static jboolean mirror(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jcharArray charArray, int start, int count)
    jchar* data = env->GetCharArrayElements(charArray, NULL);
    bool ret = false;

    if (data == NULL) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/NullPointerException", NULL);
        goto MIRROR_END;

    if (start < 0 || start > start + count
            || env->GetArrayLength(charArray) < start + count) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException", NULL);
        goto MIRROR_END;

    for (int i = start; i < start + count; i++) {
        // XXX this thinks it knows that surrogates are never mirrored

        int c1 = data[i];
        int c2 = u_charMirror(c1);

        if (c1 != c2) {
            data[i] = c2;
            ret = true;

    env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(charArray, data, JNI_ABORT);
	return ret;
예제 #2
String createStringWithMirroredCharacters(StringView string)
    unsigned length = string.length();
    StringBuilder mirroredCharacters;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ) {
        UChar32 character;
        U16_NEXT(string, i, length, character);
    return mirroredCharacters.toString();
예제 #3
 void mirrorCharacters(UChar* destination, const UChar* source, int length) const
     int position = 0;
     bool error = false;
     // Iterate characters in source and mirror character if needed.
     while (position < length) {
         UChar32 character;
         int nextPosition = position;
         U16_NEXT(source, nextPosition, length, character);
         character = u_charMirror(character);
         U16_APPEND(destination, position, length, character, error);
         position = nextPosition;
void ComplexTextController::normalizeSpacesAndMirrorChars(const UChar* source, bool rtl, UChar* destination, int length)
    int position = 0;
    bool error = false;
    // Iterate characters in source and mirror character if needed.
    while (position < length) {
        UChar32 character;
        int nextPosition = position;
        U16_NEXT(source, nextPosition, length, character);
        if (Font::treatAsSpace(character))
            character = ' ';
        else if (Font::treatAsZeroWidthSpace(character))
            character = zeroWidthSpace;
        else if (rtl)
            character = u_charMirror(character);
        U16_APPEND(destination, position, length, character, error);
        position = nextPosition;
예제 #5
static void normalizeSpacesAndMirrorChars(const UChar* source, UChar* destination, int length, HarfBuzzShaperBase::NormalizeMode normalizeMode)
    int position = 0;
    bool error = false;
    // Iterate characters in source and mirror character if needed.
    while (position < length) {
        UChar32 character;
        int nextPosition = position;
        U16_NEXT(source, nextPosition, length, character);
        if (Font::treatAsSpace(character))
            character = ' ';
        else if (Font::treatAsZeroWidthSpace(character))
            character = zeroWidthSpace;
        else if (normalizeMode == HarfBuzzShaperBase::NormalizeMirrorChars)
            character = u_charMirror(character);
        U16_APPEND(destination, position, length, character, error);
        ASSERT_UNUSED(error, !error);
        position = nextPosition;
 * Performs character mirroring.
 * @param pTransform Pointer to the <code>UBiDiTransform</code> structure.
 * @param pErrorCode Pointer to the error code value.
 * @return Whether or not this function modifies the text. Besides the return
 * value, the caller should also check <code>U_SUCCESS(*pErrorCode)</code>.
static UBool
action_mirror(UBiDiTransform *pTransform, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
    UChar32 c;
    uint32_t i = 0, j = 0;
    if (0 == (pTransform->reorderingOptions & UBIDI_DO_MIRRORING)) {
        return FALSE;
    if (pTransform->destSize < pTransform->srcLength) {
        *pErrorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
        return FALSE;
    do {
        UBool isOdd = ubidi_getLevelAt(pTransform->pBidi, i) & 1;
        U16_NEXT(pTransform->src, i, pTransform->srcLength, c); 
        U16_APPEND_UNSAFE(pTransform->dest, j, isOdd ? u_charMirror(c) : c);
    } while (i < pTransform->srcLength);
    *pTransform->pDestLength = pTransform->srcLength;
    pTransform->reorderingOptions = UBIDI_REORDER_DEFAULT;
    return TRUE;
예제 #7
std::pair<GlyphData, GlyphPage*> FontGlyphs::glyphDataAndPageForCharacter(const FontDescription& description, UChar32 c, bool mirror, FontDataVariant variant) const

    if (variant == AutoVariant) {
        if (description.smallCaps() && !primarySimpleFontData(description)->isSVGFont()) {
            UChar32 upperC = u_toupper(c);
            if (upperC != c) {
                c = upperC;
                variant = SmallCapsVariant;
            } else
                variant = NormalVariant;
        } else
            variant = NormalVariant;

    if (mirror)
        c = u_charMirror(c);

    unsigned pageNumber = (c / GlyphPage::size);

