예제 #1
파일: hellox.c 프로젝트: psfu/ULib
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   unsigned char encoded[1024];

   char* reply = get_reply();

   (void) u_xml_encode(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), encoded);

   (void) u__snprintf(reply, get_reply_capacity(), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("<h1>Hello %s</h1>"), encoded);

   return 200;
예제 #2
   virtual int handlerTime()
      U_TRACE(0+256, "MyAlarm1::handlerTime()")

      // return value:
      // ---------------
      // -1 - normal
      //  0 - monitoring
      // ---------------

      cout.write(buffer, u__snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "MyAlarm1::handlerTime() u_now = %1D expire = %#1D\n", UEventTime::expire()));

예제 #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   unsigned char l[6];
   unsigned char im[70*200];
   unsigned char gif[GIF_SIZE];
   unsigned char encoded[GIF_SIZE * 3];

   captcha(im, l);
   makegif(im, gif);

   U_ClientImage_request_nocache = true;

   set_reply_capacity(1024 + GIF_SIZE * 3);

   (void) u__snprintf(get_reply(), get_reply_capacity(), "<img src=\"data:img/gif;base64,%.*s\">", u_base64_encode(gif, GIF_SIZE, encoded), encoded);

   return 200;
예제 #4
   void run(int argc, char* argv[], char* env[])
      U_TRACE(5, "Application::run(%d,%p,%p)", argc, argv, env)

      UApplication::run(argc, argv, env);

      const char* p = argv[optind++]; 

      UString path_of_db_file(p, strlen(p)); 

      if (path_of_db_file.empty()) U_ERROR("missing <path_of_db_file> argument");

      URDB x(path_of_db_file, false);

      if (x.UFile::getSuffix().equal(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("jnl")))
         U_ERROR("you must avoid the jnl suffix, exiting");

      const char* method = argv[optind++];

      if (method == 0) U_ERROR("<number_of_command> argument is missing");

      if (u__isdigit(*method) == false) U_ERROR("<number_of_command> argument is not numeric");

      int op = method[0] - '0';

      if (x.open(10 * 1024 * 1024, false, op == 6, true)) // bool open(uint32_t log_size, bool btruncate, bool cdb_brdonly, bool breference)
         if (method[1] == 's') x.setShared(0,0); // POSIX shared memory object (interprocess - can be used by unrelated processes)
         else                  x.resetReference();

         switch (op)
            case 1: // get
               UString key(argv[optind]), value = x[key]; 

               (void) UFile::writeToTmp(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(value), O_RDWR | O_TRUNC, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_FILE_OUTPUT), 0);

            case 2: // del
#           if defined(U_STDCPP_ENABLE) && !defined(HAVE_OLD_IOSTREAM)
               string input = "";

               cout << "Are you sure to want <DELETE> ?\n>";
               getline(cin, input);
               cout << "You entered: " << input << endl << endl;

               UString key(argv[optind]); 

               UApplication::exit_value = x.remove(key);
#           endif

            case 3: // store
               UString key(argv[optind]);

               p = argv[optind++]; 

               UString value(p, strlen(p));

               if (value.equal(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_DIR_OUTPUT U_FILE_OUTPUT)))
                  p = U_DIR_OUTPUT U_FILE_OUTPUT;

                  value = UStringExt::trim(UFile::contentOf(UString(p, strlen(p))));

               UApplication::exit_value = x.store(key, value, RDB_REPLACE);

            case 4: // size, capacity
               char buffer[64];
               uint32_t sz = x.getCapacity(),
                        n  = u__snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("%u record(s) - capacity: %.2fM (%u bytes)\n"),
                                         x.size(), (double)sz / (1024.0 * 1024.0), sz);

               (void) write(1, buffer, n);

            case 5: // dump
               UString value = x.print();

               if (value.empty()) (void) UFile::_unlink(U_DIR_OUTPUT U_FILE_OUTPUT);
               else               (void) UFile::writeToTmp(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(value), O_RDWR | O_TRUNC, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_FILE_OUTPUT), 0);

            case 6: // compact
#           if defined(U_STDCPP_ENABLE) && !defined(HAVE_OLD_IOSTREAM)
               string input = "";

               cout << "Are you sure to want <JOURNAL COMPACTION> ?\n>";
               getline(cin, input);
               cout << "You entered: " << input << endl << endl;

