0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // enums: name, flags, count, data 702, 0x0, 7, 202, 728, 0x0, 4, 216, // enum data: key, value 900, uint(QComboBox::NoInsert), 909, uint(QComboBox::InsertAtTop), 921, uint(QComboBox::InsertAtCurrent), 937, uint(QComboBox::InsertAtBottom), 952, uint(QComboBox::InsertAfterCurrent), 971, uint(QComboBox::InsertBeforeCurrent), 991, uint(QComboBox::InsertAlphabetically), 1012, uint(QComboBox::AdjustToContents), 1029, uint(QComboBox::AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow), 1057, uint(QComboBox::AdjustToMinimumContentsLength), 1087, uint(QComboBox::AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon), 0 // eod }; static const char qt_meta_stringdata_QComboBox[] = {
2, // signalCount // signals: signature, parameters, type, tag, flags 8, 7, 7, 7, 0x05, 19, 7, 7, 7, 0x05, // properties: name, type, flags 56, 40, 0x0009510b, 69, 40, 0x0009510b, 90, 80, 0x0009510b, // enums: name, flags, count, data 80, 0x0, 2, 37, // enum data: key, value 100, uint(QState::ExclusiveStates), 116, uint(QState::ParallelStates), 0 // eod }; static const char qt_meta_stringdata_QState[] = { "QState\0\0finished()\0propertiesAssigned()\0" "QAbstractState*\0initialState\0errorState\0" "ChildMode\0childMode\0ExclusiveStates\0" "ParallelStates\0" }; void QState::qt_static_metacall(QObject *_o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
bool QAhiScreen::connect(const QString &displaySpec) { Q_UNUSED(displaySpec); AhiSts_t status; status = AhiInit(0); if (status != AhiStsOk) { qCritical("QAhiScreen::connect(): AhiInit failed: %x", status); return false; } AhiDev_t device; AhiDevInfo_t info; status = AhiDevEnum(&device, &info, 0); if (status != AhiStsOk) { qCritical("QAhiScreen::connect(): AhiDevEnum failed: %x", status); return false; } #ifdef QAHISCREEN_DEBUG { int displayNo = 0; AhiDevInfo_t dispInfo = info; qDebug("AHI supported devices:"); do { qDebug(" %2i: %s, sw version: %s (rev %u)\n" " chip: 0x%x (rev %u), mem: %i (%i/%i), bus: 0x%x", displayNo, dispInfo.name, dispInfo.swVersion, uint(dispInfo.swRevision), uint(dispInfo.chipId), uint(dispInfo.revisionId), uint(dispInfo.totalMemory), uint(dispInfo.internalMemSize), uint(dispInfo.externalMemSize), uint(dispInfo.cpuBusInterfaceMode)); status = AhiDevEnum(&device, &info, ++displayNo); } while (status == AhiStsOk); } #endif status = AhiDevOpen(&d_ptr->context, device, "qscreenahi", AHIFLAG_USERLEVEL); if (status != AhiStsOk) { qCritical("QAhiScreen::connect(): AhiDevOpen failed: %x", status); return false; } AhiDispMode_t mode; status = AhiDispModeEnum(d_ptr->context, &mode, 0); if (status != AhiStsOk) { qCritical("QAhiScreen::connect(): AhiDispModeEnum failed: %x", status); return false; } #ifdef QAHISCREEN_DEBUG { int modeNo = 0; AhiDispMode_t modeInfo = mode; qDebug("AHI supported modes:"); do { qDebug(" %2i: %ux%u, fmt: %i, %u Hz, rot: %i, mirror: %i", modeNo, uint(modeInfo.size.cx), uint(modeInfo.size.cy), modeInfo.pixFmt, uint(modeInfo.frequency), modeInfo.rotation, modeInfo.mirror); status = AhiDispModeEnum(d_ptr->context, &modeInfo, ++modeNo); } while (status == AhiStsOk); } #endif if (QApplication::type() == QApplication::GuiServer) { if (!d_ptr->setMode(mode)) return false; } else { status = AhiDispSurfGet(d_ptr->context, &d_ptr->surface); if (status != AhiStsOk) { qCritical("QAhiScreen::connect(): AhiDispSurfGet failed: %x", status); return false; } status = AhiDispModeGet(d_ptr->context, &mode); if (status != AhiStsOk) { qCritical("QAhiScreen::context(): AhiDispModeGet failed: %x", status); return false; } } return configure(); }
61, 55, ((uint)QMetaType::QReal << 24) | 0x00095103, 78, 55, ((uint)QMetaType::QReal << 24) | 0x00095103, 94, 55, ((uint)QMetaType::QReal << 24) | 0x00095103, 106, 55, ((uint)QMetaType::QReal << 24) | 0x00095103, 125, 55, ((uint)QMetaType::QReal << 24) | 0x00095103, 143, 55, ((uint)QMetaType::QReal << 24) | 0x00095103, 165, 157, 0x1a095103, 182, 157, 0x1a095103, 198, 157, 0x1a095103, // enums: name, flags, count, data 210, 0x1, 3, 55, 14, 0x1, 3, 61, // enum data: key, value 221, uint(QPinchGesture::ScaleFactorChanged), 240, uint(QPinchGesture::RotationAngleChanged), 261, uint(QPinchGesture::CenterPointChanged), 221, uint(QPinchGesture::ScaleFactorChanged), 240, uint(QPinchGesture::RotationAngleChanged), 261, uint(QPinchGesture::CenterPointChanged), 0 // eod }; static const char qt_meta_stringdata_QPinchGesture[] = { "QPinchGesture\0ChangeFlags\0totalChangeFlags\0" "changeFlags\0qreal\0totalScaleFactor\0" "lastScaleFactor\0scaleFactor\0" "totalRotationAngle\0lastRotationAngle\0" "rotationAngle\0QPointF\0startCenterPoint\0"
unsigned RunControlContext::threadIdFromTcdfId(const QByteArray &id) { const int tPos = id.indexOf(".t"); return tPos != -1 ? id.mid(tPos + 2).toUInt() : uint(0); }
