예제 #1
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
STATEMENT *make_assignment(EXPRESSION *n, EXPRESSION *v, int source_line)
    NODE *node = create_ast_node(STMT_ASSIGN, source_line);
    tree_add_child(node, n);
    tree_add_child(node, v);
    return CAST_TO_STATEMENT(node);
예제 #2
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
TYPE *make_map_type(TYPE *t1, TYPE *t2, int source_line)
    TYPE *type = create_ast_node(TYPE_MAP, source_line);
    tree_add_child(type, t1);
    tree_add_child(type, t2);
    return type;
예제 #3
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
EXPRESSION *make_binary_expression(NODE_TYPE type, EXPRESSION *a, EXPRESSION *b, int source_line)
    EXPRESSION *expr = create_ast_node(type, source_line);
    tree_add_child(expr, a);
    tree_add_child(expr, b);
    expr->type = a->type;
    return expr;
예제 #4
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
STATEMENT *make_for(STATEMENT *init, EXPRESSION *c, STATEMENT *step, STATEMENT *body, int source_line)
    NODE *node = create_ast_node(STMT_FOR, source_line);
    tree_add_child(node, init);
    tree_add_child(node, c);
    tree_add_child(node, step);
    tree_add_child(node, body);
    return CAST_TO_STATEMENT(node);
예제 #5
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
EXPRESSION *make_call(EXPRESSION *var, EXPRESSION *args, int source_line)
    EXPRESSION *expr = create_ast_node(EXPR_CALL, source_line);
    tree_add_child(expr, var);
    tree_add_child(expr, args);
    expr->type = tree_get_child(var->type, 1);
    return expr;
예제 #6
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
STATEMENT *make_while(EXPRESSION *c, STATEMENT *s1, int source_line)
    if (source_line == 0 && c)
        source_line = CAST_TO_AST(c)->source_line;
    NODE *node = create_ast_node(STMT_WHILE, source_line);
    tree_add_child(node, c);
    tree_add_child(node, make_block(NULL, s1, 0));
    return CAST_TO_STATEMENT(node);
예제 #7
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
FUNCTION *make_function(TYPE *type, char *name, DECLARATION *args, int source_line)
    FUNCTION *func = create_ast_node(DEF_FUNCTION, source_line);
    decl->name = name;
    decl->type = make_map_type(args->type, type, source_line);
    decl->flags |= DECL_STATIC;
    tree_add_child(func, NULL);
    tree_add_child(func, args);
    return func;
예제 #8
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
STATEMENT *make_statements(STATEMENT *s1, STATEMENT *s2, int source_line)
    NODE *node;
    if (tree_is_type(s1, STMT_SEQUENCE))
        node = CAST_TO_NODE(s1);
        node = create_ast_node(STMT_SEQUENCE, source_line);
        tree_add_child(node, s1);
    tree_add_child(node, s2);
    return CAST_TO_STATEMENT(node);
예제 #9
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
TYPE *make_tuple_type(TYPE *t1, TYPE *t2, int source_line)
    NODE *node;
    if (tree_is_type(t1, TYPE_TUPLE))
        node = CAST_TO_NODE(t1);
        node = create_ast_node(TYPE_TUPLE, source_line);
        tree_add_child(node, t1);
    tree_add_child(node, t2);
    return CAST_TO_TYPE(node);
예제 #10
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
EXPRESSION *make_tuple(EXPRESSION *expr1, EXPRESSION *expr2, int source_line)
    EXPRESSION *node;
    if (tree_is_type(expr1, EXPR_TUPLE))
        node = expr1;
        node = create_ast_node(EXPR_TUPLE, source_line);
        tree_add_child(node, expr1);
        node->type = create_ast_node(TYPE_TUPLE, source_line);
        tree_add_child(node->type, expr1->type);
    tree_add_child(node, expr2);
    tree_add_child(node->type, expr2->type);
    return node;
예제 #11
EXPRESSION *atomise_expression(MODULE *module, FUNCTION *func, BLOCK *block, EXPRESSION *expr, STATEMENT *before)
    if (is_atomic(expr))
        return expr;
    if (tree_is_type(expr, EXPR_TUPLE))
        EXPRESSION *new_temp = make_empty_tuple(CAST_TO_AST(expr)->source_line);
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < tree_num_children(expr); i++)
            tree_add_child(new_temp, atomise_expression(module, func, block, tree_get_child(expr, i), before));
        return new_temp;
    EXPRESSION *new_temp = make_new_temp(module, func, expr->type, CAST_TO_AST(expr)->source_line);
    STATEMENT *new_assign = make_assignment(new_temp, expr, CAST_TO_AST(expr)->source_line);
    if (has_graph(func))
        GRAPH *graph = func->graph;
        add_vertex(graph, CAST_TO_NODE(new_assign));
        inject_before(graph, CAST_TO_NODE(new_assign), CAST_TO_NODE(before), 0);
        tree_add_before(CAST_TO_NODE(block), CAST_TO_NODE(new_assign), CAST_TO_NODE(before));
    return new_temp;
예제 #12
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
STATEMENT *make_test(EXPRESSION *c, int source_line)
    if (source_line == 0 && c)
        source_line = CAST_TO_AST(c)->source_line;
    NODE *node = create_ast_node(STMT_TEST, source_line);
    tree_add_child(node, c);
    return CAST_TO_STATEMENT(node);
예제 #13
파일: graph.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
void add_vertex(GRAPH *graph, NODE *vertex)
    if (!vertex)
        /* N.B. Vertex positions are sometimes important, so a NULL one still
           needs to occupy a position in the child list. */
        tree_add_child(graph, vertex);
    HASH_ENTRY *he = find_in_hash(graph->labels, vertex, sizeof(void *));
    if (he)
    add_to_hash(graph->labels, vertex, sizeof(void *), (void *) tree_num_children(graph));
    tree_add_child(graph, vertex);
예제 #14
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
EXPRESSION *make_closure(MODULE *mod, TYPE *type, DECLARATION *args, BLOCK *body, int source_line)
    static int next_id = 0;
    char name[100];
    sprintf(name, "closure%d", next_id++);
    char *str = add_string(mod, name, strlen(name));
    FUNCTION *func = make_function(type, str, args, source_line);
    tree_get_child(func, 0) = body;
    EXPRESSION *expr = create_ast_node(EXPR_CLOSURE, source_line);
    tree_add_child(expr, func);
    expr->type = make_map_type(args->type, type, source_line);
    /* Add new function to module. */
    tree_add_child(mod, func);
    add_to_hash(mod->table, str, strlen(str), func);
    return expr;
예제 #15
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
STATEMENT *make_block(HASH *table, STATEMENT *stmt, int source_line)
    if (tree_is_type(stmt, STMT_BLOCK))
        return stmt;

