예제 #1
void buzzer_play(note *notes)

	/* Allow buzzer PWM output on P2.7 */
	P2SEL |= BIT7;

	/* 0x000F is the "stop bit" */
	while (PITCH(*notes) != 0x000F) {
		if (PITCH(*notes) == 0) {
			/* Stop the timer! We are playing a rest */
			TA1CTL &= ~MC_3;
		} else {
			/* Set PWM frequency */
			TA1CCR0 = base_notes[PITCH(*notes)] >> OCTAVE(*notes);

			/* Start the timer */
			TA1CTL |= MC__UP;

		/* Delay for DURATION(*notes) milliseconds,
		   use LPM1 because we need SMCLK for tone generation */
		timer0_delay(DURATION(*notes), LPM1_bits);

		/* Advance to the next note */

	/* Stop buzzer */
예제 #2
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          adc12_single_conversion
// @brief       Init ADC12. Do single conversion. Turn off ADC12.
// @param       none
// @return      none
// *************************************************************************************************
uint16_t adc12_single_conversion(uint16_t ref, uint16_t sht, uint16_t channel)
	// Initialize the shared reference module
	REFCTL0 |= REFMSTR + ref + REFON;    		// Enable internal reference (1.5V or 2.5V)

	// Initialize ADC12_A
	ADC12CTL0 = sht + ADC12ON;					// Set sample time
	ADC12CTL1 = ADC12SHP;                     	// Enable sample timer
	ADC12MCTL0 = ADC12SREF_1 + channel;  		// ADC input channel
	ADC12IE = 0x001;                          	// ADC_IFG upon conv result-ADCMEMO

	// Wait 2 ticks (66us) to allow internal reference to settle

	// Start ADC12

	// Clear data ready flag
	adc12_data_ready = 0;

	// Sampling and conversion start
	ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12SC;

	// Wait until ADC12 has finished
	timer0_delay(170, LPM3_bits);

	uint8_t loops = 0;

	//We were going away and the watchdog was tripping - this should reduce the instances of that.
	while (!adc12_data_ready && loops++ < 30) {
		timer0_delay(66, LPM3_bits);

	// Shut down ADC12
	ADC12CTL0 &= ~(ADC12ENC | ADC12SC | sht);
	ADC12CTL0 &= ~ADC12ON;

	// Shut down reference voltage
	REFCTL0 &= ~(REFMSTR + ref + REFON);

	ADC12IE = 0;

	// Return ADC result
	return (adc12_result);
예제 #3
void as_start(uint8_t mode)

	/* Initialize SPI interface to acceleration sensor */
	AS_SPI_CTL0 |= UCSYNC | UCMST | UCMSB /* SPI master, 8 data bits,  MSB first, */
		       | UCCKPH;  /* clock idle low, data output on falling edge */
	AS_SPI_CTL1 |= UCSSEL1; /* SMCLK as clock source */
	AS_SPI_BR0 = AS_BR_DIVIDER; /* Low byte of division factor for baud rate */
	AS_SPI_BR1 = 0x00; /* High byte of division factor for baud rate */
	AS_SPI_CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST; /* Start SPI hardware */

	/* Initialize interrupt pin for data read out from acceleration sensor */
	AS_INT_IES &= ~AS_INT_PIN; /* Interrupt on rising edge */

	/* Enable interrupt */
	AS_INT_DIR &= ~AS_INT_PIN; /* Switch INT pin to input */
	AS_SPI_DIR &= ~AS_SDI_PIN; /* Switch SDI pin to input */
	AS_SPI_REN |= AS_SDI_PIN; /* Pulldown on SDI pin */
	AS_SPI_SEL |= AS_SDO_PIN + AS_SDI_PIN + AS_SCK_PIN; /* Port pins to SDO, SDI and SCK function */
	AS_CSN_OUT |= AS_CSN_PIN; /* Deselect acceleration sensor */
	AS_PWR_OUT |= AS_PWR_PIN; /* Power on active high */

	/* Delay of >5ms required between switching on power and configuring sensor */
	timer0_delay(10, LPM3_bits);

	/* Initialize interrupt pin for data read out from acceleration sensor */
	AS_INT_IFG &= ~AS_INT_PIN; /* Reset flag */
	AS_INT_IE |= AS_INT_PIN; /* Enable interrupt */

	/* Reset sensor */
	as_write_register(0x04, 0x02);
	as_write_register(0x04, 0x0A);
	as_write_register(0x04, 0x04);

	/* Wait 5 ms before starting sensor output */
	timer0_delay(5, LPM3_bits);

	/* then select modality */

예제 #4
// delay operations until the master is ready.
void init_delay(void)
예제 #5
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          as_start
// @brief       Power-up and initialize acceleration sensor
// @param       none
// @return      none
// *************************************************************************************************
void as_start(uint8_t mode) {
	volatile uint16_t Counter_u16;
	uint8_t bConfig, bStatus;

	// Initialize SPI interface to acceleration sensor
	AS_SPI_CTL0 |= UCSYNC | UCMST | UCMSB // SPI master, 8 data bits,  MSB first,
			| UCCKPH; //  clock idle low, data output on falling edge
	AS_SPI_CTL1 |= UCSSEL1; // SMCLK as clock source
	AS_SPI_BR0 = AS_BR_DIVIDER; // Low byte of division factor for baud rate
	AS_SPI_BR1 = 0x00; // High byte of division factor for baud rate
	AS_SPI_CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST; // Start SPI hardware