void TypeSystem::callDestructor(AbstractTypeData* data) const { if(uint(m_factories.size()) <= data->typeClassId || m_fastFactories[data->typeClassId] == 0) return; return m_fastFactories[data->typeClassId]->callDestructor(data); }
uint TypeSystem::dataClassSize(const AbstractTypeData& data) const { if(uint(m_dataClassSizes.size()) <= data.typeClassId || m_fastFactories[data.typeClassId] == 0) return 0; return m_fastDataClassSizes[data.typeClassId]; }
QRgb QColorDialogOptions::standardColor(int index) { if (uint(index) >= uint(QColorDialogStaticData::StandardColorCount)) return qRgb(255, 255, 255); return qColorDialogStaticData()->standardRgb[index]; }
void QColorDialogOptions::setStandardColor(int index, QRgb color) { if (uint(index) >= uint(QColorDialogStaticData::StandardColorCount)) return; qColorDialogStaticData()->standardRgb[index] = color; }
void QgsRangeWidgetWrapper::initWidget( QWidget *editor ) { mDoubleSpinBox = qobject_cast<QDoubleSpinBox *>( editor ); mIntSpinBox = qobject_cast<QSpinBox *>( editor ); mDial = qobject_cast<QDial *>( editor ); mSlider = qobject_cast<QSlider *>( editor ); mQgsDial = qobject_cast<QgsDial *>( editor ); mQgsSlider = qobject_cast<QgsSlider *>( editor ); bool allowNull = config( QStringLiteral( "AllowNull" ), true ).toBool(); QVariant min( config( QStringLiteral( "Min" ) ) ); QVariant max( config( QStringLiteral( "Max" ) ) ); QVariant step( config( QStringLiteral( "Step" ) ) ); QVariant precision( config( QStringLiteral( "Precision" ) ) ); if ( mDoubleSpinBox ) { double stepval = step.isValid() ? step.toDouble() : 1.0; double minval = min.isValid() ? min.toDouble() : std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(); double maxval = max.isValid() ? max.toDouble() : std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); int precisionval = precision.isValid() ? precision.toInt() : layer()->fields().at( fieldIdx() ).precision(); mDoubleSpinBox->setDecimals( precisionval ); QgsDoubleSpinBox *qgsWidget = qobject_cast<QgsDoubleSpinBox *>( mDoubleSpinBox ); if ( qgsWidget ) qgsWidget->setShowClearButton( allowNull ); // Make room for null value: lower the minimum to allow for NULL special values if ( allowNull ) { double decr; if ( precisionval > 0 ) { decr = std::pow( 10, -precisionval ); } else { decr = stepval; } minval -= decr; // Note: call setMinimum here or setValue won't work mDoubleSpinBox->setMinimum( minval ); mDoubleSpinBox->setValue( minval ); QgsDoubleSpinBox *doubleSpinBox( qobject_cast<QgsDoubleSpinBox *>( mDoubleSpinBox ) ); if ( doubleSpinBox ) doubleSpinBox->setSpecialValueText( QgsApplication::nullRepresentation() ); else mDoubleSpinBox->setSpecialValueText( QgsApplication::nullRepresentation() ); } mDoubleSpinBox->setMinimum( minval ); mDoubleSpinBox->setMaximum( maxval ); mDoubleSpinBox->setSingleStep( stepval ); if ( config( QStringLiteral( "Suffix" ) ).isValid() ) mDoubleSpinBox->setSuffix( config( QStringLiteral( "Suffix" ) ).toString() ); connect( mDoubleSpinBox, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, [ = ]( double ) { emitValueChanged(); } ); } else if ( mIntSpinBox ) { QgsSpinBox *qgsWidget = qobject_cast<QgsSpinBox *>( mIntSpinBox ); if ( qgsWidget ) qgsWidget->setShowClearButton( allowNull ); int minval = min.toInt(); if ( allowNull ) { uint stepval = step.isValid() ? step.toUInt() : 1; // make sure there is room for a new value (i.e. signed integer does not overflow) int minvalOverflow = uint( minval ) - stepval; if ( minvalOverflow < minval ) { minval = minvalOverflow; } mIntSpinBox->setValue( minval ); QgsSpinBox *intSpinBox( qobject_cast<QgsSpinBox *>( mIntSpinBox ) ); if ( intSpinBox ) intSpinBox->setSpecialValueText( QgsApplication::nullRepresentation() ); else mIntSpinBox->setSpecialValueText( QgsApplication::nullRepresentation() ); } setupIntEditor( minval, max, step, mIntSpinBox, this ); if ( config( QStringLiteral( "Suffix" ) ).isValid() ) mIntSpinBox->setSuffix( config( QStringLiteral( "Suffix" ) ).toString() ); } else { ( void )field().convertCompatible( min ); ( void )field().convertCompatible( max ); ( void )field().convertCompatible( step ); if ( mQgsDial ) setupIntEditor( min, max, step, mQgsDial, this ); else if ( mQgsSlider ) setupIntEditor( min, max, step, mQgsSlider, this ); else if ( mDial ) setupIntEditor( min, max, step, mDial, this ); else if ( mSlider ) setupIntEditor( min, max, step, mSlider, this ); } }
QRgb QColorDialogOptions::customColor(int index) { if (uint(index) >= uint(QColorDialogStaticData::CustomColorCount)) return qRgb(255, 255, 255); return qColorDialogStaticData()->customRgb[index]; }