    GlyphPageTreeNode* node = pageNumber ? m_pages.get(pageNumber) : m_pageZero;
    if (!node) {
        node = GlyphPageTreeNode::getRootChild(realizeFontDataAt(description, 0), pageNumber);
        if (pageNumber)
            m_pages.set(pageNumber, node);
            m_pageZero = node;

    GlyphPage* page = 0;
    if (variant == NormalVariant) {
        // Fastest loop, for the common case (normal variant).
        while (true) {
            page = node->page();
            if (page) {
                GlyphData data = page->glyphDataForCharacter(c);
                if (data.fontData && (data.fontData->platformData().orientation() == Horizontal || data.fontData->isTextOrientationFallback()))
                    return std::make_pair(data, page);

                if (data.fontData) {
                    if (Font::isCJKIdeographOrSymbol(c)) {
                        if (!data.fontData->hasVerticalGlyphs()) {
                            // Use the broken ideograph font data. The broken ideograph font will use the horizontal width of glyphs
                            // to make sure you get a square (even for broken glyphs like symbols used for punctuation).
                            variant = BrokenIdeographVariant;
                        else if (data.fontData->platformData().syntheticOblique())
                            return glyphDataAndPageForCJKCharacterWithoutSyntheticItalic(c, data, page, pageNumber);
                    } else
                        return glyphDataAndPageForNonCJKCharacterWithGlyphOrientation(c, description.nonCJKGlyphOrientation(), data, page, pageNumber);

                    return std::make_pair(data, page);

                if (node->isSystemFallback())

            node = node->getChild(realizeFontDataAt(description, node->level()), pageNumber);
            if (pageNumber)
                m_pages.set(pageNumber, node);
                m_pageZero = node;
    if (variant != NormalVariant) {
        while (true) {
            page = node->page();
            if (page) {
                GlyphData data = page->glyphDataForCharacter(c);
                if (data.fontData) {
                    // The variantFontData function should not normally return 0.
                    // But if it does, we will just render the capital letter big.
                    RefPtr<SimpleFontData> variantFontData = data.fontData->variantFontData(description, variant);
                    if (!variantFontData)
                        return std::make_pair(data, page);

                    GlyphPageTreeNode* variantNode = GlyphPageTreeNode::getRootChild(variantFontData.get(), pageNumber);
                    GlyphPage* variantPage = variantNode->page();
                    if (variantPage) {
                        GlyphData data = variantPage->glyphDataForCharacter(c);
                        if (data.fontData)
                            return std::make_pair(data, variantPage);

                    // Do not attempt system fallback off the variantFontData. This is the very unlikely case that
                    // a font has the lowercase character but the small caps font does not have its uppercase version.
                    return std::make_pair(variantFontData->missingGlyphData(), page);

                if (node->isSystemFallback())

            node = node->getChild(realizeFontDataAt(description, node->level()), pageNumber);
            if (pageNumber)
                m_pages.set(pageNumber, node);
                m_pageZero = node;


