static git_time_t approxidate_str(const char *date, time_t time_sec, int *error_ret) { int number = 0; int touched = 0; struct tm tm = {0}, now; p_localtime_r(&time_sec, &tm); now = tm; tm.tm_year = -1; tm.tm_mon = -1; tm.tm_mday = -1; for (;;) { unsigned char c = *date; if (!c) break; date++; if (isdigit(c)) { pending_number(&tm, &number); date = approxidate_digit(date-1, &tm, &number); touched = 1; continue; } if (isalpha(c)) date = approxidate_alpha(date-1, &tm, &now, &number, &touched); } pending_number(&tm, &number); if (!touched) *error_ret = 1; return update_tm(&tm, &now, 0); }
static int approxidate_str(const char *date, struct timeval *tv) { int number = 0; int touched = 0; struct atm tm, now; time_t time_sec; time_sec = tv->tv_sec; localtime_r(&time_sec, (struct tm*) &tm); now = tm; tm.tm_year = -1; tm.tm_mon = -1; tm.tm_mday = -1; tm.tm_usec = tv->tv_usec; for (;;) { unsigned char c = *date; if (!c) break; date++; if (isdigit(c)) { pending_number(&tm, &number); date = approxidate_digit(date-1, &tm, &number); touched = 1; continue; } if (isalpha(c)) date = approxidate_alpha(date-1, &tm, &now, &number, &touched); } pending_number(&tm, &number); if (!touched) return -1; tv->tv_usec = tm.tm_usec; tv->tv_sec = update_tm(&tm, &now, 0); return 0; }
static const char *approxidate_alpha(const char *date, struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num, int *touched) { const struct typelen *tl; const struct special *s; const char *end = date; int i; while (isalpha(*++end)) ; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { int match = match_string(date, month_names[i]); if (match >= 3) { tm->tm_mon = i; *touched = 1; return end; } } for (s = special; s->name; s++) { int len = strlen(s->name); if (match_string(date, s->name) == len) { s->fn(tm, now, num); *touched = 1; return end; } } if (!*num) { for (i = 1; i < 11; i++) { int len = strlen(number_name[i]); if (match_string(date, number_name[i]) == len) { *num = i; *touched = 1; return end; } } if (match_string(date, "last") == 4) { *num = 1; *touched = 1; } return end; } tl = typelen; while (tl->type) { int len = strlen(tl->type); if (match_string(date, tl->type) >= len-1) { update_tm(tm, now, tl->length * *num); *num = 0; *touched = 1; return end; } tl++; } for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int match = match_string(date, weekday_names[i]); if (match >= 3) { int diff, n = *num -1; *num = 0; diff = tm->tm_wday - i; if (diff <= 0) n++; diff += 7*n; update_tm(tm, now, diff * 24 * 60 * 60); *touched = 1; return end; } } if (match_string(date, "months") >= 5) { int n; update_tm(tm, now, 0); /* fill in date fields if needed */ n = tm->tm_mon - *num; *num = 0; while (n < 0) { n += 12; tm->tm_year--; } tm->tm_mon = n; *touched = 1; return end; } if (match_string(date, "years") >= 4) { update_tm(tm, now, 0); /* fill in date fields if needed */ tm->tm_year -= *num; *num = 0; *touched = 1; return end; } return end; }
static void date_yesterday(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num) { update_tm(tm, now, 24*60*60); }
static void date_now(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num) { update_tm(tm, now, 0); }
static void date_yesterday(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num) { GIT_UNUSED(num); update_tm(tm, now, 24*60*60); }
