std::string formatBalance(bigint const& _b) { ostringstream ret; u256 b; if (_b < 0) { ret << "-"; b = (u256)-_b; } else b = (u256)_b; if (b > units()[0].first * 10000) { ret << (b / units()[0].first) << " " << units()[0].second; return ret.str(); } ret << setprecision(5); for (auto const& i: units()) if (i.first != 1 && b >= i.first * 100) { ret << (double(b / (i.first / 1000)) / 1000.0) << " " << i.second; return ret.str(); } ret << b << " wei"; return ret.str(); }
bool Block::flag (const symbol key) const { const Frame& frame = find_frame (key); if (frame.is_reference (key)) return flag (expand_reference (key)); //Handle primitive flags. Attribute::type type = lookup (key); if (type != Attribute::Model) return frame.flag (key); // Handle boolean objects. daisy_assert (type == Attribute::Model); daisy_assert (frame.component (key) == Boolean::component); daisy_assert (frame.check (*this)); std::unique_ptr<Boolean> boolean (Librarian::build_frame<Boolean> (*this, frame.model (key), key)); daisy_assert (boolean.get ()); daisy_assert (boolean->initialize (units (), *this, msg ())); daisy_assert (boolean->check (units (), *this, msg ())); boolean->tick (units (), *this, msg ()); daisy_assert (!boolean->missing (*this)); return boolean->value (*this); }
symbol Block::name (const symbol key) const { const Frame& frame = find_frame (key); if (frame.is_reference (key)) return name (expand_reference (key)); //Handle primitive names. Attribute::type type = lookup (key); if (type != Attribute::Model) return expand_string ( (key)); // Handle stringer objects. daisy_assert (type == Attribute::Model); daisy_assert (frame.component (key) == Stringer::component); daisy_assert (frame.check (*this)); std::unique_ptr<Stringer> stringer (Librarian::build_frame<Stringer> (*this, frame.model (key), key)); daisy_assert (stringer.get ()); daisy_assert (stringer->initialize (units (), *this, msg ())); daisy_assert (stringer->check (units (), *this, msg ())); stringer->tick (units (), *this, msg ()); daisy_assert (!stringer->missing (*this)); return symbol (stringer->value (*this)); }
OSQuantityVector& OSQuantityVector::operator+=(OSQuantityVector rVector) { if (this == &rVector) { (*this) *= 2.0; return *this; } if (units() != rVector.units()) { LOG_AND_THROW("Cannot add OSQuantityVectors with different units (" << units() << " and " << rVector.units() << ")."); } unsigned n = size(); if (rVector.size() != n) { LOG_AND_THROW("Cannot add vectors of different sizes."); } if (scale() != rVector.scale()) { rVector.setScale(scale().exponent); } DoubleVector rValues = rVector.values(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) { m_values[i] += rValues[i]; } if (isTemperature() && rVector.isTemperature()) { if (!isAbsolute() && rVector.isAbsolute()) { setAsAbsolute(); } } return *this; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { register int i; register char *file; struct unit u1, u2; double f; if(argc>1 && *argv[1]=='-') { argc--; argv++; dumpflg++; } file = dfile; if(argc > 1) file = argv[1]; if ((inp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { printf("no table\n"); exit(1); } sigset(SIGFPE, fperr); init(); loop: fperrc = 0; printf("you have: "); if(convr(&u1)) goto loop; if(fperrc) goto fp; loop1: printf("you want: "); if(convr(&u2)) goto loop1; for(i=0; i<NDIM; i++) if(u1.dim[i] != u2.dim[i]) goto conform; f = u1.factor/u2.factor; if(fperrc) goto fp; printf("\t* %e\n", f); printf("\t/ %e\n", 1./f); goto loop; conform: if(fperrc) goto fp; printf("conformability\n"); units(&u1); units(&u2); goto loop; fp: printf("underflow or overflow\n"); goto loop; }
