예제 #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	static const int bad_attributes[] = {
	bool pass = true;
	unsigned i;


	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bad_attributes); i++) {
		pass = try_attribute(bad_attributes[i]) && pass;

	/* The GLX_ARB_create_context spec says:
	 *     "If GLX_ARB_create_context_profile is not supported, then the
	 *     GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB attribute [is] not defined, and
	 *     specifying the attribute in <attribList> attribute will
	 *     generate BadValue."
	if (!piglit_is_glx_extension_supported(dpy, "GLX_ARB_create_context_profile")) {
		pass = try_attribute(GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB)
			&& pass;


	piglit_report_result(pass ? PIGLIT_PASS : PIGLIT_FAIL);
	return 0;
예제 #2
void CascadeStyles
          const XMLIterator &i,
          XMLCreatorEnv *env,
          XMLAttributes &attributes,
          XMLStyle &branch_style,
          XMLCreatorEnv &ch_env
    XMLStyle *parent_style=0;
    const std::string &name = (*i)._name;
    const XMLParser::Node &node = (*i);

    XMLAttributes::iterator attr_i = attributes.end();
    insert( node._attributes.begin(), node._attributes.end(), attributes, attr_i );
    std::string style_name;
    if ( try_attribute( (*i)._attributes, "style", &style_name ) )
        const XMLStyle &ref_style = QueryStyle( style_name );
        XMLStyle::iterator sty_i = branch_style.end();
        insert( ref_style.begin(), ref_style.end(), branch_style, sty_i );

    if ( (*env).Query("parent_style", parent_style ) )
        XMLStyle::iterator sty_i = branch_style.end();
        insert( parent_style->begin(), parent_style->end(), branch_style, sty_i );

    XMLStyle::iterator st_it = branch_style.find(name);
    if ( st_it != branch_style.end() )
        XMLAttributes::iterator attr_i = attributes.end();
        insert( (*st_it).second.begin(), (*st_it).second.end(), attributes, attr_i );
    std::string inner_style_name;
    if ( try_attribute( (*i)._attributes, "inner_style", &inner_style_name ) )
        const XMLStyle &ref_style = QueryStyle( inner_style_name );
        ch_env.Set("parent_style", &ref_style );
    else if ( !branch_style.empty() )
        int disable_style = false;
        try_attribute_i( (*i)._attributes, "disable_style", &disable_style );

        if ( !disable_style ) // apply Cascading Style Derivation for children
            ch_env.Set("parent_style", &branch_style);
예제 #3
/*! Create resources in in given category
void CategoryFromXML( const std::string &category, XMLIterator i )
        for ( i.StepInto(); !!i; ++i )
            XMLCreatorEnv environment;
            environment.Set( "category", category.c_str() );

            std::string id = (*i)._name; //< Default id is name[n]
            if ( try_attribute( (*i)._attributes, "id", &id ) )
                environment.Set( "name", id.c_str() );

            if ( Resource *ptr = XMLCreators::Instance().Create( category, i, &environment ))
                Resources::Instance().Insert( category, id, ptr );
    catch( Error &e )
        throw XMLParser::XMLError( (*i)._source, (*i)._line, e.GetError() );
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	EGLint bad_attributes[] = {
	bool pass = true;
	unsigned i;

	if (!EGL_KHR_create_context_setup(EGL_OPENGL_BIT)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Desktop GL not available.\n");

	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bad_attributes); i++) {
		pass = try_attribute(bad_attributes[i]) && pass;


	piglit_report_result(pass ? PIGLIT_PASS : PIGLIT_FAIL);

예제 #5
Resource* CreateSysOutputImage( XMLIterator i, XMLCreatorEnv *env )
    std::string layer = get_attribute( (*i)._attributes, "layer" );
    std::string source = get_attribute( (*i)._attributes, "src" );
    std::vector< int > sRc = to_integer_vector( get_attribute( (*i)._attributes, "srcRect" ));
    std::vector< int > dRc = to_integer_vector( get_attribute( (*i)._attributes, "dstRect" ));
    std::string target("color");
    try_attribute( (*i)._attributes, "target", &target );

    Rect &srcRect = (Rect&)sRc[0];
    Rect &dstRect = (Rect&)dRc[0];

    if ( s_SysOut._sources.find( source ) == s_SysOut._sources.end() )
        if ( target == "color" )
            s_SysOut._sources[ source ] = new Image( source.c_str() );
        else if ( target == "color+alpha" )
            s_SysOut._sources[ source ] = new TransparentImage( source.c_str(), source.c_str() );

