예제 #1
void ui_menu_file_create::populate()
    astring buffer;
    const image_device_format *format;
    const char *new_image_name;

    /* append the "New Image Name" item */
    if (get_selection() == ITEMREF_NEW_IMAGE_NAME)
        new_image_name = buffer;
        new_image_name = filename_buffer;
    item_append("New Image Name:", new_image_name, 0, ITEMREF_NEW_IMAGE_NAME);

    /* do we support multiple formats? */
    format = image->device_get_creatable_formats();
    if (ENABLE_FORMATS && (format != NULL))
        item_append("Image Format:", current_format->m_description, 0, ITEMREF_FORMAT);
        current_format = format;

    /* finish up the menu */
    item_append(MENU_SEPARATOR_ITEM, NULL, 0, NULL);
    item_append("Create", NULL, 0, ITEMREF_CREATE);

    customtop = ui_get_line_height(machine()) + 3.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
예제 #2
void ui_menu::draw_text_box()
	const char *text = item[0].text;
	const char *backtext = item[1].text;
	float line_height = ui_get_line_height(machine());
	float lr_arrow_width = 0.4f * line_height * machine().render().ui_aspect();
	float gutter_width = lr_arrow_width;
	float target_width, target_height, prior_width;
	float target_x, target_y;

	/* compute the multi-line target width/height */
	ui_draw_text_full(container, text, 0, 0, 1.0f - 2.0f * UI_BOX_LR_BORDER - 2.0f * gutter_width,
				JUSTIFY_LEFT, WRAP_WORD, DRAW_NONE, ARGB_WHITE, ARGB_BLACK, &target_width, &target_height);
	target_height += 2.0f * line_height;
	if (target_height > 1.0f - 2.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER)
		target_height = floor((1.0f - 2.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER) / line_height) * line_height;

	/* maximum against "return to prior menu" text */
	prior_width = ui_get_string_width(machine(), backtext) + 2.0f * gutter_width;
	target_width = MAX(target_width, prior_width);

	/* determine the target location */
	target_x = 0.5f - 0.5f * target_width;
	target_y = 0.5f - 0.5f * target_height;

	/* make sure we stay on-screen */
	if (target_x < UI_BOX_LR_BORDER + gutter_width)
		target_x = UI_BOX_LR_BORDER + gutter_width;
	if (target_x + target_width + gutter_width + UI_BOX_LR_BORDER > 1.0f)
		target_x = 1.0f - UI_BOX_LR_BORDER - gutter_width - target_width;
	if (target_y < UI_BOX_TB_BORDER)
		target_y = UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
	if (target_y + target_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER > 1.0f)
		target_y = 1.0f - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER - target_height;

	/* add a box around that */
	ui_draw_outlined_box(container, target_x - UI_BOX_LR_BORDER - gutter_width,
						target_y - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER,
						target_x + target_width + gutter_width + UI_BOX_LR_BORDER,
						target_y + target_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER, (item[0].flags & MENU_FLAG_REDTEXT) ?  UI_RED_COLOR : UI_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
	ui_draw_text_full(container, text, target_x, target_y, target_width,

	/* draw the "return to prior menu" text with a hilight behind it */
						target_x + 0.5f * UI_LINE_WIDTH,
						target_y + target_height - line_height,
						target_x + target_width - 0.5f * UI_LINE_WIDTH,
						target_y + target_height,
	ui_draw_text_full(container, backtext, target_x, target_y + target_height - line_height, target_width,

	/* artificially set the hover to the last item so a double-click exits */
	hover = numitems - 1;
예제 #3
void cheat_manager::render_text(render_container &container)
	// render any text and free it along the way
	for (int linenum = 0; linenum < ARRAY_LENGTH(m_output); linenum++)
		if (m_output[linenum])
			// output the text
			ui_draw_text_full(&container, m_output[linenum],
					0.0f, (float)linenum * ui_get_line_height(machine()), 1.0f,
					m_justify[linenum], WRAP_NEVER, DRAW_OPAQUE,
예제 #4
void cheat_manager::frame_update()
	// set up for accumulating output
	m_lastline = 0;
	m_numlines = floor(1.0f / ui_get_line_height(machine()));
	m_numlines = MIN(m_numlines, ARRAY_LENGTH(m_output));
	for (int linenum = 0; linenum < ARRAY_LENGTH(m_output); linenum++)

	// iterate over running cheats and execute them
	for (cheat_entry *cheat = m_cheatlist.first(); cheat != NULL; cheat = cheat->next())

	// increment the frame counter
예제 #5
void ui_menu_file_manager::populate()
    char buffer[2048];
    astring tmp_name;

    /* cycle through all devices for this system */
    image_interface_iterator iter(machine().root_device());
    for (device_image_interface *image = iter.first(); image != NULL; image = iter.next())
        /* get the image type/id */
        snprintf(buffer, ARRAY_LENGTH(buffer),
                 "%s (%s)",
                 image->device().name(), image->brief_instance_name());

        /* get the base name */
        if (image->basename() != NULL)

