예제 #1
tr_bandwidthAllocate( tr_bandwidth  * b,
                      tr_direction    dir,
                      unsigned int    period_msec )
    int i, peerCount;
    tr_ptrArray tmp = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
    tr_ptrArray low = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
    tr_ptrArray high = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
    tr_ptrArray normal = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
    struct tr_peerIo ** peers;

    /* allocateBandwidth() is a helper function with two purposes:
     * 1. allocate bandwidth to b and its subtree
     * 2. accumulate an array of all the peerIos from b and its subtree. */
    allocateBandwidth( b, TR_PRI_LOW, dir, period_msec, &tmp );
    peers = (struct tr_peerIo**) tr_ptrArrayBase( &tmp );
    peerCount = tr_ptrArraySize( &tmp );

    for( i=0; i<peerCount; ++i )
        tr_peerIo * io = peers[i];
        tr_peerIoRef( io );

        tr_peerIoFlushOutgoingProtocolMsgs( io );

        switch( io->priority ) {
        case TR_PRI_HIGH:
            tr_ptrArrayAppend( &high,   io ); /* fall through */
        case TR_PRI_NORMAL:
            tr_ptrArrayAppend( &normal, io ); /* fall through */
            tr_ptrArrayAppend( &low,    io );

    /* First phase of IO. Tries to distribute bandwidth fairly to keep faster
     * peers from starving the others. Loop through the peers, giving each a
     * small chunk of bandwidth. Keep looping until we run out of bandwidth
     * and/or peers that can use it */
    phaseOne( &high, dir );
    phaseOne( &normal, dir );
    phaseOne( &low, dir );

    /* Second phase of IO. To help us scale in high bandwidth situations,
     * enable on-demand IO for peers with bandwidth left to burn.
     * This on-demand IO is enabled until (1) the peer runs out of bandwidth,
     * or (2) the next tr_bandwidthAllocate() call, when we start over again. */
    for( i=0; i<peerCount; ++i )
        tr_peerIoSetEnabled( peers[i], dir, tr_peerIoHasBandwidthLeft( peers[i], dir ) );

    for( i=0; i<peerCount; ++i )
        tr_peerIoUnref( peers[i] );

    /* cleanup */
    tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &normal, NULL );
    tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &high, NULL );
    tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &low, NULL );
    tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &tmp, NULL );
예제 #2
static void
tr_handshakeFree( tr_handshake * handshake )
    if( handshake->io )
        tr_peerIoUnref( handshake->io ); /* balanced by the ref in tr_handshakeNew */

    event_free( handshake->timeout_timer );
    tr_free( handshake );
예제 #3
static void
canReadWrapper( tr_peerIo * io )
    tr_bool err = 0;
    tr_bool done = 0;
    tr_session * session;

    dbgmsg( io, "canRead" );

    assert( tr_isPeerIo( io ) );
    assert( tr_isSession( io->session ) );
    tr_peerIoRef( io );

    session = io->session;

    /* try to consume the input buffer */
    if( io->canRead )
        tr_sessionLock( session );

        while( !done && !err )
            size_t piece = 0;
            const size_t oldLen = EVBUFFER_LENGTH( io->inbuf );
            const int ret = io->canRead( io, io->userData, &piece );

            const size_t used = oldLen - EVBUFFER_LENGTH( io->inbuf );

            assert( tr_isPeerIo( io ) );

            if( piece || (piece!=used) )
                const uint64_t now = tr_time_msec( );

                if( piece )
                    tr_bandwidthUsed( &io->bandwidth, TR_DOWN, piece, TRUE, now );

                if( used != piece )
                    tr_bandwidthUsed( &io->bandwidth, TR_DOWN, used - piece, FALSE, now );

            switch( ret )
                case READ_NOW:
                    if( EVBUFFER_LENGTH( io->inbuf ) )
                    done = 1;

                case READ_LATER:
                    done = 1;

                case READ_ERR:
                    err = 1;

            assert( tr_isPeerIo( io ) );

        tr_sessionUnlock( session );

    /* keep the iobuf's excess capacity from growing too large */
    if( EVBUFFER_LENGTH( io->inbuf ) == 0 ) {
        evbuffer_free( io->inbuf );
        io->inbuf = evbuffer_new( );

    assert( tr_isPeerIo( io ) );
    tr_peerIoUnref( io );