int psf_open (const tchar *pathname, int mode) { int fd = -1 ; switch (mode) { case SFM_READ : fd = topen (pathname, O_RDONLY) ; break ; case SFM_WRITE : fd = topen (pathname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP) ; break ; case SFM_RDWR : fd = topen (pathname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP) ; break ; default : /* psf_log_printf (psf, "ad open mode.\n") ; */ return -1 ; } ; if (fd < 0) perror ("psf_open") ; return fd ; } /* psf_open */
static int open_wim_file(const tchar *filename, struct filedes *fd_ret) { int raw_fd; raw_fd = topen(filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (raw_fd < 0) { ERROR_WITH_ERRNO("Can't open \"%"TS"\" read-only", filename); return WIMLIB_ERR_OPEN; } filedes_init(fd_ret, raw_fd); return 0; }
static int processStream(const XML_Char *filename, XML_Parser parser) { /* passing NULL for filename means read intput from stdin */ int fd = 0; /* 0 is the fileno for stdin */ if (filename != NULL) { fd = topen(filename, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { tperror(filename); return 0; } } for (;;) { int nread; char *buf = (char *)XML_GetBuffer(parser, READ_SIZE); if (!buf) { if (filename != NULL) close(fd); ftprintf(stderr, T("%s: out of memory\n"), filename != NULL ? filename : "xmlwf"); return 0; } nread = read(fd, buf, READ_SIZE); if (nread < 0) { tperror(filename != NULL ? filename : "STDIN"); if (filename != NULL) close(fd); return 0; } if (XML_ParseBuffer(parser, nread, nread == 0) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { reportError(parser, filename != NULL ? filename : "STDIN"); if (filename != NULL) close(fd); return 0; } if (nread == 0) { if (filename != NULL) close(fd); break;; } } return 1; }
/* Library initialization function */ static void __attribute__((constructor)) interpose_init(void) { /* XXX Note that this might be called twice in one program. Java * seems to do this, for example. */ /* Open the trace file */ topen(); /* Get file descriptor limit and allocate descriptor table */ struct rlimit nofile_limit; getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &nofile_limit); max_descriptors = nofile_limit.rlim_max; descriptors = (Descriptor *)calloc(sizeof(Descriptor), max_descriptors); if (descriptors == NULL) { printerr("calloc: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } debug("Max descriptors: %d", max_descriptors); tprintf("start: %lf\n", get_time()); }
struct mFitExecReturn *mFitExec(char *tblfile, char *fitfile, char *diffdir, int levelOnly, int debugin) { int stat, ncols, count, failed; int warning, missing; int icntr1; int icntr2; int idiffname; int cntr1; int cntr2; char diffname[MAXSTR]; double a; double b; double c; double crpix1; double crpix2; int xmin; int xmax; int ymin; int ymax; double xcenter; double ycenter; double npixel; double rms; double boxx; double boxy; double boxwidth; double boxheight; double boxangle; FILE *fout; struct mFitExecReturn *returnStruct; struct mFitplaneReturn *fitplane; returnStruct = (struct mFitExecReturn *)malloc(sizeof(struct mFitExecReturn)); memset((void *)returnStruct, 0, sizeof(returnStruct)); returnStruct->status = 1; /***************************************/ /* Process the command-line parameters */ /***************************************/ mFitExec_debug = debugin; fout = fopen(fitfile, "w+"); if(fout == (FILE *)NULL) { strcpy(returnStruct->msg, "Can't open output file."); return returnStruct; } /***************************************/ /* Open the difference list table file */ /***************************************/ ncols = topen(tblfile); if(ncols <= 0) { sprintf(returnStruct->msg, "Invalid diffs metadata file: %s", tblfile); fclose(fout); return returnStruct; } icntr1 = tcol( "cntr1"); icntr2 = tcol( "cntr2"); idiffname = tcol( "diff"); if(icntr1 < 0 || icntr2 < 0 || idiffname < 0) { strcpy(returnStruct->msg, "Need columns: cntr1 cntr2 diff"); fclose(fout); return returnStruct; } /***************************************/ /* Read the records and call mFitplane */ /***************************************/ count = 0; failed = 0; warning = 0; missing = 0; fprintf(fout, "|%9s|%9s|%16s|%16s|%16s|%14s|%14s|%10s|%10s|%10s|%10s|%13s|%13s|%13s|%16s|%16s|%16s|%16s|%16s|%16s|\n", "plus", "minus", "a", "b", "c", "crpix1", "crpix2", "xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax", "xcenter", "ycenter", "npixel", "rms", "boxx", "boxy", "boxwidth", "boxheight", "boxang"); fflush(fout); while(1) { stat = tread(); if(stat < 0) break; cntr1 = atoi(tval(icntr1)); cntr2 = atoi(tval(icntr2)); strcpy(diffname, montage_filePath(diffdir, tval(idiffname))); if(montage_checkFile(diffname)) { ++count; ++missing; continue; } fitplane = mFitplane(diffname, levelOnly, 0., 0); if(mFitExec_debug) { printf("mFitplane(%s) -> [%s]\n", diffname, fitplane->msg); fflush(stdout); } if(fitplane->status) ++failed; else { a = fitplane->a; b = fitplane->b; c = fitplane->c; crpix1 = fitplane->crpix1; crpix2 = fitplane->crpix2; xmin = fitplane->xmin; xmax = fitplane->xmax; ymin = fitplane->ymin; ymax = fitplane->ymax; xcenter = fitplane->xcenter; ycenter = fitplane->ycenter; npixel = fitplane->npixel; rms = fitplane->rms; boxx = fitplane->boxx; boxy = fitplane->boxy; boxwidth = fitplane->boxwidth; boxheight = fitplane->boxheight; boxangle = fitplane->boxang; fprintf(fout, " %9d %9d %16.5e %16.5e %16.5e %14.2f %14.2f %10d %10d %10d %10d %13.2f %13.2f %13.0f %16.5e %16.1f %16.1f %16.1f %16.1f %16.1f \n", cntr1, cntr2, a, b, c, crpix1, crpix2, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xcenter, ycenter, npixel, rms, boxx, boxy, boxwidth, boxheight, boxangle); fflush(fout); } free(fitplane); ++count; } /* Finish up */ returnStruct->status = 0; sprintf(returnStruct->msg, "count=%d, failed=%d, warning=%d, missing=%d", count, failed, warning, missing); sprintf(returnStruct->json, "{\"count\":%d, \"failed\":%d, \"warning\":%d, \"missing\":%d}", count, failed, warning, missing); returnStruct->count = count; returnStruct->failed = failed; returnStruct->warning = warning; returnStruct->missing = missing; return returnStruct; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, j, l, m, c, count, ismag, ncol; int dl, dm, width, haveFlux, isImg, csys; int side, ibegin, iend, nstep, useCenter; int racol, deccol, fluxcol; int ra1col, dec1col; int ra2col, dec2col; int ra3col, dec3col; int ra4col, dec4col; long fpixel, nelements; double rac, decc; double ra[4], dec[4]; double x, y, z; double x0, y0, z0; double x1, y1, z1; double oxpix, oypix, equinox; int offscl; double ilon; double ilat; double pixscale, len, sideLength, dtr; double offset; double xn, yn, zn; double ran, decn; double sina, cosa; double sind, cosd; double a11, a12, a13; double a21, a22, a23; double a31, a32, a33; double x0p, y0p, z0p; double x1p, y1p, z1p; double lon0, lon1; double xp, yp; double lon; double pixel_value; double weights[5][5]; double weights3[5][5] = {{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}}; double weights5[5][5] = {{0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0}, {0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1}, {0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.2}, {0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1}, {0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0}}; double **data; int status = 0; char input_file [MAXSTR]; char colname [MAXSTR]; char output_file [MAXSTR]; char template_file[MAXSTR]; int bitpix = DOUBLE_IMG; long naxis = 2; double sumweights; double refmag; dtr = atan(1.0)/45.; /***************************************/ /* Process the command-line parameters */ /***************************************/ ismag = 0; opterr = 0; useCenter = 0; strcpy(colname, ""); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "pm:d:w:c:")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'm': ismag = 1; refmag = atof(optarg); break; case 'd': debug = debugCheck(optarg); break; case 'w': width = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': strcpy(colname, optarg); break; case 'p': useCenter = 1; break; default: printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Usage: %s [-c column][-m refmag][-d level][-w size] in.tbl out.fits hdr.template\"]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); break; } } if (argc - optind < 3) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Usage: %s [-c column][-m refmag][-d level][-w size] in.tbl out.fits hdr.template\"]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } strcpy(input_file, argv[optind]); strcpy(output_file, argv[optind+1]); strcpy(template_file, argv[optind+2]); if(debug >= 1) { printf("input_file = [%s]\n", input_file); printf("colname = [%s]\n", colname); printf("output_file = [%s]\n", output_file); printf("template_file = [%s]\n", template_file); printf("width = %d\n", width); printf("ismag = %d\n", ismag); fflush(stdout); } /********************************************/ /* Set the weights for spreading the points */ /********************************************/ sumweights = 0.; for(i=0; i<5; ++i) { for(j=0; j<5; ++j) { if(width == 3) sumweights += weights3[i][j]; else if(width == 5) sumweights += weights5[i][j]; } } for(i=0; i<5; ++i) { for(j=0; j<5; ++j) { if(width == 3) weights[i][j] = weights3[i][j]/sumweights; else if(width == 5) weights[i][j] = weights5[i][j]/sumweights; else weights[i][j] = 0.; } } if(width != 3 && width != 5) weights[2][2] = 1.; /************************************************/ /* Open the table file and find the data column */ /************************************************/ ncol = topen(input_file); if(ncol <= 0) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Can't open input table %s\"]\n", input_file); exit(0); } racol = tcol( "ra"); deccol = tcol("dec"); ra1col = tcol( "ra1"); dec1col = tcol("dec1"); ra2col = tcol( "ra2"); dec2col = tcol("dec2"); ra3col = tcol( "ra3"); dec3col = tcol("dec3"); ra4col = tcol( "ra4"); dec4col = tcol("dec4"); haveFlux = 1; if(strlen(colname) == 0) haveFlux = 0; else fluxcol = tcol(colname); isImg = 1; if(ra1col < 0 || dec1col < 0 || ra2col < 0 || dec2col < 0 || ra3col < 0 || dec3col < 0 || ra4col < 0 || dec4col < 0) isImg = 0; if(useCenter) isImg = 0; if(!isImg) { if(racol < 0) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Can't find column 'ra'\"]\n"); exit(0); } if(deccol < 0) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Can't find column 'dec'\"]\n"); exit(0); } } if(haveFlux && fluxcol < 0) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Can't find column '%s'\"]\n", colname); exit(0); } /*************************************************/ /* Process the output header template to get the */ /* image size, coordinate system and projection */ /*************************************************/ readTemplate(template_file); pixscale = fabs(output.wcs->xinc); if(fabs(output.wcs->yinc) > pixscale) pixscale = fabs(output.wcs->yinc); csys = EQUJ; if(strncmp(output.wcs->c1type, "RA", 2) == 0) csys = EQUJ; if(strncmp(output.wcs->c1type, "GLON", 4) == 0) csys = GAL; if(strncmp(output.wcs->c1type, "ELON", 4) == 0) csys = ECLJ; equinox = output.wcs->equinox; if(debug >= 1) { printf("output.naxes[0] = %ld\n", output.naxes[0]); printf("output.naxes[1] = %ld\n", output.naxes[1]); printf("output.sys = %d\n", output.sys); printf("output.epoch = %-g\n", output.epoch); printf("output proj = %s\n", output.wcs->ptype); printf("output crval[0] = %-g\n", output.wcs->crval[0]); printf("output crval[1] = %-g\n", output.wcs->crval[1]); printf("output crpix[0] = %-g\n", output.wcs->crpix[0]); printf("output