static void date_now(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num) { GIT_UNUSED(num); update_tm(tm, now, 0); }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { FILE *parameterfile=NULL, *countfile=NULL; char *filename = NULL; char datafilename[50]; char parameterfilename[50]; char gauge_filename[50]; char nstore_filename[50]; char tmp_filename[50]; char *input_filename = NULL; int status = 0, accept = 0; int j,ix,mu, trajectory_counter=1; struct timeval t1; /* Energy corresponding to the Gauge part */ double plaquette_energy = 0., rectangle_energy = 0.; /* Acceptance rate */ int Rate=0; /* Do we want to perform reversibility checks */ /* See also return_check_flag in read_input.h */ int return_check = 0; /* For getopt */ int c; paramsXlfInfo *xlfInfo; /* For online measurements */ measurement * meas; int imeas; #ifdef _KOJAK_INST #pragma pomp inst init #pragma pomp inst begin(main) #endif #if (defined SSE || defined SSE2 || SSE3) signal(SIGILL,&catch_ill_inst); #endif strcpy(gauge_filename,""); strcpy(nstore_filename,".nstore_counter"); strcpy(tmp_filename, ".conf.tmp"); verbose = 1; g_use_clover_flag = 0; #ifdef MPI # ifdef OMP int mpi_thread_provided; MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED, &mpi_thread_provided); # else MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); # endif MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &g_proc_id); #else g_proc_id = 0; #endif while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "h?vVf:o:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'f': input_filename = calloc(200, sizeof(char)); strcpy(input_filename,optarg); break; case 'o': filename = calloc(200, sizeof(char)); strcpy(filename,optarg); break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'V': fprintf(stdout,"%s %s\n",PACKAGE_STRING,git_hash); exit(0); break; case 'h': case '?': default: usage(); break; } } if(input_filename == NULL){ input_filename = "hmc.input"; } if(filename == NULL){ filename = "output"; } /* Read the input file */ if( (status = read_input(input_filename)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not find input file: %s\nAborting...\n", input_filename); exit(-1); } /* set number of omp threads to be used */ #ifdef OMP if(omp_num_threads > 0) { omp_set_num_threads(omp_num_threads); } else { if( g_proc_id == 0 ) printf("# No value provided for OmpNumThreads, running in single-threaded mode!\n"); omp_num_threads = 1; omp_set_num_threads(omp_num_threads); } init_omp_accumulators(omp_num_threads); #endif DUM_DERI = 4; DUM_SOLVER = DUM_DERI+1; DUM_MATRIX = DUM_SOLVER+6; if(g_running_phmc) { NO_OF_SPINORFIELDS = DUM_MATRIX+8; } else { NO_OF_SPINORFIELDS = DUM_MATRIX+6; } DUM_BI_DERI = 6; DUM_BI_SOLVER = DUM_BI_DERI+7; DUM_BI_MATRIX = DUM_BI_SOLVER+6; NO_OF_BISPINORFIELDS = DUM_BI_MATRIX+6; tmlqcd_mpi_init(argc, argv); if(nstore == -1) { countfile = fopen(nstore_filename, "r"); if(countfile != NULL) { j = fscanf(countfile, "%d %d %s\n", &nstore, &trajectory_counter, gauge_input_filename); if(j < 1) nstore = 0; if(j < 2) trajectory_counter = 0; fclose(countfile); } else { nstore = 0; trajectory_counter = 0; } } #ifndef MPI g_dbw2rand = 0; #endif g_mu = g_mu1; #ifdef _GAUGE_COPY status = init_gauge_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND + g_dbw2rand, 1); #else status = init_gauge_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND + g_dbw2rand, 0); #endif if (status != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for gauge_fields! Aborting...\n"); exit(0); } j = init_geometry_indices(VOLUMEPLUSRAND + g_dbw2rand); if (j != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for geometry_indices! Aborting...\n"); exit(0); } if(even_odd_flag) { j = init_spinor_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, NO_OF_SPINORFIELDS); } else { j = init_spinor_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND, NO_OF_SPINORFIELDS); } if (j != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for spinor fields! Aborting...\n"); exit(0); } if(even_odd_flag) { j = init_csg_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2); } else { j = init_csg_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND); } if (j != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for csg fields! Aborting...