void BTreeBuilder::buildBalanced( ByteInputStream &sortedInputStream, uint iInputLevel, RecordNum nEntriesTotal, double fillFactor) { // First, determine node capacities based on fixed-width entry sizes. This // gives us the maximum fanout. uint nEntriesPerNonLeaf = getSegment()->getUsablePageSize() - sizeof(BTreeNode); nEntriesPerNonLeaf /= pNonLeafNodeAccessor->getEntryByteCount( pNonLeafNodeAccessor->tupleAccessor.getMaxByteCount()); uint nEntriesPerLeaf = getSegment()->getUsablePageSize() - sizeof(BTreeNode); nEntriesPerLeaf /= pLeafNodeAccessor->getEntryByteCount( pLeafNodeAccessor->tupleAccessor.getMaxByteCount()); nEntriesPerNonLeaf = uint(nEntriesPerNonLeaf*fillFactor); nEntriesPerLeaf = uint(nEntriesPerLeaf*fillFactor); if (!nEntriesPerNonLeaf) { nEntriesPerNonLeaf = 1; } if (!nEntriesPerLeaf) { nEntriesPerLeaf = 1; } // Next, calculate how high a "full" tree with this fanout would have to be // in order to accommodate the expected number of entries. In most cases // the tree won't actually be full, but the height can't be any lower than // this. RecordNum nEntriesFull = iInputLevel ? nEntriesPerNonLeaf : nEntriesPerLeaf; uint nLevels = iInputLevel + 1; while (nEntriesFull < nEntriesTotal) { ++nLevels; nEntriesFull *= nEntriesPerNonLeaf; } levels.resize(nLevels); // Now, calculate how many entries to expect on each level. We could do // the per-level balancing here as well, but then we'd have to keep around // an in-memory structure proportional to the number of nodes in the tree. // Instead, we calculate the balancing on the fly later. RecordNum nEntriesInLevel = nEntriesTotal; for (uint i = iInputLevel; i < levels.size(); i++) { BTreeNodeAccessor &nodeAccessor = i ? *pNonLeafNodeAccessor : *pLeafNodeAccessor; assert(nodeAccessor.hasFixedWidthEntries()); levels[i].reset(new FixedBuildLevel(*this,nodeAccessor)); BTreeBuildLevel &level = getLevel(i); level.iLevel = i; level.nEntriesTotal = nEntriesInLevel; // number of parent entries is same as number of child nodes nEntriesInLevel = calculateNodesOnLevel( nEntriesInLevel, i ? nEntriesPerNonLeaf : nEntriesPerLeaf); if (i == getRootHeight()) { // Set up the root info, which can be fully determined ahead of // time. level.nEntriesPerNode = level.nEntriesTotal; if (getRootPageId() == NULL_PAGE_ID) { level.allocatePage(); treeDescriptor.rootPageId = level.pageId; } else { // We're from Berkeley, so we reuse the existing root rather // than allocating a new one. level.pageId = getRootPageId(); level.pageLock.lockExclusive(level.pageId); BTreeNode &node = level.pageLock.getNodeForWrite(); assert(!node.nEntries); level.nodeAccessor.clearNode( node, getSegment()->getUsablePageSize()); node.height = i; } } else { // Allocate the first empty page of a non-root level. level.allocatePage(); } if (i) { // Prepare the first page of a non-leaf level. // Calculate balancing for first child node. BTreeBuildLevel &childLevel = getLevel(i - 1); childLevel.nEntriesPerNode = calculateChildEntriesPerNode( level.nEntriesTotal, childLevel.nEntriesTotal, 0); } } // should end up with exactly one node at the root level, which corresponds // to one entry in an imaginary parent of the root assert(nEntriesInLevel == 1); // feed data into the correct level getLevel(iInputLevel).processInput(sortedInputStream); // finalize rightist fringe for (uint i = iInputLevel; i < levels.size(); ++i) { BTreeBuildLevel &level = getLevel(i); level.indexLastKey(true); assert(level.isFinished()); } }
void CommandSubscriber::commandCallback(const kinfu_msgs::KinfuCommand & cmd) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock shared_lock(m_shared_mutex); if (cmd.command_type == cmd.COMMAND_TYPE_NOOP) { // does nothing ack(cmd.command_id,true); } else if (cmd.command_type == cmd.COMMAND_TYPE_RESUME) { m_is_running = true; ack(cmd.command_id,true); } else if (cmd.command_type == cmd.COMMAND_TYPE_SUSPEND) { m_is_running = false; ack(cmd.command_id,true); } else if (cmd.command_type == cmd.COMMAND_TYPE_RESET) { if (m_request_reset) ack(m_request_reset_command_id,false); m_request_reset = true; m_request_reset_command_id = cmd.command_id; } else if (cmd.command_type == cmd.COMMAND_TYPE_SET_ENABLED_MIN_MOVEMENT) { if (cmd.boolean_data.size() < 1) { ROS_ERROR("kinfu: command: set enabled min movement: one boolean required in boolean_data."); ack(cmd.command_id,false); } else { m_enable_minimum_movement = cmd.boolean_data[0]; ROS_INFO("kinfu: command: set enable min movement: %u.",uint(m_enable_minimum_movement)); ack(cmd.command_id,true); } } else if (cmd.command_type == cmd.COMMAND_TYPE_SET_FORCED_TF_FRAMES) { if (cmd.boolean_data.size() < 1) { ROS_ERROR("kinfu: command: set forced tf frame: one boolean required in boolean_data."); ack(cmd.command_id,false); } else { m_forced_tf_frames = cmd.boolean_data[0]; ROS_INFO("kinfu: command: set forced tf frame: %u.",uint(m_forced_tf_frames)); if (m_forced_tf_frames) m_hint_expiration = ros::Time(0); // clear the hint: now forced from tf ack(cmd.command_id,true); } } else if (cmd.command_type == cmd.COMMAND_TYPE_CLEAR_SPHERE) { ROS_INFO("kinfu: command: clear sphere."); if (cmd.float_data.size() < 4) ROS_ERROR("kinfu: command: a sphere requires 4 float_data params."); else { Eigen::Vector3f center,kinfu_center; float radius; for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) center[i] = cmd.float_data[i]; radius = cmd.float_data[3]; kinfu_center = m_initial_transformation * center; m_clear_sphere = Sphere::Ptr(new Sphere(kinfu_center,radius,cmd.command_id)); } } else if (cmd.command_type == cmd.COMMAND_TYPE_CLEAR_BOUNDING_BOX) { ROS_INFO("kinfu: command: clear bbox."); if (cmd.float_data.size() < 6) ROS_ERROR("kinfu: command: a sphere requires 6 float_data params."); else { Eigen::Vector3f min,max; Eigen::Vector3f kinfu_min,kinfu_max; for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) min[i] = cmd.float_data[i]; for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) max[i] = cmd.float_data[i + 3]; kinfu_min = m_initial_transformation * min; kinfu_max = m_initial_transformation * max; m_clear_bbox = BBox::Ptr(new BBox(kinfu_min,kinfu_max,cmd.command_id)); } } else if (cmd.command_type == cmd.COMMAND_TYPE_TRIGGER) { if (m_is_running || m_is_triggered) ROS_WARN("kinfu: trigger request ignored: kinfu is already running."); else { m_is_triggered = true; m_is_triggered_command_id = cmd.command_id; } } else { ROS_ERROR("kinfu: command: unknown command type: %u",uint(cmd.command_type)); ack(cmd.command_id,false); } // if the hint comes from tf frames, do not force hint otherwise if (!m_forced_tf_frames) { if (cmd.hint_expiration_time >= ros::Time::now()) { m_hint_expiration = cmd.hint_expiration_time; for (uint r = 0; r < 3; r++) for (uint c = 0; c < 3; c++) m_hint.linear()(r,c) = cmd.pose_hint_rotation[r * 3 + c]; for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) m_hint.translation()[i] = cmd.pose_hint_translation[i]; m_hint = m_initial_transformation * m_hint; m_hint_forced = cmd.hint_forced; } } }
// slots: signature, parameters, type, tag, flags 53, 46, 16, 16, 0x0a, 70, 16, 16, 16, 0x0a, // properties: name, type, flags 17, 79, 0x01495103, // properties: notify_signal_id 0, // enums: name, flags, count, data 84, 0x1, 4, 37, // enum data: key, value 96, uint(QGraphicsEffect::SourceAttached), 111, uint(QGraphicsEffect::SourceDetached), 126, uint(QGraphicsEffect::SourceBoundingRectChanged), 152, uint(QGraphicsEffect::SourceInvalidated), 0 // eod }; static const char qt_meta_stringdata_QGraphicsEffect[] = { "QGraphicsEffect\0\0enabled\0enabledChanged(bool)\0" "enable\0setEnabled(bool)\0update()\0bool\0" "ChangeFlags\0SourceAttached\0SourceDetached\0" "SourceBoundingRectChanged\0SourceInvalidated\0" }; void QGraphicsEffect::qt_static_metacall(QObject *_o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
// ###################################################################### void Beobot2_GistSalLocalizerWorkerI::compute(GSlocJobData cjob) { LDEBUG("T[%4d] match object[%d] itsLandmarkDB[%d][%d]: [ %d, %d ]", itsWorkerIndex, cjob.objNum, cjob.segNum, cjob.lmkNum, cjob.voStartNum, cjob.voEndNum); its_input_info_mutex.lock(); uint nvo = itsInputVO.size(); its_input_info_mutex.unlock(); if(nvo <= uint(cjob.objNum) || itsLandmarkDB->getNumSegment() <= uint(cjob.segNum) || itsLandmarkDB->getNumSegLandmark(cjob.segNum) <= uint(cjob.lmkNum) || cjob.voStartNum < 0 || itsLandmarkDB->getLandmark(cjob.segNum, cjob.lmkNum)->numObjects() <= uint(cjob.voStartNum) || cjob.voEndNum < 0 || itsLandmarkDB->getLandmark(cjob.segNum, cjob.lmkNum)->numObjects() <= uint(cjob.voEndNum)) { LINFO("Invalid job[%4d] object[%d] itsLandmarkDB[%d][%d]: [ %d, %d ]", itsWorkerIndex, cjob.objNum, cjob.segNum, cjob.lmkNum, cjob.voStartNum, cjob.voEndNum); return; } // make sure the VO keypoints are computed its_input_info_mutex.lock(); if(!itsVOKeypointsComputed[cjob.objNum]) { itsInputVO[cjob.objNum]->computeKeypoints(); itsVOKeypointsComputed[cjob.objNum] = true; } its_input_info_mutex.unlock(); // match the object with the range of database // we limit the maxScale range to [2/3 ... 3/2] by entering 1.5 // Now (2/10/2010): // we limit the maxScale range to [3/4 ... 