crpix[1] = %-g\n", output.wcs->crpix[1]); printf("output cdelt[0] = %-g\n", output.wcs->cdelt[0]); printf("output cdelt[1] = %-g\n", output.wcs->cdelt[1]); fflush(stdout); } /***********************************************/ /* Allocate memory for the output image pixels */ /***********************************************/ data = (double **)malloc(output.naxes[1] * sizeof(double *)); data[0] = (double *)malloc(output.naxes[0] * output.naxes[1] * sizeof(double)); if(debug >= 1) { printf("%ld bytes allocated for image pixels\n", output.naxes[0] * output.naxes[1] * sizeof(double)); fflush(stdout); } /**********************************************************/ /* Initialize pointers to the start of each row of pixels */ /**********************************************************/ for(i=1; i<output.naxes[1]; i++) data[i] = data[i-1] + output.naxes[0]; if(debug >= 1) { printf("pixel line pointers populated\n"); fflush(stdout); } for (j=0; j<output.naxes[1]; ++j) { for (i=0; i<output.naxes[0]; ++i) { data[j][i] = 0.; } } /************************/ /* Create the FITS file */ /************************/ remove(output_file); if(fits_create_file(&output.fptr, output_file, &status)) printFitsError(status); /*********************************************************/ /* Create the FITS image. All the required keywords are */ /* handled automatically. */ /*********************************************************/ if (fits_create_img(output.fptr, bitpix, naxis, output.naxes, &status)) printFitsError(status); if(debug >= 1) { printf("FITS image created (not yet populated)\n"); fflush(stdout); } /*****************************/ /* Loop over the input files */ /*****************************/ time(&currtime); start = currtime; /*******************/ /* For each source */ /*******************/ count = 0; while(tread() >= 0) { ++count; if(isImg) { if(debug && count/1000*1000 == count) { printf("%9d image outlines processed\n", count); fflush(stdout); } ra [0] = atof(tval( ra1col)); dec[0] = atof(tval(dec1col)); ra [1] = atof(tval( ra2col)); dec[1] = atof(tval(dec2col)); ra [2] = atof(tval( ra3col)); dec[2] = atof(tval(dec3col)); ra [3] = atof(tval( ra4col)); dec[3] = atof(tval(dec4col)); for(side=0; side<4; ++side) { ibegin = side; iend = (side+1)%4; x0 = cos(ra[ibegin]*dtr) * cos(dec[ibegin]*dtr); y0 = sin(ra[ibegin]*dtr) * cos(dec[ibegin]*dtr); z0 = sin(dec[ibegin]*dtr); x1 = cos(ra[iend]*dtr) * cos(dec[iend]*dtr); y1 = sin(ra[iend]*dtr) * cos(dec[iend]*dtr); z1 = sin(dec[iend]*dtr); xn = y0*z1 - z0*y1; yn = z0*x1 - x0*z1; zn = x0*y1 - y0*x1; len = sqrt(xn*xn + yn*yn + zn*zn); xn = xn / len; yn = yn / len; zn = zn / len; ran = atan2(yn, xn); decn = asin(zn); sina = sin(ran); cosa = cos(ran); sind = sin(decn); cosd = cos(decn); a11 = cosa*sind; a12 = sina*sind; a13 = -cosd; a21 = -sina; a22 = cosa; a23 = 0.; a31 = cosa*cosd; a32 = sina*cosd; a33 = sind; x0p = a11*x0 + a12*y0 + a13*z0; y0p = a21*x0 + a22*y0 + a23*z0; z0p = a31*x0 + a32*y0 + a33*z0; x1p = a11*x1 + a12*y1 + a13*z1; y1p = a21*x1 + a22*y1 + a23*z1; z1p = a31*x1 + a32*y1 + a33*z1; lon0 = atan2(y0p, x0p); lon1 = atan2(y1p, x1p); if(fabs(lon1-lon0)/dtr > 180.) { if(lon0 < 0.) lon0 += 360.*dtr; if(lon1 < 0.) lon1 += 360.*dtr; } sideLength = acos(x0*x1 + y0*y1 + z0*z1) / dtr; offset = pixscale/2.*dtr; if(lon0 > lon1) offset = -offset; nstep = (lon1 - lon0)/offset; lon = lon0; for(i=0; i<nstep; ++i) { lon += offset; xp = cos(lon); yp = sin(lon); x = a11*xp + a21*yp; y = a12*xp + a22*yp; z = a13*xp + a23*yp; rac = atan2(y,x)/dtr; decc = asin(z)/dtr; convertCoordinates (EQUJ, 2000., rac, decc, csys, equinox, &ilon, &ilat, 0.); offscl = 0; wcs2pix(output.wcs, ilon, ilat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl); fixxy(&oxpix, &oypix, &offscl); if(haveFlux) pixel_value = atof(tval(fluxcol)); else pixel_value = 1; l = (int)(oxpix + 0.5) - 1; m = (int)(oypix + 0.5) - 1; if(!offscl) data[m][l] = pixel_value; } } } else { if(debug && count/1000*1000 == count) { printf("%9d sources processed\n", count); fflush(stdout); } rac = atof(tval(racol)); decc = atof(tval(deccol)); convertCoordinates (EQUJ, 2000., rac, decc, csys, equinox, &ilon, &ilat, 0.); if(haveFlux) pixel_value = atof(tval(fluxcol)); else pixel_value = 1; if(ismag) pixel_value = pow(10., 0.4 * (refmag - pixel_value)); wcs2pix(output.wcs, ilon, ilat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl); if(pixel_value < 1.e10) { if(debug >= 3) { printf(" value = %11.3e at coord = (%12.8f,%12.8f)", pixel_value, ilon, ilat); if(offscl) { printf(" -> opix = (%7.1f,%7.1f) OFF SCALE\n", oxpix, oypix); fflush(stdout); } else { printf(" -> opix = (%7.1f,%7.1f)\n", oxpix, oypix); fflush(stdout); } } else if(pixel_value > 1000000.) { printf(" value = %11.3e at coord = (%12.8f,%12.8f)", pixel_value, ilon, ilat); if(offscl) { printf(" -> opix = (%7.1f,%7.1f) OFF SCALE\n", oxpix, oypix); fflush(stdout); } else { printf(" -> opix = (%7.1f,%7.1f)\n", oxpix, oypix); fflush(stdout); } } if(!offscl) { l = (int)(oxpix + 0.5) - 1; m = (int)(oypix + 0.5) - 1; if(l < 0 || m < 0 || l >= output.naxes[0] || m >= output.naxes[1]) { /* printf("ERROR: l=%d, m=%d\n", l, m); fflush(stdout); */ } else { for(dl=-2; dl<=2; ++dl) { if(l+dl < 0 || l+dl>= output.naxes[0]) continue; for(dm=-2; dm<=2; ++dm) { if(m+dm < 0 || m+dm>= output.naxes[1]) continue; data[m+dm][l+dl] += weights[dm+2][dl+2] * pixel_value; } } } } } } } /************************/ /* Write the image data */ /************************/ fpixel = 1; nelements = output.naxes[0] * output.naxes[1]; if (fits_write_img(output.fptr, TDOUBLE, fpixel, nelements, data[0], &status)) printFitsError(status); if(debug >= 1) { printf("Data array written to FITS image\n"); fflush(stdout); } /*************************************/ /* Add keywords from a template file */ /*************************************/ if(fits_write_key_template(output.fptr, template_file, &status)) printFitsError(status); if(debug >= 1) { printf("Template keywords written to FITS image\n"); fflush(stdout); } /***********************/ /* Close the FITS file */ /***********************/ if(fits_close_file(output.fptr, &status)) printFitsError(status); if(debug >= 1) { printf("FITS image finalized\n"); fflush(stdout); } time(&currtime); printf("[struct stat=\"OK\", time=%d]\n", (int)(currtime - start)); fflush(stdout); exit(0); }
int filemap(const tchar *name, void (*processor)(const void *, size_t, const tchar *, void *arg), void *arg) { size_t nbytes; int fd; _EXPAT_read_count_t n; struct stat sb; void *p; fd = topen(name, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY); if (fd < 0) { tperror(name); return 0; } if (fstat(fd, &sb) < 0) { tperror(name); close(fd); return 0; } if (!S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) { ftprintf(stderr, T("%s: not a regular file\n"), name); close(fd); return 0; } if (sb.st_size > XML_MAX_CHUNK_LEN) { close(fd); return 2; /* Cannot be passed to XML_Parse in one go */ } nbytes = sb.st_size; /* malloc will return NULL with nbytes == 0, handle files with size 0 */ if (nbytes == 0) { static const char c = '\0'; processor(&c, 0, name, arg); close(fd); return 1; } p = malloc(nbytes); if (!p) { ftprintf(stderr, T("%s: out of memory\n"), name); close(fd); return 0; } n = _EXPAT_read(fd, p, (_EXPAT_read_req_t)nbytes); if (n < 0) { tperror(name); free(p); close(fd); return 0; } if (n != (_EXPAT_read_count_t)nbytes) { ftprintf(stderr, T("%s: read unexpected number of bytes\n"), name); free(p); close(fd); return 0; } processor(p, nbytes, name, arg); free(p); close(fd); return 1; }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { char pm, operation=-1, found=1, pw1[128], pw2[128], ae1[15], ae2[15]; u32 i; PK0102 ce; PK0304 le; PK0506 ed; for (pm=1; pm < argc; pm++) { char opt; if (argv[pm][0] != '/') continue; if (argv[pm][1] == '?') { printf( "Encrypts or decrypts an archive following WinZip(R) 9 specifications.\n\n" \ "ZAES /D | /E:keysize [/2]\n\n" \ " /D decrypts AES encrypted entries\n" \ " /E:keysize encrypts with 128, 192 or 256-bit keys (keysize 1, 2 or 3)\n" \ " /2 AE-2 format (sets CRC-32 to zero)\n"); return 1; } opt = toupper(argv[pm][1]); if (opt== 'E') { Mode = atol(&argv[pm][3]); operation = 0; filter = encrypt_authenticate; if (Mode < 1 || Mode > 3) Z_ERROR("Bad encryption mode specified!"); SaltSize = KS[Mode].Salt; KeySize = KS[Mode].Key; found++; continue; } if (opt== 'D') { operation = 1; filter = authenticate_decrypt; found++; continue; } if (opt== '2') { AE2 = 1; found++; printf("WARNING: according to AE-2 specifications, CRC-32 will be set to zero\n"\ "in encrypted entries. Reverting to original archive after decryption will\n"\ "be impossible with this utility!\n"); continue; } } argv+=found; argc-=found; if (operation == -1) Z_ERROR("You must specify /E or /D switch!\nTry ZAES /?"); if (argc < 1) Z_ERROR("You must give a ZIP archive to process!"); register_prng(&sprng_desc); register_cipher(&aes_desc); register_hash(&sha1_desc); //~ printf("DEBUG: sha1 id=%d, aes id=%d\n", find_hash("sha1"), find_cipher("aes")); if ( (ZIN=fopen(argv[0],"rb")) == 0 || (ZIN2=fopen(argv[0],"rb")) == 0 ) Z_ERROR("Can't open input ZIP archive"); if ( (ZOUT=topen(ae1)) == 0 || (ZTMP=topen(ae2)) == 0) Z_ERROR("Can't open temporary output files"); setvbuf(ZIN , 0, _IOFBF, BLOCK); setvbuf(ZOUT, 0, _IOFBF, BLOCK); /* assumiamo uno ZIP senza commento! */ fseek(ZIN2,-22,SEEK_END); safeRead(&ed, ZIN2, sizeof(PK0506)); if (ed.Sig != 0x06054B50) #ifdef HANDLE_COMMENT { fseek(ZIN2, -0xFFFF, SEEK_END); fread(p, 1, 4, ZIN2); #else Z_ERROR("End directory marker not found!"); #endif /* verifica un minimo di coerenza nella ENDDIR */ if (ed.Disk != 0) Z_ERROR("Can't process a spanned archive"); while(1) { printf("Enter password: "******"\rFor your safety, please use a password of 8 characters or more.\n"); continue; } if (operation) { printf("\n"); break; } printf("\rVerify password: "******"Passwords don't match!\n"); continue; } printf("\n"); break; } #define PUTN(x) { fileCopy(stdout, ZIN, x.NameLen); fseek(ZIN, -x.NameLen, SEEK_CUR); } fseek(ZIN2, ed.Offset, SEEK_SET); for (i=0; i < ed.Total; i++) { safeRead(&ce, ZIN2, sizeof(PK0102)); if (ce.Sig != 0x02014B50) Z_ERROR("Expected central directory marker not found"); /* Assume i dati corretti dalla LE */ fseek(ZIN, ce.Offset, SEEK_SET); safeRead(&le, ZIN, sizeof(PK0304)); if (le.Sig != 0x04034B50) Z_ERROR("Expected local entry marker not found"); if ( ((le.Flag & 1) && !operation) || /* doesn't encrypt already encrypted */ (!