예제 #1
                                               const Teuchos::RCP<const Epetra_Comm>& comm,
                                               const Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList>& params,
                                               const unsigned int neq_,
                                               const AbstractFieldContainer::FieldContainerRequirements& req,
                                               const Teuchos::RCP<Albany::StateInfoStruct>& sis,
                                               const unsigned int worksetSize)
  this->SetupFieldData(comm, neq_, req, sis, worksetSize);

  *out << "IOSS-STK: number of node sets = " << nsPartVec.size() << std::endl;
  *out << "IOSS-STK: number of side sets = " << ssPartVec.size() << std::endl;


  // Restart index to read solution from exodus file.
  int index = params->get("Restart Index",-1); // Default to no restart
  double res_time = params->get<double>("Restart Time",-1.0); // Default to no restart
  Ioss::Region *region = mesh_data->m_input_region;

   * The following code block reads a single mesh on PE 0, then distributes the mesh across
   * the other processors. stk_rebalance is used, which requires Zoltan
   * This code is only compiled if ALBANY_MPI and ALBANY_ZOLTAN are true

#ifdef ALBANY_ZOLTAN // rebalance needs Zoltan



    if(comm->MyPID() == 0){ // read in the mesh on PE 0

      stk::io::process_mesh_bulk_data(region, *bulkData);

      // Read solution from exodus file.
      if (index >= 0) { // User has specified a time step to restart at
        *out << "Restart Index set, reading solution index : " << index << std::endl;
        stk::io::input_mesh_fields(region, *bulkData, index);
        m_restartDataTime = region->get_state_time(index);
        m_hasRestartSolution = true;
      else if (res_time >= 0) { // User has specified a time to restart at
        *out << "Restart solution time set, reading solution time : " << res_time << std::endl;
        stk::io::input_mesh_fields(region, *bulkData, res_time);
        m_restartDataTime = res_time;
        m_hasRestartSolution = true;
      else {

        *out << "Neither restart index or time are set. Not reading solution data from exodus file"<< std::endl;



  } // End UseSerialMesh - reading mesh on PE 0


     * The following code block reads a single mesh when Albany is compiled serially, or a
     * Nemspread fileset if ALBANY_MPI is true.

  { // running in Serial or Parallel read from Nemspread files

    stk::io::populate_bulk_data(*bulkData, *mesh_data);

    if (!usePamgen)  {

      // Read solution from exodus file.
      if (index >= 0) { // User has specified a time step to restart at
        *out << "Restart Index set, reading solution index : " << index << std::endl;
        stk::io::process_input_request(*mesh_data, *bulkData, index);
        m_restartDataTime = region->get_state_time(index);
        m_hasRestartSolution = true;
      else if (res_time >= 0) { // User has specified a time to restart at
        *out << "Restart solution time set, reading solution time : " << res_time << std::endl;
        stk::io::process_input_request(*mesh_data, *bulkData, res_time);
        m_restartDataTime = res_time;
        m_hasRestartSolution = true;
      else {
        *out << "Restart Index not set. Not reading solution from exodus (" 
             << index << ")"<< std::endl;



  } // End Parallel Read - or running in serial


    Teuchos::Array<std::string> default_field;
    Teuchos::Array<std::string> restart_fields =
      params->get<Teuchos::Array<std::string> >("Restart Fields", default_field);

    // Get the fields to be used for restart

    // See what state data was initialized from the stk::io request
    // This should be propagated into stk::io
    const Ioss::ElementBlockContainer& elem_blocks = region->get_element_blocks();

    // Uncomment to print what fields are in the exodus file
    Ioss::NameList exo_fld_names;
    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < exo_fld_names.size(); i++){
    *out << "Found field \"" << exo_fld_names[i] << "\" in exodus file" << std::endl;

    for (std::size_t i=0; i<sis->size(); i++) {
      Albany::StateStruct& st = *((*sis)[i]);


        for(std::size_t j = 0; j < restart_fields.size(); j++)

          if(boost::iequals(st.name, restart_fields[j])){

            *out << "Restarting from field \"" << st.name << "\" found in exodus file." << std::endl;
            st.restartDataAvailable = true;