            /* if the image has been loaded through softlist, also show the loaded part */
            if (image->part_entry() != NULL)
                const software_part *tmp = image->part_entry();
                if (tmp->name != NULL)
                    tmp_name.cat(" (");
                    /* also check if this part has a specific part_id (e.g. "Map Disc", "Bonus Disc", etc.), and in case display it */
                    if (image->get_feature("part_id") != NULL)
                        tmp_name.cat(": ");

        /* record the menu item */
        item_append(buffer, tmp_name.cstr(), 0, (void *) image);

    custombottom = ui_get_line_height(machine()) + 3.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
예제 #6
	display a small tape icon, with the current position in the tape image
static void device_display_cassette(mess_image *image)
	char buf[65];
	float x, y;
	int n;
	double position, length;
	cassette_state uistate;

	/* abort if we should not be showing the image */
	if (!image_exists(image))
	if (!cassette_is_motor_on(image))

	/* figure out where we are in the cassette */
	position = cassette_get_position(image);
	length = cassette_get_length(image);
	uistate = cassette_get_state(image) & CASSETTE_MASK_UISTATE;

	/* choose a location on the screen */
	x = 0.0f;
	y = image_index_in_device(image) * ui_get_line_height();

	/* choose which frame of the animation we are at */
	n = ((int) position / ANIMATION_FPS) % ANIMATION_FRAMES;

	/* character pairs 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 form little tape cassette images */
	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]), "%c%c %c %02d:%02d (%04d) [%02d:%02d (%04d)]",
		n * 2 + 2,								/* cassette icon left */
		n * 2 + 3,								/* cassette icon right */
		(uistate == CASSETTE_PLAY) ? 16 : 14,	/* play or record icon */
		((int) position / 60),
		((int) position % 60),
		(int) position,
		((int) length / 60),
		((int) length % 60),
		(int) length);

	/* draw the cassette */
	ui_draw_text_box(buf, JUSTIFY_LEFT, x, y, UI_FILLCOLOR);
예제 #7
static void tilemap_handler(running_machine &machine, render_container *container, ui_gfx_state *state)
	render_font *ui_font = ui_get_font(machine);
	float chwidth, chheight;
	render_bounds mapboxbounds;
	render_bounds boxbounds;
	int targwidth = machine.render().ui_target().width();
	int targheight = machine.render().ui_target().height();
	float titlewidth;
	float x0, y0;
	int mapboxwidth, mapboxheight;
	int maxxscale, maxyscale;
	UINT32 mapwidth, mapheight;
	int x, pixelscale;
	char title[100];

	/* get the size of the tilemap itself */
	tilemap_t *tilemap = machine.tilemap().find(state->tilemap.which);
	mapwidth = tilemap->width();
	mapheight = tilemap->height();
	if (state->tilemap.rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY)
		{ UINT32 temp = mapwidth; mapwidth = mapheight; mapheight = temp; }

	/* add a half character padding for the box */
	chheight = ui_get_line_height(machine);
	chwidth = ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), '0');
	boxbounds.x0 = 0.0f + 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.x1 = 1.0f - 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.y0 = 0.0f + 0.5f * chheight;
	boxbounds.y1 = 1.0f - 0.5f * chheight;

	/* the tilemap box bounds starts a half character in from the box */
	mapboxbounds = boxbounds;
	mapboxbounds.x0 += 0.5f * chwidth;
	mapboxbounds.x1 -= 0.5f * chwidth;
	mapboxbounds.y0 += 0.5f * chheight;
	mapboxbounds.y1 -= 0.5f * chheight;

	/* add space on the top for a title and a half line of padding */
	mapboxbounds.y0 += 1.5f * chheight;

	/* convert back to pixels */
	mapboxwidth = (mapboxbounds.x1 - mapboxbounds.x0) * (float)targwidth;
	mapboxheight = (mapboxbounds.y1 - mapboxbounds.y0) * (float)targheight;

	/* determine the maximum integral scaling factor */
	pixelscale = state->tilemap.zoom;
	if (pixelscale == 0)
		for (maxxscale = 1; mapwidth * (maxxscale + 1) < mapboxwidth; maxxscale++) ;
		for (maxyscale = 1; mapheight * (maxyscale + 1) < mapboxheight; maxyscale++) ;
		pixelscale = MIN(maxxscale, maxyscale);

	/* recompute the final box size */
	mapboxwidth = MIN(mapboxwidth, mapwidth * pixelscale);
	mapboxheight = MIN(mapboxheight, mapheight * pixelscale);

	/* recompute the bounds, centered within the existing bounds */
	mapboxbounds.x0 += 0.5f * ((mapboxbounds.x1 - mapboxbounds.x0) - (float)mapboxwidth / (float)targwidth);
	mapboxbounds.x1 = mapboxbounds.x0 + (float)mapboxwidth / (float)targwidth;
	mapboxbounds.y0 += 0.5f * ((mapboxbounds.y1 - mapboxbounds.y0) - (float)mapboxheight / (float)targheight);
	mapboxbounds.y1 = mapboxbounds.y0 + (float)mapboxheight / (float)targheight;

