예제 #1
ompl::geometric::BiTRRT::GrowResult ompl::geometric::BiTRRT::extendTree(Motion* nearest, TreeData& tree, Motion* toMotion, Motion*& result)
    bool reach = true;

    // Compute the state to extend toward
    double d = si_->distance(nearest->state, toMotion->state);
    // Truncate the random state to be no more than maxDistance_ from nearest neighbor
    if (d > maxDistance_)
        si_->getStateSpace()->interpolate(nearest->state, toMotion->state, maxDistance_ / d, toMotion->state);
        d = maxDistance_;
        reach = false;

    // Validating the motion
    // If we are in the goal tree, we validate the motion in reverse
    // si_->checkMotion assumes that the first argument is valid, so we must check this explicitly
    // If the motion is valid, check the probabilistic transition test and the
    // expansion control to ensure high quality nodes are added.
    bool validMotion = (tree == tStart_ ? si_->checkMotion(nearest->state, toMotion->state) :
                        si_->isValid(toMotion->state) && si_->checkMotion(toMotion->state, nearest->state)) &&
                        transitionTest(opt_->motionCost(nearest->state, toMotion->state)) &&

    if (validMotion)
        result = addMotion(toMotion->state, tree, nearest);
        return reach ? SUCCESS : ADVANCED;

    return FAILED;
예제 #2
파일: TRRT.cpp 프로젝트: jvgomez/ompl
ompl::geometric::TRRT::solve(const base::PlannerTerminationCondition &plannerTerminationCondition)
    // Basic error checking

    // Goal information
    base::Goal *goal = pdef_->getGoal().get();
    auto *goalRegion = dynamic_cast<base::GoalSampleableRegion *>(goal);

    // Input States ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Loop through valid input states and add to tree
    while (const base::State *state = pis_.nextStart())
        // Allocate memory for a new start state motion based on the "space-information"-size
        auto *motion = new Motion(si_);

        // Copy destination <= source
        si_->copyState(motion->state, state);

        // Set cost for this start state
        motion->cost = opt_->stateCost(motion->state);

        if (nearestNeighbors_->size() == 0)  // do not overwrite best/worst from previous call to solve
            worstCost_ = bestCost_ = motion->cost;

        // Add start motion to the tree

    // Check that input states exist
    if (nearestNeighbors_->size() == 0)
        OMPL_ERROR("%s: There are no valid initial states!", getName().c_str());
        return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_START;

    // Create state sampler if this is TRRT's first run
    if (!sampler_)
        sampler_ = si_->allocStateSampler();

    // Debug
    OMPL_INFORM("%s: Starting planning with %u states already in datastructure", getName().c_str(),

    // Solver variables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // the final solution
    Motion *solution = nullptr;
    // the approximate solution, returned if no final solution found
    Motion *approxSolution = nullptr;
    // track the distance from goal to closest solution yet found
    double approxDifference = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

    // distance between states - the intial state and the interpolated state (may be the same)
    double randMotionDistance;

    // Create random motion and a pointer (for optimization) to its state
    auto *randMotion = new Motion(si_);
    Motion *nearMotion;

    // STATES
    // The random state
    base::State *randState = randMotion->state;
    // The new state that is generated between states *to* and *from*
    base::State *interpolatedState = si_->allocState();  // Allocates "space information"-sized memory for a state
    // The chosen state btw rand_state and interpolated_state
    base::State *newState;

    // Begin sampling --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    while (plannerTerminationCondition() == false)
        // I.

        // Sample random state (with goal biasing probability)
        if (goalRegion && rng_.uniform01() < goalBias_ && goalRegion->canSample())
            // Bias sample towards goal
            // Uniformly Sample

        // II.

        // Find closest state in the tree
        nearMotion = nearestNeighbors_->nearest(randMotion);

        // III.

