static void node_uiblocks_init(const bContext *C, bNodeTree *ntree) { bNode *node; char str[32]; /* add node uiBlocks in reverse order - prevents events going to overlapping nodes */ /* process selected nodes first so they're at the start of the uiblocks list */ for(node= ntree->nodes.last; node; node= node->prev) { if (node->flag & NODE_SELECT) { /* ui block */ sprintf(str, "node buttons %p", (void *)node); node->block= uiBeginBlock(C, CTX_wm_region(C), str, UI_EMBOSS); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(node->block, do_node_internal_buttons, node); } } /* then the rest */ for(node= ntree->nodes.last; node; node= node->prev) { if (!(node->flag & (NODE_GROUP_EDIT|NODE_SELECT))) { /* ui block */ sprintf(str, "node buttons %p", (void *)node); node->block= uiBeginBlock(C, CTX_wm_region(C), str, UI_EMBOSS); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(node->block, do_node_internal_buttons, node); } } }
/* active node */ static void active_node_panel(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { SpaceNode *snode= CTX_wm_space_node(C); bNodeTree *ntree= (snode) ? snode->edittree : NULL; bNode *node = (ntree) ? nodeGetActive(ntree) : NULL; // xxx... for editing group nodes uiLayout *layout= pa->layout; uiBlock *block; PointerRNA ptr; /* verify pointers, and create RNA pointer for the node */ if ELEM(NULL, ntree, node) return; //if (node->id) /* for group nodes */ // RNA_pointer_create(node->id, &RNA_Node, node, &ptr); //else RNA_pointer_create(&ntree->id, &RNA_Node, node, &ptr); /* set update callback */ // xxx is this really needed block= uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_node_region_buttons, NULL); /* draw this node's name, etc. */ uiItemR(layout, &ptr, "label", 0, NULL, ICON_NODE); uiItemS(layout); uiItemR(layout, &ptr, "name", 0, NULL, ICON_NODE); uiItemS(layout); /* draw this node's settings */ if (node->typeinfo && node->typeinfo->uifuncbut) node->typeinfo->uifuncbut(layout, (bContext *)C, &ptr); else if (node->typeinfo && node->typeinfo->uifunc) node->typeinfo->uifunc(layout, (bContext *)C, &ptr); }
/* active AnimData */ static void nla_panel_animdata (const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { PointerRNA adt_ptr; /* AnimData *adt; */ uiLayout *layout= pa->layout; uiLayout *row; uiBlock *block; /* check context and also validity of pointer */ if (!nla_panel_context(C, &adt_ptr, NULL, NULL)) return; /* adt=; */ block= uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_nla_region_buttons, NULL); /* Active Action Properties ------------------------------------- */ /* action */ row= uiLayoutRow(layout, 1); uiTemplateID(row, (bContext *)C, &adt_ptr, "action", "ACTION_OT_new", NULL, NULL /*"ACTION_OT_unlink"*/); // XXX: need to make these operators /* extrapolation */ row= uiLayoutRow(layout, 1); uiItemR(row, &adt_ptr, "action_extrapolation", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); /* blending */ row= uiLayoutRow(layout, 1); uiItemR(row, &adt_ptr, "action_blend_type", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); /* influence */ row= uiLayoutRow(layout, 1); uiItemR(row, &adt_ptr, "action_influence", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); }
/* action-clip only settings for active NLA-Strip */ static void nla_panel_actclip(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { PointerRNA strip_ptr; uiLayout *layout= pa->layout; uiLayout *column, *row; uiBlock *block; /* check context and also validity of pointer */ if (!nla_panel_context(C, NULL, NULL, &strip_ptr)) return; block= uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_nla_region_buttons, NULL); /* Strip Properties ------------------------------------- */ /* action pointer */ row= uiLayoutRow(layout, 1); uiItemR(row, &strip_ptr, "action", 0, NULL, ICON_ACTION); /* action extents */ // XXX custom names were used here (to avoid the prefixes)... probably not necessary in future? column= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 1); uiItemL(column, "Action Extents:", ICON_NULL); uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "action_frame_start", 0, "Start Frame", ICON_NULL); uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "action_frame_end", 0, "End Frame", ICON_NULL); uiItemO(column, NULL, ICON_NULL, "NLA_OT_action_sync_length"); /* action usage */ column= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 1); uiLayoutSetActive(column, RNA_boolean_get(&strip_ptr, "use_animated_time")==0); uiItemL(column, "Playback Settings:", ICON_NULL); uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "scale", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "repeat", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); }
/* evaluation settings for active NLA-Strip */ static void nla_panel_evaluation(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { PointerRNA strip_ptr; uiLayout *layout= pa->layout; uiLayout *column, *subcolumn, *subrow; uiBlock *block; /* check context and also validity of pointer */ if (!nla_panel_context(C, NULL, NULL, &strip_ptr)) return; block= uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_nla_region_buttons, NULL); column= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 1); uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "use_animated_influence", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); subcolumn= uiLayoutColumn(column, 1); uiLayoutSetEnabled(subcolumn, RNA_boolean_get(&strip_ptr, "use_animated_influence")); uiItemR(subcolumn, &strip_ptr, "influence", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); column= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 1); subrow= uiLayoutRow(column, 0); uiItemR(subrow, &strip_ptr, "use_animated_time", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); uiItemR(subrow, &strip_ptr, "use_animated_time_cyclic", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); subcolumn= uiLayoutColumn(column, 1); subrow= uiLayoutRow(subcolumn, 0); uiLayoutSetEnabled(subrow, RNA_boolean_get(&strip_ptr, "use_animated_time")); uiItemR(subcolumn, &strip_ptr, "strip_time", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); }
void sound_header_buttons(const bContext *C, ARegion *ar) { ScrArea *sa= CTX_wm_area(C); uiBlock *block; int xco, yco= 3; block= uiBeginBlock(C, ar, "header buttons", UI_EMBOSS); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_sound_buttons, NULL); xco= ED_area_header_standardbuttons(C, block, yco); if((sa->flag & HEADER_NO_PULLDOWN)==0) { int xmax; xmax= GetButStringLength("View"); uiDefPulldownBut(block, dummy_viewmenu, CTX_wm_area(C), "View", xco, yco-2, xmax-3, UI_UNIT_Y, ""); xco+=UI_UNIT_X+xmax; } uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSS); /* always as last */ UI_view2d_totRect_set(&ar->v2d, xco+UI_UNIT_X+80, ar->v2d.tot.ymax-ar->v2d.tot.ymin); uiEndBlock(C, block); uiDrawBlock(C, block); }
/* TODO de-duplicate redo panel functions - campbell */ static void view3d_panel_operator_redo(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { wmOperator *op = WM_operator_last_redo(C); ARegion *ar; ARegion *ar1; if (op == NULL) { return; } /* keep in sync with logic in ED_undo_operator_repeat() */ ar = CTX_wm_region(C); ar1 = BKE_area_find_region_active_win(CTX_wm_area(C)); if (ar1) CTX_wm_region_set((bContext *)C, ar1); if (WM_operator_poll((bContext *)C, op->type)) { uiBlock *block = uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout); if (!WM_operator_check_ui_enabled(C, op->type->name)) uiLayoutSetEnabled(pa->layout, false); /* note, blockfunc is a default but->func, use Handle func to allow button callbacks too */ uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, ED_undo_operator_repeat_cb_evt, op); view3d_panel_operator_redo_operator(C, pa, op); } /* set region back */ CTX_wm_region_set((bContext *)C, ar); }
static void sequencer_panel_properties(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *pa) { uiBlock *block; block= uiLayoutAbsoluteBlock(pa->layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_sequencer_panel_events, NULL); }