               UApplication::exit_value = (x.compactionJournal() == false);
#           endif

            case 7: // reorganize
#           if defined(U_STDCPP_ENABLE) && !defined(HAVE_OLD_IOSTREAM)
               string input = "";

               cout << "Are you sure to want <REORGANIZE> ?\n>";
               getline(cin, input);
               cout << "You entered: " << input << endl << endl;

               UApplication::exit_value = (x.closeReorganize() == false);
#           endif


               U_ERROR("<number_of_command> argument is not valid");

예제 #5

   if (environment) delete environment;

void USSIPlugIn::setAlternativeRedirect(const char* fmt, ...)
   U_TRACE(0, "USSIPlugIn::setAlternativeRedirect(%S)", fmt)

   char format[4096];
   UString buffer(U_CAPACITY);

   va_list argp;
   va_start(argp, fmt);

   buffer.vsnprintf(format, u__snprintf(format, sizeof(format), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_CTYPE_HTML "\r\nRefresh: 0; url=%s\r\n"), fmt), argp);


   alternative_response      = 1;
   U_http_info.nResponseCode = HTTP_OK;


   UHTTP::setResponse(true, buffer, U_NULLPTR);

void USSIPlugIn::setBadRequest()
   U_TRACE_NO_PARAM(0, "USSIPlugIn::setBadRequest()")
예제 #6
ULog::ULog(const UString& path, uint32_t _size, const char* dir_log_gz) : UFile(path)
   U_TRACE_REGISTER_OBJECT(0, ULog, "%.*S,%u,%S", U_STRING_TO_TRACE(path), _size, dir_log_gz)

   log_gzip_sz                = 0;
   U_Log_start_stop_msg(this) = false;

   if (UFile::getPath().equal(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("syslog")))
      lock               = 0;
      ptr_log_data       = 0;
#  ifdef USE_LIBZ
      buf_path_compress  = 0;
#  endif
      U_Log_syslog(this) = true;

#  ifndef __MINGW32__
      U_SYSCALL_VOID(openlog, "%S,%d,%d", u_progname, LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL0);
#  endif


   if (UFile::creat(O_RDWR | O_APPEND, 0664) == false)
      U_ERROR("cannot creat log file %.*S", U_FILE_TO_TRACE(*this));


   ptr_log_data = U_MALLOC_TYPE(log_data);

   ptr_log_data->file_ptr = 0;

   if (_size)
      uint32_t file_size = UFile::size();

      bool bsize = (file_size != _size);

      U_INTERNAL_DUMP("bsize = %b", bsize)

      if ((bsize && UFile::ftruncate(_size) == false) ||
          UFile::memmap(PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE) == false)
         U_ERROR("cannot init log file %.*S", U_FILE_TO_TRACE(*this));


      if (bsize) ptr_log_data->file_ptr = file_size; // append mode
         // NB: we can have a previous crash without resizing the file or we are an other process (apache like log)...

         char* ptr = (char*) u_find(UFile::map, file_size, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_MARK_END));

         U_INTERNAL_DUMP("ptr = %p", ptr)

         if (ptr)
            ptr_log_data->file_ptr = ptr - UFile::map;

            // NB: we can be an other process that manage this file (apache like log)...

            (void) memcpy(ptr, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_MARK_END));

            UFile::msync(ptr + U_CONSTANT_SIZE(U_MARK_END), UFile::map, MS_SYNC);

         U_INTERNAL_ASSERT_MINOR(ptr_log_data->file_ptr, UFile::st_size)

      log_file_sz = UFile::st_size;

   U_INTERNAL_DUMP("ptr_log_data->file_ptr = %u UFile::st_size = %u log_gzip_sz = %u", ptr_log_data->file_ptr, UFile::st_size, log_gzip_sz)

   U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(ptr_log_data->file_ptr <= UFile::st_size)

   lock                    = U_NEW(ULock);
   U_Log_syslog(this)      = false;
   ptr_log_data->gzip_len  = 0;
   ptr_log_data->file_page = ptr_log_data->file_ptr;

