예제 #1
//initialize the board
void BogglePlayer::setBoard(unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols, string** diceArray)
    if (isBoardSet) {
    mRows = rows;
    mCols = cols;
    //use a linear vector to represent the matrix
    for (int i = 0; i < mRows; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < mCols; j++) {
    isBoardSet = true;
예제 #2
/*This method is used to validate loops*/
int isValidLoop(FILE* inputFile)
    /*Used to keep track of tokens, and store lines and tokens*/
    char tokens[1][20], line[100], lineCopy[100], *token;

    /*Used to keep track of current position within text file*/
    fpos_t currentPosition;

    /*Stores current position within text file so the location can be read from again*/
    fgetpos (inputFile,&currentPosition);

    /*This loop is almost the same as the one in the isValidMove() function*/
    /*The only difference is that it checks for an endloop statement and then resets the position in the file after validation*/
    while ( !feof(inputFile) )
        fgets( line, 99, inputFile );
        strcpy(lineCopy, line);

        token = removeWhiteSpace(strtok( lineCopy, " \t\n" ));

        if (strcmp(token, "\0") == 0 || strncmp(token, "#", 1) == 0)

        strcpy(tokens[0], token);
        token = removeWhiteSpace(strtok( NULL, " \t\n" ));

        /*Check for endloop command*/
        if (strcmp(tokens[0], "endloop") == 0 && token == NULL)
            /*Go back to position in file before validation*/
            fsetpos (inputFile,&currentPosition);
            return true;

        /*Check if moves within file are valid*/
        if (isValidMove(line, inputFile) == false)
            return false;

    return false;
예제 #3
파일: ObjectFactory.cpp 프로젝트: rAum/rum
IObject* ObjectFactory::CreateModifier(std::string & name, std::istream & str)
    IObject* obj(nullptr);
    IObject *a = nullptr, *b = nullptr;
    std::string tmp;

    if (name == "boolean") 
        str >> tmp;

        if (tmp != "add" && tmp != "+" && tmp != "sub" && tmp != "-" && tmp != "subtract" && tmp != "union" && tmp != "&" && tmp != "blend" && tmp != "~" && tmp != "@")
            throw MakeParserException("Bad parameter for boolean operation.");

        a = Construct(str);
        b = Construct(str);

        if (tmp == "add" || tmp == "+")
            obj = new Boolean(a, b, Boolean::BOOL_ADD);
        else if (tmp == "sub" || tmp == "-" || tmp == "subtract")
            obj = new Boolean(a, b, Boolean::BOOL_SUBTRACT_B);
        else if (tmp == "union" || tmp == "&")
            obj = new Boolean(a, b, Boolean::BOOL_UNION);
        else if (tmp == "blend" || tmp == "~" || tmp == "@")
            obj = new Boolean(a, b, Boolean::BOOL_BLEND);
        else throw MakeParserException("Bad boolean option, expected 'add', 'sub', 'blend' or 'union'");
    else if (name == "duplicate")
        Vector3D mod;

        str >> mod;
        a = Construct(str);

        if (a == NULL) throw MakeParserException("Bad object in duplicate.");

        obj = new Duplicate(a, mod);
예제 #4
ControllerMetadata loadControllerMetadata(string path, string packageName, bool formatName) {
	string line;
	string key;
	string value;
	ControllerMetadata result;

	if (formatName)
		result.name = cleanUpPackageName(packageName);
		result.name = packageName;
	result.description = string("No description");
	result.version = string("Unknown version");
	result.author = string("Unknown author");
	result.startScriptPath = path + "/start.ops";
    result.stopScriptPath = path + "/stop.ops";
	result.guiLibPath = path + "/lib/libcontroller_gui.so";
	result.guiDescriptionPath = path + "/controller_gui.glade";
    result.guiConfigPath = path + "/gui_config.yaml";
	result.guiTabWidgetName = string("controller_tab");
	result.loadSuccessful = false;

	ifstream metadataFile((path + "/controller.txt").c_str(), ios::in);
	if (metadataFile.is_open()) {
		while (metadataFile.good()) {
			getline(metadataFile, line);
			key = getKey(line);
			if (key == "name") {
				value = getValue(line);
				result.name = value;
			} else if (key == "description") {
				value = getValue(line);
				result.description = value;
			} else if (key == "version") {
				value = getValue(line);
				result.version = value;
			} else if (key == "author") {
				value = getValue(line);
				result.author = value;
			} else if (key == "startscriptpath") {
				value = getValue(line);
				result.startScriptPath = value;
            } else if (key == "stopscriptpath") {
                value = getValue(line);
                result.stopScriptPath = value;
			} else if (key == "guilibpath") {
				value = getValue(line);
				result.guiLibPath = value;
			} else if (key == "guitabwidgetname") {
				value = getValue(line);
				result.guiTabWidgetName = value;
			} else if (key == "guidescriptionpath") {
				value = getValue(line);
				result.guiDescriptionPath = value;
		result.loadSuccessful = true;
	return result;
예제 #5
/*Main program*/
int main(void)
    /*Variable Declarations*/

    /*Used to store lines from text, copies of lines, file name of text, and tokens, respectively*/
    char line[100], lineCopy[100], fileName[100], *token;

    /*Array of keywords that are valid commands*/
    char keywords[8][14] = {"forward", "reverse", "turnright", "turnleft", "pause", "light", "reset", "loop"};

    /*Variable used as a counter*/
    int counter;

    /*Variable used to keep track of line number in text file*/
    int lineCount = 0;

