예제 #1
void	CRenderTarget::phase_combine	()
	bool	_menu_pp	= g_pGamePersistent?g_pGamePersistent->OnRenderPPUI_query():false;

	u32			Offset					= 0;
	Fvector2	p0,p1;

	//*** exposure-pipeline
	u32			gpu_id	= Device.dwFrame%2;
		t_LUM_src->surface_set		(rt_LUM_pool[gpu_id*2+0]->pSurface);
		t_LUM_dest->surface_set		(rt_LUM_pool[gpu_id*2+1]->pSurface);

	// low/hi RTs
	u_setrt				( rt_Generic_0,rt_Generic_1,0,HW.pBaseZB );
	RCache.set_CullMode	( CULL_NONE );
	RCache.set_Stencil	( FALSE		);

	BOOL	split_the_scene_to_minimize_wait			= FALSE;
	if (ps_r2_ls_flags.test(R2FLAG_EXP_SPLIT_SCENE))	split_the_scene_to_minimize_wait=TRUE;

	// draw skybox
	if (1)
		RCache.set_ColorWriteEnable					();
		CHK_DX(HW.pDevice->SetRenderState			( D3DRS_ZENABLE,	FALSE				));
		g_pGamePersistent->Environment().RenderSky	();
		CHK_DX(HW.pDevice->SetRenderState			( D3DRS_ZENABLE,	TRUE				));

	//if (RImplementation.o.bug)	{
		RCache.set_Stencil					(TRUE,D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL,0x01,0xff,0x00);	// stencil should be >= 1
		if (RImplementation.o.nvstencil)	{
			u_stencil_optimize				(FALSE);
			RCache.set_ColorWriteEnable		();

	// calc m-blur matrices
	Fmatrix		m_previous, m_current;
	Fvector2	m_blur_scale;
		static Fmatrix		m_saved_viewproj;
		// (new-camera) -> (world) -> (old_viewproj)
		Fmatrix	m_invview;	m_invview.invert	(Device.mView);
		m_previous.mul		(m_saved_viewproj,m_invview);
		m_current.set		(Device.mProject)		;
		m_saved_viewproj.set(Device.mFullTransform)	;
		float	scale		= ps_r2_mblur/2.f;
		m_blur_scale.set	(scale,-scale).div(12.f);

	// Draw full-screen quad textured with our scene image
	if (!_menu_pp)
		// Compute params
		Fmatrix		m_v2w;			m_v2w.invert				(Device.mView		);
		CEnvDescriptorMixer& envdesc= g_pGamePersistent->Environment().CurrentEnv		;
		const float minamb			= 0.001f;
		Fvector4	ambclr			= { _max(envdesc.ambient.x*2,minamb),	_max(envdesc.ambient.y*2,minamb),			_max(envdesc.ambient.z*2,minamb),	0	};
					ambclr.mul		(ps_r2_sun_lumscale_amb);
		Fvector4	envclr			= { envdesc.sky_color.x*2+EPS,	envdesc.sky_color.y*2+EPS,	envdesc.sky_color.z*2+EPS,	envdesc.weight					};
		Fvector4	fogclr			= { envdesc.fog_color.x,	envdesc.fog_color.y,	envdesc.fog_color.z,		0	};
					envclr.x		*= 2*ps_r2_sun_lumscale_hemi; 
					envclr.y		*= 2*ps_r2_sun_lumscale_hemi; 
					envclr.z		*= 2*ps_r2_sun_lumscale_hemi;
		Fvector4	sunclr,sundir;

		// sun-params
			light*		fuckingsun		= (light*)RImplementation.Lights.sun_adapted._get()	;
			Fvector		L_dir,L_clr;	float L_spec;
			L_clr.set					(fuckingsun->color.r,fuckingsun->color.g,fuckingsun->color.b);
			L_spec						= u_diffuse2s	(L_clr);
			Device.mView.transform_dir	(L_dir,fuckingsun->direction);
			L_dir.normalize				();

			sunclr.set				(L_clr.x,L_clr.y,L_clr.z,L_spec);
			sundir.set				(L_dir.x,L_dir.y,L_dir.z,0);

		// Fill VB
		float	_w					= float(Device.dwWidth);
		float	_h					= float(Device.dwHeight);
		p0.set						(.5f/_w, .5f/_h);
		p1.set						((_w+.5f)/_w, (_h+.5f)/_h );

		// Fill vertex buffer
		Fvector4* pv				= (Fvector4*)	RCache.Vertex.Lock	(4,g_combine_VP->vb_stride,Offset);
		pv->set						(hclip(EPS,		_w),	hclip(_h+EPS,	_h),	p0.x, p1.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(hclip(EPS,		_w),	hclip(EPS,		_h),	p0.x, p0.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(hclip(_w+EPS,	_w),	hclip(_h+EPS,	_h),	p1.x, p1.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(hclip(_w+EPS,	_w),	hclip(EPS,		_h),	p1.x, p0.y);	pv++;
		RCache.Vertex.Unlock		(4,g_combine_VP->vb_stride);

		// Setup textures
		IDirect3DBaseTexture9*	e0	= _menu_pp?0:envdesc.sky_r_textures_env[0].second->surface_get();
		IDirect3DBaseTexture9*	e1	= _menu_pp?0:envdesc.sky_r_textures_env[1].second->surface_get();
		t_envmap_0->surface_set		(e0);	_RELEASE(e0);
		t_envmap_1->surface_set		(e1);	_RELEASE(e1);
		// Draw
		RCache.set_Element			(s_combine->E[0]	);
		RCache.set_Geometry			(g_combine_VP		);

		RCache.set_c				("m_v2w",			m_v2w	);
		RCache.set_c				("L_ambient",		ambclr	);

		RCache.set_c				("Ldynamic_color",	sunclr	);
		RCache.set_c				("Ldynamic_dir",	sundir	);

		RCache.set_c				("env_color",		envclr	);
		RCache.set_c				("fog_color",		fogclr	);
		RCache.Render				(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,Offset,0,4,0,2);

