jboolean fastiva_vm_Character_C$__isIdentifierIgnorableImpl(jint codePoint) { // Java also returns true for U+0085 Next Line (it omits U+0085 from whitespace ISO controls). if(codePoint == 0x0085) { return JNI_TRUE; } return u_isIDIgnorable(codePoint); }
//static jboolean Character_isIdentifierIgnorableImpl(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint codePoint) { JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_java_lang_Character_isIdentifierIgnorableImpl(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint codePoint) { // Java also returns true for U+0085 Next Line (it omits U+0085 from whitespace ISO controls). if(codePoint == 0x0085) { return JNI_TRUE; } return u_isIDIgnorable(codePoint); }
/* Checks if the Unicode character can be a Unicode identifier part other than starting the identifier.*/ U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2 u_isIDPart(UChar32 c) { uint32_t props; GET_PROPS(c, props); return (UBool)( (CAT_MASK(props)& (U_GC_ND_MASK|U_GC_NL_MASK| U_GC_L_MASK| U_GC_PC_MASK|U_GC_MC_MASK|U_GC_MN_MASK) )!=0 || u_isIDIgnorable(c)); }
static jboolean Character_isIdentifierIgnorableImpl(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint codePoint) { return u_isIDIgnorable(codePoint); }