예제 #1
파일: work.c 프로젝트: tlvb/vitium
#include "work.h"
#include <stdio.h>

void get_time(imagedata_t *img, const char *fn, logger_t *l) { /*{{{*/
	// this is a hack that is targeted to a
	// specific small set of jpeg images,
	// not expected, or more so, expected to
	// not work with arbitrary files
	log(l, "trying to open \"%s\"\n", fn);
	FILE *fd = fopen(fn, "rb");
	char dstr[20];
	fseek(fd, 188, SEEK_SET);
	fread(dstr, sizeof(char), 19, fd);
	dstr[19] = '\0';
	// 2013:12:27 18:20:32
	// 0123456789012345678
	img->time.tm_year = atoi(dstr)-1900;
	img->time.tm_mon = atoi(dstr+5);
	img->time.tm_mday = atoi(dstr+8);
	img->time.tm_hour = atoi(dstr+11);
	img->time.tm_min = atoi(dstr+14);
	img->time.tm_sec = atoi(dstr+17);

	img->stamp = mktime(&img->time);

	log(l, "%s -> %s -> %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d -> %Ld\n", fn, dstr,
		img->time.tm_year, img->time.tm_mon, img->time.tm_mday,
		img->time.tm_hour, img->time.tm_min, img->time.tm_sec,
} /*}}}*/
void scalepow2(bitmap_t *out, bitmap_t *in, unsigned int spow) { /*{{{*/
	unsigned int limit = 1<<spow;
	for (size_t ty=0; ty<out->height; ++ty) {
		for (size_t tx=0; tx<out->width; ++tx) {
			size_t tp = tx + ty*out->width;
			unsigned int ys = 0;
			unsigned int cbs = 0;
			unsigned int crs = 0;
			size_t ctr = 0;
			for (size_t y=0; y<limit; ++y) {
				size_t sy = ty*limit + y;
				if (sy >= in->height) { break; }
				for (size_t x=0; x<limit; ++x) {
					size_t sx = tx*limit + x;
					if (sx >= in->width) { break; }
					size_t sp = sx + sy*in->width;
					ys += in->data[sp].x[0];
					cbs += in->data[sp].x[1];
					crs += in->data[sp].x[2];
			ctr = ctr==0?1:ctr;
			out->data[tp].x[0] = ys/ctr;
			out->data[tp].x[1] = cbs/ctr;
			out->data[tp].x[2] = crs/ctr;
} /*}}}*/
void init_threaddata(threaddata_t *td, const char *ofmt, const char *ifmt, int start, int stop) { /*{{{*/
	log_init(&td->common.l, stdout);
	log(&td->common.l, "- logger created\n");

	td->common.writerstr = calloc(strlen(ofmt)+32, sizeof(char));
	assert(td->common.writerstr != NULL);
	sprintf(td->common.writerstr, "pnmtojpeg -quality=100 > %s", ofmt);
	log(&td->common.l, "- output shape is '%s'\n", td->common.writerstr);

	td->common.readerfmt = ifmt;
	td->common.readerstr = calloc(strlen(ifmt)+16, sizeof(char));
	assert(td->common.readerstr != NULL);
	sprintf(td->common.readerstr, "jpegtopnm < %s", ifmt);
	log(&td->common.l, "- input shape is '%s'\n", td->common.readerstr);

	log(&td->common.l, "- initializing counter\n");
	counter_init(&td->counter, start, stop);

	log(&td->common.l, "- initializing buffer\n");
	buffer_init(&td->buffer, BUFFERSIZE, loader, unloader);

