예제 #1
void computeBoundarySurface(const Vector4i *pTet, const int ntet, const int nvert, Vector3i *& pTri, int &nTri)
	int i;
	CMemoryMgr*  pm = new CMemoryMgr;

	//malloc the pointer buffer;
	CTriangleListItem** plist = new CTriangleListItem*[nvert];
	for (i=0; i<nvert; i++) plist[i]=NULL;

	//insert triangles into the buffer;
	for (i=0; i<ntet; i++){
		Vector4i t = pTet[i];
		const int v0=t.x;
		const int v1=t.y;
		const int v2=t.z;
		const int v3=t.w;
		Vector3i tri0(v0, v2, v1);
		Vector3i tri1(v0, v1, v3);
		Vector3i tri2(v1, v2, v3);
		Vector3i tri3(v0, v3, v2);
		_insertTriangle(tri0, plist, *pm);
		_insertTriangle(tri1, plist, *pm);
		_insertTriangle(tri2, plist, *pm);
		_insertTriangle(tri3, plist, *pm);
	nTri = _countValidTriangle(plist, nvert);
	pTri = _collectBoundarySurface(plist, nvert, nTri);
	delete pm;
	delete [] plist;
예제 #2
void D3D11RendererMesh::Pick(DirectX::SimpleMath::Ray ray)
	m_bPick = false;
	mPickedTriangle = -1;
	XMFLOAT3 Center;            // Center of the box.
	XMFLOAT3 Extents;           // Distance from the center to each side.
	XMStoreFloat3(&Center, 0.5f*(vMin + vMax));
	XMStoreFloat3(&Extents, 0.5f*(vMax - vMin));
	float tmin = 0.0f;
	DirectX::BoundingBox box(Center,Extents);
	if (ray.Intersects(box, tmin))
		tmin = FLT_MAX;
		for (UINT i = 0; i < indices.size() / 3; ++i)
			// Indices for this triangle.
			UINT i0 = indices[i * 3 + 0];
			UINT i1 = indices[i * 3 + 1];
			UINT i2 = indices[i * 3 + 2];

			// Vertices for this triangle.
			XMVECTOR v0 = XMLoadFloat3(&vertices[i0].position);
			XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3(&vertices[i1].position);
			XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3(&vertices[i2].position);
			DirectX::SimpleMath::Vector3 tri0(v0);
			DirectX::SimpleMath::Vector3 tri1(v1);
			DirectX::SimpleMath::Vector3 tri2(v2);
			float t = 0.0f;
			if (ray.Intersects(tri0, tri1, tri2, t))
				if (t < tmin)
					tmin = t;
					mPickedTriangle = i;
					m_bPick = true;
예제 #3
void computeBoundarySurface(const Vector8i *pTet, const int ntet, const int nvert, Vector4i *& pTri, int &nTri)
	int i;
	CMemoryMgr*  pm = new CMemoryMgr;

	//malloc the pointer buffer;
	CQuadListItem** plist = new CQuadListItem*[nvert];
	for (i=0; i<nvert; i++) plist[i]=NULL;

	//insert triangles into the buffer;
	for (i=0; i<ntet; i++){
		Vector8i t = pTet[i];
		const int v0=t.x;
		const int v1=t.y;
		const int v2=t.z;
		const int v3=t.w;
		const int v4=t.x1;
		const int v5=t.y1;
		const int v6=t.z1;
		const int v7=t.w1;
		Vector4i tri0(v0, v3, v2, v1);
		Vector4i tri1(v4, v5, v6, v7);
		Vector4i tri2(v0, v4, v7, v3);
		Vector4i tri3(v1, v2, v6, v5);
		Vector4i tri4(v0, v1, v5, v4);
		Vector4i tri5(v2, v3, v7, v6);
		_insertQuad(tri0, plist, *pm);
		_insertQuad(tri1, plist, *pm);
		_insertQuad(tri2, plist, *pm);
		_insertQuad(tri3, plist, *pm);
		_insertQuad(tri4, plist, *pm);
		_insertQuad(tri5, plist, *pm);
	nTri = _countValidQuad(plist, nvert);
	pTri = _collectBoundarySurface(plist, nvert, nTri);
	delete pm;
	delete [] plist;
예제 #4
// 背面剔除,裁剪,透视除法
void Renderer::Clipping(const Vector3 &w_min, const Vector3 &w_max)
//    assert((rend_primitive_.size % 3) == 0);
    // (rand_primitive_.size / 3) 向下截断

    static const int TRIANGLE_SIZE = 3;
    for (int i = 0; i < rend_primitive_.size; i += 3)
        int vertex_in_cvv = 0;
        bool vertex_in_ccodes[TRIANGLE_SIZE] = {true, true, true};

        for (int j = 0; j < TRIANGLE_SIZE; ++j)
            Vector4 &p0 = rend_primitive_.position[i + j];

            if (p0.x < w_min.x || p0.x > w_max.x)
                vertex_in_ccodes[j] = false;
            if (p0.y < w_min.y || p0.y > w_max.y)
                vertex_in_ccodes[j] = false;
            if (p0.z < w_min.z || p0.z > w_max.z)
                vertex_in_ccodes[j] = false;
            if (vertex_in_ccodes[j])

