예제 #1
static double compute_distance(double lon1, double lat1, double lon2,
                               double lat2)
  Compute the great circle distance between two point on the earth's surface
  in degrees. Both the input and the output values are in degrees.

  Returns a number between 0 and 180
  lon1 = to_radians(lon1);
  lat1 = to_radians(lat1);

  lon2 = to_radians(lon2);
  lat2 = to_radians(lat2);
  double sin_lat1 = sin(lat1);
  double cos_lat1 = cos(lat1);

  double sin_lat2 = sin(lat2);
  double cos_lat2 = cos(lat2);
  double delta_lon = lon2 - lon1;
  double cos_delta_lon = cos(delta_lon);
  double sin_delta_lon = sin(delta_lon);
  double angle = atan2(sqrt(square(cos_lat2 * sin_delta_lon) +
                            square(cos_lat1 * sin_lat2 -
                                   sin_lat1 * cos_lat2 * cos_delta_lon)),
                       sin_lat1 * sin_lat2 
                       + cos_lat1 * cos_lat2 * cos_delta_lon);
  return to_degrees(angle);
예제 #2
static void invert_dist_azimuth(double lon1, double lat1, double dist,
                                double azi, double * out_lon2,
                                double * out_lat2)
  Return the location loc2=(longitude, latitude) such that
  compute_distance(loc1, loc2) == dist  and  compute_azimuth(loc1, loc2) = azi.

  Or, in other words if we move along the great-circle from 'loc1' along the
  azimuth 'azi' for a distance of 'dist' degrees then we will reach loc2.

     invert_dist_azimuth(10, 0, 10.049369393181079, 95.740074136412659, ..)
       --> 20, 0
  /* convert everything to radians */
  lon1 = to_radians(lon1);
  lat1 = to_radians(lat1);
  dist = to_radians(dist);
  azi = to_radians(azi);

  double lat2 = asin(sin(lat1) * cos(dist) + cos(lat1) * sin(dist) * cos(azi));

  double lon2 = lon1 + atan2(sin(azi) * sin(dist) * cos(lat1),
                             cos(dist) - sin(lat1) * sin(lat2));

  *out_lon2 = to_degrees(lon2);
  *out_lat2 = to_degrees(lat2);
Line* Triangle::rotate_vector(Line* vector, Point* center,float angle)
	static Point *anchor = new Point();

	anchor->x = vector->a->x;
	anchor->y = vector->a->y;

	vector->b->x -= anchor->x;//0
	vector->b->y -= anchor->y;//0
	vector->a->x -= anchor->x;
	vector->a->y -= anchor->y;

	float vx = vector->b->x;
	float vy = vector->b->y;

	vector->b->x = (vx*cos(to_radians(angle)) - vy*sin(to_radians(angle)));
	vector->b->y =   (vx*sin(to_radians(angle)) + vy*cos(to_radians(angle)));

//need if rotate around center
//	vx = vector->a->x;
//	vy = vector->a->y;
//	vector->a->x = (vx*cos(to_radians(angle)) - vy*sin(to_radians(angle)));
//	vector->a->y =   (vx*sin(to_radians(angle)) + vy*cos(to_radians(angle)));

	vector->b->x += anchor->x;
	vector->b->y += anchor->y;

	vector->a->x += anchor->x;
	vector->a->y += anchor->y;
	return vector;
Point* Triangle::rotate_point(Point* p, Point* anchor, float angle)
	float vx = 0; //can be changed to rotate entire rectangle
	float vy = Triangle::EGDE_LENGTH;
	//p->x can be mult by -1 to change pivot point of rotate
	p->x = -(vx*cos(to_radians(angle)) - vy*sin(to_radians(angle)));
	p->y =  vx*sin(to_radians(angle)) + vy*cos(to_radians(angle));
	p->x += anchor->x;
	p->y += anchor->y;
//	p->draw();
	return p;
예제 #5
double distance(city* from, city* to) {
	double f_lat_rad = to_radians(from->latitude);
	double t_lat_rad = to_radians(to->latitude);
	double f_lon_rad = to_radians(from->longitude);
	double t_lon_rad = to_radians(to->longitude);
	double diff_lat = fabs(t_lat_rad - f_lat_rad);
	double diff_lon = fabs(t_lon_rad - f_lon_rad);
	double a = sin(diff_lat/2)*sin(diff_lat/2) + (cos(f_lat_rad)*cos(t_lat_rad)*sin(diff_lon/2)*sin(diff_lon/2));
	double c = 2*atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a));
	return c*EARTH_RADIUS;
예제 #6
void OpenSpace::initialize()

