static int unzip_seek_helper (FILE *file, int offset) { char buffer[MAXBUFSIZE]; int n, tmp, pos = unztell (file); // returns ftell() of the "current file" if (pos == offset) return 0; else if (pos > offset) { unzCloseCurrentFile (file); unzip_goto_file (file, unzip_current_file_nr); unzOpenCurrentFile (file); pos = 0; } n = offset - pos; while (n > 0 && !unzeof (file)) { tmp = unzReadCurrentFile (file, buffer, n > MAXBUFSIZE ? MAXBUFSIZE : n); if (tmp < 0) return -1; n -= tmp; } return n > 0 ? -1 : 0; }
struct SharedLibrary* apk_get_shared_libraries(AndroidApk *apk, const char* libdir) { assert(apk != NULL); char filename[PATH_MAX]; FILE *result = NULL; char buf[64*1024]; int read; struct SharedLibrary *libs = 0; struct SharedLibrary *head = 0; int libdirlen = strlen(libdir); if (unzGoToFirstFile(apk->zip) != UNZ_OK) { return NULL; } do { if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo(apk->zip, NULL, filename, sizeof(filename), NULL, 0, NULL, 0) == UNZ_OK) { if (memcmp(filename, libdir, libdirlen) == 0) { if (unzOpenCurrentFile(apk->zip) == UNZ_OK) { #if !defined(PANDORA) strcpy(filename, "/home/user/.apkenv-XXXXXX"); int fd = mkstemp(filename); result = fdopen(fd, "w+b"); #else sprintf(filename,"./%s",strdup(filename)); recursive_mkdir(filename); result = fopen(filename, "w+b"); #endif while (!unzeof(apk->zip)) { read = unzReadCurrentFile(apk->zip, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (read) { assert(fwrite(buf, read, 1, result) == 1); } } fclose(result); unzCloseCurrentFile(apk->zip); #if defined(PANDORA) sync(); #endif if (libs==0) { libs = malloc(sizeof(struct SharedLibrary)); head = libs; libs->next = 0; } else { libs->next = malloc(sizeof(struct SharedLibrary)); libs->next->next = 0; libs = libs->next; } libs->filename = strdup(filename); } } } } while (unzGoToNextFile(apk->zip) == UNZ_OK); return head; }
/* Are we EOF */ bool blocksIsEOF() { if (logPosition < zipFilePosition) { return FALSE; } if (logFile != NULL) { return unzeof(logFile); } return TRUE; }
nglStreamState nglZipFS::GetState(void* pUnzip) const { if (pUnzip == NULL) return eStreamError; unzSetCurrentFile(mpPrivate->mZip, pUnzip); if (unzeof(mpPrivate->mZip)) return eStreamEnd; return eStreamReady; }
int FileAccessZip::get_buffer(uint8_t *p_dst,int p_length) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!zfile, -1); at_eof = unzeof(zfile); if (at_eof) return 0; int read = unzReadCurrentFile(zfile, p_dst, p_length); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(read < 0, read); if (read < p_length) at_eof = true; return read; };
int feof2 (FILE *file) { #undef feof fmode2_t fmode = get_fmode (file); if (fmode == FM_NORMAL) return feof (file); else if (fmode == FM_GZIP) return gzeof (file); else if (fmode == FM_ZIP) return unzeof (file); // returns feof() of the "current file" else return -1; #define feof feof2 }
enum ApkResult apk_read_file(AndroidApk *apk, const char *filename, char **buffer, size_t *size) { assert(apk != NULL); unz_file_info info; int read; char *write_pos; int remaining; int is_zipfile = 0; if (unzLocateFile(apk->zip, filename, 2) != UNZ_OK) { char *filename2 = malloc(strlen(filename) + strlen(".zip") + 1); sprintf(filename2, "", filename); if (unzLocateFile(apk->zip, filename2, 2) == UNZ_OK) { is_zipfile = 1; } else { return APK_ERROR; } } if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo(apk->zip, &info, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) == UNZ_OK) { if (unzOpenCurrentFile(apk->zip) == UNZ_OK) { *size = info.uncompressed_size; *buffer = malloc(*size); write_pos = *buffer; remaining = *size; while (!unzeof(apk->zip)) { read = unzReadCurrentFile(apk->zip, write_pos, remaining); write_pos += read; remaining -= read; } unzCloseCurrentFile(apk->zip); if (is_zipfile) { return apk_uncompress_internal(apk, buffer, size); } return APK_OK; } } return APK_ERROR; }
static int Eof(ngeVF *f) { ngeVFZip* zip = (ngeVFZip*)f; return unzeof(zip->file); }
int File_Unzip_Eof(file_t *file) { return unzeof(file->data); }
bool UnzipFile::atEnd() const { return unzeof(d->archive->d->unzip); }
struct SharedLibrary* apk_get_shared_libraries(AndroidApk *apk, const char *libdir, const char *datadir) { assert(apk != NULL); char filename[PATH_MAX]; char pathname[PATH_MAX]; FILE *result = NULL; char buf[64*1024]; int read; struct SharedLibrary *libs = 0; struct SharedLibrary *head = 0; int libdirlen = strlen(libdir); char *p; if (unzGoToFirstFile(apk->zip) != UNZ_OK) { return NULL; } do { if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo(apk->zip, NULL, filename, sizeof(filename), NULL, 0, NULL, 0) == UNZ_OK) { if (memcmp(filename, libdir, libdirlen) == 0) { if (unzOpenCurrentFile(apk->zip) == UNZ_OK) { snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s%s", datadir, filename); recursive_mkdir(pathname); result = fopen(pathname, "w+b"); if (result == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s for writing\n", pathname); unzCloseCurrentFile(apk->zip); break; } while (!unzeof(apk->zip)) { read = unzReadCurrentFile(apk->zip, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (read) { assert(fwrite(buf, read, 1, result) == 1); } } fclose(result); unzCloseCurrentFile(apk->zip); if (libs==0) { libs = malloc(sizeof(struct SharedLibrary)); head = libs; libs->next = 0; } else { libs->next = malloc(sizeof(struct SharedLibrary)); libs->next->next = 0; libs = libs->next; } libs->filename = strdup(pathname); p = strrchr(pathname, '/'); *p = 0; libs->dirname = strdup(pathname); } } } } while (unzGoToNextFile(apk->zip) == UNZ_OK); return head; }