void OSQuantityVector::push_back(Quantity q) { if (!(q.units() == units())) { LOG_AND_THROW("Quantity " << q << " is incompatible with this OSQuantityVector, which has " "units " << units() << "."); } else if (q.scale() != scale()) { q.setScale(scale().exponent); } m_values.push_back(q.value()); }
/* return offset of the body of @idx-th entry in @coord */ static unsigned int offset_of(const coord_t * coord /* coord of item */ , int idx /* index of unit */ ) { if (idx < units(coord)) return le16_to_cpu(get_unaligned(&header_at(coord, idx)->offset)); else if (idx == units(coord)) return item_length_by_coord(coord); else impossible("nikita-1308", "Wrong idx"); return 0; }
/* cde_check ->check() method for compressed directory items used for debugging, every item should have here the most complete possible check of the consistency of the item that the inventor can construct */ int reiser4_check_cde(const coord_t * coord /* coord of item to check */, const char **error /* where to store error message */) { int i; int result; char *item_start; char *item_end; reiser4_key key; coord_t c; assert("nikita-1357", coord != NULL); assert("nikita-1358", error != NULL); if (!ergo(coord->item_pos != 0, is_dot_key(item_key_by_coord(coord, &key)))) { *error = "CDE doesn't start with dot"; return -1; } item_start = item_body_by_coord(coord); item_end = item_start + item_length_by_coord(coord); coord_dup(&c, coord); result = 0; for (i = 0; i < units(coord); ++i) { directory_entry_format *entry; if ((char *)(header_at(coord, i) + 1) > item_end - units(coord) * sizeof *entry) { *error = "CDE header is out of bounds"; result = -1; break; } entry = entry_at(coord, i); if ((char *)entry < item_start + sizeof(cde_item_format)) { *error = "CDE header is too low"; result = -1; break; } if ((char *)(entry + 1) > item_end) { *error = "CDE header is too high"; result = -1; break; } } return result; }
std::vector<Quantity> OSQuantityVector::quantities() const { QuantityVector result; for (double value : values()) { result.push_back(Quantity(value,units())); } return result; }
void LogicAnalyzerDisplay::updateHeaders(void) { const size_t numElems = _tableView->columnCount(); double factor = 1.0; QString units("s"); double timeSpan = numElems/_sampleRate; if (timeSpan <= 100e-9) { factor = 1e9; units = "ns"; } else if (timeSpan <= 100e-6) { factor = 1e6; units = "us"; } else if (timeSpan <= 100e-3) { factor = 1e3; units = "ms"; } if (_xAxisMode == "INDEX") for (size_t i = 0; i < numElems; i++) { _tableView->setHorizontalHeaderItem(i, new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(i))); } if (_xAxisMode == "TIME") for (size_t i = 0; i < numElems; i++) { double t = i*_sampleRate/factor; _tableView->setHorizontalHeaderItem(i, new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(t)+units)); } }
OSQuantityVector& OSQuantityVector::operator-=(Quantity rQuantity) { if (isTemperature() && rQuantity.isTemperature()) { if (isAbsolute() && rQuantity.isAbsolute()) { // units must be the same, check that exponent on this is 1 std::vector<std::string> bus = m_units.baseUnits(); assert(bus.size() == 1); if (m_units.baseUnitExponent(bus[0]) == 1) { setAsRelative(); rQuantity.setAsRelative(); } } else if (!isAbsolute() && rQuantity.isAbsolute()) { setAsAbsolute(); } else if (isAbsolute() && !rQuantity.isAbsolute()) { rQuantity.setAsAbsolute(); } } if (units() != rQuantity.units()) { LOG_AND_THROW("Cannot subtract OSQuantityVector and Quantity with different units (" << units() << " and " << rQuantity.units() << ")."); } if (scale() != rQuantity.scale()) { rQuantity.setScale(scale().exponent); } double value = rQuantity.value(); for (unsigned i = 0, n = size(); i < n; ++i) { m_values[i] -= value; } return *this; }
