예제 #1
bool FloatRoundedRect::xInterceptsAtY(float y, float& minXIntercept, float& maxXIntercept) const
    if (y < rect().y() || y >  rect().maxY())
        return false;

    if (!isRounded()) {
        minXIntercept = rect().x();
        maxXIntercept = rect().maxX();
        return true;

    const FloatRect& topLeftRect = topLeftCorner();
    const FloatRect& bottomLeftRect = bottomLeftCorner();

    if (!topLeftRect.isEmpty() && y >= topLeftRect.y() && y < topLeftRect.maxY())
        minXIntercept = topLeftRect.maxX() - cornerRectIntercept(topLeftRect.maxY() - y, topLeftRect);
    else if (!bottomLeftRect.isEmpty() && y >= bottomLeftRect.y() && y <= bottomLeftRect.maxY())
        minXIntercept =  bottomLeftRect.maxX() - cornerRectIntercept(y - bottomLeftRect.y(), bottomLeftRect);
        minXIntercept = m_rect.x();

    const FloatRect& topRightRect = topRightCorner();
    const FloatRect& bottomRightRect = bottomRightCorner();

    if (!topRightRect.isEmpty() && y >= topRightRect.y() && y <= topRightRect.maxY())
        maxXIntercept = topRightRect.x() + cornerRectIntercept(topRightRect.maxY() - y, topRightRect);
    else if (!bottomRightRect.isEmpty() && y >= bottomRightRect.y() && y <= bottomRightRect.maxY())
        maxXIntercept = bottomRightRect.x() + cornerRectIntercept(y - bottomRightRect.y(), bottomRightRect);
        maxXIntercept = m_rect.maxX();

    return true;
예제 #2
typename std::enable_if<T_SHAPE_FUNC::DIM!=0>::type
        const T_MESH_ELEMENT &ele,
        const double* natural_pt,
        const MeshLib::ElementCoordinatesMappingLocal &ele_local_coord,
        T_SHAPE_MATRICES &shapemat,
        (ele, natural_pt, ele_local_coord, shapemat, FieldType<ShapeMatrixType::DNDR_J>());

    checkJacobianDeterminant(shapemat.detJ, ele);

    //J^-1, dshape/dx
    shapemat.invJ.noalias() = shapemat.J.inverse();

    auto const nnodes(shapemat.dNdr.cols());
    auto const ele_dim(shapemat.dNdr.rows());
    const unsigned global_dim = ele_local_coord.getGlobalDimension();
    if (global_dim==ele_dim) {
        shapemat.dNdx.topLeftCorner(ele_dim, nnodes).noalias() = shapemat.invJ * shapemat.dNdr;
    } else {
        auto const& matR = ele_local_coord.getRotationMatrixToGlobal(); // 3 x 3
        auto invJ_dNdr = shapemat.invJ * shapemat.dNdr;
        auto dshape_global = matR.topLeftCorner(3u, ele_dim) * invJ_dNdr; //3 x nnodes
        shapemat.dNdx = dshape_global.topLeftCorner(global_dim, nnodes);;
예제 #3
template<typename MatrixType> void corners(const MatrixType& m)
  typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
  Index rows = m.rows();
  Index cols = m.cols();

  Index r = internal::random<Index>(1,rows);
  Index c = internal::random<Index>(1,cols);

  MatrixType matrix = MatrixType::Random(rows,cols);
  const MatrixType const_matrix = MatrixType::Random(rows,cols);

  COMPARE_CORNER(topLeftCorner(r,c), block(0,0,r,c));
  COMPARE_CORNER(topRightCorner(r,c), block(0,cols-c,r,c));
  COMPARE_CORNER(bottomLeftCorner(r,c), block(rows-r,0,r,c));
  COMPARE_CORNER(bottomRightCorner(r,c), block(rows-r,cols-c,r,c));

  Index sr = internal::random<Index>(1,rows) - 1;
  Index nr = internal::random<Index>(1,rows-sr);
  Index sc = internal::random<Index>(1,cols) - 1;
  Index nc = internal::random<Index>(1,cols-sc);

