static int tr_peerIoTryWrite( tr_peerIo * io, size_t howmuch ) { int n = 0; if(( howmuch = tr_bandwidthClamp( &io->bandwidth, TR_UP, howmuch ))) { int e; EVUTIL_SET_SOCKET_ERROR( 0 ); n = tr_evbuffer_write( io, io->socket, howmuch ); e = EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR( ); if( n > 0 ) didWriteWrapper( io, n ); if( ( n < 0 ) && ( io->gotError ) && ( e != EPIPE ) && ( e != EAGAIN ) && ( e != EINTR ) && ( e != EINPROGRESS ) ) { char errstr[512]; const short what = EVBUFFER_WRITE | EVBUFFER_ERROR; tr_net_strerror( errstr, sizeof( errstr ), e ); dbgmsg( io, "tr_peerIoTryWrite got an error. res is %d, what is %hd, errno is %d (%s)", n, what, e, errstr ); if( io->gotError != NULL ) io->gotError( io, what, io->userData ); } } return n; }
static int tr_peerIoTryRead( tr_peerIo * io, size_t howmuch ) { int res = 0; if(( howmuch = tr_bandwidthClamp( &io->bandwidth, TR_DOWN, howmuch ))) { int e; EVUTIL_SET_SOCKET_ERROR( 0 ); res = evbuffer_read( io->inbuf, io->socket, (int)howmuch ); e = EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR( ); dbgmsg( io, "read %d from peer (%s)", res, (res==-1?strerror(e):"") ); if( EVBUFFER_LENGTH( io->inbuf ) ) canReadWrapper( io ); if( ( res <= 0 ) && ( io->gotError ) && ( e != EAGAIN ) && ( e != EINTR ) && ( e != EINPROGRESS ) ) { char errstr[512]; short what = EVBUFFER_READ | EVBUFFER_ERROR; if( res == 0 ) what |= EVBUFFER_EOF; tr_net_strerror( errstr, sizeof( errstr ), e ); dbgmsg( io, "tr_peerIoTryRead got an error. res is %d, what is %hd, errno is %d (%s)", res, what, e, errstr ); io->gotError( io, what, io->userData ); } } return res; }
static int tr_evbuffer_write( tr_peerIo * io, int fd, size_t howmuch ) { int e; int n; char errstr[256]; struct evbuffer * buffer = io->outbuf; howmuch = MIN( EVBUFFER_LENGTH( buffer ), howmuch ); EVUTIL_SET_SOCKET_ERROR( 0 ); #ifdef WIN32 n = (int) send(fd, buffer->buffer, howmuch, 0 ); #else n = (int) write(fd, buffer->buffer, howmuch ); #endif e = EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR( ); dbgmsg( io, "wrote %d to peer (%s)", n, (n==-1?tr_net_strerror(errstr,sizeof(errstr),e):"") ); if( n > 0 ) evbuffer_drain( buffer, (size_t)n ); /* keep the iobuf's excess capacity from growing too large */ if( EVBUFFER_LENGTH( io->outbuf ) == 0 ) { evbuffer_free( io->outbuf ); io->outbuf = evbuffer_new( ); } return n; }
void tr_netSetTOS(tr_socket_t s, int tos) { #if defined(IP_TOS) && !defined(_WIN32) if (setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, (void const*)&tos, sizeof(tos)) == -1) { char err_buf[512]; tr_logAddNamedInfo("Net", "Can't set TOS '%d': %s", tos, tr_net_strerror(err_buf, sizeof(err_buf), sockerrno)); } #else (void)s; (void)tos; #endif }
/** * Portability wrapper for select(). * * * On win32, any two of the parameters, readfds, writefds, or exceptfds, * can be given as null. At least one must be non-null, and any non-null * descriptor set must contain at least one handle to a socket. */ static void tr_select( int nfds, fd_set * r_fd_set, fd_set * w_fd_set, fd_set * c_fd_set, struct timeval * t ) { #ifdef WIN32 if( !r_fd_set->fd_count && !w_fd_set->fd_count && !c_fd_set->fd_count ) { const long int msec = t->tv_sec*1000 + t->tv_usec/1000; tr_wait_msec( msec ); } else if( select( 0, r_fd_set->fd_count ? r_fd_set : NULL, w_fd_set->fd_count ? w_fd_set : NULL, c_fd_set->fd_count ? c_fd_set : NULL, t ) < 0 ) { char errstr[512]; const int e = EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR( ); tr_net_strerror( errstr, sizeof( errstr ), e ); dbgmsg( "Error: select (%d) %s", e, errstr ); } #else select( nfds, r_fd_set, w_fd_set, c_fd_set, t ); #endif }