	/* now recompute the outer box against this new info */
	boxbounds.x0 = mapboxbounds.x0 - 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.x1 = mapboxbounds.x1 + 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.y0 = mapboxbounds.y0 - 2.0f * chheight;
	boxbounds.y1 = mapboxbounds.y1 + 0.5f * chheight;

	/* figure out the title and expand the outer box to fit */
	sprintf(title, "TMAP %d/%d %dx%d OFFS %d,%d", state->tilemap.which, machine.tilemap().count() - 1, mapwidth, mapheight, state->tilemap.xoffs, state->tilemap.yoffs);
	titlewidth = ui_font->string_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), title);
	if (boxbounds.x1 - boxbounds.x0 < titlewidth + chwidth)
		boxbounds.x0 = 0.5f - 0.5f * (titlewidth + chwidth);
		boxbounds.x1 = boxbounds.x0 + titlewidth + chwidth;

	/* go ahead and draw the outer box now */
	ui_draw_outlined_box(container, boxbounds.x0, boxbounds.y0, boxbounds.x1, boxbounds.y1, UI_GFXVIEWER_BG_COLOR);

	/* draw the title */
	x0 = 0.5f - 0.5f * titlewidth;
	y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 0.5f * chheight;
	for (x = 0; title[x] != 0; x++)
		container->add_char(x0, y0, chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, title[x]);
		x0 += ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), title[x]);

	/* update the bitmap */
	tilemap_update_bitmap(machine, state, mapboxwidth / pixelscale, mapboxheight / pixelscale);

	/* add the final quad */
	container->add_quad(mapboxbounds.x0, mapboxbounds.y0,
						mapboxbounds.x1, mapboxbounds.y1,
						ARGB_WHITE, state->texture,

	/* handle keyboard input */
	tilemap_handle_keys(machine, state, mapboxwidth, mapboxheight);
예제 #8
static void gfxset_handler(running_machine &machine, render_container *container, ui_gfx_state *state)
	render_font *ui_font = ui_get_font(machine);
	int set = state->gfxset.set;
	gfx_element *gfx = machine.gfx[set];
	float fullwidth, fullheight;
	float cellwidth, cellheight;
	float chwidth, chheight;
	float titlewidth;
	//float cellaspect;
	float x0, y0;
	render_bounds cellboxbounds;
	render_bounds boxbounds;
	int cellboxwidth, cellboxheight;
	int targwidth = machine.render().ui_target().width();
	int targheight = machine.render().ui_target().height();
	int cellxpix, cellypix;
	int xcells, ycells;
	int pixelscale = 0;
	int x, y, skip;
	char title[100];

	/* add a half character padding for the box */
	chheight = ui_get_line_height(machine);
	chwidth = ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), '0');
	boxbounds.x0 = 0.0f + 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.x1 = 1.0f - 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.y0 = 0.0f + 0.5f * chheight;
	boxbounds.y1 = 1.0f - 0.5f * chheight;

	/* the character cell box bounds starts a half character in from the box */
	cellboxbounds = boxbounds;
	cellboxbounds.x0 += 0.5f * chwidth;
	cellboxbounds.x1 -= 0.5f * chwidth;
	cellboxbounds.y0 += 0.5f * chheight;
	cellboxbounds.y1 -= 0.5f * chheight;

	/* add space on the left for 5 characters of text, plus a half character of padding */
	cellboxbounds.x0 += 5.5f * chwidth;

	/* add space on the top for a title, a half line of padding, a header, and another half line */
	cellboxbounds.y0 += 3.0f * chheight;

	/* convert back to pixels */
	cellboxwidth = (cellboxbounds.x1 - cellboxbounds.x0) * (float)targwidth;
	cellboxheight = (cellboxbounds.y1 - cellboxbounds.y0) * (float)targheight;

	/* compute the number of source pixels in a cell */
	cellxpix = 1 + ((state->gfxset.rotate[state->gfxset.set] & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? gfx->height() : gfx->width());
	cellypix = 1 + ((state->gfxset.rotate[state->gfxset.set] & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? gfx->width() : gfx->height());

	/* compute the largest pixel scale factor that still fits */
	xcells = state->gfxset.count[set];
	while (xcells > 1)
		pixelscale = (cellboxwidth / xcells) / cellxpix;
		if (pixelscale != 0)

	/* worst case, we need a pixel scale of 1 */
	pixelscale = MAX(1, pixelscale);

	/* in the Y direction, we just display as many as we can */
	ycells = cellboxheight / (pixelscale * cellypix);

	/* now determine the actual cellbox size */
	cellboxwidth = MIN(cellboxwidth, xcells * pixelscale * cellxpix);
	cellboxheight = MIN(cellboxheight, ycells * pixelscale * cellypix);

	/* compute the size of a single cell at this pixel scale factor, as well as the aspect ratio */
	cellwidth = (cellboxwidth / (float)xcells) / (float)targwidth;
	cellheight = (cellboxheight / (float)ycells) / (float)targheight;
	//cellaspect = cellwidth / cellheight;

	/* working from the new width/height, recompute the boxbounds */
	fullwidth = (float)cellboxwidth / (float)targwidth + 6.5f * chwidth;
	fullheight = (float)cellboxheight / (float)targheight + 4.0f * chheight;

