예제 #1
void Test(matrix A, matrix B, matrix Res)
 * Runs a multiplication test on an array.  Calculates and prints the
 * time it takes to multiply the matrices.
   long StartTime, StopTime;
   float TotalTime;


   /* ***UPPSALA WCET***: don't print or time */
   StartTime = ttime ();

   Multiply(A, B, Res);

   /* ***UPPSALA WCET***: don't print or time */
   StopTime = ttime();
   TotalTime = (StopTime - StartTime) / 1000.0;
   printf("    - Size of array is %d\n", UPPERLIMIT);
   printf("    - Total multiplication time is %3.3f seconds\n\n", TotalTime);
static TInt CreateScheduleMultipleL(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, RScheduler& aScheduler)
	aRef.iName = _L("Schedule created using CreateScheduleMultiple");
	CSchConditionArray* conditionList = CreateMultipleConditionsLC();
	TTime ttime(SchSvrHelpers::UtcTimeBasedOnOffset(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));
	TTsTime time(ttime, ETrue); //1 year in the future
	TInt res = aScheduler.CreatePersistentSchedule(aRef, *conditionList, time);
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // conditionList
	return res;
예제 #3
 * Send a tftp read request or acknowledgement
 * mesgtype 0 is a read request, 1 is an
 * acknowledgement
do_send_tftp(int mesgtype)
	u_long  res, iptmp, lcv;
	char   *tot;

	if (mesgtype == 0) {
		tot = tftp_r + (sizeof(MSG) - 1);
		myport = (u_short) ttime();
		if (myport < 1000)
			myport += 1000;
		servport = FTP_PORT;	/* to start */
	} else {
		tot = (char *) tftp_a + 4;

	bcopy(servea, eh->ether_dhost, sizeof(servea));
	bcopy(myea, eh->ether_shost, sizeof(myea));
	eh->ether_type = ETYPE_IP;

	iph->ip_v = IP_VERSION;
	iph->ip_hl = IP_HLEN;
	iph->ip_tos = 0;	/* type of service is 0 */
	iph->ip_id = 0;		/* id field is 0 */
	iph->ip_off = IP_DF;
	iph->ip_ttl = 3;	/* time to live is 3 seconds/hops */
	iph->ip_p = IPP_UDP;
	bcopy(myip, iph->ip_src, sizeof(myip));
	bcopy(servip, iph->ip_dst, sizeof(servip));
	iph->ip_sum = 0;
	iph->ip_len = tot - (char *) iph;
	res = oc_cksum(iph, sizeof(struct ip), 0);
	iph->ip_sum = 0xffff & ~res;
	udph->uh_sport = myport;
	udph->uh_dport = servport;
	udph->uh_sum = 0;

	if (mesgtype) {
		tftp_a->op_code = FTPOP_ACKN;
		tftp_a->block = (u_short) (mesgtype);
	} else {
		bcopy(myip, &iptmp, sizeof(iptmp));
		bcopy(MSG, tftp_r, (sizeof(MSG) - 1));
		for (lcv = 9; lcv >= 2; lcv--) {
			tftp_r[lcv] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[iptmp & 0xF];

			iptmp = iptmp >> 4;

	udph->uh_ulen = tot - (char *) udph;

	le_put(buf, tot - buf);
예제 #4
파일: st.c 프로젝트: jpallister/ramoverlay
int benchmark()
#ifdef POUT
   long StartTime, StopTime;
   float TotalTime;

   double MeanA, MeanB, VarA, VarB, StddevA, StddevB /*, Coef*/;
   int ttime();
   void Initialize(), Calc_Sum_Mean(), Calc_Var_Stddev();
   void Calc_LinCorrCoef();

   InitSeed ();
#ifdef POUT
   printf ("\n   *** Statictics TEST ***\n\n");
   StartTime = ttime();

   Calc_Sum_Mean(ArrayA, &SumA, &MeanA);
   Calc_Var_Stddev(ArrayA, MeanA, &VarA, &StddevA);

   Calc_Sum_Mean(ArrayB, &SumB, &MeanB);
   Calc_Var_Stddev(ArrayB, MeanB, &VarB, &StddevB);

   /* Coef will have to be used globally in Calc_LinCorrCoef since it would
      be beyond the 6 registers used for passing parameters
   Calc_LinCorrCoef(ArrayA, ArrayB, MeanA, MeanB /*, &Coef*/);

