예제 #1
MStatus polyModifierCmd::undoModifyPoly()
	MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;

	if( !fHasHistory && !fHasRecordHistory )
		status = undoDirectModifier();

		// undoCachedMesh must be called before undoTweakProcessing because 
		// undoCachedMesh copies the original mesh *without* tweaks back onto
		// the existing mesh. Any changes done before the copy will be lost.
		if( !fHasHistory )
			status = undoCachedMesh();
			MCheckStatus( status, "undoCachedMesh" );

		status = undoTweakProcessing();
		MCheckStatus( status, "undoTweakProcessing" );

	return status;
예제 #2
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MStatus polyModifierCmd::undoModifyPoly()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;

	if( !fHasHistory && !fHasRecordHistory )
		status = undoDirectModifier();

		// Merke: Das MObject zur ModifierNode sollte jetzt zerstrt werden, da es ungueltig wird, wenn der modifier rueckgngig gemacht wird.
		// Ansonsten gibts nen absturz
		myModifierNode = MObject::kNullObj;



		// undoCachedMesh must be called before undoTweakProcessing because 
		// undoCachedMesh copies the original mesh *without* tweaks back onto
		// the existing mesh. Any changes done before the copy will be lost.
		if( !fHasHistory )
			status = undoCachedMesh();
			MCheckStatus( status, "undoCachedMesh" );

		status = undoTweakProcessing();
		MCheckStatus( status, "undoTweakProcessing" );

	return status;
예제 #3
MStatus polyModifierCmd::undoModifyPoly()
	MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;

	if( !fHasHistory && !fHasRecordHistory )
		status = undoDirectModifier();

		// undoCachedMesh must be called before undoTweakProcessing because 
		// undoCachedMesh copies the original mesh *without* tweaks back onto
		// the existing mesh. Any changes done before the copy will be lost.
		if( !fHasHistory )
			status = undoCachedMesh();
			MCheckStatus( status, "undoCachedMesh" );
//by_tima:			fDagModifier.undoIt();
//########################################################################### tima/
			MFnDagNode tmpDagNodeFn( fDuplicateDagPath);
			status = tima_tempForUndoDeleteDuplicate_modifier.doIt();
/*#ifdef _DEBUG
MGlobal::displayInfo( "tima_upstreamNodeTransform_name = " + tmpDagNodeFn.name());
if(status)cout<<endl<<"tima_tempForUndoDeleteDuplicate_modifier.doIt - success"<<endl;
else cout<<endl<<"tima_tempForUndoDeleteDuplicate_modifier.doIt - failed"<<endl;
			MCheckStatus( status, "tima_tempForUndoDeleteDuplicate_modifier.doIt" );
//########################################################################### /tima

		status = undoTweakProcessing();
		MCheckStatus( status, "undoTweakProcessing" );


	return status;
예제 #4
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MStatus polyModifierCmd::undoDirectModifier()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	MStatus status;

	MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn;
	MFnDagNode dagNodeFn;

	MObject meshNode = fDagPath.node();
	depNodeFn.setObject( meshNode );
	// For the case with tweaks, we cannot write the mesh directly back onto
	// the cachedInMesh, since the shape can have out of date information from the
	// cachedInMesh. Thus we temporarily create an duplicate mesh, place our
	// old mesh on the outMesh attribute of our duplicate mesh, connect the
	// duplicate mesh shape to the mesh shape, and force a DG evaluation.
	// For the case without tweaks, we can simply write onto the outMesh, since
	// the shape relies solely on an outMesh when there is no history nor tweaks.
	if( fHasTweaks )
		// Retrieve the inMesh and name of our mesh node (for the DG eval)
		depNodeFn.setObject( meshNode );
		MPlug meshNodeInMeshPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "inMesh", &status );
		MCheckStatus( status, "Could not retrieve inMesh" );
		MString meshNodeName = depNodeFn.name();

		// Duplicate our current mesh
		dagNodeFn.setObject( meshNode );
		MObject dupMeshNode = dagNodeFn.duplicate();

		// The dagNodeFn::duplicate() returns a transform, but we need a shape
		// so retrieve the DAG path and extend it to the shape.
		MDagPath dupMeshDagPath;
		MDagPath::getAPathTo( dupMeshNode, dupMeshDagPath );

		// Retrieve the outMesh of the duplicate mesh and set our mesh data back
		// on it.
		depNodeFn.setObject( dupMeshDagPath.node() );
		MPlug dupMeshNodeOutMeshPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "outMesh", &status );
		MCheckStatus( status, "Could not retrieve outMesh" );
		status = dupMeshNodeOutMeshPlug.setValue( fMeshData );

		// Temporarily connect the duplicate mesh node to our mesh node
		MDGModifier dgModifier;
		dgModifier.connect( dupMeshNodeOutMeshPlug, meshNodeInMeshPlug );
		status = dgModifier.doIt();
		MCheckStatus( status, "Could not connect dupMeshNode -> meshNode" );

		// Need to force a DG evaluation now that the input has been changed.
		MString cmd("dgeval -src ");
		cmd += meshNodeName;
		cmd += ".inMesh";
		status = MGlobal::executeCommand( cmd, false, false );
		MCheckStatus( status, "Could not force DG eval" );

		// Disconnect and delete the duplicate mesh node now
		MGlobal::deleteNode( dupMeshNode );

		// Restore the tweaks on the mesh
		status = undoTweakProcessing();
		// Restore the original mesh by writing the old mesh data (fMeshData) back
		// onto the outMesh of our meshNode
		depNodeFn.setObject( meshNode );
		MPlug meshNodeOutMeshPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "outMesh", &status );
		MCheckStatus( status, "Could not retrieve outMesh" );
		status = meshNodeOutMeshPlug.setValue( fMeshData );
		MCheckStatus( status, "Could not set meshData" );

	return status;