        // Distance from near state q_n to a random state
        randMotionDistance = si_->distance(nearMotion->state, randState);

        // Check if the rand_state is too far away
        if (randMotionDistance > maxDistance_)
            // Computes the state that lies at time t in [0, 1] on the segment that connects *from* state to *to* state.
            // The memory location of *state* is not required to be different from the memory of either *from* or *to*.
            si_->getStateSpace()->interpolate(nearMotion->state, randState, maxDistance_ / randMotionDistance,

            // Update the distance between near and new with the interpolated_state
            randMotionDistance = si_->distance(nearMotion->state, interpolatedState);

            // Use the interpolated state as the new state
            newState = interpolatedState;
        else  // Random state is close enough
            newState = randState;

        // IV.
        // this stage integrates collision detections in the presence of obstacles and checks for collisions
        if (!si_->checkMotion(nearMotion->state, newState))
            continue;  // try a new sample

        // Minimum Expansion Control
        // A possible side effect may appear when the tree expansion toward unexplored regions remains slow, and the
        // new nodes contribute only to refine already explored regions.
        if (!minExpansionControl(randMotionDistance))
            continue;  // give up on this one and try a new sample

        base::Cost childCost = opt_->stateCost(newState);

        // Only add this motion to the tree if the transition test accepts it
        if (!transitionTest(opt_->motionCost(nearMotion->state, newState)))
            continue;  // give up on this one and try a new sample

        // V.

        // Create a motion
        auto *motion = new Motion(si_);
        si_->copyState(motion->state, newState);
        motion->parent = nearMotion;  // link q_new to q_near as an edge
        motion->cost = childCost;

        // Add motion to data structure

        if (opt_->isCostBetterThan(motion->cost, bestCost_))  // motion->cost is better than the existing best
            bestCost_ = motion->cost;
        if (opt_->isCostBetterThan(worstCost_, motion->cost))  // motion->cost is worse than the existing worst
            worstCost_ = motion->cost;

        // VI.

        // Check if this motion is the goal
        double distToGoal = 0.0;
        bool isSatisfied = goal->isSatisfied(motion->state, &distToGoal);
        if (isSatisfied)
            approxDifference = distToGoal;  // the tolerated error distance btw state and goal
            solution = motion;              // set the final solution

        // Is this the closest solution we've found so far
        if (distToGoal < approxDifference)
            approxDifference = distToGoal;
            approxSolution = motion;

    }  // end of solver sampling loop

    // Finish solution processing --------------------------------------------------------------------

    bool solved = false;
    bool approximate = false;

    // Substitute an empty solution with the best approximation
    if (solution == nullptr)
        solution = approxSolution;
        approximate = true;

    // Generate solution path for real/approx solution
    if (solution != nullptr)
        lastGoalMotion_ = solution;

        // construct the solution path
        std::vector<Motion *> mpath;
        while (solution != nullptr)
            solution = solution->parent;

        // set the solution path
        auto path(std::make_shared<PathGeometric>(si_));
        for (int i = mpath.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)

        pdef_->addSolutionPath(path, approximate, approxDifference, getName());
        solved = true;

    // Clean up ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (randMotion->state)
    delete randMotion;

    OMPL_INFORM("%s: Created %u states", getName().c_str(), nearestNeighbors_->size());

    return base::PlannerStatus(solved, approximate);
예제 #3
int ctkWorkflowTest2(int argc, char * argv [] )
  QApplication app(argc, argv);
  int defaultTime = 100;

  // create the steps and the workflow
  ctkWorkflow *workflow = new ctkWorkflow();
  ctkWorkflowStep *step1 = new ctkWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 1");
  step1->setName("Step 1");
  step1->setDescription("Description for step 1");
  ctkWorkflowStep *step2 = new ctkWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 2");
  step2->setName("Step 2");
  step2->setDescription("Description for step 2");
  ctkWorkflowStep *step3 = new ctkWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 3");
  step3->setName("Step 3");
  step3->setDescription("Description for step 3");
  ctkWorkflowStep *step4 = new ctkWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 4");
  step4->setName("Step 4");
  step4->setDescription("Description for step 4");

  // create the qObjects that implement the required functions, and
  // communicate with the workflow using signals and slots
  ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots* qObject1 = new ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots;
  ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots* qObject2 = new ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots;
  ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots* qObject3 = new ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots;
  ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots* qObject4 = new ctkExampleWorkflowStepUsingSignalsAndSlots;

