예제 #1
void deconv3(void *g, int gx, int gy, int gz, void *f, int fx, int fy, int fz, void *out) {
	double *g2 = unpack3(g, gx, gy, gz, gy, gz);
	double *f2 = unpack3(f, fx, fy, fz, gy, gz);

	double ff[(gx - fx + 1) * gy * gz];
	deconv(g2, gx * gy * gz, f2, fx * gy * gz, ff, gy * gz);
	pack3(ff, gx - fx + 1, gy, gz, gy - fy + 1, gz - fz + 1, out);

예제 #2
파일: pbwtMerge.c 프로젝트: aabiddanda/pbwt
PBWT *pbwtMerge(const char **fnames, int nfiles)
	pbwt_reader_t *reader = pbwt_reader_init(fnames, nfiles);

	int nhaps = 0, i;
	for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++) nhaps += reader->pbwt[i]->M;
	PBWT *out_pbwt     = pbwtCreate(nhaps, 0);
	PbwtCursor *cursor = pbwtNakedCursorCreate(nhaps, 0);
	uchar *yseq        = myalloc(nhaps, uchar);
	out_pbwt->yz       = arrayCreate (1<<20, uchar) ;
	out_pbwt->sites    = arrayReCreate(out_pbwt->sites, reader->pbwt[0]->N, Site);
	out_pbwt->chrom = strdup(reader->pbwt[0]->chrom);

	int pos, j;
	while ( (pos=pbwt_reader_next(reader, nfiles)) )
		// Merge only records shared by all files
		for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++)
			PBWT *p		 = reader->pbwt[i];
			Site *site = arrp(p->sites, reader->cpos[i], Site);

			// Both position and alleles must match. This requires that the records are sorted by alleles.

			if ( site->x!=pos ) break;
			char *als = dictName(variationDict, site->varD);
			if ( strcmp(als,reader->mals) ) break;
		if ( i!=nfiles ) 
			// intersection: skip records which are not present in all files
			for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++)
				PBWT *p    = reader->pbwt[i];
				Site *site = arrp(p->sites, reader->cpos[i], Site);
				if ( site->x!=pos ) continue;
				char *als = dictName(variationDict, site->varD);
				if ( strcmp(als,reader->mals) ) continue;

				PbwtCursor *c = reader->cursor[i];
				reader->unpacked[i] += unpack3(arrp(p->yz,reader->unpacked[i],uchar), p->M, c->y, 0);

		// read and merge
		int ihap = 0;
		for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++)
			PbwtCursor *c = reader->cursor[i];
			PBWT *p       = reader->pbwt[i];
			Site *site    = arrp(p->sites, reader->cpos[i], Site);
			reader->unpacked[i] += unpack3(arrp(p->yz,reader->unpacked[i],uchar), p->M, c->y, 0);
			for (j=0; j<p->M; j++) yseq[ihap + c->a[j]] = c->y[j];
			ihap += p->M;

		// pack merged haplotypes
		for (j=0; j<nhaps; j++)
			cursor->y[j] = yseq[cursor->a[j]];
		pack3arrayAdd(cursor->y, out_pbwt->M, out_pbwt->yz);

		// insert new site
		arrayExtend(out_pbwt->sites, out_pbwt->N+1);
		Site *site = arrayp(out_pbwt->sites, out_pbwt->N, Site);
		site->x = pos;
		dictAdd(variationDict, reader->mals, &site->varD);

	pbwtCursorToAFend (cursor, out_pbwt) ;

	return out_pbwt;