	// Forward rendering
		u_setrt							(rt_Generic_0,0,0,HW.pBaseZB);		// LDR RT
		RCache.set_CullMode				(CULL_CCW);
		RCache.set_Stencil				(FALSE);
		RCache.set_ColorWriteEnable		();
		g_pGamePersistent->Environment().RenderClouds	();
		RImplementation.render_forward	();
		if (g_pGamePersistent)	g_pGamePersistent->OnRenderPPUI_main()	;	// PP-UI

	// Perform blooming filter and distortion if needed
	RCache.set_Stencil	(FALSE);
	phase_bloom			( );												// HDR RT invalidated here

	// Distortion filter
	BOOL	bDistort	= RImplementation.o.distortion_enabled;				// This can be modified
		if		((0==RImplementation.mapDistort.size()) && !_menu_pp)		bDistort= FALSE;
		if (bDistort)		{
			u_setrt						(rt_Generic_1,0,0,HW.pBaseZB);		// Now RT is a distortion mask
			RCache.set_CullMode			(CULL_CCW);
			RCache.set_Stencil			(FALSE);
			RCache.set_ColorWriteEnable	();
			CHK_DX(HW.pDevice->Clear	( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, color_rgba(127,127,0,127), 1.0f, 0L));
			RImplementation.r_dsgraph_render_distort	();
			if (g_pGamePersistent)	g_pGamePersistent->OnRenderPPUI_PP()	;	// PP-UI

	// PP enabled ?
	BOOL	PP_Complex		= u_need_PP	();
	if (_menu_pp)			PP_Complex	= FALSE;

	// Combine everything + perform AA
	if		(PP_Complex)	u_setrt		( rt_Color,0,0,HW.pBaseZB );			// LDR RT
	else					u_setrt		( Device.dwWidth,Device.dwHeight,HW.pBaseRT,NULL,NULL,HW.pBaseZB);
	//. u_setrt				( Device.dwWidth,Device.dwHeight,HW.pBaseRT,NULL,NULL,HW.pBaseZB);
	RCache.set_CullMode		( CULL_NONE )	;
	RCache.set_Stencil		( FALSE		)	;
	if (1)	
		struct v_aa	{
			Fvector4	p;
			Fvector2	uv0;
			Fvector2	uv1;
			Fvector2	uv2;
			Fvector2	uv3;
			Fvector2	uv4;
			Fvector4	uv5;
			Fvector4	uv6;

		float	_w					= float(Device.dwWidth);
		float	_h					= float(Device.dwHeight);
		float	ddw					= 1.f/_w;
		float	ddh					= 1.f/_h;
		p0.set						(.5f/_w, .5f/_h);
		p1.set						((_w+.5f)/_w, (_h+.5f)/_h );

		// Fill vertex buffer
		v_aa* pv					= (v_aa*) RCache.Vertex.Lock	(4,g_aa_AA->vb_stride,Offset);
		pv->p.set(EPS,			float(_h+EPS),	EPS,1.f); pv->uv0.set(p0.x, p1.y);pv->uv1.set(p0.x-ddw,p1.y-ddh);pv->uv2.set(p0.x+ddw,p1.y+ddh);pv->uv3.set(p0.x+ddw,p1.y-ddh);pv->uv4.set(p0.x-ddw,p1.y+ddh);pv->uv5.set(p0.x-ddw,p1.y,p1.y,p0.x+ddw);pv->uv6.set(p0.x,p1.y-ddh,p1.y+ddh,p0.x);pv++;
		pv->p.set(EPS,			EPS,			EPS,1.f); pv->uv0.set(p0.x, p0.y);pv->uv1.set(p0.x-ddw,p0.y-ddh);pv->uv2.set(p0.x+ddw,p0.y+ddh);pv->uv3.set(p0.x+ddw,p0.y-ddh);pv->uv4.set(p0.x-ddw,p0.y+ddh);pv->uv5.set(p0.x-ddw,p0.y,p0.y,p0.x+ddw);pv->uv6.set(p0.x,p0.y-ddh,p0.y+ddh,p0.x);pv++;
		pv->p.set(float(_w+EPS),float(_h+EPS),	EPS,1.f); pv->uv0.set(p1.x, p1.y);pv->uv1.set(p1.x-ddw,p1.y-ddh);pv->uv2.set(p1.x+ddw,p1.y+ddh);pv->uv3.set(p1.x+ddw,p1.y-ddh);pv->uv4.set(p1.x-ddw,p1.y+ddh);pv->uv5.set(p1.x-ddw,p1.y,p1.y,p1.x+ddw);pv->uv6.set(p1.x,p1.y-ddh,p1.y+ddh,p1.x);pv++;
		pv->p.set(float(_w+EPS),EPS,			EPS,1.f); pv->uv0.set(p1.x, p0.y);pv->uv1.set(p1.x-ddw,p0.y-ddh);pv->uv2.set(p1.x+ddw,p0.y+ddh);pv->uv3.set(p1.x+ddw,p0.y-ddh);pv->uv4.set(p1.x-ddw,p0.y+ddh);pv->uv5.set(p1.x-ddw,p0.y,p0.y,p1.x+ddw);pv->uv6.set(p1.x,p0.y-ddh,p0.y+ddh,p1.x);pv++;
		RCache.Vertex.Unlock		(4,g_aa_AA->vb_stride);

		// Draw COLOR
		if (ps_r2_ls_flags.test(R2FLAG_AA))			RCache.set_Element	(s_combine->E[bDistort?3:1]);	// look at blender_combine.cpp
		else										RCache.set_Element	(s_combine->E[bDistort?4:2]);	// look at blender_combine.cpp
		RCache.set_c				("e_barrier",	ps_r2_aa_barier.x,	ps_r2_aa_barier.y,	ps_r2_aa_barier.z,	0);
		RCache.set_c				("e_weights",	ps_r2_aa_weight.x,	ps_r2_aa_weight.y,	ps_r2_aa_weight.z,	0);
		RCache.set_c				("e_kernel",	ps_r2_aa_kernel,	ps_r2_aa_kernel,	ps_r2_aa_kernel,	0);
		RCache.set_c				("m_current",	m_current);
		RCache.set_c				("m_previous",	m_previous);
		RCache.set_c				("m_blur",		m_blur_scale.x,m_blur_scale.y, 0,0);
		RCache.set_Geometry			(g_aa_AA);
		RCache.Render				(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,Offset,0,4,0,2);
	RCache.set_Stencil		(FALSE);

