예제 #1
void Lux::Core::Transform::ApplyTransform()
    if (m_TransformDirty)
        m_TransformMatrix = mat4x4(1.0f);
        m_TransformMatrix *= toMat4(m_LocalRotation);
        m_TransformMatrix = translate(m_TransformMatrix, m_Position);
        m_TransformMatrix *= toMat4(m_Rotation);
        m_TransformMatrix = scale(m_TransformMatrix, m_Scale);

        // Calculate forward vector
        m_Forward =  vec3(0, 0, -1) * m_LocalRotation;

        // Calculate Right vector
        m_Right = vec3(1, 0, 0) * m_LocalRotation;

        // Calculate Up vector
        m_Up = vec3(0, 1, 0) * m_LocalRotation;

        m_InverseTranslationMatrix = m_TransformMatrix;
        m_InverseTranslationMatrix[3][0] *= -1;
        m_InverseTranslationMatrix[3][1] *= -1;
        m_InverseTranslationMatrix[3][2] *= -1;

        m_TransformDirty = false;
예제 #2
void Entity :: updateTransform(){

		btTransform trans;
		btVector3 tmpVec3Min;
		btVector3 tmpVec3Max;
		properties->rigidBody->getAabb(tmpVec3Min, tmpVec3Max);
		bounds[0] = vec3((float)tmpVec3Min.getX(), (float)tmpVec3Min.getY(), (float)tmpVec3Min.getZ());
		bounds[1] = vec3((float)tmpVec3Max.getX(), (float)tmpVec3Min.getY(), (float)tmpVec3Min.getZ());
		bounds[2] = vec3((float)tmpVec3Min.getX(), (float)tmpVec3Min.getY(), (float)tmpVec3Max.getZ());
		bounds[3] = vec3((float)tmpVec3Max.getX(), (float)tmpVec3Min.getY(), (float)tmpVec3Max.getZ());
		bounds[4] = vec3((float)tmpVec3Min.getX(), (float)tmpVec3Max.getY(), (float)tmpVec3Min.getZ());
		bounds[5] = vec3((float)tmpVec3Max.getX(), (float)tmpVec3Max.getY(), (float)tmpVec3Min.getZ());
		bounds[6] = vec3((float)tmpVec3Min.getX(), (float)tmpVec3Max.getY(), (float)tmpVec3Max.getZ());
		bounds[7] = vec3((float)tmpVec3Max.getX(), (float)tmpVec3Max.getY(), (float)tmpVec3Max.getZ());
		vec3 _position = vec3( (float)trans.getOrigin().getX(), (float)trans.getOrigin().getY() , (float)trans.getOrigin().getZ() );

		btQuaternion tmpQuat = trans.getRotation();
		vec4 s = vec4(tmpQuat.getX(), tmpQuat.getY(), tmpQuat.getZ(), tmpQuat.getW() );

		rotation = toMat4( quat(s.x, s.y, s.z, s.w) );
		transform = translate * rotation * scale;

예제 #3
파일: actor.cpp 프로젝트: Hillsoft/3DEngine
	void Actor::tick(float deltaTime)

		// Generate the object matrix
		objectMatrix = mat4(1.0f);
		objectMatrix = glm::scale(objectMatrix, scale);
		objectMatrix = toMat4(rotation) * objectMatrix;
		objectMatrix = glm::translate(mat4(1.0f), location) * objectMatrix;
예제 #4
파일: Assimp.cpp 프로젝트: Inzuki/Game
void core::Model::Animation::buildBoneTree(const aiScene *scene, aiNode *node, BoneNode *bNode, Model *m){
		if(m->boneID.find(node->mName.data) != m->boneID.end()){
			BoneNode tempNode;
			tempNode.name = node->mName.data;
			tempNode.parent = bNode;
			tempNode.nodeTransform = toMat4(&node->mTransformation);
			tempNode.boneTransform = boneOffset[tempNode.name];

