예제 #1
 FontPlatformPrivateData(const FontDescription& fontDescription, const AtomicString& family)
     : m_reference(1)
     , m_size(fontDescription.computedPixelSize())
     , m_fontDescription(fontDescription)
     , m_family(family)
     , m_fontScaledWidth(0)
     , m_fontScaledHeight(0)
     , m_disabled(!fontDescription.specifiedSize())
     m_rootFontData = FixedSizeFontData::create(family, toGDIFontWeight(fontDescription.weight()), fontDescription.italic());
예제 #2
static void FillLogFont(const FontDescription& fontDescription, LOGFONT* winfont)
    // The size here looks unusual.  The negative number is intentional.
    // Unlike WebKit trunk, we don't multiply the size by 32.  That seems to be
    // some kind of artifact of their CG backend, or something.
    winfont->lfHeight = -fontDescription.computedPixelSize();
    winfont->lfWidth = 0;
    winfont->lfEscapement = 0;
    winfont->lfOrientation = 0;
    winfont->lfUnderline = false;
    winfont->lfStrikeOut = false;
    winfont->lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
    winfont->lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS;
    winfont->lfQuality = PlatformSupport::layoutTestMode() ? NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY : DEFAULT_QUALITY; // Honor user's desktop settings.
    winfont->lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
    winfont->lfItalic = fontDescription.italic();
    winfont->lfWeight = toGDIFontWeight(fontDescription.weight());