#ifdef USE_LIBZ
   char suffix[32];
   uint32_t len_suffix = u__snprintf(suffix, sizeof(suffix), ".%4D.gz");

   buf_path_compress = U_NEW(UString(MAX_FILENAME_LEN));

   char* ptr = buf_path_compress->data();

   if (dir_log_gz == 0)
      (void) UFile::setPathFromFile(*this, ptr, suffix, len_suffix);


      index_path_compress = (buf_path_compress->size() - len_suffix + 1);
      UString name = UFile::getName();
      uint32_t len = u__strlen(dir_log_gz, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__), sz = name.size();

      U_MEMCPY(ptr, dir_log_gz, len);

       ptr  += len;
      *ptr++ = '/';

      buf_path_compress->size_adjust(len + 1 + sz + len_suffix);

      U_MEMCPY(ptr, name.data(), sz);
                ptr += sz;
      U_MEMCPY(ptr, suffix, len_suffix);

      index_path_compress = buf_path_compress->distance(ptr) + 1;


   U_INTERNAL_DUMP("buf_path_compress(%u) = %.*S index_path_compress = %u",
                    buf_path_compress->size(), U_STRING_TO_TRACE(*buf_path_compress), index_path_compress)
예제 #7
   void run(int argc, char* argv[], char* env[])
      U_TRACE(5, "Application::run(%d,%p,%p)", argc, argv, env)

      UApplication::run(argc, argv, env);

      // manage options

      time_t queue_time = 0;
      UString outpath, result;
      bool include = false, bstdin = false;

      if (UApplication::isOptions())
         cfg_str    =  opt['c'];
         upload     =  opt['u'];
         bstdin     = (opt['s'] == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("1"));
         include    = (opt['i'] == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("1"));
         outpath    =  opt['o'];
         queue_time =  opt['q'].strtol();

      // manage arg operation

      UString url(argv[optind++]);

      // manage file configuration

      if (cfg_str.empty()) cfg_str = U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT(U_SYSCONFDIR "/uclient.cfg");


      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // uclient - configuration parameters
      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // ENABLE_IPV6  flag to indicate use of ipv6
      // SERVER       host name or ip address for server
      // PORT         port number for the server
      // PID_FILE     write pid on file indicated
      // RES_TIMEOUT  timeout for response from server
      // LOG_FILE     locations   for file log
      // CERT_FILE    certificate of client
      // KEY_FILE     private key of client
      // PASSWORD     password for private key of client
      // CA_FILE      locations of trusted CA certificates used in the verification
      // CA_PATH      locations of trusted CA certificates used in the verification
      // CIPHER_SUITE cipher suite model (Intermediate=0, Modern=1, Old=2)
      // FOLLOW_REDIRECTS if yes manage to automatically follow redirects from server
      // USER             if     manage to follow redirects, in response to a HTTP_UNAUTHORISED response from the HTTP server: user
      // PASSWORD_AUTH    if     manage to follow redirects, in response to a HTTP_UNAUTHORISED response from the HTTP server: password
      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      client = new UHttpClient<USSLSocket>(&cfg);

      user             = cfg[*UString::str_USER];
      password         = cfg[U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("PASSWORD_AUTH")];
      follow_redirects = cfg.readBoolean(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("FOLLOW_REDIRECTS"));

      client->setRequestPasswordAuthentication(user, password);

      UApplication::exit_value = 1;

loop: if (upload)
         UFile file(upload);

         if (client->upload(url, file)) UApplication::exit_value = 0;
      else if (client->connectServer(url))
         bool ok;

         if (bstdin == false) ok = client->sendRequest();
            UString req(U_CAPACITY);

            UServices::readEOF(STDIN_FILENO, req);

            if (req.empty()) U_ERROR("cannot read data from <stdin>");

            ok = client->sendRequest(req);

         if (ok) UApplication::exit_value = 0;

      result = (include ? client->getResponse()
                        : client->getContent());

      if (result)
#     ifdef USE_LIBZ
         if (UStringExt::isGzip(result)) result = UStringExt::gunzip(result);
#     endif

         if (outpath) UFile::writeTo(outpath, result);
         else         (void) write(1, U_STRING_TO_PARAM(result));

      if (queue_time)
         UTimeVal to_sleep(queue_time / 10L);

