예제 #1

udata_swapPackage(const UDataSwapper *ds,
                  const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
                  UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
    const UDataInfo *pInfo;
    int32_t headerSize;

    const uint8_t *inBytes;
    uint8_t *outBytes;

    uint32_t itemCount, offset, i;
    int32_t itemLength;

    const UDataOffsetTOCEntry *inEntries;
    UDataOffsetTOCEntry *outEntries;

    ToCEntry *table;

    char inPkgName[32], outPkgName[32];
    int32_t inPkgNameLength, outPkgNameLength;

    /* udata_swapDataHeader checks the arguments */
    headerSize=udata_swapDataHeader(ds, inData, length, outData, pErrorCode);
    if(pErrorCode==NULL || U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
        return 0;

    /* check data format and format version */
    pInfo=(const UDataInfo *)((const char *)inData+4);
                pInfo->dataFormat[0]==0x43 &&   /* dataFormat="CmnD" */
                pInfo->dataFormat[1]==0x6d &&
                pInfo->dataFormat[2]==0x6e &&
                pInfo->dataFormat[3]==0x44 &&
            )) {
        udata_printError(ds, "udata_swapPackage(): data format %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x (format version %02x) is not recognized as an ICU .dat package\n",
                         pInfo->dataFormat[0], pInfo->dataFormat[1],
                         pInfo->dataFormat[2], pInfo->dataFormat[3],
        return 0;

     * We need to change the ToC name entries so that they have the correct
     * package name prefix.
     * Extract the package names from the in/out filenames.
                        ds, inFilename,
                        inPkgName, (int32_t)sizeof(inPkgName),
                         ds, outFilename,
                         outPkgName, (int32_t)sizeof(outPkgName),
    if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
        return 0;

     * It is possible to work with inPkgNameLength!=outPkgNameLength,
     * but then the length of the data file would change more significantly,
     * which we are not currently prepared for.
    if(inPkgNameLength!=outPkgNameLength) {
        udata_printError(ds, "udata_swapPackage(): the package names \"%s\" and \"%s\" must have the same length\n",
                         inPkgName, outPkgName);
        return 0;

    inBytes=(const uint8_t *)inData+headerSize;
    inEntries=(const UDataOffsetTOCEntry *)(inBytes+4);

    if(length<0) {
        /* preflighting */
        itemCount=ds->readUInt32(*(const uint32_t *)inBytes);
        if(itemCount==0) {
            /* no items: count only the item count and return */
            return headerSize+4;

        /* read the last item's offset and preflight it */
        itemLength=udata_swap(ds, inBytes+offset, -1, NULL, pErrorCode);

        if(U_SUCCESS(*pErrorCode)) {
            return headerSize+offset+(uint32_t)itemLength;
        } else {
            return 0;
    } else {
        /* check that the itemCount fits, then the ToC table, then at least the header of the last item */
        if(length<4) {
            /* itemCount does not fit */
            itemCount=0; /* make compilers happy */
        } else {
            itemCount=ds->readUInt32(*(const uint32_t *)inBytes);
            if(itemCount==0) {
            } else if((uint32_t)length<(4+8*itemCount)) {
                /* ToC table does not fit */
            } else {
                /* offset of the last item plus at least 20 bytes for its header */
        if((uint32_t)length<offset) {
            udata_printError(ds, "udata_swapPackage(): too few bytes (%d after header) for unames.icu\n",
            return 0;

        outBytes=(uint8_t *)outData+headerSize;

        /* swap the item count */
        ds->swapArray32(ds, inBytes, 4, outBytes, pErrorCode);

        if(itemCount==0) {
            /* no items: just return now */
            return headerSize+4;

        /* swap the item name strings */
        udata_swapInvStringBlock(ds, inBytes+offset, itemLength, outBytes+offset, pErrorCode);
        if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
            udata_printError(ds, "udata_swapPackage() failed to swap the data item name strings\n");
            return 0;
        /* keep offset and itemLength in case we allocate and copy the strings below */

        /* swap the package names into the output charset */
        if(ds->outCharset!=U_CHARSET_FAMILY) {
            UDataSwapper *ds2;
            ds2=udata_openSwapper(TRUE, U_CHARSET_FAMILY, TRUE, ds->outCharset, pErrorCode);
            ds2->swapInvChars(ds2, inPkgName, inPkgNameLength, inPkgName, pErrorCode);
            ds2->swapInvChars(ds2, outPkgName, outPkgNameLength, outPkgName, pErrorCode);
            if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
                udata_printError(ds, "udata_swapPackage() failed to swap the input/output package names\n");

