예제 #1
void filebrowser_backend_copy_files_async(FilebrowserBackend *filebackend, GFile *destdir, gchar *sources) {
  Tcopyfile *cf;
  gchar **splitted, **tmp;
  cf = g_slice_new0(Tcopyfile);
  cf->destdir = destdir;
  /* create the source and destlist ! */
  tmp = splitted = g_strsplit(sources, "\n",0);
  while (*tmp) {
    trunc_on_char(trunc_on_char(*tmp, '\r'), '\n');
    if (strlen(*tmp) > 1) {
      GFile *src;
      src = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg(*tmp);
      cf->sourcelist = g_slist_append(cf->sourcelist, src);
예제 #2
static gboolean parse_config_file(GList * config_list, gchar * filename)
	gboolean retval = FALSE;
	gchar *tmpstring = NULL, *tmpstring2;
	gchar **tmparray;
	GList *rclist, *tmplist, *tmplist2;
	Tconfig_list_item *tmpitem;

	DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, started\n");

	rclist = NULL;
	rclist = get_list(filename, rclist,FALSE);
	if (rclist == NULL) {
		DEBUG_MSG("no rclist, returning!\n");
		return retval;

	/* empty all variables that have type GList ('l') */
	tmplist = g_list_first(config_list);
	while (tmplist != NULL) {
		tmpitem = (Tconfig_list_item *) tmplist->data;
		DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, type=%c, identifier=%s\n", tmpitem->type, tmpitem->identifier);
		if (tmpitem->type == 'l' || tmpitem->type == 'a') {
			DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, freeing list before filling it\n");
			free_stringlist((GList *) * (void **) tmpitem->pointer);
			*(void **) tmpitem->pointer = (GList *)NULL;
		DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, type=%c, identifier=%s\n", tmpitem->type, tmpitem->identifier);
		tmplist = g_list_next(tmplist);
	DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, all the type 'l' and 'a' have been emptied\n");
	DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, length rclist=%d\n", g_list_length(rclist));
/* And now for parsing every line in the config file, first check if there is a valid identifier at the start. */
	tmplist = g_list_first(rclist);
	while (tmplist) {
		tmpstring = (gchar *) tmplist->data;

		if (tmpstring != NULL) {
			DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, tmpstring=%s\n", tmpstring);

			tmplist2 = g_list_first(config_list);
			while (tmplist2) {
				tmpitem = (Tconfig_list_item *) tmplist2->data;
				if (!tmpitem || !tmpitem->identifier || !tmpstring) {
					g_print("WARNING: almost a problem!\n");
				if (g_strncasecmp(tmpitem->identifier, tmpstring, strlen(tmpitem->identifier)) == 0) {
					/* we have found the correct identifier */
					retval = TRUE;
					DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, identifier=%s, string=%s\n", tmpitem->identifier, tmpstring);
					/* move pointer past the identifier */
					tmpstring += strlen(tmpitem->identifier);
					trunc_on_char(tmpstring, '\n');

					switch (tmpitem->type) {
					case 'i':
						*(int *) (void *) tmpitem->pointer = atoi(tmpstring);
					case 's':
						*(void **) tmpitem->pointer = (char *) realloc((char *) *(void **) tmpitem->pointer, strlen(tmpstring) + 1);
						strcpy((char *) *(void **) tmpitem->pointer, tmpstring);
					case 'e':
						tmpstring2 = unescape_string(tmpstring, FALSE); /* I wonder if that should be TRUE */
						*(void **) tmpitem->pointer = (char *) realloc((char *) *(void **) tmpitem->pointer, strlen(tmpstring2) + 1);
						strcpy((char *) *(void **) tmpitem->pointer, tmpstring2);
					case 'l':
					case 'm':
						tmpstring2 = g_strdup(tmpstring);
						* (void **) tmpitem->pointer = g_list_prepend((GList *) * (void **) tmpitem->pointer, tmpstring2);
						DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, *(void **)tmpitem->pointer=%p\n", *(void **) tmpitem->pointer);
					case 'a':
						tmparray = string_to_array(tmpstring);
						if (tmpitem->len <= 0 || tmpitem->len == count_array(tmparray)) {
							* (void **) tmpitem->pointer = g_list_prepend((GList *) * (void **) tmpitem->pointer, tmparray);
						} else {
							DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, not storing array, count_array() != tmpitem->len\n");
						DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, *(void **)tmpitem->pointer=%p\n", *(void **) tmpitem->pointer);
					tmplist2 = g_list_last(tmplist2);
				tmplist2 = g_list_next(tmplist2);
		tmplist = g_list_next(tmplist);
	DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, parsed all entries, freeing list read from file\n");	
	return retval;
예제 #3
parse_integer_for_dialog(gchar * valuestring, GtkWidget * spin, GtkWidget * entry, GtkWidget * checkbox)

	gchar *tmp;
	gint value = 0;
	gboolean found = FALSE;
	gchar *sign = NULL;
	gboolean percentage = FALSE;