4/3] by entering 1.33 its_input_info_mutex.lock(); rutz::shared_ptr<VisualObjectMatch> cmatch; int ind = itsLandmarkDB->getLandmark(cjob.segNum, cjob.lmkNum)-> match(itsInputVO[cjob.objNum], cmatch, cjob.voStartNum, cjob.voEndNum, 15.0F, 0.5F, 2.5F, 4, M_PI/4, 1.33F, .25F); its_input_info_mutex.unlock(); // if match is found uint nObjSearch = 0; if(ind != -1) { LINFO("-> found match[%d]: %s with itsLandmarkDB[%d][%d]\n %s : %s", cjob.objNum, itsInputVO[cjob.objNum]->getName().c_str(), cjob.segNum, cjob.lmkNum, cmatch->getVoRef()->getName().c_str(), cmatch->getVoTest()->getName().c_str()); nObjSearch = (ind - cjob.voStartNum + 1); // store the match information // since there is a possibility that there are concurrent threads // that also just found it we will choose the first match its_results_mutex.lock(); itsVOmatch[cjob.objNum] = cmatch; itsLmkMatch[cjob.objNum] = GSlocJobData(cjob.objNum, cjob.segNum, cjob.lmkNum, ind, ind); itsSegNumMatch[cjob.objNum] = cjob.segNum; itsLenTravMatch[cjob.objNum] = itsLandmarkDB->getLenTrav(cjob.segNum, cjob.lmkNum, ind); itsMatchFound[cjob.objNum] = true; its_results_mutex.unlock(); // send the result back to GSLoc_master BeobotEvents::LandmarkMatchResultMessagePtr msg = new BeobotEvents::LandmarkMatchResultMessage; msg->RequestID = itsInputFnum; msg->voMatchImage = Image2Ice(getMatchImage(cjob.objNum, itsInputImage.getDims())); BeobotEvents::LandmarkSearchJob tempJob; tempJob.inputSalRegID = cjob.objNum; tempJob.dbSegNum = cjob.segNum; tempJob.dbLmkNum = cjob.lmkNum; tempJob.dbVOStart = ind; tempJob.dbVOEnd = ind; msg->matchInfo = tempJob; // location of the matched database salient region msg->segNumMatch = cjob.segNum; msg->lenTravMatch = itsLenTravMatch[cjob.objNum]; LINFO("Publishing lmrMessage with ID: %d[%4d,%10.7f]", itsInputFnum, msg->segNumMatch, msg->lenTravMatch); publish("LandmarkMatchResultMessageTopic", msg); } else { nObjSearch = cjob.voEndNum - cjob.voStartNum + 1; } BeobotEvents::LandmarkSearchStatMessagePtr msg = new BeobotEvents::LandmarkSearchStatMessage; msg->RequestID = itsInputFnum; msg->inputSalRegID = cjob.objNum; msg->numObjSearch = nObjSearch; msg->found = (ind != -1); LDEBUG("Publishing LandmarkSearchStatMessage"); publish("LandmarkSearchStatMessageTopic", msg); its_results_mutex.lock(); itsNumJobsProcessed++; its_results_mutex.unlock(); }
const QRegion QWSSharedMemSurface::directRegion() const { if (mem.address() && *(uint *)mem.address() == uint(directRegionId())) return QWSMemorySurface::directRegion(); return QRegion(); }
AbstractType* TypeSystem::create(AbstractTypeData* data) const { if(uint(m_factories.size()) <= data->typeClassId || m_fastFactories[data->typeClassId] == 0) return 0; return m_fastFactories[data->typeClassId]->create(data); }
uint TextEditor::YToLine(float y) const { if (y - pVertMargin <= 0) return pScrollPos.y; return uint((y - pVertMargin) / pLineHeight(pConversion)) + pScrollPos.y; }
uint TypeSystem::dynamicSize(const AbstractTypeData& data) const { if(uint(m_factories.size()) <= data.typeClassId || m_fastFactories[data.typeClassId] == 0) return 0; return m_fastFactories[data.typeClassId]->dynamicSize(data); }
bool dataconfigs::loadLevelBackground(obj_BG &sbg, QString section, obj_BG *merge_with, QString iniFile, QSettings *setup) { bool valid=true; bool internal=!setup; QString errStr, tmpstr, imgFile; if(internal) { setup=new QSettings(iniFile, QSettings::IniFormat); setup->setIniCodec("UTF-8"); } if(!openSection(setup, section)) return false; sbg.name = setup->value("name", (merge_with? merge_with->name : "") ).toString(); if(sbg.name.isEmpty()) { addError(QString("%1 Item name isn't defined").arg(section.toUpper())); valid=false; goto abort; } tmpstr = setup->value("type", "-1").toString(); if(tmpstr=="single-row") sbg.type = 0; else if(tmpstr=="double-row") sbg.type = 1; else if(tmpstr=="tiled") sbg.type = 2; else if(tmpstr=="-1") sbg.type = (merge_with ? merge_with->type : 0); else sbg.type = 0; sbg.repeat_h = float(qFabs(setup->value("repeat-h", (merge_with ? merge_with->repeat_h : 2.0f)).toFloat())); tmpstr = setup->value("repeat-v", "-1").toString(); if(tmpstr=="NR") sbg.repead_v = 0; else if(tmpstr=="ZR") sbg.repead_v = 1; else if(tmpstr=="RP") sbg.repead_v = 2; else if(tmpstr=="RZ") sbg.repead_v = 3; else if(tmpstr=="-1") sbg.repead_v = (merge_with ? merge_with->repead_v : 0); else sbg.repead_v = 0; sbg.image_n = setup->value("image", (merge_with ? merge_with->image_n : "") ).toString(); if(!merge_with) { if( (sbg.image_n !="") ) { GraphicsHelps::loadMaskedImage(BGPath, sbg.image_n, imgFile, sbg.image, errStr); if(!errStr.isEmpty()) { addError(QString("%1 %2").arg(section).arg(errStr)); valid=false; //goto abort; } } else { addError(QString("%1 Image filename isn't defined").arg(section)); valid=false; //goto abort; } } sbg.attached = uint(setup->value("attached", (merge_with?