//  coordinates_field = metaData->get_field<VectorFieldType>(std::string("coordinates"));
//  surfaceHeight_field = metaData->get_field<ScalarFieldType>(std::string("surface height"));

  // Refine the mesh before starting the simulation if indicated

  // Rebalance the mesh before starting the simulation if indicated

  // Build additional mesh connectivity needed for mesh fracture (if indicated)

예제 #2
Albany::IossSTKMeshStruct::setFieldAndBulkData (
          const Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos_Comm>& commT,
          const Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList>& params,
          const unsigned int neq_,
          const AbstractFieldContainer::FieldContainerRequirements& req,
          const Teuchos::RCP<Albany::StateInfoStruct>& sis,
          const unsigned int worksetSize)
  this->SetupFieldData(commT, neq_, req, sis, worksetSize);


  *out << "IOSS-STK: number of node sets = " << nsPartVec.size() << std::endl;
  *out << "IOSS-STK: number of side sets = " << ssPartVec.size() << std::endl;

  std::vector<stk::io::MeshField> missing;


  // Restart index to read solution from exodus file.
  int index = params->get("Restart Index",-1); // Default to no restart
  double res_time = params->get<double>("Restart Time",-1.0); // Default to no restart
  Ioss::Region& region = *(mesh_data->get_input_io_region());

   * The following code block reads a single mesh on PE 0, then distributes the mesh across
   * the other processors. stk_rebalance is used, which requires Zoltan
   * This code is only compiled if ALBANY_MPI and ALBANY_ZOLTAN are true

#ifdef ALBANY_ZOLTAN // rebalance needs Zoltan


    // trick to avoid hanging

    if(commT->getRank() == 0){ // read in the mesh on PE 0

      //stk::io::process_mesh_bulk_data(region, *bulkData);
      //bulkData = &mesh_data->bulk_data();

      // Read solution from exodus file.
      if (index >= 0) { // User has specified a time step to restart at
        *out << "Restart Index set, reading solution index : " << index << std::endl;
        mesh_data->read_defined_input_fields(index, &missing);
        m_restartDataTime = region.get_state_time(index);
        m_hasRestartSolution = true;
      else if (res_time >= 0) { // User has specified a time to restart at
        *out << "Restart solution time set, reading solution time : " << res_time << std::endl;
        mesh_data->read_defined_input_fields(res_time, &missing);
        m_restartDataTime = res_time;
        m_hasRestartSolution = true;
      else {

        *out << "Neither restart index or time are set. Not reading solution data from exodus file"<< std::endl;

    else {
      // trick to avoid hanging
      bulkData->modification_begin(); bulkData->modification_begin();


  } // End UseSerialMesh - reading mesh on PE 0


     * The following code block reads a single mesh when Albany is compiled serially, or a
     * Nemspread fileset if ALBANY_MPI is true.

  { // running in Serial or Parallel read from Nemspread files
    if (!usePamgen)
      // Read solution from exodus file.
      if (index >= 0)
      { // User has specified a time step to restart at
        *out << "Restart Index set, reading solution index : " << index << std::endl;
        mesh_data->read_defined_input_fields(index, &missing);
        m_restartDataTime = region.get_state_time(index);
        m_hasRestartSolution = true;
      else if (res_time >= 0)
      { // User has specified a time to restart at
        *out << "Restart solution time set, reading solution time : " << res_time << std::endl;
        mesh_data->read_defined_input_fields(res_time, &missing);
        m_restartDataTime = res_time;
        m_hasRestartSolution = true;
        *out << "Neither restart index or time are set. We still read defined fields in case they are needed (e.g., parameters)."<< std::endl;
//        *out << "Restart Index not set. Not reading solution from exodus (" << index << ")"<< std::endl;


  } // End Parallel Read - or running in serial


    Teuchos::Array<std::string> default_field;
    Teuchos::Array<std::string> restart_fields =
      params->get<Teuchos::Array<std::string> >("Restart Fields", default_field);