    // System fallback is character-dependent. When we get here, we
    // know that the character in question isn't in the system fallback
    // font's glyph page. Try to lazily create it here.
    UChar codeUnits[2];
    int codeUnitsLength;
    if (c <= 0xFFFF) {
        codeUnits[0] = Font::normalizeSpaces(c);
        codeUnitsLength = 1;
    } else {
        codeUnits[0] = U16_LEAD(c);
        codeUnits[1] = U16_TRAIL(c);
        codeUnitsLength = 2;
    const SimpleFontData* originalFontData = primaryFontData(description)->fontDataForCharacter(c);
    RefPtr<SimpleFontData> characterFontData = fontCache().systemFallbackForCharacters(description, originalFontData, m_isForPlatformFont, codeUnits, codeUnitsLength);
    if (characterFontData) {
        if (characterFontData->platformData().orientation() == Vertical && !characterFontData->hasVerticalGlyphs() && Font::isCJKIdeographOrSymbol(c))
            variant = BrokenIdeographVariant;
        if (variant != NormalVariant)
            characterFontData = characterFontData->variantFontData(description, variant);
    if (characterFontData) {
        // Got the fallback glyph and font.
        GlyphPage* fallbackPage = GlyphPageTreeNode::getRootChild(characterFontData.get(), pageNumber)->page();
        GlyphData data = fallbackPage && fallbackPage->fontDataForCharacter(c) ? fallbackPage->glyphDataForCharacter(c) : characterFontData->missingGlyphData();
        // Cache it so we don't have to do system fallback again next time.
        if (variant == NormalVariant) {
            // missingGlyphData returns a null character, which is not suitable for GDI to display.
            // Also, sometimes we cannot map a font for the character on WINCE, but GDI can still
            // display the character, probably because the font package is not installed correctly.
            // So we just always set the glyph to be same as the character, and let GDI solve it.
            page->setGlyphDataForCharacter(c, c, characterFontData.get());
            characterFontData->setMaxGlyphPageTreeLevel(std::max(characterFontData->maxGlyphPageTreeLevel(), node->level()));
            return std::make_pair(page->glyphDataForCharacter(c), page);
            page->setGlyphDataForCharacter(c, data.glyph, data.fontData);
            data.fontData->setMaxGlyphPageTreeLevel(std::max(data.fontData->maxGlyphPageTreeLevel(), node->level()));
            if (!Font::isCJKIdeographOrSymbol(c) && data.fontData->platformData().orientation() != Horizontal && !data.fontData->isTextOrientationFallback())
                return glyphDataAndPageForNonCJKCharacterWithGlyphOrientation(c, description.nonCJKGlyphOrientation(), data, fallbackPage, pageNumber);
        return std::make_pair(data, page);

    // Even system fallback can fail; use the missing glyph in that case.
    // FIXME: It would be nicer to use the missing glyph from the last resort font instead.
    GlyphData data = primarySimpleFontData(description)->missingGlyphData();
    if (variant == NormalVariant) {
        // See comment about WINCE GDI handling near setGlyphDataForCharacter above.
        page->setGlyphDataForCharacter(c, c, data.fontData);
        data.fontData->setMaxGlyphPageTreeLevel(std::max(data.fontData->maxGlyphPageTreeLevel(), node->level()));
        return std::make_pair(page->glyphDataForCharacter(c), page);
        page->setGlyphDataForCharacter(c, data.glyph, data.fontData);
        data.fontData->setMaxGlyphPageTreeLevel(std::max(data.fontData->maxGlyphPageTreeLevel(), node->level()));
    return std::make_pair(data, page);
예제 #8
 * When we have UBIDI_OUTPUT_REVERSE set on ubidi_writeReordered(), then we
 * semantically write RTL runs in reverse and later reverse them again.
 * Instead, we actually write them in forward order to begin with.
 * However, if the RTL run was to be mirrored, we need to mirror here now
 * since the implicit second reversal must not do it.
 * It looks strange to do mirroring in LTR output, but it is only because
 * we are writing RTL output in reverse.
static int32_t
doWriteForward(const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
               UChar *dest, int32_t destSize,
               uint16_t options,
               UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
    /* optimize for several combinations of options */
    case 0: {
        /* simply copy the LTR run to the destination */
        int32_t length=srcLength;
        if(destSize<length) {
            return srcLength;
        do {
        } while(--length>0);
        return srcLength;
        /* do mirroring */
        int32_t i=0, j=0;
        UChar32 c;

        if(destSize<srcLength) {
            return srcLength;
        do {
            UTF_NEXT_CHAR(src, i, srcLength, c);
            UTF_APPEND_CHAR_UNSAFE(dest, j, c);
        } while(i<srcLength);
        return srcLength;
        /* copy the LTR run and remove any BiDi control characters */
        int32_t remaining=destSize;
        UChar c;
        do {
            if(!IS_BIDI_CONTROL_CHAR(c)) {
                if(--remaining<0) {

                    /* preflight the length */
                    while(--srcLength>0) {
                        if(!IS_BIDI_CONTROL_CHAR(c)) {
                    return destSize-remaining;
        } while(--srcLength>0);
        return destSize-remaining;
    default: {
        /* remove BiDi control characters and do mirroring */
        int32_t remaining=destSize;
        int32_t i, j=0;
        UChar32 c;
        do {
            UTF_NEXT_CHAR(src, i, srcLength, c);
            if(!IS_BIDI_CONTROL_CHAR(c)) {
                if(remaining<0) {

