예제 #1
* @brief 
* @param ssrc
* @param localHost
* @param localPortBase
* @param remoteHost
* @param remotePortBase
RtpSession::RtpSession( uint32_t ssrc, const std::string &localHost, int localPortBase, const std::string &remoteHost, int remotePortBase ) :
    mSsrc( ssrc ),
    mLocalHost( localHost ),
    mRemoteHost( remoteHost ),
    mRtpClock( 0 ),
    mFrameCount( 0 )
    int seq = 0;

    char hostname[256] = "";
    gethostname( hostname, sizeof(hostname) );

    mCname = stringtf( "CaMeRa@%s", hostname );
    Debug( 3, "RTP CName = %s", mCname.c_str() );

    init( seq );
    mMaxSeq = seq - 1;
    mProbation = MIN_SEQUENTIAL;

    mLocalPortChans[0] = localPortBase;
    mLocalPortChans[1] = localPortBase+1;

    mRemotePortChans[0] = remotePortBase;
    mRemotePortChans[1] = remotePortBase+1;

    mBaseTimeReal = tvNow();
    mBaseTimeNtp = tvZero();
    mBaseTimeRtp = 0;

    // These are for RTP Sender Reports, not currently implemented
    mLastSrTimeReal = tvZero();
    mLastSrTimeNtp = tvZero();
    mLastSrTimeRtp = 0;
예제 #2
RtpSource::RtpSource( int id, const std::string &localHost, int localPortBase, const std::string &remoteHost, int remotePortBase, uint32_t ssrc, uint16_t seq, uint32_t rtpClock, uint32_t rtpTime, _AVCODECID codecId ) :
  mId( id ),
  mSsrc( ssrc ),
  mLocalHost( localHost ),
  mRemoteHost( remoteHost ),
  mRtpClock( rtpClock ),
  mCodecId( codecId ),
  mFrame( 65536 ),
  mFrameCount( 0 ),
  mFrameGood( true ),
  mFrameReady( false ),
  mFrameProcessed( false )
  char hostname[256] = "";
  gethostname( hostname, sizeof(hostname) );

  mCname = stringtf( "zm-%d@%s", mId, hostname );
  Debug( 3, "RTP CName = %s", mCname.c_str() );

  init( seq );
  mMaxSeq = seq - 1;
  mProbation = MIN_SEQUENTIAL;

  mLocalPortChans[0] = localPortBase;
  mLocalPortChans[1] = localPortBase+1;

  mRemotePortChans[0] = remotePortBase;
  mRemotePortChans[1] = remotePortBase+1;

  mRtpFactor = mRtpClock;

  mBaseTimeReal = tvNow();
  mBaseTimeNtp = tvZero();
  mBaseTimeRtp = rtpTime;

  mLastSrTimeReal = tvZero();
  mLastSrTimeNtp = tvZero();
  mLastSrTimeRtp = 0;
  if(mCodecId != AV_CODEC_ID_H264 && mCodecId != AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4)
    Warning( "The device is using a codec that may not be supported. Do not be surprised if things don't work." );