  // use the qObjects for validation
  QObject::connect(step1->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeValidateCommand(const QString&)), qObject1, SLOT(validate(const QString&)));
  QObject::connect(qObject1, SIGNAL(validationComplete(bool, const QString&)), workflow, SLOT(evaluateValidationResults(bool, const QString&)));
  QObject::connect(step2->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeValidateCommand(const QString&)), qObject2, SLOT(validate(const QString&)));
  QObject::connect(qObject2, SIGNAL(validationComplete(bool, const QString&)), workflow, SLOT(evaluateValidationResults(bool, const QString&)));
  // step 3's validation will always fail
  QObject::connect(step3->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeValidateCommand(const QString&)), qObject3, SLOT(validateFails()));
  QObject::connect(qObject3, SIGNAL(validationComplete(bool, const QString&)), workflow, SLOT(evaluateValidationResults(bool, const QString&)));

  QObject::connect(step4->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeValidateCommand(const QString&)), qObject4, SLOT(validate(const QString&)));
  QObject::connect(qObject4, SIGNAL(validationComplete(bool, const QString&)), workflow, SLOT(evaluateValidationResults(bool, const QString&)));

  // use the qObjects for entry processing
  QObject::connect(step1->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnEntryCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject1, SLOT(onEntry(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject1, SIGNAL(onEntryComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnEntry()));
  QObject::connect(step2->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnEntryCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject2, SLOT(onEntry(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject2, SIGNAL(onEntryComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnEntry()));
  QObject::connect(step3->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnEntryCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject3, SLOT(onEntry(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject3, SIGNAL(onEntryComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnEntry()));
  QObject::connect(step4->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnEntryCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject4, SLOT(onEntry(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject4, SIGNAL(onEntryComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnEntry()));

  // use the qObjects for exit processing
  QObject::connect(step1->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnExitCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject1, SLOT(onExit(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject1, SIGNAL(onExitComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnExit()));
  QObject::connect(step2->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnExitCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject2, SLOT(onExit(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject2, SIGNAL(onExitComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnExit()));
  QObject::connect(step3->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnExitCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject3, SLOT(onExit(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject3, SIGNAL(onExitComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnExit()));
  QObject::connect(step4->ctkWorkflowStepQObject(), SIGNAL(invokeOnExitCommand(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)), qObject4, SLOT(onExit(const ctkWorkflowStep*, const ctkWorkflowInterstepTransition::InterstepTransitionType)));
  QObject::connect(qObject4, SIGNAL(onExitComplete()), workflow, SLOT(processingAfterOnExit()));



  // set the initial step (which sets the initial state)
  // add the first and second steps
  if (!workflow->addTransition(step1, step2))
    std::cerr << "could not add 1st and 2nd step" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // add the third step
  if (!workflow->addTransition(step2, step3))
    std::cerr << "could not add 3rd step" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // add the fourth step
  if (!workflow->addTransition(step3, step4))
    std::cerr << "could not add 4rd step" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // start the workflow
  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 1, step1, qObject1, true, 0, qObject2, 0, 0, qObject3, 0, 0, qObject4, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error starting workflow";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // trigger transition to the next step
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step2, qObject1, 1, 1, qObject2, 1, 0, qObject3, 0, 0, qObject4, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error transitioning to step 2";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // trigger transition to the next step
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step3, qObject1, 1, 1, qObject2, 1, 1, qObject3, 1, 0, qObject4, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error transitioning to step 3";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // trigger transition to the next state (this should fail!)
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step3, qObject1, 1, 1, qObject2, 1, 1, qObject3, 1, 0, qObject4, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error after transition failure at step 3";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // make sure the workflow stops properly
  if (!testStopWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, qObject1, 1, 1, qObject2, 1, 1, qObject3, 1, 1, qObject4, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error after stopping workflow";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // handles deletions of the workflow, steps, states and transitions
  delete workflow;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
예제 #4
bool ompl::geometric::TRRTConnect::connect(TreeData &tree, TreeGrowingInfo &tgi,
                                           Motion *rmotion) {
unsigned int steps = 0;
    Motion *nmotion;
    if (tree.stateInBoxZos_) {
        //Among the nearest K nodes in the tree, find state with lowest cost to go
        //The returned nmotion is collision-free
        //If no collision-free motion is found, NULL is returned
        nmotion = minCostNeighbor(tree,tgi,rmotion);
        if (!nmotion) return false;
    } else {
        //Find nearest node in the tree
        //The returned motion has not checked for collisions
        //It never returns NULL
        nmotion = tree->nearest(rmotion);