	//font_load_gz(&td->font, "data/sun12x22.psfu");
	font_load_gz(&td->font, "/usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/sun12x22.psfu.gz");
} /*}}}*/
void destroy_threaddata(threaddata_t *td) { /*{{{*/
	buffer_destroy(&td->buffer, &td->common);
	log(&td->common.l, "- destroying counter\n");
	log(&td->common.l, "- destroying logger\n");
} /*}}}*/
void *loader(unsigned int index, void* old, void* state, int *status) { /*{{{*/
	ioglobals_t *common = (ioglobals_t*) state;
	char *command = calloc(strlen(common->readerstr)+128, sizeof(char));
	char *fn = calloc(strlen(common->readerfmt)+128, sizeof(char));
	sprintf(command, common->readerstr, index);
	sprintf(fn, common->readerfmt, index);

	imagedata_t *imd = (imagedata_t*)old;
	if (imd == NULL) {
		imd = calloc(sizeof(imagedata_t), 1);
	assert(imd != NULL);

	get_time(imd, fn, &common->l);
	log(&common->l, "reading file %u (%s) with command '%s'\n", index, fn, command);

	FILE *pfd = popen(command, "r");
	if (!pfd) {
	assert(pfd != NULL);
	int flag = PPM_OK;
	imd->orig = ppm_fread(imd->orig, pfd, &flag);
	assert(flag == PPM_OK);
	assert(imd->orig != NULL);
	log(&common->l, "wxh: %u x %u\n", imd->orig->width, imd->orig->height);

	unsigned int values[NSC] = {0, 3};
	unsigned int powers[NSC] = {1, 8}; // index zero never used
	for (size_t i=0; i<NSC; ++i) {
		unsigned int additive = powers[i]-1;
		imd->tfsc[i] = bitmap_new(imd->tfsc[i], (imd->orig->width+additive)/powers[i], (imd->orig->height+additive)/powers[i]);
		assert(imd->tfsc[i] != NULL);
		log(&common->l, "index %u: created image %u/%u for colour transform and dimensions %u x %u\n", index, i, NSC, imd->tfsc[i]->width, imd->tfsc[i]->height);
	to_ycbcr(imd->tfsc[0]->data, imd->orig->data, imd->orig->width*imd->orig->height);
	for (size_t i=1; i<NSC; ++i) {
		scalepow2(imd->tfsc[i], imd->tfsc[0], values[i]);
	return imd;
} /*}}}*/
예제 #2
파일: compact.c 프로젝트: ChenThread/ice2
void gpu_compact(void)
	int ptr = 0;
	static int16_t boxres[VH][VW];
	static uint8_t op_is_ok[GOP_MAX];
#if VW > 255 || VH > 255
	static uint16_t op_dims[GOP_MAX][4];
	static uint8_t op_dims[GOP_MAX][4];
	int x, y;
	gop_s *g;

	// see if any ops have any importance
	// FIXME: this will break once we have copies in place
	// they may need to shift a location before it gets shat on!
	memset(boxres, 0xFF, VW*VH*2);
	for(ptr = 0, g = &gop[0]; ptr < gop_count; ptr++, g++)
		assert(g->bx >= 0);
		assert(g->by >= 0);
		assert(g->bx + g->bw <= VW);
		assert(g->by + g->bh <= VH);

		for(y = g->by; y < g->by+g->bh; y++)
		for(x = g->bx; x < g->bx+g->bw; x++)
			boxres[y][x] = ptr;

	// now check if all of these ops haven't been screwed over
	memset(op_is_ok, 0, GOP_MAX);
	for(y = 0; y < VH; y++)
	for(x = 0; x < VW; x++)
		ptr = boxres[y][x];

		if(ptr == 0xFFFF)

		if(op_is_ok[ptr] == 0)
			op_is_ok[ptr] = 1;
			op_dims[ptr][0] = x;
			op_dims[ptr][1] = y;
			op_dims[ptr][2] = x;
			op_dims[ptr][3] = y;
		} else {
			if(op_dims[ptr][0] > x) op_dims[ptr][0] = x;
			if(op_dims[ptr][1] > y) op_dims[ptr][1] = y;
			if(op_dims[ptr][2] < x) op_dims[ptr][2] = x;
			if(op_dims[ptr][3] < y) op_dims[ptr][3] = y;

	// update op colours
	for(ptr = 0, g = &gop[0]; ptr < gop_count; ptr++, g++)
			// get dims
			if(g->op == GOP_COPY) continue;

			g->bx = op_dims[ptr][0];
			g->by = op_dims[ptr][1];
			g->bw = op_dims[ptr][2] - g->bx + 1;
			g->bh = op_dims[ptr][3] - g->by + 1;

