예제 #1
/// rotate selection
void selection_rotate(const vec3f& ea) {
    if(selected_point) return;
    if(selected_frame) {
        auto m = translation_matrix(selected_frame->o) *
                 rotation_matrix(ea.x, selected_frame->x) *
                 rotation_matrix(ea.y, selected_frame->y) *
                 rotation_matrix(ea.z, selected_frame->z) *
                 translation_matrix(- selected_frame->o);
        *selected_frame = transform_frame(m, *selected_frame);
예제 #2
frame3f lineset_frame(LineSet* lines, int elementid, const vec2f& uv) {
    auto l = lines->line[elementid];
    auto f = lineset_cylinder_frame(lines, elementid);
    auto r = (lines->radius[l.y]+lines->radius[l.x])/2;
    auto h = length(lines->pos[l.y]-lines->pos[l.x]);
    float phi = 2 * pif * uv.x;
    float hh = h*uv.y;
    float cp = cos(phi);
    float sp = sin(phi);
    frame3f frame;
    frame.o = vec3f(r*cp,r*sp,hh);
    frame.x = vec3f(sp,cp,0);
    frame.y = z3f;
    frame.z = vec3f(cp,sp,0);
    return transform_frame(f,frame);
예제 #3
// compute the frame from an animation
frame3f animate_compute_frame(FrameAnimation* animation, int time) {
    // find keyframe interval and t
        auto interval_t = get_keyframe_details(animation->keytimes, time);
        auto interval   = interval_t.first;
        auto t          = interval_t.second;

        // get translation and rotation matrices
        auto trans=translation_matrix(t*(animation->translation)[interval+1]+(1-t)*(animation->translation)[interval]);
        auto rot=t*((animation->rotation)[interval+1])+(1-t)*((animation->rotation)[interval]);
        // compute combined xform matrix
        auto rot_x=rotation_matrix(rot[0], x3f);
        auto rot_y=rotation_matrix(rot[1], y3f);
        auto rot_z=rotation_matrix(rot[2], z3f);
        // return the transformed rest frame
        return transform_frame(trans*rot_z*rot_y*rot_x, animation->rest_frame);