		if(node->mNumChildren > 0){
			for(unsigned int x = 0; x < node->mNumChildren; x++){
				if(m->boneID.find(node->mName.data) != m->boneID.end())
					buildBoneTree(scene, node->mChildren[x], &bNode->children[bNode->children.size() - 1], m);
					buildBoneTree(scene, node->mChildren[x], bNode, m);
예제 #5
void Scene::Command(const std::vector<std::string>& strings,
                    const std::vector<float>& f)
    if (strings.size() == 0) return;
    std::string c = strings[0];
    if (c == "screen") {
        // syntax: screen width height
        // realtime->setScreen(int(f[1]),int(f[2]));
        width = int(f[1]);
        height = int(f[2]); }

	else if (c == "camera") {
		// syntax: camera x y z   ry   <orientation spec>
		// Eye position (x,y,z),  view orientation (qw qx qy qz),  frustum height ratio ry
		// realtime->setCamera(Vector3f(f[1],f[2],f[3]), Orientation(5,strings,f), f[4]);
		camera->eye = Vector3f(f[1], f[2], f[3]);
		camera->orient = Orientation(5, strings, f);
		camera->ry = f[4];

	else if (c == "ambient") {
		// syntax: ambient r g b
		// Sets the ambient color.  Note: This parameter is temporary.
		// It will be ignored once your raytracer becomes capable of
		// accurately *calculating* the true ambient light.
		// realtime->setAmbient(Vector3f(f[1], f[2], f[3]));
		ambient = Vector3f(f[1], f[2], f[3]);

    else if (c == "brdf")  {
        // syntax: brdf  r g b   r g b  alpha
        // later:  brdf  r g b   r g b  alpha  r g b ior
        // First rgb is Diffuse reflection, second is specular reflection.
        // third is beer's law transmission followed by index of refraction.
        // Creates a Material instance to be picked up by successive shapes
        currentMat = new BRDF(Vector3f(f[1], f[2], f[3]), Vector3f(f[4], f[5], f[6]), f[7], Vector3f(f[8], f[9], f[10]), f[11]); 

    else if (c == "light") {
        // syntax: light  r g b   
        // The rgb is the emission of the light
        // Creates a Material instance to be picked up by successive shapes
        currentMat = new Light(Vector3f(f[1], f[2], f[3])); 
    else if (c == "sphere") {
        // syntax: sphere x y z   r
        // Creates a Shape instance for a sphere defined by a center and radius
        // realtime->sphere(Vector3f(f[1], f[2], f[3]), f[4], currentMat);
		shapes.push_back(new Sphere(Vector3f(f[1], f[2], f[3]), f[4], currentMat));
		if (currentMat->isLight()) emitters.push_back(shapes.back());

    else if (c == "box") {
        // syntax: box bx by bz   dx dy dz
        // Creates a Shape instance for a box defined by a corner point and diagonal vector
        // realtime->box(Vector3f(f[1], f[2], f[3]), Vector3f(f[4], f[5], f[6]), currentMat); 
		shapes.push_back(new Box(Vector3f(f[1], f[2], f[3]), Vector3f(f[4], f[5], f[6]), currentMat));
		if (currentMat->isLight()) emitters.push_back(shapes.back());

    else if (c == "cylinder") {
        // syntax: cylinder bx by bz   ax ay az  r
        // Creates a Shape instance for a cylinder defined by a base point, axis vector, and radius
        // realtime->cylinder(Vector3f(f[1], f[2], f[3]), Vector3f(f[4], f[5], f[6]), f[7], currentMat); 
		shapes.push_back(new Cylinder(Vector3f(f[1], f[2], f[3]), Vector3f(f[4], f[5], f[6]), f[7], currentMat));
		if (currentMat->isLight()) emitters.push_back(shapes.back());

    else if (c == "mesh") {
        // syntax: mesh   filename   tx ty tz   s   <orientation>
        // Creates many Shape instances (one per triangle) by reading
        // model(s) from filename. All triangles are rotated by a
        // quaternion (qw qx qy qz), uniformly scaled by s, and
        // translated by (tx ty tz) .
        Matrix4f modelTr = translate(Vector3f(f[2],f[3],f[4]))
        ReadAssimpFile(strings[1], modelTr);  }

