예제 #1
파일: diff_dump.cpp 프로젝트: 4og/avango
std::pair<std::string, std::string> shade::formatter::get_next_token(const std::string& code)
  std::string::size_type token_begin(code.find('<'));
  if (token_begin != 0)
    if (token_begin == std::string::npos)
      return std::make_pair(code, std::string());

    return std::make_pair(std::string(code, 0, token_begin), std::string(code, token_begin, std::string::npos));

  std::string::size_type token_end(code.find('>'));
  if (token_end == std::string::npos)
    return std::make_pair(code, std::string());

  return std::make_pair(std::string(code, 0, token_end+1), std::string(code, token_end+1, std::string::npos));
예제 #2
//#include <Rcpp.h>
// [[Rcpp::plugins(myRegEx)]]
// [[Rcpp::depends(BH)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
myPairs fcsTextParse(std::string txt, bool emptyValue){

		myPairs pairs;

		 * get the first character as delimiter
		std::string delimiter = txt.substr(0,1);

		 * check if string ends with delimiter
		bool isDelimiterEnd = txt.substr(txt.size()-1, 1) == delimiter;

//		regexes require double-escaping (*sigh*)
//		if(delimiter == "\\" || delimiter == "|")
			delimiter = "\\" + delimiter;

		std::string doubleDelimiter,magicString;
		doubleDelimiter = delimiter + delimiter;
		magicString = "\\0QuickAndDirty\\0";
//		std::cout << doubleDelimiter << ":" << magicString <<std::endl;
		unsigned i = 0; //counter
		myPair kw;
		 *	when empty value is allowed, we have to take the assumption that there is no double delimiters in any keys or values,
		if(!emptyValue)//replace the double delimiter with a magic strings
			txt = boost::regex_replace(txt, boost::regex(doubleDelimiter), magicString);//somehow boost::replace_all won't do the job for \\\\
		std::cout << txt << std::endl;

		 * then split by single delimiter
		boost::sregex_token_iterator token_begin(txt.begin() + 1, txt.end(), boost::regex(delimiter), -1), token_end;
		while(token_begin != token_end){
			std::string token = *token_begin++;
//			std::cout << token << " ";
				 * restore double delimiter when needed
				 * (this slows down things quite a bit, but still a lot faster than R version,
				 *  and this double delimiter logic is not normally invoked anyway)
				token = boost::regex_replace(token, boost::regex(magicString), doubleDelimiter);
//				std::cout << token;
//			std::cout << std::endl;

			if((i)%2 == 1)
					Rcpp::stop("Empty keyword name detected!If it is due to the double delimiters in keyword value, please set emptyValue to FALSE and try again!");
				kw.first = token;//set key
				kw.second = token;//set value
				pairs.push_back(kw);//add the pair


		 * check if kw and value are paired
		 if(i%2 == 1){
				 Rcpp::stop("uneven number of tokens: " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i-1));
				 Rcpp::Rcout << "the text section does not end with delimiter: " << delimiter << ". The last keyword is dropped." << std::endl;;