	//	if FP16-BLEND !not! supported - draw flares here, overwise they are already in the bloom target
	/* if (!RImplementation.o.fp16_blend)*/	g_pGamePersistent->Environment().RenderFlares	();	// lens-flares

	//	PP-if required
	if (PP_Complex)		{
		phase_pp		();

	//	Re-adapt luminance
	RCache.set_Stencil		(FALSE);

	//*** exposure-pipeline-clear
		std::swap					(rt_LUM_pool[gpu_id*2+0],rt_LUM_pool[gpu_id*2+1]);
		t_LUM_src->surface_set		(NULL);
		t_LUM_dest->surface_set		(NULL);

#ifdef DEBUG
	RCache.set_CullMode	( CULL_CCW );
	static	xr_vector<Fplane>		saved_dbg_planes;
	if (bDebug)		saved_dbg_planes= dbg_planes;
	else			dbg_planes		= saved_dbg_planes;
	if (1) for (u32 it=0; it<dbg_planes.size(); it++)
		Fplane&		P	=	dbg_planes[it];
		Fvector		zero	;
		zero.mul	(P.n,P.d);
		Fvector             L_dir,L_up=P.n,L_right;
		L_dir.set           (0,0,1);                if (_abs(L_up.dotproduct(L_dir))>.99f)  L_dir.set(1,0,0);
		L_right.crossproduct(L_up,L_dir);           L_right.normalize       ();
		L_dir.crossproduct  (L_right,L_up);         L_dir.normalize         ();

		Fvector				p0,p1,p2,p3;
		float				sz	= 100.f;
		p0.mad				(zero,L_right,sz).mad	(L_dir,sz);
		p1.mad				(zero,L_right,sz).mad	(L_dir,-sz);
		p2.mad				(zero,L_right,-sz).mad	(L_dir,-sz);
		p3.mad				(zero,L_right,-sz).mad	(L_dir,+sz);
		RCache.dbg_DrawTRI	(Fidentity,p0,p1,p2,0xffffffff);
		RCache.dbg_DrawTRI	(Fidentity,p2,p3,p0,0xffffffff);

	static	xr_vector<dbg_line_t>	saved_dbg_lines;
	if (bDebug)		saved_dbg_lines	= dbg_lines;
	else			dbg_lines		= saved_dbg_lines;
	if (1) for (u32 it=0; it<dbg_lines.size(); it++)
		RCache.dbg_DrawLINE		(Fidentity,dbg_lines[it].P0,dbg_lines[it].P1,dbg_lines[it].color);

	// ********************* Debug
	if (0)		{
		u32		C					= color_rgba	(255,255,255,255);
		float	_w					= float(Device.dwWidth)/3;
		float	_h					= float(Device.dwHeight)/3;

		// draw light-spheres
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (0) for (u32 it=0; it<dbg_spheres.size(); it++)
			Fsphere				S	= dbg_spheres[it].first;
			Fmatrix				M;	
			u32				ccc		= dbg_spheres[it].second.get();
			M.scale					(S.R,S.R,S.R);
			M.translate_over		(S.P);
			RCache.dbg_DrawEllipse	(M,ccc);
			RCache.dbg_DrawAABB		(S.P,.05f,.05f,.05f,ccc);
		// Draw quater-screen quad textured with our direct-shadow-map-image
		if (1) 
			u32							IX=0,IY=1;
			p0.set						(.5f/_w, .5f/_h);
			p1.set						((_w+.5f)/_w, (_h+.5f)/_h );

			// Fill vertex buffer
			FVF::TL* pv					= (FVF::TL*) RCache.Vertex.Lock	(4,g_combine->vb_stride,Offset);
			pv->set						((IX+0)*_w+EPS,	(IY+1)*_h+EPS,	EPS,	1.f, C, p0.x, p1.y);	pv++;
			pv->set						((IX+0)*_w+EPS,	(IY+0)*_h+EPS,	EPS,	1.f, C, p0.x, p0.y);	pv++;
			pv->set						((IX+1)*_w+EPS,	(IY+1)*_h+EPS,	EPS,	1.f, C, p1.x, p1.y);	pv++;
			pv->set						((IX+1)*_w+EPS,	(IY+0)*_h+EPS,	EPS,	1.f, C, p1.x, p0.y);	pv++;
			RCache.Vertex.Unlock		(4,g_combine->vb_stride);

			// Draw COLOR
			RCache.set_Shader			(s_combine_dbg_0);
			RCache.set_Geometry			(g_combine);
			RCache.Render				(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,Offset,0,4,0,2);

		// Draw quater-screen quad textured with our accumulator
		if (0)
			u32							IX=1,IY=1;
			p0.set						(.5f/_w, .5f/_h);
			p1.set						((_w+.5f)/_w, (_h+.5f)/_h );

			// Fill vertex buffer
			FVF::TL* pv					= (FVF::TL*) RCache.Vertex.Lock	(4,g_combine->vb_stride,Offset);
			pv->set						((IX+0)*_w+EPS,	(IY+1)*_h+EPS,	EPS,	1.f, C, p0.x, p1.y);	pv++;
			pv->set						((IX+0)*_w+EPS,	(IY+0)*_h+EPS,	EPS,	1.f, C, p0.x, p0.y);	pv++;
			pv->set						((IX+1)*_w+EPS,	(IY+1)*_h+EPS,	EPS,	1.f, C, p1.x, p1.y);	pv++;
			pv->set						((IX+1)*_w+EPS,	(IY+0)*_h+EPS,	EPS,	1.f, C, p1.x, p0.y);	pv++;
			RCache.Vertex.Unlock		(4,g_combine->vb_stride);