(le.Flag & 1) && operation) || /* doesn't decrypt already decrypted */ ((le.Flag & 1) && operation && le.CompMethod != 99) || /* doesn't decrypt not AES encrypted */ !le.CompSize ) { ce.Offset = ftell(ZOUT); safeWrite(ZOUT, &le, sizeof(PK0304)); printf(" copying: "); PUTN(le); fileCopy(ZOUT, ZIN, le.NameLen+le.ExtraLen+le.CompSize); printf("\n"); safeWrite(ZTMP, &ce, sizeof(PK0102)); fileCopy(ZTMP, ZIN2, ce.NameLen+ce.ExtraLen); continue; } if (!operation) { AE_EXTRA ae = {0x9901, 7, AE2+1, 0x4541, Mode, 0}; ae.CompMethod = ce.CompMethod; ce.CompMethod = 99; if (AE2) ce.Crc32 = 0; ce.Flag |= 1; ce.ExtraLen += 11; ce.CompSize += SaltSize + 12; /* variable salt, fixed password check and hmac */ ce.Offset = ftell(ZOUT); safeWrite(ZTMP, &ce, sizeof(PK0102)); fileCopy(ZTMP, ZIN2, ce.NameLen+ce.ExtraLen-11); safeWrite(ZTMP, &ae, 11); printf(" encrypting: "); PUTN(le); Encrypt(&le, &ae, pw1); printf("\n"); } else { ce.Offset = ftell(ZOUT); printf(" decrypting: "); PUTN(le); Decrypt(&le, pw1); /* Decrypts contents */ printf("\n"); ce.CompMethod = le.CompMethod; if (AE2) ce.Crc32 = 0; ce.Flag ^= 1; ce.ExtraLen -= 11; ce.CompSize = le.CompSize; safeWrite(ZTMP, &ce, sizeof(PK0102)); /* Copy the extra data (may be LE != CE) */ fileCopy(ZTMP, ZIN2, ce.NameLen); for(ce.ExtraLen+=11; ce.ExtraLen;) { u16 u[2]; safeRead(u, ZIN2, 4); ce.ExtraLen -= (4 + u[1]); if (u[0] == 0x9901) { fseek(ZIN2, u[1], SEEK_CUR); continue; } safeWrite(ZTMP, u, 4); fileCopy(ZTMP, ZIN2, u[1]); } } } ed.Offset = ftell(ZOUT); /* new central directory start */ ed.Size = ftell(ZTMP); /* new central directory size */ fseek(ZTMP, 0, SEEK_SET); fclose(ZIN); fclose(ZIN2); /* Copies central directory */ fileCopy(ZOUT, ZTMP, ed.Size); safeWrite(ZOUT, &ed, sizeof(PK0506)); fclose(ZTMP); fclose(ZOUT); remove(ae2); if (remove(argv[0])) { printf("Can't remove old archive; new one is in file '%s'\n", ae1); } else if (rename(ae1, argv[0])) { printf("Can't rename old archive; new one is in file '%s'\n", ae1); } memset(&BUF, 0, sizeof(BUF)); memset(&ctr, 0, sizeof(ctr)); memset(pw1, 0, 128); memset(pw2, 0, 128); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; char header[32768]; char temp [MAXSTR]; char fmt [MAXSTR]; char rfmt [MAXSTR]; char pfmt [MAXSTR]; char cfmt [MAXSTR]; char ofile [MAXSTR]; char scale [MAXSTR]; int i, j; int namelen, nimages, ntotal, stat; double xpos, ypos; double lon, lat; double oxpix, oypix; int oxpixMin, oypixMin; int oxpixMax, oypixMax; int offscl, mode; int ncols; FILE *fraw; FILE *fproj; FILE *fcorr; /***************************************/ /* Process the command-line parameters */ /***************************************/ debug = 0; opterr = 0; fstatus = stdout; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "ds:")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'd': debug = 1; break; case 's': if((fstatus = fopen(optarg, "w+")) == (FILE *)NULL) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Cannot open status file: %s\"]\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; default: printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Usage: %s [-d][-s statusfile] images.tbl hdr.template raw.tbl projected.tbl corrected.tbl\"]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); break; } } if (argc - optind < 5) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Usage: %s [-d][-s statusfile] images.tbl hdr.template raw.tbl projected.tbl corrected.tbl\"]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } strcpy(origimg_file, argv[optind]); strcpy(template_file, argv[optind + 1]); strcpy(rawimg_file, argv[optind + 2]); strcpy(projimg_file, argv[optind + 3]); strcpy(corrimg_file, argv[optind + 4]); checkHdr(template_file, 1, 0); if(debug) { printf("\norigimg_file = [%s]\n", origimg_file); printf("template_file = [%s]\n\n", template_file); printf("rawimg_file = [%s]\n", rawimg_file); printf("projimg_file = [%s]\n", projimg_file); printf("corrimg_file = [%s]\n", corrimg_file); fflush(stdout); } /*************************************************/ /* Process the output header template to get the */ /* image size, coordinate system and projection */ /*************************************************/ readTemplate(template_file); if(debug) { printf("\noutput.sys = %d\n", output.sys); printf("output.epoch = %-g\n", output.epoch); printf("output proj = %s\n", output.wcs->ptype); fflush(stdout); } /*********************************************/ /* Open the image header metadata table file */ /*********************************************/ ncols = topen(origimg_file); if(ncols <= 0) { fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Invalid image metadata file: %s\"]\n", origimg_file); exit(1); } icntr = tcol("cntr"); ictype1 = tcol("ctype1"); ictype2 = tcol("ctype2"); iequinox = tcol("equinox"); inl = tcol("nl"); ins = tcol("ns"); icrval1 = tcol("crval1"); icrval2 = tcol("crval2"); icrpix1 = tcol("crpix1"); icrpix2 = tcol("crpix2"); icdelt1 = tcol("cdelt1"); icdelt2 = tcol("cdelt2"); icrota2 = tcol("crota2"); iepoch = tcol("epoch"); ifname = tcol("fname"); iscale = tcol("scale"); icd11 = tcol("cd1_1"); icd12 = tcol("cd1_2"); icd21 = tcol("cd2_1"); icd22 = tcol("cd2_2"); if(ins < 0) ins = tcol("naxis1"); if(inl < 0) inl = tcol("naxis2"); if(ifname < 0) ifname = tcol("file"); if(icd11 >= 0 && icd12 >= 0 && icd21 >= 0 && icd12 >= 0) mode = CD; else if(icdelt1 >= 0 && icdelt2 >= 0 && icrota2 >= 0) mode = CDELT; else { fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Not enough information to determine coverages (CDELTs or CD matrix)\"]\n"); exit(1); } if(icntr < 0 || ictype1 < 0 || ictype2 < 0 || inl < 0 || ins < 0 || icrval1 < 0 || icrval2 < 0 || icrpix1 < 0 || icrpix2 < 0 || ifname < 0) { fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Need columns: cntr ctype1 ctype2 nl ns crval1 crval2 crpix1 crpix2 cdelt1 cdelt2 crota2 fname (equinox optional)\"]\n"); exit(1); } /******************************************************/ /* Scan the table to get the true 'file' column width */ /******************************************************/ namelen = 0; while(1) { stat = tread(); if(stat < 0) break; strcpy(input.fname, fileName(tval(ifname))); if(strlen(input.fname) > namelen) namelen = strlen(input.fname); } tseek(0); /*************************************/ /* Write headers to the output files */ /*************************************/ if((fraw = (FILE *)fopen(rawimg_file, "w+")) == (FILE *)NULL) { fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Invalid output metadata file: %s\"]\n", rawimg_file); exit(1); } fprintf(fraw, "\\datatype=fitshdr\n"); if(iscale >= 0) { sprintf(fmt, "|%%5s|%%8s|%%8s|%%6s|%%6s|%%10s|%%10s|%%10s|%%10s|%%11s|%%11s|%%8s|%%7s|%%10s|%%%ds|\n", namelen+2); fprintf(fraw, fmt, "cntr", "ctype1", "ctype2", "naxis1", "naxis2", "crval1", "crval2", "crpix1", "crpix2", "cdelt1", "cdelt2", "crota2", "equinox", "scale", "file"); fprintf(fraw, fmt, "int", "char", "char", "int", "int", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "int", "double", "char"); } else { sprintf(fmt, "|%%5s|%%8s|%%8s|%%6s|%%6s|%%10s|%%10s|%%10s|%%10s|%%11s|%%11s|%%8s|%%7s|%%%ds|\n", namelen+2); fprintf(fraw, fmt, "cntr", "ctype1", "ctype2", "naxis1", "naxis2", "crval1", "crval2", "crpix1", "crpix2", "cdelt1", "cdelt2", "crota2", "equinox", "file"); fprintf(fraw, fmt, "int", "char", "char", "int", "int", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "int", "char"); } if((fproj = (FILE *)fopen(projimg_file, "w+")) == (FILE *)NULL) { fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Invalid output metadata file: %s\"]\n", projimg_file); exit(1); } fprintf(fproj, "\\datatype=fitshdr\n"); sprintf(fmt, "|%%5s|%%8s|%%8s|%%6s|%%6s|%%10s|%%10s|%%10s|%%10s|%%11s|%%11s|%%8s|%%7s|%%%ds|\n", namelen+2); fprintf(fproj, fmt, "cntr", "ctype1", "ctype2", "naxis1", "naxis2", "crval1", "crval2", "crpix1", "crpix2", "cdelt1", "cdelt2", "crota2", "equinox", "file"); fprintf(fproj, fmt, "int", "char", "char", "int", "int", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "int", "char"); if((fcorr = (FILE *)fopen(corrimg_file, "w+")) == (FILE *)NULL) { fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Invalid output metadata file: %s\"]\n", corrimg_file); exit(1); } fprintf(fcorr, "\\datatype=fitshdr\n"); fprintf(fcorr, fmt, "cntr", "ctype1", "ctype2", "naxis1", "naxis2", "crval1", "crval2", "crpix1", "crpix2", "cdelt1", "cdelt2", "crota2", "equinox", "file"); fprintf(fcorr, fmt, "int", "char", "char", "int", "int", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "int", "char"); /************************************************/ /* Read the metadata and process each image WCS */ /************************************************/ namelen = 0; nimages = 0; ntotal = 0; if(iscale >= 0) sprintf(rfmt, " %%5d %%8s %%8s %%6d %%6d %%10.6f %%10.6f %%10.2f %%10.2f %%11.8f %%11.8f %%8.5f %%7.0f %%10s %%%ds\n", namelen+2); else sprintf(rfmt, " %%5d %%8s %%8s %%6d %%6d %%10.6f %%10.6f %%10.2f %%10.2f %%11.8f %%11.8f %%8.5f %%7.0f %%%ds\n", namelen+2); sprintf(pfmt, " %%5d %%8s %%8s %%6d %%6d %%10.6f %%10.6f %%10.2f %%10.2f %%11.8f %%11.8f %%8.5f %%7.0f p%%%ds\n", namelen+2); sprintf(cfmt, " %%5d %%8s %%8s %%6d %%6d %%10.6f %%10.6f %%10.2f %%10.2f %%11.8f %%11.8f %%8.5f %%7.0f c%%%ds\n", namelen+2); while(1) { stat = tread(); if(stat < 0) break; ++ntotal; strcpy(input.ctype1, tval(ictype1)); strcpy(input.ctype2, tval(ictype2)); input.cntr = atoi(tval(icntr)); input.naxis1 = atoi(tval(ins)); input.naxis2 = atoi(tval(inl)); input.crpix1 = atof(tval(icrpix1)); input.crpix2 = atof(tval(icrpix2)); input.crval1 = atof(tval(icrval1)); input.crval2 = atof(tval(icrval2)); if(mode == CDELT) { input.cdelt1 = atof(tval(icdelt1)); input.cdelt2 = atof(tval(icdelt2)); input.crota2 = atof(tval(icrota2)); } else { input.cd11 = atof(tval(icd11)); input.cd12 = atof(tval(icd12)); input.cd21 = atof(tval(icd21)); input.cd22 = atof(tval(icd22)); } input.epoch = 2000; strcpy(header, ""); sprintf(temp, "SIMPLE = T" ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "BITPIX = -64" ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "NAXIS = 2" ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "NAXIS1 = %d", input.naxis1 ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "NAXIS2 = %d", input.naxis2 ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "CTYPE1 = '%s'", input.ctype1 ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "CTYPE2 = '%s'", input.ctype2 ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "CRVAL1 = %11.6f", input.crval1 ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "CRVAL2 = %11.6f", input.crval2 ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "CRPIX1 = %11.6f", input.crpix1 ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "CRPIX2 = %11.6f", input.crpix2 ); stradd(header, temp); if(mode == CDELT) { sprintf(temp, "CDELT1 = %11.6f", input.cdelt1 ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "CDELT2 = %11.6f", input.cdelt2 ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "CROTA2 = %11.6f", input.crota2 ); stradd(header, temp); } else { sprintf(temp, "CD1_1 = %11.6f", input.cd11 ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "CD1_2 = %11.6f", input.cd12 ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "CD2_1 = %11.6f", input.cd21 ); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "CD2_2 = %11.6f", input.cd22 ); stradd(header, temp); } sprintf(temp, "EQUINOX = %d", input.equinox); stradd(header, temp); sprintf(temp, "END" ); stradd(header, temp); if(iequinox >= 0) input.equinox = atoi(tval(iequinox)); strcpy(input.fname, fileName(tval(ifname))); if(iscale >= 0) strcpy(scale, tval(iscale)); if(strlen(input.fname) > namelen) namelen = strlen(input.fname); if(debug) { printf("Image header to wcsinit():\n%s\n", header); fflush(stdout); } input.wcs = wcsinit(header); checkWCS(input.wcs, 0); if(input.wcs == (struct WorldCoor *)NULL) { fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Bad WCS for image %d\"]\n", nimages); exit(1); } /***************************************************/ /* Check the boundaries of the input image against */ /* the output region of interest */ /***************************************************/ oxpixMin = 100000000; oxpixMax = -100000000; oypixMin = 100000000; oypixMax = -100000000; /* Check input left and right */ for (j=0; j<input.naxis2+1; ++j) { pix2wcs(input.wcs, 0.5, j+0.5, &xpos, &ypos); convertCoordinates(input.sys, input.epoch, xpos, ypos, output.sys, output.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0); wcs2pix(output.