    // Get the fields to be used for restart

    // See what state data was initialized from the stk::io request
    // This should be propagated into stk::io
    const Ioss::ElementBlockContainer& elem_blocks = region.get_element_blocks();

    // Uncomment to print what fields are in the exodus file
    Ioss::NameList exo_fld_names;
    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < exo_fld_names.size(); i++){
    *out << "Found field \"" << exo_fld_names[i] << "\" in exodus file" << std::endl; } */

    for (std::size_t i=0; i<sis->size(); i++) { Albany::StateStruct& st = *((*sis)[i]);

        for(std::size_t j = 0; j < restart_fields.size(); j++)

          if(boost::iequals(st.name, restart_fields[j])){

            *out << "Restarting from field \"" << st.name << "\" found in exodus file." << std::endl;
            st.restartDataAvailable = true;


  // Load required fields
  stk::mesh::Selector select_owned_in_part = stk::mesh::Selector(metaData->universal_part()) & stk::mesh::Selector(metaData->locally_owned_part());

  stk::mesh::Selector select_overlap_in_part = stk::mesh::Selector(metaData->universal_part()) & (stk::mesh::Selector(metaData->locally_owned_part()) | stk::mesh::Selector(metaData->globally_shared_part()));

  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> nodes;
  stk::mesh::get_selected_entities(select_overlap_in_part, bulkData->buckets(stk::topology::NODE_RANK), nodes);

  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> elems;
  stk::mesh::get_selected_entities(select_owned_in_part, bulkData->buckets(stk::topology::ELEM_RANK), elems);

  GO numOwnedNodes(0);
  GO numOwnedElems(0);
  numOwnedNodes = stk::mesh::count_selected_entities(select_owned_in_part, bulkData->buckets(stk::topology::NODE_RANK));
  numOwnedElems = stk::mesh::count_selected_entities(select_owned_in_part, bulkData->buckets(stk::topology::ELEM_RANK));

  GO numGlobalVertices = 0;
  GO numGlobalElements = 0;
  Teuchos::reduceAll<int, GO>(*commT, Teuchos::REDUCE_SUM, 1, &numOwnedNodes, &numGlobalVertices);
  Teuchos::reduceAll<int, GO>(*commT, Teuchos::REDUCE_SUM, 1, &numOwnedElems, &numGlobalElements);

  if (commT->getRank() == 0)
    *out << "Checking if requirements are already stored in the mesh. If not, we import them from ascii files.\n";

  Teuchos::Array<GO> nodeIndices(nodes.size()), elemIndices(elems.size());
  for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i)
    nodeIndices[i] = bulkData->identifier(nodes[i]) - 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); ++i)
    elemIndices[i] = bulkData->identifier(elems[i]) - 1;

  // Creating the serial and parallel node maps
  const Tpetra::global_size_t INVALID = Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<Tpetra::global_size_t>::invalid ();

  Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra_Map> nodes_map = Tpetra::createNonContigMapWithNode<LO, GO> (nodeIndices, commT, KokkosClassic::Details::getNode<KokkosNode>());
  Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra_Map> elems_map = Tpetra::createNonContigMapWithNode<LO, GO> (elemIndices, commT, KokkosClassic::Details::getNode<KokkosNode>());

  int numMyNodes = (commT->getRank() == 0) ? numGlobalVertices : 0;
  int numMyElements = (commT->getRank() == 0) ? numGlobalElements : 0;
  Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra_Map> serial_nodes_map = Teuchos::rcp(new const Tpetra_Map(INVALID, numMyNodes, 0, commT));
  Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra_Map> serial_elems_map = Teuchos::rcp(new const Tpetra_Map(INVALID, numMyElements, 0, commT));

  // Creating the Tpetra_Import object (to transfer from serial to parallel vectors)
  Tpetra_Import importOperatorNode (serial_nodes_map, nodes_map);
  Tpetra_Import importOperatorElem (serial_elems_map, elems_map);