			// Draw COLOR
			RCache.set_Shader			(s_combine_dbg_1);
			RCache.set_Geometry			(g_combine);
			RCache.Render				(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,Offset,0,4,0,2);
#ifdef DEBUG
	dbg_spheres.clear	();
	dbg_lines.clear		();
	dbg_planes.clear	();
void CRenderTarget::accum_direct		(u32 sub_phase)
	// Choose normal code-path or filtered
	phase_accumulator					();
	if (RImplementation.o.sunfilter)	{
		accum_direct_f	(sub_phase);
		return			;

	// *** assume accumulator setted up ***
	light*			fuckingsun			= (light*)RImplementation.Lights.sun_adapted._get()	;

	// Common calc for quad-rendering
	u32		Offset;
	u32		C					= color_rgba	(255,255,255,255);
	float	_w					= float			(Device.dwWidth);
	float	_h					= float			(Device.dwHeight);
	Fvector2					p0,p1;
	p0.set						(.5f/_w, .5f/_h);
	p1.set						((_w+.5f)/_w, (_h+.5f)/_h );
	float	d_Z	= EPS_S, d_W = 1.f;

	// Common constants (light-related)
	Fvector		L_dir,L_clr;	float L_spec;
	L_clr.set					(fuckingsun->color.r,fuckingsun->color.g,fuckingsun->color.b);
	L_spec						= u_diffuse2s	(L_clr);
	Device.mView.transform_dir	(L_dir,fuckingsun->direction);
	L_dir.normalize				();

	// Perform masking (only once - on the first/near phase)
	RCache.set_CullMode			(CULL_NONE	);
	if (SE_SUN_NEAR==sub_phase)	//.
		// Fill vertex buffer
		FVF::TL* pv					= (FVF::TL*)	RCache.Vertex.Lock	(4,g_combine->vb_stride,Offset);
		pv->set						(EPS,			float(_h+EPS),	d_Z,	d_W, C, p0.x, p1.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(EPS,			EPS,			d_Z,	d_W, C, p0.x, p0.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(float(_w+EPS),	float(_h+EPS),	d_Z,	d_W, C, p1.x, p1.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(float(_w+EPS),	EPS,			d_Z,	d_W, C, p1.x, p0.y);	pv++;
		RCache.Vertex.Unlock		(4,g_combine->vb_stride);
		RCache.set_Geometry			(g_combine);

		// setup
		float	intensity			= 0.3f*fuckingsun->color.r + 0.48f*fuckingsun->color.g + 0.22f*fuckingsun->color.b;
		Fvector	dir					= L_dir;
				dir.normalize().mul	(- _sqrt(intensity+EPS));
		RCache.set_Element			(s_accum_mask->E[SE_MASK_DIRECT]);		// masker
		RCache.set_c				("Ldynamic_dir",		dir.x,dir.y,dir.z,0		);

		// if (stencil>=1 && aref_pass)	stencil = light_id
		RCache.set_ColorWriteEnable	(FALSE		);
		RCache.Render				(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,Offset,0,4,0,2);

	// recalculate d_Z, to perform depth-clipping
	Fvector	center_pt;			center_pt.mad	(Device.vCameraPosition,Device.vCameraDirection,ps_r2_sun_near);
	Device.mFullTransform.transform(center_pt)	;
	d_Z							= center_pt.z	;

	// nv-stencil recompression
	if (RImplementation.o.nvstencil  && (SE_SUN_NEAR==sub_phase))	u_stencil_optimize();	//. driver bug?

	// Perform lighting
		phase_accumulator					()	;
		RCache.set_CullMode					(CULL_NONE);
		RCache.set_ColorWriteEnable			()	;

		// texture adjustment matrix
		float			fTexelOffs			= (.5f / float(RImplementation.o.smapsize));
		float			fRange				= (SE_SUN_NEAR==sub_phase)?ps_r2_sun_depth_near_scale:ps_r2_sun_depth_far_scale;
		float			fBias				= (SE_SUN_NEAR==sub_phase)?ps_r2_sun_depth_near_bias:ps_r2_sun_depth_far_bias;
		Fmatrix			m_TexelAdjust		= 
			0.5f,				0.0f,				0.0f,			0.0f,
			0.0f,				-0.5f,				0.0f,			0.0f,
			0.0f,				0.0f,				fRange,			0.0f,
			0.5f + fTexelOffs,	0.5f + fTexelOffs,	fBias,			1.0f

		// compute xforms
		FPU::m64r			();
		Fmatrix				xf_invview;		xf_invview.invert	(Device.mView)	;

		// shadow xform
		Fmatrix				m_shadow;
			Fmatrix			xf_project;		xf_project.mul		(m_TexelAdjust,fuckingsun->X.D.combine);
			m_shadow.mul	(xf_project,	xf_invview);

			// tsm-bias
			if ( (SE_SUN_FAR == sub_phase) && (RImplementation.o.HW_smap) )
				Fvector		bias;	bias.mul		(L_dir,ps_r2_sun_tsm_bias);
				Fmatrix		bias_t;	bias_t.translate(bias);
				m_shadow.mulB_44	(bias_t);
			FPU::m24r		();

		// clouds xform
		Fmatrix				m_clouds_shadow;
			static	float	w_shift		= 0;
			Fmatrix			m_xform;
			Fvector			direction	= fuckingsun->direction	;
			float	w_dir				= g_pGamePersistent->Environment().CurrentEnv.wind_direction	;
			//float	w_speed				= g_pGamePersistent->Environment().CurrentEnv.wind_velocity	;
			Fvector			normal	;	normal.setHP(w_dir,0);
							w_shift		+=	0.003f*Device.fTimeDelta;
			Fvector			position;	position.set(0,0,0);
			m_xform.build_camera_dir	(position,direction,normal)	;
			Fvector			localnormal;m_xform.transform_dir(localnormal,normal); localnormal.normalize();
			m_clouds_shadow.mul			(m_xform,xf_invview)		;
			m_xform.scale				(0.002f,0.002f,1.f)			;
			m_clouds_shadow.mulA_44		(m_xform)					;
			m_xform.translate			(localnormal.mul(w_shift))	;
			m_clouds_shadow.mulA_44		(m_xform)					;