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl); if(!offscl) { if(oxpix < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = oxpix; if(oxpix > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = oxpix; if(oypix < oypixMin) oypixMin = oypix; if(oypix > oypixMax) oypixMax = oypix; } pix2wcs(input.wcs, input.naxis1+0.5, j+0.5, &xpos, &ypos); convertCoordinates(input.sys, input.epoch, xpos, ypos, output.sys, output.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0); wcs2pix(output.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl); if(!offscl) { if(oxpix < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = oxpix; if(oxpix > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = oxpix; if(oypix < oypixMin) oypixMin = oypix; if(oypix > oypixMax) oypixMax = oypix; } } /* Check input top and bottom */ for (i=0; i<input.naxis1+1; ++i) { pix2wcs(input.wcs, i+0.5, 0.5, &xpos, &ypos); convertCoordinates(input.sys, input.epoch, xpos, ypos, output.sys, output.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0); wcs2pix(output.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl); if(!offscl) { if(oxpix < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = oxpix; if(oxpix > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = oxpix; if(oypix < oypixMin) oypixMin = oypix; if(oypix > oypixMax) oypixMax = oypix; } pix2wcs(input.wcs, i+0.5, input.naxis2+0.5, &xpos, &ypos); convertCoordinates(input.sys, input.epoch, xpos, ypos, output.sys, output.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0); wcs2pix(output.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl); if(!offscl) { if(oxpix < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = oxpix; if(oxpix > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = oxpix; if(oypix < oypixMin) oypixMin = oypix; if(oypix > oypixMax) oypixMax = oypix; } } /***************************************************/ /* Check the boundaries of the region of interest */ /* against the input image */ /***************************************************/ /* Check ouput left and right */ for (j=0; j<output.wcs->nypix+1; ++j) { pix2wcs(output.wcs, 0.5, j+0.5, &xpos, &ypos); convertCoordinates(output.sys, output.epoch, xpos, ypos, input.sys, input.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0); wcs2pix(input.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl); if(!offscl) { if(0.5 < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = 0.5; if(0.5 > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = 0.5; if(j+0.5 < oypixMin) oypixMin = j+0.5; if(j+0.5 > oypixMax) oypixMax = j+0.5; } pix2wcs(output.wcs, output.wcs->nxpix+0.5, j+0.5, &xpos, &ypos); convertCoordinates(output.sys, output.epoch, xpos, ypos, input.sys, input.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0); wcs2pix(input.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl); if(!offscl) { if(output.wcs->nxpix+0.5 < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = output.wcs->nxpix+0.5; if(output.wcs->nxpix+0.5 > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = output.wcs->nxpix+0.5; if(j+0.5 < oypixMin) oypixMin = j+0.5; if(j+0.5 > oypixMax) oypixMax = j+0.5; } } /* Check input top and bottom */ for (i=0; i<output.wcs->nxpix+1; ++i) { pix2wcs(output.wcs, i+0.5, 0.5, &xpos, &ypos); convertCoordinates(output.sys, output.epoch, xpos, ypos, input.sys, input.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0); wcs2pix(input.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl); if(!offscl) { if(i+0.5 < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = i+0.5; if(i+0.5 > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = i+0.5; if(0.5 < oypixMin) oypixMin = 0.5 ; if(0.5 > oypixMax) oypixMax = 0.5 ; } pix2wcs(output.wcs, i+0.5, output.wcs->nypix+0.5, &xpos, &ypos); convertCoordinates(output.sys, output.epoch, xpos, ypos, input.sys, input.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0); wcs2pix(input.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl); if(!offscl) { if(i+0.5 < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = i+0.5; if(i+0.5 > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = i+0.5; if(output.wcs->nypix+0.5 < oypixMin) oypixMin = output.wcs->nypix+0.5; if(output.wcs->nypix+0.5 > oypixMax) oypixMax = output.wcs->nypix+0.5; } } if(oxpixMax < oxpixMin) continue; if(oypixMax < oypixMin) continue; /* Remove any possible compression extension */ strcpy(ofile, input.fname); if(strlen(ofile) > 3 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-3, ".gz") == 0) ofile[strlen(ofile)-3] = '\0'; else if(strlen(ofile) > 2 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-2, ".Z") == 0) ofile[strlen(ofile)-2] = '\0'; else if(strlen(ofile) > 2 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-2, ".z") == 0) ofile[strlen(ofile)-2] = '\0'; else if(strlen(ofile) > 4 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-4, ".zip") == 0) ofile[strlen(ofile)-4] = '\0'; else if(strlen(ofile) > 2 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-2, "-z") == 0) ofile[strlen(ofile)-2] = '\0'; else if(strlen(ofile) > 3 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-3, "-gz") == 0) ofile[strlen(ofile)-3] = '\0'; /* Make sure the extension is ".fits" */ if(strlen(ofile) > 5 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-5, ".fits") == 0) ofile[strlen(ofile)-5] = '\0'; else if(strlen(ofile) > 5 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-5, ".FITS") == 0) ofile[strlen(ofile)-5] = '\0'; else if(strlen(ofile) > 4 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-4, ".fit") == 0) ofile[strlen(ofile)-4] = '\0'; else if(strlen(ofile) > 4 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-4, ".FIT") == 0) ofile[strlen(ofile)-4] = '\0'; else if(strlen(ofile) > 4 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-4, ".fts") == 0) ofile[strlen(ofile)-4] = '\0'; else if(strlen(ofile) > 4 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-4, ".FTS") == 0) ofile[strlen(ofile)-4] = '\0'; strcat(ofile, ".fits"); if(iscale >= 0) { fprintf(fraw, rfmt, nimages+1, output.wcs->ctype[0], output.wcs->ctype[1], oxpixMax - oxpixMin + 1, oypixMax - oypixMin + 1, output.wcs->crval[0], output.wcs->crval[1], output.wcs->crpix[0] - oxpixMin, output.wcs->crpix[1] - oypixMin, output.wcs->cdelt[0], output.wcs->cdelt[1], output.wcs->rot, output.epoch, scale, ofile); } else { fprintf(fraw, rfmt, nimages+1, output.wcs->ctype[0], output.wcs->ctype[1], oxpixMax - oxpixMin + 1, oypixMax - oypixMin + 1, output.wcs->crval[0], output.wcs->crval[1], output.wcs->crpix[0] - oxpixMin, output.wcs->crpix[1] - oypixMin, output.wcs->cdelt[0], output.wcs->cdelt[1], output.wcs->rot, output.epoch, ofile); } fprintf(fproj, pfmt, nimages+1, output.wcs->ctype[0], output.wcs->ctype[1], oxpixMax - oxpixMin + 1, oypixMax - oypixMin + 1, output.wcs->crval[0], output.wcs->crval[1], output.wcs->crpix[0] - oxpixMin, output.wcs->crpix[1] - oypixMin, output.wcs->cdelt[0], output.wcs->cdelt[1], output.wcs->rot, output.epoch, ofile); fprintf(fcorr, cfmt, nimages+1, output.wcs->ctype[0], output.wcs->ctype[1], oxpixMax - oxpixMin + 1, oypixMax - oypixMin + 1, output.wcs->crval[0], output.wcs->crval[1], output.wcs->crpix[0] - oxpixMin, output.wcs->crpix[1] - oypixMin, output.wcs->cdelt[0], output.wcs->cdelt[1], output.wcs->rot, output.epoch, ofile); ++nimages; } fclose(fraw); fclose(fproj); fclose(fcorr); fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"OK\", count=\"%d\", total=\"%d\"]\n", nimages, ntotal); fflush(stdout); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, j, k, ncol, nimages; int haveHdr, itmp, istat, mAddCntr; int nparents, parent, parent_prev; int naxis1s, naxis2s; char line [MAXSTR]; char mproj [MAXSTR]; char survey [MAXSTR]; char band [MAXSTR]; char hdrFile [MAXSTR]; char mosaicCentLon [MAXSTR]; char mosaicCentLat [MAXSTR]; char mosaicWidth [MAXSTR]; char mosaicHeight [MAXSTR]; char mosaicCdelt [MAXSTR]; char workdir [MAXSTR]; char urlbase [MAXSTR]; char workurlbase [MAXSTR]; char timestr [MAXSTR]; char cmd [MAXSTR]; char status [MAXSTR]; char msg [MAXSTR]; char fname [MAXSTR]; char fitname [MAXSTR]; char plusname [MAXSTR]; char minusname [MAXSTR]; char jobid [MAXSTR]; char fileList [MAXSTR]; char parentList [MAXSTR]; char sortedParent [MAXSTR]; char *fileid; char *parentid; clock_t timeval; double width; double height; double cdelt; double crval1, crval2; double crpix1, crpix2; int ifname, iurl, icntr1, icntr2, iplusname, iminusname, iscale; int cntr, cntr1, cntr2, id, level; int shrinkFactor, shrinkFactorX, shrinkFactorY; double x, y, z; double xc, yc, zc; double xpos, ypos, dtr; double dist, maxRadius; double lonc, latc; FILE *fp; FILE *fdag; FILE *ffit; FILE *fcache; FILE *furl; FILE *ffile; FILE *fparent; char dv_version [MAXSTR]; int maxtbl = 1000; char key[MAXSTR]; char val[MAXSTR]; struct stat type; HT_table_t *depends; char *path = getenv("MONTAGE_HOME"); /* Various time value variables */ char buffer[256]; int yr, mo, day, hr, min, sec, pid; time_t curtime; struct tm *loctime; char idstr[256]; dtr = atan(1.0)/45.; strcpy(dv_version, "1.0"); HT_set_debug(0); /* Generate a unique ID based on data/time/pid */ curtime = time (NULL); loctime = localtime (&curtime); strftime(buffer, 256, "%Y", loctime); yr = atoi(buffer); strftime(buffer, 256, "%m", loctime); mo = atoi(buffer); strftime(buffer, 256, "%d", loctime); day = atoi(buffer); strftime(buffer, 256, "%H", loctime); hr = atoi(buffer); strftime(buffer, 256, "%M", loctime); min = atoi(buffer); strftime(buffer, 256, "%S", loctime); sec = atoi(buffer); pid = (int)getpid(); sprintf(idstr, "%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d_%d", yr, mo, day, hr, min, sec, pid); /* Set up the dependency hash table */ depends = HT_create_table(maxtbl); timeval = time(0); strcpy(timestr, ctime((const time_t *)(&timeval))); for(i=0; i<strlen(timestr); ++i) if(timestr[i] == '\n') timestr[i] = '\0'; if(debug) { fdebug = fopen("debug.txt", "w+"); if(fdebug == (FILE *)NULL) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Error opening debug file\"]\n"); exit(0); } fprintf(fdebug, "DEBUGGING mDAG:\n\n"); fflush(fdebug); if(debug > 1) svc_debug(fdebug); } /* Get the location/size information */ haveHdr = 0; if(argc < 11) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Usage: %s survey band centerlon centerlat width height cdelt workdir workurlbase urlbase | %s -h survey band hdrfile workdir workurlbase urlbase (object/location string must be a single argument)\"]\n", argv[0], argv[0]); exit(0); } strcpy(survey, argv[1]); strcpy(band, argv[2]); strcpy(mosaicCentLon, argv[3]); strcpy(mosaicCentLat, argv[4]); strcpy(mosaicWidth, argv[5]); strcpy(mosaicHeight, argv[6]); strcpy(mosaicCdelt, argv[7]); strcpy(workdir, argv[8]); strcpy(workurlbase, argv[9]); strcpy(urlbase, argv[10]); crval1 = atof(mosaicCentLon); crval2 = atof(mosaicCentLat); width = fabs(atof(mosaicWidth)); height = fabs(atof(mosaicHeight)); cdelt = fabs(atof(mosaicCdelt)); naxis1 = (int)(width / cdelt) + 0.5; naxis2 = (int)(height / cdelt) + 0.5; crpix1 = (naxis1+1.)/2.; crpix2 = (naxis2+1.)