static tr_socket_t tr_netBindTCPImpl(tr_address const* addr, tr_port port, bool suppressMsgs, int* errOut) { TR_ASSERT(tr_address_is_valid(addr)); static int const domains[NUM_TR_AF_INET_TYPES] = { AF_INET, AF_INET6 }; struct sockaddr_storage sock; tr_socket_t fd; int addrlen; int optval; fd = socket(domains[addr->type], SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd == TR_BAD_SOCKET) { *errOut = sockerrno; return TR_BAD_SOCKET; } if (evutil_make_socket_nonblocking(fd) == -1) { *errOut = sockerrno; tr_netCloseSocket(fd); return TR_BAD_SOCKET; } optval = 1; setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (void const*)&optval, sizeof(optval)); setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void const*)&optval, sizeof(optval)); #ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY if (addr->type == TR_AF_INET6) { if (setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (void const*)&optval, sizeof(optval)) == -1) { if (sockerrno != ENOPROTOOPT) /* if the kernel doesn't support it, ignore it */ { *errOut = sockerrno; tr_netCloseSocket(fd); return TR_BAD_SOCKET; } } } #endif addrlen = setup_sockaddr(addr, htons(port), &sock); if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&sock, addrlen) == -1) { int const err = sockerrno; if (!suppressMsgs) { char const* fmt; char const* hint; char err_buf[512]; if (err == EADDRINUSE) { hint = _("Is another copy of Transmission already running?"); } else { hint = NULL; } if (hint == NULL) { fmt = _("Couldn't bind port %d on %s: %s"); } else { fmt = _("Couldn't bind port %d on %s: %s (%s)"); } tr_logAddError(fmt, port, tr_address_to_string(addr), tr_net_strerror(err_buf, sizeof(err_buf), err), hint); } tr_netCloseSocket(fd); *errOut = err; return TR_BAD_SOCKET; } if (!suppressMsgs) { tr_logAddDebug("Bound socket %" PRIdMAX " to port %d on %s", (intmax_t)fd, port, tr_address_to_string(addr)); } #ifdef TCP_FASTOPEN #ifndef SOL_TCP #define SOL_TCP IPPROTO_TCP #endif optval = 5; setsockopt(fd, SOL_TCP, TCP_FASTOPEN, (void const*)&optval, sizeof(optval)); #endif if (listen(fd, 128) == -1) { *errOut = sockerrno; tr_netCloseSocket(fd); return TR_BAD_SOCKET; } return fd; }
struct tr_peer_socket tr_netOpenPeerSocket(tr_session* session, tr_address const* addr, tr_port port, bool clientIsSeed) { TR_ASSERT(tr_address_is_valid(addr)); struct tr_peer_socket ret = TR_PEER_SOCKET_INIT; static int const domains[NUM_TR_AF_INET_TYPES] = { AF_INET, AF_INET6 }; tr_socket_t s; struct sockaddr_storage sock; socklen_t addrlen; tr_address const* source_addr; socklen_t sourcelen; struct sockaddr_storage source_sock; char err_buf[512]; if (!tr_address_is_valid_for_peers(addr, port)) { return ret; } s = tr_fdSocketCreate(session, domains[addr->type], SOCK_STREAM); if (s == TR_BAD_SOCKET) { return ret; } /* seeds don't need much of a read buffer... */ if (clientIsSeed) { int n = 8192; if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (void const*)&n, sizeof(n)) == -1) { tr_logAddInfo("Unable to set SO_RCVBUF on socket %" PRIdMAX ": %s", (intmax_t)s, tr_net_strerror(err_buf, sizeof(err_buf), sockerrno)); } } if (evutil_make_socket_nonblocking(s) == -1) { tr_netClose(session, s); return ret; } addrlen = setup_sockaddr(addr, port, &sock); /* set source address */ source_addr = tr_sessionGetPublicAddress(session, addr->type, NULL); TR_ASSERT(source_addr != NULL); sourcelen = setup_sockaddr(source_addr, 0, &source_sock); if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr*)&source_sock, sourcelen) == -1) { tr_logAddError(_("Couldn't set source address %s on %" PRIdMAX ": %s"), tr_address_to_string(source_addr), (intmax_t)s, tr_net_strerror(err_buf, sizeof(err_buf), sockerrno)); tr_netClose(session, s); return ret; } if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr*)&sock, addrlen) == -1 && #ifdef _WIN32 sockerrno != WSAEWOULDBLOCK && #endif sockerrno != EINPROGRESS) { int const tmperrno = sockerrno; if ((tmperrno != ENETUNREACH && tmperrno != EHOSTUNREACH) || addr->type == TR_AF_INET) { tr_logAddError(_("Couldn't connect socket %" PRIdMAX " to %s, port %d (errno %d - %s)"), (intmax_t)s, tr_address_to_string(addr), (int)ntohs(port), tmperrno, tr_net_strerror(err_buf, sizeof(err_buf), tmperrno)); } tr_netClose(session, s); } else { ret = tr_peer_socket_tcp_create(s); } tr_logAddDeep(__FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, "New OUTGOING connection %" PRIdMAX " (%s)", (intmax_t)s, tr_peerIoAddrStr(addr, port)); return ret; }
void tr_netSetCongestionControl(tr_socket_t s, char const* algorithm) { #ifdef TCP_CONGESTION if (setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_CONGESTION, (void const*)algorithm, strlen(algorithm) + 1) == -1) { char err_buf[512]; tr_logAddNamedInfo("Net", "Can't set congestion control algorithm '%s': %s", algorithm, tr_net_strerror(err_buf, sizeof(err_buf), sockerrno)); } #else (void)s; (void)algorithm; #endif }
static void event_read_cb( int fd, short event UNUSED, void * vio ) { int res; int e; tr_peerIo * io = vio; /* Limit the input buffer to 256K, so it doesn't grow too large */ unsigned int howmuch; unsigned int curlen; const tr_direction dir = TR_DOWN; const unsigned int max = 256 * 1024; assert( tr_isPeerIo( io ) ); io->hasFinishedConnecting = TRUE; io->pendingEvents &= ~EV_READ; curlen = EVBUFFER_LENGTH( io->inbuf ); howmuch = curlen >= max ? 0 : max - curlen; howmuch = tr_bandwidthClamp( &io->bandwidth, TR_DOWN, howmuch ); dbgmsg( io, "libevent says this peer is ready to read" ); /* if we don't have any bandwidth left, stop reading */ if( howmuch < 1 ) { tr_peerIoSetEnabled( io, dir, FALSE ); return; } EVUTIL_SET_SOCKET_ERROR( 0 ); res = evbuffer_read( io->inbuf, fd, (int)howmuch ); e = EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR( ); if( res > 0 ) { tr_peerIoSetEnabled( io, dir, TRUE ); /* Invoke the user callback - must always be called last */ canReadWrapper( io ); } else { char errstr[512]; short what = EVBUFFER_READ; if( res == 0 ) /* EOF */ what |= EVBUFFER_EOF; else if( res == -1 ) { if( e == EAGAIN || e == EINTR ) { tr_peerIoSetEnabled( io, dir, TRUE ); return; } what |= EVBUFFER_ERROR; } tr_net_strerror( errstr, sizeof( errstr ), e ); dbgmsg( io, "event_read_cb got an error. res is %d, what is %hd, errno is %d (%s)", res, what, e, errstr ); if( io->gotError != NULL ) io->gotError( io, what, io->userData ); } }