			// converge closer for fills
			if(g->op == GOP_FILL_FG || g->op == GOP_FILL_BG)
				int al = 0;
				int acb = 0;
				int acr = 0;
				int acount = 0;

				// recalc if we have to
				// XXX: it's entirely likely that this actually makes things worse.
				if(op_is_ok[ptr] == 2)
					op_is_ok[ptr] = 0;

					assert(g->bx+g->bw <= VW);
					assert(g->by+g->bh <= VH);

					for(y = g->by; y < g->by+g->bh; y++)
					for(x = g->bx; x < g->bx+g->bw; x++)
						ptr = boxres[y][x];

						if(ptr == 0xFFFF)

						if(op_is_ok[ptr] == 0)
							op_is_ok[ptr] = 1;
							op_dims[ptr][0] = x;
							op_dims[ptr][1] = y;
							op_dims[ptr][2] = x;
							op_dims[ptr][3] = y;
						} else {
							if(op_dims[ptr][0] > x) op_dims[ptr][0] = x;
							if(op_dims[ptr][1] > y) op_dims[ptr][1] = y;
							if(op_dims[ptr][2] < x) op_dims[ptr][2] = x;
							if(op_dims[ptr][3] < y) op_dims[ptr][3] = y;

					// if we don't have anything in this region, destroy this op
						fprintf(stderr, "DEMOTED\n");

				// sum + take count
				for(y = 0; y < g->bh; y++)
				for(x = 0; x < g->bw; x++)
					if(boxres[y+g->by][x+g->bx] == ptr)
						al  += rawinbuf[0][y+g->by][x+g->bx];
						acb += rawinbuf[1][y+g->by][x+g->bx];
						acr += rawinbuf[2][y+g->by][x+g->bx];


				// ensure our math is correct
				assert(acount > 0);

				// average
				al  = (al  + (acount/2)) / acount;
				acb = (acb + (acount/2)) / acount;
				acr = (acr + (acount/2)) / acount;

				// get new colour
				int ar, ag, ab, apal;
				from_ycbcr(al, acb, acr, &ar, &ag, &ab);
				apal = rgb_to_pal(&ar, &ag, &ab);

				// if different, set new colour
				if(apal != g->pal)
					g->pal = apal;
					to_ycbcr(ar, ag, ab, &al, &acb, &acr);
					g->l = al;
					g->cb = acb;
					g->cr = acr;
					for(y = 0; y < g->bh; y++)
					for(x = 0; x < g->bw; x++)
						int b = boxres[y+g->by][x+g->bx];
						if(boxres[y+g->by][x+g->bx] == ptr)
							rawcurbuf[0][y+g->by][x+g->bx] = al;
							rawcurbuf[1][y+g->by][x+g->bx] = acb;
							rawcurbuf[2][y+g->by][x+g->bx] = acr;
							rawcurbuf_pal[y+g->by][x+g->bx] = apal;
						} else if(0 && gop[b].pal == g->pal) {
							//fprintf(stderr, "demote %i %i %i %i\n" , ptr, b , x+g->bx, y+g->by);

							boxres[y+g->by][x+g->bx] = ptr;

								op_is_ok[b] = 2;



	// delete ops that are declared "useless"
	// while creating new boxes for the "useful" ops
	int delete_count = 0;

	for(ptr = 0, g = &gop[0]; ptr < gop_count; ptr++, g++)
		//int lbx = g->bx;
		//int lby = g->by;

			// XXX: how do we optimise this?
			memmove(g, g+1, sizeof(gop_s)*(gop_count-(ptr+1)));

	gop_count -= delete_count;