  COMPARE_CORNER(topRows(r), block(0,0,r,cols));
  COMPARE_CORNER(middleRows(sr,nr), block(sr,0,nr,cols));
  COMPARE_CORNER(bottomRows(r), block(rows-r,0,r,cols));
  COMPARE_CORNER(leftCols(c), block(0,0,rows,c));
  COMPARE_CORNER(middleCols(sc,nc), block(0,sc,rows,nc));
  COMPARE_CORNER(rightCols(c), block(0,cols-c,rows,c));
예제 #4
// TOP LEFT //
sf::Vector2f Fonction::topLeftCorner(const sf::Sprite& sprite)		{ return topLeftCorner(sprite.getGlobalBounds()); }
예제 #5
void UIWidget::drawImage(const Rect& screenCoords)
    if(!m_imageTexture || !screenCoords.isValid())

    // cache vertex buffers
    if(m_imageCachedScreenCoords != screenCoords || m_imageMustRecache) {
        m_imageCachedScreenCoords = screenCoords;
        m_imageMustRecache = false;

        Rect drawRect = screenCoords;

        Rect clipRect = m_imageClipRect.isValid() ? m_imageClipRect : Rect(0, 0, m_imageTexture->getSize());

        if(!m_imageBordered) {
            if(m_imageFixedRatio) {
                Size textureSize = m_imageTexture->getSize();

                Size textureClipSize = drawRect.size();
                textureClipSize.scale(textureSize, Fw::KeepAspectRatio);

                Point texCoordsOffset;
                if(textureSize.height() > textureClipSize.height())
                    texCoordsOffset.y = (textureSize.height() - textureClipSize.height())/2;
                else if(textureSize.width() > textureClipSize.width())
                    texCoordsOffset.x = (textureSize.width() - textureClipSize.width())/2;

                Rect textureClipRect(texCoordsOffset, textureClipSize);

                m_imageCoordsBuffer.addRect(drawRect, textureClipRect);
            } else {
                    m_imageCoordsBuffer.addRepeatedRects(drawRect, clipRect);
                    m_imageCoordsBuffer.addRect(drawRect, clipRect);
        } else {
            int top = m_imageBorder.top;
            int bottom = m_imageBorder.bottom;
            int left =  m_imageBorder.left;
            int right  = m_imageBorder.right;

            // calculates border coords
            const Rect clip = clipRect;
            Rect leftBorder(clip.left(), clip.top() + top, left, clip.height() - top - bottom);
            Rect rightBorder(clip.right() - right + 1, clip.top() + top, right, clip.height() - top - bottom);
            Rect topBorder(clip.left() + left, clip.top(), clip.width() - right - left, top);
            Rect bottomBorder(clip.left() + left, clip.bottom() - bottom + 1, clip.width() - right - left, bottom);
            Rect topLeftCorner(clip.left(), clip.top(), left, top);
            Rect topRightCorner(clip.right() - right + 1, clip.top(), right, top);
            Rect bottomLeftCorner(clip.left(), clip.bottom() - bottom + 1, left, bottom);
            Rect bottomRightCorner(clip.right() - right + 1, clip.bottom() - bottom + 1, right, bottom);
            Rect center(clip.left() + left, clip.top() + top, clip.width() - right - left, clip.height() - top - bottom);
            Size bordersSize(leftBorder.width() + rightBorder.width(), topBorder.height() + bottomBorder.height());
            Size centerSize = drawRect.size() - bordersSize;
            Rect rectCoords;