  Teuchos::ParameterList* req_fields_info;
  if (params->isSublist("Required Fields Info"))
    req_fields_info = &params->sublist("Required Fields Info");

    for (AbstractFieldContainer::FieldContainerRequirements::const_iterator it=req.begin(); it!=req.end(); ++it)
      // Get the file name
      std::string temp_str = *it + " File Name";
      std::string fname = req_fields_info->get<std::string>(temp_str,"");

      // Ge the file type (if not specified, assume Scalar)
      temp_str = *it + " Field Type";
      std::string ftype = req_fields_info->get<std::string>(temp_str,"");
      if (ftype=="")
        *out << "Warning! No field type specified for field " << *it << ". We skip it and hope is already present in the mesh...\n";

      stk::mesh::Entity node, elem;
      stk::mesh::EntityId nodeId, elemId;
      int lid;
      double* values;

      typedef AbstractSTKFieldContainer::QPScalarFieldType  QPScalarFieldType;
      typedef AbstractSTKFieldContainer::QPVectorFieldType  QPVectorFieldType;
      typedef AbstractSTKFieldContainer::ScalarFieldType    ScalarFieldType;
      typedef AbstractSTKFieldContainer::VectorFieldType    VectorFieldType;

      // Depending on the field type, we need to use different pointers
      if (ftype == "Node Scalar")
        // Creating the serial and (possibly) parallel Tpetra service vectors
        Tpetra_Vector serial_req_vec(serial_nodes_map);
        Tpetra_Vector req_vec(nodes_map);

        temp_str = *it + " Value";
        if (req_fields_info->isParameter(temp_str))
          *out << "Discarding other info about Node Scalar field " << *it << " and filling it with constant value " << req_fields_info->get<double>(temp_str) << "\n";
          // For debug, we allow to fill the field with a given uniform value
          fillTpetraVec (serial_req_vec,req_fields_info->get<double>(temp_str));
        else if (fname!="")
          *out << "Reading Node Scalar field " << *it << " from file " << fname << "\n";
          // Read the input file and stuff it in the Tpetra vector
          readScalarFileSerial (fname,serial_req_vec,commT);

          temp_str = *it + " Scale Factor";
          if (req_fields_info->isParameter(temp_str))
            double scale_factor = req_fields_info->get<double>(temp_str);
            serial_req_vec.scale (scale_factor);
          bool found = false;
          for (int i(0); i<missing.size(); ++i)
            if (missing[i].field()->name()==*it)
              *out << "No file name nor constant value specified for Node Scalar field " << *it << "; initializing it to 0.\n";
              fillTpetraVec (serial_req_vec,0.);
              found = true;
          if (!found)
            *out << "Using mesh-stored values for Node Scalar field " << *it << " since no constant value nor filename has been specified\n";

        // Fill the (possibly) parallel vector

        // Extracting the mesh field and the tpetra vector view
        ScalarFieldType* field = metaData->get_field<ScalarFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, *it);

        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION (field==0, std::logic_error, "Error! Field " << *it << " not present (perhaps is 'Elem Scalar'?).\n");

        Teuchos::ArrayRCP<const ST> req_vec_view = req_vec.get1dView();

        //Now we have to stuff the vector in the mesh data
        for (int i(0); i<nodes.size(); ++i)
          nodeId = bulkData->identifier(nodes[i]) - 1;
          lid    = nodes_map->getLocalElement((GO)(nodeId));

          values = stk::mesh::field_data(*field, nodes[i]);
          values[0] = req_vec_view[lid];
      else if (ftype == "Elem Scalar")
        // Creating the serial and (possibly) parallel Tpetra service vectors
        Tpetra_Vector serial_req_vec(serial_elems_map);
        Tpetra_Vector req_vec(elems_map);

        temp_str = *it + " Value";
        if (req_fields_info->isParameter(temp_str))
          *out << "Discarding other info about Elem Scalar field " << *it << " and filling it with constant value " << req_fields_info->get<double>(temp_str) << "\n";
          // For debug, we allow to fill the field with a given uniform value
          fillTpetraVec (serial_req_vec,req_fields_info->get<double>(temp_str));
        else if (fname!="")
          *out << "Reading Elem Scalar field " << *it << " from file " << fname << "\n";
          // Read the input file and stuff it in the Tpetra vector
          readScalarFileSerial (fname,serial_req_vec,commT);