                    /* preflight the length */
                    while(srcLength>0) {
                        if(!IS_BIDI_CONTROL_CHAR(c)) {
                    return destSize-remaining;
                UTF_APPEND_CHAR_UNSAFE(dest, j, c);
        } while(srcLength>0);
        return j;
    } /* end of switch */
예제 #9
static int32_t
doWriteReverse(const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
               UChar *dest, int32_t destSize,
               uint16_t options,
               UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
     * RTL run -
     * RTL runs need to be copied to the destination in reverse order
     * of code points, not code units, to keep Unicode characters intact.
     * The general strategy for this is to read the source text
     * in backward order, collect all code units for a code point
     * (and optionally following combining characters, see below),
     * and copy all these code units in ascending order
     * to the destination for this run.
     * Several options request whether combining characters
     * should be kept after their base characters,
     * whether BiDi control characters should be removed, and
     * whether characters should be replaced by their mirror-image
     * equivalent Unicode characters.
    int32_t i, j;
    UChar32 c;

    /* optimize for several combinations of options */
    case 0:
         * With none of the "complicated" options set, the destination
         * run will have the same length as the source run,
         * and there is no mirroring and no keeping combining characters
         * with their base characters.
        if(destSize<srcLength) {
            return srcLength;

        /* preserve character integrity */
        do {
            /* i is always after the last code unit known to need to be kept in this segment */

            /* collect code units for one base character */
            UTF_BACK_1(src, 0, srcLength);

            /* copy this base character */
            do {
            } while(j<i);
        } while(srcLength>0);
         * Here, too, the destination
         * run will have the same length as the source run,
         * and there is no mirroring.
         * We do need to keep combining characters with their base characters.
        if(destSize<srcLength) {
            return srcLength;

        /* preserve character integrity */
        do {
            /* i is always after the last code unit known to need to be kept in this segment */

            /* collect code units and modifier letters for one base character */
            do {
                UTF_PREV_CHAR(src, 0, srcLength, c);
            } while(srcLength>0 && IS_COMBINING(u_charType(c)));

            /* copy this "user character" */
            do {
            } while(j<i);
        } while(srcLength>0);
         * With several "complicated" options set, this is the most
         * general and the slowest copying of an RTL run.
         * We will do mirroring, remove BiDi controls, and
         * keep combining characters with their base characters
         * as requested.
        if(!(options&UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS)) {
        } else {
            /* we need to find out the destination length of the run,
               which will not include the BiDi control characters */
            int32_t length=srcLength;
            UChar ch;

            do {
                if(!IS_BIDI_CONTROL_CHAR(ch)) {
            } while(--length>0);

        if(destSize<i) {
            return i;

        /* preserve character integrity */
        do {
            /* i is always after the last code unit known to need to be kept in this segment */

            /* collect code units for one base character */
            UTF_PREV_CHAR(src, 0, srcLength, c);
            if(options&UBIDI_KEEP_BASE_COMBINING) {
                /* collect modifier letters for this base character */
                while(srcLength>0 && IS_COMBINING(u_charType(c))) {
                    UTF_PREV_CHAR(src, 0, srcLength, c);

                /* do not copy this BiDi control character */

            /* copy this "user character" */
            if(options&UBIDI_DO_MIRRORING) {
                /* mirror only the base character */
                int32_t k=0;
                UTF_APPEND_CHAR_UNSAFE(dest, k, c);
            while(j<i) {
        } while(srcLength>0);
    } /* end of switch */

    return destSize;
static jchar getMirror(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jchar c)
    return u_charMirror(c);
예제 #11

static hb_codepoint_t hb_icu_get_mirroring (hb_codepoint_t unicode) { return u_charMirror(unicode); }
// Helper sets the character attribute properties and sets up the script table.
// Does not set tops and bottoms.
void SetupBasicProperties(bool report_errors, bool decompose,
                          UNICHARSET* unicharset) {
  for (int unichar_id = 0; unichar_id < unicharset->size(); ++unichar_id) {
    // Convert any custom ligatures.
    const char* unichar_str = unicharset->id_to_unichar(unichar_id);
    for (int i = 0; UNICHARSET::kCustomLigatures[i][0] != nullptr; ++i) {
      if (!strcmp(UNICHARSET::kCustomLigatures[i][1], unichar_str)) {
        unichar_str = UNICHARSET::kCustomLigatures[i][0];