	/* recompute boxbounds from this */
	boxbounds.x0 = (1.0f - fullwidth) * 0.5f;
	boxbounds.x1 = boxbounds.x0 + fullwidth;
	boxbounds.y0 = (1.0f - fullheight) * 0.5f;
	boxbounds.y1 = boxbounds.y0 + fullheight;

	/* figure out the title and expand the outer box to fit */
	for (x = 0; x < MAX_GFX_ELEMENTS && machine.gfx[x] != NULL; x++) ;
	sprintf(title, "GFX %d/%d %dx%d COLOR %X", state->gfxset.set, x - 1, gfx->width(), gfx->height(), state->gfxset.color[set]);
	titlewidth = ui_font->string_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), title);
	x0 = 0.0f;
	if (boxbounds.x1 - boxbounds.x0 < titlewidth + chwidth)
		x0 = boxbounds.x0 - (0.5f - 0.5f * (titlewidth + chwidth));

	/* go ahead and draw the outer box now */
	ui_draw_outlined_box(container, boxbounds.x0 - x0, boxbounds.y0, boxbounds.x1 + x0, boxbounds.y1, UI_GFXVIEWER_BG_COLOR);

	/* draw the title */
	x0 = 0.5f - 0.5f * titlewidth;
	y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 0.5f * chheight;
	for (x = 0; title[x] != 0; x++)
		container->add_char(x0, y0, chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, title[x]);
		x0 += ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), title[x]);

	/* draw the top column headers */
	skip = (int)(chwidth / cellwidth);
	for (x = 0; x < xcells; x += 1 + skip)
		x0 = boxbounds.x0 + 6.0f * chwidth + (float)x * cellwidth;
		y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 2.0f * chheight;
		container->add_char(x0 + 0.5f * (cellwidth - chwidth), y0, chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, "0123456789ABCDEF"[x & 0xf]);

		/* if we're skipping, draw a point between the character and the box to indicate which */
		/* one it's referring to */
		if (skip != 0)
			container->add_point(x0 + 0.5f * cellwidth, 0.5f * (y0 + chheight + boxbounds.y0 + 3.5f * chheight), UI_LINE_WIDTH, ARGB_WHITE, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

	/* draw the side column headers */
	skip = (int)(chheight / cellheight);
	for (y = 0; y < ycells; y += 1 + skip)

		/* only display if there is data to show */
		if (state->gfxset.offset[set] + y * xcells < gfx->elements())
			char buffer[10];

			/* if we're skipping, draw a point between the character and the box to indicate which */
			/* one it's referring to */
			x0 = boxbounds.x0 + 5.5f * chwidth;
			y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 3.5f * chheight + (float)y * cellheight;
			if (skip != 0)
				container->add_point(0.5f * (x0 + boxbounds.x0 + 6.0f * chwidth), y0 + 0.5f * cellheight, UI_LINE_WIDTH, ARGB_WHITE, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

			/* draw the row header */
			sprintf(buffer, "%5X", state->gfxset.offset[set] + y * xcells);
			for (x = 4; x >= 0; x--)
				x0 -= ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), buffer[x]);
				container->add_char(x0, y0 + 0.5f * (cellheight - chheight), chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, buffer[x]);

	/* update the bitmap */
	gfxset_update_bitmap(machine, state, xcells, ycells, gfx);

	/* add the final quad */
	container->add_quad(boxbounds.x0 + 6.0f * chwidth, boxbounds.y0 + 3.5f * chheight,
						boxbounds.x0 + 6.0f * chwidth + (float)cellboxwidth / (float)targwidth,
						boxbounds.y0 + 3.5f * chheight + (float)cellboxheight / (float)targheight,

	/* handle keyboard navigation before drawing */
	gfxset_handle_keys(machine, state, xcells, ycells);
예제 #9
static void palette_handler(running_machine &machine, render_container *container, ui_gfx_state *state)
	int total = state->palette.which ? colortable_palette_get_size(machine.colortable) : machine.total_colors();
	const char *title = state->palette.which ? "COLORTABLE" : "PALETTE";
	const rgb_t *raw_color = palette_entry_list_raw(machine.palette);
	render_font *ui_font = ui_get_font(machine);
	float cellwidth, cellheight;
	float chwidth, chheight;
	float titlewidth;
	float x0, y0;
	render_bounds cellboxbounds;
	render_bounds boxbounds;
	int x, y, skip;

	/* add a half character padding for the box */
	chheight = ui_get_line_height(machine);
	chwidth = ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), '0');
	boxbounds.x0 = 0.0f + 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.x1 = 1.0f - 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.y0 = 0.0f + 0.5f * chheight;
	boxbounds.y1 = 1.0f - 0.5f * chheight;

	/* the character cell box bounds starts a half character in from the box */
	cellboxbounds = boxbounds;
	cellboxbounds.x0 += 0.5f * chwidth;
	cellboxbounds.x1 -= 0.5f * chwidth;
	cellboxbounds.y0 += 0.5f * chheight;
	cellboxbounds.y1 -= 0.5f * chheight;

	/* add space on the left for 5 characters of text, plus a half character of padding */
	cellboxbounds.x0 += 5.5f * chwidth;