    if (source_line == 0 && stmt)
        source_line = CAST_TO_AST(stmt)->source_line;
    BLOCK *block = CAST_TO_BLOCK(create_ast_node(STMT_BLOCK, source_line));
    block->table = table ? table : create_hash(10, key_type_copyable);
    if (tree_is_type(stmt, STMT_SEQUENCE))
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < tree_num_children(stmt); i++)
            tree_add_child(block, tree_get_child(stmt, i));
        tree_add_child(block, stmt);
    return CAST_TO_STATEMENT(block);
예제 #16
static STATEMENT *reduce_statement(MODULE *module, FUNCTION *func, BLOCK *block, STATEMENT *stmt)
    if (stmt == NULL)
        return stmt;
    if (tree_is_type(stmt, STMT_ASSIGN))
        EXPRESSION *expr = tree_get_child(stmt, 1);
        expr = simplify_expression(module, func, block, expr, stmt);
        tree_get_child(stmt, 1) = expr;
    else if (tree_is_type(stmt, STMT_IF))
        EXPRESSION *cond = tree_get_child(stmt, 0);
        cond = simplify_expression(module, func, block, cond, stmt);
        tree_get_child(stmt, 0) = cond;
        reduce_block(module, func, tree_get_child(stmt, 1));
        reduce_block(module, func, tree_get_child(stmt, 2));
    else if (tree_is_type(stmt, STMT_WHILE))
        EXPRESSION *cond = tree_get_child(stmt, 0);
        BLOCK *body = tree_get_child(stmt, 1);
        if (!is_atomic(cond))
            EXPRESSION *old_cond = cond;
            cond = atomise_expression(module, func, block, cond, stmt);
            tree_get_child(stmt, 0) = cond;
            STATEMENT *new_assign = make_assignment(cond, CAST_TO_EXPRESSION(tree_copy(old_cond)), CAST_TO_AST(cond)->source_line);
            tree_add_child(body, new_assign);
        reduce_block(module, func, body);
    else if (tree_is_type(stmt, STMT_RETURN))
        EXPRESSION *expr = tree_get_child(stmt, 0);
        expr = atomise_expression(module, func, block, expr, stmt);
        tree_get_child(stmt, 0) = expr;
    else if (tree_is_type(stmt, STMT_RESTART))
        /* Do nothing. */
        error("Not sure how to reduce statement of type %d\n", tree_type(stmt));
    return stmt;
예제 #17
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
EXPRESSION *get_input_tuple(FUNCTION *func)
    int source_line = CAST_TO_AST(func)->source_line;
    EXPRESSION *tuple =  create_ast_node(EXPR_TUPLE, source_line);
    DECLARATION *args = tree_get_child(func, 1);
    if (!args)
        return make_empty_tuple(source_line);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < tree_num_children(args); i++)
        DECLARATION *v = tree_get_child(args, i);
        EXPRESSION *arg = make_variable(v->name, CAST_TO_AST(v)->source_line);
        arg->type = v->type;
        ((VARIABLE *) arg)->decl = v;
        tree_add_child(tuple, arg);
    if (tree_num_children(tuple) == 1)
        return tree_get_child(tuple, 0);