#ifdef POUT
   StopTime = ttime();
   TotalTime = (StopTime - StartTime) / 1000.0;
   printf("     Sum A = %12.4f,      Sum B = %12.4f\n", SumA, SumB);
   printf("    Mean A = %12.4f,     Mean B = %12.4f\n", MeanA, MeanB);
   printf("Variance A = %12.4f, Variance B = %12.4f\n", VarA, VarB);
   printf(" Std Dev A = %12.4f, Variance B = %12.4f\n", StddevA, StddevB);
   printf("\nLinear Correlation Coefficient = %f\n", Coef);
static CSchEntryInfoArray* CreateScheduleArrayLC()
	CSchEntryInfoArray* entryList = new (ELeave) CSchEntryInfoArray(3);

	TTime ttime(SchSvrHelpers::TimeBasedOnOffset(0, 20));
	TTsTime startTime (ttime,ETrue);
	TScheduleEntryInfo2 entry1 (startTime, EDaily, 1, 20); // 20m from "now"
	return entryList;
// single condition with default time set to Time::MaxTTime()
static TInt CreateScheduleSingle2L(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, 
									RScheduler& aScheduler,
									const TUid& aConditionUID,
									TUint aConditionUInt)
	aRef.iName = _L("Schedule created using CreateScheduleSingle");

	CSchConditionArray* conditionList 
		= CreateSingleConditionLC(aConditionUID, aConditionUInt);
	TTime ttime(Time::MaxTTime());
	TTsTime time(ttime, ETrue);
	TInt res = aScheduler.CreatePersistentSchedule(aRef, *conditionList, time);
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // conditionList
	return res;
// A null schedule.
static TInt CreateScheduleSingleNull4L(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, 
									RScheduler& aScheduler,
									const TUid&,
									TUint )
	aRef.iName = _L("One schedule in the list with a NULL uid");
	CSchConditionArray* conditionList 
		= CreateSingleConditionLC(KNullUid, 0);
	TTime ttime(SchSvrHelpers::UtcTimeBasedOnOffset(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));
	TTsTime time(ttime, ETrue); //1 year in the future
	TInt res = aScheduler.CreatePersistentSchedule(aRef, *conditionList, time);
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // conditionList

	return res;
// An empty schedule list.
static TInt CreateScheduleEmpty3L(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, 
									RScheduler& aScheduler,
									const TUid&,
									TUint )
	aRef.iName = _L("Empty Schedule list created");

	CSchConditionArray* conditionList = new (ELeave) CSchConditionArray(3);
	TTime ttime(SchSvrHelpers::UtcTimeBasedOnOffset(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));
	TTsTime time(ttime, ETrue); //1 year in the future
	TInt res = aScheduler.CreatePersistentSchedule(aRef, *conditionList, time);
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // conditionList
	return res;
예제 #9
int extract_matrices
    Epetra_CrsMatrix *A,    // i/p: A matrix
    shylu_symbolic *ssym,   // symbolic structure
    shylu_data *data,       // numeric structure, TODO: Required ?
    shylu_config *config,   // i/p: library configuration
    bool insertValues       // true implies values will be inserted and fill
                            // complete will be called. false implies values
                            // will be replaced.
    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> D = ssym->D;
    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> C = ssym->C;
    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> R = ssym->R;
    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> G = ssym->G;
    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsGraph> Sg = ssym->Sg;
    int *DColElems = data->DColElems;
    int *gvals = data->gvals;
    double Sdiagfactor = config->Sdiagfactor;

    int *LeftIndex = new int[data->lmax];
    double *LeftValues = new double[data->lmax];
    int *RightIndex = new int[data->rmax];
    double *RightValues = new double[data->rmax];
    int err;
    int lcnt, rcnt ;
    int gcid;
    int gid;
    int *Ai;
    double *Ax;

    int nrows = A->RowMap().NumMyElements();
    int *rows = A->RowMap().MyGlobalElements();

    for (int i = 0; i < nrows ; i++)
        int NumEntries;
        err = A->ExtractMyRowView(i, NumEntries, Ax, Ai);

