static void init_mtbl(int fd) { struct mtbl_writer_options *writer_options = mtbl_writer_options_init(); assert(writer_options != NULL); mtbl_writer_options_set_block_size(writer_options, 1024); struct mtbl_writer *writer = mtbl_writer_init_fd(fd, writer_options); assert(writer != NULL); /* Populate the mtbl with hex(i)->i */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; i++) { ubuf *key = ubuf_init(1); ubuf *value = ubuf_init(1); ubuf_add_fmt(key, KEY_FMT, i); ubuf_add_fmt(value, VAL_FMT, i); assert(mtbl_writer_add(writer, ubuf_data(key), ubuf_size(key), ubuf_data(value), ubuf_size(value)) == mtbl_res_success); ubuf_destroy(&key); ubuf_destroy(&value); } mtbl_writer_destroy(&writer); mtbl_writer_options_destroy(&writer_options); }
struct zonefile * zonefile_init_fname(const char *fname) { struct zonefile *z = my_calloc(1, sizeof(struct zonefile)); size_t len_fname = strlen(fname); if (len_fname >= 3 && fname[len_fname - 3] == '.' && fname[len_fname - 2] == 'g' && fname[len_fname - 1] == 'z') { ubuf *u = ubuf_new(); ubuf_add_cstr(u, "zcat "); ubuf_add_cstr(u, fname); z->fp = popen(ubuf_cstr(u), "r"); z->is_pipe = true; ubuf_destroy(&u); } else { z->fp = fopen(fname, "r"); } if (z->fp == NULL) return (NULL); z->valid = true; if (read_soa(z) != LDNS_STATUS_OK) zonefile_destroy(&z); return (z); }
void block_iter_destroy(struct block_iter **bi) { if (*bi != NULL) { ubuf_destroy(&(*bi)->key); free(*bi); *bi = NULL; } }
static int test6(void) { int ret = 0; ubuf *v = ubuf_init(16); ubuf_append(v, (uint8_t *) str_array, sizeof(str_array)); ubuf_clip(v, 17); if (ubuf_size(v) != 17) ret |= 1; ubuf_destroy(&v); return (ret); }
wdns_res wdns_str_to_rdata(const char * str, uint16_t rrtype, uint16_t rrclass, uint8_t **rdata, size_t *rdlen) { ubuf *u; wdns_res res; u = ubuf_new(); res = _wdns_str_to_rdata_ubuf(u, str, rrtype, rrclass); if (res == wdns_res_success) { ubuf_detach(u, (uint8_t **) rdata, rdlen); } ubuf_destroy(&u); return (res); }
char * wdns_rdata_to_str(const uint8_t *rdata, uint16_t rdlen, uint16_t rrtype, uint16_t rrclass) { char *ret; size_t retsz; ubuf *u; u = ubuf_new(); _wdns_rdata_to_ubuf(u, rdata, rdlen, rrtype, rrclass); ubuf_cterm(u); ubuf_detach(u, (uint8_t **) &ret, &retsz); ubuf_destroy(&u); return (ret); }
static int test3(void) { int ret = 0; ubuf *v; v = ubuf_init(16); ubuf_append(v, (uint8_t *) str_array, sizeof(str_array)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ubuf_size(v); i++) { //fprintf(stderr, "v->v[%d] = '%c'\n", i, v->v[i]); if (ubuf_value(v, i) != str_array[i]) ret |= 1; } ubuf_destroy(&v); return (ret); }
static void * thr_producer(void *arg) { struct producer *p = (struct producer *) arg; memset(&p->pstat, 0, sizeof(p->pstat)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < p->num_messages; i++) { fstrm_res res; size_t len = 0; uint8_t *message = NULL; ubuf *u = ubuf_init(512); unsigned ndups = (p->pstat.count_generated % 4) + 1; for (unsigned j = 0; j < ndups; j++) ubuf_add_cstr(u, test_string); ubuf_detach(u, &message, &len); ubuf_destroy(&u); res = fstrm_iothr_submit(p->iothr, p->ioq, message, len, fstrm_free_wrapper, NULL); if (res == fstrm_res_success) { p->pstat.count_submitted++; p->pstat.bytes_submitted += len; } else { free(message); } p->pstat.count_generated++; p->pstat.bytes_generated += len; if ((i % 1000) == 0) poll(NULL, 0, 1); } return NULL; }
static int test4(void) { int ret = 0; ubuf *v; v = ubuf_init(0); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1024; i++) ubuf_append(v, (uint8_t *) str_array, sizeof(str_array)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ubuf_size(v); i++) { unsigned j = i % sizeof(str_array); /* fprintf(stderr, "v->v[%d] = '%c', str_array[%d] = '%c'\n", i, v->v[i], j, str_array[j]); */ if (ubuf_value(v, i) != str_array[j]) ret |= 1; } ubuf_destroy(&v); return (ret); }