            // first the center
            if(centerSize.area() > 0) {
                rectCoords = Rect(drawRect.left() + leftBorder.width(), drawRect.top() + topBorder.height(), centerSize);
                m_imageCoordsBuffer.addRepeatedRects(rectCoords, center);
            // top left corner
            rectCoords = Rect(drawRect.topLeft(), topLeftCorner.size());
            m_imageCoordsBuffer.addRepeatedRects(rectCoords, topLeftCorner);
            // top
            rectCoords = Rect(drawRect.left() + topLeftCorner.width(), drawRect.topLeft().y, centerSize.width(), topBorder.height());
            m_imageCoordsBuffer.addRepeatedRects(rectCoords, topBorder);
            // top right corner
            rectCoords = Rect(drawRect.left() + topLeftCorner.width() + centerSize.width(), drawRect.top(), topRightCorner.size());
            m_imageCoordsBuffer.addRepeatedRects(rectCoords, topRightCorner);
            // left
            rectCoords = Rect(drawRect.left(), drawRect.top() + topLeftCorner.height(), leftBorder.width(), centerSize.height());
            m_imageCoordsBuffer.addRepeatedRects(rectCoords, leftBorder);
            // right
            rectCoords = Rect(drawRect.left() + leftBorder.width() + centerSize.width(), drawRect.top() + topRightCorner.height(), rightBorder.width(), centerSize.height());
            m_imageCoordsBuffer.addRepeatedRects(rectCoords, rightBorder);
            // bottom left corner
            rectCoords = Rect(drawRect.left(), drawRect.top() + topLeftCorner.height() + centerSize.height(), bottomLeftCorner.size());
            m_imageCoordsBuffer.addRepeatedRects(rectCoords, bottomLeftCorner);
            // bottom
            rectCoords = Rect(drawRect.left() + bottomLeftCorner.width(), drawRect.top() + topBorder.height() + centerSize.height(), centerSize.width(), bottomBorder.height());
            m_imageCoordsBuffer.addRepeatedRects(rectCoords, bottomBorder);
            // bottom right corner
            rectCoords = Rect(drawRect.left() + bottomLeftCorner.width() + centerSize.width(), drawRect.top() + topRightCorner.height() + centerSize.height(), bottomRightCorner.size());
            m_imageCoordsBuffer.addRepeatedRects(rectCoords, bottomRightCorner);

    // smooth is now enabled by default for all textures

    g_painter->drawTextureCoords(m_imageCoordsBuffer, m_imageTexture);
/*!	\brief		This function creates and updates the BPopUpMenu.
 *		\details		The created menu is updated every time the TimeRepresentation
 *						changes.
void CalendarControl::CreateMenu( void ) {

	// The whole menu will be created in fixed font.
	BFont fixedFont(be_fixed_font);
	BFont plainFont(be_plain_font);
	BRect rectangle;
	BPoint	topLeftCorner( 0, 0 );
	BSize	rectSize;
	BString sb;
	// Which month shall we represent?
	map<int, BString> dayNames = fCalModule->GetDayNamesForLocalYearMonth(
	map<int, DoubleNames> monthNames = fCalModule->GetMonthNamesForLocalYear(
	int daysInMonth = dayNames.size();
	int daysInWeek = ( int )fCalModule->GetDaysInWeek();
	// We need to determine the bounding rectangle for the menu.
	// For this, we need to obtain the maximum bounding rectangle for a string.
	font_height fontHeightStruct;
	fixedFont.GetHeight( &fontHeightStruct );
	float fixedFontHeightString = fontHeightStruct.ascent + 
											fontHeightStruct.descent +
											fontHeightStruct.leading + SPACING;
	plainFont.GetHeight( &fontHeightStruct );
	float plainFontHeightString = fontHeightStruct.ascent + 
											fontHeightStruct.descent +
											fontHeightStruct.leading + SPACING;
	// Now fixedFontHeightString is surely big enough to enclose every string in 
	// height. How many lines will we need? One for name of month and year,
	// one for weekday names, and several more for the dates themselves. At the
	// bottom, there is an additional line for "Return to today" option.
	// tempDay is a running date in current month. Each day item will be initialized
	// from the tempDay.
	TimeRepresentation tempDay( this->fRepresentedTime );
	tempDay.tm_mday = 1;
	int firstDayOfMonthWD = fCalModule->GetWeekDayForLocalDateAsInt( tempDay );
	int firstDayOfWeek = ( int )fFirstDayOfEveryWeek;
	int firstDayOfMonthInFirstWeek =
		(firstDayOfMonthWD + daysInWeek - firstDayOfWeek) % daysInWeek;
	// This is the menu we're adding items to.
	if ( fDateSelector ) {
		BMenuItem* item = NULL;
		while ( fDateSelector->ItemAt( 0 ) ) {
			item = fDateSelector->RemoveItem( ( int32 )0 );
			delete item;
	} else {
		fDateSelector = new BMenu("⇩", B_ITEMS_IN_MATRIX );
	// Sanity check
	if ( !fDateSelector )
		// Panic!
		fLastError = B_NO_MEMORY;
	fDateSelector->SetViewColor( ui_color( B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR ) );
	fDateSelector->SetFont( &fixedFont );
	topLeftCorner.x = SPACING + 5;
	topLeftCorner.y = SPACING;	
	// Build the list of months.
	BPopUpMenu* listOfMonths = CreateMonthsMenu(monthNames);
	 *			Adding months menu with option to scroll forward and backward
	// Add the item to scroll list of months back
	BMessage* messageOfItem = new BMessage( kMonthDecreased );
	DayItem* itemToAdd = new DayItem("‹", messageOfItem);
	if ( !itemToAdd ) {
		/* Panic! */
		fLastError = B_NO_MEMORY;
	itemToAdd->SetServiceItem( true );
	itemToAdd->SetFrontColor( fColorForServiceItems );
	itemToAdd->SetBackColor( ui_color( B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR ) );
	itemToAdd->SetEnabled( true );
	rectSize.SetHeight( fixedFontHeightString );
	rectSize.SetWidth( 25 );
//	rectSize.SetWidth( ( float )fixedFont.StringWidth("‹") + SPACING );
	fDateSelector->AddItem(	itemToAdd, 
									BRect( topLeftCorner, rectSize ) );
	itemToAdd->SetTarget( this );

