예제 #1
파일: h316_udp.c 프로젝트: tlhackque/simh
t_stat udp_create (DEVICE *dptr, char *premote, int32 *pln)
  //   Create a logical UDP link to the specified remote system.  The "remote"
  // string specifies both the remote host name or IP and a port number.  The
  // port number is both the port we send datagrams to, and also the port we
  // listen on for incoming datagrams.  UDP doesn't have any real concept of a
  // "connection" of course, and this routine simply creates the necessary
  // sockets in this host. We have no way of knowing whether the remote host is
  // listening or even if it exists.
  //   We return SCPE_OK if we're successful and an error code if we aren't. If
  // we are successful, then the ln parameter is assigned the link number,
  // which is a handle used to identify this connection to all future udp_xyz()
  //  calls.
  t_stat ret;
  int32 link = udp_find_free_link();
  if (link < 0) return SCPE_MEM;

  // Make sure WINSOCK is initialized ...
  if ((ret = udp_startup(dptr)) != SCPE_OK) return ret;

  // Parse the remote name and set up the ipaddr and port ...
  if ((ret = udp_parse_remote(link, premote)) != SCPE_OK) return ret;

  // Create the sockets for the transmitter and receiver ...
  if ((ret = udp_create_rx_socket(link)) != SCPE_OK) return ret;
  if ((ret = udp_create_tx_socket(link)) != SCPE_OK) return ret;

  // All done - mark the TCP_LINK data as "used" and return the index.
  udp_links[link].used = TRUE;  *pln = link;
  sim_debug(IMP_DBG_UDP, dptr, "link %d - listening on port %d and sending to %s\n", link, udp_links[link].rxport, udp_format_remote(link));
  return SCPE_OK;
예제 #2
int udp_create (char * premote, int * pln)
    int rc;
    //   Create a logical UDP link to the specified remote system.  The "remote"
    // string specifies both the remote host name or IP and a port number.  The
    // port number is both the port we send datagrams to, and also the port we
    // listen on for incoming datagrams.  UDP doesn't have any real concept of a
    // "connection" of course, and this routine simply creates the necessary
    // sockets in this host. We have no way of knowing whether the remote host is
    // listening or even if it exists.
    //   We return SCPE_OK if we're successful and an error code if we aren't. If
    // we are successful, then the ln parameter is assigned the link number,
    // which is a handle used to identify this connection to all future udp_xyz()
    //  calls.

    int link = udp_find_free_link ();
    if (link < 0)
      return -1; // out of links

    // Parse the remote name and set up the ipaddr and port ...
    if (udp_parse_remote (link, premote) != 0)
      return -2;
#if 0
  // Create the socket connection to the destination ...
  sprintf(linkinfo, "Buffer=%d,Line=%d,%s,UDP,Connect=%s", (int)(sizeof(UDP_PACKET)+sizeof(int32_t)), link, udp_links[link].lport, udp_links[link].rhostport);
  ret = tmxr_open_master (&udp_tmxr, linkinfo);
  if (ret != SCPE_OK) return ret;

    int sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
    if (sock == -1)
      return -3;

    rc = fcntl (sock, F_SETFL, fcntl (sock, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK);
    if (sock == -1)
      return -4;

    struct sockaddr_in si_me;
    memset ((char *) & si_me, 0, sizeof (si_me));
    si_me . sin_family = AF_INET;
    si_me . sin_port = udp_links [link] . lportno;
    si_me . sin_addr . s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    rc = bind (sock, (struct sockaddr *) & si_me, sizeof (si_me));
    if (rc == -1)
      return -5;

// As I understand it, a connect on UDP sets the send address and limits
// recieving to the specifed address; creating a 'connection'; I am not
// sure the udplib wants that. The alternative is to use sendto().

    struct addrinfo * ai;
    rc = getaddrinfo (udp_links [link] . rhost, udp_links [link] . rport, NULL,
      & ai);
    if (rc == -1)
      return -6;

    rc = connect (sock, ai -> ai_addr, sizeof (struct sockaddr));
    if (rc == -1)
      return -7;

    freeaddrinfo (ai);

    udp_links [link] . sock = sock;

    // All done - mark the TCP_LINK data as "used" and return the index.
     udp_links [link] . used = true;
     * pln = link;
printf ("link %d - listening on port %s and sending to %s:%s\n", link, udp_links [link] . lport, udp_links [link] . rhost, udp_links [link] . rport);

    return 0;