    SPointer< IGraphics > img = s_SysOut._sources[ source ];

    s_SysOut._imageOuts[ layer ]._image = img->Copy( srcRect );
    s_SysOut._imageOuts[ layer ]._dstRect = dstRect;

    return 0;
예제 #6
void SiblingsFromXML( XMLIterator i, XMLCreatorEnv *env )
        std::string branch;
        const char *p_branch;
        if ( (*env).Query( "branch", p_branch ) )
            branch = p_branch;

        for ( /*i.StepInto()*/; !!i; ++i )
            const char *p_cat;
            (*env).Query("category", p_cat );
            std::string category( p_cat );
            std::string name( (*i)._name );

            int posCat = name.find("::");
            if ( -1 != posCat )
                category = name.substr( 0, posCat );
                name = name.substr( posCat+2, name.size()-(posCat+2));
#pragma message("use of category::name changes const xml-node")
                const_cast< std::string & >( (*i)._name ) = name;

            std::string id = (branch.empty() ? name : branch + "." + name);
            if ( try_attribute( (*i)._attributes, "id", &id ) )
                id = (branch.empty() ? id : branch + "." + id );
                (*env).Set( "name", id.c_str() );
                (*env).Set( "name", branch.c_str() );

            if ( Resource *ptr = XMLCreators::Instance().Create( category, i, env ) )
                Resources::Instance().Insert( category, id, ptr );

    catch( XMLParser::XMLError & )
    catch( Error &e )
        throw XMLParser::XMLError( (*i)._source, (*i)._line, e.GetError() );
예제 #7
/*! Create all resources from XML string
void CreateFromXML( const std::string &xml_sring, const std::string &source )
    XMLDocument _xml( xml_sring, source);
    for ( XMLIterator i=_xml.Root().StepInto(); !!i; ++i )
        const std::string name = (*i)._name;

        if ( name == "include")
            std::string oldPath;
            std::string newPath;
            if ( try_attribute( (*i)._attributes, "chroot", &newPath ))
                int brOpen = newPath.find("$(", 0 );
                if ( -1 != brOpen )
                    int brClose = newPath.find(")", brOpen+2 );
                    if ( -1 != brClose )
                        std::string envName = newPath.substr( brOpen+2, brClose-( brOpen+2 ));
                        const char *cEnv = getenv( envName.c_str() );
                        if (! cEnv )
                            throw Error("$(%s) is not set.", envName.c_str() );
                        newPath = newPath.substr( 0, brOpen ) + cEnv + newPath.substr( brClose+1, -1 );
                if ( !IFS::Instance().IsDir( newPath ))
                    throw Error("\"%s\" is not directory.", newPath.c_str());

                char cwd[_MAX_PATH];
                _getcwd( cwd, _MAX_PATH );
                oldPath = cwd;
                _chdir( newPath.c_str() );
            std::string src = get_attribute( (*i)._attributes, "src");
            if ( s_includedFiles.insert( src ).second )
                CreateFromXMLFile( src );
            if ( !oldPath.empty() )
                _chdir( oldPath.c_str() );
            CategoryFromXML( name, i );
Resource* CreateScrolledWidget( XMLIterator i, XMLCreatorEnv *env )
    XMLCreatorEnv ch_env;
    const char *p_name = "create popup";
    BeginParentWidget( env, p_name, ch_env );

    XMLAttributes attributes;
    XMLStyle      branch_style;
    CascadeStyles( i, env, attributes, branch_style, ch_env );

    int speed = ScrolledWidget::DEFFAULT_SPEED;
    try_attribute_i( attributes, "speed", &speed );

    int dragSliding = false;
    try_attribute_i( attributes, "drag_slide", &dragSliding );

    std::vector<int> adv = to_integer_vector( "0,0" );
    std::string advance;
    if ( try_attribute( attributes, "advance", &advance ) )
        adv = to_integer_vector( advance );
        if ( adv.size() != 2 ) { throw Error("Advance attribute must have x and y coordinates"); }

    //temporary hub
    SPointer<HubWidget> ptr = new HubWidget( 100, 100 );
    ch_env["parent_hub"] = ptr.get();

    // create children elements
    ChildsFromXML( i, &ch_env );

    if( ptr->ChildrenCount( ) > 1 )
        throw Error("Scrolled widget %s has more than 1 content.", (*i)._name.c_str());     
    ScrolledWidget *scrollee = new ScrolledWidget();

    if( ptr->ChildrenCount( ) > 0 )
        Widget* content = ptr->FirstChild();
        ptr->Retrieve( content );
        scrollee->AttachWidget( content );
    scrollee->SetNoDragSliding( !dragSliding );