(merge_with->attached==1?"top":"bottom"):"bottom") ).toString()=="top"); sbg.editing_tiled = setup->value("tiled-in-editor", merge_with?merge_with->editing_tiled:false ).toBool(); sbg.magic = setup->value("magic", (merge_with?merge_with->magic:false)).toBool(); sbg.magic_strips = setup->value("magic-strips", (merge_with? merge_with->magic_strips: 1 )).toUInt(); sbg.magic_splits = setup->value("magic-splits", (merge_with? merge_with->magic_splits:"0")).toString(); sbg.magic_speeds = setup->value("magic-speeds", (merge_with? merge_with->magic_speeds:"0")).toString(); sbg.animated = setup->value("animated", (merge_with?merge_with->animated:false)).toBool();//animated sbg.frames = setup->value("frames", (merge_with?merge_with->frames:1)).toUInt(); sbg.framespeed = setup->value("framespeed", (merge_with?merge_with->framespeed : 128)).toUInt(); sbg.display_frame = setup->value("display-frame", (merge_with?merge_with->display_frame : 0)).toUInt(); //frames if(sbg.type==1) { sbg.second_image_n = setup->value("second-image", (merge_with ? merge_with->second_image_n : "")).toString(); if(!merge_with) { if( (sbg.second_image_n !="") ) { GraphicsHelps::loadMaskedImage(BGPath, sbg.second_image_n, imgFile, sbg.second_image, errStr); } else { sbg.second_image = Themes::Image(Themes::dummy_bg); } } sbg.second_repeat_h = float(qFabs(setup->value("second-repeat-h", (merge_with ? merge_with->second_repeat_h : 2.0f)).toFloat())); tmpstr = setup->value("second-repeat-v", "-1").toString(); if(tmpstr=="NR") sbg.second_repeat_v = 0; else if(tmpstr=="ZR") sbg.second_repeat_v = 1; else if(tmpstr=="RP") sbg.second_repeat_v = 2; else if(tmpstr=="RZ") sbg.second_repeat_v = 3; else if(tmpstr=="-1") sbg.second_repeat_v = (merge_with ? merge_with->second_repeat_v : 0); else sbg.second_repeat_v = 0; tmpstr = setup->value("second-attached", "-1").toString(); if(tmpstr=="overfirst") sbg.second_attached = 0; else if(tmpstr=="bottom") sbg.second_attached = 1; else if(tmpstr=="top") sbg.second_attached = 2; else if(tmpstr=="-1") sbg.second_attached = (merge_with ? merge_with->second_attached : 0); else sbg.second_repeat_v = 0; } if(sbg.animated) { int fHeight = sbg.image.height() / int(sbg.frames); sbg.image = sbg.image.copy(0, 0, sbg.image.width(), fHeight ); } sbg.isValid = true; abort: closeSection(setup); if(internal) delete setup; return valid; }
bool TypeSystem::isFactoryLoaded(const AbstractTypeData& data) const { if(uint(m_factories.size()) <= data.typeClassId || m_fastFactories[data.typeClassId] == 0) return false; else return true; }
241, 237, 15, 15, 0x0a, 254, 15, 15, 15, 0x2a, 263, 237, 15, 15, 0x0a, 276, 15, 15, 15, 0x2a, 285, 15, 15, 15, 0x08, 307, 15, 15, 15, 0x08, // properties: name, type, flags 328, 320, 0x0a095103, 347, 337, 0x0009510b, // enums: name, flags, count, data 337, 0x0, 2, 99, // enum data: key, value 357, uint(QextSerialPort::Polling), 365, uint(QextSerialPort::EventDriven), 0 // eod }; static const char qt_meta_stringdata_QextSerialPort[] = { "QextSerialPort\0\0status\0dsrChanged(bool)\0" "name\0setPortName(QString)\0mode\0" "setQueryMode(QueryMode)\0" "setBaudRate(BaudRateType)\0" "setDataBits(DataBitsType)\0" "setParity(ParityType)\0setStopBits(StopBitsType)\0" "setFlowControl(FlowType)\0setTimeout(long)\0" "set\0setDtr(bool)\0setDtr()\0setRts(bool)\0" "setRts()\0_q_onWinEvent(HANDLE)\0"
0x80000000 | 4, QMetaType::QRect, 2, // properties: name, type, flags 5, 0x80000000 | 6, 0x0009510b, 7, 0x80000000 | 8, 0x0009510b, 9, QMetaType::Int, 0x00095103, 10, QMetaType::Int, 0x00095103, 11, QMetaType::Int, 0x00095001, 12, QMetaType::QRect, 0x00094001, // enums: name, flags, count, data 6, 0x0, 3, 54, 8, 0x0, 3, 60, // enum data: key, value 13, uint(QwtPlotGLCanvas::Plain), 14, uint(QwtPlotGLCanvas::Raised), 15, uint(QwtPlotGLCanvas::Sunken), 16, uint(QwtPlotGLCanvas::NoFrame), 17, uint(QwtPlotGLCanvas::Box), 18, uint(QwtPlotGLCanvas::Panel), 0 // eod }; void QwtPlotGLCanvas::qt_static_metacall(QObject *_o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { QwtPlotGLCanvas *_t = static_cast<QwtPlotGLCanvas *>(_o); switch (_id) { case 0: _t->replot(); break;
/*! \reimp */ QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlags QFSFileEngine::fileFlags(FileFlags type) const { Q_D(const QFSFileEngine); if (type & Refresh) d->metaData.clear(); QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlags ret = 0; if (type & FlagsMask) ret |= LocalDiskFlag; bool exists; { QFileSystemMetaData::MetaDataFlags queryFlags = 0; queryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::MetaDataFlags(uint(type)) & QFileSystemMetaData::Permissions; if (type & TypesMask) queryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::AliasType | QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType | QFileSystemMetaData::FileType | QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType | QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType; if (type & FlagsMask) queryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute | QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute; queryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType; exists = d->doStat(queryFlags); } if (!exists && !d->metaData.isLink()) return ret; if (exists && (type & PermsMask)) ret |= FileFlags(uint(d->metaData.permissions())); if (type & TypesMask) { if (d->metaData.isAlias()) { ret |= LinkType; } else { if ((type & LinkType) && d->metaData.isLink()) ret |= LinkType; if (exists) { if (d->metaData.isFile()) { ret |= FileType; } else if (d->metaData.isDirectory()) { ret |= DirectoryType; if ((type & BundleType) && d->metaData.isBundle()) ret |= BundleType; } } } } if (type & FlagsMask) { if (exists) ret |= ExistsFlag; if (d->fileEntry.isRoot()) ret |= RootFlag; else if (d->metaData.isHidden()) ret |= HiddenFlag; } return ret; }