    //State to add
    base::State *dstate;

    //Distance from near state to random state
    double d(si_->distance(nmotion->state,rmotion->state));

    //Check if random state is too far away
    if (d > maxDistance_) {

        //Use the interpolated state as the new state
        dstate = tgi.xstate;
    } else {
        //Random state is close enough
        dstate = rmotion->state;

    //Check for collisions
    if (!tree.stateInBoxZos_) {
        //If we are in the start tree, we just check the motion like we normally do.
        //If we are in the goal tree, we need to check the motion in reverse,
        //but checkMotion() assumes the first state it receives as argument is valid,
        //so we check that one first.
        bool validMotion(tree.start_? si_->checkMotion(nmotion->state,dstate) :
                                     (si_->getStateValidityChecker()->isValid(dstate) &&
        if (!validMotion) return false;

    //Compute motion cost
    base::Cost cost;
    if (tree.stateInBoxZos_) {
        if (tree.start_) {
            cost = opt_->motionCost(nmotion->state,dstate);
        } else {
            cost = opt_->motionCost(dstate,nmotion->state);
    } else {
        //opt_ is of type FOSOptimizationObjective,
        //there is no need to check the conversion
        cost = ((ompl::base::FOSOptimizationObjective*)opt_.get())->

    //Only add this motion to the tree if the transition test accepts it
    //Temperature must not be updated
    while (transitionTest(cost,d,tree,false)) {
        //Create a motion
        Motion *motion(new Motion(si_));
        motion->parent = nmotion;
        motion->root = nmotion->root;
        tgi.xmotion = motion;

        //Add motion to the tree

        //Check if now the tree has a motion inside BoxZos
        if (!tree.stateInBoxZos_) {
            //tree.stateInBoxZos_ = cost.v < DBL_EPSILON*std::min(d,maxDistance_);
            tree.stateInBoxZos_ = ((ompl::base::FOSOptimizationObjective*)opt_.get())->
                    boxZosDistance(motion->state) < DBL_EPSILON;
            if (tree.stateInBoxZos_) tree.temp_ = initTemperature_;

        //Update frontier nodes and non frontier nodes count
        ++tree.frontierCount_;//Participates in the tree expansion

        //If reached
        if (dstate == rmotion->state) {
       //     std::cout << steps << " steps" << std::endl;
            return true;

        //Current near motion is the motion just added
        nmotion = motion;

        //Distance from near state to random state
        d = si_->distance(nmotion->state,rmotion->state);

        //Check if random state is too far away
        if (d > maxDistance_) {

            //Use the interpolated state as the new state
            dstate = tgi.xstate;
        } else {
            //Random state is close enough
            dstate = rmotion->state;

        //Check for collisions
        //If we are in the start tree, we just check the motion like we normally do.
        //If we are in the goal tree, we need to check the motion in reverse,
        //but checkMotion() assumes the first state it receives as argument is valid,
        //so we check that one first.
        bool validMotion(tree.start_ ? si_->checkMotion(nmotion->state,dstate) :
                                     (si_->getStateValidityChecker()->isValid(dstate) &&
        if (!validMotion) return false;

        //Compute motion cost
        if (tree.stateInBoxZos_) {
            if (tree.start_) {
                cost = opt_->motionCost(nmotion->state,dstate);
            } else {
                cost = opt_->motionCost(dstate,nmotion->state);
        } else {
            //opt_ is of type FOSOptimizationObjective,
            //there is no need to check the conversion
            cost = ((ompl::base::FOSOptimizationObjective*)opt_.get())->