        lcnt = 0; rcnt = 0;
        // Place the entry in the correct sub matrix, Works only for sym
        gid = rows[i];
        int lcid;
        for (int j = 0 ; j < NumEntries ; j++)
        { // O(nnz) ! Careful what you do inside
            // Row permutation does not matter here 
            gcid = A->GCID(Ai[j]);
            assert(gcid != -1);
            //Either in D or R 
            if ((gvals[gid] != 1 && gvals[gcid] == 1)
               || (gvals[gid] == 1 && A->LRID(gcid) != -1 && gvals[gcid] == 1))
                assert(lcnt < data->lmax);
                if (insertValues)
                    LeftIndex[lcnt] = gcid;
                    //local column id
                    lcid = (gvals[gid] == 1 ? D->LCID(gcid) : R->LCID(gcid));
                    assert(lcid != -1);
                    LeftIndex[lcnt] = lcid;
                LeftValues[lcnt++] = Ax[j];
                assert(rcnt < data->rmax);
                if (insertValues)
                    RightIndex[rcnt] = gcid;
                    //local column id
                    lcid = (gvals[gid] == 1 ? C->LCID(gcid) : G->LCID(gcid));
                    assert(lcid != -1);
                    RightIndex[rcnt] = lcid;
                RightValues[rcnt++] = Ax[j];

        if (gvals[gid] == 1)
        { // D or C row
            if (insertValues)
                err = D->InsertGlobalValues(gid, lcnt, LeftValues, LeftIndex);
                assert(err == 0);
                err = C->InsertGlobalValues(gid, rcnt, RightValues, RightIndex);
                assert(err == 0);
                err = D->ReplaceMyValues(D->LRID(gid), lcnt, LeftValues,
                assert(err == 0);
                err = C->ReplaceMyValues(C->LRID(gid), rcnt, RightValues,
                assert(err == 0);
        { // R or S row
            //assert(lcnt > 0); // TODO: Enable this once using narrow sep.
            if (insertValues)
                assert(rcnt > 0);
                err = R->InsertGlobalValues(gid, lcnt, LeftValues, LeftIndex);
                assert(err == 0);
                err = G->InsertGlobalValues(gid, rcnt, RightValues, RightIndex);
                assert(err == 0);
                if (config->schurApproxMethod == 1)
                    err = Sg->InsertGlobalIndices(gid, rcnt, RightIndex);
                    assert(err == 0);
                assert(rcnt > 0);
                err = R->ReplaceMyValues(R->LRID(gid), lcnt, LeftValues,
                assert(err == 0);
                err = G->ReplaceMyValues(G->LRID(gid), rcnt, RightValues,
                assert(err == 0);

    if (insertValues)
        /* ------------- Create the maps for the DBBD form ------------------ */
        Epetra_Map *DRowMap, *SRowMap, *DColMap;
        Epetra_SerialComm LComm;
        if (config->sep_type != 1)
            DRowMap = new Epetra_Map(-1, data->Dnr, data->DRowElems, 0,
            SRowMap = new Epetra_Map(-1, data->Snr, data->SRowElems, 0,
            DColMap = new Epetra_Map(-1, data->Dnc, DColElems, 0,
            DRowMap = new Epetra_Map(-1, data->Dnr, data->DRowElems, 0, LComm);
            SRowMap = new Epetra_Map(-1, data->Snr, data->SRowElems, 0, LComm);
            DColMap = new Epetra_Map(-1, data->Dnc, DColElems, 0, LComm);

        //config->dm.print(5, "Done D fillcomplete");

        //config->dm.print(5, "Done G fillcomplete");

        C->FillComplete(*SRowMap, *DRowMap); //TODO:Won't work if permutation is
                                                // unsymmetric SRowMap
        //config->dm.print(5, "Done C fillcomplete");

        R->FillComplete(*DColMap, *SRowMap);
        //config->dm.print(5, "Done R fillcomplete");

        int Sdiag = (int) data->Snr * Sdiagfactor;
        Sdiag = MIN(Sdiag, data->Snr-1);
        Sdiag = MAX(Sdiag, 0);