\n"); exit(0); } j = init_moment_field(VOLUME, VOLUMEPLUSRAND + g_dbw2rand); if (j != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for moment fields! Aborting...\n"); exit(0); } if(g_running_phmc) { j = init_bispinor_field(VOLUME/2, NO_OF_BISPINORFIELDS); if (j!= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for bi-spinor fields! Aborting...\n"); exit(0); } } /* list and initialize measurements*/ if(g_proc_id == 0) { printf("\n"); for(j = 0; j < no_measurements; j++) { printf("# measurement id %d, type = %d: Frequency %d\n", j, measurement_list[j].type, measurement_list[j].freq); } } init_measurements(); /*construct the filenames for the observables and the parameters*/ strcpy(datafilename,filename); strcat(datafilename,".data"); strcpy(parameterfilename,filename); strcat(parameterfilename,".para"); if(g_proc_id == 0){ parameterfile = fopen(parameterfilename, "a"); write_first_messages(parameterfile, "hmc", git_hash); } /* define the geometry */ geometry(); /* define the boundary conditions for the fermion fields */ boundary(g_kappa); status = check_geometry(); if (status != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Checking of geometry failed. Unable to proceed.\nAborting....\n"); exit(1); } #ifdef _USE_HALFSPINOR j = init_dirac_halfspinor(); if (j!= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for halffield! Aborting...\n"); exit(-1); } if(g_sloppy_precision_flag == 1) { init_dirac_halfspinor32(); } # if (defined _PERSISTENT) init_xchange_halffield(); # endif #endif /* Initialise random number generator */ start_ranlux(rlxd_level, random_seed^nstore ); /* Set up the gauge field */ /* continue and restart */ if(startoption==3 || startoption == 2) { if(g_proc_id == 0) { printf("# Trying to read gauge field from file %s in %s precision.\n", gauge_input_filename, (gauge_precision_read_flag == 32 ? "single" : "double")); fflush(stdout); } if( (status = read_gauge_field(gauge_input_filename)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %d while reading gauge field from %s\nAborting...\n", status, gauge_input_filename); exit(-2); } if (g_proc_id == 0){ printf("# Finished reading gauge field.\n"); fflush(stdout); } } else if (startoption == 1) { /* hot */ random_gauge_field(reproduce_randomnumber_flag, g_gauge_field); } else if(startoption == 0) { /* cold */ unit_g_gauge_field(); } /*For parallelization: exchange the gaugefield */ #ifdef MPI xchange_gauge(g_gauge_field); #endif if(even_odd_flag) { j = init_monomials(VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, even_odd_flag); } else { j = init_monomials(VOLUMEPLUSRAND, even_odd_flag); } if (j != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for monomial pseudo fermion fields! Aborting...\n"); exit(0); } init_integrator(); if(g_proc_id == 0) { for(j = 0; j < no_monomials; j++) { printf("# monomial id %d type = %d timescale %d\n", j, monomial_list[j].type, monomial_list[j].timescale); } } plaquette_energy = measure_gauge_action( (const su3**) g_gauge_field); if(g_rgi_C1 > 0. || g_rgi_C1 < 0.) { rectangle_energy = measure_rectangles( (const su3**) g_gauge_field); if(g_proc_id == 0){ fprintf(parameterfile,"# Computed rectangle value: %14.12f.\n",rectangle_energy/(12.*VOLUME*g_nproc)); } } //eneg = g_rgi_C0 * plaquette_energy + g_rgi_C1 * rectangle_energy; if(g_proc_id == 0) { fprintf(parameterfile,"# Computed plaquette value: %14.12f.\n", plaquette_energy/(6.*VOLUME*g_nproc)); printf("# Computed plaquette value: %14.12f.\n", plaquette_energy/(6.