    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "\n*********************************************\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "* Unknown command: %s\n", c.c_str());
        fprintf(stderr, "*********************************************\n\n");
예제 #6
파일: Assimp.cpp 프로젝트: Inzuki/Game
void core::ModelLoader::processMesh(const aiScene *scene, aiNode *node, aiMesh *mesh, Model *m){
	Model::Mesh tempMesh;

	std::fill(tempMesh.weights.begin(), tempMesh.weights.end(), glm::vec4(1.f));
	std::fill(tempMesh.boneID.begin(), tempMesh.boneID.end(), glm::vec4(-333.f));

	tempMesh.baseModelMatrix = toMat4(&node->mTransformation);

	if(node->mParent != NULL)
		tempMesh.baseModelMatrix *= toMat4(&node->mParent->mTransformation);

	for(unsigned x = 0; x < mesh->mNumVertices; x++){
		glm::vec3 tempV;
		tempV.x = mesh->mVertices[x].x;
		tempV.y = mesh->mVertices[x].y;
		tempV.z = mesh->mVertices[x].z;

		glm::vec2 tempUV;
		tempUV.x = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][x].x;
		tempUV.y = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][x].y;

			glm::vec3 tempN;
			tempN.x = mesh->mNormals[x].x;
			tempN.y = mesh->mNormals[x].y;
			tempN.z = mesh->mNormals[x].z;

	for(unsigned int x = 0; x < mesh->mNumFaces; x++){

		aiMaterial *mat = scene->mMaterials[mesh->mMaterialIndex];

		if(mat->GetTextureCount(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE) > 0){
			aiString path;
			mat->GetTexture(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, 0, &path);
			std::string finalFP = m->rootPath + path.C_Str();

		for(std::size_t x = 0; x < mesh->mNumBones; x++){
			unsigned int index = 0;

			if(m->boneID.find(mesh->mBones[x]->mName.data) == m->boneID.end())
				index = m->boneID.size();
				index = m->boneID[mesh->mBones[x]->mName.data];

			m->boneID[mesh->mBones[x]->mName.data] = index;

			for(std::size_t y = 0; y < m->animations[m->currentAnim].channels.size(); y++)
				if(m->animations[m->currentAnim].channels[y].name == mesh->mBones[x]->mName.data)
					m->animations[m->currentAnim].boneOffset[mesh->mBones[x]->mName.data] = toMat4(&mesh->mBones[x]->mOffsetMatrix);

			for(std::size_t y = 0; y < mesh->mBones[x]->mNumWeights; y++){
				unsigned int vertexID = mesh->mBones[x]->mWeights[y].mVertexId;

				if(tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].x == -333){
					tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].x = (float)index;
					tempMesh.weights[vertexID].x = mesh->mBones[x]->mWeights[y].mWeight;
				}else if(tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].y == -333){
					tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].y = (float)index;
					tempMesh.weights[vertexID].y = mesh->mBones[x]->mWeights[y].mWeight;
				}else if(tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].z == -333){
					tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].z = (float)index;
					tempMesh.weights[vertexID].z = mesh->mBones[x]->mWeights[y].mWeight;
				}else if(tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].w == -333){
					tempMesh.boneID[vertexID].w = (float)index;
					tempMesh.weights[vertexID].w = mesh->mBones[x]->mWeights[y].mWeight;

예제 #7
파일: Quat.cpp 프로젝트: arneboon/roxlu
Mat4 Quat::getMat4()  {
	Mat4 result;
	return result;