		// Make jitter texture
		Fvector2					j0,j1;
		float	scale_X				= float(Device.dwWidth)	/ float(TEX_jitter);
		//float	scale_Y				= float(Device.dwHeight)/ float(TEX_jitter);
		float	offset				= (.5f / float(TEX_jitter));
		j0.set						(offset,offset);
		j1.set						(scale_X,scale_X).add(offset);

		// Fill vertex buffer
		FVF::TL2uv* pv				= (FVF::TL2uv*) RCache.Vertex.Lock	(4,g_combine_2UV->vb_stride,Offset);
		pv->set						(EPS,			float(_h+EPS),	d_Z,	d_W, C, p0.x, p1.y, j0.x, j1.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(EPS,			EPS,			d_Z,	d_W, C, p0.x, p0.y, j0.x, j0.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(float(_w+EPS),	float(_h+EPS),	d_Z,	d_W, C, p1.x, p1.y, j1.x, j1.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(float(_w+EPS),	EPS,			d_Z,	d_W, C, p1.x, p0.y, j1.x, j0.y);	pv++;
		RCache.Vertex.Unlock		(4,g_combine_2UV->vb_stride);
		RCache.set_Geometry			(g_combine_2UV);

		// setup
		RCache.set_Element			(s_accum_direct->E[sub_phase]);
		RCache.set_c				("Ldynamic_dir",		L_dir.x,L_dir.y,L_dir.z,0		);
		RCache.set_c				("Ldynamic_color",		L_clr.x,L_clr.y,L_clr.z,L_spec	);
		RCache.set_c				("m_shadow",			m_shadow						);
		RCache.set_c				("m_sunmask",			m_clouds_shadow					);
		// nv-DBT
		if (RImplementation.o.nvdbt && ps_r2_ls_flags.test(R2FLAG_USE_NVDBT))	{
			float zMin,zMax;
			if (SE_SUN_NEAR==sub_phase)	{
				zMin = 0;
				zMax = ps_r2_sun_near;
			} else {
				extern float	OLES_SUN_LIMIT_27_01_07;
				zMin = ps_r2_sun_near;
				zMax = OLES_SUN_LIMIT_27_01_07;

			center_pt.mad(Device.vCameraPosition,Device.vCameraDirection,zMin);	Device.mFullTransform.transform	(center_pt);
			zMin = center_pt.z	;

			center_pt.mad(Device.vCameraPosition,Device.vCameraDirection,zMax);	Device.mFullTransform.transform	(center_pt);
			zMax = center_pt.z	;

			// enable cheat

			// z-test always
			HW.pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC, D3DCMP_ALWAYS);
			HW.pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, FALSE);

		// Fetch4 : enable
		if (RImplementation.o.HW_smap_FETCH4)	{
			//. we hacked the shader to force smap on S0
#			define FOURCC_GET4  MAKEFOURCC('G','E','T','4') 
			HW.pDevice->SetSamplerState	( 0, D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS, FOURCC_GET4 );

		// setup stencil
		RCache.set_Stencil			(TRUE,D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL,dwLightMarkerID,0xff,0x00);
		RCache.Render				(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,Offset,0,4,0,2);

		// Fetch4 : disable
		if (RImplementation.o.HW_smap_FETCH4)	{
			//. we hacked the shader to force smap on S0
#			define FOURCC_GET1  MAKEFOURCC('G','E','T','1') 
			HW.pDevice->SetSamplerState	( 0, D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS, FOURCC_GET1 );

		// disable depth bounds
		if (RImplementation.o.nvdbt && ps_r2_ls_flags.test(R2FLAG_USE_NVDBT))	HW.pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ADAPTIVETESS_X,0);
void CRenderTarget::accum_direct_f		(u32 sub_phase)
	// Select target
	if (SE_SUN_LUMINANCE==sub_phase)	{
		accum_direct_lum	();
		return				;
	phase_accumulator					();
	u_setrt								(rt_Generic_0,NULL,NULL,HW.pBaseZB);

	// *** assume accumulator setted up ***
	light*			fuckingsun			= (light*)RImplementation.Lights.sun_adapted._get()	;

	// Common calc for quad-rendering
	u32		Offset;
	u32		C					= color_rgba	(255,255,255,255);
	float	_w					= float			(Device.dwWidth);
	float	_h					= float			(Device.dwHeight);
	Fvector2					p0,p1;
	p0.set						(.5f/_w, .5f/_h);
	p1.set						((_w+.5f)/_w, (_h+.5f)/_h );
	float	d_Z	= EPS_S, d_W = 1.f;

	// Common constants (light-related)
	Fvector		L_dir,L_clr;	float L_spec;
	L_clr.set					(fuckingsun->color.r,fuckingsun->color.g,fuckingsun->color.b);
	L_spec						= u_diffuse2s	(L_clr);
	Device.mView.transform_dir	(L_dir,fuckingsun->direction);
	L_dir.normalize				();

	// Perform masking (only once - on the first/near phase)
	RCache.set_CullMode			(CULL_NONE	);
	if (SE_SUN_NEAR==sub_phase)	//.
		// For sun-filter - clear to zero
		CHK_DX	(HW.pDevice->Clear	( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, 0, 1.0f, 0L));

		// Fill vertex buffer
		FVF::TL* pv					= (FVF::TL*)	RCache.Vertex.Lock	(4,g_combine->vb_stride,Offset);
		pv->set						(EPS,			float(_h+EPS),	d_Z,	d_W, C, p0.x, p1.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(EPS,			EPS,			d_Z,	d_W, C, p0.x, p0.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(float(_w+EPS),	float(_h+EPS),	d_Z,	d_W, C, p1.x, p1.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(float(_w+EPS),	EPS,			d_Z,	d_W, C, p1.x, p0.y);	pv++;
		RCache.Vertex.Unlock		(4,g_combine->vb_stride);
		RCache.set_Geometry			(g_combine);