static bool qIsAlnum(QChar ch) { uint u = uint(ch.unicode()); // matches [a-zA-Z0-9_] return u - 'a' < 26 || u - 'A' < 26 || u - '0' < 10 || u == '_'; }
// content: 5, // revision 0, // classname 0, 0, // classinfo 0, 0, // methods 0, 0, // properties 1, 14, // enums/sets 0, 0, // constructors 0, // flags 0, // signalCount // enums: name, flags, count, data 21, 0x0, 5, 18, // enum data: key, value 25, uint(iSip::ForwardingType::None), 30, uint(iSip::ForwardingType::Unconditional), 44, uint(iSip::ForwardingType::OnBusy), 51, uint(iSip::ForwardingType::OnFailure), 61, uint(iSip::ForwardingType::OnNoAnswer), 0 // eod }; static const char qt_meta_stringdata_iSip__ForwardingType[] = { "iSip::ForwardingType\0Val\0None\0" "Unconditional\0OnBusy\0OnFailure\0" "OnNoAnswer\0" }; const QMetaObject iSip::ForwardingType::staticMetaObject = {
/* * This implementation is from QWindowsStyle (Qt 7.2) * * It is licensed under the GPL 3: * Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * Contact: Nokia Corporation ([email protected]) */ void StyleHelper::drawArrow( QStyle::PrimitiveElement element, QPainter* p, const QStyleOption* opt ) { if ( opt->rect.width() <= 1 || opt->rect.height() <= 1 ) return; QRect r = opt->rect; int size = qMin( r.height(), r.width() ); QPixmap pixmap; QString pixmapName; pixmapName.sprintf( "arrow-%s-%d-%d-%d-%lld", "$qt_ia", uint(opt->state), element, size, opt->palette.cacheKey() ); if ( !QPixmapCache::find( pixmapName, pixmap) ) { int border = size / 5; int sqsize = 2 * ( size / 2 ); QImage image( sqsize, sqsize, QImage::Format_ARGB32 ); image.fill( 0 ); QPainter imagePainter( &image ); imagePainter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true ); QPolygon a; switch ( element ) { case QStyle::PE_IndicatorArrowUp: a.setPoints( 3, border, sqsize / 2, sqsize / 2, border, sqsize - border, sqsize / 2 ); break; case QStyle::PE_IndicatorArrowDown: a.setPoints( 3, border, sqsize / 2, sqsize / 2, sqsize - border, sqsize - border, sqsize / 2 ); break; case QStyle::PE_IndicatorArrowRight: a.setPoints( 3, sqsize - border, sqsize / 2, sqsize / 2, border, sqsize / 2, sqsize - border ); break; case QStyle::PE_IndicatorArrowLeft: a.setPoints( 3, border, sqsize / 2, sqsize / 2, border, sqsize / 2, sqsize - border ); break; default: break; } int bsx = 0; int bsy = 0; if ( opt->state & QStyle::State_Sunken ) { bsx = qApp->style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal ); bsy = qApp->style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_ButtonShiftVertical ); } QRect bounds = a.boundingRect(); int sx = sqsize / 2 - bounds.center().x() - 1; int sy = sqsize / 2 - bounds.center().y() - 1; imagePainter.translate( sx + bsx, sy + bsy ); imagePainter.setPen( opt->palette.buttonText().color() ); imagePainter.setBrush( opt->palette.buttonText() ); if ( !( opt->state & QStyle::State_Enabled ) ) { QColor foreGround( 150, 150, 150, 150 ); imagePainter.setBrush( opt->palette.mid().color() ); imagePainter.setPen( opt->palette.mid().color() ); } else { QColor shadow( 0, 0, 0, 100 ); imagePainter.translate( 0, 1 ); imagePainter.setPen( shadow ); imagePainter.setBrush( shadow ); QColor foreGround( 255, 255, 255, 210 ); imagePainter.drawPolygon( a ); imagePainter.translate( 0, -1 ); imagePainter.setPen( foreGround ); imagePainter.setBrush( foreGround ); } imagePainter.drawPolygon( a ); imagePainter.end(); pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage( image ); QPixmapCache::insert( pixmapName, pixmap ); } int xOffset = r.x() + ( r.width() - size ) / 2; int yOffset = r.y() + ( r.height() - size ) / 2; p->drawPixmap( xOffset, yOffset, pixmap ); }
873, 821, 0x02094103, 895, 881, 0x0009510b, 914, 909, 0x01094103, 940, 929, 0x0009510b, 951, 929, 0x0009510b, 959, 821, 0x02095001, 970, 821, 0x02095001, 978, 909, 0x01095103, 992, 909, 0x01095103, // enums: name, flags, count, data 881, 0x0, 4, 212, 929, 0x0, 4, 220, // enum data: key, value 1007, uint(Q3ListBox::Single), 1014, uint(Q3ListBox::Multi), 1020, uint(Q3ListBox::Extended), 1029, uint(Q3ListBox::NoSelection), 1041, uint(Q3ListBox::FixedNumber), 1053, uint(Q3ListBox::FitToWidth), 1064, uint(Q3ListBox::FitToHeight), 1076, uint(Q3ListBox::Variable), 0 // eod }; static const char qt_meta_stringdata_Q3ListBox[] = { "Q3ListBox\0\0index\0highlighted(int)\0" "selected(int)\0highlighted(QString)\0" "selected(QString)\0highlighted(Q3ListBoxItem*)\0"
