HotplugWatcher_GUI::HotplugWatcher_GUI(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { QVBoxLayout *vbl = new QVBoxLayout(this); setLayout(vbl); state = new QLabel(this); button = new QPushButton(tr("Start"), this); detail_button = new QToolButton(this); detail_button->setText(tr("Detail")); detail_button->setCheckable(true); detail_button->setChecked(true); msg_view = new QTextBrowser(this); msg_view->setLineWrapMode(QTextEdit::NoWrap); QHBoxLayout *hbl = new QHBoxLayout(this); hbl->addWidget(button); hbl->addWidget(detail_button); vbl->addWidget(state); vbl->addLayout(hbl); vbl->addWidget(msg_view); tray = new QSystemTrayIcon(this); tray->show(); watcher = new QDeviceWatcher; watcher->appendEventReceiver(this); connect(watcher, SIGNAL(deviceAdded(QString)), this, SLOT(slotDeviceAdded(QString)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(watcher, SIGNAL(deviceChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(slotDeviceChanged(QString)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(watcher, SIGNAL(deviceRemoved(QString)), this, SLOT(slotDeviceRemoved(QString)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(toggleWatch())); connect(detail_button, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(showDetail(bool))); }
void ObjectPropertiesView::itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column) { if (item->type() == PropertiesViewItem::ClassType) return; if (column == 0) toggleWatch(item); else if (column == 1) m_tree->editItem(item, column); }
void main(int argc, char* argv[]) { bool singleClock = false; genAGCStates(); MON::displayAGC(); while(1) { // NOTE: assumes that the display is always pointing to the start of // a new line at the top of this loop! // Clock the AGC, but between clocks, poll the keyboard // for front-panel input by the user. This uses a Microsoft function; // substitute some other non-blocking function to access the keyboard // if you're porting this to a different platform. cout << "> "; cout.flush(); // display prompt while( !_kbhit() ) { if(MON::FCLK || singleClock) { // This is a performance enhancement. If the AGC is running, // don't check the keyboard or simulator display every simulation // cycle, because that slows the simulator down too much. int genStateCntr = 100; do { CLK::clkAGC(); singleClock = false; genAGCStates(); genStateCntr--; // This needs more work. It doesn't always stop at the // right location and sometimes stops at the instruction // afterwards, too. if(breakpointEnab && breakpoint == MBF::getEffectiveAddress()) { MON::RUN = 0; } // Halt right after the instruction that changes a watched // memory location. if(watchEnab) { unsigned newWatchValue = MBF::readMemory(watchAddr); if(newWatchValue != oldWatchValue) { MON::RUN = 0; } oldWatchValue = newWatchValue; } } while (MON::FCLK && MON::RUN && genStateCntr > 0); updateAGCDisplay(); } // for convenience, clear the single step switch on TP1; in the // hardware AGC, this happens when the switch is released if(MON::STEP && == TP1) MON::STEP = 0; } char key = _getch(); // Keyboard controls for front-panel: switch(key) { // AGC controls // simulator controls case 'q': cout << "QUIT..." << endl; exit(0); case 'm': showMenu(); break; case 'd': genAGCStates(); MON::displayAGC(); break; // update display case 'l': loadMemory(); break; case 'e': examineMemory(); break; case 'f': showSourceCode(); break; case ']': incrCntr(); //genAGCStates(); //displayAGC(EVERY_CYCLE); break; case '[': decrCntr(); //genAGCStates(); //displayAGC(EVERY_CYCLE); break; case 'i': interrupt(); //genAGCStates(); //displayAGC(EVERY_CYCLE); break; case 'z': //SCL::F17 = (SCL::F17 + 1) % 2; genAGCStates(); MON::displayAGC(); break; case 'x': //SCL::F13 = (SCL::F13 + 1) % 2; genAGCStates(); MON::displayAGC(); break; case 'r': MON::RUN = (MON::RUN + 1) % 2; genAGCStates(); if(!MON::FCLK) MON::displayAGC(); break; case 's': MON::STEP = (MON::STEP + 1) % 2; genAGCStates(); if(!MON::FCLK) MON::displayAGC(); break; case 'a': MON::SA = (MON::SA + 1) % 2; genAGCStates(); MON::displayAGC(); break; case 'n': MON::INST = (MON::INST + 1) % 2; genAGCStates(); MON::displayAGC(); break; case 'p': MON::PURST = (MON::PURST + 1) % 2; genAGCStates(); MON::displayAGC(); break; case 'b': toggleBreakpoint(); break; case 'y': toggleWatch(); break; // DSKY: case '0': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_0); break; case '1': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_1); break; case '2': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_2); break; case '3': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_3); break; case '4': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_4); break; case '5': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_5); break; case '6': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_6); break; case '7': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_7); break; case '8': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_8); break; case '9': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_9); break; case '+': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_PLUS); break; case '-': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_MINUS); break; case '.': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_CLEAR); break; case '/': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_VERB); break; case '*': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_NOUN); break; case 'g': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_KEY_RELEASE); break; case 'h': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_ERROR_RESET); break; case 'j': KBD::keypress(KEYIN_ENTER); break; case '\0': // must be a function key key = _getch(); switch(key) { case 0x3b: // F1: single clock pulse (when system clock off) singleClock = true; break; case 0x3c: // F2: manual clock (FCLK=0) MON::FCLK = 0; genAGCStates(); MON::displayAGC(); break; case 0x3e: // F4: fast clock (FCLK=1) MON::FCLK = 1; genAGCStates(); MON::displayAGC(); break; default: cout << "function key: " << key << "=" << hex << (int) key << dec << endl; } break; //default: cout << "??" << endl; default: cout << key << "=" << hex << (int) key << dec << endl; } } }
void ObjectPropertiesView::removeWatch() { toggleWatch(m_clickedItem); }
void stepNetwork(void) { int i, k, pi, pi2, nbytes, newfd; char remoteIP[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; struct sockaddr_storage remoteaddr; socklen_t addrlen; struct timeval tv; if(getDeathMessage(sendbuf)) { for(k = 0; k < conf.maxPlayers; ++k) { if(connection[k].socket && !connection[k].bot) { snd(connection[k].socket, "\r\n"); snd(connection[k].socket, sendbuf); snd(connection[k].socket, "\r\n> "); } } } tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 1; readfds = master; if(select(fdmax + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == -1) { print_error("select"); exit(5); } for(i = 0; i <= fdmax; ++i) { if(FD_ISSET(i, &readfds)) { if(i == listener) { addrlen = sizeof remoteaddr; newfd = accept(listener, (struct sockaddr *)&remoteaddr, &addrlen); if(newfd == -1) { print_error("accept"); } else { getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&remoteaddr, addrlen, remoteIP, sizeof remoteIP, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV); for(k = 0; k < conf.maxPlayers; ++k) { if(connection[k].socket == 0) { connection[k].socket = newfd; strncpy(connection[k].remoteIP,remoteIP,INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); playerJoin(k); updateName(k, "Anonymous"); allSendPlayerPos(k); break; } } if(k == conf.maxPlayers) { close(newfd); printf("new connection from %s on socket %d refused: max connections\n", remoteIP, newfd); } else { FD_SET(newfd, &master); if(newfd > fdmax) { fdmax = newfd; } printf("new connection from %s on socket %d accepted\n", remoteIP, newfd); snd(newfd, WELCOME); } } } else { if((nbytes = recv(i, buf, sizeof buf, 0)) <= 0) { if(nbytes == 0) { printf("socket %d hung up\n", i); } else { print_error("recv"); } for(k = 0; k < conf.maxPlayers; ++k) { if(connection[k].socket == i) { connection[k].socket = 0; connection[k].echo = 0; connection[k].bot = 0; playerLeave(k); allSendPlayerLeave(k); break; } } close(i); FD_CLR(i, &master); } else { pi = -1; for(k = 0; k < conf.maxPlayers; ++k) { if(connection[k].socket == i) { pi = k; break; } } for(k = 0; k < nbytes && pi >= 0; ++k) { unsigned char c = buf[k]; if(c != '\r' && c != '\n') { if(isprint(c) && connection[pi].msgbufindex < 128 - 2) { connection[pi].msgbuf[connection[pi].msgbufindex++] = c; } } else { if(connection[pi].msgbufindex == 0) { continue; } connection[pi].msgbuf[connection[pi].msgbufindex] = '\0'; connection[pi].msgbuf[connection[pi].msgbufindex + 1] = '\0'; connection[pi].msgbufindex = 0; if(connection[pi].echo) { snd(i, connection[pi].msgbuf); snd(i, "\r\n"); } if(!overdrive)printf("%16s (%d): \"%s\"\n", getPlayer(pi)->name, pi, connection[pi].msgbuf); switch(connection[pi].msgbuf[0]) { case 'n': { updateName(pi, connection[pi].msgbuf + 2); break; } case 't': { if(is_from_localhost(connection[pi])) { tankEnergy(atoi(connection[pi].msgbuf + 2)); } break; } case 'v': { updateVelocity(pi, atof(connection[pi].msgbuf + 2)); break; } case 'w': { toggleWatch(pi); break; } case 'z': { updateZoom(atof(connection[pi].msgbuf + 2)); break; } case 'T': { if(is_from_localhost(connection[pi])) { double throttle = atof(connection[pi].msgbuf + 2); conf.throttle.tv_sec= throttle; conf.throttle.tv_nsec=(throttle - conf.throttle.tv_sec) * 1000000000; } break; } case 'D': { if(is_from_localhost(connection[pi])) { conf.debug = atoi(connection[pi].msgbuf + 2); } break; } case 'c': { clearTraces(pi); break; } case 'o': { if(is_from_localhost(connection[pi])) { overdrive = !overdrive; } break; } case 'b': { connection[pi].bot = !connection[pi].bot; if(connection[pi].bot) { sendOwnId(i, pi); for(pi2 = 0; pi2 < conf.maxPlayers; ++pi2) { if(connection[pi2].socket) { sendPlayerPos(i, pi2); } } } break; } case 'f': { toggleFps(); break; } case 'i': { if(strcmp("init", connection[pi].msgbuf) == 0) { reinitialize(); } break; } case 'x': { if(strcmp("xit", connection[pi].msgbuf) == 0) { exit(0); } break; } case 'e': { connection[pi].echo = !connection[pi].echo; break; } case 'r': { validateOld(pi); break; } default: { updateAngle(pi, atof(connection[pi].msgbuf)); break; } } if(!connection[pi].bot) { snd(i, "> "); } } } } } } } for(k = 0; k < conf.maxPlayers; ++k) { if(getPlayer(k)->active && getPlayer(k)->timeoutcnt > 2) { connection[k].echo = 0; playerLeave(k); close(connection[k].socket); FD_CLR(connection[k].socket, &master); connection[k].socket = 0; connection[k].bot = 0; allSendPlayerLeave(k); } } }