        /* change the prefix of each ToC entry name from the old to the new package name */
            char *entryName;

            for(i=0; i<itemCount; ++i) {
                entryName=(char *)inBytes+ds->readUInt32(inEntries[i].nameOffset);

                if(0==uprv_memcmp(entryName, inPkgName, inPkgNameLength)) {
                    uprv_memcpy(entryName, outPkgName, inPkgNameLength);
                } else {
                    udata_printError(ds, "udata_swapPackage() failed: ToC item %ld does not have the input package name as a prefix\n",
                    return 0;

         * Allocate the ToC table and, if necessary, a temporary buffer for
         * pseudo-in-place swapping.
         * We cannot swap in-place because:
         * 1. If the swapping of an item fails mid-way, then in-place swapping
         * has destroyed its data.
         * Out-of-place swapping allows us to then copy its original data.
         * 2. If swapping changes the charset family, then we must resort
         * not only the ToC table but also the data items themselves.
         * This requires a permutation and is best done with separate in/out
         * buffers.
         * We swapped the strings above to avoid the malloc below if string swapping fails.
        if(inData==outData) {
            /* +15: prepare for extra padding of a newly-last item */
            table=(ToCEntry *)uprv_malloc(itemCount*sizeof(ToCEntry)+length+15);
            if(table!=NULL) {
                outBytes=(uint8_t *)(table+itemCount);

                /* copy the item count and the swapped strings */
                uprv_memcpy(outBytes, inBytes, 4);
                uprv_memcpy(outBytes+offset, inBytes+offset, itemLength);
        } else {
            table=(ToCEntry *)uprv_malloc(itemCount*sizeof(ToCEntry));
        if(table==NULL) {
            udata_printError(ds, "udata_swapPackage(): out of memory allocating %d bytes\n",
                             inData==outData ?
                             itemCount*sizeof(ToCEntry)+length+15 :
            return 0;
        outEntries=(UDataOffsetTOCEntry *)(outBytes+4);

        /* read the ToC table */
        for(i=0; i<itemCount; ++i) {
            if(i>0) {

        if(ds->inCharset==ds->outCharset) {
            /* no charset swapping, no resorting: keep item offsets the same */
            for(i=0; i<itemCount; ++i) {
        } else {
            /* charset swapping: resort items by their swapped names */

             * Before the actual sorting, we need to make sure that each item
             * has a length that is a multiple of 16 bytes so that all items
             * are 16-aligned.
             * Only the old last item may be missing up to 15 padding bytes.
             * Add padding bytes for it.
             * Since the icuswap main() function has already allocated enough
             * input buffer space and set the last 15 bytes there to 0xaa,
             * we only need to increase the total data length and the length
             * of the last item here.
            if((length&0xf)!=0) {
                int32_t delta=16-(length&0xf);

            uprv_sortArray(table, (int32_t)itemCount, (int32_t)sizeof(ToCEntry),
                           compareToCEntries, outBytes, FALSE, pErrorCode);

             * Note: Before sorting, the inOffset values were in order.
             * Now the outOffset values are in order.

            /* assign outOffset values */
            for(i=0; i<itemCount; ++i) {

        /* write the output ToC table */
        for(i=0; i<itemCount; ++i) {
            ds->writeUInt32(&outEntries[i].nameOffset, table[i].nameOffset);
            ds->writeUInt32(&outEntries[i].dataOffset, table[i].outOffset);

        /* swap each data item */
        for(i=0; i<itemCount; ++i) {
            /* first copy the item bytes to make sure that unreachable bytes are copied */
            uprv_memcpy(outBytes+table[i].outOffset, inBytes+table[i].inOffset, table[i].length);

            /* swap the item */
            udata_swap(ds, inBytes+table[i].inOffset, (int32_t)table[i].length,
                       outBytes+table[i].outOffset, pErrorCode);

            if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
                if(ds->outCharset==U_CHARSET_FAMILY) {
                    udata_printError(ds, "warning: udata_swapPackage() failed to swap item \"%s\"\n"
                                     "    at inOffset 0x%x length 0x%x - %s\n"
                                     "    the data item will be copied, not swapped\n\n",
                                     (char *)outBytes+table[i].nameOffset,
                                     table[i].inOffset, table[i].length, u_errorName(*pErrorCode));
                } else {
                    udata_printError(ds, "warning: udata_swapPackage() failed to swap an item\n"
                                     "    at inOffset 0x%x length 0x%x - %s\n"
                                     "    the data item will be copied, not swapped\n\n",
                                     table[i].inOffset, table[i].length, u_errorName(*pErrorCode));
                /* reset the error code, copy the data item, and continue */
                uprv_memcpy(outBytes+table[i].outOffset, inBytes+table[i].inOffset, table[i].length);