*VOLUME*g_nproc)); fclose(parameterfile); } /* set ddummy to zero */ for(ix = 0; ix < VOLUMEPLUSRAND; ix++){ for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++){ ddummy[ix][mu].d1=0.; ddummy[ix][mu].d2=0.; ddummy[ix][mu].d3=0.; ddummy[ix][mu].d4=0.; ddummy[ix][mu].d5=0.; ddummy[ix][mu].d6=0.; ddummy[ix][mu].d7=0.; ddummy[ix][mu].d8=0.; } } if(g_proc_id == 0) { gettimeofday(&t1,NULL); countfile = fopen("history_hmc_tm", "a"); fprintf(countfile, "!!! Timestamp %ld, Nsave = %d, g_mu = %e, g_mu1 = %e, g_mu_2 = %e, g_mu3 = %e, beta = %f, kappa = %f, C1 = %f, ", t1.tv_sec, Nsave, g_mu, g_mu1, g_mu2, g_mu3, g_beta, g_kappa, g_rgi_C1); for(j = 0; j < Integrator.no_timescales; j++) { fprintf(countfile, "n_int[%d] = %d ", j, Integrator.no_mnls_per_ts[j]); } fprintf(countfile, "\n"); fclose(countfile); } /* Loop for measurements */ for(j = 0; j < Nmeas; j++) { if(g_proc_id == 0) { printf("#\n# Starting trajectory no %d\n", trajectory_counter); } return_check = return_check_flag && (trajectory_counter%return_check_interval == 0); accept = update_tm(&plaquette_energy, &rectangle_energy, datafilename, return_check, Ntherm<trajectory_counter, trajectory_counter); Rate += accept; /* Save gauge configuration all Nsave times */ if((Nsave !=0) && (trajectory_counter%Nsave == 0) && (trajectory_counter!=0)) { sprintf(gauge_filename,"conf.%.4d", nstore); if(g_proc_id == 0) { countfile = fopen("history_hmc_tm", "a"); fprintf(countfile, "%.4d, measurement %d of %d, Nsave = %d, Plaquette = %e, trajectory nr = %d\n", nstore, j, Nmeas, Nsave, plaquette_energy/(6.*VOLUME*g_nproc), trajectory_counter); fclose(countfile); } nstore ++; } else { sprintf(gauge_filename,""); } if(((Nsave !=0) && (trajectory_counter%Nsave == 0) && (trajectory_counter!=0)) || (write_cp_flag == 1) || (j >= (Nmeas - 1))) { /* If a reversibility check was performed this trajectory, and the trajectory was accepted, * then the configuration is currently stored in .conf.tmp, written out by update_tm. * In that case also a readback was performed, so no need to test .conf.tmp * In all other cases the gauge configuration still needs to be written out here. */ if (!(return_check && accept)) { xlfInfo = construct_paramsXlfInfo(plaquette_energy/(6.*VOLUME*g_nproc), trajectory_counter); if (g_proc_id == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "# Writing gauge field to %s.\n", tmp_filename); } if((status = write_gauge_field( tmp_filename, gauge_precision_write_flag, xlfInfo) != 0 )) { /* Writing the gauge field failed directly */ fprintf(stderr, "Error %d while writing gauge field to %s\nAborting...\n", status, tmp_filename); exit(-2); } if (!g_disable_IO_checks) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBLEMON /* Read gauge field back to verify the writeout */ if (g_proc_id == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "# Write completed, verifying write...\n"); } if( (status = read_gauge_field(tmp_filename)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING, writeout of %s returned no error, but verification discovered errors.\n", tmp_filename); fprintf(stderr, "Potential disk or MPI I/O error. Aborting...\n"); exit(-3); } if (g_proc_id == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "# Write successfully verified.\n"); } #else if (g_proc_id == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "# Write completed successfully.\n"); } #endif } free(xlfInfo); } /* Now move .conf.tmp into place */ if(g_proc_id == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "# Renaming %s to %s.\n", tmp_filename, gauge_filename); if (rename(tmp_filename, gauge_filename) != 0) { /* Errno can be inspected here for more descriptive error reporting */ fprintf(stderr, "Error while trying to rename temporary file %s to %s. Unable to proceed.\n", tmp_filename, gauge_filename); exit(-2); } countfile = fopen(nstore_filename, "w"); fprintf(countfile, "%d %d %s\n", nstore, trajectory_counter+1, gauge_filename); fclose(countfile); } } /* online measurements */ for(imeas = 0; imeas < no_measurements; imeas++){ meas = &measurement_list[imeas]; if(trajectory_counter%meas->freq == 0){ if (g_proc_id == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "#\n# Beginning online measurement.