        // Add the diagonals to Sg
        for (int i = 0; config->schurApproxMethod == 1 && i < nrows ; i++)
            gid = rows[i];
            if (gvals[gid] == 1) continue; // not a row in S
            if (data->Snr == 0) assert(0 == 1);

            rcnt = 0;
            //TODO Will be trouble if SNumGlobalCols != Snc
            //assert(SNumGlobalCols == Snc);
            //for (int j = MAX(i-Sdiag,0) ; j<MIN(SNumGlobalCols, i+Sdiag); j++)
            for (int j = MAX(i-Sdiag, 0) ; j < MIN(data->Snr, i+Sdiag); j++)
                // find the adjacent columns from the row map of S
                //assert (j >= 0 && j < Snr);
                RightIndex[rcnt++] = data->SRowElems[j];
            err = Sg->InsertGlobalIndices(gid, rcnt, RightIndex);
            assert(err == 0);
            // Always insert the diagonals, if it is added twice that is fine.
            err = Sg->InsertGlobalIndices(gid, 1, &gid);
            assert(err == 0);

        if (config->schurApproxMethod == 1)

        delete DRowMap;
        delete SRowMap;
        delete DColMap;

#if 0
    if (insertValues)
    Teuchos::Time ttime("transpose time");
        bool MakeDataContiguous = true;
        ssym->transposer = Teuchos::RCP<EpetraExt::RowMatrix_Transpose>(new EpetraExt::RowMatrix_Transpose(MakeDataContiguous));
        ssym->DT = Teuchos::rcp( dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix *>(&(*ssym->transposer)(*D)), false);

    cout << "Transpose Time" << ttime.totalElapsedTime() << endl;

        //ssym->ReIdx_LP->fwd(); // TODO: Needed ?

    // A is no longer needed
    delete[] LeftIndex;
    delete[] LeftValues;
    delete[] RightIndex;
    delete[] RightValues;

    //cout << msg << "S rows=" << S.NumGlobalRows() << " S cols=" <<
        //S.NumGlobalCols() << "#cols in column map="<<
        //S.ColMap().NumMyElements() << endl;
    //cout << msg << "C rows=" << Cptr->NumGlobalRows() << " C cols=" <<
        //Cptr->NumGlobalCols() << "#cols in column map="<<
        //Cptr->ColMap().NumMyElements() << endl;
    //cout << msg << "D rows=" << D.NumGlobalRows() << " D cols=" <<
        //D.NumGlobalCols() << "#cols in column map="<<
        //D.ColMap().NumMyElements() << endl;
    //cout << msg << "R rows=" << Rptr->NumGlobalRows() << " R cols=" <<
        //Rptr->NumGlobalCols() << "#cols in column map="<<
        //Rptr->ColMap().NumMyElements() << endl;
    // ]

    return 0;

예제 #10
파일: aprcl.c 프로젝트: rexstout/ecm
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  int ret_b = 0;
  int ret_a = 0;
  int dig = 0;
  mpz_t test;
#define MAXDIGITS 10000
  char input[MAXDIGITS];
  FILE *fp;

  if (argc < 2 || argc > 3)
    printf(" %s <num>\n", argv[0]);
    printf("    Where <num> is a number to test for primality\n");
    printf(" %s -inp <file>\n", argv[0]);
    printf("    Where <file> contains one or more numbers to test for primality\n");
    printf(" Note: This program returns the APR-CL and MPZ PRP status of the input number(s).\n");
    printf(" Note: This program will also print out timing information for each check.\n");
    printf(" Note: All input numbers are assumed to be base-10 numbers.\n");
    return 0;

  if (strcmp(argv[1], "-inp") == 0)
    fp = fopen(argv[2], "r");
      printf("Error, invalid file: %s\n", argv[2]);
      return 1; // bail out if file not found

    while(fgets(input,sizeof(input),fp) != NULL)
      /* make sure last character is 0 (null) */
      if(input[MAXDIGITS-1] != 0) 
         input[MAXDIGITS-1] = 0;

      if (strlen(input) == 0) continue;

      if (input[0] == 0xd || input[0] == 0xa) continue;

      if (input[0] < '0' || input[0] > '9')
        printf("\n  *** Notice, not testing the following line:\n");
        printf("%s\n", input);

      if (mpz_init_set_str(test, input, 10) < 0)
        printf(" *** ERROR, invalid number: %s\n", input);

      dig = b10_digits(test);
      gmp_printf("Testing: %Zd (%d digits)\n", test, dig); fflush(stdout);
      printf("Running the MPZ PRP test with 5 iterations...\n"); fflush(stdout);
      t0 = ttime(0);
      ret_b = mpz_probab_prime_p(test, 5);
      t1 = ttime(t0);

      printf("Running the APRCL prime test...\n"); fflush(stdout);
      t0 = ttime(0);
      ret_a = mpz_aprtcle(test, 1);
      t2 = ttime(t0);