static void graph_panel_key_properties(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { bAnimListElem *ale; FCurve *fcu; BezTriple *bezt, *prevbezt; uiLayout *layout = pa->layout; uiLayout *col; uiBlock *block; if (!graph_panel_context(C, &ale, &fcu)) return; block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_graph_region_buttons, NULL); /* only show this info if there are keyframes to edit */ if (get_active_fcurve_keyframe_edit(fcu, &bezt, &prevbezt)) { PointerRNA bezt_ptr; /* RNA pointer to keyframe, to allow editing */ RNA_pointer_create(ale->id, &RNA_Keyframe, bezt, &bezt_ptr); /* interpolation */ col= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 0); uiItemR(col, &bezt_ptr, "interpolation", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); /* numerical coordinate editing */ col= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 1); /* keyframe itself */ uiItemR(col, &bezt_ptr, "co", 0, "Key", ICON_NONE); /* previous handle - only if previous was Bezier interpolation */ if ((prevbezt) && (prevbezt->ipo == BEZT_IPO_BEZ)) uiItemR(col, &bezt_ptr, "handle_left", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); /* next handle - only if current is Bezier interpolation */ if (bezt->ipo == BEZT_IPO_BEZ) uiItemR(col, &bezt_ptr, "handle_right", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); } else { if ((fcu->bezt == NULL) && (fcu->modifiers.first)) { /* modifiers only - so no keyframes to be active */ uiItemL(layout, "F-Curve only has F-Modifiers", ICON_NONE); uiItemL(layout, "See Modifiers panel below", ICON_INFO); } else if (fcu->fpt) { /* samples only */ uiItemL(layout, "F-Curve doesn't have any keyframes as it only contains sampled points", ICON_NONE); } else uiItemL(layout, "No active keyframe on F-Curve", ICON_NONE); } MEM_freeN(ale); }
void buttons_header_buttons(const bContext *C, ARegion *ar) { SpaceButs *sbuts = CTX_wm_space_buts(C); uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; int xco, yco = 2; buttons_context_compute(C, sbuts); block = uiBeginBlock(C, ar, __func__, UI_EMBOSS); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_buttons_buttons, NULL); xco = ED_area_header_switchbutton(C, block, yco); uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSS); xco -= UI_UNIT_X; // Default panels uiBlockBeginAlign(block); #define BUTTON_HEADER_CTX(_ctx, _icon, _tip) \ if (sbuts->pathflag & (1 << _ctx)) { \ but = uiDefIconButS(block, ROW, B_CONTEXT_SWITCH, _icon, xco += BUT_UNIT_X, yco, BUT_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &(sbuts->mainb), 0.0, (float)_ctx, 0, 0, TIP_(_tip)); \ uiButClearFlag(but, UI_BUT_UNDO); \ } \ BUTTON_HEADER_CTX(BCONTEXT_RENDER, ICON_SCENE, N_("Render")) BUTTON_HEADER_CTX(BCONTEXT_SCENE, ICON_SCENE_DATA, N_("Scene")); BUTTON_HEADER_CTX(BCONTEXT_WORLD, ICON_WORLD, N_("World")); BUTTON_HEADER_CTX(BCONTEXT_OBJECT, ICON_OBJECT_DATA, N_("Object")); BUTTON_HEADER_CTX(BCONTEXT_CONSTRAINT, ICON_CONSTRAINT, N_("Object Constraints")); BUTTON_HEADER_CTX(BCONTEXT_MODIFIER, ICON_MODIFIER, N_("Object Modifiers")); BUTTON_HEADER_CTX(BCONTEXT_DATA, sbuts->dataicon, N_("Object Data")); BUTTON_HEADER_CTX(BCONTEXT_BONE, ICON_BONE_DATA, N_("Bone")); BUTTON_HEADER_CTX(BCONTEXT_BONE_CONSTRAINT, ICON_CONSTRAINT_BONE, N_("Bone Constraints")); BUTTON_HEADER_CTX(BCONTEXT_MATERIAL, ICON_MATERIAL, N_("Material")); BUTTON_HEADER_CTX(BCONTEXT_TEXTURE, ICON_TEXTURE, N_("Textures")); BUTTON_HEADER_CTX(BCONTEXT_PARTICLE, ICON_PARTICLES, N_("Particles")); BUTTON_HEADER_CTX(BCONTEXT_PHYSICS, ICON_PHYSICS, N_("Physics")); #undef BUTTON_HEADER_CTX xco += BUT_UNIT_X; uiBlockEndAlign(block); /* always as last */ UI_view2d_totRect_set(&ar->v2d, xco + (UI_UNIT_X / 2), ar->v2d.tot.ymax - ar->v2d.tot.ymin); uiEndBlock(C, block); uiDrawBlock(C, block); }
static void view3d_panel_object(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { uiBlock *block; Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Object *obedit= CTX_data_edit_object(C); View3D *v3d= CTX_wm_view3d(C); //uiBut *bt; Object *ob= OBACT; // TransformProperties *tfp; // UNUSED PointerRNA obptr; uiLayout *col, *row; float lim; if(ob==NULL) return; /* make sure we got storage */ /* if(v3d->properties_storage==NULL) v3d->properties_storage= MEM_callocN(sizeof(TransformProperties), "TransformProperties"); tfp= v3d->properties_storage; // XXX uiSetButLock(object_is_libdata(ob), ERROR_LIBDATA_MESSAGE); if(ob->mode & (OB_MODE_VERTEX_PAINT|OB_MODE_WEIGHT_PAINT|OB_MODE_TEXTURE_PAINT)) { } else { if((ob->mode & OB_MODE_PARTICLE_EDIT)==0) { uiBlockEndAlign(block); } } */ lim= 10000.0f * MAX2(1.0f, v3d->grid); block= uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_view3d_region_buttons, NULL); col= uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, 0); row= uiLayoutRow(col, 0); RNA_id_pointer_create(&ob->id, &obptr); if(ob==obedit) { if(ob->type==OB_ARMATURE) v3d_editarmature_buts(col, ob); else if(ob->type==OB_MBALL) v3d_editmetaball_buts(col, ob); else v3d_editvertex_buts(col, v3d, ob, lim); } else if(ob->mode & OB_MODE_POSE) { v3d_posearmature_buts(col, ob); } else { v3d_transform_butsR(col, &obptr); } }
/* generic settings for active NLA-Strip */ static void nla_panel_properties(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { PointerRNA strip_ptr; uiLayout *layout= pa->layout; uiLayout *column, *row, *subcol; uiBlock *block; if (!nla_panel_context(C, NULL, NULL, &strip_ptr)) return; block= uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_nla_region_buttons, NULL); /* Strip Properties ------------------------------------- */ /* strip type */ row= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 1); uiItemR(row, &strip_ptr, "name", 0, NULL, ICON_NLA); // XXX icon? uiItemR(row, &strip_ptr, "type", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); /* strip extents */ column= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 1); uiItemL(column, "Strip Extents:", ICON_NULL); uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "frame_start", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "frame_end", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); /* extrapolation */ row= uiLayoutRow(layout, 1); uiItemR(row, &strip_ptr, "extrapolation", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); /* blending */ row= uiLayoutRow(layout, 1); uiItemR(row, &strip_ptr, "blend_type", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); /* blend in/out + autoblending * - blend in/out can only be set when autoblending is off */ column= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 1); uiLayoutSetActive(column, RNA_boolean_get(&strip_ptr, "use_animated_influence")==0); uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "use_auto_blend", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); // XXX as toggle? subcol= uiLayoutColumn(column, 1); uiLayoutSetActive(subcol, RNA_boolean_get(&strip_ptr, "use_auto_blend")==0); uiItemR(subcol, &strip_ptr, "blend_in", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); uiItemR(subcol, &strip_ptr, "blend_out", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); /* settings */ column= uiLayoutColumn(layout, 1); uiLayoutSetActive(column, !(RNA_boolean_get(&strip_ptr, "use_animated_influence") || RNA_boolean_get(&strip_ptr, "use_animated_time"))); uiItemL(column, "Playback Settings:", ICON_NULL); uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "mute", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); uiItemR(column, &strip_ptr, "use_reverse", 0, NULL, ICON_NULL); }
static void node_uiblocks_init(const bContext *C, bNodeTree *ntree) { bNode *node; char str[32]; /* add node uiBlocks in drawing order - prevents events going to overlapping nodes */ for(node= ntree->nodes.first; node; node=node->next) { /* ui block */ sprintf(str, "node buttons %p", (void *)node); node->block= uiBeginBlock(C, CTX_wm_region(C), str, UI_EMBOSS); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(node->block, do_node_internal_buttons, node); /* this cancels events for background nodes */ uiBlockSetFlag(node->block, UI_BLOCK_CLIP_EVENTS); } }