    InsertChildWidget( scrollee, attributes, env);
    SetHint(scrollee, attributes);
    return new AnyResource<ScrolledWidget*>( scrollee );
Resource* CreateGraphWidget( XMLIterator i, XMLCreatorEnv *env )
    XMLCreatorEnv ch_env;
    XMLAttributes attributes;
    XMLStyle      branch_style;
    CascadeStyles( i, env, attributes, branch_style, ch_env );

    std::string color = get_attribute( attributes, "color" );
    NormalPixel ncolor( to_hex( color ));

    int dotted = 0;
    try_attribute_i( attributes, "dotted", &dotted );

    GraphWidget *ptr = new GraphWidget( Dim2i( 100, 100 ), ncolor.c, 
                                        ( dotted ? GraphWidget::GT_POINTS : GraphWidget::GT_LINES ) 
    std::string bounds;
    if ( try_attribute( attributes, "bounds", &bounds ))
        std::vector< int > b = to_integer_vector( bounds );
        ptr->SetValueBounds( b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3] );
    Useless::GraphWidget::tpe_input_vector initData( 100 );
    for ( double f=0.0; f <= 6.28; f += 3.14/100.0 )
        double y = sin( f );
        initData.push_back( y );
    ptr->SetInputData( initData );

    InsertChildWidget( ptr, attributes, env);    
    return new AnyResource<GraphWidget*>( ptr );
예제 #10
Resource* CreateSkinMixer( XMLIterator i, XMLCreatorEnv *env)
    SPointer<SkinMan> sp_skin_man;
    SkinMixer *p_mixer = new SkinMixer;

    const XMLNode &node = *i;

    std::map< std::string, int > skin_IDs;

    std::string map_name = get_attribute( node._attributes, "mapping");
    std::vector<int> *p_map;
    Resources::Instance().Query( "mappings", map_name, p_map);

    int ni = 0;
    for ( i.StepInto(); !!i; ++i, ++ni)
        int oid = (*p_map)[ni];
        if ( (*i)._name == "state" )
            XMLIterator j = i;
            for ( j.StepInto(); !!j; ++j)
                if ( (*j)._name == "mix")
                    int iid;
                    std::string id = get_attribute( (*j)._attributes, "id");
                    if ( skin_IDs.find( id) == skin_IDs.end())
                        Skin &skin = QuerySkin( id);
                        iid = p_mixer->Insert( skin);
                        skin_IDs[id] = iid;
                    else {
                        iid = skin_IDs[id];
                    int alignment = -1;
                    Pos offset(0,0);
                    std::string tmp;
                    if ( try_attribute( (*j)._attributes, "halign", &tmp ))
                        if ( tmp == "left" ) { alignment = Rect::HALIGNLEFT; } else
                        if ( tmp == "center" ) { alignment = Rect::HALIGNCENTER; } else
                        if ( tmp == "right" ) { alignment = Rect::HALIGNRIGHT; } else
                        if ( tmp == "fill" ) { alignment = -1; }
                    if ( try_attribute( (*j)._attributes, "valign", &tmp ))
                        if ( alignment == -1 ) { alignment = 0; }
                        if ( tmp == "top" ) { alignment |= Rect::VALIGNTOP; } else
                        if ( tmp == "center" ) { alignment |= Rect::VALIGNCENTER; } else
                        if ( tmp == "bottom" ) { alignment |= Rect::VALIGNBOTTOM; } else
                        if ( tmp == "fill" ) { alignment = -1; }
                    p_mixer->Mix( oid, iid, alignment, offset);
                else {
                    C_verify( !"CreateSkinMixer: Tag <mix /> was excpected.");

    return new AnyResource< SPointer<SkinMan> >( p_mixer);
예제 #11
Resource* CreateTextWidget( XMLIterator i, XMLCreatorEnv *env )
    XMLCreatorEnv ch_env;
    XMLAttributes attributes;
    XMLStyle      branch_style;
    CascadeStyles( i, env, attributes, branch_style, ch_env );

    std::string font = get_attribute( attributes, "font" );

    int bodyAsLink = 0;
    try_attribute_i( attributes, "body_as_link", &bodyAsLink );
    Text text;
    if ( bodyAsLink )
        text = QueryText( make_string( (*i)._value ));
        text = MakeText(to_chars( (*i)._value ));

    Widget *ptr;
    XMLIterator ch_i = i;
    int line_spacing = 0;
    std::string alignment;

    bool adv_text = try_attribute_i( attributes, "spacing", &line_spacing );
    adv_text |= try_attribute( attributes, "align", &alignment );

