예제 #1
doRectifyStereoSave( TriclopsContext 	triclops,
		     TriclopsInput*	pTriclopsInput,
		     const char*	szDisparityBase,
		     const char*     	szNameModifier )
   TriclopsError error;
   // Rectify the images
   error = triclopsRectify( triclops, pTriclopsInput );
   _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsRectify()", error );

   // Do stereo processing
   error =  triclopsStereo( triclops );
   _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsStereo()", error );
   // test whether we are doing subpixel stereo
   TriclopsBool bSubpixel;
   error =  triclopsGetSubpixelInterpolation( triclops, &bSubpixel );
   _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsGetSubpixelInterpolation()", error );

   char szDisparityFile[1024];
   if ( bSubpixel )
      // Retrieve the disparity image from the context
      TriclopsImage16 triclopsImage16;
      error = triclopsGetImage16( triclops, 
				  &triclopsImage16 );
      _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsGetImage16(): Failed to get disparity image", 
			      error );
      // create the disparity name
      sprintf( szDisparityFile, "%s-%s.pgm", szDisparityBase, szNameModifier );

      // Save the disparity 16-bit image
      error = triclopsSaveImage16( &triclopsImage16, szDisparityFile );
      _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsSaveImage16(): Failed to save disparity image", error );
      printf( "Wrote 16-bit disparity image to '%s'\n", szDisparityFile );

      // scale it into an 8 bit image and save that as well
      TriclopsImage triclopsImage;
      // need to allocate the 8-bit TriclopsImage to scale this one into
      triclopsImage.nrows 	= triclopsImage16.nrows;
      triclopsImage.ncols 	= triclopsImage16.ncols;
      triclopsImage.rowinc 	= triclopsImage16.ncols;
      triclopsImage.data	= (unsigned char*) 
	 malloc( triclopsImage.nrows*triclopsImage.ncols );

      scaleImage16ToImage8( &triclopsImage16, &triclopsImage, 90, 255 );

      // create the disparity name
      sprintf( szDisparityFile, "%s-%s-scaled.pgm", szDisparityBase, szNameModifier );
      triclopsSaveImage( &triclopsImage, szDisparityFile );
      printf( "Wrote disparity image to '%s'\n", szDisparityFile );
      free( triclopsImage.data );

      // Retrieve the disparity image from the context
      TriclopsImage triclopsImage;
      error = triclopsGetImage( triclops, TriImg_DISPARITY, TriCam_REFERENCE, &triclopsImage );
      _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsGetImage(): Failed to get disparity image", 
			      error );

      // scale the image so it is easier to see
      scaleImage( &triclopsImage, 90, 255 );
      // create the disparity name
      sprintf( szDisparityFile, "%s-%s.pgm", szDisparityBase, szNameModifier );
      // Save the disparity image
      error = triclopsSaveImage( &triclopsImage, szDisparityFile );
      _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsSaveImage(): Failed to save disparity image", error );
      printf( "Wrote disparity image to '%s'\n", szDisparityFile );
/* version that takes the DPPU pan and tilt, and the robot pose */
void stereoCam::doStereoFrame(
#ifdef OPENCV
			      IplImage *frame, 
			      IplImage *disparity, 
			      IplImage *depth,
			      FILE *out,
			      double pan, double tilt, double rx, double ry, double rth
			      FILE *out
  if ( inRoutine() ) return; // protected routine

     for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
       pucRightRGB	= NULL;
       pucLeftRGB	= NULL;
       pucCenterRGB	= NULL;

       extractImagesColor( &stereoCamera,
			   &input );

#if 0 // write out the raw images from the camera
       if ( !writePpm( "yright.ppm", pucRightRGB, 
		     stereoCamera.nCols, stereoCamera.nRows ) )
	 printf( "wrote right.ppm\n" );
       if ( !writePpm( "yleft.ppm", pucLeftRGB, 
		     stereoCamera.nCols, stereoCamera.nRows ) )
	 printf( "wrote left.ppm\n" );

     e = triclopsRectify( triclops, &input );
     //     e = triclopsPreprocess(triclops, &input);
     //     TRIERR(e);

     e = triclopsStereo( triclops );

#if 0

       // get and save the rectified and disparity images

       e=triclopsGetImage( triclops, TriImg_RECTIFIED, TriCam_REFERENCE, 
			   &image );
       e=triclopsSaveImage( &image, "yrectified.pgm" );
       printf( "wrote 'rectified.pgm'\n" );


     e=triclopsGetImage16( triclops, TriImg16_DISPARITY, 
			   TriCam_REFERENCE, &image16 );

#if 0 // save disparity image -- warning its 16bit not 8bit!
     if (gWriteImages) {
       e=triclopsSaveImage16( &image16, "ydisparity.pgm" );
       printf( "wrote 'disparity.pgm'\n" );
     outRoutine(); // allow other access to camera  now

     int nPoints=0;
     int iPixelInc = image16.rowinc/2;
     int rPixelInc = 3*stereoCamera.nCols;

     for ( int iRow = 0; iRow < image16.nrows; iRow++ )    {
       unsigned short* pusRow = image16.data + iRow * iPixelInc;
       unsigned char * rgbRow = pucRightRGB + 3 * iRow * rPixelInc;

       for ( int iCol= 0; iCol < image16.ncols; iCol++ )  {
	 unsigned short usDisp = pusRow[ iCol ];
	 float x,y,z;            
         double posBB[3], posW[3]; // x,y,z in bumblebee and in world frames
#ifdef OPENCV
	   if (frame!=0) cvSet2D(frame,iRow,iCol, // populate RGB image
				 cvScalar(rgbRow[ 3*iCol*3+2], 
					  rgbRow[ 3*iCol*3+1], 
					  rgbRow[ 3*iCol*3  ],0));
	 if ( usDisp < 0xFF00 ) { // valid disparity only
	   // convert the 16 bit disparity value to floating point x,y,z
			      &z // x,y,z, in bumblebee frarame
	   nPoints++; posBB[0]=x; posBB[1]=y; posBB[2]=z;
	   if (z>0.1 && z< 5.0) {// near and far distance (meters) filter
	     transformBumbleBee2World(posBB, posW, pan, tilt, rx, ry, rth);
	     if (out!=0) 
		       "%f, %f, %f, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n",
		       posW[0], posW[1], posW[2], // write out world frame locations
		       iRow, iCol, usDisp, 
		       rgbRow[ 3*iCol*3], 
		       rgbRow[ 3*iCol*3+1], 
		       rgbRow[ 3*iCol*3+2]);
#ifdef OPENCV
	     if (depth!=0) cvSet2D(depth,iRow,iCol, 
				     // populate depth image with local frame info
				     //cvScalar(double(x), double(y), double(z), 0.0));
				     cvScalar(posW[0], posW[1], posW[2], 0));
	   }// write out result
#ifdef OPENCV
	   if (disparity!=0) cvSet2D(disparity,iRow,iCol, 
				     // populate disparity image
	 }// if valid disparity

       }// for iCol
     }// for iRow