        Vector4 *vtx = rend_primitive_.position + i;
        Vector4 *col = rend_primitive_.colors + i;
        Vector3 a = vtx[0].GetVector3();
        Vector3 b = vtx[1].GetVector3();
        Vector3 c = vtx[2].GetVector3();                                                        

        Vector3 n = CrossProduct(b - a, c - b);
        // FIXME 背面剔除,需确定判断是否正确
        if (backface_culling_ && n.z > 0)

        int v0 = 0;
        int v1 = 1;
        int v2 = 2;
        if (vertex_in_cvv == 0)
        else if (vertex_in_cvv == 1)
            if (vertex_in_ccodes[0])

            else if (vertex_in_ccodes[1])
                v0 = 1; v1 = 2; v2 = 0;
            else if (vertex_in_ccodes[2])
                v0 = 2; v1 = 0; v2 = 1;
            // make v0 is in. v1, v2 is out.
            // and keep the sequence of triangle.
            bool ret = false;
            ret = ClipLine3d(vtx[v0], vtx[v1], w_min, w_max, &vtx[v1]);
            ret = ClipLine3d(vtx[v0], vtx[v2], w_min, w_max, &vtx[v2]);
            Triangle tri(vtx[v0], col[v0], vtx[v1], col[v1], vtx[v2], col[v2]);
        else if (vertex_in_cvv == 2)
            if (!vertex_in_ccodes[0])
//                v0 = 0; v1 = 1; v2 = 2;
            else if (!vertex_in_ccodes[1])
                v0 = 1; v1 = 2; v2 = 0;
            else if (!vertex_in_ccodes[2])
                v0 = 2; v1 = 0; v2 = 1;
            // make v0 is out. v1, v2 is in. 
            // and keep the sequence of triangle.
            Vector4 m;
            Vector4 n;
            bool ret = false;
            ret = ClipLine3d(vtx[v0], vtx[v1], w_min, w_max, &m);
            ret = ClipLine3d(vtx[v0], vtx[v2], w_min, w_max, &n);
            Triangle tri0(m, col[v0], vtx[v1], col[v1], vtx[v2], Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0));
            Triangle tri1(n, col[v0], m, Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0), vtx[v2], col[v2]);
        else if (vertex_in_cvv == 3)
            Triangle tri(vtx[v0], col[v0], vtx[v1], col[v1], vtx[v2], col[v2]);
void IntrTriangle2Triangle2<Real>::GetIntersection (
    const Configuration& cfg0, const Configuration& cfg1, int side,
    const Vector2<Real> V0[3], const Vector2<Real> V1[3], int& quantity,
    Vector2<Real> vertex[6])
	Vector2<Real> edge, diff;
	const Vector2<Real>* origin;
	Real invEdE, emin, emax;
	int i;

	if (side == 1)  // V1-interval contacts V0-interval on right.
		if (cfg0.Map == M21 || cfg0.Map == M11)
			quantity = 1;
			vertex[0] = V0[cfg0.Index[2]];
		else if (cfg1.Map == M12 || cfg1.Map == M11)
			quantity = 1;
			vertex[0] = V1[cfg1.Index[0]];
		else  // cfg0.Map == M12 && cfg1.Map == M21 (edge overlap).
			origin = &V0[cfg0.Index[1]];
			edge = V0[cfg0.Index[2]] - *origin;
			invEdE = ((Real)1)/edge.Dot(edge);
			diff = V1[cfg1.Index[1]] - *origin;
			emin = edge.Dot(diff)*invEdE;
			diff = V1[cfg1.Index[0]] - *origin;
			emax = edge.Dot(diff)*invEdE;
			assertion(emin <= emax, "Unexpected condition\n");
			Intersector1<Real> intr((Real)0, (Real)1, emin, emax);
			quantity = intr.GetNumIntersections();
			assertion(quantity > 0, "Unexpected condition\n");
			for (i = 0; i < quantity; ++i)
				vertex[i] = *origin + intr.GetIntersection(i)*edge;
	else if (side == -1)  // V1-interval contacts V0-interval on left.
		if (cfg1.Map == M21 || cfg1.Map == M11)
			quantity = 1;
			vertex[0] = V1[cfg1.Index[2]];
		else if (cfg0.Map == M12 || cfg0.Map == M11)
			quantity = 1;
			vertex[0] = V0[cfg0.Index[0]];
		else  // cfg1.Map == M12 && cfg0.Map == M21 (edge overlap).
			origin = &V1[cfg1.Index[1]];
			edge = V1[cfg1.Index[2]] - *origin;
			invEdE = ((Real)1)/edge.Dot(edge);
			diff = V0[cfg0.Index[1]] - *origin;
			emin = edge.Dot(diff)*invEdE;
			diff = V0[cfg0.Index[0]] - *origin;
			emax = edge.Dot(diff)*invEdE;
			assertion(emin <= emax, "Unexpected condition\n");
			Intersector1<Real> intr((Real)0, (Real)1, emin, emax);
			quantity = intr.GetNumIntersections();
			assertion(quantity > 0, "Unexpected condition\n");
			for (i = 0; i < quantity; ++i)
				vertex[i] = *origin + intr.GetIntersection(i)*edge;
	else  // Triangles were initially intersecting.
		Triangle2<Real> tri0(V0), tri1(V1);
		IntrTriangle2Triangle2 intr(tri0, tri1);
		quantity = intr.GetQuantity();
		for (i = 0; i < quantity; ++i)
			vertex[i] = intr.GetPoint(i);