static void graph_panel_properties(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { bAnimListElem *ale; FCurve *fcu; PointerRNA fcu_ptr; uiLayout *layout = pa->layout; uiLayout *col, *row, *sub; uiBlock *block; char name[256]; int icon = 0; if (!graph_panel_context(C, &ale, &fcu)) return; block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_graph_region_buttons, NULL); /* F-Curve pointer */ RNA_pointer_create(ale->id, &RNA_FCurve, fcu, &fcu_ptr); /* user-friendly 'name' for F-Curve */ /* TODO: only show the path if this is invalid? */ col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, FALSE); icon = getname_anim_fcurve(name, ale->id, fcu); uiItemL(col, name, icon); /* RNA-Path Editing - only really should be enabled when things aren't working */ col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, TRUE); uiLayoutSetEnabled(col, (fcu->flag & FCURVE_DISABLED) != 0); uiItemR(col, &fcu_ptr, "data_path", 0, "", ICON_RNA); uiItemR(col, &fcu_ptr, "array_index", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); /* color settings */ col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, TRUE); uiItemL(col, IFACE_("Display Color:"), ICON_NONE); row = uiLayoutRow(col, TRUE); uiItemR(row, &fcu_ptr, "color_mode", 0, "", ICON_NONE); sub = uiLayoutRow(row, TRUE); uiLayoutSetEnabled(sub, (fcu->color_mode == FCURVE_COLOR_CUSTOM)); uiItemR(sub, &fcu_ptr, "color", 0, "", ICON_NONE); MEM_freeN(ale); }
/* active NLA-Track */ static void nla_panel_track (const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { PointerRNA nlt_ptr; uiLayout *layout= pa->layout; uiLayout *row; uiBlock *block; /* check context and also validity of pointer */ if (!nla_panel_context(C, NULL, &nlt_ptr, NULL)) return; block= uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_nla_region_buttons, NULL); /* Info - Active NLA-Context:Track ---------------------- */ row= uiLayoutRow(layout, 1); uiItemR(row, &nlt_ptr, "name", 0, NULL, ICON_NLA); }
void uiTemplateEditModeSelection(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); uiBlock *block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_view3d_header_buttons, NULL); if (obedit && (obedit->type == OB_MESH)) { BMEditMesh *em = BMEdit_FromObject(obedit); uiLayout *row; row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row); uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SELECT_VERTEX, B_SEL_VERT, ICON_VERTEXSEL, 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &em->selectmode, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Vertex select - Shift-Click for multiple modes"); uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SELECT_EDGE, B_SEL_EDGE, ICON_EDGESEL, 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &em->selectmode, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Edge select - Shift-Click for multiple modes"); uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SELECT_FACE, B_SEL_FACE, ICON_FACESEL, 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &em->selectmode, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Face select - Shift-Click for multiple modes"); } }
static void view3d_panel_operator_redo(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { wmOperator *op= view3d_last_operator(C); uiBlock *block; if(op==NULL) return; if(WM_operator_poll((bContext*)C, op->type) == 0) return; block= uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout); if(ED_undo_valid(C, op->type->name)==0) uiLayoutSetEnabled(pa->layout, 0); /* note, blockfunc is a default but->func, use Handle func to allow button callbacks too */ uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, ED_undo_operator_repeat_cb_evt, op); view3d_panel_operator_redo_operator(C, pa, op); }
void uiTemplateEditModeSelection(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); uiBlock *block= uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_view3d_header_buttons, NULL); if(obedit && (obedit->type == OB_MESH)) { EditMesh *em= BKE_mesh_get_editmesh((Mesh *)obedit->data); uiLayout *row; row= uiLayoutRow(layout, 1); block= uiLayoutGetBlock(row); uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SELECT_VERTEX, B_SEL_VERT, ICON_VERTEXSEL, 0,0,UI_UNIT_X,UI_UNIT_Y, &em->selectmode, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Vertex select mode"); uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SELECT_EDGE, B_SEL_EDGE, ICON_EDGESEL, 0,0,UI_UNIT_X,UI_UNIT_Y, &em->selectmode, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Edge select mode"); uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SELECT_FACE, B_SEL_FACE, ICON_FACESEL, 0,0,UI_UNIT_X,UI_UNIT_Y, &em->selectmode, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Face select mode"); BKE_mesh_end_editmesh(obedit->data, em); } }
static void view3d_panel_vgroup(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { uiBlock *block= uiLayoutAbsoluteBlock(pa->layout); Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Object *ob= OBACT; EditVert *eve; MDeformVert *dvert; act_vert_def(ob, &eve, &dvert); if(dvert && dvert->totweight) { uiLayout *col; bDeformGroup *dg; int i; int yco = 0; uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_view3d_vgroup_buttons, NULL); col= uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, 0); block= uiLayoutAbsoluteBlock(col); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); for (i=0; i<dvert->totweight; i++){ dg = BLI_findlink (&ob->defbase, dvert->dw[i].def_nr); if(dg) { uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_VGRP_PNL_EDIT_SINGLE + dvert->dw[i].def_nr, dg->name, 0, yco, 180, 20, &dvert->dw[i].weight, 0.0, 1.0, 1, 3, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_VGRP_PNL_COPY_SINGLE + dvert->dw[i].def_nr, "C", 180,yco,20,20, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Copy this groups weight to other selected verts"); yco -= 20; } } yco-=2; uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_VGRP_PNL_NORMALIZE, "Normalize", 0, yco,100,20, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Normalize active vertex weights"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_VGRP_PNL_COPY, "Copy", 100,yco,100,20, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Copy active vertex to other seleted verts"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } }
static void graph_panel_modifiers(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { bAnimListElem *ale; FCurve *fcu; FModifier *fcm; uiLayout *col, *row; uiBlock *block; if (!graph_panel_context(C, &ale, &fcu)) return; block = uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_graph_region_modifier_buttons, NULL); /* 'add modifier' button at top of panel */ { row = uiLayoutRow(pa->layout, false); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row); /* this is an operator button which calls a 'add modifier' operator... * a menu might be nicer but would be tricky as we need some custom filtering */ uiDefButO(block, BUT, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_add", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, IFACE_("Add Modifier"), 0.5 * UI_UNIT_X, 0, 7.5 * UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, TIP_("Adds a new F-Curve Modifier for the active F-Curve")); /* copy/paste (as sub-row)*/ row = uiLayoutRow(row, true); uiItemO(row, "", ICON_COPYDOWN, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_copy"); uiItemO(row, "", ICON_PASTEDOWN, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_paste"); } /* draw each modifier */ for (fcm = fcu->modifiers.first; fcm; fcm = fcm->next) { col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, true); ANIM_uiTemplate_fmodifier_draw(col, ale->id, &fcu->modifiers, fcm); } MEM_freeN(ale); }
/* F-Modifiers for active NLA-Strip */ static void nla_panel_modifiers(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { PointerRNA strip_ptr; NlaStrip *strip; FModifier *fcm; uiLayout *col, *row; uiBlock *block; /* check context and also validity of pointer */ if (!nla_panel_context(C, NULL, NULL, &strip_ptr)) return; strip =; block = uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_nla_region_buttons, NULL); /* 'add modifier' button at top of panel */ { row = uiLayoutRow(pa->layout, 0); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row); // XXX for now, this will be a operator button which calls a temporary 'add modifier' operator // FIXME: we need to set the only-active property so that this will only add modifiers for the active strip (not all selected) uiDefButO(block, BUT, "NLA_OT_fmodifier_add", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, IFACE_("Add Modifier"), 10, 0, 150, 20, TIP_("Adds a new F-Modifier for the active NLA Strip")); /* copy/paste (as sub-row)*/ row = uiLayoutRow(row, 1); uiItemO(row, "", ICON_COPYDOWN, "NLA_OT_fmodifier_copy"); uiItemO(row, "", ICON_PASTEDOWN, "NLA_OT_fmodifier_paste"); } /* draw each modifier */ for (fcm = strip->modifiers.first; fcm; fcm = fcm->next) { col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, 1); ANIM_uiTemplate_fmodifier_draw(col,, &strip->modifiers, fcm); } }