      printf("\n MPZ PRP took %.4f seconds\n", t1);
      if (ret_b == APRTCLE_COMPOSITE)
        printf(" MPZ PRP says the number is COMPOSITE\n");
      else if (ret_b == APRTCLE_PRP)
        printf(" MPZ PRP says the number is PRP\n");
      else if (ret_b == APRTCLE_PRIME)
        printf(" MPZ PRP says the number is PRIME\n");

      printf("APRCL took %.4f seconds\n", t2);
      if (ret_a == APRTCLE_COMPOSITE)
        printf("APRCL says the number is COMPOSITE\n");
      else if (ret_a == APRTCLE_PRP)
        printf("APRCL says the number is PRP\n");
      else if (ret_a == APRTCLE_PRIME)
        printf("APRCL says the number is PRIME\n");

      if ((ret_b == APRTCLE_COMPOSITE && ret_a != APRTCLE_COMPOSITE) ||
          (ret_b != APRTCLE_COMPOSITE && ret_a == APRTCLE_COMPOSITE))
        printf(" *** ATTENTION *** ATTENTION *** ATTENTION *** ATTENTION ***\n");
        printf("MPZ PRP and APRCL do not agree on the status of this number!!!\n");
        printf("Please report this to http://www.mersenneforum.org/showthread.php?t=18353\n");
        gmp_printf("N = %Zd\n", test);
    if (mpz_init_set_str(test, argv[1], 10) < 0)
      printf("Error, invalid number: %s\n", argv[1]);
      return 0;

    dig = b10_digits(test);
    gmp_printf("Testing: %Zd (%d digits)\n", test, dig); fflush(stdout);
    printf("Running the MPZ PRP test with 5 iterations...\n"); fflush(stdout);
    t0 = ttime(0);
    ret_b = mpz_probab_prime_p(test, 5);
    t1 = ttime(t0);

    printf("Running the APRCL prime test...\n"); fflush(stdout);
    t0 = ttime(0);
    ret_a = mpz_aprtcle(test, 1);
    t2 = ttime(t0);

    printf("\n MPZ PRP took %.4f seconds\n", t1);
    if (ret_b == APRTCLE_COMPOSITE)
      printf(" MPZ PRP says the number is COMPOSITE\n");
    else if (ret_b == APRTCLE_PRP)
      printf(" MPZ PRP says the number is PRP\n");
    else if (ret_b == APRTCLE_PRIME)
      printf(" MPZ PRP says the number is PRIME\n");

    printf("APRCL took %.4f seconds\n", t2);
    if (ret_a == APRTCLE_COMPOSITE)
      printf("APRCL says the number is COMPOSITE\n");
    else if (ret_a == APRTCLE_PRP)
      printf("APRCL says the number is PRP\n");
    else if (ret_a == APRTCLE_PRIME)
      printf("APRCL says the number is PRIME\n");

    if ((ret_b == APRTCLE_COMPOSITE && ret_a != APRTCLE_COMPOSITE) ||
        (ret_b != APRTCLE_COMPOSITE && ret_a == APRTCLE_COMPOSITE))
      printf(" *** ATTENTION *** ATTENTION *** ATTENTION *** ATTENTION ***\n");
      printf("MPZ PRP and APRCL do not agree on the status of this number!!!\n");
      printf("Please report this to http://www.mersenneforum.org/showthread.php?t=18353\n");
      gmp_printf("N = %Zd\n", test);


  return 0;
예제 #11
 * Function getsam |
 | Generates a gene genealogy for a locus.
int gensam(struct params *pparam, char **list, int **pnbvariant, int *pS) 
  int nsegs=0, k=0, seg=0, ns=0, start=0, end=0, len=0, segsit=0, nsites=0, nsam=0;
  /* The function returns ns, the number of sgregating sites.
   * nsegs is the gametes were broken into in tracing back the history of the gametes.
   * The histories of these segments are  passed back to the calling function in the array of structures seglst[]
  struct segl *seglst=NULL;
  double nsinv=0.0, tseg=0.0, tt=0.0, theta=0.0;
  void make_gametes(int, struct node*, double, int, int, char**, int, int*, int**, int*, int*);

  void inititable(int, int, int*);
  void initimatrix(int, int, int, int**);
  void biggerimatrix(int, int**);
  void biggerlist(int, char**);
  void locate(int, double, double, double*);
  //// From make_gametes ////
  void prtree(struct node*, int);
  double ttime(struct node*, int);
  int poisso(double);
  //// From streec.c ////
  struct segl*segtre_mig(struct c_params*, int*);