static const uint qt_meta_data_PBGameOptions[] = { // content: 2, // revision 0, // classname 0, 0, // classinfo 0, 0, // methods 0, 0, // properties 1, 12, // enums/sets 0, 0, // constructors // enums: name, flags, count, data 14, 0x0, 6, 16, // enum data: key, value 27, uint(PBGameOptions::FullRing), 36, uint(PBGameOptions::NoLimit), 44, uint(PBGameOptions::Limit), 50, uint(PBGameOptions::SNG), 54, uint(PBGameOptions::MTT), 58, uint(PBGameOptions::Cash), 0 // eod }; static const char qt_meta_stringdata_PBGameOptions[] = { "PBGameOptions\0EGameOptions\0FullRing\0" "NoLimit\0Limit\0SNG\0MTT\0Cash\0" }; const QMetaObject PBGameOptions::staticMetaObject = {
HRESULT Update(double deltaTime) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (g_endgame) return EndgameUpdate(deltaTime); // TODO: Optimize for cache coherency // We could attempt to store chains of nodes linearly in memory. That would make the update loop for nodes in those chains // super fast (since the most chains could probably fit in one cache line). But it would involve a lot of mem moves and // could introduce some complexity. Since we're already under 1ms average, I'd say let's not do it. // Sort into buckets BeginCounter(&binningCounter); { float pixelsPerVert = float((g_width * g_height) / g_numActiveNodes); float binDiameterPixels = sqrt(pixelsPerVert); // conservative g_binNHeight = binDiameterPixels / g_height; g_binNWidth = binDiameterPixels / g_width; g_binCountX = uint(ceilf(1.0f / g_binNWidth) )+2; // Add a boundary around the outside g_binCountY = uint(ceilf(1.0f / g_binNHeight))+2; uint xiter = g_binUpdateIter % g_numBinSplits; uint yiter = g_binUpdateIter / g_numBinSplits; g_binRangeX[0] = (g_binCountX * xiter/g_numBinSplits) - 1; // Subtract/Add 1 to each of these ranges for a buffer layer g_binRangeX[1] = (g_binCountX * (xiter+1)/g_numBinSplits - 1) + 1; // This buffer layer will be overlap for each quadrant g_binRangeY[0] = (g_binCountY * yiter/g_numBinSplits) - 1; // But without it verts would only target verts in their quadrant g_binRangeY[1] = (g_binCountY * (yiter+1)/g_numBinSplits - 1) + 1; g_binStride = g_numSlots / ((g_binRangeX[1] - g_binRangeX[0] + 1) * (g_binRangeY[1] - g_binRangeY[0] + 1)); int bin; memset(g_slots, EMPTY_SLOT, sizeof(g_slots)); for (uint i = 0; i < g_numNodes; i++) { if (g_nodes[i].attribs.hasChild == true) continue; // Only bin the chompable tails hr = Bin(g_nodes[i].position.getX(), g_nodes[i].position.getY(), &bin); if (FAILED(hr)) // If this bin isn't backed by memory, we can't be a target this frame continue; // Find first empty bin slot for (uint slot = 0; slot < g_binStride; slot++) { if (g_slots[bin*g_binStride + slot] == EMPTY_SLOT) { g_slots[bin*g_binStride + slot] = i; break; } } // If we overflow the bins, the vertex cannot be targeted. Haven't seen any cases yet... } g_binUpdateIter = (g_binUpdateIter+1) % (g_numBinSplits*g_numBinSplits); } EndCounter(&binningCounter); // Determine nearest neighbors BeginCounter(&nearestNeighborCounter); for (uint i = 0; i < g_numNodes; i++) { IFC( FindNearestNeighbor(i) ); } EndCounter(&nearestNeighborCounter); BeginCounter(&positionUpdate); for (uint i = 0; i < g_numNodes; i++) { // Do our memory reads here so we can optimize our access patterns Node& current = g_nodes[i]; Node& target = g_nodes[current.attribs.targetID]; // Get target vector // For optimal precision, pull our shorts into floats and do all math at full precision... float2 targetVec; targetVec.x = target.position.getX() - current.position.getX(); targetVec.y = target.position.getY() - current.position.getY(); float dist = targetVec.getLength(); float2 dir = targetVec; if (dist != 0) dir = dir / dist; // Calculate change in position float2 offset; if (current.attribs.hasParent) { // This controls wigglyness. Perhaps it should be a function of velocity? (static is more wiggly) float parentPaddingRadius = g_tailDist;// + (rand() * 2 - 1)*g_tailDist*0.3f; offset = targetVec - dir * parentPaddingRadius; } else offset = min(targetVec, dir * float(g_speed * deltaTime)); // ... then finally, at the verrrry end, stuff our FP floats into 16-bit shorts current.position.setX(current.position.getX() + offset.x); current.position.setY(current.position.getY() + offset.y); // Check for chomps if (current.attribs.hasParent == false && dist <= g_tailDist) Chomp(i); } EndCounter(&positionUpdate); Cleanup: if (g_numActiveNodes == 1) return EndgameInit(); return hr; }