		// setup
		float	intensity			= 0.3f*fuckingsun->color.r + 0.48f*fuckingsun->color.g + 0.22f*fuckingsun->color.b;
		Fvector	dir					= L_dir;
		dir.normalize().mul	(- _sqrt(intensity+EPS));
		RCache.set_Element			(s_accum_mask->E[SE_MASK_DIRECT]);		// masker
		RCache.set_c				("Ldynamic_dir",		dir.x,dir.y,dir.z,0		);

		// if (stencil>=1 && aref_pass)	stencil = light_id
		RCache.set_ColorWriteEnable	(FALSE		);
		RCache.Render				(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,Offset,0,4,0,2);

	// recalculate d_Z, to perform depth-clipping
	Fvector	center_pt;			center_pt.mad	(Device.vCameraPosition,Device.vCameraDirection,ps_r2_sun_near);
	Device.mFullTransform.transform(center_pt)	;
	d_Z							= center_pt.z	;

	// nv-stencil recompression
	if (RImplementation.o.nvstencil  && (SE_SUN_NEAR==sub_phase))	u_stencil_optimize();	//. driver bug?

	// Perform lighting
		u_setrt								(rt_Generic_0,NULL,NULL,HW.pBaseZB);  // enshure RT setup
		RCache.set_CullMode					(CULL_NONE	);
		RCache.set_ColorWriteEnable			();

		// texture adjustment matrix
		float			fTexelOffs			= (.5f / float(RImplementation.o.smapsize));
		float			fRange				= (SE_SUN_NEAR==sub_phase)?ps_r2_sun_depth_near_scale:ps_r2_sun_depth_far_scale;
		float			fBias				= (SE_SUN_NEAR==sub_phase)?ps_r2_sun_depth_near_bias:ps_r2_sun_depth_far_bias;
		Fmatrix			m_TexelAdjust		= 
			0.5f,				0.0f,				0.0f,			0.0f,
			0.0f,				-0.5f,				0.0f,			0.0f,
			0.0f,				0.0f,				fRange,			0.0f,
			0.5f + fTexelOffs,	0.5f + fTexelOffs,	fBias,			1.0f

		// compute xforms
		Fmatrix				m_shadow;
			FPU::m64r		();
			Fmatrix			xf_invview;		xf_invview.invert	(Device.mView)	;
			Fmatrix			xf_project;		xf_project.mul		(m_TexelAdjust,fuckingsun->X.D.combine);
			m_shadow.mul	(xf_project,	xf_invview);

			// tsm-bias
			if (SE_SUN_FAR == sub_phase)
				Fvector		bias;	bias.mul		(L_dir,ps_r2_sun_tsm_bias);
				Fmatrix		bias_t;	bias_t.translate(bias);
				m_shadow.mulB_44	(bias_t);
			FPU::m24r		();

		// Make jitter texture
		Fvector2					j0,j1;
		float	scale_X				= float(Device.dwWidth)	/ float(TEX_jitter);
		//float	scale_Y				= float(Device.dwHeight)/ float(TEX_jitter);
		float	offset				= (.5f / float(TEX_jitter));
		j0.set						(offset,offset);
		j1.set						(scale_X,scale_X).add(offset);

		// Fill vertex buffer
		FVF::TL2uv* pv				= (FVF::TL2uv*) RCache.Vertex.Lock	(4,g_combine_2UV->vb_stride,Offset);
		pv->set						(EPS,			float(_h+EPS),	d_Z,	d_W, C, p0.x, p1.y, j0.x, j1.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(EPS,			EPS,			d_Z,	d_W, C, p0.x, p0.y, j0.x, j0.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(float(_w+EPS),	float(_h+EPS),	d_Z,	d_W, C, p1.x, p1.y, j1.x, j1.y);	pv++;
		pv->set						(float(_w+EPS),	EPS,			d_Z,	d_W, C, p1.x, p0.y, j1.x, j0.y);	pv++;
		RCache.Vertex.Unlock		(4,g_combine_2UV->vb_stride);
		RCache.set_Geometry			(g_combine_2UV);

		// setup
		RCache.set_Element			(s_accum_direct->E[sub_phase]);
		RCache.set_c				("Ldynamic_dir",		L_dir.x,L_dir.y,L_dir.z,0		);
		RCache.set_c				("Ldynamic_color",		L_clr.x,L_clr.y,L_clr.z,L_spec	);
		RCache.set_c				("m_shadow",			m_shadow						);

		// setup stencil
		RCache.set_Stencil			(TRUE,D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL,dwLightMarkerID,0xff,0x00);
		RCache.Render				(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,Offset,0,4,0,2);
void CRenderTarget::accum_direct_lum	()
	// Select target
	phase_accumulator					();

	// *** assume accumulator setted up ***
	light*			fuckingsun			= (light*)RImplementation.Lights.sun_adapted._get()	;

	// Common calc for quad-rendering
	u32		Offset;
	// u32		C					= color_rgba	(255,255,255,255);
	float	_w					= float			(Device.dwWidth);
	float	_h					= float			(Device.dwHeight);
	Fvector2					p0,p1;
	p0.set						(.5f/_w, .5f/_h);
	p1.set						((_w+.5f)/_w, (_h+.5f)/_h );
	float	d_Z	= EPS_S;		//, d_W = 1.f;

	// Common constants (light-related)
	Fvector		L_dir,L_clr;	float L_spec;
	L_clr.set					(fuckingsun->color.r,fuckingsun->color.g,fuckingsun->color.b);
	L_spec						= u_diffuse2s	(L_clr);
	Device.mView.transform_dir	(L_dir,fuckingsun->direction);
	L_dir.normalize				();

	// recalculate d_Z, to perform depth-clipping
	Fvector	center_pt;			center_pt.mad	(Device.vCameraPosition,Device.vCameraDirection,ps_r2_sun_near);
	Device.mFullTransform.transform(center_pt)	;
	d_Z							= center_pt.z	;

	// nv-stencil recompression
	if (RImplementation.o.nvstencil  && (SE_SUN_NEAR==sub_phase))	u_stencil_optimize();	//. driver bug?

