예제 #1
	void HeaderTagger::addHeaderForDecl(const core::NodePtr& node, const clang::Decl* decl, bool attachUserDefined) const {

		// check whether there is a declaration at all
		if (!decl) return;

		// the node was already annotated, what is the point of doint it again?
		if (insieme::annotations::c::hasIncludeAttached(node))  

		if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)){
			std::string name("UNNAMED");
			if (const clang::NamedDecl* nmd = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::NamedDecl>(decl))
				name = nmd->getQualifiedNameAsString();
			VLOG(2) << "Searching header for: " << node << " of type " << node->getNodeType() << " [clang: " << name << "]" ;

		string fileName = getTopLevelInclude(decl->getLocation());

		// file must be a header file
		if (!isHeaderFile(fileName)) {
			VLOG(2) << "'" << fileName << "' not a headerfile";
			return;			// not to be attached

		// do not add headers for external declarations unless those are within the std-library
		if (const clang::FunctionDecl* funDecl = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::FunctionDecl>(decl)) {
			// TODO: this is just based on integration tests - to make them work, no real foundation :(
			if( funDecl->isExternC() && 
				!(isStdLibHeader(fileName) || isIntrinsicHeader(fileName)) ) return;

		// get absolute path of header file
		fs::path header = fs::canonical(fileName);

		if (auto oclHeader = isOCLHeader(header)){
			VLOG(2) << "OCL		header to be attached: " << oclHeader;
			insieme::annotations::c::attachInclude(node, *oclHeader);
		}if( auto stdLibHeader = toStdLibHeader(header) ) {
			header = *stdLibHeader;
		} else if (auto interceptedLibHeader = toInterceptedLibHeader(header) ) {
			header = *interceptedLibHeader;
		} else if( auto intrinsicHeader = toIntrinsicHeader(header) ) {
			header = *intrinsicHeader;
		} else if (auto userLibHeader = toUserLibHeader(header) ) {
			if(attachUserDefined ) {
				header = *userLibHeader;
			} else {

		VLOG(2) << "		header to be attached: " << header.string();

		// use resulting header
		insieme::annotations::c::attachInclude(node, header.string());
예제 #2
boost::optional<fs::path> HeaderTagger::toUserLibHeader(const fs::path& path) const {
	static const boost::optional<fs::path> fail;

	if(userIncludeDirs.empty()) { return fail; }

	if(contains(userIncludeDirs, fs::canonical(path))) { return fs::path(); }

	if(!path.has_parent_path()) { return fail; }

	// if it is within the user-added-include directory, build relative path
	auto res = toUserLibHeader(path.parent_path());
	return (res) ? (*res / path.filename()) : fail;
예제 #3
		bool HeaderTagger::isUserLibHeader(const fs::path& path) const{
			return toUserLibHeader(path);	