         U_INTERNAL_ASSERT_EQUALS(UClient_Base::queue_dir, 0)

         if (result.empty() &&
             UApplication::exit_value == 1)

            goto loop;

         UFile file;
         char mask[100U];
         uint32_t i, n, pos;
         UVector<UString> vec(64);
         UString req, name, location(U_CAPACITY);

         uint32_t mask_len = u__snprintf(mask, sizeof(mask), "%.*s.*", U_STRING_TO_TRACE(client->UClient_Base::host_port));

         to_sleep.setSecond(to_sleep.getSecond() * 10L);

         U_MESSAGE("monitoring directory %.*S every %u sec - file mask: %.*S",
                        U_STRING_TO_TRACE(*UString::str_CLIENT_QUEUE_DIR), to_sleep.getSecond(), mask_len, mask);

#     ifdef USE_LIBSSL
#     endif

         UServer_Base::timeoutMS = client->UClient_Base::timeoutMS;

         UDirWalk dirwalk(*UString::str_CLIENT_QUEUE_DIR, mask, mask_len);

         while (true)
            for (i = 0, n = dirwalk.walk(vec, U_ALPHABETIC_SORT); i < n; ++i) // NB: vec is sorted by string compare...

               // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
               // NB: sometime there is a strange behaviour on openWRT (overlayfs) after unlink
               // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
               // wifi-aaa.comune.fi.it.090513_132007_139 -> (overlay-whiteout)
               // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

               req = file.getContent();

               if (req)
                  name = file.getName();
                  pos  = name.find_last_of('.');


                  location.snprintf("http://%.*s", pos, name.data());

                  (void) location.shrink();

                  if (client->connectServer(location) == false ||
                      client->sendRequest(req)        == false)

               (void) file._unlink();


            if (client->isOpen()) client->close();


예제 #8
파일: log.cpp 프로젝트: shensurong/ULib
ULog::ULog(const UString& path, uint32_t _size, const char* dir_log_gz) : UFile(path, 0)
   U_TRACE_REGISTER_OBJECT(0, ULog, "%V,%u,%S", path.rep, _size, dir_log_gz)

   lock         = 0;
   ptr_log_data = 0;
   log_file_sz  =
   log_gzip_sz  = 0;

   U_Log_start_stop_msg(this) = false;

#ifdef USE_LIBZ
     buf_path_compress = 0;
   index_path_compress = 0;

   if (UFile::getPath().equal(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("syslog")))
      U_Log_syslog(this) = true;

#  ifndef _MSWINDOWS_
      openlog(u_progname, LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL0);
#  endif


   if (UFile::creat(O_RDWR | O_APPEND, 0664) == false)
      U_ERROR("cannot creat log file %.*S", U_FILE_TO_TRACE(*this));
#  endif


    * typedef struct log_data {
    *  uint32_t file_ptr;
    *  uint32_t file_page;
    *  uint32_t gzip_len;
    *  sem_t lock_shared;
    *  char spinlock_shared[1];
    *  // --------------> maybe unnamed array of char for gzip compression...
    * } log_data;

   ptr_log_data = U_MALLOC_TYPE(log_data);

   ptr_log_data->file_ptr = 0;

   if (_size)
      uint32_t file_size = UFile::size();

      bool bsize = (file_size != _size);

      if ((bsize && UFile::ftruncate(_size) == false) ||
          UFile::memmap(PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE) == false)
         U_ERROR("cannot init log file %.*S", U_FILE_TO_TRACE(*this));


      if (bsize) ptr_log_data->file_ptr = file_size; // append mode
         // NB: we can have a previous crash without resizing the file or we are an other process (apache like log)...

         char* ptr = (char*) u_find(UFile::map, file_size, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_MARK_END));

         if (ptr)
            ptr_log_data->file_ptr = ptr - UFile::map;

            // NB: we can be an other process that manage this file (apache like log)...

            u_put_unalignedp64(ptr,    U_MULTICHAR_CONSTANT64('\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n'));
            u_put_unalignedp64(ptr+8,  U_MULTICHAR_CONSTANT64('\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n'));
            u_put_unalignedp64(ptr+16, U_MULTICHAR_CONSTANT64('\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n'));

