예제 #1
void register_read_test ( void )
    unsigned i;

    for ( i = 0; i <= ETH_TXCTRL; i += 4 )
        uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, "Ethernet register at address 0x");
        uart_print_hex( UART1_BASE_ADDR, i, 4 );
        uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, ", value 0x" );
        uart_print_hex( UART1_BASE_ADDR, REG32( ETH_BASE + i ), 8 );
        uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, "." EOL );

    const uint32_t tx_bd_count = REG32( ETH_BASE + ETH_TX_BD_NUM );

    for ( i = 0; i < BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT; ++i )
        if ( i < tx_bd_count )
            uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, "Ethernet Tx Buffer Descriptor ");
            uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, "Ethernet Rx Buffer Descriptor ");

        uart_print_unsigned( UART1_BASE_ADDR, i );

        uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, ", flags 0x" );

        uart_print_hex( UART1_BASE_ADDR, REG32( get_bd_status_addr( i ) ), 8 );

        uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, ", addr 0x" );

        uart_print_hex( UART1_BASE_ADDR, REG32( get_bd_ptr_addr( i ) ), 8 );

        uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, "." EOL );
예제 #2
void copy_bl2_to_sram(void){
	uint32_t *load_address =(uint32_t*) (0xD0020FB0);  // SRAM BL1 start address + 16k (binary kilo)
	debug_print("Copying BL2 started ...\n\r");
	void (*BL2)(void);
	uint32_t channel = 0;
	copy_mmc_to_mem copy_func = (copy_mmc_to_mem) (*(uint32_t *) 0xD0037F98); //SdMccCopyToMem function from iROM documentation
	uint32_t ret = copy_func(channel, 33, COPY_BL2_SIZE/512,load_address, 0);
	if(ret == 1){
		debug_print("BL2 loading successful, running it ...\n\r");
		debug_print("The address where BL2 should be contains:\n\r");
		BL2 = (void*) load_address;
		(*BL2)(); // dereferencing and running ...
		debug_print("BL2 loading failed :-(\n\r");
예제 #3
파일: main.c 프로젝트: MejriTaoufik/CoOS
 * @brief		Print task.	  
 * @param[in] 	pdata	A pointer to parameter passed to task.	 
 * @param[out] 	None  
 * @retval		None
 * @details	  	This task print adc value by UART.  
void uart_print(void *pdata)
	int AD_value;	 
	pdata = pdata; 			
	for (;;) 
		CoEnterMutexSection(mut_uart);			/*!< Enter mutex area.		 */
		AD_value = ADC_ConvertedValue;
		uart_printf ("\r AD value = 0x");
		uart_print_hex (AD_value,4);
		CoLeaveMutexSection(mut_uart); 			/*!< Leave mutex area.		  */

예제 #4
static void print_mac_address ( const unsigned char * const addr )
    uart_print_hex( UART1_BASE_ADDR, addr[0], 2 );
    uart_print_char( UART1_BASE_ADDR, ':' );
    uart_print_hex( UART1_BASE_ADDR, addr[1], 2 );
    uart_print_char( UART1_BASE_ADDR, ':' );
    uart_print_hex( UART1_BASE_ADDR, addr[2], 2 );
    uart_print_char( UART1_BASE_ADDR, ':' );
    uart_print_hex( UART1_BASE_ADDR, addr[3], 2 );
    uart_print_char( UART1_BASE_ADDR, ':' );
    uart_print_hex( UART1_BASE_ADDR, addr[4], 2 );
    uart_print_char( UART1_BASE_ADDR, ':' );
    uart_print_hex( UART1_BASE_ADDR, addr[5], 2 );
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {

    unsigned flit;
    unsigned flit_type;
    unsigned payload;
    unsigned packet_counter = 1;

    /* Test UART */
    setup_uart(CPU_SPEED, UART_BAUDRATE);
    uart_puts("UART TEST: If you can read this, then UART output works!\n");

    #if (UART_IN_TEST == 1)

    uart_puts("Please press letter 'b' on the UART terminal:\n");
    char uart_in = uart_getch();

    if (uart_in == 'b')
        uart_puts("UART INPUT TEST PASSED!\n\n");

        uart_puts("UART INPUT TEST FAILED!\n");
        uart_puts("Received following letter: {ASCII:HEX}\n");


    #if (GPIO_TEST == 1)

    /* Test GPIO */
    unsigned gpio_in = memory_read(GPIOA_IN);
    memory_write(GPIO0_SET, gpio_in);


    uart_puts("\n\nBeginning communication test\n\n");

    ni_write(build_header(DST_ADDR, 3));

    while (packet_counter <= SEND_PACKET_COUNT)
        if ((ni_read_flags() & NI_READ_MASK) == 0)
            flit = ni_read();
            flit_type = get_flit_type(flit);

            if (flit_type == FLIT_TYPE_HEADER)
                uart_puts("Sending packet number ");
                uart_print_num(packet_counter, 10, 0);
                ni_write(build_header(DST_ADDR, 3));
                payload = get_flit_payload(flit);

    /* Run CPU test */

    return 0;
예제 #6
static void uart_print_address(uint32_t *address){
예제 #7
static void uart_print_address_contents(uint32_t *address){
예제 #8
int main ( void )
    int_init();  // This is specific for OpenRISC, you may need to call some other routine here
                 // in order to initialise interrupt support and so on.

