예제 #1
 void CTimer::resume(void)
   if (suspended) 
     lastTime = getTime();
   suspended = false;
예제 #2
void LdbCoordinator::initialize(PatchMap *pMap, ComputeMap *cMap, int reinit)
  const SimParameters *simParams = Node::Object()->simParameters;

#if 0
  static int lbcreated = 0; // XXX static variables are unsafe for SMP
  // PE0 first time Create a load balancer
  if (CkMyPe() == 0 && !lbcreated) {
    if (simParams->ldbStrategy == LDBSTRAT_ALGNBOR) 
    else {
      //   CreateCentralLB();
    lbcreated = 1;

  //  DebugM(10,"stepsPerLdbCycle initialized\n");
  stepsPerLdbCycle = simParams->ldbPeriod;
  firstLdbStep = simParams->firstLdbStep;
  int lastLdbStep = simParams->lastLdbStep;
  int stepsPerCycle = simParams->stepsPerCycle;

  computeMap = cMap;
  patchMap = pMap;

  // Set the number of received messages correctly for node 0

  nStatsMessagesExpected = Node::Object()->numNodes();
  nStatsMessagesReceived = 0;

  if (patchNAtoms) 
    delete [] patchNAtoms;  // Depends on delete NULL to do nothing
  nPatches = patchMap->numPatches();
  patchNAtoms = new int[nPatches];

  typedef Sequencer *seqPtr;

  if ( ! reinit ) {
    delete [] sequencerThreads;  // Depends on delete NULL to do nothing
    sequencerThreads = new seqPtr[nPatches];


  int i;
    if (patchMap->node(i) == Node::Object()->myid())
    } else {
    if ( ! reinit ) sequencerThreads[i]=NULL;
  if ( ! reinit ) controllerThread = NULL;
  if (nLocalPatches != patchMap->numHomePatches())
    NAMD_die("Disaggreement in patchMap data.\n");
  const int oldNumComputes = numComputes;
  nLocalComputes = 0;
  numComputes = computeMap->numComputes();

  for(i=0;i<numComputes;i++)  {
    if ( (computeMap->node(i) == Node::Object()->myid())
	 && ( 0
#ifndef NAMD_CUDA
	      || (computeMap->type(i) == computeNonbondedSelfType)
	      || (computeMap->type(i) == computeNonbondedPairType)
	      || (computeMap->type(i) == computeLCPOType)
	      || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfExclsType)
	      || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfBondsType)
	      || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfAnglesType)
	      || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfDihedralsType)
	      || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfImpropersType)
	      || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfTholeType)
	      || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfAnisoType)
	      || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfCrosstermsType)

                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeBondsType)
                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeExclsType)
                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeAnglesType)
                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeDihedralsType)
                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeImpropersType)
                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeTholeType)
                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeAnisoType)
                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeCrosstermsType)
	) ) {
  // New LB frameworks registration

  // Allocate data structure to save incoming migrations.  Processor
  // zero will get all migrations

  // If this is the first time through, we need it register patches
  if (ldbCycleNum == reg_all_objs) {
    if ( Node::Object()->simParameters->ldBalancer == LDBAL_CENTRALIZED ) {
      reg_all_objs = 3;
    // Tell the lbdb that I'm registering objects, until I'm done
    // registering them.
   if ( ldbCycleNum == 1 ) {
    patchHandles = new LDObjHandle[nLocalPatches];
    int patch_count=0;
    int i;
      if (patchMap->node(i) == Node::Object()->myid()) {
	LDObjid elemID;
	elemID.id[0] = i;
	elemID.id[1] = elemID.id[2] = elemID.id[3] = -2;

	if (patch_count >= nLocalPatches) {
	  iout << iFILE << iERROR << iPE 
	       << "LdbCoordinator found too many local patches!" << endi;
        HomePatch *p = patchMap->homePatch(i);
        p->ldObjHandle = 
	  = theLbdb->RegisterObj(myHandle,elemID,0,0);

    if ( numComputes > oldNumComputes ) {
      // Register computes
      for(i=oldNumComputes; i<numComputes; i++)  {
	if ( computeMap->node(i) == Node::Object()->myid())
	  if ( 0
#ifndef NAMD_CUDA
	          || (computeMap->type(i) == computeNonbondedSelfType)
	          || (computeMap->type(i) == computeNonbondedPairType)
	          || (computeMap->type(i) == computeLCPOType)
	          || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfExclsType)
	          || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfBondsType)
	          || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfAnglesType)
	          || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfDihedralsType)
	          || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfImpropersType)
	          || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfTholeType)
	          || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfAnisoType)
	          || (computeMap->type(i) == computeSelfCrosstermsType)
		)  {
	  // Register the object with the load balancer
	  // Store the depended patch IDs in the rest of the element ID
	  LDObjid elemID;
	  elemID.id[0] = i;
	  if (computeMap->numPids(i) > 2)
	    elemID.id[3] = computeMap->pid(i,2);
	  else elemID.id[3] = -1;

	  if (computeMap->numPids(i) > 1)
	    elemID.id[2] =  computeMap->pid(i,1);
	  else elemID.id[2] = -1;

	  if (computeMap->numPids(i) > 0)
	    elemID.id[1] =  computeMap->pid(i,0);
	  else elemID.id[1] = -1;

          Compute *c = computeMap->compute(i);
          if ( ! c ) NAMD_bug("LdbCoordinator::initialize() null compute pointer");

          c->ldObjHandle = theLbdb->RegisterObj(myHandle,elemID,0,1);
          else if ( (computeMap->type(i) == computeBondsType)
                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeExclsType)
                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeAnglesType)
                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeDihedralsType)
                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeImpropersType)
                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeTholeType)
                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeAnisoType)
                 || (computeMap->type(i) == computeCrosstermsType)
               ) {
	  // Register the object with the load balancer
	  // Store the depended patch IDs in the rest of the element ID
	  LDObjid elemID;
	  elemID.id[0] = i;
	  elemID.id[1] = elemID.id[2] = elemID.id[3] = -3;