          temp_str = *it + " Scale Factor";
          if (req_fields_info->isParameter(temp_str))
            double scale_factor = req_fields_info->get<double>(temp_str);
            serial_req_vec.scale (scale_factor);
          bool found = false;
          for (int i(0); i<missing.size(); ++i)
            if (missing[i].field()->name()==*it)
              *out << "No file name nor constant value specified for Elem Scalar field " << *it << "; initializing it to 0.\n";
              fillTpetraVec (serial_req_vec,0.);
              found = true;
          if (!found)
            *out << "Using mesh-stored values for Elem Scalar field " << *it << " since no constant value nor filename has been specified\n";

        // Fill the (possibly) parallel vector

        // Extracting the mesh field and the tpetra vector view
        QPScalarFieldType* field = metaData->get_field<QPScalarFieldType>(stk::topology::ELEM_RANK, *it);
        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION (field==0, std::logic_error, "Error! Field " << *it << " not present (perhaps is 'Node Scalar'?).\n");

        Teuchos::ArrayRCP<const ST> req_vec_view = req_vec.get1dView();

        //Now we have to stuff the vector in the mesh data
        for (int i(0); i<elems.size(); ++i)
          elemId = bulkData->identifier(elems[i]) - 1;
          lid    = elems_map->getLocalElement((GO)(elemId));

          values = stk::mesh::field_data(*field, elems[i]);
          values[0] = req_vec_view[lid];
      else if (ftype == "Node Vector")
        // Loading the dimension of the Vector Field (by default equal to the mesh dimension)
        temp_str = *it + " Field Dimension";
        int fieldDim = req_fields_info->get<int>(temp_str,this->meshSpecs[0]->numDim);

        // Creating the serial and (possibly) parallel Tpetra service multivectors
        Tpetra_MultiVector serial_req_mvec(serial_nodes_map,fieldDim);
        Tpetra_MultiVector req_mvec(nodes_map,fieldDim);

        temp_str = *it + " Value";
        if (req_fields_info->isParameter(temp_str))
          *out << "Discarding other info about Node Vector field " << *it << " and filling it with constant value "
               << req_fields_info->get<Teuchos::Array<double> >(temp_str) << "\n";
          // For debug, we allow to fill the field with a given uniform value
          fillTpetraMVec (serial_req_mvec,req_fields_info->get<Teuchos::Array<double> >(temp_str));
        else if (fname!="")
          *out << "Reading Node Vector field " << *it << " from file " << fname << "\n";
          // Read the input file and stuff it in the Tpetra multivector
          readVectorFileSerial (fname,serial_req_mvec,commT);

          temp_str = *it + " Scale Factor";
          if (req_fields_info->isParameter(temp_str))
            double scale_factor = req_fields_info->get<double>(temp_str);
            serial_req_mvec.scale (scale_factor);
          bool found = false;
          for (int i(0); i<missing.size(); ++i)
            if (missing[i].field()->name()==*it)
              *out << "No file name nor constant value specified for Node Vector field " << *it << "; initializing it to 0.\n";
              Teuchos::Array<double> vals(fieldDim,0.);
              fillTpetraMVec (serial_req_mvec,vals);
              found = true;
          if (!found)
            *out << "Using mesh-stored values for Node Vector field " << *it << " since no constant value nor filename has been specified\n";

        // Fill the (possibly) parallel vector

        // Extracting the mesh field and the tpetra vector views
        VectorFieldType* field = metaData->get_field<VectorFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, *it);
        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION (field==0, std::logic_error, "Error! Field " << *it << " not present (perhaps is 'Elem Vector'?).\n");

        std::vector<Teuchos::ArrayRCP<const ST> > req_mvec_view;
        for (int i(0); i<fieldDim; ++i)