/2.; istat = stat(workdir, &type); if(istat < 0) printError("work directory doesn't exist"); strcpy(mproj, "mProject"); /********************************************************/ /* we have the size/center, we need to build the header */ /********************************************************/ /*******************************/ /* Create header template file */ /*******************************/ sprintf(hdrFile, "%s/region.hdr", workdir); fp = fopen(hdrFile, "w+"); if(fp == (FILE *)NULL) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Error opening header template file\"]\n"); exit(0); } fprintf(fp, "SIMPLE = T\n" ); fprintf(fp, "BITPIX = -64\n" ); fprintf(fp, "NAXIS = 2\n" ); fprintf(fp, "NAXIS1 = %d\n", naxis1 ); fprintf(fp, "NAXIS2 = %d\n", naxis2 ); fprintf(fp, "CTYPE1 = '%s'\n", "GLON-CAR" ); fprintf(fp, "CTYPE2 = '%s'\n", "GLAT-CAR" ); fprintf(fp, "CRVAL1 = %11.6f\n", crval1 ); fprintf(fp, "CRVAL2 = %11.6f\n", crval2 ); fprintf(fp, "CRPIX1 = %11.6f\n", crpix1 ); fprintf(fp, "CRPIX2 = %11.6f\n", crpix2 ); fprintf(fp, "CDELT1 = %.9f\n", -cdelt ); fprintf(fp, "CDELT2 = %.9f\n", cdelt ); fprintf(fp, "CROTA2 = %11.6f\n", 0.0 ); fprintf(fp, "EQUINOX = %d\n", 2000 ); if(strcasecmp(survey, "2MASS") == 0) { if(strcasecmp(band, "J") == 0) fprintf(fp, "MAGZP = %11.6f\n", 20.9044); else if(strcasecmp(band, "H") == 0) fprintf(fp, "MAGZP = %11.6f\n", 20.4871); else if(strcasecmp(band, "K") == 0) fprintf(fp, "MAGZP = %11.6f\n", 19.9757); } fprintf(fp, "END\n" ); fclose(fp); /***********************************/ /* Create big header template file */ /***********************************/ sprintf(hdrFile, "%s/big_region.hdr", workdir); fp = fopen(hdrFile, "w+"); if(fp == (FILE *)NULL) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Error opening big header template file\"]\n"); exit(0); } fprintf(fp, "SIMPLE = T\n" ); fprintf(fp, "BITPIX = -64\n" ); fprintf(fp, "NAXIS = 2\n" ); fprintf(fp, "NAXIS1 = %d\n", naxis1+3000 ); fprintf(fp, "NAXIS2 = %d\n", naxis2+3000 ); fprintf(fp, "CTYPE1 = '%s'\n", "GLON-CAR" ); fprintf(fp, "CTYPE2 = '%s'\n", "GLAT-CAR" ); fprintf(fp, "CRVAL1 = %11.6f\n", crval1 ); fprintf(fp, "CRVAL2 = %11.6f\n", crval2 ); fprintf(fp, "CRPIX1 = %11.6f\n", crpix1+1500 ); fprintf(fp, "CRPIX2 = %11.6f\n", crpix2+1500 ); fprintf(fp, "CDELT1 = %.9f\n", -cdelt ); fprintf(fp, "CDELT2 = %.9f\n", cdelt ); fprintf(fp, "CROTA2 = %11.6f\n", 0.0 ); fprintf(fp, "EQUINOX = %d\n", 2000 ); if(strcasecmp(survey, "2MASS") == 0) { if(strcasecmp(band, "J") == 0) fprintf(fp, "MAGZP = %11.6f\n", 20.9044); else if(strcasecmp(band, "H") == 0) fprintf(fp, "MAGZP = %11.6f\n", 20.4871); else if(strcasecmp(band, "K") == 0) fprintf(fp, "MAGZP = %11.6f\n", 19.9757); } fprintf(fp, "END\n" ); fclose(fp); /************************************************/ /* Get list of raw input images for this region */ /************************************************/ /* this is how mExec is implemented */ double scaleWidth = width * 1.42; double scaleHeight = height * 1.42; if(path) sprintf(cmd, "%s/bin/mArchiveList %s %s \"%s %s gal\" %.2f %.2f %s/images.tbl", path, survey, band, mosaicCentLon, mosaicCentLat, scaleWidth, scaleHeight, workdir); else sprintf(cmd, "mArchiveList %s %s \"%s %s gal\" %.2f %.2f %s/images.tbl", survey, band, mosaicCentLon, mosaicCentLat, scaleWidth, scaleHeight, workdir); if(debug) { fprintf(fdebug, "[%s]\n", cmd); fflush(fdebug); } svc_run(cmd); strcpy( status, svc_value( "stat" )); if (strcmp( status, "ERROR") == 0) { strcpy( msg, svc_value( "msg" )); printError(msg); } if (strcmp(status, "ABORT") == 0) { strcpy( msg, svc_value( "msg" )); printError(msg); } nimages = atof(svc_value("count")); if (nimages == 0) { sprintf( msg, "%s has no data covering this area", survey); printError(msg); } /*****************************************/ /* Get the image lists the DAG will need */ /*****************************************/ if(path) sprintf(cmd, "%s/bin/mDAGTbls %s/images.tbl %s/big_region.hdr %s/rimages.tbl %s/pimages.tbl %s/cimages.tbl", path, workdir, workdir, workdir, workdir, workdir); else sprintf(cmd, "mDAGTbls %s/images.tbl %s/big_region.hdr %s/rimages.tbl %s/pimages.tbl %s/cimages.tbl", workdir, workdir, workdir, workdir, workdir); if(debug) { fprintf(fdebug, "[%s]\n", cmd); fflush(fdebug); } svc_run(cmd); strcpy( status, svc_value( "stat" )); if (strcmp( status, "ERROR") == 0) { strcpy( msg, svc_value( "msg" )); printError(msg); } /******************************************/ /* Get the overlap list the DAG will need */ /******************************************/ if(path) sprintf(cmd, "%s/bin/mOverlaps %s/rimages.tbl %s/diffs.tbl", path, workdir, workdir); else sprintf(cmd, " mOverlaps %s/rimages.tbl %s/diffs.tbl", workdir, workdir); if(debug) { fprintf(fdebug, "[%s]\n", cmd); fflush(fdebug); } svc_run(cmd); strcpy( status, svc_value( "stat" )); if (strcmp( status, "ERROR") == 0) { strcpy( msg, svc_value( "msg" )); printError(msg); } /****************************************************/ /* Determine shrink factor for presentation image. */ /****************************************************/ shrinkFactorX = (int)(naxis1 / 1024. + 1.); shrinkFactorY = (int)(naxis2 / 1024. + 1.); shrinkFactor = shrinkFactorX; if(shrinkFactor < shrinkFactorY) shrinkFactor = shrinkFactorY; if(debug) { fprintf(fdebug, "\n"); fprintf(fdebug, "shrinkFactorX = %d\n", shrinkFactorX); fprintf(fdebug, "shrinkFactorY = %d\n", shrinkFactorY); fprintf(fdebug, "shrinkFactor = %d\n", shrinkFactor); fprintf(fdebug, "\n"); fflush(fdebug); } /***********************************************/ /* Now we can generate the DAG XML file itself */ /* First the XML header */ /***********************************************/ if(debug) { fprintf(fdebug, "Generating DAG file header ...\n"); fflush(fdebug); } sprintf(cmd, "%s/dag.xml", workdir); fdag = fopen(cmd, "w+"); sprintf(cmd, "%s/cache.list", workdir); fcache = fopen(cmd, "w+"); sprintf(cmd, "%s/url.list", workdir); furl = fopen(cmd, "w+"); fprintf(fdag, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); fprintf(fdag, "<!-- Generated: %s -->\n", timestr); fprintf(fdag, "<!-- Generated by: Montage DAG service -->\n\n"); fprintf(fdag, "<adag xmlns=\"\"\n"); fprintf(fdag, " xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n"); fprintf(fdag, " xsi:schemaLocation=\"\"\n"); fprintf(fdag, " version=\"2.1\" count=\"1\" index=\"0\" name=\"montage\">\n\n"); fflush(fdag); fprintf(fdag, " <!-- Survey: %-30s -->\n", survey); fprintf(fdag, " <!-- Band: %-30s -->\n", band); fprintf(fdag, " <!-- Center Longitude: %-30s -->\n", mosaicCentLon); fprintf(fdag, " <!-- Center Latitude: %-30s -->\n", mosaicCentLat); if(haveHdr) fprintf(fdag, " <!-- (WCS is in input header file) -->\n"); else { fprintf(fdag, " <!-- Width: %-30s -->\n", mosaicWidth); fprintf(fdag, " <!-- Height: %-30s -->\n", mosaicHeight); } fprintf(fdag, "\n\n"); fflush(fdag); /******************************************/ /* compose the url lfn cache list */ /******************************************/ sprintf(cmd, "%s/images.tbl", workdir); ncol = topen(cmd); ifname = tcol("file"); iurl = tcol("URL"); if(ifname < 0) printError("'Raw' image list does not have column 'file'"); if(iurl < 0) printError("'Raw' image list does not have column 'url'"); while(1) { istat = tread(); if(istat < 0) break; fprintf(furl, "%s %s pool=\"ipac_cluster\"\n", tval(ifname), tval(iurl)); } tclose(); fclose(furl); /******************************************/ /* DAG: "filename" lines for input images */ /******************************************/ if(debug) { fprintf(fdebug, "Generating DAG file filename list ...\n"); fflush(fdebug); } fprintf(fdag, " <!-- Part 1: Files Used -->\n\n"); sprintf(cmd, "%s/rimages.tbl", workdir); ncol = topen(cmd); ifname = tcol("file"); if(ifname < 0) printError("'Raw' image list does not have column 'file'"); while(1) { istat = tread(); if(istat < 0) break; fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"%s\" link=\"input\"/>\n", tval(ifname)); } fprintf(fdag, "\n"); fflush(fdag); tclose(); /**********************************************/ /* DAG: "filename" lines for projected images */ /* including area files */ /**********************************************/ sprintf(cmd, "%s/pimages.tbl", workdir); ncol = topen(cmd); ifname = tcol("file"); if(ifname < 0) printError("'Projected' image list does not have column 'file'"); while(1) { istat = tread(); if(istat < 0) break; fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"%s\" link=\"inout\"/>\n", tval(ifname)); strcpy(fname, tval(ifname)); fname[strlen(fname)-5] = '\0'; strcat(fname, "_area.fits"); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"%s\" link=\"inout\"/>\n", fname); } fprintf(fdag, "\n"); fflush(fdag); tclose(); /***********************************************/ /* DAG: "filename" lines for difference images */ /* and fit output files (plus one more file */ /* with a list of these fits) */ /***********************************************/ sprintf(cmd, "%s/diffs.tbl", workdir); ncol = topen(cmd); ifname = tcol("diff"); icntr1 = tcol("cntr1"); icntr2 = tcol("cntr2"); if(ifname < 0) printError("'Diff' image list does not have column 'diff'"); sprintf(cmd, "%s/statfile.tbl", workdir); ffit = fopen(cmd, "w+"); sprintf(fmt, "|%%7s|%%7s|%%22s|\n"); sprintf(dfmt, " %%7d %%7d %%22s \n"); fprintf(ffit, fmt, "cntr1", "cntr2", "stat"); fprintf(ffit, fmt, "int", "int", "char"); while(1) { istat = tread(); if(istat < 0) break; cntr1 = atoi(tval(icntr1)); cntr2 = atoi(tval(icntr2)); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"%s\" link=\"output\"/>\n", tval(ifname)); strcpy(fname, tval(ifname)); fname[strlen(fname)-5] = '\0'; sprintf(fitname, "fit%s.txt", fname+4); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"%s\" link=\"inout\"/>\n\n", fitname); fprintf(ffit, dfmt, cntr1, cntr2, fitname); } fflush(fdag); tclose(); fclose(ffit); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"statfile_%s.tbl\" link=\"input\"/>\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"fits.tbl\" link=\"inout\"/>\n"); fprintf(fdag, "\n"); fflush(fdag); fprintf(fcache, "statfile_%s.tbl %s/%s/statfile.tbl pool=\"ipac_cluster\"\n", idstr, workurlbase, workdir); /***********************************************/ /* DAG: "filename" lines for corrections table */ /* and the corrected image files (including */ /* area files) */ /***********************************************/ fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"corrections.tbl\" link=\"inout\"/>\n"); fprintf(fdag, "\n"); fflush(fdag); sprintf(cmd, "%s/cimages.tbl", workdir); ncol = topen(cmd); ifname = tcol("file"); if(ifname < 0) printError("'Corrected' image list does not have column 'file'"); while(1) { istat = tread(); if(istat < 0) break; fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"%s\" link=\"inout\"/>\n", tval(ifname)); strcpy(fname, tval(ifname)); fname[strlen(fname)-5] = '\0'; strcat(fname, "_area.fits"); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"%s\" link=\"inout\"/>\n", fname); } fprintf(fdag, "\n"); fflush(fdag); tclose(); /***********************************************/ /* DAG: "filename" lines for template files, */ /* subset image files, output files, and */ /* shrunken output files. */ /***********************************************/ fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"newcimages.tbl\" link=\"inout\"/>\n"); fprintf(fdag, "\n"); fflush(fdag); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"big_region_%s.hdr\" link=\"input\"/>\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"region_%s.hdr\" link=\"input\"/>\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"pimages_%s.tbl\" link=\"input\"/>\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"cimages_%s.tbl\" link=\"input\"/>\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"dag_%s.xml\" link=\"inout\"/>\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"images_%s.tbl\" link=\"inout\"/>\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, "\n"); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"shrunken_%s.hdr\" link=\"inout\"/>\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"shrunken_%s.fits\" link=\"inout\"/>\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <filename file=\"shrunken_%s.jpg\" link=\"output\"/>\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, "\n\n"); fflush(fdag); fprintf(fcache, "big_region_%s.hdr %s/%s/big_region.hdr pool=\"ipac_cluster\"\n", idstr, workurlbase, workdir); fprintf(fcache, "region_%s.hdr %s/%s/region.hdr pool=\"ipac_cluster\"\n", idstr, workurlbase, workdir); fprintf(fcache, "pimages_%s.tbl %s/%s/pimages.tbl pool=\"ipac_cluster\"\n", idstr, workurlbase, workdir); fprintf(fcache, "cimages_%s.tbl %s/%s/cimages.tbl pool=\"ipac_cluster\"\n", idstr, workurlbase, workdir); fflush(fcache); /* to be saved in user's storage space */ fprintf(fcache, "dag_%s.xml %s/%s/dag.xml pool=\"ipac_cluster\"\n", idstr, workurlbase, workdir); fprintf(fcache, "images_%s.tbl %s/%s/images.tbl pool=\"ipac_cluster\"\n", idstr, workurlbase, workdir); /**************************************************/ /* DAG: "job" lines for mProject/mProjectPP jobs. */ /**************************************************/ if(debug) { fprintf(fdebug, "Generating DAG file job list ...