          Compute *c = computeMap->compute(i);
          if ( ! c ) NAMD_bug("LdbCoordinator::initialize() null compute pointer");

          c->ldObjHandle = theLbdb->RegisterObj(myHandle,elemID,0,0);

  // process saved migration messages, if any
  while ( migrateMsgs ) {
    LdbMigrateMsg *m = migrateMsgs;
    migrateMsgs = m->next;
    Compute *c = computeMap->compute(m->handle.id.id[0]);
    if ( ! c ) NAMD_bug("LdbCoordinator::initialize() null compute pointer 2");
    c->ldObjHandle = m->handle;
    delete m;

  // Fixup to take care of the extra timestep at startup
  // This is pretty ugly here, but it makes the count correct
  // iout << "LDB Cycle Num: " << ldbCycleNum << "\n";

 if ( simParams->ldBalancer == LDBAL_CENTRALIZED ) {
  if (ldbCycleNum == 1 || ldbCycleNum == 3) {
    numStepsToRun = stepsPerCycle;
    totalStepsDone += numStepsToRun;
    takingLdbData = 0;
  } else if (ldbCycleNum == 2 || ldbCycleNum == 4) {
    numStepsToRun = firstLdbStep - stepsPerCycle;
    while ( numStepsToRun <= 0 ) numStepsToRun += stepsPerCycle;
    totalStepsDone += numStepsToRun;
    takingLdbData = 1;
  } else if ( (ldbCycleNum <= 6) || !takingLdbData )
    totalStepsDone += firstLdbStep;
    if(lastLdbStep != -1 && totalStepsDone > lastLdbStep) {
      numStepsToRun = -1;
      takingLdbData = 0;
    } else {
      numStepsToRun = firstLdbStep;
      takingLdbData = 1;
    totalStepsDone += stepsPerLdbCycle - firstLdbStep;
    if(lastLdbStep != -1 && totalStepsDone > lastLdbStep) {
      numStepsToRun = -1;
      takingLdbData = 0;
    } else {
      numStepsToRun = stepsPerLdbCycle - firstLdbStep;
      takingLdbData = 0;
 } else {
  if (ldbCycleNum==1)
    totalStepsDone += firstLdbStep;
    numStepsToRun = firstLdbStep;
    takingLdbData = 0;
  else if ( (ldbCycleNum <= 4) || !takingLdbData )
    totalStepsDone += firstLdbStep;
    if(lastLdbStep != -1 && totalStepsDone > lastLdbStep) {
      numStepsToRun = -1;
      takingLdbData = 0;
    } else {
      numStepsToRun = firstLdbStep;
      takingLdbData = 1;
    totalStepsDone += stepsPerLdbCycle - firstLdbStep;
    if(lastLdbStep != -1 && totalStepsDone > lastLdbStep) {
      numStepsToRun = -1;
      takingLdbData = 0;
    } else {
      numStepsToRun = stepsPerLdbCycle - firstLdbStep;
      takingLdbData = 0;

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
 * Comments inserted by Abhinav to clarify relation between ldbCycleNum,       *
 * load balancing step numbers (printed by the step() function) and            *
 * tracing of the steps                                                        *
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
 * If trace is turned off in the beginning, then tracing is turned on          *
 * at ldbCycleNum = 4 and turned off at ldbCycleNum = 8. ldbCycleNum can       *
 * be adjusted by specifying firstLdbStep and ldbPeriod which are set by       *
 * default to 5*stepspercycle and 200*stepspercycle if not specified.          *
 *                                                                             *
 * If we choose firstLdbStep = 20 and ldbPeriod = 100, we have the             *
 * following timeline (for these particular numbers):                          *
 *                                                                             *
 * Tracing         :  <------ off ------><------------- on -----------><-- off *
 * Ldb Step() No   :              1     2     3        4      5       6      7 *
 * Iteration Steps : 00====20====40====60====80======160====180=====260====280 *
 * ldbCycleNum     :  1     2     3     4     5        6      7       8      9 *
 * Instrumention   :          Inst  Inst  Inst           Inst            Inst  *
 * LDB Strategy    :              TLB  RLB   RLB            RLB            RLB *
 *                                                                             *
 * TLB = TorusLB                                                               *
 * RLB = RefineTorusLB                                                         *
 * Inst = Instrumentation Phase (no real load balancing)                       *
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
#if 0 //replaced by traceBarrier at Controller and Sequencer
  if (traceAvailable()) {
    static int specialTracing = 0; // XXX static variables are unsafe for SMP
    if (ldbCycleNum == 1 && traceIsOn() == 0)  specialTracing = 1;
    if (specialTracing) {
      if (ldbCycleNum == 4) traceBegin();
      if (ldbCycleNum == 8) traceEnd();
  nPatchesReported = 0;
  nPatchesExpected = nLocalPatches;
  nComputesReported = 0;
  nComputesExpected = nLocalComputes * numStepsToRun;
  controllerReported = 0;
  controllerExpected = ! CkMyPe();

  if (CkMyPe() == 0)
    if (computeArray == NULL)
      computeArray = new computeInfo[numComputes];
    if (patchArray == NULL)
      patchArray = new patchInfo[nPatches];
    if (processorArray == NULL)
      processorArray = new processorInfo[CkNumPes()];
예제 #3
파일: ping.C 프로젝트: luyukunphy/namd
 void startTrace() { traceBegin(); }