bool ImageLoader::makeFilePaths(const QString & p) { QFileInfo qfi(p); QSettings ss; if(qfi.exists() == false || qfi.isReadable() == false ||is_quitted) return false; if(qfi.isDir() && (p == path_to_load || recurse)) { QDir the_dir(p); QStringList files, filters; filters << "*"; the_dir.setNameFilters(ss.value("files/types_filter", filters).toStringList()); files = the_dir.entryList(QDir::AllDirs|QDir::Files|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot|QDir::Readable, QDir::Name|QDir::IgnoreCase|QDir::LocaleAware); foreach(const QString &path, files) { makeFilePaths(the_dir.absoluteFilePath(path)); if(is_quitted) break; }
void Do_Astar(ZPath_Finding_Response *response) { const int ticks_until_pause = 90; int total_ticks; int pause_ticks; double start_time, end_time; //vector<pf_point> open_list; //vector<pf_point> closed_list; pf_point_array open_list; pf_point_array closed_list; pf_point cp; //check if(!response) return; int start_x = response->start_x / 16; int start_y = response->start_y / 16; int end_x = response->end_x / 16; int end_y = response->end_y / 16; //start and end ok? if(!tile_ok(start_x, start_y, start_x, start_y, response) || !tile_ok(end_x, end_y, end_x, end_y, response)) { response->pf_point_list.push_back(pf_point(response->end_x, response->end_y)); return; } //printf("Do_Astar::start:[%d,%d]\n", response->start_x, response->start_y); //printf("Do_Astar::end:[%d,%d]\n", response->end_x, response->end_y); //init lists { int size; open_list.alloc_size = 1000; open_list.list = (pf_point*)malloc(open_list.alloc_size * sizeof(pf_point)); open_list.size = 0; open_list.InitPointIndex(response->w, response->h); closed_list.alloc_size = 1000; closed_list.list = (pf_point*)malloc(closed_list.alloc_size * sizeof(pf_point)); closed_list.size = 0; closed_list.InitPointIndex(response->w, response->h); } //open_list.push_back(pf_point(start_x, start_y)); pf_point sp = pf_point(start_x, start_y); open_list.AddPoint(sp); //open_list.list[open_list.size++] = pf_point(start_x, start_y); //start_time = current_time(); total_ticks = 0; pause_ticks = 0; while(open_list.size) { cp = lowest_f_cost(open_list); if(response->kill_thread) { open_list.FreeList(); open_list.FreePointIndex(); closed_list.FreeList(); closed_list.FreePointIndex(); return; } if(cp.x == end_x && cp.y == end_y) { //printf("end found\n"); break; } remove_from_open(cp, open_list, closed_list); if(response->kill_thread) { open_list.FreeList(); open_list.FreePointIndex(); closed_list.FreeList(); closed_list.FreePointIndex(); return; } push_in_neighbors(cp, open_list, closed_list, response); //printf("current_point:[%d,%d]\n", cp.x, cp.y); if(response->kill_thread) { open_list.FreeList(); open_list.FreePointIndex(); closed_list.FreeList(); closed_list.FreePointIndex(); return; } total_ticks++; pause_ticks++; if(pause_ticks >= ticks_until_pause) { pause_ticks = 0; SDL_Delay(10 + (ZPath_Finding_Response::existing_responses * 4)); } if(response->kill_thread) { open_list.FreeList(); open_list.FreePointIndex(); closed_list.FreeList(); closed_list.FreePointIndex(); return; } } //end_time = current_time(); vector<pf_point> final_path; if(cp.x == end_x && cp.y == end_y) while(1) { int i; final_path.insert(final_path.begin(), cp); //for(vector<pf_point>::iterator i=close_list.begin();;i++) for(i=0;;i++) { pf_point &ip = closed_list.list[i]; if(i>=closed_list.size) { //printf("Do_Astar::could not reconstruct list\n"); break; } if(cp.px == ip.x && == ip.y) { //printf("inserted point:[%d,%d]\n", i->x, i->y); cp = ip; break; } } if(i>=closed_list.size) { final_path.clear(); break; } if(cp.x == start_x && cp.y == start_y) break; } //remove redundents int previous_dir = -1; int cur_dir; for(vector<pf_point>::iterator i=final_path.begin();i!=final_path.end();) { if(i!=final_path.begin() && i+1!=final_path.end()) { previous_dir = the_dir(*(i-1), *(i)); cur_dir = the_dir(*i, *(i+1)); if(previous_dir == cur_dir) i = final_path.erase(i); else i++; } else i++; } //convert list to actual x,y cords for(vector<pf_point>::iterator i=final_path.begin();i!=final_path.end();i++) { i->x *= 16; i->y *= 16; if(response->is_robot) { i->x += 8; i->y += 8; } else { i->x += 16; i->y += 16; } //printf("Do_Astar::found point:[%d,%d]\n", i->x, i->y); } final_path.push_back(pf_point(response->end_x, response->end_y)); response->pf_point_list = final_path; //return final_path; //printf("Do_Astar::finished, ticks:%d time:%lf ... [%d,%d] to [%d,%d]\n", total_ticks, end_time - start_time, response->start_x, response->start_y, response->end_x, response->end_y); //dealloc { open_list.FreeList(); open_list.FreePointIndex(); closed_list.FreeList(); closed_list.FreePointIndex(); } }