	/* add space on the top for a title, a half line of padding, a header, and another half line */
	cellboxbounds.y0 += 3.0f * chheight;

	/* figure out the title and expand the outer box to fit */
	titlewidth = ui_font->string_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), title);
	x0 = 0.0f;
	if (boxbounds.x1 - boxbounds.x0 < titlewidth + chwidth)
		x0 = boxbounds.x0 - (0.5f - 0.5f * (titlewidth + chwidth));

	/* go ahead and draw the outer box now */
	ui_draw_outlined_box(container, boxbounds.x0 - x0, boxbounds.y0, boxbounds.x1 + x0, boxbounds.y1, UI_GFXVIEWER_BG_COLOR);

	/* draw the title */
	x0 = 0.5f - 0.5f * titlewidth;
	y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 0.5f * chheight;
	for (x = 0; title[x] != 0; x++)
		container->add_char(x0, y0, chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, title[x]);
		x0 += ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), title[x]);

	/* compute the cell size */
	cellwidth = (cellboxbounds.x1 - cellboxbounds.x0) / (float)state->palette.count;
	cellheight = (cellboxbounds.y1 - cellboxbounds.y0) / (float)state->palette.count;

	/* draw the top column headers */
	skip = (int)(chwidth / cellwidth);
	for (x = 0; x < state->palette.count; x += 1 + skip)
		x0 = boxbounds.x0 + 6.0f * chwidth + (float)x * cellwidth;
		y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 2.0f * chheight;
		container->add_char(x0 + 0.5f * (cellwidth - chwidth), y0, chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, "0123456789ABCDEF"[x & 0xf]);

		/* if we're skipping, draw a point between the character and the box to indicate which */
		/* one it's referring to */
		if (skip != 0)
			container->add_point(x0 + 0.5f * cellwidth, 0.5f * (y0 + chheight + cellboxbounds.y0), UI_LINE_WIDTH, ARGB_WHITE, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

	/* draw the side column headers */
	skip = (int)(chheight / cellheight);
	for (y = 0; y < state->palette.count; y += 1 + skip)

		/* only display if there is data to show */
		if (state->palette.offset + y * state->palette.count < total)
			char buffer[10];

			/* if we're skipping, draw a point between the character and the box to indicate which */
			/* one it's referring to */
			x0 = boxbounds.x0 + 5.5f * chwidth;
			y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 3.5f * chheight + (float)y * cellheight;
			if (skip != 0)
				container->add_point(0.5f * (x0 + cellboxbounds.x0), y0 + 0.5f * cellheight, UI_LINE_WIDTH, ARGB_WHITE, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

			/* draw the row header */
			sprintf(buffer, "%5X", state->palette.offset + y * state->palette.count);
			for (x = 4; x >= 0; x--)
				x0 -= ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), buffer[x]);
				container->add_char(x0, y0 + 0.5f * (cellheight - chheight), chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, buffer[x]);

	/* now add the rectangles for the colors */
	for (y = 0; y < state->palette.count; y++)
		for (x = 0; x < state->palette.count; x++)
			int index = state->palette.offset + y * state->palette.count + x;
			if (index < total)
				pen_t pen = state->palette.which ? colortable_palette_get_color(machine.colortable, index) : raw_color[index];
				container->add_rect(cellboxbounds.x0 + x * cellwidth, cellboxbounds.y0 + y * cellheight,
									cellboxbounds.x0 + (x + 1) * cellwidth, cellboxbounds.y0 + (y + 1) * cellheight,
									0xff000000 | pen, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

	/* handle keys */
	palette_handle_keys(machine, state);
예제 #10
void ui_menu::draw(bool customonly)
	float line_height = ui_get_line_height(machine());
	float lr_arrow_width = 0.4f * line_height * machine().render().ui_aspect();
	float ud_arrow_width = line_height * machine().render().ui_aspect();
	float gutter_width = lr_arrow_width * 1.3f;
	float x1, y1, x2, y2;

	float effective_width, effective_left;
	float visible_width, visible_main_menu_height;
	float visible_extra_menu_height = 0;
	float visible_top, visible_left;
	int selected_subitem_too_big = FALSE;
	int visible_lines;
	int top_line;
	int itemnum, linenum;
	int mouse_hit, mouse_button;
	render_target *mouse_target;
	INT32 mouse_target_x, mouse_target_y;
	float mouse_x = -1, mouse_y = -1;

	/* compute the width and height of the full menu */
	visible_width = 0;
	visible_main_menu_height = 0;
	for (itemnum = 0; itemnum < numitems; itemnum++)
		const ui_menu_item &pitem = item[itemnum];
		float total_width;

		/* compute width of left hand side */
		total_width = gutter_width + ui_get_string_width(machine(), pitem.text) + gutter_width;

		/* add in width of right hand side */
		if (pitem.subtext)
			total_width += 2.0f * gutter_width + ui_get_string_width(machine(), pitem.subtext);

		/* track the maximum */
		if (total_width > visible_width)
			visible_width = total_width;

		/* track the height as well */
		visible_main_menu_height += line_height;