	topLeftCorner.x += rectSize.Width() + SPACING;

	// Add the list of months
	BString longestMonth = monthNames[ 1 ].longName;
	for ( int i = 2; i < ( int )monthNames.size(); i++ )
		if ( ( ( BString )( monthNames[ i ].longName ) ).Length() > longestMonth.Length() )
			longestMonth = monthNames[i].longName;
	rectSize.SetHeight( plainFontHeightString );
	rectSize.SetWidth( (float)plainFont.StringWidth( longestMonth.String() ) + 10 + SPACING );
	fDateSelector->AddItem( listOfMonths, 
									BRect(topLeftCorner, rectSize) );
	topLeftCorner.x += rectSize.Width() + SPACING;

	// Add the item to scroll list of months forward.
	messageOfItem = new BMessage( kMonthIncreased );
	if ( !messageOfItem ) {
		// Panic! 
		fLastError = B_NO_MEMORY;
	itemToAdd = new DayItem( "›", messageOfItem );
	if ( !itemToAdd ) {
		/* Panic! */ 
		fLastError = B_NO_MEMORY; 
	itemToAdd->SetFrontColor( fColorForServiceItems );
	itemToAdd->SetBackColor( ui_color( B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR ) );
	itemToAdd->SetEnabled( true );
	rectSize.SetHeight( fixedFontHeightString );
	rectSize.SetWidth( 25 );
//	rectSize.SetWidth( ( float )fixedFont.StringWidth("›") + SPACING );
	fDateSelector->AddItem( itemToAdd, 
									BRect( topLeftCorner, rectSize ) );
	itemToAdd->SetTarget( this );

	topLeftCorner.x += rectSize.Width() + 10 + SPACING;

	 *			Adding years menu with option to scroll forward and backward

	// Add the item to scroll list of years down.
	messageOfItem = new BMessage( kYearDecreased );
	if ( !messageOfItem ) {
		/* Panic! */
		fLastError = B_NO_MEMORY;
	itemToAdd = new DayItem( "‒", messageOfItem );
	if ( !itemToAdd ) {
		/* Panic! */
		fLastError = B_NO_MEMORY;
	itemToAdd->SetFrontColor( fColorForServiceItems );
	itemToAdd->SetBackColor( ui_color( B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR ) );
	itemToAdd->SetEnabled( true );
	rectSize.SetHeight( fixedFontHeightString );
	rectSize.SetWidth( 25 );
//	rectSize.SetWidth( ( float )fixedFont.StringWidth("‒") + SPACING );
	fDateSelector->AddItem( itemToAdd, 
									BRect( topLeftCorner, rectSize ) );
	itemToAdd->SetTarget( this );
	topLeftCorner.x += rectSize.Width() + SPACING;
	// Add year
	sb.Truncate( 0 );
	sb << fRepresentedTime.tm_year;
	rectSize.SetHeight( plainFontHeightString );
	rectSize.SetWidth( ( float )plainFont.StringWidth( sb.String() ) + 10 + SPACING );
	BPopUpMenu* listOfYears = CreateYearsMenu(this->fRepresentedTime.tm_year);
	if ( !listOfYears ) {
		/* Panic! */
		fLastError = B_NO_MEMORY;
	fDateSelector->AddItem( listOfYears,
									BRect( topLeftCorner, rectSize ) );
	topLeftCorner.x += rectSize.Width() + SPACING;