\n"); fflush(fdebug); } id = 0; level = 9; fprintf(fdag, " <!-- Part 2: Definition of Jobs -->\n\n"); cntr = 0; sprintf(cmd, "%s/rimages.tbl", workdir); ncol = topen(cmd); ifname = tcol("file"); iscale = tcol("scale"); if(ifname < 0) printError("'Raw' image list does not have column 'file'"); while(1) { istat = tread(); if(istat < 0) break; ++id; ++cntr; strcpy(fname, tval(ifname)); fname[strlen(fname) - 5] = '\0'; fprintf(fdag," <job id=\"ID%06d\" name=\"%s\" version=\"3.0\" level=\"%d\" dv-name=\"mProject%d\" dv-version=\"1.0\">\n", id, mproj, level, cntr); if(iscale >= 0) fprintf(fdag," <argument>\n -X\n -x %s\n <filename file=\"%s.fits\"/>\n <filename file=\"p%s.fits\"/>\n <filename file=\"big_region_%s.hdr\"/>\n </argument>\n\n", tval(iscale), fname, fname, idstr); else fprintf(fdag," <argument>\n -X\n <filename file=\"%s.fits\"/>\n <filename file=\"p%s.fits\"/>\n <filename file=\"big_region_%s.hdr\"/>\n </argument>\n\n", fname, fname, idstr); fprintf(fdag," <uses file=\"%s.fits\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", fname); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "%s.fits", fname); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fcache,"%s.fits %s/%s.fits pool=\"ipac_cluster\"\n",fname,urlbase,fname); fprintf(fdag," <uses file=\"p%s.fits\" link=\"output\" register=\"false\" transfer=\"false\"/>\n", fname); sprintf(key, "p%s.fits", fname); sprintf(val, "ID%06d", id); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag," <uses file=\"p%s_area.fits\" link=\"output\" register=\"false\" transfer=\"false\"/>\n", fname); fprintf(fdag," <uses file=\"big_region_%s.hdr\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "big_region.hdr"); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag," </job>\n\n\n"); } tclose(); fflush(fcache); fclose(fcache); /***************************************/ /* DAG: "job" lines for mDiffFit jobs. */ /***************************************/ cntr = 0; sprintf(cmd, "%s/diffs.tbl", workdir); ncol = topen(cmd); icntr1 = tcol("cntr1"); icntr2 = tcol("cntr2"); iplusname = tcol("plus"); iminusname = tcol("minus"); --level; while(1) { istat = tread(); if(istat < 0) break; ++id; ++cntr; cntr1 = atoi(tval(icntr1)); cntr2 = atoi(tval(icntr2)); strcpy(plusname, tval(iplusname)); strcpy(minusname, tval(iminusname)); plusname [strlen(plusname) - 5] = '\0'; minusname[strlen(minusname) - 5] = '\0'; fname[strlen(fname) - 5] = '\0'; fprintf(fdag, " <job id=\"ID%06d\" name=\"mDiffFit\" version=\"3.0\" level=\"%d\" dv-name=\"mDiffFit%d\" dv-version=\"1.0\">\n", id, level, cntr); fprintf(fdag, " <argument>\n -s <filename file=\"fit.%06d.%06d.txt\"/>\n <filename file=\"p%s.fits\"/>\n <filename file=\"p%s.fits\"/>\n <filename file=\"diff.%06d.%06d.fits\"/>\n <filename file=\"big_region_%s.hdr\"/>\n </argument>\n\n", cntr1, cntr2, plusname, minusname, cntr1, cntr2, idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"mDiff\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\" type=\"executable\"/>\n"); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"mFitplane\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\" type=\"executable\"/>\n"); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"fit.%06d.%06d.txt\" link=\"output\" register=\"false\" transfer=\"false\"/>\n", cntr1, cntr2); sprintf(key, "fit.%06d.%06d.txt", cntr1, cntr2); sprintf(val, "ID%06d", id); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"p%s.fits\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", plusname); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "p%s.fits", plusname); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"p%s_area.fits\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", plusname); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"p%s.fits\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", minusname); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "p%s.fits", minusname); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"p%s_area.fits\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", minusname); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"diff.%06d.%06d.fits\" link=\"output\" register=\"false\" transfer=\"false\" optional=\"true\"/>\n", cntr1, cntr2); sprintf(key, "diff.%06d.%06d.fits", cntr1, cntr2); sprintf(val, "ID%06d", id); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"big_region_%s.hdr\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "big_region.hdr"); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " </job>\n\n\n"); } tclose(); /****************************************/ /* DAG: "job" line for mConcatFit jobs. */ /****************************************/ ++id; --level; fprintf(fdag, " <job id=\"ID%06d\" name=\"mConcatFit\" version=\"3.0\" level=\"%d\" dv-name=\"mConcatFit1\" dv-version=\"1.0\">\n", id, level); fprintf(fdag, " <argument>\n <filename file=\"statfile_%s.tbl\"/>\n <filename file=\"fits.tbl\"/>\n .\n </argument>\n\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"statfile_%s.tbl\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "statfile.tbl"); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"fits.tbl\" link=\"output\" register=\"false\" transfer=\"false\"/>\n"); sprintf(key, "fits.tbl"); sprintf(val, "ID%06d", id); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); sprintf(cmd, "%s/diffs.tbl", workdir); ncol = topen(cmd); icntr1 = tcol("cntr1"); icntr2 = tcol("cntr2"); while(1) { istat = tread(); if(istat < 0) break; cntr1 = atoi(tval(icntr1)); cntr2 = atoi(tval(icntr2)); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"fit.%06d.%06d.txt\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", cntr1, cntr2); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "fit.%06d.%06d.txt", cntr1, cntr2); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); } tclose(); fprintf(fdag, " </job>\n\n\n"); /*************************************/ /* DAG: "job" line for mBgModel job. */ /*************************************/ ++id; --level; fprintf(fdag, " <job id=\"ID%06d\" name=\"mBgModel\" version=\"3.0\" level=\"%d\" dv-name=\"mBgModel1\" dv-version=\"1.0\">\n", id, level); fprintf(fdag, " <argument>\n -l\n -i 100000\n <filename file=\"pimages_%s.tbl\"/>\n <filename file=\"fits.tbl\"/>\n <filename file=\"corrections.tbl\"/>\n </argument>\n\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"pimages_%s.tbl\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "pimages.tbl"); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"fits.tbl\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n"); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "fits.tbl"); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"corrections.tbl\" link=\"output\" register=\"false\" transfer=\"false\"/>\n"); sprintf(key, "corrections.tbl"); sprintf(val, "ID%06d", id); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " </job>\n\n\n"); /*****************************************/ /* DAG: "job" line for mBackground jobs. */ /*****************************************/ --level; cntr = 0; sprintf(cmd, "%s/rimages.tbl", workdir); ncol = topen(cmd); ifname = tcol("file"); if(ifname < 0) printError("'Raw' image list does not have column 'file'"); while(1) { istat = tread(); if(istat < 0) break; strcpy(fname, tval(ifname)); fname[strlen(fname) - 5] = '\0'; ++id; ++cntr; fprintf(fdag, " <job id=\"ID%06d\" name=\"mBackground\" version=\"3.0\" level=\"%d\" dv-name=\"mBackground%d\" dv-version=\"1.0\">\n", id, level, cntr); fprintf(fdag, " <argument>\n -t\n <filename file=\"p%s.fits\"/>\n <filename file=\"c%s.fits\"/>\n <filename file=\"pimages_%s.tbl\"/>\n <filename file=\"corrections.tbl\"/>\n </argument>\n\n", fname, fname, idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"p%s.fits\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", fname); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "p%s.fits", fname); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"p%s_area.fits\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", fname); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"pimages_%s.tbl\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "pimages.tbl"); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"corrections.tbl\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n"); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "corrections.tbl"); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"c%s.fits\" link=\"output\" register=\"false\" transfer=\"false\"/>\n", fname); sprintf(key, "c%s.fits", fname); sprintf(val, "ID%06d", id); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"c%s_area.fits\" link=\"output\" register=\"false\" transfer=\"false\"/>\n", fname); fprintf(fdag, " </job>\n\n\n"); } fflush(fdag); /**********************************************/ /* DAG: "job" lines for tile mImgtbl jobs. */ /* We have to regenerate the cimages table(s) */ /* because the pixel offsets and sizes need */ /* to be exactly right and the original is */ /* only an approximation. */ /**********************************************/ --level; cntr = 0; ++id; ++cntr; fprintf(fdag, " <job id=\"ID%06d\" name=\"mImgtbl\" version=\"3.0\" level=\"%d\" dv-name=\"mImgtbl%d\" dv-version=\"1.0\">\n", id, level, cntr); fprintf(fdag, " <argument>\n .