  //  std::cout << steps << " steps" << std::endl;
    return false;
예제 #5
ompl::geometric::TRRTConnect::extend(TreeData &tree, TreeGrowingInfo &tgi, Motion *rmotion) {

    Motion *nmotion;
    /*if (tree.stateInBoxZos_) {
        //Among the nearest K nodes in the tree, find state with lowest cost to go
        //The returned nmotion is collision-free
        //If no collision-free motion is found, NULL is returned
        nmotion = minCostNeighbor(tree,tgi,rmotion);
        if (!nmotion) return TRAPPED;
    } else {*/
        //Find nearest node in the tree
        //The returned motion has not been checked for collisions
        //It never returns NULL
        nmotion = tree->nearest(rmotion);

    //State to add
    base::State *dstate;

    //Distance from near state to random state
    double d(si_->distance(nmotion->state,rmotion->state));

    //Check if random state is too far away
    if (d > maxDistance_) {

        //Use the interpolated state as the new state
        dstate = tgi.xstate;
    } else {
        //Random state is close enough
        dstate = rmotion->state;

    //Check for collisions
    //if (!tree.stateInBoxZos_) {
        //If we are in the start tree, we just check the motion like we normally do.
        //If we are in the goal tree, we need to check the motion in reverse,
        //but checkMotion() assumes the first state it receives as argument is valid,
        //so we check that one first.
        bool validMotion(tree.start_ ? si_->checkMotion(nmotion->state,dstate) :
                                     (si_->getStateValidityChecker()->isValid(dstate) &&
        if (!validMotion) return TRAPPED;

    //Minimum Expansion Control
    //A possible side effect may appear when the tree expansion towards
    //unexplored regions remains slow, and the new nodes contribute
    //only to refine already explored regions.
    if (!minExpansionControl(d,tree)) {
        return TRAPPED;//Give up on this one and try a new sample

    //Compute motion cost
    base::Cost cost;
    if (tree.stateInBoxZos_) {
        if (tree.start_) {
            cost = opt_->motionCost(nmotion->state,dstate);
        } else {
            cost = opt_->motionCost(dstate,nmotion->state);
    } else {
        //opt_ is of type FOSOptimizationObjective,
        //there is no need to check the conversion
        cost = ((ompl::base::FOSOptimizationObjective*)opt_.get())->

    //Only add this motion to the tree if the transition test accepts it
    //Temperature must be updated
    if (!transitionTest(cost,d,tree,true)) {
        return TRAPPED;//Give up on this one and try a new sample

    //Create a motion
    Motion *motion(new Motion(si_));
    motion->parent = nmotion;
    motion->root = nmotion->root;
    tgi.xmotion = motion;

    //Add motion to the tree

    //Check if now the tree has a motion inside BoxZos
    if (!tree.stateInBoxZos_) {
        tree.stateInBoxZos_ = cost.value() < DBL_EPSILON*std::min(d,maxDistance_);
        if (tree.stateInBoxZos_) tree.temp_ = initTemperature_;

    //Update frontier nodes and non frontier nodes count
    if (d > frontierThreshold_) {//Participates in the tree expansion
    } else {//Participates in the tree refinement

    return (d > maxDistance_) ? ADVANCED : REACHED;
예제 #6
int ctkWorkflowTest1(int argc, char * argv [] )
  QApplication app(argc, argv);
  int defaultTime = 100;

  // create two steps and the workflow
  ctkWorkflow *workflow = new ctkWorkflow();
  ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep *step1 = new ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 1");
  step1->setName("Step 1");
  step1->setDescription("Description for step 1");
  ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep *step2 = new ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 2");
  step2->setName("Step 2");
  step2->setDescription("Description for step 2");