	// Add item to scroll list of years up.
	messageOfItem = new BMessage( kYearIncreased );
	if ( !messageOfItem ) {
		/* Panic! */
		fLastError = B_NO_MEMORY;
	itemToAdd = new DayItem( "+", messageOfItem );
	if ( !itemToAdd ) {
		/* Panic! */
		fLastError = B_NO_MEMORY;
	itemToAdd->SetFrontColor( fColorForServiceItems );
	itemToAdd->SetBackColor( ui_color( B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR ) );
	rectSize.SetHeight( fixedFontHeightString );
	rectSize.SetWidth( 25 );
//	rectSize.SetWidth( ( float )fixedFont.StringWidth( "+" ) + SPACING );
	fDateSelector->AddItem( itemToAdd, 
									BRect( topLeftCorner, rectSize ) );

	sb.Truncate( 0 );
	rectSize.SetHeight( fixedFontHeightString );
	sb << ( int )fCalModule->GetLongestMonthLength();
	rectSize.SetWidth( fixedFont.StringWidth( sb.String() ) + SPACING );
	float rowHeight = rectSize.Height() + SPACING;
	float itemWidth = rectSize.Width() + 15 + SPACING;
	rectSize.SetWidth( itemWidth  );
	rectSize.SetHeight( rowHeight );
	topLeftCorner.x = SPACING; 
	topLeftCorner.y += rowHeight + ( SPACING * 2 );
	map<uint32, DoubleNames> weekdayNames = fCalModule->GetWeekdayNames();
	uint32 limit = ( uint32 )fCalModule->GetDaysInWeek();
	uint32 curDay;
	for (uint32 i = firstDayOfWeek; i < limit+firstDayOfWeek; ++i) {	
		curDay = ( (i - 1) % limit ) + 1;
		itemToAdd = new DayItem( weekdayNames[ curDay ].shortName.String(), NULL );
		if (!itemToAdd) {
			/* Panic! */
			fLastError = B_NO_MEMORY;
		itemToAdd->SetServiceItem( true );
			// If this is a weekend, we shold display it in another color
		if ( fWeekends.HasItem( (void*)i ) ||
			  fWeekends.HasItem( (void*)( i % daysInWeek ) ) )
			itemToAdd->SetFrontColor( fColorForWeekends );
		} else {
			itemToAdd->SetFrontColor( fColorForServiceItems );;
		itemToAdd->SetBackColor( ui_color( B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR ) );
		fDateSelector->AddItem( itemToAdd, 
										BRect( topLeftCorner, rectSize ) );
		topLeftCorner.x += itemWidth + SPACING;
	topLeftCorner.x = SPACING;
	topLeftCorner.y += rowHeight + SPACING;
	uint32 currentWeekday = ( uint32 )firstDayOfMonthInFirstWeek;
	topLeftCorner.x += ( itemWidth + SPACING ) * firstDayOfMonthInFirstWeek;
	for (int day = 1; day <= daysInMonth; ++day )
		messageOfItem = new BMessage(kTodayModified);
		if ( !messageOfItem ) {
			/* Panic! */
			fLastError = B_NO_MEMORY;
		messageOfItem->AddInt32( "Date", day );