            UFile::msync(ptr + U_CONSTANT_SIZE(U_MARK_END), UFile::map, MS_SYNC);

         U_INTERNAL_ASSERT_MINOR(ptr_log_data->file_ptr, UFile::st_size)

      log_file_sz = UFile::st_size;

   U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(ptr_log_data->file_ptr <= UFile::st_size)

   lock                    = U_NEW(ULock);
   U_Log_syslog(this)      = false;
   ptr_log_data->gzip_len  = 0;
   ptr_log_data->file_page = ptr_log_data->file_ptr;

#ifdef USE_LIBZ
   char suffix[32];
   uint32_t len_suffix = u__snprintf(suffix, sizeof(suffix), ".%4D.gz");

   buf_path_compress = U_NEW(UString(MAX_FILENAME_LEN));

   char* ptr = buf_path_compress->data();

   if (dir_log_gz == 0)
#  ifndef U_COVERITY_FALSE_POSITIVE // Uninitialized pointer read (UNINIT)
      (void) UFile::setPathFromFile(*this, ptr, suffix, len_suffix);
#  endif


      index_path_compress = (buf_path_compress->size() - len_suffix + 1);
      UString name = UFile::getName();
      uint32_t len = u__strlen(dir_log_gz, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__), sz = name.size();

      (void) memcpy(ptr, dir_log_gz, len);

       ptr  += len;
      *ptr++ = '/';

      buf_path_compress->size_adjust(len + 1 + sz + len_suffix);

      (void) memcpy(ptr, name.data(), sz);
                    ptr            += sz;
      (void) memcpy(ptr, suffix, len_suffix);

      index_path_compress = buf_path_compress->distance(ptr) + 1;
예제 #9
   void run(int argc, char* argv[], char* env[])
      U_TRACE(5, "Application::run(%d,%p,%p)", argc, argv, env)

      UApplication::run(argc, argv, env);

      UString riga;
      const char* p = argv[optind++];
      UString content1 = UFile::contentOf(UString(p, strlen(p))),
              content2 = UFile::contentOf(UString(argv[optind]));

      UVector<UString> vec_entry(10),
                       vec_ap_name(content1), // '\n'),
                       vec_events_log(content2, '\n');


      riga = vec_ap_name.join('\n');

      (void) write(1, U_STRING_TO_PARAM(riga));


      // ........
      // 2013/09/15 03:49:58 op: MAC_AUTH_all, uid: 60:fa:cd:7d:14:06,
      //                     ap: [email protected]:5280/wimoMichelangelo-r29587_rspro,
      //                     ip:, mac: 60:fa:cd:7d:14:06, timeout: 93, traffic: 295, policy: DAILY
      // ........

      UString ap_entry, ap_name, ap_address1, ap_address2;

      for (uint32_t i = 0, n = vec_events_log.size(); i < n; ++i)
         (void) vec_entry.split(vec_events_log[i], ',');

         ap_entry = vec_entry[2];

         uint32_t pos1 = ap_entry.find_first_of('@'),
                  pos2 = ap_entry.find_first_of('/', pos1),
                  pos3 = pos1+1,
                  len3 = pos2-pos1-6;

         ap_name = ap_entry.substr(pos2+1);

         ap_address1 = ap_entry.substr(pos3, len3);

         uint32_t pos = vec_ap_name.findSorted(ap_name, false, true);

         if (pos == U_NOT_FOUND)
            char buffer[4096];

            (void) write(2, buffer,
                u__snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
                            U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("NOT FOUND: %.*s %.*s %.*s\n"),
            ap_address2 = vec_ap_name[pos+1];

            if (ap_address1 != ap_address2)
               char buffer[4096];

               (void) write(2, buffer,
                   u__snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
                            U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("ERROR: %.*s %.*s %.*s\n"),

            vec_entry.replace(2, ap_entry.replace(pos3, len3, ap_address2));

         riga = vec_entry.join(',');

         (void) write(1, U_STRING_TO_PARAM(riga));
         (void) write(1, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("\n"));

예제 #10
   void run(int argc, char* argv[], char* env[])
      U_TRACE(5, "Application::run(%d,%p,%p)", argc, argv, env)