  nsites=pparam->cp.nsites;                 // Locus lenght available for recombination
  seglst=segtre_mig(&(pparam->cp), &nsegs); // Generate Xove and ARGr, record # segments
  nsam=pparam->cp.nsam;                     // # chromo in the sample
  theta=pparam->mp.theta;                   // mutation rate given by user
  ns=0;                                     // # seg sites
  if(pparam->mp.treeflag)                   // Case output tree.
      for(seg=0, k=0;k<nsegs;seg=seglst[seg].next, k++)
              end=(k<nsegs-1 ? seglst[seglst[seg].next].beg-1:nsites-1);
              fprintf(stdout, "[%d]", len);
          prtree(seglst[seg].ptree, nsam);
  //--- Loop along all segments ---//
  for(seg=0, k=0;k<nsegs; seg=seglst[seg].next, k++)
      end=(k<nsegs-1 ? seglst[seglst[seg].next].beg-1:nsites-1); // End of segment
      start=seglst[seg].beg;                                     // beginning of segment
      len=end-start+1;                                           // Lengh of segment
      tseg=len*(theta/nsites);                                   // Mutation rate along the segment
      tt=ttime(seglst[seg].ptree, nsam);                         // Total time in the tree for this segment
      segsit=poisso(tseg*tt);                                    // get # segsites along genealogy for the segment

      //--- Realloc memory if # segsite bigger than max previously define ---//
          maxsites=segsit+ns+SITESINC;                          // Bigger Max sites 
          biggerlist(nsam, list);                               // Increase list of haplotype
          typeseg=(int*)realloc(typeseg, maxsites*sizeof(int)); // Increase # seg sites in typeseg
          biggerimatrix(pparam->cp.npop+1, pnbvariant);         // Increase matrix of variant

      //--- Initialize table of variant and segType ---//
      initimatrix(ns, ns+segsit, pparam->cp.npop+1, pnbvariant);
      inititable(ns, segsit+ns, typeseg);
      make_gametes(nsam, seglst[seg].ptree, tt, segsit, ns, list, pparam->cp.npop, pparam->cp.config, pnbvariant, typeseg, pS); // Make gametes (Put segsites on gene genealogy)
      free(seglst[seg].ptree);                                   // Free memory
      ns+=segsit;                                                // Total # seg sites
  for(k=0;k<nsam;k++) list[k][ns]='\0';                          // End of haplotype strings
  return(ns);                                                    // Total # segsites
}// End Gensam
예제 #12
파일: ms.c 프로젝트: EdRice4/P2C2M
gensam( char **list, double *pprobss, double *ptmrca, double *pttot )
    int nsegs, h, i, k, j, seg, ns, start, end, len, segsit ;
    struct segl *seglst, *segtre_mig(struct c_params *p, int *nsegs ) ; /* used to be: [MAXSEG];  */
    double nsinv,  tseg, tt, ttime(struct node *, int nsam), ttimemf(struct node *, int nsam, int mfreq) ;
    double *pk;
    int *ss;
    int segsitesin,nsites;
    double theta, es ;
    int nsam, mfreq ;
    void prtree( struct node *ptree, int nsam);
    void make_gametes(int nsam, int mfreq,  struct node *ptree, double tt, int newsites, int ns, char **list );
    void ndes_setup( struct node *, int nsam );

    nsites = pars.cp.nsites ;
    nsinv = 1./nsites;
    seglst = segtre_mig(&(pars.cp),  &nsegs ) ;

    nsam = pars.cp.nsam;
    segsitesin = pars.mp.segsitesin ;
    theta = pars.mp.theta ;
    mfreq = pars.mp.mfreq ;

    if( pars.mp.treeflag ) {
        ns = 0 ;
        for( seg=0, k=0; k<nsegs; seg=seglst[seg].next, k++) {
            if( (pars.cp.r > 0.0 ) || (pars.cp.f > 0.0) ) {
                end = ( k<nsegs-1 ? seglst[seglst[seg].next].beg -1 : nsites-1 );
                start = seglst[seg].beg ;
                len = end - start + 1 ;
                fprintf(stdout,"[%d]", len);
            prtree( seglst[seg].ptree, nsam ) ;
            if( (segsitesin == 0) && ( theta == 0.0 ) && ( pars.mp.timeflag == 0 ) )
                free(seglst[seg].ptree) ;