\n"); } meas->measurefunc(trajectory_counter, imeas, even_odd_flag); } } if(g_proc_id == 0) { verbose = 1; } ix = reread_input("hmc.reread"); if(g_proc_id == 0) { verbose = 0; } #ifdef MPI MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif if(ix == 0 && g_proc_id == 0) { countfile = fopen("history_hmc_tm", "a"); fprintf(countfile, "# Changed input parameters according to hmc.reread: measurement %d of %d\n", j, Nmeas); fclose(countfile); printf("# Changed input parameters according to hmc.reread (see stdout): measurement %d of %d\n", j, Nmeas); remove("hmc.reread"); } trajectory_counter++; } /* end of loop over trajectories */ if(g_proc_id == 0 && Nmeas != 0) { printf("# Acceptance rate was %3.2f percent, %d out of %d trajectories accepted.\n", 100.*(double)Rate/(double)Nmeas, Rate, Nmeas); fflush(stdout); parameterfile = fopen(parameterfilename, "a"); fprintf(parameterfile, "# Acceptance rate was %3.2f percent, %d out of %d trajectories accepted.\n", 100.*(double)Rate/(double)Nmeas, Rate, Nmeas); fclose(parameterfile); } #ifdef MPI MPI_Finalize(); #endif #ifdef OMP free_omp_accumulators(); #endif free_gauge_tmp(); free_gauge_field(); free_geometry_indices(); free_spinor_field(); free_moment_field(); free_monomials(); if(g_running_phmc) { free_bispinor_field(); free_chi_spinor_field(); } return(0); #ifdef _KOJAK_INST #pragma pomp inst end(main) #endif }
static const char *approxidate_alpha(const char *date, struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num, int *touched) { const struct typelen *tl; const struct special *s; const char *end = date; int i; while (isalpha(*++end)) ; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { int match = match_string(date, month_names[i]); if (match >= 3) { tm->tm_mon = i; *touched = 1; return end; } } for (s = special; s->name; s++) { int len = strlen(s->name); if (match_string(date, s->name) == len) { s->fn(tm, now, num); *touched = 1; return end; } } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(timezone_names); i++) { int match = match_string(date, timezone_names[i].name); if (match >= 3 || match == strlen(timezone_names[i].name)) { int off = timezone_names[i].offset; /* This is bogus, but we like summer */ off += timezone_names[i].dst; update_tm(tm, now, 60*60*off); *touched = 1; return end; } } if (!*num) { for (i = 1; i < 11; i++) { int len = strlen(number_name[i]); if (match_string(date, number_name[i]) == len) { *num = i; *touched = 1; return end; } } if (match_string(date, "last") == 4) { *num = 1; *touched = 1; } return end; } tl = typelen; while (tl->type) { int len = strlen(tl->type); if (match_string(date, tl->type) >= len-1) { int plus_or_minus = 1; const char *ptr = date; ptr = ptr+len+1; if (match_string(ptr, "ago") >= 3) plus_or_minus = -1; update_tm(tm, now, tl->length * *num * plus_or_minus); *num = 0; *touched = 1; return end; } tl++; } for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int match = match_string(date, weekday_names[i]); if (match >= 3) { int diff, n = *num -1; *num = 0; diff = tm->tm_wday - i; if (diff <= 0) n++; diff += 7*n; update_tm(tm, now, diff * 24 * 60 * 60); *touched = 1; return end; } } if (match_string(date, "months") >= 5) { int n; update_tm(tm, now, 0); /* fill in date fields if needed */ n = tm->tm_mon - *num; *num = 0; while (n < 0) { n += 12; tm->tm_year--; } tm->tm_mon = n; *touched = 1; return end; } if (match_string(date, "years") >= 4) { update_tm(tm, now, 0); /* fill in date fields if needed */ tm->tm_year -= *num; *num = 0; *touched = 1; return end; } return end; }
static void date_tomorrow(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num) { update_tm(tm, now, 24*60*60); }