(screen, font, "TIME ACTIVATION(ms)", X_LINE_VERT0 + 5, Y_ORRIZ_LINE - ALT_RIGA, FGC, 0);
	textout_ex(screen, font, "TIME START(ms)", X_LINE_VERT1 + 5, Y_ORRIZ_LINE - ALT_RIGA, FGC, 0);
	textout_ex(screen, font, "TIME OFFSET measured(ms)", X_LINE_VERT2 + 5 , Y_ORRIZ_LINE - ALT_RIGA, FGC, 0);

	for(i = 0; i < NUM_T_TEST; i++ ) {
		textprintf_ex(screen, font, XMIN, Y_TIMES + i * ALT_RIGA,FGC, BGC, "T%d:", i+1);