        if(inData==outData) {
            /* copy the data from the temporary buffer to the in-place buffer */
            uprv_memcpy((uint8_t *)outData+headerSize, outBytes, length);

        return headerSize+length;
PropertyAliases::swap(const UDataSwapper *ds,
                      const uint8_t *inBytes, int32_t length, uint8_t *outBytes,
                      UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
    const PropertyAliases *inAliases;
    PropertyAliases *outAliases;
    PropertyAliases aliases;

    const ValueMap *inValueMaps;
    ValueMap *outValueMaps;
    ValueMap valueMap;

    uint8_t *temp;

    int32_t i;

    inAliases=(const PropertyAliases *)inBytes;
    outAliases=(PropertyAliases *)outBytes;

    /* read the input PropertyAliases - all 16-bit values */
    for(i=0; i<(int32_t)sizeof(PropertyAliases)/2; ++i) {
        ((uint16_t *)&aliases)[i]=ds->readUInt16(((const uint16_t *)inBytes)[i]);

    if(length>=0) {
        if(length<aliases.total_size) {
            udata_printError(ds, "upname_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header) for all of pnames.icu\n",
            return 0;

        /* copy the data for inaccessible bytes */
        if(inBytes!=outBytes) {
            uprv_memcpy(outBytes, inBytes, aliases.total_size);

        /* swap the PropertyAliases class fields */
        ds->swapArray16(ds, inAliases, sizeof(PropertyAliases), outAliases, pErrorCode);

        /* swap the name groups */
        ds->swapArray16(ds, inBytes+aliases.nameGroupPool_offset,
                           outBytes+aliases.nameGroupPool_offset, pErrorCode);

        /* swap the strings */
        udata_swapInvStringBlock(ds, inBytes+aliases.stringPool_offset,
                                    outBytes+aliases.stringPool_offset, pErrorCode);

         * alloc uint8_t temp[total_size] and reset it
         * swap each top-level struct, put at least the count fields into temp
         *   use subclass-specific swap() functions
         * enumerate value maps, for each
         *   if temp does not have count!=0 yet
         *     read count, put it into temp
         *     swap the array(s)
         *     resort strings in name->enum maps
         * swap value maps
        temp=(uint8_t *)uprv_malloc(aliases.total_size);
        if(temp==NULL) {
            udata_printError(ds, "upname_swap(): unable to allocate temp memory (%d bytes)\n",
            return 0;
        uprv_memset(temp, 0, aliases.total_size);

        /* swap properties->name groups map */
        NonContiguousEnumToOffset::swap(ds, inBytes, length, outBytes,
                                        temp, aliases.enumToName_offset, pErrorCode);

        /* swap name->properties map */
        NameToEnum::swap(ds, inBytes, length, outBytes,
                         temp, aliases.nameToEnum_offset, pErrorCode);

        /* swap properties->value maps map */
        NonContiguousEnumToOffset::swap(ds, inBytes, length, outBytes,
                                        temp, aliases.enumToValue_offset, pErrorCode);

        /* enumerate all ValueMaps and swap them */
        inValueMaps=(const ValueMap *)(inBytes+aliases.valueMap_offset);
        outValueMaps=(ValueMap *)(outBytes+aliases.valueMap_offset);

        for(i=0; i<aliases.valueMap_count; ++i) {
            valueMap.enumToName_offset=udata_readInt16(ds, inValueMaps[i].enumToName_offset);
            valueMap.ncEnumToName_offset=udata_readInt16(ds, inValueMaps[i].ncEnumToName_offset);
            valueMap.nameToEnum_offset=udata_readInt16(ds, inValueMaps[i].nameToEnum_offset);

            if(valueMap.enumToName_offset!=0) {
                EnumToOffset::swap(ds, inBytes, length, outBytes,
                                   temp, valueMap.enumToName_offset,
            } else if(valueMap.ncEnumToName_offset!=0) {
                NonContiguousEnumToOffset::swap(ds, inBytes, length, outBytes,
                                                temp, valueMap.ncEnumToName_offset,
            if(valueMap.nameToEnum_offset!=0) {
                NameToEnum::swap(ds, inBytes, length, outBytes,
                                 temp, valueMap.nameToEnum_offset,

        /* swap the ValueMaps array itself */
        ds->swapArray16(ds, inValueMaps, aliases.valueMap_count*sizeof(ValueMap),
                           outValueMaps, pErrorCode);

        /* name groups and strings were swapped above */

        /* release temp */

    return aliases.total_size;