QGeoBoundingBox QGeoTiledMapObjectInfo::boundingBox() const { if (!graphicsItem || !tiledMapData) return QGeoBoundingBox(); QGeoMapObjectEngine *e = tiledMapDataPrivate->oe; QGeoMapObject *object = mapObject(); e->updateTransforms(); if (e->latLonExact.contains(object)) { QList<QGraphicsItem*> items = e->latLonExact.values(object); QGeoBoundingBox box; foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, items) { QRectF latLonBounds = item->boundingRect(); QPointF topLeft = latLonBounds.bottomLeft(); if (topLeft.x() >= 180.0 * 3600.0) topLeft.setX(topLeft.x() - 360.0 * 3600.0); if (topLeft.x() < -180.0 * 3600.0) topLeft.setX(topLeft.x() + 360.0 * 3600.0); QPointF bottomRight = latLonBounds.topRight(); if (bottomRight.x() >= 180.0 * 3600.0) bottomRight.setX(bottomRight.x() - 360.0 * 3600.0); if (bottomRight.x() < -180.0 * 3600.0) bottomRight.setX(bottomRight.x() + 360.0 * 3600.0); QGeoCoordinate tlc(topLeft.y() / 3600.0, topLeft.x() / 3600.0); QGeoCoordinate brc(bottomRight.y() / 3600.0, bottomRight.x() / 3600.0); return QGeoBoundingBox(tlc, brc); // it looks like the following is overkill // if (box.isValid()) { // box |= QGeoBoundingBox(tlc, brc); // } else { // box = QGeoBoundingBox(tlc, brc); // } }
std::vector<cv::Point2f> EdgeFinder::findEdgeCorners() { TextLineCollection tlc(pipeline_data->textLines); vector<Point> corners; // If the character segment is especially small, just expand the existing box // If it's a nice, long segment, then guess the correct box based on character height/position if (tlc.longerSegment.length > tlc.charHeight * 3) { float charHeightToPlateWidthRatio = pipeline_data->config->plateWidthMM / pipeline_data->config->charHeightMM; float idealPixelWidth = tlc.charHeight * (charHeightToPlateWidthRatio * 1.03); // Add 3% so we don't clip any characters float charHeightToPlateHeightRatio = pipeline_data->config->plateHeightMM / pipeline_data->config->charHeightMM; float idealPixelHeight = tlc.charHeight * charHeightToPlateHeightRatio; float verticalOffset = (idealPixelHeight * 1.5 / 2); float horizontalOffset = (idealPixelWidth * 1.25 / 2); LineSegment topLine = tlc.centerHorizontalLine.getParallelLine(verticalOffset); LineSegment bottomLine = tlc.centerHorizontalLine.getParallelLine(-1 * verticalOffset); LineSegment leftLine = tlc.centerVerticalLine.getParallelLine(-1 * horizontalOffset); LineSegment rightLine = tlc.centerVerticalLine.getParallelLine(horizontalOffset); Point topLeft = topLine.intersection(leftLine); Point topRight = topLine.intersection(rightLine); Point botRight = bottomLine.intersection(rightLine); Point botLeft = bottomLine.intersection(leftLine); corners.push_back(topLeft); corners.push_back(topRight); corners.push_back(botRight); corners.push_back(botLeft); } else { //cout << "HEYOOO!" << endl; int expandX = (int) ((float) pipeline_data->crop_gray.cols) * 0.15f; int expandY = (int) ((float) pipeline_data->crop_gray.rows) * 0.15f; int w = pipeline_data->crop_gray.cols; int h = pipeline_data->crop_gray.rows; corners.push_back(Point(-1 * expandX, -1 * expandY)); corners.push_back(Point(expandX + w, -1 * expandY)); corners.push_back(Point(expandX + w, expandY + h)); corners.push_back(Point(-1 * expandX, expandY + h)); // for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // { // std::cout << "CORNER: " << corners[i].x << " - " << corners[i].y << std::endl; // } } // Re-crop an image (from the original image) using the new coordinates Transformation imgTransform(pipeline_data->grayImg, pipeline_data->crop_gray, pipeline_data->regionOfInterest); vector<Point2f> remappedCorners = imgTransform.transformSmallPointsToBigImage(corners); Size cropSize = imgTransform.getCropSize(remappedCorners, Size(pipeline_data->config->templateWidthPx, pipeline_data->config->templateHeightPx)); Mat transmtx = imgTransform.getTransformationMatrix(remappedCorners, cropSize); Mat newCrop = imgTransform.crop(cropSize, transmtx); // Re-map the textline coordinates to the new crop vector<TextLine> newLines; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pipeline_data->textLines.size(); i++) { vector<Point2f> textArea = imgTransform.transformSmallPointsToBigImage(pipeline_data->textLines[i].textArea); vector<Point2f> linePolygon = imgTransform.transformSmallPointsToBigImage(pipeline_data->textLines[i].linePolygon); vector<Point2f> textAreaRemapped; vector<Point2f> linePolygonRemapped; textAreaRemapped = imgTransform.remapSmallPointstoCrop(textArea, transmtx); linePolygonRemapped = imgTransform.remapSmallPointstoCrop(linePolygon, transmtx); newLines.push_back(TextLine(textAreaRemapped, linePolygonRemapped)); } // Find the PlateLines for this crop PlateLines plateLines(pipeline_data); plateLines.processImage(newCrop, newLines, 1.05); // Get the best corners PlateCorners cornerFinder(newCrop, &plateLines, pipeline_data, newLines); vector<Point> smallPlateCorners = cornerFinder.findPlateCorners(); confidence = cornerFinder.confidence; // Transform the best corner points back to the original image std::vector<Point2f> imgArea; imgArea.push_back(Point2f(0, 0)); imgArea.push_back(Point2f(newCrop.cols, 0)); imgArea.push_back(Point2f(newCrop.cols, newCrop.rows)); imgArea.push_back(Point2f(0, newCrop.rows)); Mat newCropTransmtx = imgTransform.getTransformationMatrix(imgArea, remappedCorners); vector<Point2f> cornersInOriginalImg = imgTransform.remapSmallPointstoCrop(smallPlateCorners, newCropTransmtx); return cornersInOriginalImg; }