	world().SetGravity(b2Vec2(0, 10));

	upper = makePlatform(10, -25);
	middle = makePlatform(50, -25);
	auto pd = physicsDimensions();

	for(int i = 0; i < 150; ++i)
		polygonDef def;
		def.bodyDef.position.Set(randuniform(pd.x, pd.x + 30), randuniform(-30, pd.y-30));
		def.bodyDef.angle = to_radians(randuniform(0, 360));
		def.bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;
		def.shape.SetAsBox(1, 5);
		def.fixtureDef.restitution = 0.5;
		def.fixtureDef.density = 4;
		bodies.push_back(make_shape(world(), def));
int L_tan(lua_State * env)
	float x = lua_tointeger(env, -1);
	float result = to_degrees(tan(to_radians(x)));
	lua_pushnumber(env, result);
	return 1;
예제 #8
Area    Ship::bounding() const
    // the idea in the following code is to calculate a bounding box
    // around the ship's triangle and use it for collision detection.

    // TODO: find a nicer way of rotating and translating
    // (-center_ and +center_ is not intuitive)

    // first calculate the triangle 'shadowing' the triangle on display
    // this means a rotation and translation needs to be applied to the
    // known points (see Ship::draw for comparison to the OpenGL code)
    const vector2 &RA = A_ - center_,
                   &RB = B_ - center_,
                    &RC = C_ - center_;

    // this is probably inefficient
    vector2 RRA(0, 0), RRB(0, 0), RRC(0, 0);

    float ra = to_radians(rot_angle_);
    rotate_vector(RA, ra, RRA);
    rotate_vector(RB, ra, RRB);
    rotate_vector(RC, ra, RRC);

    RRA += pos_ + center_;
    RRB += pos_ + center_;
    RRC += pos_ + center_;

    const vector2* points[3] = { &RRA, &RRB, &RRC } ;

    // no point storing the bounding box, because it depends on position
    // find a bounding box encompassing all points
    return Area::minimumArea(points, 3);
예제 #9
파일: colors.c 프로젝트: zejn/pg-colors
float8 colors_delta_e_cmc(float8 l1, float8 a1, float8 b1, float8 l2, float8 a2, float8 b2, float8 pl, float8 pc)
    float8  C_1,

    C_1 = sqrt(pow(a1, 2) + pow(b1, 2));
    C_2 = sqrt(pow(a2, 2) + pow(b2, 2));

    delta_L = l1 - l2;
    delta_C = C_1 - C_2;

    H_1 = to_degrees(atan2(b1, a1));

    H_1 += (H_1 < 0 ? 360 : 0);

    F = sqrt(pow(C_1, 4) / (pow(C_1, 4) + 1900.0));

    if (164 <= H_1 && H_1 <= 345) {
        T = 0.56 + fabs(0.2 * cos(to_radians(H_1 + 168)));
    } else {
        T = 0.36 + fabs(0.4 * cos(to_radians(H_1 + 35)));

    if (l1 < 16) {
        S_L = 0.511;
    } else {
        S_L = (0.040975 * l1) / (1 + 0.01765 * l1);

    S_C = ((0.0638 * C_1) / (1 + 0.0131 * C_1)) + 0.638;
    S_H = S_C * (F * T + 1 - F);

    delta_H_sq = -pow(delta_C, 2) + pow(a1 - a2, 2) + pow(b1 - b2, 2);
    delta_H = sqrt((delta_H_sq > 0 ? delta_H_sq : 0));

    return sqrt(pow(delta_L / (pl * S_L), 2) + pow(delta_C / (pc * S_C), 2) + pow(delta_H / S_H, 2));
예제 #10
void set_primitive_angle(PRIMITIVE *p, float angle)
    float offset_angle;
    int i;

    if (p == NULL)