    return tuple;
예제 #18
 * When we export a new directory we need to add a new
 * path segment through the pseudofs to reach the new
 * directory. This new path is reflected in a list of
 * directories added to the "visible" list.
 * Here there are two lists of visible fids: one hanging off the
 * pseudo exportinfo, and the one we want to add.  It's possible
 * that the two lists share a common path segment
 * and have some common directories.  We need to combine
 * the lists so there's no duplicate entries. Where a common
 * path component is found, the vis_count field is bumped.
 * This example shows that the treenode chain (tree_head) and
 * exp_visible chain (vis_head) can differ in length. The latter
 * can be shorter. The outer loop must loop over the vis_head chain.
 * share /x/a
 * mount -F ufs /dev/dsk/... /x/y
 * mkdir -p /x/y/a/b
 * share  /x/y/a/b
 * When more_visible() is called during the second share,
 * the existing namespace is following:
 *                                   exp_visible_t
 *   treenode_t       exportinfo_t      v0     v1
 * ns_root+---+        +------------+  +---+  +---+
 *      t0| / |........| E0 pseudo  |->| x |->| a |
 *        +---+        +------------+  +---+  +---+
 *          |                           /    /
 *        +---+                        /    /
 *      t1| x |------------------------    /
 *        +---+                           /
 *          |                            /
 *        +---+                         /
 *      t2| a |-------------------------
 *        +---+........+------------+
 *                     | E1 real    |
 *                     +------------+
 * This is being added:
 *    tree_head  vis_head
 *        +---+  +---+
 *      t3| x |->| x |v2
 *        +---+  +---+
 *          |      |
 *        +---+  +---+                     v4     v5
 *      t4| y |->| y |v3  +------------+  +---+  +---+
 *        +---+\ +---+    | E2 pseudo  |->| a |->| b |
 *          |   \....... >+------------+  +---+  +---+
 *        +---+                           /      /
 *      t5| a |---------------------------      /
 *        +---+                                /
 *          |                                 /
 *        +---+-------------------------------
 *      t6| b |           +------------+
 *        +---+..........>| E3 real    |
 *                        +------------+
 * more_visible() will:
 * - kmem_free() t3 and v2
 * - add t4, t5, t6 as a child of t1 (t4 will become sibling of t2)
 * - add v3 to the end of E0->exi_visible
 * Note that v4 and v5 were already processed in pseudo_exportfs() and
 * added to E2. The outer loop of more_visible() will loop only over v2
 * and v3. The inner loop of more_visible() always loops over v0 and v1.
 * Illustration for this scenario:
 * mkdir -p /v/a/b/c
 * share /v/a/b/c
 * mkdir /v/a/b/c1
 * mkdir -p /v/a1
 * mv /v/a/b /v/a1
 * share /v/a1/b/c1
 *           EXISTING
 *           treenode
 *           namespace:    +-----------+   visibles
 *                         |exportinfo |-->v->a->b->c
 * connect_point->+---+--->+-----------+
 *                | / |T0
 *                +---+
 *                  |                            NEW treenode chain:
 *         child->+---+
 *                | v |T1                          +---+<-curr
 *                +---+                          N1| v |
 *                  |                              +---+
 *                +---+                              |
 *                | a |T2                          +---+<-tree_head
 *                +---+                          N2| a1|
 *                  |                              +---+
 *                +---+                              |
 *                | b |T3                          +---+
 *                +---+                          N3| b |
 *                  |                              +---+
 *                +---+                              |
 *                | c |T4                          +---+
 *                +---+                          N4| c1|
 *                                                 +---+
 * The picture above illustrates the position of following pointers after line
 * 'child = tree_find_child_by_vis(connect_point, curr->tree_vis);'
 * was executed for the first time in the outer 'for' loop:
 * connect_point..parent treenode in the EXISTING namespace to which the 'curr'
 *                should be connected. If 'connect_point' already has a child
 *                with the same value of tree_vis as the curr->tree_vis is,
 *                the 'curr' will not be added, but kmem_free()d.
 * child..........the result of tree_find_child_by_vis()
 * curr...........currently processed treenode from the NEW treenode chain
 * tree_head......current head of the NEW treenode chain, in this case it was
 *                already moved down to its child - preparation for another loop
 * What will happen to NEW treenodes N1, N2, N3, N4 in more_visible() later:
 * N1: is merged - i.e. N1 is kmem_free()d. T0 has a child T1 with the same
 *     tree_vis as N1
 * N2: is added as a new child of T1
 *     Note: not just N2, but the whole chain N2->N3->N4 is added
 * N3: not processed separately (it was added together with N2)
 *     Even that N3 and T3 have same tree_vis, they are NOT merged, but will
 *     become duplicates.
 * N4: not processed separately
static void
more_visible(struct exportinfo *exi, treenode_t *tree_head)
	struct exp_visible *vp1, *vp2, *vis_head, *tail, *next;
	int found;
	treenode_t *child, *curr, *connect_point;