    // Convert the unichar to UTF32 representation
    std::vector<char32> uni_vector = UNICHAR::UTF8ToUTF32(unichar_str);

    // Assume that if the property is true for any character in the string,
    // then it holds for the whole "character".
    bool unichar_isalpha = false;
    bool unichar_islower = false;
    bool unichar_isupper = false;
    bool unichar_isdigit = false;
    bool unichar_ispunct = false;

    for (char32 u_ch : uni_vector) {
      if (u_isalpha(u_ch)) unichar_isalpha = true;
      if (u_islower(u_ch)) unichar_islower = true;
      if (u_isupper(u_ch)) unichar_isupper = true;
      if (u_isdigit(u_ch)) unichar_isdigit = true;
      if (u_ispunct(u_ch)) unichar_ispunct = true;

    unicharset->set_isalpha(unichar_id, unichar_isalpha);
    unicharset->set_islower(unichar_id, unichar_islower);
    unicharset->set_isupper(unichar_id, unichar_isupper);
    unicharset->set_isdigit(unichar_id, unichar_isdigit);
    unicharset->set_ispunctuation(unichar_id, unichar_ispunct);

    tesseract::IcuErrorCode err;
    unicharset->set_script(unichar_id, uscript_getName(
        uscript_getScript(uni_vector[0], err)));

    const int num_code_points = uni_vector.size();
    // Obtain the lower/upper case if needed and record it in the properties.
    unicharset->set_other_case(unichar_id, unichar_id);
    if (unichar_islower || unichar_isupper) {
      std::vector<char32> other_case(num_code_points, 0);
      for (int i = 0; i < num_code_points; ++i) {
        // TODO(daria): Ideally u_strToLower()/ustrToUpper() should be used.
        // However since they deal with UChars (so need a conversion function
        // from char32 or UTF8string) and require a meaningful locale string,
        // for now u_tolower()/u_toupper() are used.
        other_case[i] = unichar_islower ? u_toupper(uni_vector[i]) :
      std::string other_case_uch = UNICHAR::UTF32ToUTF8(other_case);
      UNICHAR_ID other_case_id =
      if (other_case_id != INVALID_UNICHAR_ID) {
        unicharset->set_other_case(unichar_id, other_case_id);
      } else if (unichar_id >= SPECIAL_UNICHAR_CODES_COUNT && report_errors) {
        tprintf("Other case %s of %s is not in unicharset\n",
                other_case_uch.c_str(), unichar_str);

    // Set RTL property and obtain mirror unichar ID from ICU.
    std::vector<char32> mirrors(num_code_points, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_code_points; ++i) {
      mirrors[i] = u_charMirror(uni_vector[i]);
      if (i == 0) {  // set directionality to that of the 1st code point
    std::string mirror_uch = UNICHAR::UTF32ToUTF8(mirrors);
    UNICHAR_ID mirror_uch_id = unicharset->unichar_to_id(mirror_uch.c_str());
    if (mirror_uch_id != INVALID_UNICHAR_ID) {
      unicharset->set_mirror(unichar_id, mirror_uch_id);
    } else if (report_errors) {
      tprintf("Mirror %s of %s is not in unicharset\n",
              mirror_uch.c_str(), unichar_str);

    // Record normalized version of this unichar.
    std::string normed_str;
    if (unichar_id != 0 &&
            decompose ? tesseract::UnicodeNormMode::kNFKD
                      : tesseract::UnicodeNormMode::kNFKC,
            tesseract::OCRNorm::kNormalize, tesseract::GraphemeNorm::kNone,
            unichar_str, &normed_str) &&
        !normed_str.empty()) {
      unicharset->set_normed(unichar_id, normed_str.c_str());
    } else {
      unicharset->set_normed(unichar_id, unichar_str);
    ASSERT_HOST(unicharset->get_other_case(unichar_id) < unicharset->size());
예제 #13
파일: text_icu.c 프로젝트: bos/text-icu
UChar32 __hs_u_charMirror(UChar32 c)
    return u_charMirror(c);