    offset_angle = angle - p->angle;
    p->angle = angle;
    p->velocity.x = p->speed * cosf(to_radians(angle));
    p->velocity.y = p->speed * sinf(to_radians(angle));
    for (i=0; i<p->size; i++)
        point2_rotate(&p->points[i], to_radians(offset_angle), p->centroid.x, p->centroid.y);
예제 #11
void move_line(FPOINT *point1, FPOINT *point2, FPOINT *centroid, VECTOR2D velocity, float rotation)
    FPOINT orig_centroid = *centroid;
    float offset_x, offset_y;

    if (point1 == NULL || point2 == NULL)

    centroid->x += velocity.x; centroid->y += velocity.y;
    offset_x = centroid->x - orig_centroid.x; 
    offset_y = centroid->y - orig_centroid.y;

    point1->x += offset_x;   point1->y += offset_y;
    point2->x += offset_x;   point2->y += offset_y;

    point2_rotate(point1, to_radians(rotation), centroid->x, centroid->y);
    point2_rotate(point2, to_radians(rotation), centroid->x, centroid->y);
void D_ShotObj::DrawShot()

	RotationAngleZ = Angle + 90;
	D3DXMatrixAffineTransformation2D(&Transform, Scale, nullptr,to_radians(RotationAngleZ), &OFFSET);

	SpriteBatch->Draw(Texture, &SourceRect, &D3DXVECTOR3(Origin.x, Origin.y, 0), nullptr, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 255, 255, 255));

예제 #13
static dynamixel_device_status_t* axseries_get_status(dynamixel_device_t *device)
    dynamixel_msg_t *msg = dynamixel_msg_create(2);
    msg->buf[0] = 0x24;
    msg->buf[1] = 8;
    dynamixel_msg_t *resp = device->bus->send_command(device->bus,


    if (resp == NULL)
        return NULL;

    dynamixel_device_status_t *stat = dynamixel_device_status_create();
    stat->position_radians = ((resp->buf[1] & 0xff) +
                              ((resp->buf[2] & 0x3) << 8)) *
                             to_radians(300) / 1024.0 - to_radians(150);
    int tmp = ((resp->buf[3] & 0xff) + ((resp->buf[4] & 0x3f) << 8));
    if (tmp < 1024)
        stat->speed = tmp / 1023.0;
        stat->speed = -(tmp - 1024)/1023.0;

    // load is signed, we scale to [-1, 1]
    tmp = (resp->buf[5] & 0xff) + ((resp->buf[6] & 0xff) << 8);
    if (tmp < 1024)
        stat->load = tmp / 1023.0;
        stat->load = -(tmp - 1024) / 1023.0;

    stat->voltage = (resp->buf[7] & 0xff) / 10.0;   // scale to voltage
    stat->temperature = (resp->buf[7] & 0xff);      // deg celcius
    stat->continuous = device->rotation_mode;
    stat->error_flags = (resp->buf[0] & 0xff);

    return stat;
예제 #14
b2Body* OpenSpace::makePlatform(float ycenter, float angle)
	auto pd = physicsDimensions();
	polygonDef def;
	def.bodyDef.position.Set(pd.x, ycenter);
	def.bodyDef.type = b2_staticBody;
	def.bodyDef.angle = to_radians(angle);
	def.bodyDef.fixedRotation = true;
	def.shape.SetAsBox(pd.x-40, 2);
	def.fixtureDef.density = 1;
	def.fixtureDef.friction = 0.4;
	return make_shape(world(), def);
예제 #15
VEC2	*rotate2(VEC2 *vec, float angle)
	float		rad;
	float		c;
	float		s;

	rad = to_radians(angle);
	c = cos(rad);
	s = sin(rad);
	vec->x = vec->x * c - vec->y * s;
	vec->y = vec->x * s + vec->y * c;
	return (vec);
예제 #16
static double compute_azimuth(double lon1, double lat1, double lon2,
                              double lat2)
  Angle in degrees measured clockwise from north starting at
  loc1 towards loc2. loc1 and loc2 are (longitude, latitude) in degrees.

  See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great-circle_navigation.

  However, we want north = 0 degrees,
                   east = 90 degrees,
                   south = 180 degrees, and
                   west = 270 degrees.