	// move relatively full fill ops to end
#if COST_FG > 0 || COST_BG > 0
	gop_s tmpg;
	int full_peak = gop_count;
	int full_groups = 0;
		int full_count = 0;
		for(ptr = 0, g = &gop[0]; ptr < full_peak - full_count; ptr++, g++)
			int ct = 0;
			for(y = 0; y < g->bh; y++)
			for(x = 0; x < g->bw; x++)
			if(boxres[y+g->by][x+g->bx] == ptr || boxres[y+g->by][x+g->bx] >= full_peak)

			if(ct == g->bw*g->bh)
				// update stats

				// swap
				memmove(&tmpg, &gop[full_peak-full_count], sizeof(gop_s));
				memmove(&gop[full_peak-full_count], g, sizeof(gop_s));
				memmove(g, &tmpg, sizeof(gop_s));

		// sort ops
		if(full_count >= 2)
			qsort(gop + full_peak - full_count, full_count, sizeof(gop_s), gpu_compar_palidx);

		// recalc boxres
		memset(boxres, 0xFF, VW*VH*2);
		for(ptr = 0, g = &gop[0]; ptr < gop_count; ptr++, g++)
			assert(g->bx >= 0);
			assert(g->by >= 0);
			assert(g->bx + g->bw <= VW);
			assert(g->by + g->bh <= VH);

			for(y = g->by; y < g->by+g->bh; y++)
			for(x = g->bx; x < g->bx+g->bw; x++)
				boxres[y][x] = ptr;

		// advance full peak
		full_peak -= full_count;

		// TODO: more than one iteration tends to yield bad results
		// basically, a lot of BLOAT messages w/ no real op count improvement
		//if(full_count <= 0)

	//fprintf(stderr, "full groups: %3i - peak: %3i/%3i\n", full_groups, gop_count-full_peak, gop_count);

	// recount costs
	gpu_pal_fg = gpu_pal_fg_fbeg;
	gpu_pal_bg = gpu_pal_bg_fbeg;
	gpu_pal_next_is_bg = gpu_pal_next_is_bg_fbeg;
	int gpu_usage_pre = gpu_usage;
	gpu_usage = 0;
	for(ptr = 0, g = &gop[0]; ptr < gop_count; ptr++, g++)
			case GOP_COPY:
				g->cost = COST_COPY;

			case GOP_FILL_FG:
			case GOP_FILL_BG:
#ifdef PIXEL15
				//g->cost = (g->bh*g->bw <= 2 ? COST_SET
					//: g->bw <= 8 && g->bh <= 8 ? COST_FILL-1 : COST_FILL);
				//g->cost = (g->bh*g->bw <= 2 ? COST_SET : COST_FILL);
				g->cost = COST_FILL;
				g->cost = (g->bh == 1 ? COST_SET : COST_FILL);

				if(g->pal == gpu_pal_fg)
					g->op = GOP_FILL_FG;
				else if(g->pal == gpu_pal_bg)
					g->op = GOP_FILL_BG;
				else {
						g->op = GOP_FILL_BG;
						g->cost += COST_BG;
						gpu_pal_bg = g->pal;

					} else {
						g->op = GOP_FILL_FG;
						g->cost += COST_FG;
						gpu_pal_fg = g->pal;

					gpu_pal_next_is_bg = !gpu_pal_next_is_bg;



				fprintf(stderr, "EDOOFUS: INVALID GOP\n");

		gpu_usage += g->cost;

		if(gpu_usage > GPU_BUDGET_HARD_MAX)
			gop_bloat_cost += g->cost;


	int gpu_usage_post = gpu_usage;
	//fprintf(stderr, "gpu usage: %i -> %i - ops: %i - old-saving: %i\n", gpu_usage_pre, gpu_usage_post, gop_count, gpu_usage_saving);
	gpu_usage_saving += gpu_usage_pre - gpu_usage_post;
	// FIXME: sometimes happens
	//assert(gpu_usage_post <= gpu_usage_pre);
	if(!(gpu_usage_post <= gpu_usage_pre))
		fprintf(stderr, "BLOAT! %i -> %i - ops: %i - op skip: %i\n", gpu_usage_pre, gpu_usage_post, gop_count, gop_bloat);
		//assert(gpu_usage <= GPU_BUDGET_HARD_MAX);