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // try to add a transition for a step with the same id
  ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep *step1Duplicated = new ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 1");
  if (workflow->addTransition(step1, step1Duplicated))
    std::cerr << "workflow connected two steps with the same id";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // try to add a transition from a step to itself
  if (workflow->addTransition(step1, step1))
    std::cerr << "workflow connected two steps with the same id";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // workflow with no steps
  // try erroneously starting with no steps

  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 0))
    std::cerr << "empty workflow is running after start()";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // add the first step
  if (!workflow->addTransition(step1, 0))
    std::cerr << "could not add first step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // try erroneously starting with no initial step
  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 0))
    std::cerr << "workflow is running after start() with no initial step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // workflow with one step
  // set the initial step (which sets the initial state)

  // try starting with one step
  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 1, step1, step1, 1, 0, step2, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "workflow is not running after start() with a single step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // triggering ValidationTransition and TransitionToPreviousStep
  // should keep us in the same step, when there is only one step
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, step1, 1, 0, step2, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error in validation transition in a workflow with a single step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // transition to the previous step
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, step1, 1, 0, step2, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error after transition to previous step in a workflow with a single step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // stop the workflow
  if (!testStopWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, 1, 1, step2, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "workflow with one step still running after stop";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // workflow with two steps

  // add the second step
  if (!workflow->addTransition(step1, step2))
    std::cerr << "could not add second step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // start the workflow
  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 1, step1, step1, 2, 1, step2, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "workflow is not running after start() with two steps";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // make sure the workflow has the steps
  if (!workflow->hasStep(step1->id()))
    std::cerr << "Step1 not added to workflow";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (!workflow->hasStep(step2->id()))
    std::cerr << "Step2 not added to workflow";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  // if (workflow->numberOfSteps() != 2)
  //   {
  //   std::cerr << "workflow has " << workflow->numberOfSteps() << " steps, not 2";
  //   return EXIT_FAILURE;
  //   }

  // Test that the workflow transitions from processing to validation state
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step2, step1, 2, 2, step2, 1, 0))
    std::cerr << "error transitioning to next step in workflow with two steps";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Test that the workflow transitions back to the previous step
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, step1, 3, 2, step2, 1, 1))
    std::cerr << "error transitioning to previous step in workflow with step steps";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // make sure the workflow stops properly
  if (!testStopWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, 3, 3, step2, 1, 1))
    std::cerr << "workflow with two steps is running after stop()";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // workflow with three steps

  // add a third step manually
  ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep *step3 = new ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 3");
  step3->setName("Step 3");
  step3->setDescription("Description for step 3");

  if (!workflow->addTransition(step2, step3, "", ctkWorkflow::Forward))
    std::cerr << "could not add step 3 with forward transition";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (!workflow->addTransition(step2, step3, "",  ctkWorkflow::Backward))
    std::cerr << "could not add next transition between step2 and step 3";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (workflow->forwardSteps(step1).length() != 1
      || workflow->forwardSteps(step1).first() != step2
      || workflow->forwardSteps(step2).length() != 1
      || workflow->forwardSteps(step2).first() != step3
      || workflow->forwardSteps(step3).length() != 0)
    std::cerr << "error in list of forward steps" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (workflow->backwardSteps(step1).length() != 0
      || workflow->backwardSteps(step2).length() != 1
      || workflow->backwardSteps(step2).first() != step1
      || workflow->backwardSteps(step3).length() != 1
      || workflow->backwardSteps(step3).first() != step2)
    std::cerr << "error in list of backward steps" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (!workflow->hasStep(step3->id()))
    std::cerr << "Step3 not added to workflow";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  // if (workflow->numberOfSteps() != 3)
  //   {
  //   std::cerr << "workflow has " << workflow->numberOfSteps() << " steps, not 2";
  //   return EXIT_FAILURE;
  //   }