	vis_head = tree_head->tree_vis;
	connect_point = exi->exi_tree;

	 * If exportinfo doesn't already have a visible
	 * list just assign the entire supplied list.
	if (exi->exi_visible == NULL) {
		tree_add_child(exi->exi_tree, tree_head);
		exi->exi_visible = vis_head;

	/* The outer loop traverses the supplied list. */
	for (vp1 = vis_head; vp1; vp1 = next) {
		found = 0;
		next = vp1->vis_next;

		/* The inner loop searches the exportinfo visible list. */
		for (vp2 = exi->exi_visible; vp2; vp2 = vp2->vis_next) {
			tail = vp2;
			if (EQFID(&vp1->vis_fid, &vp2->vis_fid)) {
				found = 1;
				/* Transfer vis_exported from vp1 to vp2. */
				if (vp1->vis_exported && !vp2->vis_exported)
					vp2->vis_exported = 1;
				kmem_free(vp1, sizeof (*vp1));
				tree_head->tree_vis = vp2;

		/* If not found - add to the end of the list */
		if (! found) {
			tail->vis_next = vp1;
			vp1->vis_next = NULL;

		curr = tree_head;
		tree_head = tree_head->tree_child_first;

		if (! connect_point) /* No longer merging */
		 * The inner loop could set curr->tree_vis to the EXISTING
		 * exp_visible vp2, so we can search among the children of
		 * connect_point for the curr->tree_vis. No need for EQFID.
		child = tree_find_child_by_vis(connect_point, curr->tree_vis);

		 * Merging cannot be done if a valid child->tree_exi would
		 * be overwritten by a new curr->tree_exi.
		if (child &&
		    (child->tree_exi == NULL || curr->tree_exi == NULL)) {
			if (curr->tree_exi) { /* Transfer the exportinfo */
				child->tree_exi = curr->tree_exi;
				child->tree_exi->exi_tree = child;
			kmem_free(curr, sizeof (treenode_t));
			connect_point = child;
		} else { /* Branching */
			tree_add_child(connect_point, curr);
			connect_point = NULL;
예제 #19
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: doniexun/compiler-3
STATEMENT *make_return(EXPRESSION *c, int source_line)
    NODE *node = create_ast_node(STMT_RETURN, source_line);
    tree_add_child(node, c);
    return CAST_TO_STATEMENT(node);