  Return an angle in 0 to 360 degrees.
  lon1 = to_radians(lon1);
  lat1 = to_radians(lat1);

  lon2 = to_radians(lon2);
  lat2 = to_radians(lat2);
  double delta_lon = lon2 - lon1;
  double y = sin(delta_lon);
  double x = cos(lat1) * tan(lat2) - sin(lat1) * cos(delta_lon);
  double azi = to_degrees(atan2(y, x));

    azi is now in range -180/180
    the following trick brings it in the 0 - 360 range

  return fmod(azi + 360 , 360);
예제 #17
void TreeSystem::make_ground(
	float thickness,
	float base_angle,
	float delta_angle,
	const sf::Color& base_color,
	const ColorTransform& deltas)
	const float density_factor = 1.5;
	const float block_w = 5;
	const float block_h = 1;
	const float block_area = block_w * block_h;
	const float underground_depth = 5;

	auto phys = physicsDimensions();
	auto phys2 = physicsHalfDimensions();
	const float area = (thickness + underground_depth) * phys.x;
	const unsigned density = (area * density_factor) / block_area;

	blocks.reserve(blocks.size() + density + 1);

	polygonDef def;
	def.bodyDef.active = false;
	def.bodyDef.fixedRotation = true;
	def.bodyDef.type = b2_staticBody;
	def.shape.SetAsBox(phys2.x, thickness/2);
	def.bodyDef.angle = 0;
	def.bodyDef.position.Set(phys2.x, phys.y - (thickness/2));

		make_shape(world(), def),
	def.shape.SetAsBox(block_w, block_h);

	const b2Vec2 topLeft(0, phys.y - thickness);
	const b2Vec2 bottomRight(phys.x, phys.y + underground_depth);

	maxProgress(blocks.size() + density + 1);

	for(int i = 0; i < density; ++i)
		def.bodyDef.position = random_in(topLeft, bottomRight);
		def.bodyDef.angle = to_radians(randcentered(base_angle, delta_angle));
		add_block(def, deltas.apply(base_color));
예제 #18
void move_polygon(FPOINT *points, int size, FPOINT *centroid, VECTOR2D velocity, float *angle, float rotation, FRECT *bounding_box)
    FPOINT orig_centroid = *centroid;
    float offset_x, offset_y;
    float min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y;
    int p;

    centroid->x += velocity.x;
    centroid->y += velocity.y;
    offset_x = centroid->x - orig_centroid.x; 
    offset_y = centroid->y - orig_centroid.y;

    if (angle != NULL)
        *angle = wrapf(*angle + rotation, FULL_DEG);

    if (points != NULL && size > 0)
        max_x = min_x = centroid->x;
        max_y = min_y = centroid->y;

        for (p=0; p<size; p++)
            points[p].x += offset_x;
            points[p].y += offset_y;
            point2_rotate(&points[p], to_radians(rotation), centroid->x, centroid->y);

            if (bounding_box != NULL)
                if (points[p].x < min_x) 
                    min_x = points[p].x;
                else if (points[p].x > max_x) 
                    max_x = points[p].x;
                if (points[p].y < min_y) 
                    min_y = points[p].y;
                else if (points[p].y > max_y) 
                    max_y = points[p].y;
        if (bounding_box != NULL)
            bounding_box->x = min_x;
            bounding_box->w = max_x - min_x;
            bounding_box->y = min_y;
            bounding_box->h = max_y - min_y;
예제 #19
std::pair<double, double> georeference_target_in_image(int targetrow,
                                                       int targetcol,
                                                       int imrows,
                                                       int imcols,
                                                       double planelat,
                                                       double planelongt,
                                                       double planeheading,
                                                       double planealtitude)
    double pxperfeet = static_calculate_px_per_feet(imcols, planealtitude, 1.0); //default scalefactor: 1.0
    planeheading = planeheading - kPI; //Gimbal is reversed in plane

    double rowdiff = targetrow - (double)imrows/2; //row diff from center (and center of plane)
    double coldiff = targetcol - (double)imcols/2; //col diff from center (and center of plane)

    // Tranlate to polar coordinates, in feet
    double centerdiff = sqrt(pow(rowdiff, 2) + pow(coldiff, 2));
    double centerfeetdiff = centerdiff / pxperfeet;
    double centerangle = atan2(coldiff, rowdiff); //clockwise from up (we use coordinate system North-Is-Up == 0 degrees, East-Is-Right == 90 degrees)
                                                  //the image may not be facing up==north, so planeheading is used as the offset
                                                  //atan2(x,y) is clockwise from up
                                                  //atan2(y,x) is counterclockwise from right (ordinary polar coordinates)
    // Project to Lat/Long; convert planeheading from degrees to radians
    double latfeetdiff = centerfeetdiff * cos(planeheading*0.01745329251994329577 + centerangle);
    double longtfeetdiff = centerfeetdiff * sin(planeheading*0.01745329251994329577 + centerangle);