OSQuantityVector& OSQuantityVector::operator+=(Quantity rQuantity) { if (isTemperature() && rQuantity.isTemperature()) { if (!isAbsolute() && rQuantity.isAbsolute()) { setAsAbsolute(); } else if (isAbsolute() && !rQuantity.isAbsolute()) { rQuantity.setAsAbsolute(); } } if (units() != rQuantity.units()) { LOG_AND_THROW("Cannot add OSQuantityVector and Quantity with different units (" << units() << " and " << rQuantity.units() << ")."); } if (scale() != rQuantity.scale()) { rQuantity.setScale(scale().exponent); } double value = rQuantity.value(); for (unsigned i = 0, n = size(); i < n; ++i) { m_values[i] += value; } return *this; }
bool display_context::would_be_discovered(const map_location & loc, int side_num, bool see_all) { map_location adjs[6]; get_adjacent_tiles(loc,adjs); for (const map_location &u_loc : adjs) { unit_map::const_iterator u_it = units().find(u_loc); if (!u_it.valid()) { continue; } const unit & u = *u_it; if (get_team(side_num).is_enemy(u.side()) && !u.incapacitated()) { // Enemy spotted in adjacent tiles, check if we can see him. // Watch out to call invisible with see_all=true to avoid infinite recursive calls! if(see_all) { return true; } else if (!get_team(side_num).fogged(u_loc) && !u.invisible(u_loc, *this, true)) { return true; } } } return false; }
ModelEntry DataStore::findModelEntryByName(std::string name) { const char *q = sqlite3_mprintf("select name, data, units from model where name = '%q'", name.c_str()); sqlite3_stmt *stmt = query(q); int rc; while((rc = sqlite3_step(stmt)) != SQLITE_DONE) { switch(rc) { case SQLITE_ROW: std::string name(reinterpret_cast<char const*>(sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0))); int len = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 1); void *data = std::malloc(len); std::memcpy(data, sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 1), len); std::string units(reinterpret_cast<char const*>(sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 2))); ModelEntry entry(name, data, len, units); sqlite3_free((void *) q); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return entry; } } throw std::runtime_error("No model for given id"); }
void telemetryDataPoint::storeFieldData(int field, double value, int unitType){ long double cuVal=units(value,unitType,fieldUnit(field)); if (field==fieldIndex("Time")) time=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Frequency")) frequency=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Acceleration (X)")) accX=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Acceleration (Y)")) accY=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Acceleration (Z)")) accZ=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Gyroscope (X)")) gyrX=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Gyroscope (Y)")) gyrY=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Gyroscope (Z)")) gyrZ=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Magnetometer (X)")) magX=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Magnetometer (Y)")) magY=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Magnetometer (Z)")) magZ=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Roll")) roll=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Pitch")) pitch=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Yaw")) yaw=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Latitude")) latitude=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Longitude")) longitude=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Altitude")) altitude=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Track")) track=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Speed")) speed=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("hDOP")) hDOP=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("vDOP")) vDOP=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("mDOP")) mDOP=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Temperature")) temperature=cuVal; if (field==fieldIndex("Voltage")) voltage=cuVal; }