	// Perform lighting
		RCache.set_CullMode					(CULL_NONE	);
		RCache.set_ColorWriteEnable			();

		// Make jitter texture
		Fvector2					j0,j1;
		float	scale_X				= float(Device.dwWidth)	/ float(TEX_jitter);
//		float	scale_Y				= float(Device.dwHeight)/ float(TEX_jitter);
		float	offset				= (.5f / float(TEX_jitter));
		j0.set						(offset,offset);
		j1.set						(scale_X,scale_X).add(offset);

		struct v_aa	{
			Fvector4	p;
			Fvector2	uv0;
			Fvector2	uvJ;
			Fvector2	uv1;
			Fvector2	uv2;
			Fvector2	uv3;
			Fvector4	uv4;
			Fvector4	uv5;
		float	smooth				= 0.6f;
		float	ddw					= smooth/_w;
		float	ddh					= smooth/_h;

		// Fill vertex buffer
		VERIFY	(sizeof(v_aa)==g_aa_AA->vb_stride);
		v_aa* pv					= (v_aa*) RCache.Vertex.Lock	(4,g_aa_AA->vb_stride,Offset);
		pv->p.set(EPS,			float(_h+EPS),	EPS,1.f); pv->uv0.set(p0.x, p1.y);pv->uvJ.set(j0.x, j1.y);pv->uv1.set(p0.x-ddw,p1.y-ddh);pv->uv2.set(p0.x+ddw,p1.y+ddh);pv->uv3.set(p0.x+ddw,p1.y-ddh);pv->uv4.set(p0.x-ddw,p1.y+ddh,0,0);pv->uv5.set(0,0,0,0);pv++;
		pv->p.set(EPS,			EPS,			EPS,1.f); pv->uv0.set(p0.x, p0.y);pv->uvJ.set(j0.x, j0.y);pv->uv1.set(p0.x-ddw,p0.y-ddh);pv->uv2.set(p0.x+ddw,p0.y+ddh);pv->uv3.set(p0.x+ddw,p0.y-ddh);pv->uv4.set(p0.x-ddw,p0.y+ddh,0,0);pv->uv5.set(0,0,0,0);pv++;
		pv->p.set(float(_w+EPS),float(_h+EPS),	EPS,1.f); pv->uv0.set(p1.x, p1.y);pv->uvJ.set(j1.x, j1.y);pv->uv1.set(p1.x-ddw,p1.y-ddh);pv->uv2.set(p1.x+ddw,p1.y+ddh);pv->uv3.set(p1.x+ddw,p1.y-ddh);pv->uv4.set(p1.x-ddw,p1.y+ddh,0,0);pv->uv5.set(0,0,0,0);pv++;
		pv->p.set(float(_w+EPS),EPS,			EPS,1.f); pv->uv0.set(p1.x, p0.y);pv->uvJ.set(j1.x, j0.y);pv->uv1.set(p1.x-ddw,p0.y-ddh);pv->uv2.set(p1.x+ddw,p0.y+ddh);pv->uv3.set(p1.x+ddw,p0.y-ddh);pv->uv4.set(p1.x-ddw,p0.y+ddh,0,0);pv->uv5.set(0,0,0,0);pv++;
		RCache.Vertex.Unlock		(4,g_aa_AA->vb_stride);
		RCache.set_Geometry			(g_aa_AA);

		// setup
		RCache.set_Element			(s_accum_direct->E[SE_SUN_LUMINANCE]);
		RCache.set_c				("Ldynamic_dir",		L_dir.x,L_dir.y,L_dir.z,0		);
		RCache.set_c				("Ldynamic_color",		L_clr.x,L_clr.y,L_clr.z,L_spec	);

		// setup stencil
		RCache.set_Stencil			(TRUE,D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL,dwLightMarkerID,0xff,0x00);
		RCache.Render				(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,Offset,0,4,0,2);
예제 #5
void CRender::Render		()
	g_r						= 1;
	VERIFY					(0==mapDistort.size());

	bool	_menu_pp		= g_pGamePersistent?g_pGamePersistent->OnRenderPPUI_query():false;
	if (_menu_pp)			{
		render_menu			()	;
		return					;
	if( !(g_pGameLevel && g_pGameLevel->pHUD) )	return;
//.	VERIFY					(g_pGameLevel && g_pGameLevel->pHUD);

	// Configure
	RImplementation.o.distortion				= FALSE;		// disable distorion
	Fcolor					sun_color			= ((light*)Lights.sun_adapted._get())->color;
	BOOL					bSUN				= ps_r2_ls_flags.test(R2FLAG_SUN) && (u_diffuse2s(sun_color.r,sun_color.g,sun_color.b)>EPS);
	if (o.sunstatic)		bSUN				= FALSE;
	// Msg						("sstatic: %s, sun: %s",o.sunstatic?"true":"false", bSUN?"true":"false");

	// HOM
	ViewBase.CreateFromMatrix					(Device.mFullTransform, FRUSTUM_P_LRTB + FRUSTUM_P_FAR);
	View										= 0;
	if (!ps_r2_ls_flags.test(R2FLAG_EXP_MT_CALC))	{
		HOM.Enable									();
		HOM.Render									(ViewBase);

	//******* Z-prefill calc - DEFERRER RENDERER
	if (ps_r2_ls_flags.test(R2FLAG_ZFILL))		{
		Device.Statistic->RenderCALC.Begin			();
		float		z_distance	= ps_r2_zfill		;
		Fmatrix		m_zfill, m_project				;
		m_project.build_projection	(
			deg2rad(Device.fFOV/* *Device.fASPECT*/), 
			z_distance * g_pGamePersistent->Environment().CurrentEnv.far_plane);
		m_zfill.mul	(m_project,Device.mView);
		r_pmask										(true,false);	// enable priority "0"
		set_Recorder								(NULL)		;
		phase										= PHASE_SMAP;
		render_main									(m_zfill,false)	;
		r_pmask										(true,false);	// disable priority "1"
		Device.Statistic->RenderCALC.End				( )			;