    // Convert Lat/Long feet differences into degrees to get final lat/long
    double target_lat = planelat + latfeetdiff/365221.43; //365221 feet in 1 degree of latitude arc, small angle assumptions for field; 
    double longt_deg_to_feet = kPI * 20898855.01138578 * cos(to_radians(target_lat)) / 180; //Radius of circle at this lat, (PI*R)/(180)
    double target_longt = planelongt + longtfeetdiff/longt_deg_to_feet;
    //cout << "heading: " << planeheading << endl;
    //cout << "imrows: " << imrows << " imcols: " << imcols << endl;
    //cout << "rd: " << rowdiff << endl;
    //cout << "cd: " << coldiff << endl;
    //cout << "ppf: " << pxperfeet << endl;
    //cout << "centerdiff: " << centerdiff << endl;
    //cout << "centerfeetdiff: " << centerfeetdiff << endl;
    //cout << "centerangle: " << centerangle << endl;
    //printf("lat diff: %.7f\tdeg, %.3f feet\n", latfeetdiff/365221, latfeetdiff);
    //printf("long diff: %.7f\tdeg, %.3f feet\n", longtfeetdiff/longt_deg_to_feet, longtfeetdiff);
    return std::pair<double, double>(target_lat, target_longt);
예제 #20
void OVR_SDL2_nav::step()
    mat3 N = normal(inverse(yrotation(to_radians(rotation))));
    vec3 v = dposition;

    if (move_L) v = v + vec3(-1, 0, 0);
    if (move_R) v = v + vec3(+1, 0, 0);
    if (move_D) v = v + vec3(0, -1, 0);
    if (move_U) v = v + vec3(0, +1, 0);
    if (move_F) v = v + vec3(0, 0, -1);
    if (move_B) v = v + vec3(0, 0, +1);

    if (length(v) > 1.0)
        v = normalize(v);

    position = position + N * v / 30.0;
    rotation = rotation + drotation;
예제 #21
/// \brief  "Fires" a round from the Ship's ammo collection. The count of
///         ammo is decremented thereafter.
/// \return void
void    Ship::fire()
    if (ammo_pos_ != ammo_.end()) {
        vector2 bP(0, 0);

        // calculate the position of the bullet at the 'nose' of the ship
        float ra = to_radians(rot_angle_);
        rotate_vector((C_ - center_), ra, bP);
        bP += pos_ + center_;

        (*ammo_pos_).fire(bP, vel_ * 5);

    } else {
        DEBUG_PRINT << ">>> OUT OF AMMO -- RELOADING!" << std::endl;

예제 #22
파일: Flat.cpp 프로젝트: Lucretiel/Art2D
void Flat::initialize()
	const int num_things = 75;

	maxProgress(num_things * 3);

	for(int i = 0; i < num_things; ++i)
		polygonDef def;
		def.bodyDef.position.Set(randuniform(50, 100), randuniform(0, 80));
		def.bodyDef.angle = 0;
		def.bodyDef.fixedRotation = true;
		def.bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;
		def.shape.SetAsBox(1*1.2, 5*1.2);
		def.fixtureDef.density = 1;
		(make_shape(back1, def));
	for(int i = 0; i < num_things; ++i)
		polygonDef def;
		def.bodyDef.position.Set(randuniform(50, 100), randuniform(0, 80));
		def.bodyDef.angle = to_radians(randuniform(0, 360));
		def.bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;
		def.shape.SetAsBox(1, 5);
		def.fixtureDef.density = 1;
		(make_shape(back2, def));
	for(int i = 0; i < num_things; ++i)
		polygonDef def;
		def.bodyDef.position.Set(randuniform(50, 100), randuniform(0, 80));
		def.bodyDef.angle = 0;
		def.bodyDef.fixedRotation = true;
		def.bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;
		def.shape.SetAsBox(1*0.8, 5*0.8);
		def.fixtureDef.density = 1;
		(make_shape(back3, def));
예제 #23
void    Ship::rotateVelocity()
    //           C
    //           *
    //          *|*
    //         * | *
    //        *  |  *
    //       *   |   *
    //    A * * * * * * B
    //           M
    //    M_C = C - M
    //    M is the mid-point between A and B
    //    The idea is to calculate the direction by calculating the
    //    vector M_C and rotating it
    //       ^
    //       ^
    //       ^
    //       C
    //      *^*
    //     * ^ *
    //    *  ^  *
    // A * * * * * B