    /*Initializr status of the light*/
    LIGHT_ON = false;

    /*Variable for getting the file from the user*/
    FILE *inputFile;

    /*Makes sure the motors are stationary and the LED is off*/

    /*Prompts user to enter a file name*/
    printf("Enter a file name: ");

    /* Main loop in the program */

    /*If the file is valid and can be read*/
    if ( (inputFile = fopen( fileName, "r" )) != NULL )
        /*While there is another line in the text file*/
        while ( !feof(inputFile) )
            /*Get the line*/
            fgets( line, 99, inputFile );

            /*Convert line to lowecase*/

            /*Creates a copy of the line for tokenization (which changes original line)*/
            strcpy(lineCopy, line);

            /*Increase line count by 1*/

            /*Prevents iteration of previous line if very last line in text file is an empty line*/
            if( feof(inputFile) )

            /*If the command in the text file is valid*/
            if (isValidMove(lineCopy, inputFile) == true)
                /*Display message*/
                printf("Line #%d: ", lineCount);
                /*creates a copy of the string*/
                strcpy(lineCopy, line);

                /*create a token using line copy*/
                token = removeWhiteSpace(strtok( lineCopy, " \t\n" ));

                /*Checks to see if line is not blank or a comment and displays a message indicating what was on the line*/
                if (token == NULL)
                    printf("empty line\n");

                if(strncmp(token, "#", 1) == 0)

                /*Loop used to check if move is one of the following:*/
                /*Forward, backward, turnleft, turnright, pause*/
                for (counter = 0; counter < 5; counter++)
                    /*If the command is one of the following*/
                    if (strcmp(token, keywords[counter]) == 0)
                        /*Select function to execture based on counter and break out of loop*/
                        chooseMove(counter, atoi(removeWhiteSpace(strtok(NULL, " \t\n"))));

                /*Check to see if the command was to configure the light*/
                if (strcmp(token, keywords[5]) == 0)
                    /*Execute light function*/
                    light(removeWhiteSpace(strtok( NULL, " \t\n" ))) ;

                /*Check to see if the command was reset*/
                if (strcmp(token, keywords[6]) == 0)
                    /*Execute reset function*/

                /*Check to see if the command was a loop*/
                if (strcmp(token, keywords[7]) == 0)
                    /*Adds appropriate number of lines to get current line number and execute loop function*/
                    lineCount += loop(line, atoi(removeWhiteSpace(strtok(NULL, " \t\n"))), inputFile);

            /*If the move is not valid*/
                /*isplay error message indicating the line number in the text file where the error was found*/

                /*Reset motors and LED and waits for user to press a key then exits*/
                return 0;

        /* Display the results */

        /*If there are no more line in the file*/

        /*Notify user that commands are finished execuing*/
        printf("\nReached the end of the file.\nThe program will now exit.\n");

        /*Reset motors and LED and waits for user to press a key then exits*/

    /*If file does not exist*/
        /*Notify user that file does not exist*/
        printf("\nThe file does not exist.\nThe program will now exit.\n");

        /*Wait for user to press a key then exits*/
예제 #6
/*This method is used to perform the loop command*/
int loop(char line[], int iterations, FILE* inputFile)
    /*This method is very similar to the main() function*/
    /*The only difference is it exectues the instructions iterations number of times*/
    /*In addition, this function returns the number of lines within the loop as the last iteration*/
    /*does not alter current position within text file*/

    /*Same as main() function*/
    char lineCopy[100], *token;
    char keywords[7][14] = {"forward", "reverse", "turnright", "turnleft", "pause", "light", "reset"};
    int counter, counter2;
    int lineCount = 0;

    /*Used to keep track of current position within text file*/
    fpos_t currentPosition;

    /*Stores current position within text file so the location can be read from again*/
    fgetpos (inputFile,&currentPosition);

    strcpy(lineCopy, line);

    /*Display message*/
    printf("loop %d times\n", iterations);

    for (counter = 0; counter < iterations; counter++)
        /*Display message*/
        printf("\niteration #%d:\n", counter+1);
        /*Sets location within text file to line right after loop comand*/
        fsetpos (inputFile,&currentPosition);

        /*random string used so token does not become null after each iteration*/
        token = "reset token";

        /*Executes commands like in main() function as long as command is not endloop*/
        while (strcmp(token, "endloop") != 0)
            fgets( line, 99, inputFile );
            strcpy(lineCopy, line);

            token = removeWhiteSpace(strtok( lineCopy, " \t\n" ));

            if (token == NULL || strncmp(token, "#", 1) == 0)

            for (counter2 = 0; counter2 < 5; counter2++)
                if (strcmp(token, keywords[counter2]) == 0 && counter2 < 5)
                    chooseMove(counter2, atoi(removeWhiteSpace(strtok(NULL, " \t\n"))));

            if (strcmp(token, keywords[5]) == 0)
                light(removeWhiteSpace(strtok( NULL, " \t\n" ))) ;

            if (strcmp(token, keywords[6]) == 0)

            if (strcmp(token, keywords[7]) == 0)
                loop(line, atoi(removeWhiteSpace(strtok(NULL, " \t\n"))), inputFile);

    /*Display message*/
    printf("\nend loop\n\n");

    /*Returns number of line within the loop (including endloop statement)*/
    return (lineCount / iterations);
예제 #7
static int test_toLowercase() {
	widechar upper = 'A';
	widechar lower = 'a';
	return lower != toLowercase(upper);