\n -t <filename file=\"cimages_%s.tbl\"/>\n <filename file=\"newcimages.tbl\"/>\n </argument>\n\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"cimages_%s.tbl\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "cimages.tbl"); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"newcimages.tbl\" link=\"output\" register=\"false\" transfer=\"false\"/>\n"); sprintf(key, "newcimages.tbl"); sprintf(val, "ID%06d", id); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); sprintf(cmd, "%s/cimages.tbl", workdir); ncol = topen(cmd); ifname = tcol("file"); if(ifname < 0) printError("'Corrected' image list does not have column 'file'"); while(1) { istat = tread(); if(istat < 0) break; strcpy(fname, tval(ifname)); fname[strlen(fname) - 5] = '\0'; fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"%s.fits\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", fname); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "%s.fits", fname); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); } tclose(); fprintf(fdag, " </job>\n\n\n"); fflush(fdag); /*******************************************/ /* DAG: "job" lines for tile mAdd jobs. */ /*******************************************/ --level; cntr = 0; ++id; ++cntr; fprintf(fdag, " <job id=\"ID%06d\" name=\"mAdd\" version=\"3.0\" level=\"%d\" dv-name=\"mAdd%d\" dv-version=\"1.0\">\n", id, level, cntr); fprintf(fdag, " <argument>\n -e\n <filename file=\"newcimages.tbl\"/>\n <filename file=\"region_%s.hdr\"/>\n <filename file=\"mosaic_%s.fits\"/>\n </argument>\n\n", idstr, idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"newcimages.tbl\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n"); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "newcimages.tbl"); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"region_%s.hdr\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "region.hdr"); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"mosaic_%s.fits\" link=\"output\" register=\"true\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(key, "mosaic.fits"); sprintf(val, "ID%06d", id); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"mosaic_%s_area.fits\" link=\"output\" register=\"true\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(cmd, "%s/cimages.tbl", workdir); ncol = topen(cmd); ifname = tcol("file"); if(ifname < 0) printError("'Corrected' image list does not have column 'file'"); while(1) { istat = tread(); if(istat < 0) break; strcpy(fname, tval(ifname)); fname[strlen(fname) - 5] = '\0'; fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"%s.fits\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", fname); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"%s_area.fits\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", fname); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "%s.fits", fname); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); } fprintf(fdag, " </job>\n\n\n"); fflush(fdag); mAddCntr = cntr; /*******************************************/ /* DAG: "job" lines for tile mShrink jobs. */ /*******************************************/ --level; cntr = 0; ++id; ++cntr; fprintf(fdag, " <job id=\"ID%06d\" name=\"mShrink\" version=\"3.0\" level=\"%d\" dv-name=\"mShrink%d\" dv-version=\"1.0\">\n", id, level, cntr); fprintf(fdag, " <argument>\n <filename file=\"mosaic_%s.fits\"/>\n <filename file=\"shrunken_%s.fits\"/>\n %d\n </argument>\n\n", idstr, idstr, shrinkFactor); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"mosaic_%s.fits\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "mosaic.fits"); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"shrunken_%s.fits\" link=\"output\" register=\"true\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(key, "shrunken.fits"); sprintf(val, "ID%06d", id); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " </job>\n\n\n"); fflush(fdag); /****************************/ /* DAG: Make the final JPEG */ /****************************/ ++id; --level; fprintf(fdag, " <job id=\"ID%06d\" name=\"mJPEG\" version=\"3.0\" level=\"%d\" dv-name=\"mJPEG1\" dv-version=\"1.0\">\n", id, level); fprintf(fdag, " <argument>\n -ct 1\n -gray <filename file=\"shrunken_%s.fits\"/>\n min max gaussianlog\n -out <filename file=\"shrunken_%s.jpg\"/>\n </argument>\n\n", idstr, idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"shrunken_%s.fits\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(key, "ID%06d", id); sprintf(val, "shrunken.fits"); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"shrunken_%s.jpg\" link=\"output\" register=\"true\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(key, "shrunken.jpg"); sprintf(val, "ID%06d", id); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"dag_%s.xml\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"dag_%s.xml\" link=\"output\" register=\"false\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(key, "dag.xml"); sprintf(val, "ID%06d", id); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"images_%s.tbl\" link=\"input\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); fprintf(fdag, " <uses file=\"images_%s.tbl\" link=\"output\" register=\"false\" transfer=\"true\"/>\n", idstr); sprintf(key, "images.tbl"); sprintf(val, "ID%06d", id); HT_add_entry(depends, key, val); fprintf(fdag, " </job>\n\n\n\n"); fflush(fdag); /*******************************************/ /* DAG: Flow control dependencies. */ /* First, mDiffs depend on mProjects */ /*******************************************/ if(debug) { fprintf(fdebug, "Generating DAG file parent/child info ...\n"); fflush(fdebug); } fprintf(fdag, " <!-- Part 3: Control-Flow Dependencies -->\n\n"); sprintf(fileList, "%s/files.lis", workdir); sprintf(parentList, "%s/parents.lis", workdir); sprintf(sortedParent, "%s/sortedParents.lis", workdir); for(i=1; i<=id; ++i) { sprintf(jobid, "ID%06d", i); fileid = HT_lookup_key(depends, jobid); ffile = fopen(fileList, "w+"); if(ffile == (FILE *)NULL) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Error opening working file list for write\"]\n"); exit(0); } while(fileid != (char *)NULL) { fprintf(ffile, "%s\n", fileid); fflush(ffile); fileid = HT_next_entry(depends); } fclose(ffile); ffile = fopen(fileList, "r"); if(ffile == (FILE *)NULL) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Error opening working file list for read\"]\n"); exit(0); } fparent = fopen(parentList, "w+"); if(fparent == (FILE *)NULL) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Error opening parent list\"]\n"); exit(0); } nparents = 0; fprintf(fparent, "| parent |\n"); while(1) { if(fgets(line, MAXSTR, ffile) == (char *)NULL) break; if(line[strlen(line)-1] == '\n') line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0'; parentid = HT_lookup_key(depends, line); while(parentid != (char *)NULL) { parent = atoi(parentid+2); fprintf(fparent, " %12d\n", parent); fflush(fparent); ++nparents; parentid = HT_next_entry(depends); } } fclose(ffile); fclose(fparent); unlink(fileList); if(nparents > 0) { if(path) sprintf(cmd, "%s/bin/mTblSort %s parent %s", path, parentList, sortedParent); else sprintf(cmd, "mTblSort %s parent %s", parentList, sortedParent); svc_run(cmd); strcpy( status, svc_value( "stat" )); if (strcmp( status, "ERROR") == 0) { strcpy( msg, svc_value( "msg" )); printError(msg); } unlink(parentList); fparent = fopen(sortedParent, "r"); if(fparent == (FILE *)NULL) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Error opening sorted parent list\"]\n"); exit(0); } fgets(line, MAXSTR, fparent); fprintf(fdag, " <child ref=\"%s\">\n", jobid); for(j=0; j<nparents; ++j) { if(fgets(line, MAXSTR, fparent) == (char *)NULL) break; parent_prev = parent; parent = atoi(line); if(j > 0 && parent == parent_prev) continue; fprintf(fdag, " <parent ref=\"ID%06d\"/>\n", parent); } fprintf(fdag, " </child>\n\n"); fflush(fdag); fclose(fparent); } unlink(sortedParent); } fprintf(fdag, "</adag>\n"); fflush(fdag); fclose(fdag); if(debug) { fprintf(fdebug, "done.\n"); fflush(fdebug); } printf("[struct stat=\"OK\", id=\"%s\"]\n", idstr); exit(0); }
int proc_rule(struct htx_data *phtx_info, struct ruleinfo *prule_info, char *wbuf, char *rbuf, struct blk_num_typ *pblk_num) { int dlen, loop, rc; char msg[220], path[100]; unsigned short seed[3]; rc = 0; init_seed(seed); /* initialize seed for random number generator */ dlen = prule_info->num_blks * BLK_SIZE; /* initialize length of data */ /*-------------------------------*/ /* initialize the write buffer */ /*-------------------------------*/ if ( (prule_info->pattern_id[0] != '#') && (prule_info->pattern_id[0] != 0) ) { path[0] ='\0'; if ( (int) htx_strlen((char *) htx_strcpy(path, getenv("HTXPATTERNS"))) == 0 ) htx_strcpy(path, "../pattern/"); /* default ONLY */ htx_strcat (path, prule_info->pattern_id); rc = hxfpat(path, wbuf, dlen); if ( rc == 1 ) { sprintf(msg, "cannot open pattern file - %s\n", path); hxfmsg(phtx_info, 0, SYSERR, msg); return(1); } if ( rc == 2 ) { sprintf(msg, "cannot read pattern file - %s\n", path); hxfmsg(phtx_info, 0, SYSERR, msg); return(1); } } else if ( prule_info->pattern_id[0] == '#' ) bldbuf((unsigned short*)wbuf, dlen, prule_info->pattern_id, pblk_num); pblk_num->in_rule = 0; /* initialize block number within current rule */ rc = 0; tape_error_code = 0; for ( loop = 1; loop <= prule_info->num_oper; loop++ ) { if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "R") == 0 ) { rc = read_tape(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num, rbuf); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "W") == 0 ) { rc = write_tape(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num, wbuf); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "RC") == 0 ) { rc = read_tape(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num, rbuf); if ( rc >= 0 ) rc = cmpbuf(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num, wbuf, rbuf); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "RW") == 0 ) { rc = rewind_tape(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "WEOF") == 0 ) { rc = weof_tape(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "SF") == 0 ) { rc = search_file(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "SR") == 0 ) { rc = search_rec(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "D") == 0 ) { rc = diag_tape(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "E") == 0 ) { rc = erase_tape(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "S") == 0 ) { rc = do_sleep(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "CO") == 0 ) { rc = close_open(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "C") == 0 ) { rc = tclose(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "O") == 0 ) { rc = topen(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "WEOT") == 0 ) { rc = write_eot(phtx_info, prule_info,loop, pblk_num, wbuf); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "RCEOT") == 0 ) { rc = read_eot(phtx_info, prule_info, loop,pblk_num, wbuf, rbuf); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "REOT") == 0 ) { rc = read_teot(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num, wbuf, rbuf); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "RS") == 0 ) { rc = prt_req_sense(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } #ifndef __HTX_LINUX__ else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "ML") == 0 ) { rc = medium_load(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "MUL") == 0 ) { rc = medium_unload(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "RES") == 0 ) { rc = read_status(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "IE") == 0 ) { rc = init_element(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "RP") == 0 ) { rc = read_posit(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "LB") == 0 ) { rc = loc_block(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "ASF") == 0 ) { rc = asearch_file(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "ASR") == 0 ) { rc = asearch_rec(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "ADUL") == 0 ) { rc = write_unload(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num, wbuf); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "TWIE") == 0 ) { rc = twin_tape(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "TWPE") == 0 ) { rc = twps_tape(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "TWRE") == 0 ) { rc = twrd_stat(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "TWMM") == 0 ) { rc = twmv_tape(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "TWUL") == 0 ) { rc = unload_write(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num, wbuf); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "WUL") == 0 ) { rc = tape_unload(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num, wbuf); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "CDRE") == 0 ) { rc = cdrd_stat(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "CDMM") == 0 ) { rc = cdmv_tape(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "HUNL") == 0 ) { rc = himove(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "HINI") == 0 ) { rc = hiinit(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "HREL") == 0 ) { rc = hielem(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "HWUN") == 0 ) { rc = hidal_unload(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num, wbuf); } else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "DBUG") == 0 ) { rc = set_dbug(phtx_info, prule_info, pblk_num); } #endif else if ( strcmp(prule_info->oper, "XCMD") == 0 ) { rc = do_cmd(phtx_info, prule_info, pblk_num); } else { ; } hxfupdate(UPDATE, phtx_info); if ( phtx_info->run_type[0] == 'O' ) { info_msg(phtx_info, prule_info, loop, pblk_num, msg); hxfmsg(phtx_info, 0, INFO, msg); } if ( rc != 0 ) break; } return(rc); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ch, stat, ncols, count, failed, missing, warning; int icntr1; int icntr2; int istatfile; int cntr1; int cntr2; char statfile[MAXSTR]; char tblfile [MAXSTR]; char fitfile [MAXSTR]; char statdir [MAXSTR]; char line [MAXSTR]; char msg [MAXSTR]; char val [MAXSTR]; char status [32]; double a; double b; double c; double crpix1; double crpix2; int xmin; int xmax; int ymin; int ymax; double xcenter; double ycenter; double npixel; double rms; double boxx; double boxy; double boxwidth; double boxheight; double boxangle; FILE *fstat; FILE *fout; SVC *svc=NULL; /***************************************/ /* Process the command-line parameters */ /***************************************/ debug = 0; opterr = 0; fstatus = stdout; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "ds:")) != EOF) { switch (ch) { case 'd': debug = 1; break; case 's': if((fstatus = fopen(optarg, "w+")) == (FILE *)NULL) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Cannot open status file: %s\"]\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; default: printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Usage: %s [-d] [-s statusfile] statfiles.tbl fits.tbl statdir\"]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); break; } } if (argc - optind < 3) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Usage: %s [-d] [-s statusfile] statfiles.tbl fits.tbl statdir\"]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } strcpy(tblfile, argv[optind]); strcpy(fitfile, argv[optind + 1]); strcpy(statdir, argv[optind + 2]); fout = fopen(fitfile, "w+"); if(fout == (FILE *)NULL) { fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Can't open output file.\"]\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(1); } /**************************************************/ /* Open the difference fit status file list table */ /**************************************************/ ncols = topen(tblfile); if(ncols <= 0) { fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Invalid statfiles metadata file: %s\"]\n", tblfile); exit(1); } icntr1 = tcol( "cntr1"); icntr2 = tcol( "cntr2"); istatfile = tcol( "stat"); if(icntr1 < 0 || icntr2 < 0 || istatfile < 0) { fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Need columns: cntr1 cntr2 plus minus diff\"]\n"); exit(1); } /***************************************/ /* Read the records and call mFitPlane */ /***************************************/ count = 0; failed = 0; missing = 0; warning = 0; fprintf(fout, "| plus|minus| a | b | c | crpix1 | crpix2 | xmin | xmax | ymin | ymax | xcenter | ycenter | npixel | rms | boxx | boxy | boxwidth | boxheight | boxang |\n"); fflush(fout); while(1) { stat = tread(); if(stat < 0) break; cntr1 = atoi(tval(icntr1)); cntr2 = atoi(tval(icntr2)); strcpy(statfile, statdir); strcat(statfile, "/"); strcat(statfile, tval(istatfile)); if(checkFile(statfile)) { ++count; ++missing; continue; } fstat = fopen(statfile, "r"); if(fstat == (FILE *)NULL) { ++count; ++missing; continue; } if(fgets(line, MAXSTR, fstat) == (char *)NULL) { ++count; ++missing; continue; } svc=svc_struct(line); strcpy( status, svc_val(line, "stat", val)); if(strcmp( status, "ABORT") == 0) { strcpy( msg, svc_val(line, "msg", val )); fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"%s\"]\n", msg); fflush(stdout); exit(1); } ++count; if(strcmp( status, "ERROR") == 0) ++failed; else if(strcmp( status, "WARNING") == 0) ++warning; else { a = atof(svc_val(line, "a", val)); b = atof(svc_val(line, "b", val)); c = atof(svc_val(line, "c", val)); crpix1 = atof(svc_val(line, "crpix1", val)); crpix2 = atof(svc_val(line, "crpix2", val)); xmin = atoi(svc_val(line, "xmin", val)); xmax = atoi(svc_val(line, "xmax", val)); ymin = atoi(svc_val(line, "ymin", val)); ymax = atoi(svc_val(line, "ymax", val)); xcenter = atof(svc_val(line, "xcenter", val)); ycenter = atof(svc_val(line, "ycenter", val)); npixel = atof(svc_val(line, "npixel", val)); rms = atof(svc_val(line, "rms", val)); boxx = atof(svc_val(line, "boxx", val)); boxy = atof(svc_val(line, "boxy", val)); boxwidth = atof(svc_val(line, "boxwidth", val)); boxheight = atof(svc_val(line, "boxheight", val)); boxangle = atof(svc_val(line, "boxang", val)); fprintf(fout, " %5d %5d %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %9.2f %9.2f %6d %6d %6d %6d %9.2f %9.2f %9.0f %12.5e %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f %12.1f\n", cntr1, cntr2, a, b, c, crpix1, crpix2, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xcenter, ycenter, npixel, rms, boxx, boxy, boxwidth, boxheight, boxangle); fflush(fout); } svc_free(svc); fclose(fstat); } fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"OK\", count=%d, failed=%d, missing=%d, warning=%d]\n", count, failed, missing, warning); fflush(stdout); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int debug, noAreas, i; int tableDriven, haveStatus; int icntr, ifname, cntr; int ncols, index, istat; int ia, ib, ic, id; double A, B, C; char input_file [MAXSTR]; char output_file[MAXSTR]; char tblfile [MAXSTR]; char corrfile [MAXSTR]; char file [MAXSTR]; char *end; struct mBackgroundReturn *returnStruct; FILE *montage_status; /***************************************/ /* Process the command-line parameters */ /***************************************/ debug = 0; tableDriven = 0; noAreas = 0; haveStatus = 0; montage_status = stdout; for(i=0; i<argc; ++i) { if(strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) { haveStatus = 1; if(i+1 >= argc) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"No status file name given\"]\n"); exit(1); } if((montage_status = fopen(argv[i+1], "w+")) == (FILE *)NULL) { printf ("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Cannot open status file: %s\"]\n", argv[i+1]); exit(1); } ++i; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) noAreas = 1; else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-t") == 0) tableDriven = 1; else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0) { if(i+1 >= argc) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"No debug level given\"]\n"); exit(1); } debug = strtol(argv[i+1], &end, 0); if(end - argv[i+1] < strlen(argv[i+1])) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Debug level string is invalid: '%s'\"]\n", argv[i+1]); exit(1); } if(debug < 0) { printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Debug level value cannot be negative\"]\n"); exit(1); } ++i; } } if(haveStatus) { argv += 2; argc -= 2;; } if(debug) { argv += 2; argc -= 2;; } if(noAreas) { ++argv; --argc; } if(tableDriven) { ++argv; --argc; } if (argc < 5) { printf ("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Usage: mBackground [-d level] [-n(o-areas)] [-s statusfile] in.fits out.fits A B C | mBackground [-t(able-mode)] [-d level] [-n(o-areas)] [-s statusfile] in.fits out.fits images.tbl corrfile.tbl\"]\n"); exit(1); } strcpy(input_file, argv[1]); if(input_file[0] == '-') { printf ("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Invalid input file '%s'\"]\n", input_file); exit(1); } strcpy(output_file, argv[2]); if(output_file[0] == '-') { printf ("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Invalid output file '%s'\"]\n", output_file); exit(1); } A = 0.; B = 0.; C = 0.; if(!tableDriven) { if (argc != 6) { printf ("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Usage: mBackground [-d level] [-n(o-areas)] [-s statusfile] in.fits out.fits A B C | mBackground [-t](able-mode) [-d level] [-n(o-areas)] [-s statusfile] in.fits out.fits images.tbl corrfile.tbl\"]\n"); exit(1); } A = strtod(argv[3], &end); if(end < argv[3] + strlen(argv[3])) { printf ("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"A coefficient string is not a number\"]\n"); exit(1); } B = strtod(argv[4], &end); if(end < argv[4] + strlen(argv[4])) { printf ("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"B coefficient string is not a number\"]\n"); exit(1); } C = strtod(argv[5], &end); if(end < argv[5] + strlen(argv[5])) { printf ("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"C coefficient string is not a number\"]\n"); exit(1); } } else { /* Look up the file cntr in the images.tbl file */ /* and then the correction coefficients in the */ /* corrections table generated by mBgModel */ if (argc != 5) { printf ("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Usage: mBackground [-d level] [-n(o-areas)] [-s statusfile] in.fits out.fits A B C | mBackground [-t](able-mode) [-d level] [-n(o-areas)] [-s statusfile] in.fits out.fits images.tbl corrfile.tbl\"]\n"); exit(1); } strcpy(tblfile, argv[3]); strcpy(corrfile, argv[4]); /* Open the image list table file */ ncols = topen(tblfile); if(ncols <= 0) { fprintf(montage_status, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Invalid image metadata file: %s\"]\n", tblfile); exit(1); } icntr = tcol( "cntr"); ifname = tcol( "fname"); if(ifname < 0) ifname = tcol( "file"); if(icntr < 0 || ifname < 0) { fprintf(montage_status, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Image table needs columns cntr and fname\"]\n"); exit(1); } /* Read the records and find the cntr for our file name */ index = 0; while(1) { istat = tread(); if(istat < 0) { fprintf(montage_status, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Hit end of image table without finding file name\"]\n"); exit(1); } cntr = atoi(tval(icntr)); strcpy(file, tval(ifname)); if(strcmp(file, input_file) == 0) break; } tclose(); ncols = topen(corrfile); icntr = tcol( "id"); ia = tcol( "a"); ib = tcol( "b"); ic = tcol( "c"); if(icntr < 0 || ia < 0 || ib < 0 || ic < 0) { fprintf(montage_status, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Need columns: id,a,b,c in corrections file\"]\n"); exit(1); } /* Read the records and find the correction coefficients */ while(1) { istat = tread(); if(istat < 0) { A = 0.; B = 0.; C = 0.; break; } id = atoi(tval(icntr)); if(id != cntr) continue; A = atof(tval(ia)); B = atof(tval(ib)); C = atof(tval(ic)); break; } tclose(); } returnStruct = mBackground(input_file, output_file, A, B, C, noAreas, debug); if(returnStruct->status == 1) { fprintf(montage_status, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"%s\"]\n", returnStruct->msg); exit(1); } else { fprintf(montage_status, "[struct stat=\"OK\", %s]\n", returnStruct->msg); exit(0); } }