  // now that we've stopped and restarted the state machine, we should
  // be back in the initial step (step 1)
  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 1, step1, step1, 4, 3, step2, 1, 1, step3, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "workflow is not running after start() with three steps";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // test to make sure our lists of forward and backwards steps is correct
  if (!workflow->canGoForward(step1)
      || workflow->canGoBackward(step1)
      || !workflow->canGoForward(step2)
      || !workflow->canGoBackward(step2)
      || workflow->canGoForward(step3)
      || !workflow->canGoBackward(step3))
    std::cerr << "error in can go forward/backward" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Test that the workflow transitions from step1 to step 2 to step 3
  QTimer::singleShot(defaultTime, &app, SLOT(quit()));
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step3, step1, 4, 4, step2, 2, 2, step3, 1, 0))
    std::cerr << "error transitioning to step3 in workflow with three steps";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Test that the workflow transitions back to the previous step
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step2, step1, 4, 4, step2, 3, 2, step3, 1, 1))
    std::cerr << "error transitioning to previous step in workflow with three steps";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // make sure the workflow stops properly
  if (!testStopWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, 4, 4, step2, 3, 3, step3, 1, 1))
    std::cerr << "error stopping workflow with three steps";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // workflow with a finish step (step 3)

  // restart the workflow
  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 1, step1, step1, 5, 4, step2, 3, 3, step3, 1, 1))
    std::cerr << "workflow with finish step is not running after start()";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // try to go automatically to step 3
  workflow->goToStep("Step 3");
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, step1, 6, 5, step2, 4, 4, step3, 2, 2))
    std::cerr << "error after going to finish step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // try to go automatically to step 3 again
  workflow->goToStep("Step 3");
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, step1, 7, 6, step2, 5, 5, step3, 3, 3))
    std::cerr << "error after going to finish step the second time";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // stop workflow
  if (!testStopWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, 7, 7, step2, 5, 5, step3, 3, 3))
    std::cerr << "error stopping workflow with finish step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // workflow with two finishing steps (step3 and step4)
  ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep *step4 = new ctkExampleDerivedWorkflowStep(workflow, "Step 4");
  step4->setName("Step 4");
  step4->setDescription("Description for step 4");
  workflow->addTransition(step3, step4);

  // restart the workflow
  if (!testStartWorkflow(workflow, defaultTime, app, 1, step1, step1, 8, 7, step2, 5, 5, step3, 3, 3, step4, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "workflow with two finish steps is not running after start()";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // try to go automatically to step 3
  workflow->goToStep("Step 3");
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, step1, 9, 8, step2, 6, 6, step3, 4, 4, step4, 0, 0))
    std::cerr << "error going to the first finish step of two";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // try to go automatically to step 4
  workflow->goToStep("Step 4");
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step1, step1, 10, 9, step2, 7, 7, step3, 5, 5, step4, 1, 1))
    std::cerr << "error going to the second finish step of two";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // go to step 3 (a finish step)
  QTimer::singleShot(defaultTime, &app, SLOT(quit()));
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step3, step1, 10, 10, step2, 8, 8, step3, 6, 5, step4, 1, 1))
    std::cerr << "error going from step1 to step3";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // try to go automatically to step 4 (another goTo step)
  workflow->goToStep("Step 4");
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step3, step1, 10, 10, step2, 8, 8, step3, 7, 6, step4, 2, 2))
    std::cerr << "error going from the first finish step to the second finish step";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // go to step 4, and then go forward (should not let you go past last step)
  QTimer::singleShot(defaultTime, &app, SLOT(quit()));
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step4, step1, 10, 10, step2, 8, 8, step3, 7, 7, step4, 3, 2))
    std::cerr << "error going forward past last step - shouldn't let you";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // now try to go from step 4 to step 4 (should loop)
  workflow->goToStep("Step 4");
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step4, step1, 10, 10, step2, 8, 8, step3, 7, 7, step4, 4, 3))
    std::cerr << "error looping from step 4 to step 4";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // go back to step 3, and then go from step 3 to step 3 (should loop without hitting step4)
  QTimer::singleShot(defaultTime, &app, SLOT(quit()));
  workflow->goToStep("Step 3");
  if (!transitionTest(workflow, defaultTime, app, step3, step1, 10, 10, step2, 8, 8, step3, 9, 8, step4, 4, 4))
    std::cerr << "error looping from step 3 to step 3";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // handles deletions of the workflow, steps, states and transitions
  delete workflow;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;