      UApplication::run(argc, argv, env);

      // LDAP attribute for devices
      // manage arg operation
      // manage file configuration
      // manage options
      // login to LDAP

#     include "common1.cpp"

      if (UApplication::isOptions())
         value = opt['b'];

         if (value.empty() == false) DN_filter = value;

      // get filter attribute from LDAP

      int i, n = ldap.search(DN_filter.c_str(), LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, (char**)filter_attr_name);

      if (n != 1) U_ERROR("cannot get filter attribute from LDAP...");

      ULDAPEntry filter_entry(FILTER_NUM_ATTR, filter_attr_name);


      // dato filtro avvio ricerca policy usando valore attributo filtro <tnetLrpFilterRule>

      const char* filtro = filter_entry.getCStr(FILTER_ATTR_CN_POS);
      const char* rule   = filter_entry.getCStr(FILTER_ATTR_RULE_POS);

      U_INTERNAL_DUMP("RULE = %S FILTRO = %S", rule, filtro)

      // get policy attribute from LDAP

      ULDAP ldap_url;
      char first_char = rule[0];
      bool policy_by_url = (first_char != '(');

      if (policy_by_url)
         if (first_char == '/')
            static char url[1024];

            (void) snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "ldap://%s%s", LDAP_host.c_str(), rule);

            rule = url;

         if (ldap_url.init(rule) == false     ||
             ldap_url.set_protocol() == false ||
             ldap_url.simple_bind() == false)
            U_ERROR("login to LDAP with URL failed...");

         n = ldap_url.search();
         n = ldap.search("o=Policies,o=tnet", LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, (char**)policy_attr_name, rule);

      if (n <= 0) U_ERROR("cannot find policy from LDAP...");

      ULDAPEntry policy_entry(POLICY_NUM_ATTR, policy_attr_name, n);

      if (policy_by_url) ldap_url.get(policy_entry);
      else                   ldap.get(policy_entry);

      // init log

      const char* log_name = filtro;

#     include "common2.cpp"

      // loop for every policy

      int j, k;
      char ipmask[64];
      const char* ptr;
      const char* policy;
      const char* ip_mask;
      const char* ip_device;
      char request_buffer[4096 * 4];
      const char* binddn_device = LDAP_binddn_device.c_str();

      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
         policy = policy_entry.getCStr(POLICY_ATTR_CN_POS, i);

         U_INTERNAL_DUMP("POLICY = %S %S", policy_entry[i], policy)

         // data policy avvio ricerca lista device usando valore attributo policy <tnetLrpIpNetworkNumber>

         ip_mask = policy_entry.getCStr(POLICY_ATTR_IPMASK_POS, i);

         (void) snprintf(ipmask, sizeof(ipmask), "(tnetLrpIpHostNumber=%s*)", ip_mask);

         j = ldap.search(binddn_device, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, (char**)device_attr_name, ipmask);

         if (j <= 0) continue;

         ptr = policy_entry.getCStr(POLICY_ATTR_POLICY_POS, i);

         // check if to skip xml header...

         if (U_STRNEQ(ptr, "<?xml"))
            ptr += 5;

            while (*ptr++ != '\n');

         // build request

         static const char* request_tmpl = \
         // "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><!DOCTYPE REQUEST SYSTEM \"lrp_request.dtd\">"
            "<REQUEST sid=\"sid1\" version=\"1\"><IMPORT-POLICYLABEL  name=\"%s\">%s</IMPORT-POLICYLABEL></REQUEST>"
            "<REQUEST sid=\"sid2\" version=\"1\"><EXECUTE-POLICYLABEL name=\"%s\" command=\"%s\"/></REQUEST>";

         request_size = u__snprintf(request_buffer, sizeof(request_buffer), request_tmpl, policy, ptr, policy, operation);

         request = UString(request_buffer, request_size);

         // write request to file

#        include "common3.cpp"

         // set devices attribute for LDAP

         ULDAPEntry device_entry(DEVICE_NUM_ATTR, device_attr_name, j);

         // get devices attribute from LDAP
         // loop for every device
         // fork: child
         //  send request  to device
         // write response to file

#        include "common4.cpp"

         // parent

      exit_value = proc.waitAll();