static void graph_panel_modifiers(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { bAnimListElem *ale; FCurve *fcu; FModifier *fcm; uiLayout *col, *row; uiBlock *block; if (!graph_panel_context(C, &ale, &fcu)) return; block = uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_graph_region_modifier_buttons, NULL); /* 'add modifier' button at top of panel */ { row = uiLayoutRow(pa->layout, FALSE); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row); // XXX for now, this will be a operator button which calls a 'add modifier' operator uiDefButO(block, BUT, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_add", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, IFACE_("Add Modifier"), 10, 0, 150, 20, TIP_("Adds a new F-Curve Modifier for the active F-Curve")); /* copy/paste (as sub-row)*/ row = uiLayoutRow(row, TRUE); uiItemO(row, "", ICON_COPYDOWN, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_copy"); uiItemO(row, "", ICON_PASTEDOWN, "GRAPH_OT_fmodifier_paste"); } /* draw each modifier */ for (fcm = fcu->modifiers.first; fcm; fcm = fcm->next) { col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, TRUE); ANIM_uiTemplate_fmodifier_draw(col, ale->id, &fcu->modifiers, fcm); } MEM_freeN(ale); }
void uiTemplateHeader3D(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) { bScreen *screen = CTX_wm_screen(C); ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C); View3D *v3d = sa->spacedata.first; Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); ToolSettings *ts = CTX_data_tool_settings(C); PointerRNA v3dptr, toolsptr, sceneptr; Object *ob = OBACT; Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); uiBlock *block; uiLayout *row; bool is_paint = false; int modeselect; RNA_pointer_create(&screen->id, &RNA_SpaceView3D, v3d, &v3dptr); RNA_pointer_create(&scene->id, &RNA_ToolSettings, ts, &toolsptr); RNA_pointer_create(&scene->id, &RNA_Scene, scene, &sceneptr); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_view3d_header_buttons, NULL); /* other buttons: */ uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSS); /* mode */ if (ob) { modeselect = ob->mode; is_paint = ELEM4(ob->mode, OB_MODE_SCULPT, OB_MODE_VERTEX_PAINT, OB_MODE_WEIGHT_PAINT, OB_MODE_TEXTURE_PAINT); } else { modeselect = OB_MODE_OBJECT; } row = uiLayoutRow(layout, false); { EnumPropertyItem *item = object_mode_items; const char *name = ""; int icon = ICON_OBJECT_DATAMODE; while (item->identifier) { if (item->value == modeselect && item->identifier[0]) { name = IFACE_(item->name); icon = item->icon; break; } item++; } uiItemMenuEnumO(row, C, "OBJECT_OT_mode_set", "mode", name, icon); } /* Draw type */ uiItemR(layout, &v3dptr, "viewport_shade", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); if (obedit == NULL && is_paint) { if (ob->mode & OB_MODE_WEIGHT_PAINT) { /* Only for Weight Paint. makes no sense in other paint modes. */ row = uiLayoutRow(layout, true); uiItemR(row, &v3dptr, "pivot_point", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); } /* Manipulators aren't used in paint modes */ if (!ELEM(ob->mode, OB_MODE_SCULPT, OB_MODE_PARTICLE_EDIT)) { /* masks aren't used for sculpt and particle painting */ PointerRNA meshptr; RNA_pointer_create(ob->data, &RNA_Mesh, ob->data, &meshptr); if (ob->mode & (OB_MODE_TEXTURE_PAINT | OB_MODE_VERTEX_PAINT)) { uiItemR(layout, &meshptr, "use_paint_mask", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); } else { row = uiLayoutRow(layout, true); uiItemR(row, &meshptr, "use_paint_mask", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); uiItemR(row, &meshptr, "use_paint_mask_vertex", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); } } } else { row = uiLayoutRow(layout, true); uiItemR(row, &v3dptr, "pivot_point", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); /* pose/object only however we want to allow in weight paint mode too * so don't be totally strict and just check not-editmode for now * XXX We never get here when we are in Weight Paint mode */ if (obedit == NULL) { uiItemR(row, &v3dptr, "use_pivot_point_align", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); } /* Transform widget / manipulators */ row = uiLayoutRow(layout, true); uiItemR(row, &v3dptr, "show_manipulator", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); if (v3d->twflag & V3D_USE_MANIPULATOR) { uiItemR(row, &v3dptr, "transform_manipulators", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); } uiItemR(row, &v3dptr, "transform_orientation", 0, "", ICON_NONE); } if (obedit == NULL && v3d->localvd == NULL) { unsigned int ob_lay = ob ? ob->lay : 0; /* Layers */ uiTemplateLayers(layout, v3d->scenelock ? &sceneptr : &v3dptr, "layers", &v3dptr, "layers_used", ob_lay); /* Scene lock */ uiItemR(layout, &v3dptr, "lock_camera_and_layers", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); } uiTemplateEditModeSelection(layout, C); }
static void graph_panel_key_properties(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { bAnimListElem *ale; FCurve *fcu; BezTriple *bezt, *prevbezt; uiLayout *layout = pa->layout; uiLayout *col; uiBlock *block; if (!graph_panel_context(C, &ale, &fcu)) return; block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_graph_region_buttons, NULL); /* only show this info if there are keyframes to edit */ if (get_active_fcurve_keyframe_edit(fcu, &bezt, &prevbezt)) { PointerRNA bezt_ptr, id_ptr, fcu_prop_ptr; PropertyRNA *fcu_prop = NULL; uiBut *but; int unit = B_UNIT_NONE; /* RNA pointer to keyframe, to allow editing */ RNA_pointer_create(ale->id, &RNA_Keyframe, bezt, &bezt_ptr); /* get property that F-Curve affects, for some unit-conversion magic */ RNA_id_pointer_create(ale->id, &id_ptr); if (RNA_path_resolve(&id_ptr, fcu->rna_path, &fcu_prop_ptr, &fcu_prop) && fcu_prop) { /* determine the unit for this property */ unit = RNA_SUBTYPE_UNIT(RNA_property_subtype(fcu_prop)); } /* interpolation */ col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, FALSE); uiItemR(col, &bezt_ptr, "interpolation", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); /* numerical coordinate editing * - we use the button-versions of the calls so that we can attach special update handlers * and unit conversion magic that cannot be achieved using a purely RNA-approach */ // XXX: col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, TRUE); /* keyframe itself */ { uiItemL(col, IFACE_("Key:"), ICON_NONE); but = uiDefButR(block, NUM, B_REDR, IFACE_("Frame"), 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &bezt_ptr, "co", 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, NULL); uiButSetFunc(but, graphedit_activekey_update_cb, fcu, bezt); but = uiDefButR(block, NUM, B_REDR, IFACE_("Value"), 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &bezt_ptr, "co", 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, NULL); uiButSetFunc(but, graphedit_activekey_update_cb, fcu, bezt); uiButSetUnitType(but, unit); } /* previous handle - only if previous was Bezier interpolation */ if ((prevbezt) && (prevbezt->ipo == BEZT_IPO_BEZ)) { uiItemL(col, IFACE_("Left Handle:"), ICON_NONE); but = uiDefButR(block, NUM, B_REDR, "X", 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &bezt_ptr, "handle_left", 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, NULL); uiButSetFunc(but, graphedit_activekey_handles_cb, fcu, bezt); but = uiDefButR(block, NUM, B_REDR, "Y", 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &bezt_ptr, "handle_left", 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, NULL); uiButSetFunc(but, graphedit_activekey_handles_cb, fcu, bezt); uiButSetUnitType(but, unit); } /* next handle - only if current is Bezier interpolation */ if (bezt->ipo == BEZT_IPO_BEZ) { uiItemL(col, IFACE_("Right Handle:"), ICON_NONE); but = uiDefButR(block, NUM, B_REDR, "X", 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &bezt_ptr, "handle_right", 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, NULL); uiButSetFunc(but, graphedit_activekey_handles_cb, fcu, bezt); but = uiDefButR(block, NUM, B_REDR, "Y", 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &bezt_ptr, "handle_right", 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, NULL); uiButSetFunc(but, graphedit_activekey_handles_cb, fcu, bezt); uiButSetUnitType(but, unit); } } else { if ((fcu->bezt == NULL) && (fcu->modifiers.first)) { /* modifiers only - so no keyframes to be active */ uiItemL(layout, IFACE_("F-Curve only has F-Modifiers"), ICON_NONE); uiItemL(layout, IFACE_("See Modifiers panel below"), ICON_INFO); } else if (fcu->fpt) { /* samples only */ uiItemL(layout, IFACE_("F-Curve doesn't have any keyframes as it only contains sampled points"), ICON_NONE); } else uiItemL(layout, IFACE_("No active keyframe on F-Curve"), ICON_NONE); } MEM_freeN(ale); }