bool display_context::unit_can_move(const unit &u) const { if(!u.attacks_left() && u.movement_left()==0) return false; // Units with goto commands that have already done their gotos this turn // (i.e. don't have full movement left) should have red globes. if(u.has_moved() && u.has_goto()) { return false; } const team ¤t_team = get_team(u.side()); map_location locs[6]; get_adjacent_tiles(u.get_location(), locs); for(int n = 0; n != 6; ++n) { if (map().on_board(locs[n])) { const unit_map::const_iterator i = units().find(locs[n]); if (i.valid() && !i->incapacitated() && current_team.is_enemy(i->side())) { return true; } if (u.movement_cost(map()[locs[n]]) <= u.movement_left()) { return true; } } } return false; }
void addDisplacementAboutAxisParams(InputParameters& params) { MooseEnum units("degrees radians"); params.addRequiredParam<FunctionName>("function", "The function providing the angle of rotation."); params.addRequiredParam<MooseEnum>("angle_units",units,"The units of the angle of rotation. Choices are:" + units.getRawNames()); params.addRequiredParam<RealVectorValue>("axis_origin","Origin of the axis of rotation"); params.addRequiredParam<RealVectorValue>("axis_direction","Direction of the axis of rotation"); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Initializes spectrum using tag_photoDF_parameters(int param, void *pntr) to get parameter of the photo-DF. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XXX static void modes_init (int m1, int m2, double gamma_cutOff, double phase) { int mz; double V0, omega2_pe; // Parameters of the photo-DF. char name[50]; tag_photoDF_parameters (mc_photoDF_V0, &V0); // Takes photo-DF parameters from creator. tag_photoDF_parameters (mc_photoDF_omega2_pe, &omega2_pe); modeN = m2 - m1 + 1; modeM1 = m1; modePhase = (double*) calloc (modeN, sizeof (double)); modeGamma = (double*) calloc (modeN, sizeof (double)); const double unit_alpha = units (mc_r0)/(units (mc_t0)*units (mc_v0)); // [omega/kV] with k = 2\pi/\lambda. const double omega_pe = sqrt (omega2_pe); for (mz = m1 ; mz <= m2 ; mz++) { double kz, gammaDivOmegaPE; // Parameters of the mode. kz = 2.0*mc_pi*mz/Lz; gammaDivOmegaPE = kz*V0/(unit_alpha*omega_pe)*dispFunc_s (unit_alpha*omega_pe/(kz*V0)); if (gammaDivOmegaPE < gamma_cutOff) continue; modeGamma[mz-modeM1] = gammaDivOmegaPE; modePhase[mz-modeM1] = (phase < 0) ? 2.0*mc_pi*rand ()/(double) RAND_MAX : phase; } MPI_Bcast (modePhase, modeN, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); // Syncronizes global random parameters. sprintf (name, "output/tag_seed_PITS(%03d).dat", cpu_here); FILE *fp = cfg_open (name, "wt", "tag_seed2Stream_singleMode"); fprintf (fp, "variables = mode, E<sub>0</sub>, <greek>f/p</greek>, <greek>g/w</greek><sub>pe</sub>, "); fprintf (fp, "<greek>g</greek><sub>WE</sub>, k<sub>z</sub>, \"2.0/(h3*kz)*sin (kz*h3/2.0) - 1.0\"\n"); fprintf (fp, "zone t = \"L_z = %e, `w_p_e = %e\", f = point\n", Lz, sqrt (omega2_pe)); for (mz = m1 ; mz <= m2 ; mz++) // Prints spectrum of initial seed. { double kz, gamma; // Parameters of the mode. kz = 2*mc_pi*mz/Lz; gamma = modeGamma[mz-modeM1]; fprintf (fp, "%d %e %e %e %e %e %e\n", mz, dEz, modePhase[mz-modeM1]/mc_pi, gamma, 2.0*gamma*omega_pe, kz, 2.0/(h3*kz)*sin (kz*h3/2.0) - 1.0); } fclose (fp); }
int display_context::side_units(int side) const { int res = 0; for (const unit &u : units()) { if (u.side() == side) ++res; } return res; }
int display_context::side_upkeep(int side) const { int res = 0; for (const unit &u : units()) { if (u.side() == side) res += u.upkeep(); } return res; }