static void init_dso(void) { merge_dso_path = getenv("MTBL_MERGE_DSO"); merge_dso_prefix = getenv("MTBL_MERGE_FUNC_PREFIX"); if (merge_dso_path == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: MTBL_MERGE_DSO environment variable not set.\n\n"); usage(); } if (merge_dso_prefix == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: MTBL_MERGE_FUNC_PREFIX environment variable not set.\n\n"); usage(); } dlerror(); void *handle = dlopen(merge_dso_path, RTLD_NOW); if (handle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: dlopen() failed: %s\n", dlerror()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* merge func */ ubuf *func_name = ubuf_init(0); ubuf_append(func_name, (const uint8_t *) merge_dso_prefix, strlen(merge_dso_prefix)); ubuf_append(func_name, (const uint8_t *) "_func", sizeof("_func")); user_func_merge = dlsym(handle, (const char *) ubuf_data(func_name)); if (user_func_merge == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: user merge function required but not found in DSO.\n\n"); usage(); } /* init func */ ubuf_clip(func_name, 0); ubuf_append(func_name, (const uint8_t *) merge_dso_prefix, strlen(merge_dso_prefix)); ubuf_append(func_name, (const uint8_t *) "_init_func", sizeof("_init_func")); user_func_init = dlsym(handle, (const char *) ubuf_data(func_name)); if (user_func_init != NULL) user_clos = user_func_init(); /* free func */ ubuf_clip(func_name, 0); ubuf_append(func_name, (const uint8_t *) merge_dso_prefix, strlen(merge_dso_prefix)); ubuf_append(func_name, (const uint8_t *) "_free_func", sizeof("_free_func")); user_func_free = dlsym(handle, (const char *) ubuf_data(func_name)); /* cleanup */ ubuf_destroy(&func_name); }
static void test_iter(struct mtbl_iter *iter) { /* Iterate completely through the mtbl */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; i++) { ubuf *expected_key = ubuf_init(1); ubuf_add_fmt(expected_key, KEY_FMT, i); const uint8_t *key, *value; size_t len_key, len_value; assert(mtbl_iter_next(iter, &key, &len_key, &value, &len_value) == mtbl_res_success); assert(bytes_compare(ubuf_data(expected_key), ubuf_size(expected_key), key, len_key) == 0); ubuf_destroy(&expected_key); } /* Ensure that we have completely iterated through the set. */ { const uint8_t *key, *value; size_t len_key, len_value; assert(mtbl_iter_next(iter, &key, &len_key, &value, &len_value) == mtbl_res_failure); } /* Seek to a key, ensure that we get the one we want and that we go * all the way to the end. */ for (uint32_t i = NUM_KEYS; i-- > 0; ) { ubuf *seek_key = ubuf_init(1); ubuf_add_fmt(seek_key, KEY_FMT, i); const uint8_t *key, *value; size_t len_key, len_value; assert(mtbl_iter_seek(iter, ubuf_data(seek_key), ubuf_size(seek_key)) == mtbl_res_success); for (uint32_t j = i; j < NUM_KEYS; j++) { ubuf *expected_key = ubuf_init(1); ubuf_add_fmt(expected_key, KEY_FMT, j); assert(mtbl_iter_next(iter, &key, &len_key, &value, &len_value) == mtbl_res_success); assert(bytes_compare(ubuf_data(expected_key), ubuf_size(expected_key), key, len_key) == 0); ubuf_destroy(&expected_key); } assert(mtbl_iter_next(iter, &key, &len_key, &value, &len_value) == mtbl_res_failure); ubuf_destroy(&seek_key); } /* Attempt to seek past end of iterator */ ubuf *seek_key = ubuf_init(1); const uint8_t *key, *value; size_t len_key, len_value; ubuf_add_fmt(seek_key, KEY_FMT, NUM_KEYS + 1); assert(mtbl_iter_seek(iter, ubuf_data(seek_key), ubuf_size(seek_key)) == mtbl_res_success); assert(mtbl_iter_next(iter, &key, &len_key, &value, &len_value) == mtbl_res_failure); }
void my_fileset_reload(struct my_fileset *fs) { assert(fs != NULL); struct fileset_entry *ent, **entptr; entry_vec *new_entries; FILE *fp; char *fname, *line = NULL; size_t len = 0; ubuf *u; if (!setfile_updated(fs)) return; fp = fopen(fs->setfile, "r"); if (fp == NULL) return; u = ubuf_init(64); new_entries = entry_vec_init(1); while (getline(&line, &len, fp) != -1) { ubuf_clip(u, 0); if (line[0] != '/') { /* if not absolute path, prepend fileset file's path */ ubuf_add_cstr(u, fs->setdir); ubuf_add(u, '/'); } ubuf_add_cstr(u, line); ubuf_rstrip(u, '\n'); fname = ubuf_cstr(u); if (path_exists(fname)) { entptr = fetch_entry(fs->entries, fname); if (entptr == NULL) { ent = my_calloc(1, sizeof(*ent)); ent->fname = my_strdup(fname); if (fs->load) ent->ptr = fs->load(fs, fname); entry_vec_add(new_entries, ent); } else { ent = my_calloc(1, sizeof(*ent)); ent->fname = my_strdup(fname); ent->ptr = (*entptr)->ptr; (*entptr)->keep = true; entry_vec_add(new_entries, ent); } } } free(line); fclose(fp); qsort(entry_vec_data(new_entries), entry_vec_size(new_entries), sizeof(void *), cmp_fileset_entry); for (size_t i = 0; i < entry_vec_size(fs->entries); i++) { ent = entry_vec_value(fs->entries, i); assert(ent != NULL); if (ent->keep == false && fs->unload) fs->unload(fs, ent->fname, ent->ptr); free(ent->fname); free(ent); } entry_vec_destroy(&fs->entries); fs->entries = new_entries; ubuf_destroy(&u); }