    const vector2 M((A_[0] + B_[0]) / 2, (A_[1] + B_[1]) / 2),
          M_C = (C_ - M).normalize();

    // use a 2D rotation matrix to rotate the M_C vector, so the ship
    // goes 'forwards' with C as the front of the ship, rather than
    // at some weird angle
    rotate_vector(M_C, to_radians(rot_angle_), vel_);

    vel_   *= speed_;
예제 #24
bool wrl::constraint::point(const vec3& p, const vec3& v, mat4& A)
    if (to_degrees(acos(mouse_v * v)) > 1.0)
        if (mode)
            double a;
            double d;

            calc_rot(a, d, p, v);

            if (fabs(a - mouse_a) > 0.0 || fabs(d - mouse_d) > 0.0)
                A = translation( wvector(T))
                    *    rotation( zvector(T), to_radians(a - mouse_a))
                    * translation(-wvector(T));

                return true;
            double x;
            double y;

            calc_pos(x, y, p, v);

            if (fabs(x - mouse_x) > 0.0 || fabs(y - mouse_y) > 0.0)
                A = translation(xvector(T) * (x - mouse_x)
                                + yvector(T) * (y - mouse_y));
                return true;
    return false;
예제 #25
void TreeSystem::make_tree(
	int iterations, b2Vec2 base,
	float ratio1, float ratio2,
	float min_core_angle, float max_core_angle,
	float min_branch_angle_1, float max_branch_angle_1,
	float min_branch_angle_2, float max_branch_angle_2,
	float initial_size, float leaf_size,
	const sf::Color& bark, const ColorTransform& bark_trans,
	const std::vector<LeafSystem>& over_leaves,
	const std::vector<LeafSystem>& under_leaves)
	TreeNode::ratio1 = ratio1;
	TreeNode::ratio2 = ratio2;
	TreeNode::min_ca = min_core_angle;
	TreeNode::max_ca = max_core_angle;
	TreeNode::min_ba1 = min_branch_angle_1;
	TreeNode::max_ba1 = max_branch_angle_1;
	TreeNode::min_ba2 = min_branch_angle_2;
	TreeNode::max_ba2 = max_branch_angle_2;

	//Generate Tree
	std::list<TreeNode> grown;
	std::list<TreeNode> growing;
	std::list<TreeNode> upcoming;

	grown.emplace_back(base, initial_size);
	growing.emplace_back(grown.back(), true);

	for(unsigned i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
		for(TreeNode& node: growing)
			upcoming.emplace_back(node, true);
			upcoming.emplace_back(node, false);
		grown.splice(grown.end(), growing);
		growing.splice(growing.end(), upcoming);
	grown.splice(grown.end(), growing);

	auto make_leaves = [&](const std::vector<LeafSystem>& leaves)->void
		polygonDef leafDef;
		leafDef.bodyDef.active = false;
		leafDef.bodyDef.type = b2_staticBody;
		leafDef.bodyDef.fixedRotation = true;
		for(const LeafSystem& system : leaves)
			leafDef.shape.SetAsBox(5 * system.size, system.size);
			for(const TreeNode& node : grown)
				if(system.min_depth > node.get_id() && system.min_depth >= 0)
				if(system.max_depth < node.get_id() && system.max_depth >= 0)

				const float length = node.get_length();
				float num_leaves = (length * length * system.density / 2.5);
				if(system.density < 0 || (num_leaves < 1 && randuniform(0, 1) < num_leaves))
					num_leaves = 1.5;
				const unsigned count_leaves = num_leaves;
				const auto center = node.center();

				for(unsigned i = 0; i < count_leaves; ++i)
					leafDef.bodyDef.position = random_centered(center, system.density < 0 ? 0 : length / 2);
					leafDef.bodyDef.angle = to_radians(randcentered(system.base_dangle, system.delta_dangle));
					add_block(leafDef, system.transform.apply(system.color));


	polygonDef def;
	def.bodyDef.active = false;
	def.bodyDef.fixedRotation = true;
	def.bodyDef.type = b2_staticBody;

	for(TreeNode& node : grown)
		def.bodyDef.position = node.center();
		def.bodyDef.angle = -node.get_angle();
		def.shape.SetAsBox(node.get_length() / 2, node.get_length() / 10);
		add_block(def, bark_trans.apply(bark));