void HudSettingsPage::LoadSettings() { ConVarRef units("mom_speedometer_units"), sync_type("mom_strafesync_type"), sync_color("mom_strafesync_colorize"); m_pSpeedometerUnits->ActivateItemByRow(units.GetInt() - 1); m_pSyncType->ActivateItemByRow(sync_type.GetInt() - 1); m_pSyncColorize->ActivateItemByRow(sync_color.GetInt()); }
void MXPImporter::loadIngredients( QTextStream &stream, Recipe &recipe ) { //============ingredients=================// stream.skipWhiteSpace(); ( void ) stream.readLine(); QString current = stream.readLine(); if ( !current.contains( "NONE" ) && !current.isEmpty() ) { while ( !current.isEmpty() && !stream.atEnd() ) { Ingredient new_ingredient; //amount QString amount_str = current.mid( 0, 9 ).simplified(); if ( !amount_str.isEmpty() ) // case of amount_str.isEmpty() correctly handled by class default { MixedNumber amount; QValidator::State state; state = MixedNumber::fromString( amount_str, amount, false ); if ( state != QValidator::Acceptable ) { addWarningMsg( i18n( "While loading recipe \"%1\" Invalid amount \"%2\" in the line \"%3\"" , recipe.title, amount_str , current.trimmed() ) ); current = stream.readLine(); continue; } new_ingredient.amount = amount.toDouble(); } //units QString units( current.mid( 9, 13 ) ); new_ingredient.units = Unit( units.simplified(), new_ingredient.amount ); //name int dash_index = current.indexOf( "--" ); int length; if ( dash_index == -1 || dash_index == 24 ) //ignore a dash in the first position (index 24) length = current.length(); else length = dash_index - 22; QString ingredient_name( current.mid( 22, length ) ); = ingredient_name.trimmed(); //prep method if ( dash_index != -1 && dash_index != 24 ) //ignore a dash in the first position (index 24) new_ingredient.prepMethodList.append( Element(current.mid( dash_index + 2, current.length() ).trimmed()) ); recipe.ingList.append( new_ingredient ); //kDebug()<<"Found ingredient: amount="<<new_ingredient.amount // <<", unit:"<<new_ingredient.units // <<", name:"<< // <<", prep_method:"<<prep_method; current = stream.readLine(); } } //else // kDebug()<<"No ingredients found."; }
OSQuantityVector& OSQuantityVector::operator-=(OSQuantityVector rVector) { unsigned n = size(); if (this == &rVector) { clear(); resize(n,0.0); return *this; } if (isTemperature() && rVector.isTemperature()) { if (isAbsolute() && rVector.isAbsolute()) { // units must be the same, check that exponent on this is 1 std::vector<std::string> bus = m_units.baseUnits(); assert(bus.size() == 1); if (m_units.baseUnitExponent(bus[0]) == 1) { setAsRelative(); rVector.setAsRelative(); } } else if (!isAbsolute() && rVector.isAbsolute()) { setAsAbsolute(); } else if (isAbsolute() && !rVector.isAbsolute()) { rVector.setAsAbsolute(); } } if (units() != rVector.units()) { LOG_AND_THROW("Cannot subtract OSQuantityVectors with different units (" << units() << " and " << rVector.units() << ")."); } if (rVector.size() != n) { LOG_AND_THROW("Cannot subtract vectors of different sizes."); } if (scale() != rVector.scale()) { rVector.setScale(scale().exponent); } DoubleVector rValues = rVector.values(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) { m_values[i] -= rValues[i]; } return *this; }
const unit * display_context::get_visible_unit(const map_location & loc, const team ¤t_team, bool see_all) const { if (!map().on_board(loc)) return nullptr; const unit_map::const_iterator u = units().find(loc); if (!u.valid() || !u->is_visible_to_team(current_team, *this, see_all)) { return nullptr; } return &*u; }