        //Now we have to stuff the vector in the mesh data
        for (int i(0); i<nodes.size(); ++i)
          nodeId = bulkData->identifier(nodes[i]) - 1;
          lid    = nodes_map->getLocalElement((GO)(nodeId));

          values = stk::mesh::field_data(*field, nodes[i]);

          for (int iDim(0); iDim<fieldDim; ++iDim)
            values[iDim] = req_mvec_view[iDim][lid];
      else if (ftype == "Elem Vector")
        // Loading the dimension of the Vector Field (by default equal to the mesh dimension)
        temp_str = *it + " Field Dimension";
        int fieldDim = req_fields_info->get<int>(temp_str,this->meshSpecs[0]->numDim);

        // Creating the serial and (possibly) parallel Tpetra service multivectors
        Tpetra_MultiVector serial_req_mvec(serial_elems_map,fieldDim);
        Tpetra_MultiVector req_mvec(elems_map,fieldDim);

        temp_str = *it + " Value";
        if (req_fields_info->isParameter(temp_str))
          *out << "Discarding other info about Elem Vector field " << *it << " and filling it with constant value "
               << req_fields_info->get<Teuchos::Array<double> >(temp_str) << "\n";
          // For debug, we allow to fill the field with a given uniform value
          fillTpetraMVec (serial_req_mvec,req_fields_info->get<Teuchos::Array<double> >(temp_str));
        else if (fname!="")
          *out << "Reading Elem Vector field " << *it << " from file " << fname << "\n";
          // Read the input file and stuff it in the Tpetra multivector
          readVectorFileSerial (fname,serial_req_mvec,commT);

          temp_str = *it + " Scale Factor";
          if (req_fields_info->isParameter(temp_str))
            double scale_factor = req_fields_info->get<double>(temp_str);
            serial_req_mvec.scale (scale_factor);
          bool found = false;
          for (int i(0); i<missing.size(); ++i)
            if (missing[i].field()->name()==*it)
              *out << "No file name nor constant value specified for Elem Vector field " << *it << "; initializing it to 0.\n";
              Teuchos::Array<double> vals(fieldDim,0.);
              fillTpetraMVec (serial_req_mvec,vals);
              found = true;
          if (!found)
            *out << "Using mesh-stored values for Elem Vector field " << *it << " since no constant value nor filename has been specified\n";

        // Fill the (possibly) parallel vector

        // Extracting the mesh field and the tpetra vector views
        VectorFieldType* field = metaData->get_field<VectorFieldType>(stk::topology::ELEM_RANK, *it);
        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION (field==0, std::logic_error, "Error! Field " << *it << " not present (perhaps is 'Node Vector'?).\n");
        std::vector<Teuchos::ArrayRCP<const ST> > req_mvec_view;
        for (int i(0); i<fieldDim; ++i)

        //Now we have to stuff the vector in the mesh data
        for (int i(0); i<elems.size(); ++i)
          elemId = bulkData->identifier(elems[i]) - 1;
          lid    = elems_map->getLocalElement((GO)(elemId));

          values = stk::mesh::field_data(*field, nodes[i]);

          for (int iDim(0); iDim<fieldDim; ++iDim)
            values[iDim] = req_mvec_view[iDim][lid];
        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION (true, Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameterValue,
                                    "Sorry, I haven't yet implemented the case of field that are not Scalar nor Vector or that is not at nodal nor elemental.\n");

  if (params->get<bool>("Write points coordinates to ascii file", false))
    AbstractSTKFieldContainer::VectorFieldType* coordinates_field = fieldContainer->getCoordinatesField();
    std::ofstream ofile;
    if (!ofile.is_open())
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION (true, std::logic_error, "Error! Cannot open coordinates file.\n");

    ofile << nodes.size() << " " << 4 << "\n";

    stk::mesh::Entity node;

    for (int i(0); i<nodes.size(); ++i)
      node   = bulkData->get_entity(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, i + 1);
      double* coord = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_field, node);

      ofile << bulkData->identifier (nodes[i]) << " " << coord[0] << " " << coord[1]  << " " << coord[2] << "\n";


  // Refine the mesh before starting the simulation if indicated

  // Rebalance the mesh before starting the simulation if indicated

  // Build additional mesh connectivity needed for mesh fracture (if indicated)