예제 #26
static double axseries_get_max_position_radians()
    return to_radians(150);
예제 #27
 float4x4 get_view_proj_matrix()
     auto p = look_at_pose(position, position + direction);
     return mul(make_perspective_matrix(to_radians(cutoff * 2.0f), 1.0f, 0.1f, 1000.f), make_view_matrix_from_pose(p));
예제 #28
 float get_cutoff() {
     return cosf(to_radians(cutoff));
예제 #29
	void set_dimensions(float l, float a)
		angle = (parent ? parent->angle : 0) + (to_radians(a) * (inverse ? - 1 : 1));
예제 #30
파일: colors.c 프로젝트: zejn/pg-colors
float8 colors_delta_e_cie_2000(float8 l1, float8 a1, float8 b1, float8 l2, float8 a2, float8 b2, float8 Kl, float8 Kc, float8 Kh)
    float8  avg_Lp,

    avg_Lp = (l1+l2)/2.0;

    C1 = sqrt(pow(a1, 2.0) + pow(b1, 2.0));
    C2 = sqrt(pow(a2, 2.0) + pow(b2, 2.0));

    avg_C1_C2 = (C1 + C2) / 2.0;

    G = 0.5 * (1 - sqrt(pow(avg_C1_C2, 7.0) / (pow(avg_C1_C2, 7.0) + pow(25.0, 7.0))));

    a1p = (1.0 + G) * a1;
    a2p = (1.0 + G) * a2;

    C1p = sqrt(pow(a1p, 2.0) + pow(b1, 2.0));
    C2p = sqrt(pow(a2p, 2.0) + pow(b2, 2.0));

    avg_C1p_C2p = (C1p + C2p) / 2.0;

    h1p = to_degrees(atan2(b1, a1p));
    h1p += (h1p < 0 ? 360 : 0);
    h2p = to_degrees(atan2(b2, a2p));
    h2p += (h2p < 0 ? 360 : 0);

    avg_Hp = ((fabs(h1p - h2p) > 180 ? 360 : 0) + h1p + h2p) / 2.0;

    T = 1 - 0.17 * cos(to_radians(avg_Hp - 30)) + 
        0.24 * cos(to_radians(2 * avg_Hp)) +
        0.32 * cos(to_radians(3 * avg_Hp + 6)) - 
        0.2 * cos(to_radians(4 * avg_Hp - 63));

    diff_h2p_h1p = h2p - h1p;
    delta_hp = diff_h2p_h1p + (fabs(diff_h2p_h1p) > 180 ? 360 : 0);
    delta_hp -= (h2p > h1p ? 720 : 0);

    delta_Lp = l2 - l1;
    delta_Cp = C2p - C1p;
    delta_Hp = 2 * sqrt(C2p * C1p) * sin(to_radians(delta_hp) / 2.0);

    S_L = 1 + ((0.015 * pow(avg_Lp - 50, 2.0)) / sqrt(20 + pow(avg_Lp - 50, 2.0)));
    S_C = 1 + 0.045 * avg_C1p_C2p;
    S_H = 1 + 0.015 * avg_C1p_C2p * T;

    delta_ro = 30 * exp(-(pow(((avg_Hp - 275) / 25), 2.0)));

    R_C = sqrt((pow(avg_C1p_C2p, 7.0)) / (pow(avg_C1p_C2p, 7.0) + pow(25.0, 7.0)));
    R_T = -2 * R_C * sin(2 * to_radians(delta_ro));

    return sqrt(
        pow(delta_Lp / (S_L * Kl), 2) +
        pow(delta_Cp / (S_C * Kc), 2) +
        pow(delta_Hp / (S_H * Kh), 2) +
        R_T * (delta_Cp / (S_C * Kc)) * (delta_Hp / (S_H * Kh)));