/* expand @coord as to accommodate for insertion of @no new entries starting from @pos, with total bodies size @size. */ static int expand_item(const coord_t * coord /* coord of item */ , int pos /* unit position */ , int no /* number of new * units*/ , int size /* total size of new units' data */ , unsigned int data_size /* free space already reserved * in the item for insertion */ ) { int entries; cde_unit_header *header; char *dent; int i; assert("nikita-1310", coord != NULL); assert("nikita-1311", pos >= 0); assert("nikita-1312", no > 0); assert("nikita-1313", data_size >= no * sizeof(directory_entry_format)); assert("nikita-1343", item_length_by_coord(coord) >= (int)(size + data_size + no * sizeof *header)); entries = units(coord); if (pos == entries) dent = address(coord, size); else dent = (char *)entry_at(coord, pos); /* place where new header will be in */ header = header_at(coord, pos); /* free space for new entry headers */ memmove(header + no, header, (unsigned)(address(coord, size) - (char *)header)); /* if adding to the end initialise first new header */ if (pos == entries) { set_offset(coord, pos, (unsigned)size); } /* adjust entry pointer and size */ dent = dent + no * sizeof *header; size += no * sizeof *header; /* free space for new entries */ memmove(dent + data_size, dent, (unsigned)(address(coord, size) - dent)); /* increase counter */ entries += no; put_unaligned(cpu_to_le16((__u16) entries), &formatted_at(coord)->num_of_entries); /* [ 0 ... pos ] entries were shifted by no * ( sizeof *header ) bytes. */ for (i = 0; i <= pos; ++i) adj_offset(coord, i, no * sizeof *header); /* [ pos + no ... +\infty ) entries were shifted by ( no * sizeof *header + data_size ) bytes */ for (i = pos + no; i < entries; ++i) adj_offset(coord, i, no * sizeof *header + data_size); return 0; }
bool MERefValue<DimValue>::setValue(QVariant value,QString unit) { int iUnit = units().indexOf(unit); if(iUnit==-1) return false; else setValue(value,iUnit); return true; }
/* find position where entry with @entry_key would be inserted into @coord */ static int find(const coord_t * coord /* coord of item */ , const reiser4_key * entry_key /* key to look for */ , cmp_t * last /* result of last comparison */ ) { int entries; int left; int right; cde_unit_header *header; assert("nikita-1295", coord != NULL); assert("nikita-1296", entry_key != NULL); assert("nikita-1297", last != NULL); entries = units(coord); left = 0; right = entries - 1; while (right - left >= REISER4_SEQ_SEARCH_BREAK) { int median; median = (left + right) >> 1; header = header_at(coord, median); *last = de_id_key_cmp(&header->hash, entry_key); switch (*last) { case LESS_THAN: left = median; break; case GREATER_THAN: right = median; break; case EQUAL_TO:{ do { median--; header--; } while (median >= 0 && de_id_key_cmp(&header->hash, entry_key) == EQUAL_TO); return median + 1; } } } header = header_at(coord, left); for (; left < entries; ++left, ++header) { prefetch(header + 1); *last = de_id_key_cmp(&header->hash, entry_key); if (*last != LESS_THAN) break; } if (left < entries) return left; else return RETERR(-ENOENT); }
AMDetector::operator AMMeasurementInfo() { return AMMeasurementInfo(name(), description(), units(), axes()); // This is code included from the previous AMDetector(Info) system. This may be important for the transition. [DKC January 14th, 2013] /* if(!description().isEmpty()) return AMMeasurementInfo(description().remove(" "), description(), units(), axes()); else return AMMeasurementInfo(name(), name(), units(), axes()); */ }
bool MERefValue<DimValue>::setUnit(QString unit) { int iUnit = units().indexOf(unit); if(iUnit==-1) return false; else setUnit(iUnit); return true; }
void HudSettingsPage::OnApplyChanges() { BaseClass::OnApplyChanges(); ConVarRef units("mom_speedometer_units"), sync_type("mom_strafesync_type"), sync_color("mom_strafesync_colorize"); units.SetValue(m_pSpeedometerUnits->GetActiveItem() + 1); sync_type.SetValue(m_pSyncType->GetActiveItem() + 1); // Sync type needs +1 added to it before setting convar! sync_color.SetValue(m_pSyncColorize->GetActiveItem()); }