	/* account for extra space at the top and bottom */
	visible_extra_menu_height = customtop + custombottom;

	/* add a little bit of slop for rounding */
	visible_width += 0.01f;
	visible_main_menu_height += 0.01f;

	/* if we are too wide or too tall, clamp it down */
	if (visible_width + 2.0f * UI_BOX_LR_BORDER > 1.0f)
		visible_width = 1.0f - 2.0f * UI_BOX_LR_BORDER;

	/* if the menu and extra menu won't fit, take away part of the regular menu, it will scroll */
	if (visible_main_menu_height + visible_extra_menu_height + 2.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER > 1.0f)
		visible_main_menu_height = 1.0f - 2.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER - visible_extra_menu_height;

	visible_lines = floor(visible_main_menu_height / line_height);
	visible_main_menu_height = (float)visible_lines * line_height;

	/* compute top/left of inner menu area by centering */
	visible_left = (1.0f - visible_width) * 0.5f;
	visible_top = (1.0f - (visible_main_menu_height + visible_extra_menu_height)) * 0.5f;

	/* if the menu is at the bottom of the extra, adjust */
	visible_top += customtop;

	/* first add us a box */
	x1 = visible_left - UI_BOX_LR_BORDER;
	y1 = visible_top - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
	x2 = visible_left + visible_width + UI_BOX_LR_BORDER;
	y2 = visible_top + visible_main_menu_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
	if (!customonly)
		ui_draw_outlined_box(container, x1, y1, x2, y2, UI_BACKGROUND_COLOR);

	/* determine the first visible line based on the current selection */
	top_line = selected - visible_lines / 2;
	if (top_line < 0)
		top_line = 0;
	if (top_line + visible_lines >= numitems)
		top_line = numitems - visible_lines;

	/* determine effective positions taking into account the hilighting arrows */
	effective_width = visible_width - 2.0f * gutter_width;
	effective_left = visible_left + gutter_width;

	/* locate mouse */
	mouse_hit = FALSE;
	mouse_button = FALSE;
	if (!customonly)
		mouse_target = ui_input_find_mouse(machine(), &mouse_target_x, &mouse_target_y, &mouse_button);
		if (mouse_target != NULL)
			if (mouse_target->map_point_container(mouse_target_x, mouse_target_y, *container, mouse_x, mouse_y))
				mouse_hit = TRUE;

	/* loop over visible lines */
	hover = numitems + 1;
	if (!customonly)
		for (linenum = 0; linenum < visible_lines; linenum++)
			float line_y = visible_top + (float)linenum * line_height;
			itemnum = top_line + linenum;
			const ui_menu_item &pitem = item[itemnum];
			const char *itemtext = pitem.text;
			rgb_t fgcolor = UI_TEXT_COLOR;
			rgb_t bgcolor = UI_TEXT_BG_COLOR;
			rgb_t fgcolor2 = UI_SUBITEM_COLOR;
			rgb_t fgcolor3 = UI_CLONE_COLOR;
			float line_x0 = x1 + 0.5f * UI_LINE_WIDTH;
			float line_y0 = line_y;
			float line_x1 = x2 - 0.5f * UI_LINE_WIDTH;
			float line_y1 = line_y + line_height;

			/* set the hover if this is our item */
			if (mouse_hit && line_x0 <= mouse_x && line_x1 > mouse_x && line_y0 <= mouse_y && line_y1 > mouse_y && pitem.is_selectable())
				hover = itemnum;

			/* if we're selected, draw with a different background */
			if (itemnum == selected)
				fgcolor = UI_SELECTED_COLOR;
				bgcolor = UI_SELECTED_BG_COLOR;
				fgcolor2 = UI_SELECTED_COLOR;
				fgcolor3 = UI_SELECTED_COLOR;

			/* else if the mouse is over this item, draw with a different background */
			else if (itemnum == hover)
				fgcolor = UI_MOUSEOVER_COLOR;
				bgcolor = UI_MOUSEOVER_BG_COLOR;
				fgcolor2 = UI_MOUSEOVER_COLOR;
				fgcolor3 = UI_MOUSEOVER_COLOR;

			/* if we have some background hilighting to do, add a quad behind everything else */
			if (bgcolor != UI_TEXT_BG_COLOR)
				container->add_quad(line_x0, line_y0, line_x1, line_y1, bgcolor, hilight_texture,

			/* if we're on the top line, display the up arrow */
			if (linenum == 0 && top_line != 0)
									0.5f * (x1 + x2) - 0.5f * ud_arrow_width,
									line_y + 0.25f * line_height,
									0.5f * (x1 + x2) + 0.5f * ud_arrow_width,
									line_y + 0.75f * line_height,
				if (hover == itemnum)
					hover = -2;

			/* if we're on the bottom line, display the down arrow */
			else if (linenum == visible_lines - 1 && itemnum != numitems - 1)
									0.5f * (x1 + x2) - 0.5f * ud_arrow_width,
									line_y + 0.25f * line_height,
									0.5f * (x1 + x2) + 0.5f * ud_arrow_width,
									line_y + 0.75f * line_height,
				if (hover == itemnum)
					hover = -1;