	DEBUG_MSG("parse_integer_for_dialog, started, valuestring=%s\n", valuestring);
	if (!valuestring) {
		if (spin)
			gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(spin)), "");
		if (entry)
			gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), "");
	tmp = strrchr(valuestring, '-');
	if (tmp) {
		DEBUG_MSG("parse_integer_for_dialog, found a -!, tmp=%s\n", tmp);
		value = strtod(++tmp, NULL);
		sign = "-";
		found = TRUE;
		DEBUG_MSG("parse_integer_for_dialog, value=%d\n", value);
	tmp = strrchr(valuestring, '+');
	if (tmp) {
		DEBUG_MSG("parse_integer_for_dialog, found a +!, tmp=%s\n", tmp);
		value = strtod(++tmp, NULL);
		sign = "+";
		found = TRUE;
		DEBUG_MSG("parse_integer_for_dialog, value=%d\n", value);
	tmp = strchr(valuestring, '%');
	if (tmp) {
		DEBUG_MSG("parse_integer_for_dialog, found a percentage!\n");
		valuestring = trunc_on_char(valuestring, '%');
		value = strtod(valuestring, NULL);
		percentage = TRUE;
		found = TRUE;
		DEBUG_MSG("parse_integer_for_dialog, value=%d\n", value);
	if (!found) {
		value = strtod(valuestring, NULL);
	if (spin) {
		gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY (spin), "0");
		gtk_spin_button_set_value(GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(spin), value);

	if (entry) {
		if (sign) {
			gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), sign);
		} else {
			gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), "");

	if (checkbox) {
		DEBUG_MSG("parse_integer_for_dialog, checkbox set\n");
		gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(checkbox), percentage);
	} else {
		DEBUG_MSG("parse_integer_for_dialog, NO checkbox set\n");
예제 #4
static void parse_tagstring(Tbfwin *bfwin, gchar * tagstring, gint pos, gint end)
	GList *tmplist = NULL;
	gchar *tmpstring, *item, *value, *tmp;
	gint count, prevtag, item_value_delimiter;
	Ttagitem *tag_item;
	Ttagpopup *tag_popup;
	gboolean in_quote, has_quotes;
	Ttagdialog tagdia[] = {
		{"body", G_CALLBACK(body_dialog)},
		{"a", G_CALLBACK(quickanchor_dialog)},
		{"p", G_CALLBACK(p_dialog)},
		{"div", G_CALLBACK(div_dialog)},
		{"span", G_CALLBACK(span_dialog)},
		{"h1", G_CALLBACK(h1_dialog)},
		{"h2", G_CALLBACK(h2_dialog)},
		{"h3", G_CALLBACK(h3_dialog)},
		{"h4", G_CALLBACK(h4_dialog)},
		{"h5", G_CALLBACK(h5_dialog)},
		{"h6", G_CALLBACK(h6_dialog)},
		{"hr", G_CALLBACK(quickrule_dialog)},
		{"font", G_CALLBACK(font_dialog)},
		{"basefont", G_CALLBACK(basefont_dialog)},
		{"table", G_CALLBACK(tabledialog_dialog)},
		{"tr", G_CALLBACK(tablerowdialog_dialog)},
		{"th", G_CALLBACK(tableheaddialog_dialog)},
		{"td", G_CALLBACK(tabledatadialog_dialog)},
		{"frameset", G_CALLBACK(frameset_dialog)},

	DEBUG_MSG("parse_tagstring, started, tagstring=%s\n", tagstring);