/* driver settings for active F-Curve (only for 'Drivers' mode) */ static void graph_panel_drivers(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { bAnimListElem *ale; FCurve *fcu; ChannelDriver *driver; DriverVar *dvar; PointerRNA driver_ptr; uiLayout *col; uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; /* Get settings from context */ if (!graph_panel_context(C, &ale, &fcu)) return; driver = fcu->driver; /* set event handler for panel */ block = uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout); // xxx? uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_graph_region_driver_buttons, NULL); /* general actions - management */ col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, FALSE); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(col); but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IPO_DEPCHANGE, IFACE_("Update Dependencies"), 0, 0, 10 * UI_UNIT_X, 22, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, TIP_("Force updates of dependencies")); uiButSetFunc(but, driver_update_flags_cb, fcu, NULL); but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IPO_DEPCHANGE, IFACE_("Remove Driver"), 0, 0, 10 * UI_UNIT_X, 18, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, TIP_("Remove this driver")); uiButSetNFunc(but, driver_remove_cb, MEM_dupallocN(ale), NULL); /* driver-level settings - type, expressions, and errors */ RNA_pointer_create(ale->id, &RNA_Driver, driver, &driver_ptr); col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, TRUE); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(col); uiItemR(col, &driver_ptr, "type", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); /* show expression box if doing scripted drivers, and/or error messages when invalid drivers exist */ if (driver->type == DRIVER_TYPE_PYTHON) { /* expression */ uiItemR(col, &driver_ptr, "expression", 0, IFACE_("Expr"), ICON_NONE); /* errors? */ if (driver->flag & DRIVER_FLAG_INVALID) uiItemL(col, IFACE_("ERROR: invalid Python expression"), ICON_ERROR); } else { /* errors? */ if (driver->flag & DRIVER_FLAG_INVALID) uiItemL(col, IFACE_("ERROR: invalid target channel(s)"), ICON_ERROR); } col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, TRUE); /* debug setting */ uiItemR(col, &driver_ptr, "show_debug_info", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); /* value of driver */ if (driver->flag & DRIVER_FLAG_SHOWDEBUG) { uiLayout *row = uiLayoutRow(col, TRUE); char valBuf[32]; uiItemL(row, IFACE_("Driver Value:"), ICON_NONE); BLI_snprintf(valBuf, sizeof(valBuf), "%.3f", driver->curval); uiItemL(row, valBuf, ICON_NONE); } /* add driver variables */ col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, FALSE); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(col); but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IPO_DEPCHANGE, IFACE_("Add Variable"), 0, 0, 10 * UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, TIP_("Add a new target variable for this Driver")); uiButSetFunc(but, driver_add_var_cb, driver, NULL); /* loop over targets, drawing them */ for (dvar = driver->variables.first; dvar; dvar = dvar->next) { PointerRNA dvar_ptr; uiLayout *box, *row; /* sub-layout column for this variable's settings */ col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, TRUE); /* header panel */ box = uiLayoutBox(col); /* first row context info for driver */ RNA_pointer_create(ale->id, &RNA_DriverVariable, dvar, &dvar_ptr); row = uiLayoutRow(box, FALSE); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row); /* variable name */ uiItemR(row, &dvar_ptr, "name", 0, "", ICON_NONE); /* remove button */ uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSSN); but = uiDefIconBut(block, BUT, B_IPO_DEPCHANGE, ICON_X, 290, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, IFACE_("Delete target variable")); uiButSetFunc(but, driver_delete_var_cb, driver, dvar); uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSS); /* variable type */ row = uiLayoutRow(box, FALSE); uiItemR(row, &dvar_ptr, "type", 0, "", ICON_NONE); /* variable type settings */ box = uiLayoutBox(col); /* controls to draw depends on the type of variable */ switch (dvar->type) { case DVAR_TYPE_SINGLE_PROP: /* single property */ graph_panel_driverVar__singleProp(box, ale->id, dvar); break; case DVAR_TYPE_ROT_DIFF: /* rotational difference */ graph_panel_driverVar__rotDiff(box, ale->id, dvar); break; case DVAR_TYPE_LOC_DIFF: /* location difference */ graph_panel_driverVar__locDiff(box, ale->id, dvar); break; case DVAR_TYPE_TRANSFORM_CHAN: /* transform channel */ graph_panel_driverVar__transChan(box, ale->id, dvar); break; } /* value of variable */ if (driver->flag & DRIVER_FLAG_SHOWDEBUG) { char valBuf[32]; box = uiLayoutBox(col); row = uiLayoutRow(box, TRUE); uiItemL(row, IFACE_("Value:"), ICON_NONE); BLI_snprintf(valBuf, sizeof(valBuf), "%.3f", dvar->curval); uiItemL(row, valBuf, ICON_NONE); } } /* cleanup */ MEM_freeN(ale); }
/* driver settings for active F-Curve (only for 'Drivers' mode) */ static void graph_panel_drivers(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { bAnimListElem *ale; FCurve *fcu; ChannelDriver *driver; DriverVar *dvar; PointerRNA driver_ptr; uiLayout *col; uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; /* Get settings from context */ if (!graph_panel_context(C, &ale, &fcu)) return; driver = fcu->driver; /* set event handler for panel */ block = uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout); // xxx? uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_graph_region_driver_buttons, NULL); /* general actions - management */ col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, false); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(col); but = uiDefIconTextBut(block, BUT, B_IPO_DEPCHANGE, ICON_FILE_REFRESH, IFACE_("Update Dependencies"), 0, 0, 10 * UI_UNIT_X, 22, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, TIP_("Force updates of dependencies")); uiButSetFunc(but, driver_update_flags_cb, fcu, NULL); but = uiDefIconTextBut(block, BUT, B_IPO_DEPCHANGE, ICON_ZOOMOUT, IFACE_("Remove Driver"), 0, 0, 10 * UI_UNIT_X, 18, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, TIP_("Remove this driver")); uiButSetNFunc(but, driver_remove_cb, MEM_dupallocN(ale), NULL); /* driver-level settings - type, expressions, and errors */ RNA_pointer_create(ale->id, &RNA_Driver, driver, &driver_ptr); col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, true); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(col); uiItemR(col, &driver_ptr, "type", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); /* show expression box if doing scripted drivers, and/or error messages when invalid drivers exist */ if (driver->type == DRIVER_TYPE_PYTHON) { bool bpy_data_expr_error = (strstr(driver->expression, "") != NULL); bool bpy_ctx_expr_error = (strstr(driver->expression, "bpy.context.") != NULL); /* expression */ uiItemR(col, &driver_ptr, "expression", 0, IFACE_("Expr"), ICON_NONE); /* errors? */ if ((G.f & G_SCRIPT_AUTOEXEC) == 0) { uiItemL(col, IFACE_("ERROR: Python auto-execution disabled"), ICON_CANCEL); } else if (driver->flag & DRIVER_FLAG_INVALID) { uiItemL(col, IFACE_("ERROR: Invalid Python expression"), ICON_CANCEL); } /* Explicit bpy-references are evil. Warn about these to prevent errors */ /* TODO: put these in a box? */ if (bpy_data_expr_error || bpy_ctx_expr_error) { uiItemL(col, IFACE_("WARNING: Driver expression may not work correctly"), ICON_HELP); if (bpy_data_expr_error) { uiItemL(col, IFACE_("TIP: Use variables instead of paths (see below)"), ICON_ERROR); } if (bpy_ctx_expr_error) { uiItemL(col, IFACE_("TIP: bpy.context is not safe for renderfarm usage"), ICON_ERROR); } } } else { /* errors? */ if (driver->flag & DRIVER_FLAG_INVALID) uiItemL(col, IFACE_("ERROR: Invalid target channel(s)"), ICON_ERROR); /* Warnings about a lack of variables * NOTE: The lack of variables is generally a bad thing, since it indicates * that the driver doesn't work at all. This particular scenario arises * primarily when users mistakenly try to use drivers for procedural * property animation */ if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(&driver->variables)) { uiItemL(col, IFACE_("ERROR: Driver is useless without any inputs"), ICON_ERROR); if (!BLI_listbase_is_empty(&fcu->modifiers)) { uiItemL(col, IFACE_("TIP: Use F-Curves for procedural animation instead"), ICON_INFO); uiItemL(col, IFACE_("F-Modifiers can generate curves for those too"), ICON_INFO); } } } col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, true); /* debug setting */ uiItemR(col, &driver_ptr, "show_debug_info", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); /* value of driver */ if (driver->flag & DRIVER_FLAG_SHOWDEBUG) { uiLayout *row = uiLayoutRow(col, true); char valBuf[32]; uiItemL(row, IFACE_("Driver Value:"), ICON_NONE); BLI_snprintf(valBuf, sizeof(valBuf), "%.3f", driver->curval); uiItemL(row, valBuf, ICON_NONE); } /* add driver variables */ col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, false); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(col); but = uiDefIconTextBut(block, BUT, B_IPO_DEPCHANGE, ICON_ZOOMIN, IFACE_("Add Variable"), 0, 0, 10 * UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, TIP_("Driver variables ensure that all dependencies will be accounted for and that drivers will update correctly")); uiButSetFunc(but, driver_add_var_cb, driver, NULL); /* loop over targets, drawing them */ for (dvar = driver->variables.first; dvar; dvar = dvar->next) { PointerRNA dvar_ptr; uiLayout *box, *row; /* sub-layout column for this variable's settings */ col = uiLayoutColumn(pa->layout, true); /* header panel */ box = uiLayoutBox(col); /* first row context info for driver */ RNA_pointer_create(ale->id, &RNA_DriverVariable, dvar, &dvar_ptr); row = uiLayoutRow(box, false); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row); /* variable name */ uiItemR(row, &dvar_ptr, "name", 0, "", ICON_NONE); /* remove button */ uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSSN); but = uiDefIconBut(block, BUT, B_IPO_DEPCHANGE, ICON_X, 290, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, IFACE_("Delete target variable")); uiButSetFunc(but, driver_delete_var_cb, driver, dvar); uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSS); /* variable type */ row = uiLayoutRow(box, false); uiItemR(row, &dvar_ptr, "type", 0, "", ICON_NONE); /* variable type settings */ box = uiLayoutBox(col); /* controls to draw depends on the type of variable */ switch (dvar->type) { case DVAR_TYPE_SINGLE_PROP: /* single property */ graph_panel_driverVar__singleProp(box, ale->id, dvar); break; case DVAR_TYPE_ROT_DIFF: /* rotational difference */ graph_panel_driverVar__rotDiff(box, ale->id, dvar); break; case DVAR_TYPE_LOC_DIFF: /* location difference */ graph_panel_driverVar__locDiff(box, ale->id, dvar); break; case DVAR_TYPE_TRANSFORM_CHAN: /* transform channel */ graph_panel_driverVar__transChan(box, ale->id, dvar); break; } /* value of variable */ if (driver->flag & DRIVER_FLAG_SHOWDEBUG) { char valBuf[32]; box = uiLayoutBox(col); row = uiLayoutRow(box, true); uiItemL(row, IFACE_("Value:"), ICON_NONE); if ((dvar->type == DVAR_TYPE_ROT_DIFF) || (dvar->type == DVAR_TYPE_TRANSFORM_CHAN && dvar->targets[0].transChan >= DTAR_TRANSCHAN_ROTX && dvar->targets[0].transChan < DTAR_TRANSCHAN_SCALEX)) { BLI_snprintf(valBuf, sizeof(valBuf), "%.3f (%4.1f°)", dvar->curval, RAD2DEGF(dvar->curval)); } else { BLI_snprintf(valBuf, sizeof(valBuf), "%.3f", dvar->curval); } uiItemL(row, valBuf, ICON_NONE); } } /* cleanup */ MEM_freeN(ale); }
/* Note: This function uses pixelspace (0, 0, winx, winy), not view2d. * The controls are laid out as follows: * * ------------------------------------------- * | Directory input | execute | * ------------------------------------------- * | Filename input | + | - | cancel | * ------------------------------------------- * * The input widgets will stretch to fill any excess space. * When there isn't enough space for all controls to be shown, they are * hidden in this order: x/-, execute/cancel, input widgets. */ void file_draw_buttons(const bContext *C, ARegion *ar) { /* Button layout. */ const int max_x = ar->winx - 10; const int line1_y = ar->winy - (IMASEL_BUTTONS_HEIGHT / 2 + IMASEL_BUTTONS_MARGIN); const int line2_y = line1_y - (IMASEL_BUTTONS_HEIGHT / 2 + IMASEL_BUTTONS_MARGIN); const int input_minw = 20; const int btn_h = UI_UNIT_Y; const int btn_fn_w = UI_UNIT_X; const int btn_minw = 80; const int btn_margin = 20; const int separator = 4; /* Additional locals. */ char uiblockstr[32]; int loadbutton; int fnumbuttons; int min_x = 10; int chan_offs = 0; int available_w = max_x - min_x; int line1_w = available_w; int line2_w = available_w; uiBut *but; uiBlock *block; SpaceFile *sfile = CTX_wm_space_file(C); FileSelectParams *params = ED_fileselect_get_params(sfile); ARegion *artmp; /* Initialize UI block. */ BLI_snprintf(uiblockstr, sizeof(uiblockstr), "win %p", (void *)ar); block = uiBeginBlock(C, ar, uiblockstr, UI_EMBOSS); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_file_buttons, NULL); /* exception to make space for collapsed region icon */ for (artmp = CTX_wm_area(C)->regionbase.first; artmp; artmp = artmp->next) { if (artmp->regiontype == RGN_TYPE_CHANNELS && artmp->flag & RGN_FLAG_HIDDEN) { chan_offs = 16; min_x += chan_offs; available_w -= chan_offs; } } /* Is there enough space for the execute / cancel buttons? */ loadbutton = UI_GetStringWidth(sfile->params->title) + btn_margin; if (loadbutton < btn_minw) { loadbutton = MAX2(btn_minw, btn_margin + UI_GetStringWidth(params->title)); } if (available_w <= loadbutton + separator + input_minw || params->title[0] == 0) { loadbutton = 0; } else { line1_w -= (loadbutton + separator); line2_w = line1_w; } /* Is there enough space for file number increment/decrement buttons? */ fnumbuttons = 2 * btn_fn_w; if (!loadbutton || line2_w <= fnumbuttons + separator + input_minw) { fnumbuttons = 0; } else { line2_w -= (fnumbuttons + separator); } /* Text input fields for directory and file. */ if (available_w > 0) { int overwrite_alert = file_draw_check_exists(sfile); /* callbacks for operator check functions */ uiBlockSetFunc(block, file_draw_check_cb, NULL, NULL); but = uiDefButTextO(block, TEX, "FILE_OT_directory", 0, "", min_x, line1_y, line1_w - chan_offs, btn_h, params->dir, 0.0, (float)FILE_MAX, 0, 0, TIP_("File path")); uiButSetCompleteFunc(but, autocomplete_directory, NULL); uiButSetFlag(but, UI_BUT_NO_UTF8); if ((params->flag & FILE_DIRSEL_ONLY) == 0) { but = uiDefBut(block, TEX, B_FS_FILENAME, "", min_x, line2_y, line2_w - chan_offs, btn_h, params->file, 0.0, (float)FILE_MAXFILE, 0, 0, TIP_(overwrite_alert ? N_("File name, overwrite existing") : N_("File name"))); uiButSetCompleteFunc(but, autocomplete_file, NULL); uiButSetFlag(but, UI_BUT_NO_UTF8); uiButClearFlag(but, UI_BUT_UNDO); /* operator button above does this automatic */ /* check if this overrides a file and if the operator option is used */ if (overwrite_alert) { uiButSetFlag(but, UI_BUT_REDALERT); } } /* clear func */ uiBlockSetFunc(block, NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* Filename number increment / decrement buttons. */ if (fnumbuttons && (params->flag & FILE_DIRSEL_ONLY) == 0) { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); but = uiDefIconButO(block, BUT, "FILE_OT_filenum", 0, ICON_ZOOMOUT, min_x + line2_w + separator - chan_offs, line2_y, btn_fn_w, btn_h, TIP_("Decrement the filename number")); RNA_int_set(uiButGetOperatorPtrRNA(but), "increment", -1); but = uiDefIconButO(block, BUT, "FILE_OT_filenum", 0, ICON_ZOOMIN, min_x + line2_w + separator + btn_fn_w - chan_offs, line2_y, btn_fn_w, btn_h, TIP_("Increment the filename number")); RNA_int_set(uiButGetOperatorPtrRNA(but), "increment", 1); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } /* Execute / cancel buttons. */ if (loadbutton) { /* params->title is already translated! */ uiDefButO(block, BUT, "FILE_OT_execute", WM_OP_EXEC_REGION_WIN, params->title, max_x - loadbutton, line1_y, loadbutton, btn_h, ""); uiDefButO(block, BUT, "FILE_OT_cancel", WM_OP_EXEC_REGION_WIN, IFACE_("Cancel"), max_x - loadbutton, line2_y, loadbutton, btn_h, ""); } uiEndBlock(C, block); uiDrawBlock(C, block); }