    if( pars.mp.timeflag ) {
        tt = 0.0 ;
        for( seg=0, k=0; k<nsegs; seg=seglst[seg].next, k++) {
            if( mfreq > 1 ) ndes_setup( seglst[seg].ptree, nsam );
            end = ( k<nsegs-1 ? seglst[seglst[seg].next].beg -1 : nsites-1 );
            start = seglst[seg].beg ;
            if( (nsegs==1) || ( ( start <= nsites/2) && ( end >= nsites/2 ) ) )
                *ptmrca = (seglst[seg].ptree + 2*nsam-2) -> time ;
            len = end - start + 1 ;
            tseg = len/(double)nsites ;
            if( mfreq == 1 ) tt += ttime(seglst[seg].ptree,nsam)*tseg ;
            else tt += ttimemf(seglst[seg].ptree,nsam, mfreq)*tseg ;
            if( (segsitesin == 0) && ( theta == 0.0 )  )
                free(seglst[seg].ptree) ;
        *pttot = tt ;

    if( (segsitesin == 0) && ( theta > 0.0)   ) {
        ns = 0 ;
        for( seg=0, k=0; k<nsegs; seg=seglst[seg].next, k++) {
            if( mfreq > 1 ) ndes_setup( seglst[seg].ptree, nsam );
            end = ( k<nsegs-1 ? seglst[seglst[seg].next].beg -1 : nsites-1 );
            start = seglst[seg].beg ;
            len = end - start + 1 ;
            tseg = len*(theta/nsites) ;
            if( mfreq == 1) tt = ttime(seglst[seg].ptree, nsam);
            else tt = ttimemf(seglst[seg].ptree, nsam, mfreq );
            segsit = poisso( tseg*tt );
            if( (segsit + ns) >= maxsites ) {
                maxsites = segsit + ns + SITESINC ;
                posit = (double *)realloc(posit, maxsites*sizeof(double) ) ;
                biggerlist(nsam, list) ;
            make_gametes(nsam,mfreq,seglst[seg].ptree,tt, segsit, ns, list );
            free(seglst[seg].ptree) ;
            locate(segsit,start*nsinv, len*nsinv,posit+ns);
            ns += segsit;
    else if( segsitesin > 0 ) {

        pk = (double *)malloc((unsigned)(nsegs*sizeof(double)));
        ss = (int *)malloc((unsigned)(nsegs*sizeof(int)));
        if( (pk==NULL) || (ss==NULL) ) perror("malloc error. gensam.2");

        tt = 0.0 ;
        for( seg=0, k=0; k<nsegs; seg=seglst[seg].next, k++) {
            if( mfreq > 1 ) ndes_setup( seglst[seg].ptree, nsam );
            end = ( k<nsegs-1 ? seglst[seglst[seg].next].beg -1 : nsites-1 );
            start = seglst[seg].beg ;
            len = end - start + 1 ;
            tseg = len/(double)nsites ;
            if( mfreq == 1 ) pk[k] = ttime(seglst[seg].ptree,nsam)*tseg ;
            else pk[k] = ttimemf(seglst[seg].ptree,nsam, mfreq)*tseg ;
            tt += pk[k] ;
        if( theta > 0.0 ) {
            es = theta * tt ;
            *pprobss = exp( -es )*pow( es, (double) segsitesin) / segfac ;
        if( tt > 0.0 ) {
            for (k=0; k<nsegs; k++) pk[k] /= tt ;
            for( k=0; k<nsegs; k++) ss[k] = 0 ;
        ns = 0 ;
        for( seg=0, k=0; k<nsegs; seg=seglst[seg].next, k++) {
            end = ( k<nsegs-1 ? seglst[seglst[seg].next].beg -1 : nsites-1 );
            start = seglst[seg].beg ;
            len = end - start + 1 ;
            tseg = len/(double)nsites;
            make_gametes(nsam,mfreq,seglst[seg].ptree,tt*pk[k]/tseg, ss[k], ns, list);

            free(seglst[seg].ptree) ;
            locate(ss[k],start*nsinv, len*nsinv,posit+ns);
            ns += ss[k] ;

    for(i=0; i<nsam; i++) list[i][ns] = '\0' ;
    return( ns ) ;