    // create DualText
    if ( !!ch_i.StepInto() )
        int shift = 2;
        try_attribute_i( attributes, "shift", &shift );

        std::wstring left, right;
        for ( ; !!ch_i; ++ch_i )
            if ( (*ch_i)._name == "left" )
                left = to_chars( (*ch_i)._value );
                if ( (*ch_i)._name == "right" )
                    right = to_chars( (*ch_i)._value );
        int bodyAsLink = 0;
        try_attribute_i( attributes, "body_as_link", &bodyAsLink );
        Text leftT, rightT;
        if ( bodyAsLink )
            leftT  = QueryText( make_string( left ));
            rightT = QueryText( make_string( right ));
            leftT  = MakeText(left);
            rightT = MakeText(right);

        DualTextWidget *p_dual;
        ptr = p_dual = new DualTextWidget( 100, QueryFont(font), leftT, rightT, shift );

        std::string dotcode;
        if ( try_attribute( attributes, "dot", &dotcode ) )
            p_dual->SetDotCode( ( dotcode.size()>0 ? dotcode[0] : ' ' ) );    
    if ( adv_text )
        int align = 0;
        if ( alignment == "left"   ) { align = 0; } else
        if ( alignment == "right"  ) { align = 1; } else
        if ( alignment == "center" ) { align = 2; }

        if ( (*i)._name == "activetext" )
            ptr = new ActiveText( QueryFont(font), text, line_spacing, align );
            ptr = new AdvTextWidget( QueryFont(font), text, line_spacing, align );
         TextWidget *ptrTW = new TextWidget( QueryFont(font), text );
         ptr = ptrTW;
         ptrTW->SetText( text );

    InsertChildWidget( ptr, attributes, env);
    return new AnyResource<Widget*>( ptr );
예제 #12
Resource *
CreateDropDown( XMLIterator i, XMLCreatorEnv *env )
    XMLCreatorEnv ch_env;
    const char *p_name = "create dropdown";
    BeginParentWidget( env, p_name, ch_env );
    XMLAttributes attributes;
    XMLStyle      branch_style;
    CascadeStyles( i, env, attributes, branch_style, ch_env);

    // skins & fonts for caption
    std::string skinName = get_attribute( attributes, "title_skin");
    std::string fontName = get_attribute( attributes, "title_font");
    SkinMan &skins = QuerySkinMan( skinName );
    FontSet &fonts = QueryFontSet( fontName );

    // caption position
    int titleAlign = 0;    
    try_attribute_i( attributes, "title_align", &titleAlign );
    std::vector<int> pos = to_integer_vector( "0,0" );
    std::string position;   
    if ( try_attribute( attributes, "title_distance", &position ) )
        pos = to_integer_vector( position );
        if ( pos.size() != 2 ) { throw Error("pos attribute must have x and y coordinates"); }
    CaptionStyle style( skins, fonts, titleAlign, Pos(pos[0], pos[1]) );

    // temporary hub for child widget
    SPointer<HubWidget> ptr = new HubWidget( 100, 100 );
    ch_env["parent_hub"] = ptr.get();

    // create child element
    ChildsFromXML( i, &ch_env );
    if( ptr->ChildrenCount() != 1 )
        throw Error("DropDown widget %s must have one and only content.", (*i)._name.c_str());

    Widget *content = ptr->FirstChild();
    ptr->Retrieve( content );

    if ( IWList *p_items = dynamic_cast< IWList *>( content ))
        typedef DropButton< ListMenu, RadioLogic > ListMenuButton;
        ListMenu *lm = new ListMenuButton( style, p_items );
        p_items->Items().SetFollowMode( ListLogic::FULL_FOLLOW );
        p_items->Items().AllwaysSelected( 1 );
        InsertChildWidget( lm, attributes, env );
        SetHint( lm, attributes ); 
        return new AnyResource< Widget *>( lm );
    else if ( IWTableList *p_table = dynamic_cast< IWTableList *>( content ))
        Share< DataConnector > dataCon =
            dynamic_cast< DataTableWidget &>( p_table->Table() )
        typedef DropButton< TableMenu, RadioLogic > TableMenuButton;
        TableMenu *tm = new TableMenuButton( style, p_table, dataCon.GetTarget() );
        dynamic_cast< ListLogic &>( p_table->Enumerator() )
            .SetFollowMode( ListLogic::FULL_FOLLOW );
        dynamic_cast< ListLogic &>( p_table->Enumerator() )
            .AllwaysSelected( 1 );
        InsertChildWidget( tm, attributes, env );
        SetHint( tm, attributes ); 
        return new AnyResource< Widget *>( tm );

    return NULL;