	// Initialize interrupt pin for data read out from acceleration sensor
	AS_INT_IES &= ~AS_INT_PIN; // Interrupt on rising edge

	// Enable interrupt 
	AS_INT_DIR &= ~AS_INT_PIN; // Switch INT pin to input
	AS_SPI_DIR &= ~AS_SDI_PIN; // Switch SDI pin to input
	AS_SPI_REN |= AS_SDI_PIN; // Pulldown on SDI pin
	AS_SPI_SEL |= AS_SDO_PIN + AS_SDI_PIN + AS_SCK_PIN; // Port pins to SDO, SDI and SCK function
	AS_CSN_OUT |= AS_CSN_PIN; // Deselect acceleration sensor
	AS_PWR_OUT |= AS_PWR_PIN; // Power on active high

	// Delay of >5ms required between switching on power and configuring sensor

	// Initialize interrupt pin for data read out from acceleration sensor
	AS_INT_IFG &= ~AS_INT_PIN; // Reset flag
	AS_INT_IE |= AS_INT_PIN; // Enable interrupt

	// Reset sensor
	as_write_register(0x04, 0x02);
	as_write_register(0x04, 0x0A);
	as_write_register(0x04, 0x04);

	// Wait 5 ms before starting sensor output

	// Configure sensor and start to sample data
		switch (mode) {
		case FALL_MODE:
			if (as_config.range == 2) {
				bConfig = 0x80;

				if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_100_HZ)
					bConfig |= 0x0A;
				else if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_400_HZ)
					bConfig |= 0x0C;
			} else if (as_config.range == 8) {
				bConfig = 0x00;
				if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_100_HZ)
					bConfig |= 0x0A;
				else if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_400_HZ)
					bConfig |= 0x0C;
			// fall time as long as possible 150 msec at 100 Hz
			//threshold for computation

			// Configure sensor and start to sample data
			if (as_config.range == 2) {
				bConfig = 0x80;
				if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_100_HZ)
					bConfig |= 0x02;
				else if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_400_HZ)
					bConfig |= 0x04;
			} else if (as_config.range == 8) {
				bConfig = 0x00;
				if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_40_HZ)
					bConfig |= 0x06;
				else if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_100_HZ)
					bConfig |= 0x02;
				else if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_400_HZ)
					bConfig |= 0x04;
			// Configure sensor and start to sample data
			if (as_config.range == 2) {
				bConfig = 0x80;
				if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_10_HZ)
					bConfig |= 0x08;
			} else if (as_config.range == 8) {
				bConfig = 0x00;
				if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_10_HZ)
					bConfig |= 0x08;
			bConfig |= MDET_EXIT<<5;
			// fall time as long as possible 150 msec at 100 Hz
			//check if lower than 571 mgrav
			bConfig = 0x80;


	// Wait 2 ms before entering modality to settle down

	//write the configuration
	as_write_register(ADDR_CTRL, bConfig);

	// Wait 2 ms before entering modality to settle down
예제 #6
void change_mode(uint8_t mode)
	uint8_t bConfig = 0x00;

/* Configure sensor and start to sample data */
	switch (mode) {
	case FALL_MODE:
		if (as_config.range == 2) {
			bConfig = 0x80;

			if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_100_HZ)
				bConfig |= 0x0A;
			else if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_400_HZ)
				bConfig |= 0x0C;
		} else if (as_config.range == 8) {
			bConfig = 0x00;

			if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_100_HZ)
				bConfig |= 0x0A;
			else if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_400_HZ)
				bConfig |= 0x0C;

		/* fall time as long as possible 150 msec at 100 Hz */
		/* threshold for computation */



		/* Configure sensor and start to sample data */
		if (as_config.range == 2) {
			bConfig = 0x80;

			if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_100_HZ)
				bConfig |= 0x02;
			else if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_400_HZ)
				bConfig |= 0x04;
		} else if (as_config.range == 8) {
			bConfig = 0x00;

			if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_40_HZ)
				bConfig |= 0x06;
			else if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_100_HZ)
				bConfig |= 0x02;
			else if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_400_HZ)
				bConfig |= 0x04;



		/* Configure sensor and start to sample data */
		if (as_config.range == 2) {
			bConfig = 0x80;

			if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_10_HZ)
				bConfig |= 0x08;
		} else if (as_config.range == 8) {
			bConfig = 0x00;

			if (as_config.sampling == SAMPLING_10_HZ)
				bConfig |= 0x08;

		bConfig |= MDET_EXIT << 5;
		/* fall time as long as possible 150 msec at 100 Hz */
		/* check if lower than 571 mgrav */
		/* write_MDTHR(sAccel.MDTHR); */

		bConfig = 0x80;


	/* Wait 2 ms before entering modality to settle down */
	timer0_delay(2, LPM3_bits);

	/* write the configuration */
	as_write_register(ADDR_CTRL, bConfig);

	/* Wait 2 ms before entering modality to settle down */
	timer0_delay(2, LPM3_bits);