		sb.Truncate( 0 );
		char padding = ' ';	// <-- For proper aligning of the items
		( day < 10 ) ? sb << padding << day : sb << day;
		itemToAdd = new DayItem( sb.String(), messageOfItem );
		if ( !itemToAdd ) {
			/* Panic! */
			fLastError = B_NO_MEMORY;
		itemToAdd->SetEnabled( true );
		itemToAdd->SetServiceItem( false );
		messageOfItem->AddPointer( "Item", &itemToAdd );
		if ( fWeekends.HasItem( ( void* )( ( fFirstDayOfEveryWeek + currentWeekday ) % daysInWeek ) ) ||
		     fWeekends.HasItem( ( void* )( ( fFirstDayOfEveryWeek + currentWeekday ) ) ) )
			itemToAdd->SetFrontColor( weekendDateColor );
		} else {
			itemToAdd->SetFrontColor( ui_color( B_MENU_ITEM_TEXT_COLOR ) );
		// Does this item represent today?
		if ( fRepresentedTime.tm_mday == day ) {
			itemToAdd->SetToday( true );
			itemToAdd->SetBackColor( fColorForServiceItems );
			itemToAdd->SetMarked( true );
		fDateSelector->AddItem( itemToAdd,
										BRect( topLeftCorner, rectSize ) );
		itemToAdd->SetTarget( this );
		topLeftCorner.x += itemWidth + SPACING;
		if ( ( currentWeekday % daysInWeek == 0 ) &&
		     ( day < daysInMonth ) )
			topLeftCorner.x = SPACING;
			topLeftCorner.y += rowHeight+SPACING;
			currentWeekday = 0;
	// LAST ROW - The option to return to current date.
	topLeftCorner.y += rowHeight + SPACING;
	messageOfItem = new BMessage( kReturnToToday );
	if ( !messageOfItem ) {
		/* Panic! */
		fLastError = B_NO_MEMORY;
	sb.Truncate( 0 );
	sb << "Go to today";		// Label
	itemToAdd = new DayItem( sb.String(), messageOfItem );
	if ( !itemToAdd ) {
		/* Panic! */
		fLastError = B_NO_MEMORY;
	// Setting the color to blue
	itemToAdd->SetFrontColor( fColorForServiceItems );
	itemToAdd->SetBackColor( ui_color( B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR ) );
	itemToAdd->SetEnabled( true );
	itemToAdd->SetTarget( this );
	// The new v-alignment was already set above. Now it's time to set the
	// x-alignment. I'd like to align this item to the center of Menu's rec-
	// tangle, which require some additional calculations.
	float currentWidth = itemWidth * daysInWeek + ( SPACING * 2 );
	float desiredWidth = plainFont.StringWidth( sb.String()) ;
	topLeftCorner.x = SPACING + 0.5 * ( currentWidth - desiredWidth );
	rectSize.SetHeight( plainFontHeightString );
	rectSize.SetWidth( desiredWidth + 30 ); 
	fDateSelector->AddItem( itemToAdd,
									BRect( topLeftCorner, rectSize ) );
	fDateSelector->SetTargetForItems( this );
	UpdateTargets( fDateSelector );
예제 #7
int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
                     HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                     LPTSTR    lpCmdLine,
                     int       nCmdShow)

 	// TODO: Place code here.
	MSG msg;

	HACCEL hAccelTable;

	// Initialize global strings
	LoadString(hInstance, IDS_APP_TITLE, szTitle, MAX_LOADSTRING);
	LoadString(hInstance, IDC_SCENEVIEWER, szWindowClass, MAX_LOADSTRING);

	// Perform application initialization:
	if (!InitInstance (hInstance, nCmdShow))
		return FALSE;

	hAccelTable = LoadAccelerators(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_SCENEVIEWER));

	SetupBaseUtil	setupBase;

	FileLogUtil		fileLog;
	SetupCoreUtil	setupCore;

	SetupEngineUtil	setupEngine;

	CConsole	console(APP_TITLE);

	MyApp			app;

#if 0
	vector2d<int>	resolution(800,600);
	vector2d<int>	topLeftCorner(800,450);
	//vector2d<int>	resolution(1024,768);
	vector2d<int>	resolution(1400,900);
	vector2d<int>	topLeftCorner(0,0);

	GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0);

		MyAppWindow		appWindow( &app, msg.hwnd );
		appWindow.setTopLeft( topLeftCorner.x, topLeftCorner.y );

		g_pMainWindow = &appWindow;

		app.PreInit_CreateViewports( &appWindow );

		GameTimer		timer;

		if( !app.Initialize(MXC("???")) ) {
			return -1;

		// Main message loop:
		while( true )
			BOOL	bPendingMsg = FALSE;

			//if( appWindow.isActive() )
				bPendingMsg = ::PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE );
			//	bPendingMsg = ::GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 );

			if( msg.message == WM_QUIT )

			//if (!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, hAccelTable, &msg))
			//	TranslateMessage(&msg);
			//	DispatchMessage(&msg);

			if( bPendingMsg )

			const F4 deltaSeconds = timer.TickFrame();

			appWindow.Tick( deltaSeconds );





	return (int) msg.wParam;