			/* if we're just a divider, draw a line */
			else if (strcmp(itemtext, MENU_SEPARATOR_ITEM) == 0)
				container->add_line(visible_left, line_y + 0.5f * line_height, visible_left + visible_width, line_y + 0.5f * line_height, UI_LINE_WIDTH, UI_BORDER_COLOR, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

			/* if we don't have a subitem, just draw the string centered */
			else if (pitem.subtext == NULL)
				ui_draw_text_full(container, itemtext, effective_left, line_y, effective_width,

			/* otherwise, draw the item on the left and the subitem text on the right */
				int subitem_invert = pitem.flags & MENU_FLAG_INVERT;
				const char *subitem_text = pitem.subtext;
				float item_width, subitem_width;

				/* draw the left-side text */
				ui_draw_text_full(container, itemtext, effective_left, line_y, effective_width,
							JUSTIFY_LEFT, WRAP_TRUNCATE, DRAW_NORMAL, fgcolor, bgcolor, &item_width, NULL);

				/* give 2 spaces worth of padding */
				item_width += 2.0f * gutter_width;

				/* if the subitem doesn't fit here, display dots */
				if (ui_get_string_width(machine(), subitem_text) > effective_width - item_width)
					subitem_text = "...";
					if (itemnum == selected)
						selected_subitem_too_big = TRUE;

				/* draw the subitem right-justified */
				ui_draw_text_full(container, subitem_text, effective_left + item_width, line_y, effective_width - item_width,
							JUSTIFY_RIGHT, WRAP_TRUNCATE, DRAW_NORMAL, subitem_invert ? fgcolor3 : fgcolor2, bgcolor, &subitem_width, NULL);

				/* apply arrows */
				if (itemnum == selected && (pitem.flags & MENU_FLAG_LEFT_ARROW))
										effective_left + effective_width - subitem_width - gutter_width,
										line_y + 0.1f * line_height,
										effective_left + effective_width - subitem_width - gutter_width + lr_arrow_width,
										line_y + 0.9f * line_height,
				if (itemnum == selected && (pitem.flags & MENU_FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW))
										effective_left + effective_width + gutter_width - lr_arrow_width,
										line_y + 0.1f * line_height,
										effective_left + effective_width + gutter_width,
										line_y + 0.9f * line_height,

	/* if the selected subitem is too big, display it in a separate offset box */
	if (selected_subitem_too_big)
		const ui_menu_item &pitem = item[selected];
		int subitem_invert = pitem.flags & MENU_FLAG_INVERT;
		linenum = selected - top_line;
		float line_y = visible_top + (float)linenum * line_height;
		float target_width, target_height;
		float target_x, target_y;

		/* compute the multi-line target width/height */
		ui_draw_text_full(container, pitem.subtext, 0, 0, visible_width * 0.75f,
					JUSTIFY_RIGHT, WRAP_WORD, DRAW_NONE, ARGB_WHITE, ARGB_BLACK, &target_width, &target_height);

		/* determine the target location */
		target_x = visible_left + visible_width - target_width - UI_BOX_LR_BORDER;
		target_y = line_y + line_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
		if (target_y + target_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER > visible_main_menu_height)
			target_y = line_y - target_height - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;

		/* add a box around that */
		ui_draw_outlined_box(container, target_x - UI_BOX_LR_BORDER,
							target_y - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER,
							target_x + target_width + UI_BOX_LR_BORDER,
							target_y + target_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER, subitem_invert ? UI_SELECTED_BG_COLOR : UI_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
		ui_draw_text_full(container, pitem.subtext, target_x, target_y, target_width,

	/* if there is something special to add, do it by calling the virtual method */
	custom_render((selected >= 0 && selected < numitems) ? item[selected].ref : NULL, customtop, custombottom, x1, y1, x2, y2);

	/* return the number of visible lines, minus 1 for top arrow and 1 for bottom arrow */
	visitems = visible_lines - (top_line != 0) - (top_line + visible_lines != numitems);
예제 #11
파일: cassette.c 프로젝트: cdenix/psmame
    display a small tape icon, with the current position in the tape image
static DEVICE_IMAGE_DISPLAY(cassette)
	device_t *device = &image.device();
	char buf[65];
	float x, y;
	int n;
	double position, length;
	cassette_state uistate;
	device_t *dev;
	static const UINT8 shapes[8] = { 0x2d, 0x5c, 0x7c, 0x2f, 0x2d, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 };

	/* abort if we should not be showing the image */
	if (!image.exists())
	if (!cassette_is_motor_on(device))

	/* figure out where we are in the cassette */
	position = cassette_get_position(device);
	length = cassette_get_length(device);
	uistate = (cassette_state)(cassette_get_state(device) & CASSETTE_MASK_UISTATE);