void uiTemplateHeader3D(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) { bScreen *screen = CTX_wm_screen(C); ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C); View3D *v3d = sa->spacedata.first; Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); ToolSettings *ts = CTX_data_tool_settings(C); PointerRNA v3dptr, toolsptr, sceneptr; Object *ob = OBACT; Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; uiLayout *row; const float dpi_fac = UI_DPI_FAC; int is_paint = 0; RNA_pointer_create(&screen->id, &RNA_SpaceView3D, v3d, &v3dptr); RNA_pointer_create(&scene->id, &RNA_ToolSettings, ts, &toolsptr); RNA_pointer_create(&scene->id, &RNA_Scene, scene, &sceneptr); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_view3d_header_buttons, NULL); /* other buttons: */ uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSS); /* mode */ if (ob) { v3d->modeselect = ob->mode; is_paint = ELEM4(ob->mode, OB_MODE_SCULPT, OB_MODE_VERTEX_PAINT, OB_MODE_WEIGHT_PAINT, OB_MODE_TEXTURE_PAINT); } else { v3d->modeselect = OB_MODE_OBJECT; } row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE); uiDefIconTextButS(block, MENU, B_MODESELECT, object_mode_icon(v3d->modeselect), view3d_modeselect_pup(scene), 0, 0, 126 * dpi_fac, UI_UNIT_Y, &(v3d->modeselect), 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Mode")); /* Draw type */ uiItemR(layout, &v3dptr, "viewport_shade", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); if (obedit == NULL && is_paint) { /* Manipulators aren't used in paint modes */ if (!ELEM(ob->mode, OB_MODE_SCULPT, OB_MODE_PARTICLE_EDIT)) { /* masks aren't used for sculpt and particle painting */ PointerRNA meshptr; RNA_pointer_create(&ob->id, &RNA_Mesh, ob->data, &meshptr); if (ob->mode & (OB_MODE_TEXTURE_PAINT | OB_MODE_VERTEX_PAINT)) { uiItemR(layout, &meshptr, "use_paint_mask", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); } else { row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE); uiItemR(row, &meshptr, "use_paint_mask", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); uiItemR(row, &meshptr, "use_paint_mask_vertex", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); } } } else { const char *str_menu; row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE); uiItemR(row, &v3dptr, "pivot_point", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); /* pose/object only however we want to allow in weight paint mode too * so don't be totally strict and just check not-editmode for now */ if (obedit == NULL) { uiItemR(row, &v3dptr, "use_pivot_point_align", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); } /* Transform widget / manipulators */ row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE); uiItemR(row, &v3dptr, "show_manipulator", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row); if (v3d->twflag & V3D_USE_MANIPULATOR) { but = uiDefIconButBitC(block, TOG, V3D_MANIP_TRANSLATE, B_MAN_TRANS, ICON_MAN_TRANS, 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &v3d->twtype, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, TIP_("Translate manipulator - Shift-Click for multiple modes")); uiButClearFlag(but, UI_BUT_UNDO); /* skip undo on screen buttons */ but = uiDefIconButBitC(block, TOG, V3D_MANIP_ROTATE, B_MAN_ROT, ICON_MAN_ROT, 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &v3d->twtype, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, TIP_("Rotate manipulator - Shift-Click for multiple modes")); uiButClearFlag(but, UI_BUT_UNDO); /* skip undo on screen buttons */ but = uiDefIconButBitC(block, TOG, V3D_MANIP_SCALE, B_MAN_SCALE, ICON_MAN_SCALE, 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &v3d->twtype, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, TIP_("Scale manipulator - Shift-Click for multiple modes")); uiButClearFlag(but, UI_BUT_UNDO); /* skip undo on screen buttons */ } if (v3d->twmode > (BIF_countTransformOrientation(C) - 1) + V3D_MANIP_CUSTOM) { v3d->twmode = 0; } str_menu = BIF_menustringTransformOrientation(C, "Orientation"); but = uiDefButC(block, MENU, B_MAN_MODE, str_menu, 0, 0, 70 * dpi_fac, UI_UNIT_Y, &v3d->twmode, 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Transform Orientation")); uiButClearFlag(but, UI_BUT_UNDO); /* skip undo on screen buttons */ MEM_freeN((void *)str_menu); } if (obedit == NULL && v3d->localvd == NULL) { unsigned int ob_lay = ob ? ob->lay : 0; /* Layers */ uiTemplateLayers(layout, v3d->scenelock ? &sceneptr : &v3dptr, "layers", &v3dptr, "layers_used", ob_lay); /* Scene lock */ uiItemR(layout, &v3dptr, "lock_camera_and_layers", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE); } uiTemplateEditModeSelection(layout, C); }
void uiTemplateMarker(uiLayout *layout, PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, PointerRNA *userptr, PointerRNA *trackptr, int compact) { PropertyRNA *prop; uiBlock *block; uiBut *bt; PointerRNA clipptr; MovieClip *clip; MovieClipUser *user; MovieTrackingTrack *track; MovieTrackingMarker *marker; MarkerUpdateCb *cb; const char *tip; float pat_min[2], pat_max[2]; if (!ptr->data) return; prop = RNA_struct_find_property(ptr, propname); if (!prop) { printf("%s: property not found: %s.%s\n", __func__, RNA_struct_identifier(ptr->type), propname); return; } if (RNA_property_type(prop) != PROP_POINTER) { printf("%s: expected pointer property for %s.%s\n", __func__, RNA_struct_identifier(ptr->type), propname); return; } clipptr = RNA_property_pointer_get(ptr, prop); clip = (MovieClip *); user = userptr->data; track = trackptr->data; marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, user->framenr); cb = MEM_callocN(sizeof(MarkerUpdateCb), "uiTemplateMarker update_cb"); cb->compact = compact; cb->clip = clip; cb->user = user; cb->track = track; cb->marker = marker; cb->marker_flag = marker->flag; cb->framenr = user->framenr; if (compact) { block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout); if (cb->marker_flag & MARKER_DISABLED) tip = "Marker is disabled at current frame"; else tip = "Marker is enabled at current frame"; bt = uiDefIconButBitI(block, TOGN, MARKER_DISABLED, 0, ICON_RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF, 0, 0, 20, 20, &cb->marker_flag, 0, 0, 1, 0, tip); uiButSetNFunc(bt, marker_update_cb, cb, NULL); } else { int width, height, step, digits; float pat_dim[2], search_dim[2], search_pos[2]; uiLayout *col; BKE_movieclip_get_size(clip, user, &width, &height); if (track->flag & TRACK_LOCKED) { uiLayoutSetActive(layout, FALSE); block = uiLayoutAbsoluteBlock(layout); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Track is locked", 0, 0, 300, 19, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); return; } step = 100; digits = 2; BKE_tracking_marker_pattern_minmax(marker, pat_min, pat_max); sub_v2_v2v2(pat_dim, pat_max, pat_min); sub_v2_v2v2(search_dim, marker->search_max, marker->search_min); add_v2_v2v2(search_pos, marker->search_max, marker->search_min); mul_v2_fl(search_pos, 0.5); to_pixel_space(cb->marker_pos, marker->pos, width, height); to_pixel_space(cb->marker_pat, pat_dim, width, height); to_pixel_space(cb->marker_search, search_dim, width, height); to_pixel_space(cb->marker_search_pos, search_pos, width, height); to_pixel_space(cb->track_offset, track->offset, width, height); cb->marker_flag = marker->flag; block = uiLayoutAbsoluteBlock(layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, marker_block_handler, cb); uiBlockSetNFunc(block, marker_update_cb, cb, NULL); if (cb->marker_flag & MARKER_DISABLED) tip = "Marker is disabled at current frame"; else tip = "Marker is enabled at current frame"; uiDefButBitI(block, OPTIONN, MARKER_DISABLED, B_MARKER_FLAG, "Enabled", 10, 190, 145, 19, &cb->marker_flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, tip); col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, TRUE); uiLayoutSetActive(col, (cb->marker_flag & MARKER_DISABLED) == 0); block = uiLayoutAbsoluteBlock(col); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Position:", 0, 190, 300, 19, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_POS, "X:", 10, 171, 145, 19, &cb->marker_pos[0], -10 * width, 10.0 * width, step, digits, "X-position of marker at frame in screen coordinates"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_POS, "Y:", 165, 171, 145, 19, &cb->marker_pos[1], -10 * height, 10.0 * height, step, digits, "Y-position of marker at frame in screen coordinates"); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Offset:", 0, 152, 300, 19, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_OFFSET, "X:", 10, 133, 145, 19, &cb->track_offset[0], -10 * width, 10.0 * width, step, digits, "X-offset to parenting point"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_OFFSET, "Y:", 165, 133, 145, 19, &cb->track_offset[1], -10 * height, 10.0 * height, step, digits, "Y-offset to parenting point"); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Pattern Area:", 0, 114, 300, 19, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_PAT_DIM, "Width:", 10, 95, 300, 19, &cb->marker_pat[0], 3.0f, 10.0 * width, step, digits, "Width of marker's pattern in screen coordinates"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_PAT_DIM, "Height:", 10, 76, 300, 19, &cb->marker_pat[1], 3.0f, 10.0 * height, step, digits, "Height of marker's pattern in screen coordinates"); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Search Area:", 0, 57, 300, 19, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_SEARCH_POS, "X:", 10, 38, 145, 19, &cb->marker_search_pos[0], -width, width, step, digits, "X-position of search at frame relative to marker's position"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_SEARCH_POS, "Y:", 165, 38, 145, 19, &cb->marker_search_pos[1], -height, height, step, digits, "X-position of search at frame relative to marker's position"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_SEARCH_DIM, "Width:", 10, 19, 300, 19, &cb->marker_search[0], 3.0f, 10.0 * width, step, digits, "Width of marker's search in screen soordinates"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_SEARCH_DIM, "Height:", 10, 0, 300, 19, &cb->marker_search[1], 3.0f, 10.0 * height, step, digits, "Height of marker's search in screen soordinates"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } }
static void view3d_panel_bonesketch_spaces(const bContext *C, Panel *pa) { Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); static int template_index; static char joint_label[128]; uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; char *bone_name; int yco = 130; int nb_joints; static char subdiv_tooltip[4][64] = { "Subdivide arcs based on a fixed number of bones", "Subdivide arcs in bones of equal length", "Subdivide arcs based on correlation", "Retarget template to stroke" }; block= uiLayoutAbsoluteBlock(pa->layout); uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_view3d_region_buttons, NULL); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); /* use real flag instead of 1 */ uiDefButBitC(block, TOG, BONE_SKETCHING, B_REDR, "Use Bone Sketching", 10, yco, 160, 20, &scene->toolsettings->bone_sketching, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use sketching to create and edit bones, (Ctrl snaps to mesh volume)"); uiDefButBitC(block, TOG, BONE_SKETCHING_ADJUST, B_REDR, "A", 170, yco, 20, 20, &scene->toolsettings->bone_sketching, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Adjust strokes by drawing near them"); uiDefButBitC(block, TOG, BONE_SKETCHING_QUICK, B_REDR, "Q", 190, yco, 20, 20, &scene->toolsettings->bone_sketching, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Automatically convert and delete on stroke end"); yco -= 20; but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_REDR, "Convert", 10,yco,100,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Convert sketch to armature"); uiButSetFunc(but, convert_sketch_armature, NULL, NULL); but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_REDR, "Delete", 110,yco,100,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Delete sketch"); uiButSetFunc(but, delete_sketch_armature, NULL, NULL); yco -= 20; uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButC(block, MENU, B_REDR, "Subdivision Method%t|Length%x1|Adaptative%x2|Fixed%x0|Template%x3", 10,yco,60,19, &scene->toolsettings->bone_sketching_convert, 0, 0, 0, 0, subdiv_tooltip[(unsigned char)scene->toolsettings->bone_sketching_convert]); switch(scene->toolsettings->bone_sketching_convert) { case SK_CONVERT_CUT_LENGTH: uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_REDR, "Lim:", 70, yco, 140, 19, &scene->toolsettings->skgen_length_limit,0.1,50.0, 10, 0, "Maximum length of the subdivided bones"); yco -= 20; break; case SK_CONVERT_CUT_ADAPTATIVE: uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_REDR, "Thres:", 70, yco, 140, 19, &scene->toolsettings->skgen_correlation_limit,0.0, 1.0, 0.01, 0, "Correlation threshold for subdivision"); yco -= 20; break; default: case SK_CONVERT_CUT_FIXED: uiDefButC(block, NUM, B_REDR, "Num:", 70, yco, 140, 19, &scene->toolsettings->skgen_subdivision_number,1, 100, 1, 5, "Number of subdivided bones"); yco -= 20; break; case SK_CONVERT_RETARGET: uiDefButC(block, ROW, B_NOP, "No", 70, yco, 40,19, &scene->toolsettings->skgen_retarget_roll, 0, 0, 0, 0, "No special roll treatment"); uiDefButC(block, ROW, B_NOP, "View", 110, yco, 50,19, &scene->toolsettings->skgen_retarget_roll, 0, SK_RETARGET_ROLL_VIEW, 0, 0, "Roll bones perpendicular to view"); uiDefButC(block, ROW, B_NOP, "Joint", 160, yco, 50,19, &scene->toolsettings->skgen_retarget_roll, 0, SK_RETARGET_ROLL_JOINT, 0, 0, "Roll bones relative to joint bend"); yco -= 30; uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); /* button here to select what to do (copy or not), template, ...*/ BIF_makeListTemplates(C); template_index = BIF_currentTemplate(C); but = uiDefButI(block, MENU, B_REDR, BIF_listTemplates(C), 10,yco,200,19, &template_index, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Template"); uiButSetFunc(but, assign_template_sketch_armature, &template_index, NULL); yco -= 20; uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_NOP, "A:", 10, yco, 66,19, &scene->toolsettings->skgen_retarget_angle_weight, 0, 10, 1, 0, "Angle Weight"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_NOP, "L:", 76, yco, 67,19, &scene->toolsettings->skgen_retarget_length_weight, 0, 10, 1, 0, "Length Weight"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_NOP, "D:", 143,yco, 67,19, &scene->toolsettings->skgen_retarget_distance_weight, 0, 10, 1, 0, "Distance Weight"); yco -= 20; uiDefBut(block, TEX,B_REDR,"S:", 10, yco, 90, 20, scene->toolsettings->skgen_side_string, 0.0, 8.0, 0, 0, "Text to replace &S with"); uiDefBut(block, TEX,B_REDR,"N:", 100, yco, 90, 20, scene->toolsettings->skgen_num_string, 0.0, 8.0, 0, 0, "Text to replace &N with"); uiDefIconButBitC(block, TOG, SK_RETARGET_AUTONAME, B_NOP, ICON_AUTO,190,yco,20,20, &scene->toolsettings->skgen_retarget_options, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use Auto Naming"); yco -= 20; /* auto renaming magic */ uiBlockEndAlign(block); nb_joints = BIF_nbJointsTemplate(C); if (nb_joints == -1) { //XXX //nb_joints = G.totvertsel; } bone_name = BIF_nameBoneTemplate(C); BLI_snprintf(joint_label, 32, "%i joints: %s", nb_joints, bone_name); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, joint_label, 10, yco, 200, 20, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); yco -= 20; break; } uiBlockEndAlign(block); }