		// flush
		Target->phase_scene_prepare					();
		RCache.set_ColorWriteEnable					(FALSE);
		r_dsgraph_render_graph						(0);
		RCache.set_ColorWriteEnable					( );
	} else {
		Target->phase_scene_prepare					();

	// Sync point
	Device.Statistic->RenderDUMP_Wait_S.Begin	();
	if (1)
		CTimer	T;							T.Start	();
		BOOL	result						= FALSE;
		HRESULT	hr							= S_FALSE;
		while	((hr=q_sync_point[q_sync_count]->GetData	(&result,sizeof(result),D3DGETDATA_FLUSH))==S_FALSE) {
			if (!SwitchToThread())			Sleep(ps_r2_wait_sleep);
			if (T.GetElapsed_ms() > 500)	{
				result	= FALSE;
	Device.Statistic->RenderDUMP_Wait_S.End		();
	q_sync_count								= (q_sync_count+1)%2;
	CHK_DX										(q_sync_point[q_sync_count]->Issue(D3DISSUE_END));

	//******* Main calc - DEFERRER RENDERER
	// Main calc
	Device.Statistic->RenderCALC.Begin			();
	r_pmask										(true,false,true);	// enable priority "0",+ capture wmarks
	if (bSUN)									set_Recorder	(&main_coarse_structure);
	else										set_Recorder	(NULL);
	phase										= PHASE_NORMAL;
	render_main									(Device.mFullTransform,true);
	set_Recorder								(NULL);
	r_pmask										(true,false);	// disable priority "1"
	Device.Statistic->RenderCALC.End			();

	BOOL	split_the_scene_to_minimize_wait		= FALSE;
	if (ps_r2_ls_flags.test(R2FLAG_EXP_SPLIT_SCENE))	split_the_scene_to_minimize_wait=TRUE;

	//******* Main render :: PART-0	-- first
	if (!split_the_scene_to_minimize_wait)
		// level, DO NOT SPLIT
		Target->phase_scene_begin				();
		r_dsgraph_render_hud					();
		r_dsgraph_render_graph					(0);
		r_dsgraph_render_lods					(true,true);
		if(Details)	Details->Render				();
		Target->phase_scene_end					();
	} else {
		// level, SPLIT
		Target->phase_scene_begin				();
		r_dsgraph_render_graph					(0);
		Target->disable_aniso					();

	//******* Occlusion testing of volume-limited light-sources
	Target->phase_occq							();
	LP_normal.clear								();
	LP_pending.clear							();
		// perform tests
		u32	count			= 0;
		light_Package&	LP	= Lights.package;

		// stats
		stats.l_shadowed	= LP.v_shadowed.size();
		stats.l_unshadowed	= LP.v_point.size() + LP.v_spot.size();
		stats.l_total		= stats.l_shadowed + stats.l_unshadowed;

		// perform tests
		count				= _max	(count,LP.v_point.size());
		count				= _max	(count,LP.v_spot.size());
		count				= _max	(count,LP.v_shadowed.size());
		for (u32 it=0; it<count; it++)	{
			if (it<LP.v_point.size())		{
				light*	L			= LP.v_point	[it];
				L->vis_prepare		();
				if (L->vis.pending)	LP_pending.v_point.push_back	(L);
				else				LP_normal.v_point.push_back		(L);
			if (it<LP.v_spot.size())		{
				light*	L			= LP.v_spot		[it];
				L->vis_prepare		();
				if (L->vis.pending)	LP_pending.v_spot.push_back		(L);
				else				LP_normal.v_spot.push_back		(L);
			if (it<LP.v_shadowed.size())	{
				light*	L			= LP.v_shadowed	[it];
				L->vis_prepare		();
				if (L->vis.pending)	LP_pending.v_shadowed.push_back	(L);
				else				LP_normal.v_shadowed.push_back	(L);
	LP_normal.sort							();
	LP_pending.sort							();

	//******* Main render :: PART-1 (second)
	if (split_the_scene_to_minimize_wait)	{
		// skybox can be drawn here
		if (0)
			Target->u_setrt		( Target->rt_Generic_0,	Target->rt_Generic_1,0,HW.pBaseZB );
			RCache.set_CullMode	( CULL_NONE );
			RCache.set_Stencil	( FALSE		);

			// draw skybox
			RCache.set_ColorWriteEnable					();
			CHK_DX(HW.pDevice->SetRenderState			( D3DRS_ZENABLE,	FALSE				));
			g_pGamePersistent->Environment().RenderSky	();
			CHK_DX(HW.pDevice->SetRenderState			( D3DRS_ZENABLE,	TRUE				));

		// level
		Target->phase_scene_begin				();
		r_dsgraph_render_hud					();
		r_dsgraph_render_lods					(true,true);
		if(Details)	Details->Render				();
		Target->phase_scene_end					();

	// Wall marks
	if(Wallmarks)	{
		Target->phase_wallmarks					();
		if (!ps_common_flags.test(RFLAG_BLOODMARKS)) g_r										= 0;
		Wallmarks->Render						();				// wallmarks has priority as normal geometry

	// Update incremental shadowmap-visibility solver
		u32 it=0;
		for (it=0; it<Lights_LastFrame.size(); it++)	{
			if (0==Lights_LastFrame[it])	continue	;
			try {
				Lights_LastFrame[it]->svis.flushoccq()	;
			} catch (...)
				Msg	("! Failed to flush-OCCq on light [%d] %X",it,*(u32*)(&Lights_LastFrame[it]));
		Lights_LastFrame.clear	();

	// Directional light - f*****g sun
	if (bSUN)	{
		RImplementation.stats.l_visible		++;
		render_sun_near						();
		render_sun							();
		render_sun_filtered					();
		Target->accum_direct_blend			();

	// Lighting, non dependant on OCCQ
	Target->phase_accumulator				();
	HOM.Disable								();
	render_lights							(LP_normal);
	// Lighting, dependant on OCCQ
	render_lights							(LP_pending);

	// Postprocess
	Target->phase_combine					();
	VERIFY	(0==mapDistort.size());