	/* choose a location on the screen */
	x = 0.2f;
	y = 0.5f;

	dev = device->machine().m_devicelist.first(CASSETTE );

	while ( dev && strcmp( dev->tag(), device->tag() ) )
		y += 1;
		dev = dev->typenext();

	y *= ui_get_line_height(device->machine()) + 2.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
	/* choose which frame of the animation we are at */
	n = ((int) position / ANIMATION_FPS) % ANIMATION_FRAMES;
	/* Since you can have anything in a BDF file, we will use crude ascii characters instead */
	snprintf(buf, ARRAY_LENGTH(buf), "%c%c %c %02d:%02d (%04d) [%02d:%02d (%04d)]",
#if 0
	/* character pairs 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 form little tape cassette images */
		n * 2 + 2,								/* cassette icon left */
		n * 2 + 3,								/* cassette icon right */
		(uistate == CASSETTE_PLAY) ? 16 : 14,	/* play or record icon */
		shapes[n],					/* cassette icon left */
		shapes[n|4],					/* cassette icon right */
		(uistate == CASSETTE_PLAY) ? 0x50 : 0x52,	/* play (P) or record (R) */
		((int) position / 60),
		((int) position % 60),
		(int) position,
		((int) length / 60),
		((int) length % 60),
		(int) length);

	/* draw the cassette */
	ui_draw_text_box(&device->machine().render().ui_container(), buf, JUSTIFY_LEFT, x, y, UI_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
예제 #12
void ui_menu_file_selector::populate()
    zippath_directory *directory = NULL;
    file_error err = FILERR_NONE;
    const osd_directory_entry *dirent;
    const file_selector_entry *entry;
    const file_selector_entry *selected_entry = NULL;
    int i;
    const char *volume_name;
    const char *path = current_directory;

    /* open the directory */
    err = zippath_opendir(path, &directory);
    if (err != FILERR_NONE)
        goto done;

    /* clear out the menu entries */
    entrylist = NULL;

    if (has_empty)
        /* add the "[empty slot]" entry */
        append_entry(SELECTOR_ENTRY_TYPE_EMPTY, NULL, NULL);

    if (has_create)
        /* add the "[create]" entry */

    if (has_softlist)
        /* add the "[software list]" entry */

    /* add the drives */
    i = 0;
    while((volume_name = osd_get_volume_name(i))!=NULL)
                     volume_name, volume_name);

    /* build the menu for each item */
    while((dirent = zippath_readdir(directory)) != NULL)
        /* append a dirent entry */
        entry = append_dirent_entry(dirent);

        if (entry != NULL)
            /* set the selected item to be the first non-parent directory or file */
            if ((selected_entry == NULL) && strcmp(dirent->name, ".."))
                selected_entry = entry;

            /* do we have to select this file? */
            if (!mame_stricmp(current_file, dirent->name))
                selected_entry = entry;

    /* append all of the menu entries */
    for (entry = entrylist; entry != NULL; entry = entry->next)

    /* set the selection (if we have one) */
    if (selected_entry != NULL)
        set_selection((void *) selected_entry);

    /* set up custom render proc */
    customtop = ui_get_line_height(machine()) + 3.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;

    if (directory != NULL)
예제 #13
    display a small tape icon, with the current position in the tape image
void cassette_image_device::call_display()
	char buf[65];
	float x, y;
	int n;
	double position, length;
	cassette_state uistate;
	cassette_image_device *dev;
	static const UINT8 shapes[8] = { 0x2d, 0x5c, 0x7c, 0x2f, 0x2d, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 };

	/* abort if we should not be showing the image */
	if (!exists())
	if (!is_motor_on())

	/* figure out where we are in the cassette */
	position = get_position();
	length = get_length();
	uistate = (cassette_state)(get_state() & CASSETTE_MASK_UISTATE);

	/* choose a location on the screen */
	x = 0.2f;
	y = 0.5f;

	cassette_device_iterator iter(device().machine().root_device());
	for (dev = iter.first(); dev != NULL && strcmp( dev->tag(), device().tag() ); dev = iter.next())
		y += 1;

	y *= ui_get_line_height(device().machine()) + 2.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
	/* choose which frame of the animation we are at */
	n = ((int) position / ANIMATION_FPS) % ANIMATION_FRAMES;
	/* Since you can have anything in a BDF file, we will use crude ascii characters instead */
	snprintf(buf, ARRAY_LENGTH(buf), "%c%c %c %02d:%02d (%04d) [%02d:%02d (%04d)]",
#if 0
	/* character pairs 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 form little tape cassette images */
		n * 2 + 2,                              /* cassette icon left */
		n * 2 + 3,                              /* cassette icon right */
		(uistate == CASSETTE_PLAY) ? 16 : 14,   /* play or record icon */
		shapes[n],                  /* cassette icon left */
		shapes[n|4],                    /* cassette icon right */
		(uistate == CASSETTE_PLAY) ? 0x50 : 0x52,   /* play (P) or record (R) */
		((int) position / 60),
		((int) position % 60),
		(int) position,
		((int) length / 60),
		((int) length % 60),
		(int) length);

	/* draw the cassette */
	ui_draw_text_box(&device().machine().render().ui_container(), buf, JUSTIFY_LEFT, x, y, UI_BACKGROUND_COLOR);

	// make sure tape stops at end when playing
		if ( m_cassette )
			if (position > length)
				m_state = (cassette_state)(( m_state & ~CASSETTE_MASK_UISTATE ) | CASSETTE_STOPPED);
				position = length;