	/* parsing the values from this tag */
	tmpstring = g_strdup(tagstring);
	item_value_delimiter = prevtag = count = 0;
	has_quotes = in_quote = FALSE;
	while (tmpstring[count] != '\0') {
		/* extra spacing like between the name = value can be ignored */
		if (g_ascii_isspace((gchar)tmpstring[count])) {
			gint count2 = count+1;
			/* search for the next character, is that a = or a " then we will ignore this space */
			while (tmpstring[count2] != '\0') {
				if (g_ascii_isspace((gchar)tmpstring[count2]) || tmpstring[count2]=='\n') {
				} else {
					if (tmpstring[count2] == '=' || tmpstring[count2] == '"') {
						DEBUG_MSG("found ignorable spaces, increasing count from %d to %d\n", count, count2);
						count = count2;
		/* spaces (delimiters) are allowed within quotes, so we have to keep track of quotes */
		if (tmpstring[count] == '"') {
			has_quotes = TRUE;
			if (in_quote) {
				in_quote = FALSE;
			} else {
				in_quote = TRUE;
		/* to split the item and the value we have to keep track of '=' characters */
		if (tmpstring[count] == '=' && !in_quote) {
			item_value_delimiter = count;
		/* it is a delimiter if it a space (or tab, newline), outside a quote or the last character of the string */
		if ((g_ascii_isspace((gchar)tmpstring[count]) && (in_quote == FALSE)) || (tmpstring[count + 1] == '\0')) {
			if (prevtag == (count - 1)) {
				DEBUG_MSG("parse_tagstring, two spaces!\n");
				prevtag = count;
			} else if (prevtag == 0) {
				DEBUG_MSG("parse_tagstring, this is the name of the tag itself\n");
				prevtag = count;
			} else {
				DEBUG_MSG("parse_tagstring, making split, count=%d, prevtag=%d\n", count, prevtag);
				if (item_value_delimiter > prevtag) {
					item = g_strndup(&tmpstring[prevtag + 1], item_value_delimiter - prevtag - 1);
					DEBUG_MSG("item from %d to %d=%s\n", prevtag+1, item_value_delimiter - prevtag - 1, item);
					if (has_quotes == TRUE) {
						gchar *tmp;
						tmp = g_strndup(&tmpstring[item_value_delimiter + 1], count - item_value_delimiter - 1);
						value = g_strndup(&tmp[1], strlen(tmp)-1);
						value = trunc_on_char(value, '"');
						DEBUG_MSG("value from %d to %d=%s", item_value_delimiter + 2, count - item_value_delimiter - 2, value);
					} else {
						value = g_strndup(&tmpstring[item_value_delimiter + 1], count - item_value_delimiter);
				} else {
					item = g_strndup(&tmpstring[prevtag + 1], count - prevtag);
					value = g_strdup("");
				tmp = item;
				item = g_utf8_strdown(item, -1);
				g_free (tmp);
				tag_item = g_malloc(sizeof(Ttagitem));
				tag_item->item = item;
				tag_item->value = value;
				tmplist = g_list_append(tmplist, tag_item);
				DEBUG_MSG("parse_tagstring, item=%s with value=%s appended to list %p\n", item, value, tmplist);
				prevtag = count;
				has_quotes = FALSE;

	tag_popup = g_malloc(sizeof(Ttagpopup));
	tag_popup->taglist = tmplist;
	tag_popup->pos = pos;
	tag_popup->end = end;
	DEBUG_MSG("parse_tagstring, tag_popup->pos=%d, tag_popup->end=%d\n", tag_popup->pos, tag_popup->end);

	tmpstring = g_strdup(tagstring);
	tmpstring = trunc_on_char(tmpstring, ' ');
	tmp = tmpstring;
	tmpstring = g_utf8_strdown(tmpstring, -1);
	g_free (tmp);
	/* identifying which tag we have */
	DEBUG_MSG("parse_tagstring, searching for dialog for %s\n", tmpstring);
	gint i, numitems = (sizeof(tagdia)/sizeof(Ttagdialog));
		for (i=0;i<numitems;i++) {
			if (strcmp(tmpstring, tagdia[i].tag) == 0) {
				tagdia[i].func(bfwin, tag_popup);
/*	if (strcmp(tmpstring, "card") == 0) {
		carddialog_cb(NULL, tag_popup);
	} else
	if (strcmp(tmpstring, "postfield") == 0) {
		postfielddialog_cb(NULL, tag_popup);
	} else
	if (strcmp(tmpstring, "setvar") == 0) {
		vardialog_cb(NULL, tag_popup);
	} else
	if (strcmp(tmpstring, "go") == 0) {
		godialog_cb(NULL, tag_popup);
	} else
	if (strcmp(tmpstring, "do") == 0) {
		dodialog_cb(NULL, tag_popup);
	} else
	if (strcmp(tmpstring, "anchor") == 0) {
		anchordialog_cb(NULL, tag_popup);
	} else
	if (strcmp(tmpstring, "access") == 0) {
		accessdialog_cb(NULL, tag_popup);
	} else
	if (strcmp(tmpstring, "script") == 0) {
		script_cb(NULL, tag_popup);
	} else
	if (strcmp(tmpstring, "link") == 0) {
		link_cb(NULL, tag_popup);
	} else*/
/*	if (strcmp(tmpstring, "input") == 0) {
		DEBUG_MSG("parse_tagstring, identified as INPUT tag, splitting tag!\n");
		input_tag_splitter(bfwin, tag_popup);
	tmplist = g_list_first(tmplist);
	while (tmplist) {
		g_free(((Ttagitem *) tmplist->data)->item);
		g_free(((Ttagitem *) tmplist->data)->value);
		tmplist = g_list_next(tmplist);