예제 #1
SSATmp* IRBuilder::preOptimizeDecRefLoc(IRInstruction* inst) {
  auto const locId = inst->extra<DecRefLoc>()->locId;

   * Refine the type if we can.
   * We can't really rely on the types held in the boxed values since aliasing
   * stores may change them, and we only guard during LdRef.  So we have to
   * change any boxed type to BoxedCell.
   * DataTypeGeneric is used because we don't want a DecRef to be the only
   * thing keeping a guard around. This code is designed to tolerate the
   * incoming type being relaxed.
  auto knownType = localType(locId, DataTypeGeneric);
  if (knownType.isBoxed()) {
    knownType = Type::BoxedCell;

   * If we have the local value in flight, use a DecRef on it instead of doing
   * it in memory.
  if (auto tmp = localValue(locId, DataTypeGeneric)) {
    gen(DecRef, tmp);
    return nullptr;

  if (!typeMightRelax()) {
    inst->setTypeParam(std::min(knownType, inst->typeParam()));

  return nullptr;
예제 #2
SSATmp* IRBuilder::preOptimizeStLoc(IRInstruction* inst) {
  // Guard relaxation might change the current local type, so don't try to
  // change to StLocNT until after relaxation happens.
  if (typeMightRelax()) return nullptr;

  auto locId = inst->extra<StLoc>()->locId;
  auto const curType = localType(locId, DataTypeGeneric);
  auto const newType = inst->src(1)->type();


   * There's no need to store the type if it's going to be the same
   * KindOfFoo.  We'll still have to store string types because we
   * aren't specific about storing KindOfStaticString
   * vs. KindOfString, and a Type::Null might mean KindOfUninit or
   * KindOfNull.
  auto const bothBoxed = curType.isBoxed() && newType.isBoxed();
  auto const sameUnboxed = [&] {
    auto avoidable = { Type::Uninit,
                       // No strings.
                       Type::Res };
    for (auto t : avoidable) {
      if (curType <= t && newType <= t) return true;
    return false;
  if (bothBoxed || sameUnboxed()) {

  return nullptr;
예제 #3
inline bool unionTypeMightRelax(const IRInstruction* inst,
                                IdxSeq<Idx, Rest...>) {
  assertx(Idx < inst->numSrcs());
  return typeMightRelax(inst->src(Idx)) ||
    unionTypeMightRelax(inst, IdxSeq<Rest...>{});