예제 #1
IdSet InputFrame::unpackIdSet(){
  IdSet set;
  uint32_t msize = unpackInt();
  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < msize; ++i){
    set.insert( unpackInt() );
  return set;
예제 #2
IdMap InputFrame::unpackMap(){
  IdMap map;
  uint32_t msize = unpackInt();
  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < msize; ++i){
    uint32_t idx = unpackInt();
    map[idx] = unpackInt();
  return map;
예제 #3
VRNetInterface::waitForAndReceiveEventData(SOCKET socketID) {
  // 1. receive 1-byte message header
  waitForAndReceiveOneByte(socketID, EVENTS_MSG);
  // 2. receive int that tells us the size of the data portion of the
  // message in bytes
  unsigned char buf1[VRNET_SIZEOFINT];
  int status = receiveall(socketID, buf1, VRNET_SIZEOFINT);
  if (status == -1) {
    std::cerr << "NetInterface error: receiveall failed." << std::endl;
  int dataSize = unpackInt(buf1);
  //std::cout << "dataSize = " << dataSize << std::endl;
  // 3. receive dataSize bytes, then decode these as InputEvents
  unsigned char *buf2 = new unsigned char[dataSize+1];
  status = receiveall(socketID, buf2, dataSize);
  if ((status == -1) || (status != dataSize)) {
    std::cerr << "NetInterface error: receiveall failed." << std::endl;
  buf2[dataSize] = '\0';
  std::string data(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf2));
  delete buf2;
  return data;
예제 #4
std::string InputFrame::unpackString(){
  uint32_t len = unpackInt();
  if ( unpackptr + len > size ) 
    throw FrameException( fec_FrameError, "Not enough raw_data.to unpack string!" );

  const char* pos = body_buffer + unpackptr;
  unpackptr += len;

  if ( pad_strings ) 
    int pad = unpackptr % 4;
    if ( pad != 0 ) 
      if ( unpackptr + (4 - pad) > size ) 
        throw FrameException( fec_FrameError, "Not enough raw_data.to unpack string padding!" );
      unpackptr += 4-pad;

  return std::string(pos, len);
예제 #5
std::string InputFrame::unpackString(){
  uint32_t len = unpackInt();
  if(unpackptr + len > data.length()){
    throw FrameException( fec_FrameError, "Not enough data to unpack string!" );
  const char* pos = data.c_str() + unpackptr;
  unpackptr += len;

    int pad = unpackptr % 4;
    if(pad != 0){
      if(unpackptr + (4 - pad) > data.length()){
        throw FrameException( fec_FrameError, "Not enough data to unpack string padding!" );
      unpackptr += 4-pad;

  return std::string(pos, len);
예제 #6
 /*! \brief Unpacks a string from the buffer.
     \return The string unpacked.
 std::string Buffer::unpackString(){
   uint32_t len = unpackInt();
   uint32_t pad = 0;
     pad = 4 - (len % 4);
     if(pad == 4)
       pad = 0;
   if (len >= 0 && datalen >= dataptr + len + pad) {
     std::string rtnstr(data+dataptr, len);
     dataptr += len + pad;
     return rtnstr;
   } else {
     //Logger::getLogger()->debug("len < 0 or length < upackptr + len");
     std::cerr << "Buffer::unpackString(): len < 0 or length < upackptr + len + pad" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "len: " << len << " pad: " << pad << " length: " << datalen << " upackptr: " << dataptr << std::endl;
     throw new std::exception();
   //printf("unpackptr %d\n", unpackptr);
   return std::string();