    // We use a serial port console to display informational messages.
    init_uart( UART1_BASE_ADDR );

    uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, "This is the Ethernet example program." EOL );


    int_add( ETH_IRQ, &eth_interrupt, NULL );

    // Use an Ethernet sniffer like Wireshark in order to see the test frame sent.
    uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, "Sending the first test frame (which has invalid protocol contents)..." EOL );

    int pos = 0;

    write_broadcast_mac_addr( &eth_tx_packet[ pos ] );
    pos += MAC_ADDR_LEN;

    write_own_mac_addr( &eth_tx_packet[ pos ] );
    pos += MAC_ADDR_LEN;

    eth_tx_packet[ pos + 0 ] = 0x10;
    eth_tx_packet[ pos + 1 ] = 0x20;
    eth_tx_packet[ pos + 2 ] = 0x30;
    eth_tx_packet[ pos + 3 ] = 0x40;
    eth_tx_packet[ pos + 4 ] = 0x50;
    eth_tx_packet[ pos + 5 ] = 0x60;
    pos += 6;

    int fill_to_end = 0;

    if ( fill_to_end )
        while ( pos < MAX_FRAME_LEN )
            eth_tx_packet[ pos ] = (unsigned char) pos;

    start_ethernet_send( pos );

    uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, "Sending the second test frame (which has invalid protocol contents)..." EOL );

    pos = 0;

    write_broadcast_mac_addr( &eth_tx_packet[ pos ] );
    pos += MAC_ADDR_LEN;

    write_own_mac_addr( &eth_tx_packet[ pos ] );
    pos += MAC_ADDR_LEN;

    eth_tx_packet[ pos + 0 ] = 0x11;
    eth_tx_packet[ pos + 1 ] = 0x22;
    eth_tx_packet[ pos + 2 ] = 0x33;
    eth_tx_packet[ pos + 3 ] = 0x44;
    eth_tx_packet[ pos + 4 ] = 0x55;
    eth_tx_packet[ pos + 5 ] = 0x66;
    pos += 6;

    start_ethernet_send( pos );

    const int dump_all_register_values = 0;
    if ( dump_all_register_values )

    // Main infinite loop.
    // Wait for incoming frames, dump their contents and reply to a single type of ARP request.
    // See the README file for an example on how to generate the right type of APR request with arping.

    for ( ; ; )
        uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, "Waiting for a frame to be received..." EOL );

        REG32( get_bd_ptr_addr( s_current_rx_bd_index ) ) = (unsigned long) eth_rx_packet;

        uint32_t receive_flags = ETH_RXBD_EMPTY | ETH_RXBD_IRQ;

        if ( s_current_rx_bd_index == BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT - 1 )
            receive_flags += ETH_RXBD_WRAP;

        REG32( get_bd_status_addr( s_current_rx_bd_index ) ) = receive_flags;

        uint32_t status;

        for ( ; ; )
            status = REG32( get_bd_status_addr( s_current_rx_bd_index ) );

            if ( 0 == ( status & ETH_RXBD_EMPTY ) )
                uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, "Frame received." EOL );

        if ( status & ( ETH_RXBD_OR  |
                        ETH_RXBD_IS  |
                        ETH_RXBD_DN  |
                        ETH_RXBD_TL  |
                        ETH_RXBD_SF  |
                        ETH_RXBD_CRC |
                        ETH_RXBD_LC  ) )
            uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, "Error receiving frame, rx status is: " );
            uart_print_hex( UART1_BASE_ADDR, status, 8 );
            uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR,  EOL );
            const int eth_rx_len = ( status >> 16 );

            const int should_dump_frame_contents = 0;

            if ( should_dump_frame_contents )
                uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, "Received length: " );

                uart_print_int( UART1_BASE_ADDR, eth_rx_len );
                uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, EOL );
                uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, "Frame data: " );

                int i;
                for ( i = 0; i < eth_rx_len; i++ )
                    uart_print_hex( UART1_BASE_ADDR, eth_rx_packet[i], 2 );
                    uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR," " );

                uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, EOL "End of received data." EOL );

            if ( ! process_received_frame( eth_rx_len ) )
                uart_print( UART1_BASE_ADDR, "The received frame has been ignored." EOL );


        if ( s_current_rx_bd_index == BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT )
            s_current_rx_bd_index = TX_BD_COUNT;